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Full text of "The county families of the United Kingdom; or, Royal manual of the titled and untitled aristocracy of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland .."

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10  County  Families  of  the  United  Kingdom ; 

Or,  Royal  Manual  of  the  Tilled  and  Untitled  Aristocracy  of  the  Three  Kingdoms.  By  E.  Wat/foud, 
If.A.,  Author  of- the  "Shilling  IV'.  vacc"  "Shilling  Baronetage,"  &c. ;  containing  a  Peerage, 
Baronetage,  Knightage,  and  Landed  Commoners  of  England,  Wales,  Scotland,  and  Ireland,  arranged 
under  one  Alphabet.    In  one  handsome  volume  8vo.,  price  25s. 


ie  Shilling  Peerage. 

Containing  an  Alphabetical  List  of  the  House  of  Lords,  together  with  the  date  of  the  creation  of  each  Title  ; 
the  birth,  accession,  and  marriage  of  each  Peer  ;  his  heir  apparent  or  presumptive,  family  name,  political 
bias  and  patronage;  as  also  a  brief  notice  of  the  offices  which  he  has  hitherto  held,  his  town  address, 
country  residences,  &c. 

ie  Shilling  Baronetage. 

Containing  an  Alphabetical  List  of  the  Baronets  of  England,  Scotland,  Ireland,  and  Great  Britain,  and 
the  date  of  creation  of  each  Title  ;  with  a  short  Biographical  Notice  of  the  birth,  succession,  marriage,  and 
family  connections  of  each  individual ;  the  patronage  at  his  disposal,  the  offices  and  appointments  which 
he  has  hitherto  held,  and  his  address  in  town  and  country.  A  List  of  Baronetcies  in  order  of  precedence 
has  been  added. 

ie  Shilling  Knightage. 

Containing  an  Alphabetical  List  of  all  the  Knights  of  the  United  Kingdom,  and  the  date  of  creation 
of  each  Title ;  with  a  short  Biographical  Notice  of  the  birth,  marriage,  and  family  connections  of  each 
individual ;  the  patronage  at  his  disposal,  the  offices  and  appointments  which  he  has  hitherto  held,  and 
his  address  in  town  and  country. 

de  Shilling  House  of  Commons. 

Containing  an  Alphabetical  List  of  the  Members  of  Parliament,  and  of  the  places  which  they  represent ; 
with  a  short  Biographical  Notice  of  the  birth,  marriage,  and  family  connections  of  each  Member;  his 
political  bias  and  patronage,  a  brief  list  of  the  offices  and  appointments  which  he  has  hitherto  held, 
and  his  address  in  town  and  country.  To  which  is  added,  a  List  of  the  late  and  present  Ministry,  and 
of  her  Majesty's  Privy  Council. 

itles  of  Courtesy. 

Containing  the  Names,  Addresses,  and  full  particulars  of  all  members  of  Titled  Families,  whose  names, 
frSft- bea"nS  Courtesy  and  other  Titles,  do  not  fall  within  the  scope  of  the  "  Shilling  Peerage/'  or 
Shilling  Baronetage,"  &c.    Price  2*.  6d. 

he  Electoral  Representation  of  the  United  Kingdom. 

From  the  Reform  Bill  to  the  year  1856  ;  arranged  in  Tabular  Form,  showing  the  state  of  the  Represen- 
tation ot  each  County  and  Borough  during  those  twenty-four  years*    Royal  16mo.,  price  Is, 


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adiiitional  Notes,  ami  more  than  200  lllustra 
price  Gjt. 

1  I and v- Book  of  Heraldry. 

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C  ompanion  to  the  Writing-Desk  ; 

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An  Easy  and  comprehensive  Guide  to  Everything  Worth  Seeing  and  Hearing.  Contents  : —Baz^ 
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tl  - 


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^illustrator  nub  Illuminate  SEork 



In  Preparation. 


VISITED  BY  H.M.S.  "  EURYALUS "  IN  1858  &  185 

During  the  time  H.R.H.  Prince  Alfred  served  as  Naval  Cadet  on  board  her. 

85  Plates  in  Tinted  Lithography  and  Text,  handsomely  bound,  £2.  2s.,  or  fully  Coloured,  £4  II 

A  History  of  the  Recent  Discoveries  at  Halicar- 
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Specimens    of   Mediaeval    Architecture,  fr< 

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The  Colours  of  the  British  Army:  eomprisi 
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parts,  each  containing  6  quarto  Plates  and  Text.    Each  5i 

The  Art  of  Illuminating,  as  practised  in  Eur< 
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ton  Museum,  and  other  valuable  Collections.  By  W 
Timms.  With  an  Essay  on  the  Art,  and  Instructions  i 
its  Practice  in  the  Present  Day,  by  Digby  Wyatt,  Archil 
Now  publishing,  in  monthly  parts,  8  or  9  Plates,  in  Chro 
Lithography,  small  4to.  5s.  Subscribers'  Names  are 
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delivery  at  the  end  of  April,  ^3.  10s.  handsomely  bound. 

Lake  Scenery  of  England,  from  Pictures  pain  P 
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nated  Title  and  Descriptive  Texts,  25  double-tinted  Pi  J 
and  2  Wood  Engravings,  ^;  or  coloured  and  t 
bound,  £2.  2s. 

Roberts's  Sketches  in  the  Holy  Land,  Eg: 
&c.  &c.  Library  Edition,  250  Plates,  with  Text  by  Dr.  Cr 
6  vols.  Parts,  £7.  7s. ;  cloth  elegant,  £Q.  9s. ;  mor<  _ 
£l\.  lis. 

The  Hills  and  Plains  of  Palestine ;  being  See 
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during  a  residence  of  upwards  of  two  years.  Compr 
Sketches  of  the  principal  objects  of  interest  in  Jerusalem 
Inhabitants,  and  surrounding  Country,  accompanied  wit] 
Descriptions  by  herself.  The  size,  small  Quarto,  ranges  ex 
with  the  Library  Edition  of  "Roberts's  Holy  Land," 
Containing  Thirty  Double- tinted  Lithographs,  with  Descri 
Text ;  elegantly  bound,  £\.  1  is.  6d. ;  or,  fully  coloured,^;  - 

The  Art  Treasxires  of  the  United  Kingd 
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Essays,  interspersed  with  the  highest  class  of  Wood  En 
ings,  ^19.  19s,—"  A  present  fit  for  a  king." — Athenaw  H 

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II  vol,  imperial  4to.  tinted  paper,  illustrated  cover,  l6s. 

I  and  Bice  (on  Forty  Plates) ;  or,  the  In- 
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lin  George  F.  Atkinson.  40  doublevtinted  Plates, 
I  Descriptive  Text.  Small  4to.  handsomely  bound. 

Campaign  in  India— 1857-58;  the  Military 
tions  before  Delhi.  By  Capt.  Atkinson.  26  double- 
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:oloured,  half-morocco,  £6.  6s. 

ies  and  Incidents  of  the  Siege  of  Luck- 
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s.    Whole  bound,  cloth,  folio  imperial,  £2.  2s. 

ter  Scenes  in  Kashmere.  By  Mrs.  H.  Clark, 
ible-tinted  Lithographs,  folio  imperial,  sS2,  2s. ;  bound, 
s.  6d. 

rehensive  Views  and  Sketches  of  Special 
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,  £2.  2s. 

Delhi;  Sketches  taken  in  and  about  the  City,  in 
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graphs, with  Text.    Cloth,  £3.  3s.  \In  preparation. 

The  Ruins  of  Mandoo,  Ancient  Capital  of  Mal- 
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thographs,  with  Text.    £\.  lis.  6d. 

Presentation  of  H.M.'s  Yacht  ?-*  Emperor  "  to  the 
Emperor  of  Japan,  at  Yeddo,  26th  August,  1858,  by  his  Ex- 
cellency H.M.'s  Minister  Plenipotentiary,  the  Right  Hon.  the 
Earl  of  Elgin.  After  the  original  by  F.  Le  B.  Bedwell, 
Esq.,  R.N.,  in  Chromo- Lithography  by  T.  G.  Dutton. 
£l.  is. 

Attacking  the  Junks,  1st  June,  1857,  at  Patshan 
Creek,  China.  Commodore  Keppel  threatening  the  Enemy. 
After  the  original  by  O.  W.  Brierly,  in  Chromo- Lithography 
by  Walker.    £l.  Is, 

Engagement  with  the  Tae-ping  Rebels  at  Wan- 
king, 20th  November,  1858,  by  H.M.'s  ships  Retribution, 
Furious,  Cruiser,  Dove,  and  Lee.  After  the  original  by 
F.  Le  B.  Bedwell,  Esq.,  lloyal  Navy,  in  Chromo-Litho- 
graphy  by  T.  G.  Dutton.    £\,  Is. 

Capture  of  the  Pei-ho  Ports,  China,  by  the  allied 
British  and  French  Gunboats.  After  the  original  by  F.  Le  B. 
Bedwell,  Esq.,  R.N.,  of  H.M.'s  ship  Calcutta,  in  Chromo- 
Lithography  by  T.  Pickin.    dSl.  Is. 

Loss  of  the  Peninsular  and  Oriental  Steamship 
"Alma,"  on  the  Moorshedgerah  Beef,  Bed  Sea,  June  12, 
1859.  From  a  Sketch  by  Major  Fane,  in  Chromo-Litho- 
graphy  by  T.  G.  Dutton.    ^61.  Is. 

sscription  of  the  Human  Body :  its  Structure  and  Functions.   Illustrated  by 

Physiological  Diagrams,  designed  for  the  use  of  Teachers  in  Schools,  and  young  men  destined  for  the  Medical  Profession,  and 
ipular  instruction  generally.  By  John  Marshall,  F.R.C.S.,  Surgeon  to  the  University  College  Hospital,  London,  and 
rer  on  Anatomy  in  the  Science  and  Art  Department,  South  Kensington.  Size  4to,  2"0  pages,  189  Illustrations.  Cloth,  price  21s. 

:rist  blessing  little  children! 



IBY     J".     HI.     "W  _A_  T  T7 


SIR    CHARLES    EAST  L  A  K  E,  P.R.A. 



angement  which  will  enable  every  Subscriber  for  a  15-guinea  Artist's  Proof  to  obtain  this  first  and  most 
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THE  PENNY  CYCLOPEDIA,  new  Edition,  with 
many  thousand  Woodcuts,  30  vols,  small  folio,  bound  in  17, 
new  cloth,  £b.  5s.  (pub.  ^n,  15s.)— Another  set,  30  vols, 
in  17,  newly  half-bound  calf,  £6.  15s.  1858. 

The  Articles  contributed  by  the  most  eminent  Authors. 
Now  complete,  with  extra  Supplement  written  up  to  the 
present  day,  under  the  superintendence  of  Mr.  C.  Knight. 

PEDIA, written  up  to  the  present  day,  under  the  super- 
intendence of  Mr.  C.  Knight.  A  thick  vol.  uniform  with  the 
original  Work,  cloth,  14s.  1858. 


101  large  and  exquisitely  beautiful  Plates,  executed  in  gold 
and  colours,  comprising  3,000  Examples  of  the  Decorations 
of  all  Ages  and  Nations,  with  descriptive  Letterpress  illus- 
trated with  Woodcuts.  Imperial  folio,  new,  half-morocco, 
£9-  10s.  (pub.  £ig.  10s.)  1856. 

Descriptions  by  Dr.  Croly.  Upwards  of  250  verv  beautiful 
Plates,  in  double  tints.  6  vols,  imperial  8vo,  in  3*,  new,  half 
morocco,  gilt  leaves,  £4.  4s.— Another  Copy,  6  vols,  in  3  full 
morocco,  gilt  leaves,  £5.  5s.  (pub.  ^9.  9s.  in  cloth.)  1856. 
LEWIS'S  SCENERY  of  the  RIVERS  of  ENG- 
LAND and  WALES,  68  beautiful  "Painter's  Etchings,"  by 
F.  C.  Lewis,  from  the  Pictures  painted  by  himself.  Folio" 
new,  half-morocco,  gilt  leaves,  £2.  12s.  6d. 

PYNE'S  LAKE  SCENERY  of  ENGLAND,  25  very 

large  and  beautifully  tinted  Plates,  from  Oil  Paintings  of  the 
highest  character,  with  Descriptions.  Imperial  folio,  com- 
plete, half-morocco,  £2.  15s.  (pub.  £6.  6s.)— Another  copy, 
with  the  Plates  most  beautifully  coloured,  like  Drawings,  and 
mounted  on  card-boards,  in  a  portfolio,  £7.  10s.  (pub. 
£25.  4s.)  jg53_ 
The  unrivalled  beauty  of  the  scenery  of  the  Lake  districts  of 
England  is  nowhere  so  fully  and  consecutively  illustrated  as  in 
this  exceedingly  beautiful  work. 

72  beautifully-coloured  full-length  Figures,  displaying  their 
Dress,  Tartans,  Arms,  Armorial  Insignia,  &c,  with  historical 
Memoranda  of  Character,  Mode  of  Life,  &c.  By  J.  Logan. 
2  splendid  vols.  4to,  new,  half-morocco,  gilt,  £\0.  10s.  1852. 


TURESQUE  EDIFICES  of  ENGLAND,  from  Drawing  5 
Harding,  Cattermole,  Protjt,  Allom,  &c.   71  beat  ' 
Plates  of  Exteriors  and  Interiors  in  coloured  tints,  by 
and  Han  hart,  and  numerous  fine  Woodcuts,  with  des 
tions  by  S.  C.  Hall.    2  vols,  royal  4to,  new,  half-moi 
gilt  leaves,  £3.  10s. 


ARMOUR,  the  Feudal  System,  Usages  of  Knighthooc 
Tournament,  and  Trials  by  Single  Combat.  Translated 
the  German  of  Dr.  Kottenkamp,  by  Rev.  A.  L6wy.W 
62  elaborate  Engravings  of  Ancient  Armour,  Arms, 
Tournaments,  richly  executed  in  colours,  silver,  and 
Oblong  4to,  new,  cloth,  ^1 

ORCHIDACEOUS  PLANTS,  Illustrations  of,) 
prising  100  large  and  finely-coloured  Plates  of  the  mos 
teresting  and  beautiful  Genera,  with  Descriptions  and  I 
tions  for  their  Cultivation.  Edited  by  T.  Moore,  F. 
Author  of  the  "Handbook  of  British  Ferns."  Alar] 
royal  8vo,  half-morocco,  £3.  10s. 


Figures  of  British  Plants.  With  Descriptions  by  S 
E.  Smith.  2,592  finely-coloured  Plates,  36  vols.  8vo, 
calf,  neat,  scarce,  .=£24.  1790- 

A  complete  set,  newly  bound  in  the  best  style,  ol 
invaluable  work,  at  a  very  low  price. 


with  the  Scientific  and  English  Names,  Descriptions, 
Indexes,  &e.  509  coloured  Plates,  6  vols.  8vo,  nev 
morocco,  £4.  10s.  (pub.  £9.)  Oxford,  1834- 

This  is  the  only  work  which  presents  in  a  moderate 
the  whole  of  the  Genera  of  British  Flowering  Plants. 


trated  Catalogue  of  all  known  Shells,  with  their  Svno.j 
Localities,  &c.  Edited  by  S.  Hanley.  With  nearly! 
beautifully-coloured  Figures.  This  new  edition  is  br| 
down  to  the  present  time,  and  contains  important  adc 
A  large  vol.  royal  8vo,  half-morocco,  £3.  13s.  dd. 

Illustrated  Catalogue  of  British  Moths  and  Butterflies, 
edition,  enlarged.  By  J.  O.  Westwood.  Containing 
2,000  coloured  Figures  and  important  Supplement,  incl 
180  new  ones.  A  large  volume,  royal  8vo,  half-mo 
£4.  4s. 

72  beautiful  Plates,  in  coloured  tints,  by  Day,  illustratii 
Cathedrals,  Abbeys,  Castles,  Baronial  Mansions,  Mour 
Rivers,  Sea  Coast,  and  other  Picturesque  Scenery,  &c, 
Descriptions  by  J.  P.  Lawson.  2  vols,  imperial  4to, 
morocco,  gilt  leaves,  ^3.  3s. 

This  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  and  accurate  woi 
the  kind  ever  produced.  The  Drawings  were  made  1 
following  distinguished  painters :— Sir  W.  Allan,  Stai 
Cattermole,  Roberts,  Leitch,  Creswick,  Nash,  Turner,  & 


Late  Scholar  o/Balliol  College,  Oxford,  and  formerly  Assistant  Master  of  Tunhridge  School. 


A  Grammar  of  Latin  Poetry. 

Based  on  the  Work  of  Jani.     Price  Is. 

Ilgressive  Exercises  in  Latin  Elegiac 

r;ries ;  with  References  to  the  Rules  of  Latin 
Imar,  and  Parallel  Passages  of  the  Latin  Poets, 
ijdition.    12mo.  2s.  6d. 

B. — In  this  Edition,  the  Grammar  Rules  to 
reference  is  made  in  the  Text  have  been  printed 

jth  and  prefixed  to  the  Volume. 


Igressive  Exercises  in  Latin  Elegiac 

;ries  ;  with  references  to  the  Latin  Poets,  and  to 
Grammar  of  Latin  Poetry  "  prefixed.    2s.  6d. 


Hints  on  Latin  Writing. 

Edition.  8vo.  Is.  6d. — "  A  careful  and  terse 
sis  of  the  principal  Rules  of  Syntax,  as  well  as  of 
which  relate  to  the  position  of  words  or  structure 
tences. ' ' — Spectator. 


rogressive  Exercises  in  Latin  Prose 

a  Table  of  Latin  and  English  Idioms,  and  re- 
M  to  the  "  Hints  on  Latin  Writing. "  Price 


Progressive  Exercises  in  Latin  Hexameter 
and  Lyric  Verse, 

"WitrTreferences  to  the  Latin  Poets  and  to  the  "Gram- 
mar of  Latin  Poetry." 

(Uniform  with  the  2nd  Series  of  Latin  Elegiacs.) 


Palaestra  Musarum ; 

A  series  of  Classical  Examination  Papers  set  for  trans- 
lation into  Latin  and  Greek  Prose  and  Verse  at  Oxford 
and  the  Public  Schools.  In  1  Vol.  8vo,  or  in  4  Parts, 
to  be  had  separately. 


A  Handbook  of  the  Greek  Drama ; 

Including  an  Analysis  of  Aristotle's  Treatise  de  Poe- 
tica,  a  Treatise  in  Greek  Prosody,  and  the  Canons  of 
Porson,  Monk,  and  Blomfield.  6s. 


Classical  Cards. 

1.  Latin  Accidence,  Is.  2.  Greek  Accidence,  Is. 
3.  Latin  Syntax,  Is.  4.  Greek  Syntax,  Is.  5.  Greek 
Accents,  6d.  (Other  Cards  are  in  preparation.)  Long- 
mans &  Co. 


Ince's  Cntlines  of  Grecian  History. 

Is.  (Gilbert.) 
In  preparation  by  the  same  Author. 

Ince's  Outlines  of  Soman  History. 

Is.  (Gilbert.) 

t  out,  price  One  Guinea,  the  First  Volume,  containing  upwards  of  1600  Memoirs,  of 
the  New  and  Enlarged  Edition  of 



%  fiftorfr  of  i\t  Strbkcs  of  -cbxrii  gibing  ©fficer, 


1  The  Government,  as  well  as  the  public  generally,  must  feel  deeply  indebted  to  the  author  of  this  standard 
for  the  mass  of  valuable  information  he  has  given  to  the  world  in  relation  to  that  particular  service 
is  the  pride  and  bulwark  of  this  great  empire.  The  work  itself  is  the  result  of  an  enormous  amount  of 
r  and  research,  and  is  compiled  with  scrupulous  accuracy  and  the  most  admirable  judgment  and  ability, 
mpossible  that  the  Government,  or  the  Board  of  Admiralty,  could  have  a  better  guide  for  the  distribution 
iir  patronage  than  this  work  affords  them.  It  is,  of  course,  needless  on  our  part  to  recommend  it  to  the 
ion  of  all  who  feel  a  pride  in  the  wooden  walls  of  Old  England." — Morning  Herald. 


gttdt  fiat  $nstmmic  $M$h%, 


.Incorporated  by  Act  of  Parliam«n«  as  a  Proprietary  Company,  whereby  no  liability  is  incurred  by  Assurers). 

Capital,  Haifa  Million— Premium  Income,  £30,000  per  annum. 


Board  of  Directors. 

Thn  Kt.  Hon.  Lord  Kcane.  Stetchworth  Park,  Newmarket,  Chair. 

Co  one!  Jamea  Adair,  Royal  Crescent,  Notting  Hill. 
The  Rev.  w.  Bean, Tuta  Hill,  Brixton; 

ThiMuas  N.ithaniol  Maker,  Esq.,  Walworth. 

Petei  Cantata,  Esq.,  i.  Upper  Montague  Street,  Russell  SqQare. 
The  Hon.  B.  Boothty,  Judge  Supreme  Court,  Adelaide. 
John  James  Unwia  Clarke,  Esq.,  23,  Hornton  St.,  Kensington 

HCnry  Clark,  Esq.,  M.D.,  Midland  House,  Southampton. 
Nicholas  Dennys,  Esq.,  F.G.S.,  Savage  Gardens,  Tower  Hill, 
Peter  Morrison,  Esq.,  44,  Porchester  Sq.,  Hyde  Park,  Man.Dit 
William  S.  Potter,  Esq.,  11,  Pall  Mall  East. 
William  Henry  Rough,  Esq.,  M.A.,  Sandown  Lodge,  Brixton, 
H.  B,  Sheridan,  Esq.,  M.P.,  Bellefield  House,  Fulham. 
F.  M.  Wells,  Esq.,  91,  Eaton  Place,  Belgrave  Square. 

■UHitors.— Charles  Latham,  Esq.,  Somerset  House;  Ambrose  Miller,  Esq.,  26,  Elgin  Road,  Kensington  Park 
Bankers  —London  Joint-stock  Bank.       Surveyor.— William  E.  Williams,  75,  Coleman  Street. 
Solicitors*—  Messrs.  Miller  &  Home,  7,  St.  Martin's  Place,  Trafalgar  Square. 

The  number  of  Policies  issued  by  this  Company  during  the  nine  months  ending  31st  of  March  was  22,901,  insuring  ^6,389,130(1 
producing  Premiums  amounting  to  .^22,716.  Is.  9d.  ,  .        ,         ,  ,,        .,  tl,     .  , 

The  Hates  of  Premium  are  exceedinuly  moderate,  being  governed  in  each  case  by  a  careful  consideration  of  the  risks  proposed 
The  Annual  Report  and  every  information  furnished  on  application  to  the  Secretary,  32,  Ludgate  Hill,  London. 

WILLIAM  CANWELL,  Secretary. 


Established  7th  September,  1852,  and  Enrolled  under  the  Act  of  Parliament  6  &  7  Wm.  IV.,  cap.  3: 
as,  "  The  Conservative  Benefit  Building  Society." 



The  VISCOUNT  RANELAGH.       J.  C.  COBBOLD,  Esq.,  M.P. 

Chairman.—  Viscount  RANELAGH.       Vice-  Chairman—  Colonel  BROWNLOW  KNOX,  M.P. 

BECTIVE,  Earl  of,  M.P. 
BOURKE,  Honourable  ROBERT. 
COBBOLD,  J.  C,  Esq.,  M.P. 
DUNCOMBE,  Honourable  W.  E. 

HOLMES,  T.  KNOX,  Esq. 
1NGESTRIE,  Viscount,  M.P. 
MEYRICK,  Lieutenant-Colonel. 
PALK,  LAWRENCE,  Esq.,  M.P. 

TALBOT,  Hon.  and  Rev.  W.  C.  JJ 
WORTHINGTON,  Rev.  J.  W.,  D.ij 

„    ,       /(City)  Messrs.  DIMSDALE,  DREWITT,  FOWLER,  &  BARNARD. 

Banlcers'  \  (West  End)..  Messrs.  HERRIES,  FARQUHAR  &  Co. 

Standing  CoKMsef.-RICHARD  MALINS,  Esq.,  Q.C.,  M.P.         WILLIAM  DAVID  LEWIS,  Esq.,  Q.C. 

Conveyancing  Counsel—  JOHN  FISH  POWNALL,  Esq.,  &  ABRAHAM  BOYD  PURCELL,  Esq. 

Secretary. — CHARLES  LEWIS  GRUNEISEN,  Esq. 

SHARE  DEPARTMENT.— The  Interest  payable  half-yearly  on  Shares  is  Five  per  Cent,  per  annum,  with  withdrawal  at  T] 
Days'  notice,  and  participation  in  any  Bonus  declared  above  the  ordinary  Interest. — No  Partnership  Liability. — The  taking  of  lain 
is  quite  optional. — A  Share  paid  a  year  in  advance  costs  £h.  Is.  6d. ;  completed  Share  is  ^51.  3s.  6d. ;  Twenty  Shares,  ^1023.  1), 
and  so  on  in  proportion,  calculating  i6J51.  3s.  6d.  for  each  Share. — The  Interest  and  Bonus  paid  by  the  Society  have  ranged  froirtjl 
to  7  per  cent. — The  system  is  adapted  for  all  classes  of  the  community,  and  Investors  can  communicate  by  correspondence  as  \m 
as  by  personal  attendance. 

DEPOSIT  DEPARTMENT.— Sums,  large  or  small,  may  be  deposited  at  the  Offices  daily.— Interest  is  Four  per  Cent,  per  armu|ji 
payable  half-yearly.— Withdrawals  of  Deposits  paid  every  Wednesday,  under  £"100  ,  from  *  100  to  ^J500,  at  Twenty-one'Days',  sll 
.£'500  and  upwards  on  One  Month's  notice. — Investors  under  the  Deposit  Department  do  not  become  Members  of  the  Societyjb 
Remittances  may  be  made  in  cheques,  half-notes,  Post-office  orders,  &c. 

LAND  DEPARTMENT. — Freehold  Plots  on  valuable  Estates  are  now  on  sale,  the  taker  of  each  plot  being  allowed  to  bonjt 
seven-eighths  of  the  purchase  money,  payable  in  easy  monthly  instalments.  Plans  of  the  Estates,  price  6d.  each,  or  7d.  by  p<|| 
will  be  sent  to  any  part  of  the  United  Kingdom.    Advances  for  Building  on  Estates  on  liberal  terms. 



The  whole  of  the  Funds  of  this  Institution  will  be  devoted  to  the  purchase  of  Works  of  Art,  to  be  chosen  by 
Prizeholder,  from  the  Public  Exhibitions  in  London. 

Prospectuses  may  he  had  on  application  at  the  Offices, 

13,  REGENT  STREET,  S.W.,  opposite  the  Gallery  of  Illustration. 

BELL  SMITH,  Secretary 



(Incorporated  pursuant  to  7  &  8  Victoria,  cap.  110,  and  Empowered  by  Special  Act  of  Parliament, 

22  &  23  Victoria,  cap.  22), 




MATTHEW  MARSHALL,  Esq.,  Bank  of  England. 

the  Insurance  of  Persons  against  Death  or 

Accidents  of  Domestic  Life, 
Accidents  of  Factories. 
Accidents  of  Agriculture. 
Accidents  of  Trade. 
Accidents  by  Eire. 

Personal  Injtiry  arising  from  Accidents  :  as — 

Accidents  of  Sporting. 
Accidents  of  Riding. 
Accidents  of  Gig  and  Coach. 
Accidents  of  Railways. 
Accidents  of  Ships  and  Boats. 

f  It  is  an  ascertained  fact,  that  in  the  United  Kingdom  Two  Million  Persons  every  year  meet  with  accidents 
more  or  less  serious  character;  of  these  about  TEN  THOUSAND  DIE  FROM  THE  DIRECT 
ECTS  OF  SUCH  ACCIDENTS,  and  1,990,000  have  broken  bones,  or  in  other  ways  are  more  or  less 
lsly  injured,  some  being  maimed  for  life. 

It  was  to  provide  compensation  to  the  families  of  those  killed,  and  sick  allowance  to  those  maimed,  that  the 
IDENTAL  DEATH  INSURANCE  COMPANY  was  founded  in  1849.  Five  other  similar  Companies, 
established,  are  now  united  under  the  style  and  title  of  the  "  ACCIDENTAL  DEATH  INSURANCE 
1PANY,"  empowered  by  Special  Act  of  Parliament,  22  Vict.,  cap.  22,  which  has  now  paid  5,G02  Claims, 
xidental  death,  or  personal  injuries,  amounting  to  the  sum  of  £110,000. 



£1,000  on  Death,  and  £&  per  week  whilst  wholly  disabled  by  an  Accident,  may  be  secured  by  a  Yearly 
Payment  of  £2,  excluding  Horse  and  Machinery  Accidents,  or  £3  including  them. 


'1,000  on  Death,  and  «£J5  per  Week  whilst  wholly  disabled  by  any  Railway  Accident,  may  be  secured  on 
payment  of  a  Premium  of  10s.  per  annum. 


Passengers  and  Mariners'  Lives,  and  Baggage,  insured  for  Voyages  to  all  parts  of  the  World. 

I'SPECTUSES,  RATES  OF  INSURANCE,  and  all  other  information,  may  be  obtained  on  application  to 

the  Chief  Office, 

o.  7,  b_a_2nti<:  iBTTiLiDxirsra-s,  LOisriDOisr,  E.O., 


EDWARD  SOLLY,  Manager. 





Established  1803,  and  empowered  bxj  Act  of  Parliament  of  the  5ith  George  III.,  c.  79. 


ChairiM*.— J.  OLIVER  HANSON,  Esq.  Dep.. Chairman.— WILLIAM  GEORGE  PRESCOTT,  Es 



Auditors. — JOHN  OLIVER  HANSON,  Jun.,  Esq.,  and  PHILIP  AINSLIE  WALKER,  Esq. 
Actuary. — CHARLES  ANSELL,  Esq.,  F.R.S.       Secretary. — RICHARD  RAY,  Esq.       Solicitor.— THOS.  BROWNING,  I 
Bankers.— Messrs.  PRESCOTT,  GROTE,  CAVE,  &  CAVE. 

Capt.  ALEX.  L.  MONTGOMERY,  R.N. 

This  Office  having  been  established  upwards  of  50  years,  more  than  sufficient  time  has  elapsed  to  test  the  soundness  of  I 
principles  on  which  it  has  been  conducted.  During  that  period  its  prosperity,  and  the  magnitude  of  its  operations,  have  bf(| 
constantly  increasing.    In  the 


The  Accumulated  Premiums  are  over  £1,600,000,  and  the  Annual  Income  exceeds  £184,000. 
Bonuses  have  been  declared  on  Policies  to  an  amount  greater  than  the  Sum  originally  assured. 
Premiums  have  been  extinguished,  where  the  Parties  assured  have  applied  the  Bonus  in  reduction  of  the  Anni 

At  the  valuation  up  to  Christmas,  1854,  there  existed  a  Surplus  of  £208,691— the  whole  of  which  belonged  to  the  Po'j 
Holders.    A  valuation  is  now  being  made  up  to  Christmas,  1859. 

The  next  valuation  will  be  made  up  to  Christmas,  1864.  Policies  on  the  Participating  Scale,  in  England  or  Ireland  respective 
which  may  be  effected  before  that  date,  will,  if  the  parties  be  then  alive,  participate  in  the  surplus  in  proportion  to  the  time  t 
may  have  been  in  force. 

The  sum  of  £3,130,975  has  been  paid  during  the  existence  of  the  Office  for  claims  under  Life  Policies,  of  which  amourijt 
very  considerable  part  was  for  Bonuses. 

Persons  assuring  in  Great  Britain  have  the  option  of —  t 

The  Directors  beg  to  announce  that  the  rates  of  Premium  have  been  recently  revised,  and  readjusted  in  accordance  with  a  li  t 
experience,  and  that 

The  New  Scale  will  be  found  very  advantageous  to  persons  desiring  to  commence  assuring  early  in  life.  f 
The  Non-participating  Scale  is  particularly  adapted  to  parties  wishing  to  assure  a  fixed  sum  only,  at  a  fixed  ra<j| 

Premium,  and  on  low  terms.  y 
Premiums  may  be  paid  Annually,  Half-yearly,  or  by  a  limited  number  of  Annual  Payments.   The  last-named  mode  of  AssurJf 

originated  with  this  Office  in  1816. 


This  Company  undertakes  the  assurance  of  almost  every  species  of  Property  in  the  United  Kingdom,  at  Rates  of  Premium  il 
upon  principles  which  will  be  found  quite  as  advantageous  to  the  interests  of  the  Assured  as  those  offered  by  any  other  Office.  m 
Directors  can  confidently  refer  to  the  well-known  character  of  the  Company  for  liberality  and  promptitude  in  the  discharge  of  dwm 
made  upon  it  during  the  many  years  it  has  been  established. 

Renewals  should  be  paid  within  Fifteen  Days  after  the  respective  Quarter.Days  when  they  become  due. 

Tables  of  Rates,  Forms  of  Proposal,  and  any  information  needful  to  effect  Life  or  Fire  Assurances,  may  be  obtaine 
application  to  the  Office,  No.  92,  Cheapside,  London,  or  to  any  of  the  Company's  Agents. 


Established  1836.     Further  empowered  by  Special  Act  of  Parliament,  14  #  15  Vict.  cap.  130 

Capital,  £500,000. 

The  business  of  this  Company  consists  in  the  Purchase  of,  or  Loans  upon,  Reversionary  Interests,  vested  or  contingerJ 
landed  or  funded  property,  or  securities;  also  Life  Interests  in  possession  as  well  as  in  expectation,  and  Policies  of  Assu 
upon  Lives. 

PROSPECTUSES  and  FORMS  OF  PROPOSALS  may  be  obtained  from  the  Secretary,  to  whom  all  communis 
should  be  addressed, 

WM.  BARWICK  HODGE,  Actuary  and  Secretary 


(INCORPORATED  A.D.  1720), 



JOHN  ALVES  ARBUTHNOT,  Esq.,  Governor.  JOHN  ALEXANDER  HANKEY,  Esq.,  Sub-Governor. 

BONAMY  DOBREE,  Jim.,  Esq.,  Deputy-Governor. 


MES  BLYTH,  Esq. 
)WARD  BUDD,  Esq. 

G.  DALGETY,  Esq. 


A.  C.  GUTHRIE,  Esq. 



JOHN  ORD,  Esq. 

Capt.  R.  W.  PELLY,  R.N. 


P.  F.  ROBERTSON,  Esq.  .< 





Two  Members  of  the  Court,  in  rotation,  and 
Superintendent. — PHILIP  SCOONES,  Esq. 


Actuary. — PETER  HARDY,  Esq.,  F.R.S. 

;  This  Corporation  has  granted  Assurances  on  Lives  for  a  period  exceeding  One  Hundred  and 
Hirty  Years,  having  issued  its  first  Policy  on  the  7th  June,  1721. 

i  Two-thirds,  or  66  per  cent,  of  the  entire  profits  are  given  to  the  Assured. 

il  Policies  may  be  opened  under  any  of  the  following  plans,  viz.  :— 

I  At  a  low  rate  of  premium,  without  participation  in  profits,  or  at  a  somewhat  higher  rate,  entitling  the 
lured,  either,  after  the  first  five  years,  to  an  annual  abatement  of  premium  for  the  remainder  of  life,  or,  after 
Itnent  of  the  first  premium,  to  a  participation  in  the  ensuing  Quinquennial  Bonus. 

1  The  high  character  which  this  ancient  Corporation  has  maintained  during  nearly  a  Century  and  a 
Jlf,  secures  to  the  public  a  full  and  faithful  declaration  of  profits. 

I  The  Corporation  bears  the  whole  Expenses  of  Management,  thus  giving  to  the  Assured,  conjoined  with  the 
i;ection  afforded  by  its  Corporate  Fund,  advantages  equal  to  those  of  any  system  of  Mutual  Assurance. 

I  All  Policies  are  issued  free  from  Stamp  Duty,  or  from  charge  of  any  description  whatever 
jmd  the  Premium. 

|  The  Fees  of  Medical  Referees  are  paid  by  the  Corporation. 
u  Annuities  are  granted  by  the  Corporation,  payable  Half-Yearly. 


Manager. — THOMAS  B.  BATEMAN,  Esq. 
I]  Common  Assurances,  One  Shilling  and  Sixpence  per  Cent, 
it  Hazardous  Assurances,  Two  Shillings  and  Sixpence  per  Cent. 
I  Doubly-Hazardous  Assurances,  Four  Shillings  and  Sixpence  per  Cent. 
I  Foreign  and  Special  Assurances  accepted  at  moderate  Rates. 

1  Prospectuses  and  all  other  information  may  be  obtained  by  either  a  written  or  personal  application  to  the 
luary,  the  Manager  of  the  Fire  Department,  or  to  the  Superintendent  of  the  West  End  Office. 

JOHN  LAURENCE,  Secretary. 

Life  Assurance  Policies  more  valuable  than  hitherto. 


Founded  1838. 

During  the  Year  ending  5th  April,  i8.r><),  1,011 3STew  Policies  were  issued,  assuring  £486,000.  The  Accumulated  Fu]  f 
is  now  upwards  of  £151,399,  and  the  Annual  Income  is  £150,000. 

The  Policies  now  being  issued  do  not  contain  several  of  the  usual  restrictions,  and  confer  important  facilit 
a>ti!  privileges.  The  Policies  are  thus  unusually  valuable,  and  form  nearly  absolute  securitiesfor  Debts,  Adva% 
of  Money,  Family  Provisions  under  Marriage  Settlements,  8(c. 

An  Allocation  of  Profit  is  made  every  year  to  Participating  Policy-holders  of  five  years'  standing  at  the  date  of  the  preced 
balance,  and  the  share  of  Profit  is  applied  in  reducing  their  next  Premiums.  Each  Policy-holder  thus  enjoys  during  his  own  l: 
his  share  of  the  profit.  The  Annual  Return  of  Profit  to  Policy-holders  of  the  First  Series  has  now  (1859)  attained  to  374  Per  cen*] 
the  Premiums— that  is,  a  Policy-holder  whose  Premium  is  j£50  obtains  this  year  a  return  of  ^18.  15s.,  and  another  whose  Premii 
is  A'lQ  obtains  £7>  ICs. 


Age  at 

Annual  Premiums 
for  ^J1000. 

Return  of  Profit 
by  Office. 

Premiums  thus 
reduced  to 

£.   s.  d. 

sg.   s.  d. 

£.   s.  d. 


21    18  4 

8     4  4 

13    14  0 


28    10  0 

10    13  9 

17    16  3 


37      1  8 

13    18  1 

23     3  7 

One-half  only  of  the  First  Six  Years'  Premiums  need  be  paid  under  Policies  of  ^500  or  upwards,  the  other  half  remaining  unji 
at  interest,  as  long  as  the  Policy-holder  pleases.  THOS.  FRASER,  Resident  Secretary. 

$np'kl  f  ife  Jnmnrate  Complin, 

1,  Old  Broad  Street,  London. 



Frederick  Pattison,  Esq.,  Chairman. 
James  Brand,  Esq.,  Deputy  Chairman. 

Thomas  George  Barclay,  Esq. 
James  C.  C.  Bell,  Esq. 
Charles  Cave,  Esq. 
George  Wm.  Cottam,  Esq. 
George  Henry  Cutler,  Esq. 
Henry  Davidson,  Esq. 
George  Field,  Esq. 

George  Hibbert,  Esq. 
Samuel  Hibbert,  Esq. 
Thomas  Newman  Hunt,  Esq. 
James  Gordon  Murdoch,  Esq. 
William  R.  Robinson,  Esq. 
Martin  T.  Smith,  Esq.,  M.P. 
Newman  Smith,  Esq. 

Security. — The  Assured  are  protected  from  the  lia- 
bilities attaching  to  Mutual  Assurance  by  a  Fund  of  a 
Million  and  a  Half  sterling,  of  which  nearly  a  Million 
is  actually  invested,  one-third  in  Government  Securities, 
and  the  remainder  in  first-class  Debentures  and  Mort- 
gages in  Great  Britain. 

Profits. — Four-fifths,  or  80  per  cent.,  of  the  profits 
are  assigned  to  Policies  every  fifth  year.  The  Assured 
are  entitled  to  participate  after  payment  of  one  Premium. 

Purchase  of  Policies. — A  liberal  allowance  is 
made  on  the  surrender  of  a  Policy,  either  by  a  cash  pay- 
ment, or  the  issue  of  a  Policy  free  of  Premium. 

Claims. — The  Company  has  disbursed  in  payment 
of  Claims  and  Additions  upwards  of  ,£"1,600,000. 

Proposals  for  Insurances  may  be  made  at  the  Chief 
Office,  as  above  ;  at  the  Branch  Office,  16,  Pall  Mall, 
London ;  or  to  any  of  the  Agents  throughout  the 
kingdom.  SAMUEL  INGALL,  Actuary. 





20  &  21,  POULTRY,  LONDON. 

Annual  Revenue 
Invested  Funds  ■ 


The  Twenty-fourth  Annual  Meeting  of  the  ! 
prietors  in  this  Company  was  held  on  the  16th  inst 

The  report  of  the  Board  of  Directors  was  adojjd 
unanimously,  and  shewed — 

That  the  Fire  Premiums  for  the 

Year  amounted  to   £295,414.  8s.  .'W 

That  the  Life  Premiums  were. .     £127,415.  14s.  I 

The  number  of  Proprietors  exceeds  900  ;  which  flj 
unlimited  liability,  renders  the  security  of  the  Com[ 
altogether  beyond  question. 

Prospectuses,  Copies  of  the  Reports,  and  any  fuJ 
information  may  be  had  on  application  to  the  Om 
as  above. 

Swinton  Boult,  Sec.  to  the  Com}\y. 
John  Atkins,  Res.  Sec,  London. 






IEL  BURGES,  Jun.,  Esq.,  Bristol, 
as  DAWSON,  Esa. 
*CIS  FOX,  Esq. 
[ARD  FRY,  Esq.,  Liverpool. 
IAM  GRANT,  Esq.,  Portsmouth. 
IrGE  HARKER,  Esq. 

SIR  J.  PAXTON,  M.P.,  Chatsworth. 
JOSEPH  PEASE,  Esq.,  Darlington. 



JAMES  LLOYD,  Esq.,  Birmingham. 



Tfc>R.  FOX,  30,  New  Broad  Street. 


JOHN  HILTON,  Esq.,  F.R.S.,  10,  New  Broad  Street. 

Messrs.  WILLIAMS,  DEACON,  &  CO. 


Messrs.  AMORY,  TRAVERS,  &  SMITH,  25,  Throgmorton  Street. 

Advantages  of  Assuring  with  this  Society - 

Ql Economical  Management,  no  paid  Agents  being  employed,  and  no  Commission  allowed. 

The  application  of  the  whole  of  the  profits  to  the  reduction  of  the  Premiums  of  Members  of  five  years' 
,  :jjing,  or  upwards. 

The  Guarantee  of  an  Accumulated  Fund  exceeding  ^885,000 

A  Gross  Annual  Income  of    140,000 

During  its  existence  the  Society  has  paid  in  Claims,  without  a  single  instance  of 

dispute,  more  than   500,000 

And  has  returned  to  Members  in  reduction  of  their  Annual  Premiums    440,000 

The  Sums  Assured  by  existing  Policies  exceed    3,000,000 

r  the  Year  ending  the  4th  April,  1861,  an  abatement  has  been  declared  at  the  rate  of  51  pet  Cent. 

jj  The  Directors  invite  the  attention  of  the  Landed  Interest  to  the  advantages  offered  by  Life  Assurance 
Of;sion  for  the  Succession  Duty,  and  for  the  younger  children  where  estates  are  entailed. 
Prospectuses,  Copies  of  Annual  Accounts,  and  full  particulars  may  be  obtained  on  application  to 
arch,  1860.  HENRY  MARSHAL,  Aciuan;. 





President. -JOHN  CAMPBELL  COLQUHOUN,  Esq.  Vice  President. — JAMES  BOGLE  SMITH,  Esq. 

C.  R.  HARFORD,  Jun.,  Esq. 


Auditors. — L.  Curwood  Berger,  Esq.  R.  H,  Carew  Hunt,  Esq.  Samuel  Page,  Esq, 

M cdical  Officer.— Herbert  Davies,  M.D.,  23,  Finsbury  Square.  Bankers.— Sir  J.  W.  Lubbock,  Bart., 

Solicitors.— Messrs.  Wilde,  Rees,  Humphry,  &  Wilde. 
Actuary.— Charles  Ansell,  Jun.,  Esq.  Manager  and  Secretary.— Frederick  Lock,  Esq, 

This  Society  is  conducted  on  the  principle  of  Mutual  Assurance,  and  there  being  no  Proprietary  b 
the  whole  of  the  Profits  belong  exclusively  to  the  Members. 

A  division  of  Profits  is  made  every  year,  and  all  Members'  Policies  upon  which  Five  full  Yearly  Prem 
have  been  paid  are  entitled  to  participate  therein,  either  by  a  Reduction  of  the  Premium  for  the  current  year; 
by  an  equivalent  Reversionary  Addition  to  the  Sum  Assured. 

The  effect  of  the  reduction  of  40  per  cent,  on  the  Premiums,  allowed  in  1860  to  Members  of  Five  Y 
standing,  is  exhibited  in  the  following  Table  : — 

Age  when 

Annnal  Premium 
on  ^1,000, 
for  Five  Years. 

Reduction  of 
40  percent,  in  I860. 

Net  sum  payable 
in  I860. 

Amount  which  the 
reduction  would 

assure  at 
the  increased  age. 

£.  s. 





£.  s. 




20  6 





12  4 




25  3 





15  2 




32  17 





19  14 




46  6 





27  16 




69  18 





41  19 



Loans  are  granted,  on  approved  Security,  in  connection  with  Life  Assurance. 

The  Directors  are  prepared  to  purchase  any  Policy  issued  by  this  Society  on  which  Three  or  more  Ai 
Premiums  have  been  paid,  as  well  as  any  Bonus  or  Bonuses  which  may  have  been  added  thereto  ;  or  they 
if  preferred,  advance  money  on  security  of  such  Policies,  to  nearly  the  extent  of  the  Office  value. 

The  Society's  Capital,  accumulated  solely  from  the  Premiums,  amounts  to  £385,000,  after  pro\ 
for  all  claims  and  expenses ;  and  the  Annual  Income  from  Premiums  and  Interest  on  the  Capital  to  £63,(, 
thus  affording  the  fullest  security  to  the  Assured  for  the  due  fulfilment  of  the  Claims  as  they  arise. 

The  Society  has  paid  to  the  Representatives  of  deceased  Members  about  £450,000,  in  additi 
nearly  £200,000  returned  to  Members  as  profit,  and  applied  to  the  Reduction  of  their  Premiums. 

No  charge  is  made  to  Members  beyond  the  amount  of  their  Premiums. — Medical  Fees  and  Policy  St 
are  paid  by  this  Society.- — Twenty  Days'  grace  are  allowed  for  Payment  of  Renewal  Premiums.  —  Pit 
remain  in  full  force  during  the  days  of  grace.  —  A  portion  of  the  Premiums  on  Whole  Life  PoliciesM 
remain  unpaid,  at  Interest. — The  Society  makes  no  extra  charge  for  Members  of  Volunteer  Rifle  Corps  stj| 
in  the  United  Kingdom. 

A  general  Statement  of  the  Society's  Accounts,  with  full  Prospectuses,  and  further  information,  ■ 
obtained  on  application  at  the  Head  Office,  or  of  the  Society's  Agents. 

1*/  March,  1860. 

FREDERICK  LOCK,  Manager  and  Secrete] 



ANNUAL   REPOBT,  1860. 

dNNUAL  GENERAL  MEETING  of  the  NORTH  BRITISH  INSURANCE  COMPANY  was  held  within  the  Company's 
Bees,  64,  Princes  Street,  Edinburgh,  on  Monday,  5th  March,  i860,  in  terms  of  the  Constitution  of  the  Company, 
One  of  the  Extraordinary  Directors,  in  the  Chair. 

A  Report  by  the  Directors  was  read,  in  which  the  following  results  were  communicated 


HR&MIUMS  received  during  the  year  1859  amounted,  deducting  Re-insurances,  to  ,   ^35,332  10  5 

Being  ^4,986  14s.  above  the  Receipts  of  last  year.  ■ 


I  iSW  POLICIES  had  been  issued,  Assuring  the  sum  of   .s£44Q,913   0  0 

d  paying  of  ANNUAL  PREMIUMS   ^14,0/0    1  6 

Being  a  considerable  increase  above  any  former  year.  ■   — . 

jdiount  of  CLAIMS  under  Policies  emerged  by  death,  was   ^48,650   0  0 

HANNUITY  BUSINESS,  26  Bonds  had  been  granted,  for  which  was  received  the  sum  of.   ^19,073  17  3 

^CUMULATED  FUND  now  amounts  to   ^1,031,454   0  0 

due  ANNUAL  REVENUE  to   ^179,083  11  11 

is  being  the  FIFTIETH  ANNIVERSARY,  the  Directors  submitted  an  abstract  of  the  Transactions  of  the  Company  since 
jl.blishment  in  I809. 

In  1859  the  Premiums  received  amounted  to  ^35,332.  10s.  5d. 
During  the  whole  period  of  50  years  there  had  been  paid  to  the  Public,  for  Damage  by  Fire,  ^471,577.  18s.  4d. 

There  had  been  issued,  from  1823,  when  the  business  was  commenced, 

Policies.  Sums  Assured.  Policies.        Annual  Average, 

to  1833  1081  ^1,033,444    0    0  108  ^103,344    0  0 

1833  to  1843  2643  2,297,653    0    0  264  229,765    0  0 

1843  to  1853  2788  2,510,878    0    0  278  251,087    0  0 

five  years  from  1S53  to  1857  1986  1,384,741    0   0  397  276,948   0  0 

In  1858,  445  Policies  were  issued,  Assuring  the  sum  of    .£377,425 

In  1859,  605  ditto  ditto  ditto    449,913 

he  Company  had  paid  to  the  Representatives  of  deceased  Assurers  ^1,346,465,  and  had  allocated  to  Policies  as  Bonuses 
out  of  Profits,  the  sum  of  ^"643,956.  2s.  lid. 

i  the  motion  of  the  Chairman,  seconded  by  G.  Warrender,  Esq.,  younger,  of  Lochend,  the  report  was  unanimously  approved 
the  usual  dividend  of  8  per  cent,  on  the  paid-up  Capital  of  the  Company  declared,  free  of  Income  Tax,  payable  on  Monday, 
i  of  April  next. 

ie  Thanks  of  the  Meeting  were  then  voted  to  the  Local  Boards  and  Agents,  and  also  to  the  Directors. 

le  Extraordinary  and  Ordinary  Directors  were  then  elected,  and  on  the  motion  of  LORD  VISCOUNT  MELVILLE,  the 
of  the  Meeting  were  voted  to  the  Chairman. 

Head  Office— 64,  PRINCES  STREET,  EDINBURGH. 
London  Office-4,  NEW  BANK  BUILDINGS,  LONDON. 




Office-bearers. — All  of  whom  are  Shareholders. 
President.— His  Grace  the  DUKE  of  ROXBURGHE,  Kt. 

The  Most  Noble  the  MARQUIS  of  ABERCORN,  K.G.     |    The  Right  Honourable  The  EARL  of  STAIR. 

nder  Campbell,  Esq. 
vmes  Fergusson,  of  Kilkerran,  Bart. 
Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Colgrain. 


it  Balfour  Wardlaw  Ramsay,  Esq.,  of  Whitehill. 
avid  Dundas,  of  Dunira,  Bart, 
ight  Hon.  the  Earl  of  Airlie. 

Farciuharson,  Esq.,  of  Invercauld. 
dam  Hay,  of  Hayston,  Bart. 
Gibson,  Jun.,  Esq.,  W.S. 

William  Bonar,  Esq.,  of  Easter  Warriston. 
J.  F.  Walker  Drummond,  Esq.,  W.S. 
Andrew  Coventry,  Esq.,  Advocate. 
James  Campbell  Tait,  Esq.,  W.S. 
Vice-Admiral  Henry  Dundas. 
Laurence  Davidson,  Esq.,  W.S. 
D.  B.  Wauciiope,  Esq.,  Merchant,  Leith. 
John  Anderson,  Esq.,  W.S. 
John  Brown  Innes,  Esq.,  W.S. 
Henry  D.  Fergusson,  Esq.,  W.S. 

John  Maitland,  Esq.,  Accountant-Gen.  to  the  Court  of  Session. 
Robert  B.  Maconochie,  Esq.,  W.S. 
DAVID  SMITH,  Manager.  JOHN  OGILVIE,  Secretary. 


A    Chairman.— Sir  PETER  LAURIE,  Alderman.  Deputy-Chairman. — JOHN  I.  GLENNIE.  Esq. 

j  iLLiAM  Borrodaile,  Esq.  I        Arciiibald  Cockburn,  Esq.  j      Peter  J.  T.  Pkarse,  Esq. 

|)HN  Connell,  Esq.  I        P.  Northall  Laurie,  Esq.  I      Charles  J.  Knowlks,  Esq.,  Q.C 

<«j  Solicitor. — ALEXANDER  DOBIE,  Esq.,  Lancaster  Place.  Secretary. — R.  STRACHAN. 

JEW  BANK  BUILDINGS,  LONDON.-Where  Forms  of  Proposals,  &c,  may  bo  obtained. 



(ESTABLISHED  A.D.  1834), 



Valentine  Knight,  Esq., 

Cornwall  Terrace,  Regent's  P 
John  Mollett,  Esq.,  Austinfriars  Passage. 
James  Pennethorne,  Esq.,  Whitehall  Yard. 
Francis  Lysons  Price,  Esq.,  the  Athenaeum  Club. 
Richard  Rowc,  Esq.,  7,  Arthur  Street  West. 
Samuel  William  Rowsell,  Esq.,  Cheapside. 
Marmaduke  Blake  Sampson,  Esq.,  13,  Lombard  Street.  I 
31,  Great  Winchester  Street. 

Georgfl  BattCOck,  Esq.,  1,  Carlton  Street. 
James  Hurchcll,  Esq.,  3 1,  Gordon  Square. 
John  Clayton,  Esq.,  10,  Lancaster  Place,  Strand. 
Solomon  Cohen,  Esq.,  Canonbury  Place. 
Thomas  Dakin,  Esq.,  '23,  Abchurch  Lane. 
Richard  Francis  Davis,  Esq.,  16,  Cannon  Street. 
William  Chapman  Harnett,  Esq.,  7.  Great  St.  Helen's. 

Frederick  Charles  Wilkins,  Esq 


John  Clarke,  Esq.  j  Joseph  Robinson,  Esq. 

Joseph  Carrington  Ridgway,  Esq.  i  Edgar  Pinchback  Stringer,  Esq. 

Auditors.— James  Reeves,  William  Thomas  Hooper,  and  William  Hardy,  Esqrs. 
Bankers. — The  Union  Bank  of  London. 
Solicitor. — William  Burchell,  Esq.,  5.  Broad  Sanctuary,  Westminster. 
Ph ysician..—  William  Brinton,  Esq.,  M.D.,  20,  Brook  Street,  Grosvenor  Square. 
Surgeon. — Matthias  Rowe,  Esq.,  Surbiton  Hill.  Actuary. — Charles  Ingall,  Esq 

This  is  a  purely  Mutual  Life  Assurance  Society,  with  a  capital  of  56"360,000  invested  in  Government  and  real  securities,  ci_ 
entirely  by  the  steady  accumulation  of  the  premiums,  and  all  belonging  to  the  members.  The  assurances  in  force  are  ^1,50J 
and  the  income  .£'62,000  per  annum. 

The  advantages  offered  by  the  Society  are — an  annual  division  of  profits.    Every  member  shares  in  them  after  payment 
yearly  premiums. 

The  cash  account  and  balance-sheet  of  the  Society's  assets  and  liabilities  are  annually  published,  and  circulated  amoi 
members  and  general  public. 

The  bonuses  on  the  policies  becoming  claims  have  averaged  more  than  2£  per  cent,  per  annum. 

Every  member  has  one  vote,  and  can  attend  and  vote  at  all  general  courts.  A  policy  for  any  amount  above  ^500  entitl 
member  to  two  votes,  and  for  any  amount  above  £  1,000  to  three  votes. 

The  last  Annual  Report,  Cash  Account,  and  Balance-sheet  may  be  had  on  a  written  or  personal  application  to  the  Actuary 
any  of  the  Society's  country  agents.    To  the  Report  and  Accounts  is  appended  a  list  of  bonuses  paid  on  the  claims  of  the  yeai 

No  extra  charge  for  joining  volunteer  rifle  or  artillery  corps. 

The  Mutual  Life  Assurance  Oflices,  39,  King  Street,  Cheapside,  E.C.,  London. 



ASSTJBAUOB     C  O  M  P  A  IT  T. 
118,  PALL  MALL,  LONDON,  S.W. 


R.  N.  FOWLER,  Esq.  |  HENRY  POWNALL,  Esq. 


Chairman. — HENRY  POWNALL,  Esq.,  Russell  Square. 
Deputy-Chairman. — HENRY  HAINES,  Esq.,  Moorgate  Street,  City. 

BORLASE  H.  ADAMS,  Esq.,  19,  Old  Square,  Lincoln's  Inn. 
THOMAS  BRADSHAW,  Esq.,  Crown  Office  Row,  Temple, 

and  the  Palace,  Hampton  Court. 
LEWIS  HOUGH,  Esq.,  Twickenham. 
R.  KING,  Esq.,  M.D.,  17,  Savile  Row,  Burlington  Gardens. 

WILLIAM  HENRY  LAMMIN,  Esq.,  Shorrolds,  Fulh 
Sir  T.  HERBERT  MADDOCK,  Union  Club. 
A.  E.  MILLER,  Esq.,  24,  Old  Square,  Lincoln's  Inn. 
JOHN  BENJAMIN  NEVILL,  Esq.,  Westbourne  Par 
JOHN  EDWARD  PANTER,  Esq.,  6,  Lee  Park,  Blackfr 
HENRY  WARD,  Esq.,  Albany,  Piccadilly. 


Every  description  of  Life  Assurance  on  the  most  favourable 

The  Assurance  of  Defective  Titles,  thereby  restoring  the  pro- 
perty to  its  full  value. 

Endowments  for  Husbands,  Wives,  or  Nominees. 

Endowments  for  Children  on  attaining  a  certain  age. 

Annuities  of  every  description  granted  on  terms  peculiarly 

Notices  of  Assignments  of  Policies  Registered. 

Medical  Referees  paid  by  the  Company. 

Age  of  the  Life  Assured  admitted  on  all  Policies  on  real 
proof  being  given. 

Stamp  Duties  on  Life  Policies  paid  by  the  Company.  ; 

Loans  on  Real  or  Personal  Security  repayable  by  moijf 
quarterly  instalments  from  one  to  five  years. 

For  further  particulars,  Forms  of  Proposal,  and  Prospectuses, 

apply  to 

F.  H.  G I  LB  ART,  Secrete 




Established  1842. 


d30CKS,  Esq.,  J. P.  for  Middlesex,  Charing  Cross,  and 
™  reford  Street,  Park  Lane. 

rOODHART,  Esq.,  J. P.  for  Surrey,  Manor  House,  Upper 

oling,  Surrev. 

g^STIN  ROBINSON,  Esq.,  J. P.  for  Middlesex,  Lavant 
use,  Chichester,  Sussex. 

ons  assuring  in  this  Office  are  offered  the  fol- 
|-  modes  of  paying  the  premiums,  viz.  : — 

st.  Annually,  quarterly,  or  half-yearly. 

id.  On  a  decreasing  or  ascending  scale. 

rd.  For  a  term  of  years  only,  securing  a  free 
J I  policy  afterwards  for  life. 

M;h.  With  a  fixed  annual  reduction  of  premiums. 
Nth.  On  the  half-credit  system,  suspending  half 
A  the  annual  premiums  for  seven  years  ;  the  debt 

■  to  be  allowed  to  stand  over  until  death. 

I  Directors  invite  particular  attention  to  the  liberal 

■  and  conditions  introduced  by  this  Society  into 
U»ctice  of  Life  Assurance  : — 

J'olicies  may  be  effected  upon  the  lives  of  persons 
y  profession  and  station  of  life. 
)fficers  in  the  Army  and  Civilians  proceeding  to 
or  any  of  the  British  Colonies,  may  insure  their 
a  favourable  terms. 

iums  assured  payable  at  age  60,  or  at  death,  if 
ing  previously. 

•rovision  during  minority  for  orphans, 
mmediate,  Deferred,  and  Survivorship  Annuities 
secured  at  this  Office  upon  safe  and  advantageous 

mmediate  Bonuses. — The  Rates  of  this  Society, 
compared  with  the  higher  rates  of  other  offices, 
found  to  give  an  Immediate  Bonus  to  Assurers. 

ual  Premiums  to  assure  £"100  for  the  Whole 
of  Life,  without  Profits. 

Age  25   £1  18  6 

40    2  14  5 

60   6    0  6 

New  Features  introduced  by  this  Office. 
'he  Bonuses  of  the  Society  may  be  applied  not 
d  make  the  payments  of  the  premiums  cease 
her,  but  also  to  cause  the  amount  of  Assurance 
payable  to  the  Policy-holder  on  the  Assured 
„iflng  a  given  age. 

Policy  may  be  exchanged  by  the  substitution  of 
iy  and  approved  life,  of  not  older  age,  the  new 
jeing  entitled  to  advantages,  by  way  of  Bonus 
ictynvise,  equivalent  to  those  attaching  to  the  ori- 

Cxtended  limits  of  foreign  residence  and  travel 

Medical  Men  are  paid  for  their  Reports,  and 
lj:  the  same  advantages  as  Solicitors  for  any  busi- 
liey  may  introduce. 

[tlins  of  Proposals,  and  every  information,  afforded 
lj  lication  to  the  Actuary, 

J        Arthur  Scratchley,  M.A.,  F.R.A.S. 

In  a  few  days, 
r£|r  HANKS,  in  which  are  reviewed  their  Past  History  and 
Condition,  &c.  &c.    By  Arthur  Sckatciilky,  M.A., 
3.,  of  the  Inner  Temple,  Barrislcr-at-Law.  (Longman? .) 


|lelknte  mft  Cast  d  (Sitglpft 

71,  King  William  Street,  Mansion  House, 


The  entire  Profits  divided  among  the  Assured. 

The  Right  Rev.  the  Bishop  of  Moray  and  Ross. 
John  Ledger,  Esq.  I      James  Traill,  Esq. 

A.  L.  Melville,  Esq.  ;       Sir  J.  T.  Tyrrell,  Bart. 

J.  R.  S.  Phillips,  Esq.  |      W.  M.  Tuffnell,  Esq. 

George  Whitmore,  Esq. 


William  Phelps,  Esq.  . 
John  Pike,  Esq. 
Henry  T.  Prinsep,  Esq. 
G.  R.  Rowe,  Esq.,  M.D. 
Major  Skinner,  R.A. 
Charles  H.  Smith,  Esq. 
James  Traill,  Esq. 
W.  M.  Tuffnell,  Esq. 
George  Whitmore,  Esq. 
Actuary. — E.  Osborne  Smith,  Esq. 
~  r  ..       ( Messrs,  Hooke,  Street,  &  Gutteres,  Philpot  Lane. 
aocicicors.  |  jIessrSi  Gepp  &  yeley>  Chelmsford. 

Life  Assurances  may  be  effected  upon  Equal,  Half- 
Premium,  Increasing,  or  Decreasing  Scales  ;  also  by 
Single  Payments,  or  Payments  for  limited  periods. 
Tahles  have  been  especially  constructed  for  the  Army, 
Navy,  East-India  Company,  and  Merchant  Services  ; 
also  for  persons  voyaging  to,  or  residing  in,  any  part 
of  the  world.  EDWARD  BUTLER,  Sec. 

George  Ashlin,  Esq. 
W.  W.  Duffield,  Esq. 
J.  W.  Egerton  Green,  Esq 
George  F.  Harris,  Esq. 
John  James,  Esq. 
John  W.  Lay,  Esq. 
John  Ledger,  Esq. 
J.  Oxley  Parker,  Esq. 
Rev.  A.  Pearson,  M.A. 





Vice-Presiden  ts. 

The  Right  Hon.  Earl  Manvers. 
Sir  Thomas   Gage  Saunders 

Sebright,  Bart. 
Sir  Charles  Merrick  Burrell, 

Bart.,  M.P. 
Sir  Jas.  Duke,  Bt.,  Aid.,  M.P. 
The  Rt.  Hon.  Sir  Jn.  Patteson. 
Sir  John  Musgrove,  Bart.,  Aid. 
Sir  J.  Emerson  Tennent.K.C.S. 
Sir  George  Carroll,  Alderman. 
Sir  William  Magnay,  Bt.,  Aid. 
Sir  C.  Marshall,  Alderman. 
Sir  Francis  G.  Moon,  Bart. 

William  Taylor  Copeland,  Esq., 

Alderman,  M.P. 
Thomas  Farncomb,  Esq.,  Aid. 
John  Humphery,  Esq.,  Aid. 
Thomas  Sidney,  Esq.,  Aid. 
David  Salomons,  Esq.,  Aid., 


Col.  Samuel  Wilson,  Aid. 
David  Barclay,  Esq. 
B.  B.  Cabbell,  Esq.,  F.R.S. 
Henry  Hoare,  Esq. 
John  Masterman,  Esq. 
Matthew  Uzielli,  Esq. 

Treasurer. — George  Glas  Sandcman,  Esq. 
Trustees, — John  Howell,  Esq.  ;  Frederick  Salmon,  Esq.  ; 
George  Glas  Sandeman,  Esq. 
Auditors.— T.  Tilson,  Esq.    G.  W.  K.  Potter,  Esq.,  Secondary. 
Bankers.— Messrs.  Masterman,  Peters,  Mildred,  &  Co., 
33,  Nicholas  Lane,  Lombard  Street. 
Hon.  Physician.— John  Spurgin,  Cantab.,  Fellow  of  the 

College  of  Physicians. 
Founder  and  Hon.  Consulting  Surgeon. — Frederick  Salmon, 

M. lt.C.S.,  F.S.A.,  F.L.S. 
Hon.  Surgeons. — James  Robert  Lane,  F.H.C.S.;  P.  YetfBM 
Gowlland,  F. lt.C.S. 
Chaplain. — Rev  G.  Taylor,  M.A.     Matron. — Mrs.  Wilson. 
Secretary.— Mr.  J.  Fuller  Whiskin,  at  the  Hospital.  Ci(y  Ro*d| 

Collector.— Mr.  F.Webb,  <!<),  Charrington  St.,  Oakclry  Bq  ,N.W. 




SHO  W-RO  O  M  S. 

They  contain  such  an  assortment  of 


As  cannot  be  approached  elsewhere,  either  for  variety,  novelty,  beauty  of  design,  or  exquisiteness  of  workmanship.  Bright  8t( 
with  ormolu  ornaments  and  two  sets  of  bars,  3/.  15s.  to  33/.  10s. ;  Bronzed  Fenders,  with  standards,  7s.  to  51.  12s.  ;  Steel  Feui 
21.  155.  toll/. ;  ditto  with  rich  ormolu  ornaments,  from  21.  15s.  to  18/.;  Chimney-pieces,  from  1/.  8s.  to  80J. ;  Fire-irons,  \ 
2s.  3d,  the  set  to  4/.  4s. 

The  Burton  and  all  other  Patent  Stoves  with  Radiating  Hearth-plates. 



Introduced  more  than  25  years  ago,  by 


When  PLATED  by  the  Patent  process  of  Messrs.  Elkington  &  Co.,  is,  beyond  all  comparison,  the  very  best  article  next  to  st 
silver  that  can  be  employed  as  such,  either  usefully  or  ornamentally,  as  by  no  possible  test  can  it  be  distinguished  from  real  si 
A  small  useful  Plate  Chest,  containing  a  set,  guaranteed  of  first  quality  for  finish  and  durability,  as  follows : — 

Fiddle,  or 
Old  Silver 

Thread  or 


King's  or 













































































































































































































Any  article  to  be  had  singly  at  the  same  prices.   An  oak  chest  to  contain  the  above,  and  a  relative  number  of  knivel  I 
21.  15s.  Od.  Tea  and  Coffee  Sets,  Dish  Covers  and  Corner  Dishes,  Cruet  and  Liqueur  Frames,  &c,  at  proportionate  prices.  AiJ 
of  replating  done  by  the  patent  process. 




It  contains  upwards  of  400  Illustrations  of  his  illimited  Stock  of  Sterling  Silver  Electro  and  Sheffield  Plate,  Nickel  Sil'l 
Britannia  Metal  Goods,  Dish  Covers  and  Hot-water  Dishes,  Stoves,  Fenders,  Marble  Chimney-pieces,  Kitchen  Ranges,  ! 
Gaseliers,  Tea  Urns  and  Kettles,  Tea  Trays,  Clocks,  Table  Cutlery,  Baths,  and  Toilet  Ware,  Turnery,  Iron  and  Brass  Bei| 
Bedding,  Bed-room  Furniture,  &c,  with  Lists  of  Prices,  and  Plans  of  the 

39,  0XF0ED  STREET;  1,  la,  2,  3,  &  4,  NEWMAN  STREET;  4,  5,  &  6,  PERRY'S  PLACE:! 





In  order  to  mark  more  distinctly  the  Two  Divisions  of  the  various  Announcements  in  this  Work,  the  Advertisements  at  the 
mjicement  are  numbered  in  each  Index  thus  (i  to  xxx),  at  the  bottom  of  the  page ;  those  at  the  End  of  the  Book  are  numbered 
I  irred  to  by  means  of  Ordinary  Figures. 


enseum,  The,  Journal  of  Literature,  &e.,  20,  Wei- 

ngton-street,  Strand   xviii 

ke's  Works  on  Heraldry,  &c. — H.  G.  Bohn,  York- 

treet,  Covent  Garden    xiv 

rlish  Cyclopaedia,  The  (Four  Divisions). — Bradbury 

ad  Evans,  11,  Bouverie-street,  Fleet-street    xii 

:e  a  Week  (Vol.  I.) — Bradbury  and  Evans  '  xviii 

lications  of  Chapman  and  Hall,  193,  Piccadilly. ...  vii 
ical  Directory,  The  (I860).— Crockford,  19,  Wei- 

ngton-street  North,  Strand   xix 

trated  and  Illuminated  Works,  &c— Day  and  Son 
ithographers  to  the  Queen),  6,  Gate-street,  Lin- 

)ln's-inn-fields    viii,  ix 

ful  Works. — R.  Hardwicke,  192,  Piccadilly  . .  i — iv,  xviii 
ge's  Peerage  and  Baronetage  (I860).— Hurst  and 

lackett,  13,  Great  Marlborough-street   xiv 

ap  Editions  of  Popular  Modern  Works.— Hurst  and 

lackett,  13,  Great  Marlborough-street   xiv 

;ant  Birthday  or  Wedding  Presents.— Lockwood 

id  Co.,  7,  Stationers'-hall-court,  E.C   xiii 

rks  of  Reference.— Longman  and  Co.,  Paternoster- 

>w   v 

una:  by  Dr.  Ramadge. — Longman  and  Co   xviii 

of  Publications. — E.  Moxon  and  Co.,  44,  Dovcr- 

reet,  Piccadilly   vi 

I  of  New  Works.— Murray,  Mr.,  Albemarle-street, 

■ccadilly    x 

al  Biography.  —  O'Byrne  Brothers,  9,  Adelphi. 

rrace,  W.C   xvii 

ess,"  The,  Newspaper,  110,  Strand   xviii 

r  Publications — New  Novels. — Smith,  Elder,  and 

65,  Cornhill   xi 

ary  Atlases. — E.  Stanford,  6,  Charing-cross   xiii 

Its  for  Presents. — Partridge,  Tweedie,  Bennett, 

npndon    xv 

iHsical  and  Educational  Works. — By  Edward  Wal- 

■IHrd,  MA   xvii 

\m  and  Second-hand  Books,— Willis  and  Sotheran, 

-■6,  Strand   xvi 


B,,  19,  Holies-street,  Cavendish -square   xx 

I  London  Library,  12,  St.  James's-square    xx 


■  dental  Death,  7,  Bank-buildings,  E.C   xxi 

s,  92,  Cheapside   xxii 

\   erial,  1,  Old  Broad- street,  City   xxiv 

J    Association  of  Scotland,  20,  King  William-st.,City  xxiv 

rpool  and  London,  20  and  21 ,  Poultry,  City   xxiv 

don  Assurance,  7,  Royal  Exchange   xxiii 

ropolitan,  3,  Princes-street,  Bank    xxv 

ual,  39,  King-street,  Cheapside  xxviii 

onal,  2,  King  William-street,  City   xxvi 

;h  British,  4,  New  Bank-buildings,  Lothbury,  City  xxvii 
mce  and  East  of  England,  7),  King  William- 

■eet,  City   xxix 

Wieorge,  118,  Pall  Mall  xxviii 

ffl  ed  Kingdom,  8,  Waterloo-place,  Pall  Mall   60 

H  tern,  3,  Parliament-street   xxix 

|$,]|urance  Office— The  State,  32,  Ludgatc-hill,  and 

I  all  Mall  East   xx 

i  Reversionary  and  Investment  Comp.,  5,  Whitehall  xxii 

Agricultural  Implement  Makers.  Page 

Burgess  and  Key,  95,  Newgate-street,  City   11 

Dray,  Taylor,  and  Co.,  4,  Adelaide-place,  London- 
bridge    11 

Art  Union  of  England,  The,  13,  Regent-street   xx 

Autographs  and  Franks   xx 

Barrack  Furniture.— J.  W.  Allen,  18  and  22,  Strand   17 

Carpet  Warehouse. — Luck,  Kent,  and  Cumming,  4,  Regent- 
street,  Waterloo-place   34 

Carriage  Builders. 

Cook,  Rowley,  and  Co.,  9,  King-street,  Regent-street  9 
W.  G.  Davies  and  Son,  15,  Wigmore- street,  Caven- 
dish-square   8 

Lambert  and  Tyrrell,  66,  Great  Queen-street,  Lin- 

coln's-inn-fields   9 

J.  H.  Mann,  Twickenham   11 

Ofiford,  Messrs.,  79,  Wells-street,  Oxford-street   9 

Silk  and  Sons,  8  and  9,  Long  Acre   23 

Thompson,  40,  Canal-street,  Perth,  Scotland   10 

Carriages  for  Invalids. — Reading,  14,  Riding  House-street, 

Regent- street    9 

Celebrated  Breakfast  Bacon. — Fitch  and  Son,  66,  Bishops- 
gate- street  Within    41 

Celebrated  Cayenne  Sauce. — T.  Clarence,  2,  Church-place, 

Piccadilly    38 

China  and  Glass.— W.  P.  and  G.  Phillips,  358  and  359, 

Oxford-street,  and  155,  New  Bond-street   24 

Chintz  Warehouse.— W.  Davidson,  97,  New  Bond-street..  31 

Chronometers,  Clocks,  and  Watches. 

J.  Bennett,  65  and  64,  Cheapside   21 

Dwerrihouse  and  Co.,  131,  Mount-street,  Berkeley-sq.  20 
E.  White,  20,  Cockspur-street,  Pall  Mall   22 

Conservative  Land  Society.— 33,  Norfolk-street,  Strand  . .  xx 

Decorator  and  House  Painter.— R.  Home,  41,  Gracechurch- 

street,  City   29 

Decorations  and  Paperhangings. — 3.  Tucker,  234,  High 

Holborn   54 

Dentists.— Gabriel,  Messrs.,  33  &  34,  Ludgate  Hill ;  and 

110,  Regent  Street    48 

Dissolving  Views.— Carpenter  and  Westley,  24,  Regent- 
street,  Waterloo-place   23 

Dressing  Cases,  Travelling  Bags,  Writing  Desks,  Sec, 

Mechi  and  Bazin,  112,  Regent-street,  and  4,  Leaden- 
hall-street,  City    16 

Toulmin  and  Gale,  Sise-lane,  City,  &  7,  New  Bond-st.  15 
Williams  and  Co.,  52,  New  Boud-street   16 


W.  S.  Burton,  39,  Oxford-street   xxx 

R.  and  J.  Slack,  336,  Strand    27 

T.  West,  18,  Ludgate-street,  City   22 

Elegant  Personal  Requisites. — A.  Rowland  and  Son,  20, 

Hatton- garden   59 

Elocution,  Professor  of. — B.  H.  Smart,  37,  Wyndham- 

street,  Bryanston-squarc    16 

Embroidery,  Braiding  Designs,  and  Fancy  Repository. — 

Mrs.  Wilcockson,  4  1.  Goodge-st.,  Tottcnham-court-rd.  4 

Estate  Market,  The,  3,  Hanovcr-squarc   29 

Family  Grocers,  &c. 

Phythian,  430,  West  Strand   3s 

H.  Sparrow  and  Co.,  3"2,  Oxford-street    3* 

Farinaceous  Food  for  Infants  and  Invalids. — J.  Hards, 
Dartford,  Kent   48 


Foreign  Stationers  and  Importers  of  Fancy  Goods.—  rage 

A.  Marion  and  Co.,  152,  Regent-street   43 

Fruit  Lozenges. —  F.  Allnutt,  12,  Chapel-row,  Portsca  ....  42 

Fruit  Kssenccs.— S.  Sainsbury,  1"6  &  177,  Strand   44 

Furnishing  Ironmongery,  Cutlery,  &c. 

W.  S.  Burton,  39,  Oxford-street   XXX 

Dcanc  and  Co.  (opening  to  Monument),  London-bridge  2 
J.  Evans,  Son,  and  Co.,  33  &  34,  King  William-street, 
London-bridge   34 

Galvanic  and  Rheumatic  Chain  Bands. — J.  L.  Pulvermacher 

and  Co.,  Oxford-street   57 

Garden  Engines,  Machines,  and  Greenhouse  Syringes.— 

R.  Read,  35,  Regent-circus,  Piccadilly   32 

Gas  Ranges.— Rickets  and  Hammond,  Agar-street,  Strand  32 

Glass  Chandeliers,  Lustres,  &c. 

P.  Benjamin,  105,  Hatton-garden    25 

Green  and  Niner,  138,  Regent-street,  43,  Baker-street, 
and  16  &  17,  King  William-street,  City   3 

Glass  Shades  and  Lamp  and  Gas  ditto.— H.  Hetley,  13, 

Wigmore-street,  Cavendish-square   33 

Goldsmiths  and  Jewellers. 

B.  Haseldine,  3,  Coventry-street,  Haymarket   59 

T.  West,  18,  Ludgate-street,  St.  Pauls   22 

Great  Northern  Palace  Comp.  (Muswell  Hill),  6l,Gresham- 

House,  Old  Broad-street,  City   7 

Hair  Pomade.— J.  Slack,  185,  Sloane-street   44 

Hair  Cream.— Hopgood  and  Co.,  Rvde,  Isle  of  Wight   50 

Harmoniums  &  Concertinas.— R,  Chidley,  135,  High  Hol- 

born   50 

Hatter,  &c. — J.  Richardson,  37,  Old  Bond-street   20 

Heraldic  Offices. 

T.  Culleton,  25,  Cranbourne-street,  Leicester-square. .  43 

J.  Lock,  2,  Old  Jewry,  City   44 

T.  Moring,  44,  High  Holborn   44 

Hosiery  and  Shirt  Warehouses. 

H.  Baker  and  Co.,  Ill  and  112,  New  Bond-street  ....  41 
Fryer  &  Co.,  next  door  to  the  Haymarket  Theatre ....  40 

Hughes,  Regent-street    44 

Robertshaw's,  100,  Oxford-street   39 

Sampson,  123,  Oxford-street   41 

Thresher  and  Glenny,  152,  Strand   44 

Importer  of  Wines  and  Spirits.— A.  Brough,  29,  Strand  52  &  53 

Ink— Writing. — Nissen  and  Parker,  43,  Mark-lane,  City . .  xx 

Job  Masters.— Withers  and  Co.,  240  and  242,  Oxford-street  14 

Ladies'  Wedding  and  Family  Outfitting  LinenWarehouses. 
Christian  and  Rathbone,  11,  Wigmore-street,  Caven- 
dish-square  41 

Hughes,  203,  Regent-street   44 

Mrs.  Robertshaw,  100,  Oxford-street   39 

W.  G.  Taylor,  53,  Baker-street,  Portman- square   58 

Ladies'  Sewing  Machines. — Newton,  Wilson,  and  Co., 

144,  High  Holborn   56 

Ladies'  and  Gentlemen's  Boot  and  Shoe  Maker.— J.  Chap- 
pell,  388,  Strand   19 

Lamp,  Lustre,  Cut  Glass,  China,  and  Earthenware. — Green 
and  Niner,  138,  Regent-street;  43,  Baker-street,  Port- 
man-square ;  and  16  and  17,  King  William-street,  City  3 

Latin  Composition.— E.  Walford,  M.A   xx 

London  Gymnasium  and  Fencing  Rooms.— Capt.  Chiosso, 

123,  Oxford-street,  Regent-circus    38 

Looking-Glass  Maker.— H.  M.  Page,  23,  Coventry-street, 

Piccadilly    44 

Mediaeval  Metalworkers  and  Manufacturing  Ironmongers. 
Hart  and  Son,  20,  Cockspur-street,  Pall  Mall,  and 
Nos.  53  to  58,  Wych-street,  Strand   33 

Microscopic  Preparations. — J.  Amadio,  7,  Throgmorton- 

street,  City   23 

Military  Musical  Instrument  Maker.— J.  Kohler,  35,  Hen- 
rietta-street, Covcnt-garden   50 

Military  and  Naval  Outfitters. — B.  Woolf  and  Son,  45,  Old 

Bond- street,  and  59,  Piccadilly   42 

Mincing  Machines.— S.  Nye  and  Co.,  79,  Wardour-street, 

Soho   28 

Mourning  Warehouses. 

Jay's,  247  and  249,  Regent-street    1 

Peter  Robinson,  103,  Oxford-street   40 

Mourning  Stationery.— J.  Limbird,  344,  Strand   44 

Museum  Microscopes. — F.  Pastorelli  and  Co.,  Opticians, 

208,  Piccadilly   54 

Musical  Instrument  Maker.— J.  Kohler,  35,  Henrietta- 

etreet,  Covent-garden    £0 

Paint— Anti-Corrosion  (Carson's  Original).— W.  Carson  f 

and  Sons,  9,  Great  Winchester-street,  Old  Broad. 

street,  City  36 1 

Pale  Ale,  Porter,  and   Stout.  —  Berry  Brothers,  3,  St, 

James's-street  I 

Passport  Agency  Office.— W.  J.  Adams,  69,  Fleet-street .. 
Patent  Drum  Beaters  (For  Thrashing  Machines).— J.  Gou. 

cher,  Worksop,  Notts   

Patent  Knife-Cleaning  Machines  (Hilliard  and  Chapman).— 

T.  E.  Cavit,  18,  Hatton-garden  

Patent  Tiles  (Encaustic  and  others).— Minton,  Hollins 

and  Co.,  Stoke-on-Trent  

Patent  Wrench  and  Mallet.— C.  H.  Hurst,  Royal-road, 

Walworth  ....», 

Perambulators.— Hill,  212,  Piccadilly   ] 

Percussion  Caps  and  Ammunition  Manufacturer.— F.  Joyce, 

Upper  Thames-street  

Perfumers  and  Court  Hair  Dressers. — Gibbins  and  Co., 

7,  King-street,  St.  James's-square  

Pharmaceutical  Chemist  (Medicine  Chests,  &c.).— W.  T, 

Cooper,  26,  Oxford-street  

Photographic  Miniatures   

Porcelain,   Earthenware,    and   Glass.  —  Boucher,  Guy, 

and  Co.,  128,  Leadenhall-street   

Restaurant  and  Cafe  (The  Patrician).— New  Coven try-st... 
Rifle,  Revolver,  Pistol,  and  Shot-Gun  Makers. 

Beckwith  and  Son,  58,  Skinner-street,  Snow-hill  .... 

Colt,  Colonel,  14,  Pall  Mall  

Parker,  Field  and  Sons,  233,  High  Holborn  , 

E.  M.  Reilly  and  Co.,  502,  New  Oxford-street  .' 

St.  Mark's  Hospital,  City-road  

Sadler  and  Harness  Maker.— H.  Peat,  14,  Old  Bond-streeH 

Sams'  Hotel  and  Coffee  House,  302,  Strand  

Scagliola  Marble  Works. — V.  Bellman,  14,  Buckingh: 

street,  Fitzroy- square  

Shetland  Woollen  Warehouse. — H.  Baker  and  Co.,  Ill 

112,  New  Bond-street  

Silk  Mercers,  &e.— Hodge  and  Orchard,  256,  258,  260,  an<» 

262,  Regent-street     

Starch  (Glenfield  Patent).— Wotherspoon  and  Co.,  Glasgo' 

and  London   

Transparent  Soap.— A.  and  F.  Pears,  91,  Great  Russel! 

street,  Bloomsbury  

Trunks,  Portmanteaus,  and  Travelling  Bags. 

J.  W.  Allen,  18  and  22,  Strand  

B.  Barrett,  Brothers,  184,  Oxford-street   

W.  Day  and  Son,  353  and  378,  Strand  

J.  Last,  38,  Haymarket  

Tussaud's  Wax  Work  Exhibition. — Bazaar,  Baker-stree 


Upholsterers  and  General  House  Furnishers. 

Bartholomew  and  Fletcher,  217  and  219,  Tottenham 
court- road  

E.  Hunt,  50,  King  William-street,  City,  and  Sydenha 

I.  and  J.  Ingledew,  4,  Bishopgate-street  Without . 

R.  Loader  and  Co.,  23  and  24,  Pavement,  Finsbury 

A.  Sedley  and  Co.,  210,  Regent-street   , 

Useful  Preparations  for  Shaving. 

W.  Higgs,  35,  Piccadilly  (Barbae- Smegma)   

A.  and  F.  Pears,  91,  Great  Russell-street,  Bloomsbu 
Vendors  and  Proprietors  of  Patent  Medicines,  &c. 

Relief  for  Sufferers.— S.  Barlow,  Darlington,  Durhail 

Dr.   Roberts's    Ointment.  —  Beach  and  Barnico| 
Dispensary,  Bridport  

Dr.  J.  Collis  Browne's  Chlorodyne. — J.  T.  DavenpOj 
33,  Great  Russell-street,  Bloomsbury-square  .... 

Fluid  Magnesia.— C.  Linder,  104,  Strand  

Cough  Lozenges,  and  Insect  Destroying  Powder 
T.  Keating,  Chemist,  79,  St.  Paul's  Churchyard.. 

Medical  Preparations. — F.  Newbery  and  Sons,  45, 
Paul's  Churchyard  

Dr.  Tweedale's  Hop  Pills. — F.  Newbery  and  So  1 
45,  St.  Paul's  Churchyard  

Dandelion,   Camomile,   and   Rhubarb   Pills,  &c.{ 
Tvvinberrow,  Chemist,  &c,  2,  Edward-street,  Pel 

man-square   J 

Washing  Machine,  Patent.— Bradford,  63,  Fleet-st.,  Ci'j 
WellingtonNursery,The. — E.G.  Henderson  &Son,  Floril 

and  Seedsmen,  St.  John's-wood  j 

Window  Blinds.— G.  F.  Janes  &  Co.,  29,  Finsbury-plfj 

North  I 


























It  is  impossible  for  me  to  send  forth  to  the  public  this  work — the  result  of 
nore  than  two  years'  constant  labour  and  research — without  acknowledging,  in 
•errns  of  gratitude,  the  kind  and  generous  assistance  which  I  have  received,  from 
ilmost  every  quarter,  in  answer  to  the  circulars  which  I  have  issued  to  the  pre- 
sent representatives  of  the  highest  families  in  the  three  kingdoms,  whether  numbered 
imong  the  f  titled '  or  the  £  untitled '  aristocracy,  who,  with  few  exceptions,  have 
reely  communicated  to  me  the  information  which  I  requested  at  their  hands.  Here 
ind  there,  it  is  true,  that  my  applications  have  been  met  with  a  refusal  on  the  part 
)f  those  who  were  most  nearly  interested ;  but  even  in  these  cases  I  have  endeavoured 
j;o  keep  faith  with  the  public,  by  instituting  private  inquiries  among  local  friends 
find  correspondents,  and  by  consulting  a  large  library  of  useful  books  of  reference. 
|By  these  means  I  have  been  enabled  to  produce  a  volume  which,  in  spite  of 

i aumerous  imperfections,  embraces  the  whole  of  the  titled,  and  by  far  the  largest 
portion  of  the  untitled  aristocracy  of  the  three  kingdoms,  and  may,  therefore, 
fairly  lay  claim  to  be  styled,  in  common  parlance,  a  '  Dictionary  of  the  Upper  Ten 

I  am  well  aware  that  the  first  edition  of  such  a  work  must  be  far  from  perfect ; 
and  no  one  is  more  fully  alive  than  myself  to  the  numerous  deficiencies  to  be  found 
in  this  volume.  I  am  equally  aware  that  such  a  book  must  always  remain,  in  one 
sense,  imperfect  in  a  country  like  our  own,  where,  mainly  owing  to  the  influence  of 
trade  and  commerce,  individuals  and  families  are  continually  crossing  and  re-crossing 
the  narrow  line  which  severs  the  aristocracy  from  the  commonalty.  But  I  can  safely 
promise  that,  as  often  as  a  new  edition  of  the  "  County  Families  "  shall  be  called 
jfor,  the  book  shall  be  found  in  a  state  more  nearly  approaching  completion,  by  the 
constant  addition  of  fresh  families  to  the  roll  of  its  contents,  and  by  carefully  noting 
the  various  changes  wrought  day  by  day  by  the  silent  operation  of  births,  marriages, 
deaths,  and  preferments,  in  the  families  whose  names  I  record. 

I  ought  here  more  particularly  to  record  my  obligations,  in  the  first  instance, 
to  the  Clerks  of  the  Peace  and  the  Clerks  of  Lieutenancy  who  have  kindly  supplied 
|  me  with  the  lists  of  the  Magistrates  and  Deputy  Lieutenants  of  the  several  counties 
|  of  England  and  Wales ;  as  also  to  Thorn's  Irish  Directory  and  Oliver  and  "Boyd's 
\  Edinburgh  Almanac,  for  similar  lists  relating  to  those  kingdoms  respectively.  The 


details  of  the  work,  where  they  have  not  been  communicated  to  me  personally  by 
Bome  member  of  the  family,  have  been  mainly  worked  out  by  consulting  the  Gazette 
ami  the  pages  of  the  Gentlemaris  Magazine — an  invaluable  mine  of  wealth  to  the 
genealogist  and  antiquarian,  and  useful  also  to  one  who,  like  myself,  is  a  humble 
labourer  in  the  field  of  cotemporary  inquiry.  Besides  these,  the  several  County 
Histories  which  1  have  been  able  to  procure,  the  Peerages  and  Baronetages  of  Lodge 
and  Debrett,  Hart's  Army  List,  O'Byrne's  Naval  Biography,  the  Oxford  and  Cam- 
bridge Calendars  and  Lists  of  Graduates,  and  the  obituary  notices  of  the  daily  and 
weekly  newspapers,  have  furnished  me  with  useful  materials. 

The  constant  accession  of  fresh  materials  in  my  hands,  whilst  these  sheets  have 
been  passing  through  the  press,  while  it  accounts  for  the  long  delay  in  the  appearance 
of  the  "  County  Families,"  has  necessitated  the  adoption  of  a  Supplement,  in  which 
will  be  found  a  long  array  of  well-known  names  which  ought  properly  to  have 
appeared  in  the  body  of  the  work.  I  can  only  regret  that  they  reached  me  so  late, 
and  promise  that  they  shall  be  arranged  in  their  proper  place  in  the  next  edition. 
It  is  to  be  hoped  that  the  public  and  subscribers  to  the  work  will  pardon  such  errata 
as  they  may  find  on  referring  to  their  names  ;  and  they  will  further  oblige  me  if 
they  will  kindly  communicate  to  me  those  errors,  through  my  publisher,  in  order 
that  they  may  be  rectified  in  future  editions.  When  they  call  to  mind  that  every 
separate  entry  involves  a  statement  of  from  five  to  fifty  facts,  inclusive  of  dates,  the 
public  will  be  able  to  realize  some  portion  of  the  labour  of  an  editor  in  preparing 
such  a  work  as  this  for  the  press  for  the  first  time. 

I  have  not  chosen  the  title  of  this  work  without  deliberation.  I  have  called 
my  book  a  Manual  of  the  Titled  and  Untitled  Aristocracy,  and  have  accordingly 
arranged  both  these  orders  under  a  single  alphabet,  because  I  remember  the  words 
of  J ames  I.,  that  "  the  king,  though  he  can  make  a  noble,  cannot  make  a  gentleman" 
and  because  the  bearing  of  arms,  not  of  titles,  has  ever  been  considered  as  the 
distinctive  mark  of  true  noblesse. 

E.  W. 

17,  Chukch  Row,  Hahpstead, 
March  31,  1860. 


PREFACE  Page  v 

Notice   via 



Bp'.     .                  •                                                       m  .h:\&  $  v  \\  \  •".* 

ADDENDA    807,  808 




As  it  is  impossible  for  the  Editor  to  suppose,  or  even  to  hope,  that  in  the  first 
issue  of  a  work  like  "  The  County  Families,"  many  errors  in  spelling,  and  many 
omissions,  will  not  be  detected  by  his  readers,  he  begs  respectfully  to  inform  them 
that  he  will  be  much  obliged  if  any  member  of  the  families  recorded  in  these  pages  vM 
kindly  notify  to  him,  under  cover  to  his  publisher,  Mk.  Haedwicke,  192,  Piccadilly, 
the  points  in  which  any  omission  or  erroneous  statement  may  be  detected,  in  order  that 
such  defects  may  be  remedied  in  all  future  editions  of  this  book. 


EDITED    BY    E.    WALFOED,    M.  A. 

As  it  is  impossible  for  the  Editor  to  suppose  or  even  to  hope  that  in  the  first  issue  of  a 
work  like  "  The  County  Families,"  some  errors  in  spelling  and  omission  of  names  will  not 
be  detected  by  his  readers,  he  begs  respectfully  to  draw  attention  to  the  appended  Form,  which 
he  will  be  much  obliged  if  any  member  of  the  family  will  kindly  return  to  him  with  a  short 
notification  of  the  points  in  which  any  omission  or  any  erroneous  statement  may^be  detected, 
in  order  that  such  defects  may  be  remedied  in  all  future  editions  of  the  book. 

E.  W. 

flrrafa. — "  £Jhe  $ann±iL  families.." 

Jfame.  /,a3e  for  read 

Jfame  far  read, 

So*™  fr*$e  far   read. 

3he  fallowing  3'amilie&  afijmar  La  he  omitted  from  the  fire&ent  fditiaji 
af  "  3 he  /f/aiuittj.  2fiamdie&." 

Jfame.  fs/f..  af  near  in  the.  tfaunty.  af  

Jfame  flsa.  af  near..  bi  the  /fount  af  

Jfame  <?«/.  af  near  in  the  jaunty,  af  


T»  lh>:  J'Jiior  <;/''-TiiE  Coi  ntv  Families," 

Care  of  Mil.  11.  IUiidwicke,  192,  Piccadilly,  London,  W. 





ADAM,*  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Middleton  Hall), 
dest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Hamlyn  Adams, 
iq.,  who  was  M.P.  for  co.  Carmarthen  1833-4  ; 
s  resumed  the  ancient  orthography  of  the  family 
me  ;  is  a  magistrate  for  co.  Carmarthen. — Mid- 
3ton  Hall,  near  Llandilo,  Carmarthenshire. 

30TT,  Sir  Frederick,  Knt.,  C.B.  (cr.  1854). 
lird  son  of  the  late  Henry  H.  A.  Abbott,  Esq.  ; 
1805;  m.  1835  Frances,  dau.  of  Lieut.-Col.  Cox, 
A.  (and  widow  of  Lieut.-Col.  Hubert  De  Burgh), 
lucated  at  Addiscombe  ;  entered  the  Bengal  En- 
ieers  1822  ;  served  iu  the  Burmese  war  1824-6, 
d  in  the  first  campaign  against  the  Sikhs  ;  has 
jeived  medals  for  Ava  and  Sobraon  ;  was  Superin- 
ldent  Engineer  of  the  North-Western  Provinces 
Bengal  1841-7;  became  a  Majoi'-General  on  re- 
ed list  1858  ;  has  been  Governor  of  the  Military 
liege,  Addiscombe,  since  1851. — United  Service 
ub,  S.W.  ;  Addiscombe,  near  Croydon,  S. 

3Y,  Sir  William,  Bart.  (cr.  1641). 
dy  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Abdy,  Bart., 
ipt.  R.N.,  by  dau.  of  James  Gordon,  Esq.,  of 
oor  Place,  Herts  ;  b.  1779  ;  s,  as  7th  Bart.  1803  ; 
1806  Anne,  dau.  of  1st  Marq.  Wellesley,  K.G., 
/orced  1816.  This  family  is  of  Essex  extraction, 
d  was  formerly  seated  at  Felix  Hall  in  that 
anty. — Chobham  Place,  near  Chertsey,  Surrey  ; 
non  Club,  S.W.  ;  20b  Hill  Street,  W. 

)Y,  Sir  Thomas  Neville,  Bart.  (cr.  1849). 
tly  son  of  the  late  Anthony  Abdy,  Esq.,  Capt. 
N.,  by  Grace,  dau.  of  Admiral  Sir  Thos.  Rich  ; 
1810;  m.  1841  Harriet,  dau.  of  Rowland  Alston, 
iq.  of  Pishiobury,  Herts.  Educated  at  St. 
hn's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1833)  ;  is  a  magis- 
ite  for  Essex  ;  was  M.P.  for  Lyme  Regis  1847- 
.  Patronage  1  living.  Is  descended  through 
i  grandmother  from  a  common  ancestor  with  Sir 
J.  Abdy,  Hart. — Albyns,  near  Romford,  Essex. 
Heir,  his  son  William  Neville,  b.  1844. 

A'BECKETT,  Sir  William,  Knt.  (cr.  1852). 
Eldest  son  of  William  A'Beckett,  Esq.,  and  brother 
of  th^lateG.  A.  A'Beckett,  Esq.  ;  b.  1806  ;  m.  1st 
1833  Emily,  dau.  of  E.  Hayley,  Esq.  (she  cl.  1842)  ; 
2nd  1849  Matilda,  dau.  of  E.  Hayley,  Esq.  Educated 
at  Westminster  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn 
1829 ;  was  Chief  Justice  and  Judge  of  the  Admiralty 
Court  of  Victoria  1852-7  ;  was  previously  Solicitor 
and  Attorney-General  of  N.  South  Wales,  and 
resident  Judge  at  Port  Phillip.  Author  of  the 
Universal  Biography,  &c. — Reform  Club,  S.W. 

AEEECOEN  (Marquis  of),  James  Hamilton,  K.G-. 
P.O.  (cr.  1790). 
Elder  son  of  the  late  Viscount  Hamilton,  by  Har- 
riet, dau.  of  the  late  Hon.  John  Douglas,  and 
grandson  of  the  1st  Marquis  ;  b.  1811  ;  s.  1818  ; 
m.  1832  Louisa  Jane,  dau.  of  the  6th  Duke  of  Bed- 
ford, K.G.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  Lord 
Lieut,  and  Custos  Rotulorum  of  co.  Donegal,  a 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Tyrone,  and  Colonel  Donegal 
Militia  ;  is  a  Governor  of  Harrow  School  ;  late 
Groom  of  Stole  to  the  Prince  Consort.  Patronage 
2  livings. — Baron's  Court,  near  Newtown-Stewart, 
co.  Tyrone ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  Chesterfield 
House,  South  Audley  Street,  W. 

Heir,   his    son  Viscount  Hamilton,  b.  1838  ; 
educated  at  Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford. 

ABEBCBOMBY  (Lord),  George  Ralph  Abcr- 
cromby  (cr.  1801). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Lord,  by  Louisa,  dau.  of  the 
late  Hon.  John  Hay  Forbes  ;  b.  183S  ;  S.  as  4th  Lord 
1852;  m.  1858  Julia  Janet  Georgiana,  dau.  ofVisct. 
Duncan.  Educated  at  Eton.  Represents  a  younger 
branch  of  the  clan  Abercromby.  This  Peerage 
was  originally  conferred  on  the  widow  of  the  gal- 
lant General  Sir  Ralph  Abercromby.  who  fell  in 
Egypt. — Tullibody,  near  Alloa,  co.  Clackmannan  : 
Ferntower,  near  Crieff,  Perthshire;  AJrthrie 
Castle,  near  Stirling,  N.B. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  John,  Ensign  Rifle  Bri* 
gadc  ;  b.  1841. 




ABERCBOMDY,  Sir  George  Samuel,  Bart.  (or. 

Eldest  son  of  t ho  late  Sir  Robert  Abureromby, 
Bart.,  bj  Elizabeth  Stevenson,  dan.  of  Samuel 
Douglas,  Esq.,  of  Netherlaw,  N.B. ;  b.  1824  ;  5.  as 
6th  Bar!  L85G  :  m,  1849  A.anes  Georgiaua;  2nddau. 
of  3rd  Lord  Kilmaine.  Educated  at  iSSrinity  Coll., 
( lambridge  (M.A.  18  19)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  c  os.  Banff  and  Kirkcudbright,  and  Chief 
of  the  clan  of  Abereromby,  of  which  Lords  Aber- 
eromby and  Dunfermline  are  members. — Forglen 
House,  near  Turriff,  co.  Banff;  Fcrmoy,  co.  Cork; 
Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

JI>  h\  his  son  Robert  John,  b.  1350. 

ABERCEOMEY,  Dowager  Lady. 

Louisa  Penuel,  dau.  of  Lord  Medwyn  (a  Scottish 
Judge  of  Session);  m.  1832  George  Ralph,  3rd 
Lord  Abereromby,  who  d.  1852. — Airthrie,  near 
Stirling,  N.B. 

ABEECEOMBY,  Dowrager  Lady. 

Elizabeth,  only  child  of  the  late  Samuel  Douglas, 
Esq.,  of  Netherlaw  and  Castle  Douglas,  N.B.  ; 
m.  1816  Sir  R.  Abereromby,  Bart.,  of  Forglen,  who 
d.  1855.— 46,  Albemarle  Street,  W. 

ABERDEEN  (Earl  of),  George  Hamilton  Gor- 
don, K.G.,  K.T.,  P.O.,  F.R.S.  (er.  1682). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Loi'd  Haddo,  by  Charlotte,  dau. 
of  W.  Baird,  Esq.;  b.  1784  ;  s.  his  grandfather  as 
4th  Earl  1802  ;  m.  1st  1805  Katharine  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  1st  Marquis  of  Abercorn;  2nd  1815  Harriet, 
dau.  of  Hon.  John  Douglas  and  widow  of  Visct. 
Hamilton  (son  of  the  1st  Marquis  of  Abercorn, 
K.G.) ;  sits  in  the  House  of  Lords  as  Visct.  Cor- 
don, U.K.  (cr.  1814).  Educated  at  Harrow  and  St. 
John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1804) ;  is  Lord 
Lieut,  of  co.  Aberdeen  and  Ranger  of  Greenwich 
Park  ;  was  formerly  Minister  at  Vienna  ;  Secre- 
tary of  State  for  Foreign  Affairs  1828-30  and 
1841-46  ;  for  the  Colonies  1834-35  ;  First  Lord  of 
the  Treasury  1852-5.  Is  descended  from  a  common 
ancestor  with  the  Marquis  of  Huntly. — Haddo 
House,  Aberdeen,  N.B.  ;  Ranger's  Lodge,  Black- 
heath,  Kent ;  Carlton  and  Athenaeum  Clubs,  S.W.  ; 
7,  Argyll  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Lord  Haddo,  M.P.  for  co.  Aberdeen  ; 
b.  1814  ;  m.  1840  Mary,  sister  of  10th  Earl  of  Had- 

ABERGAVENNY  (Earl  of),  Rev.  •William  Nevill 
(cr.  1784). 

Fourth  son  of  the  2nd  Earl,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  the 
late  John  Robinson,  Esq.,  of  Wyke  House,  Middle- 
sex; b.  1792;  s.  1845;  m.  1824  Caroline,  dau.  of  the 
late  Ralph  Leeke,  Esq.,  of  Longford  Hall,  co. 
Salop.  Educated  at  Magdalen  Coll.,  Cambridge 
(M.A.  1816);  is  in  Holy  Orders;  was  formerly 
Rector  of  Birling  and  Vicar  of  Frant,  Kent.  Patron- 
age 18  livings.  —  Eridge  Castle,  near  Tunbridge 
Wells  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. ;  58,  Portland  Place,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Visct.  Nevill,  b.  1826  ;  m.  1848 
Caroline,  dau.  of  Sir  J.  V.  B.  Johnstone,  Bart. ; 
educated  at  Eton  ;  late  Capt.  W.  Kent  Yeomanry, 
formerly  Capt.  2nd  Life  Guards. 

ABINGDON  (Earl  of),  Montagu  Bertie  (cr.1682). 
Eldest  son  of  5th  Earl,  by  Emily,  dau,  of  the  late  } 
General  Hon.  Thomas  Gage  ;  b.  1808  ;  s.  1854  ;  m,  l 
1835  Elizabeth  Lavinia,  dau.  of  George  Granville  * 
Harcourt,  Esq.,  of  Nuneham  Courtenay,  Oxon  (she  1 
d.  1858).  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  j 
Cambridge  (M.A.  1829);  is  Lord  Lieutenant  and  | 
Gustos  Rotulorum  of  Berks  and  High  Steward  off 
Oxford  ;  was  M.P.  for  Oxfordshire  1832-52  ;  for  | 
Abingdon  1852-54.  Patronage  4  livings. — Wytham  ] 
Abbey,  near  Oxford  ;  18,  Grosvenor  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Lord  Norreys,  b.  1836  ;  m.  1858 
Caroline,  dau.  of  C.  Towneley,  Esq.,  of  Towneley; 
educated  at  Eton. 

ABINGDON,  Dowager  Countess  of. 

Frederica  Augusta,  7th  dau.  of  Vice-Admiral  | 
Lord  Mark  Robert  Ker  and  Charlotte  Countesf  f 
of  Antrim  ;  m.  1841,  as  2nd  wife,  Montague,  5ttj 
Earl  of  Abingdon,  who  died  1854. — 7,  Somen! 
Place,  Hyde  Park  Square,  W. 

ABINGER  (Lord),  Robert  Campbell  Scarlet 
(cr.  1835). 

Eldest  son  of  the  1st  Lord,  by  his  1st  wife  Louis;  [ 
Henrietta,  dau.  of  the  late  Peter  Campbell,  Esq.i 
of  Kilmory,  co.  Argyll  ;  b.  1794  ;  s.  1844  ;  m.  182 
Sarah,  dau.  of  George  Smith,  Esq.,  late  Chief  Justicf 
of  the  Mauritius.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Caul 
bridge  (B.A.  1815)  ;  was  M.P.  for  Norwich  183f[j 
38  ;  for  Horsham  1841-44.  The  1st  Lord  wsj 
Chief  Baron  of  the  Exchequer  1834-44. — Abingfil 
Hall,  near  Dorking,  Surrey  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  J 
Heir,  his  son  William  Frederick,  Captain  Sco  f| 
Fusilier  Guards  ;  b.  1826. 

ABINGER,  Dowager  Lady. 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  L.  S.  Steere,  Esq.,  of  Jayeii 
Surrey  ;  m.  1st  18—  Rev.  H.  J.  Ridley,  of  Ock'le 
Surrey  ;  2nd  1843  James,  1st  Lord  Abinger,  wl! 
d.  1844.— West  Cliff  House,  Brighton  ;  30,  No 
folk  Street,  W. 

ABNEY,  Wm,  Wotton,  Esq.  (of  Measham  Hal| 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Wotton  Abnei 
Esq.,  Capt.  Tioyal  Horse  Guards  Blue,  by  Elisj 
beth,  dau.  of  William  Richardson,  Esq.,  of  Fulfqfl 
House,  York ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  1827  ;  m.  1828  Hel 
John  Sinclair,  eldest  dau.  of  James  Buchanan,  Es 
of  Craigend  Castle,  co.  Dumbarton,  and  grand-di 
of  the  12th  Earl  of  Caithness.    Is  a  magistrate 
cos.  Derby  and  Leicester,  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Derby  (High  Sheriff  1847).     This  family  w  , 
seated  at  Abney-in-the-Peak  about  the  time  of  if 
Conquest.     Sir   Edward   Abney,  a  well-kno(j 
Judge,  and  his  younger  brother,  Sir  Thomas  Abrii 
Lord  Mayor  of  and  M.P.  for  London,  and  bothjl 
Willesley,  in  the  county  of  Derby,  were  of  1:1 
ancient  family. — Measham  Hall,  near  Atherstonjl 



(See  Hastings.) 

ACKERS,  Geo.  Holland,  Esq.  (of  Moreton  H&  i 
Only  son  of  the  late  G.  Ackers,  Esq.,  of  More'j 
Hall,  co.  Chester,  by  Harriott  Dell,  dau.  of  H.  Ill 
ton,  Esq.,  of  Lincoln  ;  b.  1812  ;  s.  1836  ;  m.  if 
Harriott  Susan,  2nd  dau.  of  H.  W.  Hutton,  El 



of  Beverley.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch., 
Oxford  ;  is  Major  Queen's  Own  Royal  Yeomanry 
(Staffordshire)  ;  was  in  the  Royal  Horse  Guards 
Blue  1832-7  ;  High  Sheriff  of  Cheshire  1852; 
elected  Commodore  of  the  Royal  Victoria  Yacht 
Squadron  1850. — Moreton  Hall,  near  Congleton, 
Cheshire  ;  Arthur's  and  Boodle's  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  dau.  Georgiana  Harriott,  m.  1858  Sir  C. 
W.  Shakerley,  Bart,  (whom  see). 

OKERS,  James,  Esq.  (of  Heath.  House). 
Son  of  the  late  J.  Ackers,  Esq.  ;  b.  1811  ;  m.  1833 
i  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  B.  Williams,  Esq.  Educated 
'  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (LL.B.  1836);  is  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Hereford  ;  was  M.P.  for  Lud- 
low 1841-7. — Heath  House,  Leintwardine,  near 
jj  Ludlow  ;  Oxford  and  Cambridge  Club,  S.W. 

Sir  Thomas  Dyke,  Bart.  (cr.  1644). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Dyke  Acland, 
Bart.,  by  Henrietta  Anne,  only  dau.  of  the  late  Sir 

,  R.  Hoare,  Bart.  ;  b.  1787  ;  s.  as  10th  Bart.  1794  ; 

\m.  1808  Lydia  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  H.  Hoare,  Esq. 

i  (she  d.  1856).    Educated  at  Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch., 

J  Oxford  (B.A.  1808  ;  created  D.C.L.  1831);  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Devon  ;  was  M.P. 

I  for  Devon  1812-31,  and  for  N.  Devon  1837-57. 

i  Patronage  7  livings.  — Killerton,    near  Exeter; 

I  Iiolnicote,  near  Minehead  ;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Dyke,  late  Fellow  of  All 

I  Souls  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  M.P.  for  W.  Somerset  1837-47; 

lb.  1809  ;  m.  1st  1841  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  C.  Mordaunt, 

[Bart,  (she  d.  1851)  ;  2nd  1856  Mary,  dau,  of  the 

I  late  John  Erskine,  Esq. 

lULAETD,  Sir  Peregrine  Palmer  Fuller-Palmer, 

Bart.  (cr.  1818). 
I  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Palmer  Acland, 
I  Bart.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  John  Rose 
[Fuller,  Esq.,  of  Rosehill,  Sussex;  b.  1789  ;  s. 
1 1831 ;  m.  1825  Fanny,  dau.  of  W.  Leader,  Esq.,  of 
Hi  Putney,  Surrey  (she  d.  1844).  Is  a  Dep.  Lieut. 
I  for  Somerset.  Assumed  the  additional  names  of 
I  Fuller  and  Palmer  in  1834.  Patronage  1  living. 
I  Represents  a  younger  branch  of  the  family  of  Sir 
[P.  D.  Acland,  Bart.,  of  Killerton.  — Fairfield,  near 
[  Bridgewater,  Somerset. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  half-brother  Thomas,  b.  1819. 

I  COURT-HOLMES,  Hon.  William  Henry  Ashe, 
r  Elder  son  of  the  1st  Lord  Hey tesbury  (whom  see)  ; 
Kb.  1809  ;  m.  1833  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  L.  W. 
I  Holmes,  Bart.,  whose  name  he  has  assumed.  Edu- 
jjcated  at  Eton  and  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge 
[j(M.A.  1831) ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Me  of  Wight  and  for  Wilts  and  Hants  ;  was  M.P. 
(for  the  Isle  of  Wight  1837-47.—  Westover,  near 
|  (  Newport,  Isle  of  Wight ;  Carlton  and  Travellers' 
i  i  Clubs,  S.W. 

]    Heir,  his  son  William  Leonard,  b.  1S35. 

COURT-REPING-TORT,  Lieutenant-Genoral 
I  Charles  Ashe,  C.B.  (of  Amington  Hall), 
i  | Youngest  son  of  the  late  Sir  W.  P.  A'Court,  many 
Jyears  M.P.  for  Heytesbury,  by  Letitia,  dau.  of  the 
Jlate  H.  Wyndham,  Esq.,  of  the  College,  Salisbury, 
(and  brother  of  the  1st  Lord  Heytesbury  ;  b.  1786  ; 

s.  his  brother  1855  ;  m.  1815  Mary  Elizabeth  Catha- 
rine, only  dau.  of  Abraham  Gibbs,  Esq.  Entered 
the  army  1803  ;  became  a  Lieut. -General  1850, 
Col.  41st  Foot  1848  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Staf- 
ford.— Amington  Hall,  near  Tamworth,  Stafford- 
shire ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  Henry  Wyndham  Ashe, 
B.A.,  of  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge,  and  late  M.P. 
for  Wilton  ;  b.  1819  ;  m.  1854  Emily,  eldest  dau.  of 
H.  Currie,  Esq.,  of  West  Horseley,  Surrey. 

ACTON,  Sir  John  Emerich  Edward  Dalberg, 
Bart.  (cr.  1644). 
Only  son  of  the  late  SirF.  R.  E.  Acton,  Bart.,  by 
Marie  Louise,  only  dau.  of  the  Duke  of  Dalberg 
(who  m.  2nd  in  1840  the  2nd  Earl  Granville,  K.G.)  ; 
b.  1834  ;  s.  as  8th  Bart.  1837.  Educated  at  St. 
Mary's  Coll.,  Oscott ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Salop  ;  elected  M.P.  for  Carlo w  1859  ; 
is  patron  of  1  living.  The  6th  Baronet  was  Prime 
Minister  to  the  King  of  Naples. — Aldenhaln,  near 
Bridgenorth,  Shropshire ;  Brookes'  Club,  S.W.  ; 
16,  Bruton  Street,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  Charles,  b.  1786  ;  m.  1817 
Zoe  Marie,  dau.  of  the  Count  d'Albon  (d.). 

ACTOIST,  Edward  Farrer,  Esq..  (of  Gatacre  Park). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  E.  A.  Acton,  Esq.,  by 
Frances  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Rev.  J.  G.  Spurgeon  ; 
b.  1805  ;  s.  1822  ;  m.  1832  Mary  Anne,  youngest  dau. 
of  Rev.  H.  Suckling,  Rector  of  Barsham,  Suffolk. 
Educated  at  Trinity  Hall,  Cambridge  (B.C.L.  1828) ; 
is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Salop  and 
Stafford,  and  a  Major  in  the  Shropshire  Militia  ; 
descended  from  the  2nd  son  of  Sir  Edward  Acton, 
1st  Bart.,  of  Aldenham,  who  settled  at  Gatacre  Park, 
temp.  Charles  II. — Gatacre  Park,  near  Bridgenorth, 
Shropshire;  Oxford  and  Cambridge  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Edward  William  Frederick,  Capt. 
76th  Foot ;  b.  1834  ;  ra.  1855  Helen  Maria,  dau.  of 
W.  P.  Ranney,  Esq.,  of  St.  John's,  N.  Brunswick. 

ACTQET,  Joseph,  Esq..  (of  Wigan). 

Son  of  the  late  J.  Acton,  Esq. ;  b.  1803.  Is  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Lancaster  ;  was  Mayor  of  Wigan 
1839-40  and  1853-4  ;  M.P.  for  Wigan  1S54-7  ;  was 
formerly  a  Solicitor  in  practice  in  that  borough.. 
—The  Hall,  Wigan. 

ACTON,*  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  West  Aston). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Col.  Wm.  Acton  (who  was 
M.P.  for  co.  Wicklow  1841-8,  and  High  Sheriff  of 
that  co.  iu  1820),  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Walker, 
Esq.,  Master  in  Chancery,  Ireland  ;  b.  181 —  ;  f. 
1854.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Wicklow. — West 
Aston,  near  Rathdrum,  co.  Wicklow. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William. 

ACTON,  William  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  Wolverton\ 
Only  son  of  the  late  William  Acton,  Esq..  by  A.nne 
Constantia,  dau.  of  —  Davies,  Esq. ;  b.  1803  ;  s.  1814  : 
m.  1833  Mary,  widow  of  William  TralVonl.  Esq, 
Educated  at  St.  Mary's  Coll.,  Oscott;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Worcester.  This  family  is  of  Saxon 
origin,  and  has  Wen  seated  in  Worcestershire  since 

the  times  anterior  to  the  Norman  Conquest.  Wol- 

verton,  near  Pershore,  Worcestershire, 

Heir,  his  son  W  illiam  Robert,  h.  1885. 

n  2 

Acw  1 


ACWORTII,  Nathaniel  Brindlcy,  Esq.  (of  the 

Third  BOH  of  the  late  William  Acworth,  Esq.  ;  b. 
1805;  m.  1S4G  Anna  Diana,  dau.  of  the  Very 
Ixov.  LYancis  Close,  D.D.,  Pean  of  Carlisle.  Called 
to  the  Chaneery  l>ar  1 S  I i  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for 
Sects  and  Middlesex  ;  late  Kegistrar*  of  the  Su- 
preme Court  at  Madras.  This  family  was  formerly 
From  Yorkshire. — The  Hook,  Northaw,  near  Bar- 
net.  Herts  ;  Oriental  Club,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Francis  William,  b.  1817. 

ADAIE,  Sir  Robert  Shafto,  Bart.  (cr.  1838). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Adair,  Esq.  (who  d. 
1844),  by  Camilla,  dau.  and  heiress  of  the  late  Ro- 
bert Shafto,  Esq.,  of  Benwell,  Northumberland  ; 
b.  1780  ;  m.  1st  1810  Elizabeth  Maria,  dau.  of  the 
Rev.  James  Strode  (she  d.  1853) ;  2nd  1.854  Jane 
Ann,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  T.  Clarkson,  Vicar  of  Hinx- 
ton,  co.  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Suffolk 
(High  Sheriff  1846).— Flixton  Hall,  near  Harle- 
ston,  Suffolk  ;  Farm  Lodge,  Ballymena,  co.  An- 
trim ;  20a,  St.  James's  Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  Alexander  Shafto,  late 
M.P.  for  Cambridge  :  6.  1811 ;  m.  1836  Theodosia, 
dau.  of  Gen.  the  Hon.  Robert  Meade. 

ADAIR,  Alexander  "William,  Esq.  (of  Heather- 
ton  Park). 

Eldest  son  of  Alexander  Adair,  Esq.,  by  Harriet 
Eliza,  dau.  of  the  late  G.  Atkinson,  Esq.,  of  Lee, 
and  nephew  of  Sir  R.  S.  Adair,  1st  Bart.  ;  b.  1829. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1852, 
M.A.  1856) ;  appointed  Ensign  and  Lieut.  Cold- 
stream Guards  1855,  and  Lieut,  and  Captain  1859 ; 
is  a  Magistrate  for  Somerset ;  has  received  the 
English  and  Turkish  medals  for  the  siege  and  fall 
of  Sebastopol.— Heatherton  Park,  near  Taunton, 
Somerset ;  Guards'  Club,  S.W. 

ADAIR,  George,  Esq.  (of  Bellegrove). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Adair,  Esq.,  of  Rath, 
Queen's  co.,  by  Rebecca,  dau.  of  George  Maquay, 
Esq.,  of  Dublin ;  b.  1784  ;  s.  1809  ;  m.  1822  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Very  Rev.  Thomas  Trench,  Dean  of 
Kildare.  Educated  at  Rathmines  and  Trinity  Coll. , 
Dublin  (B.A.  1803)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Queen's  co.  (High  Sheriff  1822).  This 
family  traces  its  descent  from  Thomas  Fitz-Gerald, 
6th  Earl  of  Desmond. — Bellegrove,  near  Bally- 
brittas,  Queen's  co.  ;  Loughmore  Castle,  co.  Tip- 
perary  ;  Glenveagh,  co.  Donegal. 

Heir,  his  son  John  George,  a  Magistrate  for  cos. 
Tipperary  and  Donegal ;  b.  1823. 

ADAIR,  Hugh  Edward,  Esq.,  M.P. 

Second  son  of  Sir  R,  S.  Adair,  Bart.;  b.  1815. 
Educated  at  Harrow  and  St.  John's  Coll.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1839,  M.A.  1843).  A  Barrister-at-Law 
(called  1844)  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  Ipswich  since 
1847.— Flixton  Hall,  near  Harleston,  Suffolk  ;  Ori- 
ental and  Travellers'  Clubs,  S.W. 

ADAIR,  Thos.  Benjamin,  Esq.  (of  Loughanmore). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Charles  Adair,  Esq.,  by 
Millicent,  dau.  of  H.  C.  Ellis,  Esq.,  of  Straid,  co. 
Antrim,  and  Prospect,  Carrickfergus ;  b.  1776  ;  s. 

I  1798  ;  m.  1806  Amelia  Sophia  Leonora,  2nd  dau. 
of  Lieut.-Col.  B.  Adair,  R.M.  Educated  at  Dun- 
gannon  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1797); 
called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1801  ;  formerly 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Antrim  (High 
Sheriff  1801).  This  family  is  descended  from  a 
common  ancestor  with  the  Adairs  of  Ballymena; 
Capt.  James  Adair,  of  Kilhilt,  co.  Wigton,  N.B., 
being  the  first  who  settled  at  Loughanmore,  temp. 
James  I.-7-Loughanmore,  Parkgate,  near  Belfast. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles,  late  Capt.  33rd  Foot ;  6. 

ADAM,  William  Patrick,  Esq.  (of  Blair  Adam). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Admiral  Sir  C.  Adam,  K.C.B 
(many  years  M.P.  for  cos.  Clackmannan  and  Kin- 
ross),  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  P.  Brydone,  Esq.,F.R.S 
6. 1823  ;  m.  1856  Emily,  eldest  dau.  of  Gen.  Wyll 
C.B.  Educated  at  Rugby  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cam 
bridge  (B.A.  1847) ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner 
Temple  1850  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  fo 
co.  Kinross  ;  elected  M.P.  for  cos.  Clackmannan 
and  Kinross  1859  ;  was  Secretary  to  Lord  Elphin 
stone  at  Bombay  1853-8. — Blair  Adam,  near  Kin- 
ross, N.B.  ;  Brookes'  Club,  S.W. 

ADAMS,  Hon.  Mrs.  (of  Thorpe). 

Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  Hon.  Wm.  Cockayne 
of  Rushton  Hall,  co.  Northampton,  and  niece  an 
co-heiress  of  Borlase,  6th  and  last  Visct.  Cullen 
m.  1811  Wm.  Adams,  Esq.,  LL.D.,  Advocate  „ 
Doctors'  Commons,  a  descendant  of  the  ancienl 
family  of  Adams  of  Loneston  (and  formerly  I 
Peterchurch)  co.  Pembroke,  who  died  1851.— 
Thorpe,  near  Chertsey,  Surrey. 

Heir,  her  son  William  Cockayne,  b.  1813  ;  Rectoi 
of  Dummer,  Hants. 

ADAMS,  Lady  (of  Temple  Hill). 

Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  W.  Elford,  Bard 
(ext.)  ;  m.  1821  (as  2nd  wife)  Gen.  Sir  Georgf 
Pownoll  Adams,  K.C.H.,  who  d.  1856.—  Tempi i 
Hill,  East  Budleigh,  near  Exmouth,  Devon. 

ADAMS,  Lady  (of  Anstey  Hall). 

Katharine,  dau.  of  Rev.  Thomas  Coker  Adams! 
m.  1843  her  cousin  Major-Gen.  H.  W.  Adams,  C.BI 
who  was  killed  in  the  Crimea,  1854  ;  was  raised  bf 
royal  warrant  to  the  rank  of  the  wife  of  a  K.C.B} 
to  which  honour  he  was  intended  to  have  beef  j 
raised  in  1855. — Anstey  Hall,  near  Warwick. 

ADAMS,  John,  Esq.  (of  Hollyland). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Adams,  Esq.,  by  Sophi  il 
dau.  of  the  late  Ven.  Archdeacon  Holcombtj 
b.  1796  ;  s.  his  grandfather  1833  ;  on.  1828  Ann| 
eldest  dau.  of  Henry  Gibbons,  Esq.,  of  Oswestrjj 
co.  Salop.  Educated  at  Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford;  isjjl 
Magistrate  for  co.  Pembroke  (High  Sheriff  183/f 
This  family  was  formerly  of  Buckspool,  and  PatcH 
or  Patrick  Church,  co.  Pembroke,  where  thijj 
have  been  landowners  since  the  end  of  the  14  U 
century. — Hollyland,  near  Pembroke. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Alexander  Philips,  Cajjl 
R.A.;  b.  1831. 

4  I 



DAMS,  John  Hervey,  Esq.  (of  Northlands). 
Eldest  sou  of  late  Very  Rev.  Samuel  Adams  (Dean 
of  Cashel),  of  Northlands,  co.  Cavan,  by  Frances, 
youngest  dau.  of  Capt.  John  Hervey,  of  Killane 
Castle,  co.  Wexford  ;  b.  1818  ;  s.  1856  ;  m.  1846 
Elizabeth,  3rd  dau.  of  Ambrose  Going,  Esq.,  of 
Ballyphilip,  co.  Tipperary.  Educated  at  Trinity 
Coll.,  Dublin  (B.  A.  1841)  ;  called  to  the  Irish  Bar 
in  1842  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Cavan  and  Mona- 
ghan  (High  Sheriff  1854).  This  family  are  de- 
scended from  the  old  Scottish  house  of  Adam,  and 
enjoy  the  freedom  of  Drogheda,  for  the  services  of 
their  maternal  ancestor  General  Scurlogh  Williams. 
—Northlands,  near  Carrickmacroy,  co.  Cavan. 
Heir,  his  son  Samuel  Allen,  b.  1847. 

DAMS,  Bichard  Wallis  G-oold,  Esq.  (of  James- 
f  brook). 

;  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Michael  Goold  Adams,  Esq., 
of  Jamesbrook,  co.  Cork,  by  Martha,  2nd  dau.  of 

i  Simon  White,   Esq.,    of    Bantry   House,  Cork, 

\  and  sister  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Bantry  ;  b.  1802  ;  m. 

i'  1852  Mary  Sarah,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Wil- 
liam Wrixon  Becher,  Bart.     Educated  at  Trinity 
Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1823) ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Cork. — Jamesbrook,  near  Cloyne,  co.  Cork. 
Heir,  his  sou  William  Richard,  b.  1853. 

DAMS,  Samuel  Hamilton  Goold,  Esq.  (of  Salis- 

I  Youngest  son  of  the  late  Michael  Goold  Adams, 
|  Esq.,  by  Martha,  dau.  of  Richard  White,  Esq.,  of 

Bantry,  co.  Cork  ;  b.  1815  ;  m.  1st  1847  Fanny,  dau. 

of  Col.  Bernard,  of  Castle  Bernard,  King's  co.  ;  2nd 
.  1852  Fanny,  dau.  of  the  Very  Rev.  Dr.  De  Burgh, 
I  Dean  of  Cloyne.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ; 
«  appointed  Ensign  10th  Foot  1837,  retired  1842  ;  is 

a  Magistrate  for  co.  Tipperary. — Salisbury,  near 

Clonmel,  co.  Tipperary. 

!  DAMS,  Thomas  Travers,  Esq.  (of  Ahavagur- 
J  rah). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Wm.  Adams,  Esq.,  of  Cork 
and  Ahavagurrah,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Travers, 
Esq.,  of  Cork  ;  b.  1790  ;  s.  1846;  m.  1822  Hannah, 
2nd  dau.  of  Capt.  Evans,  of  Tipperary  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  cos.  Limerick,  Cork,  and  Tipperary.  This 

;  family  is  of  Scottish  descent. — Ahavagurrah,  near 

:  Ballinlauder-s,  co.  Limerick. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George,  b.  1809. 

DAMS,  Kev.  William. 

Only  son  of  the  late  William  Adams,  Esq.,  by 
Anne,  dau.  of  James  Daniel,  Esq.,  of  Colchester; 
6.  1806  ;  m.  1838  Catherine  Anna,  dau.  of  William 

[Sibley,  Esq.,  of  Wellingborough,  co.  Northampton 
(she  d.  s.  p.  1854).  Educated  at  Queen's  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge (B.A.  1829,  M.A.  1832);  appointed  1841 

j  Rector  of  Throcking,  of  which  he  is  also  Patron  ; 

l  is  a  Magistrate  for  Herts,  and  Chairman  of  the 

1  Bench  of  Special  and  Petty  Sessions  for  the  divi- 

|  sion  of  Buntingford  ;  descended  from  Rev.  Simon 
Adams,  of  Morton  Pinkney,  and  Rector  of  Aston- 

I  le-Walls,  co.  Northampton,  1678,  the  elder  branch 
of  whose  descendants  are  now  settled  at  Anstey 

I  Hall,  co.  Warwick  (whom  see). — Throcking  Rec- 
tory, near  Buntingford,  Herts  ;  National  Club,  S.W. 

ADAMS,  William  Dacres,  Esq.  (of  Bowdon). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Adams,  Esq.  (who 
was  M.P.  forTotries  in  five  successive  Parliaments), 
by  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  Richard  Dacres,  Esq.,  of 
Leatherhead,  Surrey,  and  brother  of  the  late  General 
Sir  G.  P.  Adams,  K.C.B.  ;  b.  1775  ;  s.  1811; 
m.  1804  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  M.  W.  Mayow,  Esq., 
of  Sydenham,  Kent.  Was  formerly  Private  Secre- 
tary to  the  Right  Hon.  William  Pitt,  and  a  Com- 
missioner of  Woods,  Forests,  and  Land  Revenue. — 
Bowdon,  near  Totnes,  Devon. 

Heir,  his  eldest  surviving  son  Dacre?,  Vicar  of 
Bampton,  Oxon,  and  a  Magistrate  for  that  co.  ; 
b.  1806  ;  m.  1832  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  B.  Fulford, 
Esq.,  of  Fulford,  Devon. 

ADAMS,  William  Henry,  Esq. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Adams,  Esq.,  of 
Normancross,  Hunts,  by  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  W. 
Farr,  Esq.,  of  Romsey,  Hants;  6.  1809  ;  m.  1832 
Anne,  dau.  of  late  T.  Walford,  Esq.  Called  to  the 
Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1843  ;  appointed  Re- 
corder of  Derby  1858,  Attorney-General  at  Hong 
Kong  1859;  is  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Lincoln  ;  was  M.P.  for  Boston  1857-9. — Boston, 
Lincolnshire  ;  Carlton  and  National  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his?  son  William  Henry,  b.  1834  ;  m.  1855 
Susanna  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Rev.  Dr.  James,  Vicar  of 
Llanwnog,  co.  Montgomery. 

ADDERLEY,  Right  Hon.  Charles  Bowyer  (of 
Hams  Hall). 
Elder  son  of  the  late  Charles  Clement  Adderle}', 
Esq.,  of  Hams  Hall,  co.  Warwick,  by  Anna  Maria, 
dau.  of  the  late  Sir  E.  C.  Hartopp,  Bart.,  of 
Freathby,  co.  Leicester  ;  b.  1S14  ;  s.  his  great-uncle 
1826  ;  m,  1842  Julia  Anne  Eliza,  eldest  dau.  of 
1st  Lord  Leigh.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Warwick  and 
Stafford,  and  has  been  M.P.  for  N.  Staffordshire 
since  1841  ;  was  President  of  the  Board  of  Health, 
and  Vice-President  of  the  Committee  of  Council  on 
Education  1858-9. — Hams  Hall,  Minworth,  Bir- 
mingham ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. ;  35,  Eaton  Place,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Charles  Leigh,  b.  1846. 

ADDERLEY,  Ralph  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Barlaston). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Ralph  Adderley,  Esq.,  of 
Coton  Hall,  co.  Stafford,  by  Rosamond,  dau.  and 
co-heir  of  William  Mills,  Esq.,  of  Barlaston  Hall, 
co.  Stafford  ;  b.  1826  ;  s.  1851  ;  m.  1859  Maria 
Catharine  Wilhelmina,  dau.  of  Peter  Broughton, 
Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford;  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Staffordshire  ;  for- 
merly Captain  of  the  Queen's  Own  Royal  Stafford- 
shire Yeomanry.  — ■  Barlaston  Hall,  near  Stone, 
Staffordshire  ;  Coton  Hall,  near  Uttoxeter. 

ADDINGTON,  Right  Hon.  Henry  Unwin. 
Second  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  J.  H.  Addington, 
M.P.  (who  d.  1818),  by  Mary.,  dau.  and  heiress  of 
H.  Unwin,  Esq.,  and  nephew  of  1st  Lord  Sid- 
mouth  ;  b.  1790;  m.  1836  Eleanor  Ann;-,  eldest 
dau.  of  the  late  T.  C.  Buoknall-Estcourt,  Esq., 
many  years  M.P.  for  Oxford  University,  Educated 
at  Winchester  Coll,  :  entered  the  Foreign  Office 
1807  ;  was  Secretary  of  Legation  at  Lerlin  April- 



September,  1818,  at  Stockholm  1818-14,  at  Berne 

1SU-1S,  at  Copi nhai^i  n  1^21-2;  Chargo  d'Allaires 
at  Washington  1822-6  ;  British  Minister  at  Frank- 
Fort  1828-9,  hi  Madrid  1829-81;  Under-Secretary 
of  State  for  Foreign  Affairs  1842-54;  sworn  a 
Member  of  the  Privy  Council  1854. — Travellers' 
Club  ;  7$,  Katon  Place,  S.W. 
1L  ir,  his  son  Henry,  b.  1887. 

ADDLNGTON,  Hon.  William  Wells. 

(See  Sidmouth.) 

ADDISON,  Thomas-Batty,  Esq.  (of  Preston). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Addison,  Esq.  (Barrister 
at  Law),  by  Agnes,  dau.  of  Thomas  Batty,  Esq., 
of  Avenham  House,  Preston;  b.  1787  ;  s.  1837. 
Educated  at  Charterhouse  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the 
Inner  Temple  1808  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Lancashire. 
This  family  is  originally  from  Westmoreland,  but 
has  been  settled  in  Preston  since  the  earlier  part  of 
the  17th  century.— 23,  Winchley  Square,  Preston, 
Lancashire  ;  27,  Sussex  Gardens,  Hyde  Park,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  niece  Anne  Agnes,  only  child  of 
his  late  brother  John  Addison,  Esq.,  Barrister  at 
Law,  Judge  of  County  Courts  for  North  Lancashire 
(who  d.  1859),  m.  1845  Colonel  John  Crofton. 

ADEAWE,  Henry  John,  Esq..  (of  Babraham). 
Eldest  son  of  late  H.  J.  Adeane,  Esq.  (who  was  M.P. 
for  Cambridgeshire  1830-2),  by  Matilda,  dau.  of 
1st  Lord  Stanley  of  Alderley  ;  b.  1833  ;  s.  1847. 
Educated  at  Harrow  ;  is  Captain  Cambridgeshire 
Militia  ;  formerly  Lieutenant  62nd  Foot ;  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Cambridge ;  elected 
M.P.  for  Cambridgeshire  1857. — Babraham,  near 
Cambridge;  Arthur's,; Brookes',  and  Boodle's  Clubs, 
S.W.  ;  8,  Seamore  Place,  W. 

ADEY,  Daniel  Goodson,  Esq..  (of  the  Cell). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Daniel  Adey,  Esq.,  ofSeddle- 
wood  and  Combe,  co.  Gloucester;  b.  1787  ;  m. 
1820  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  the  Eev.  Carpenter  Gape, 
of  St.  Albans.  Educated  at  Harrow  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Beds,  Herts,  and  the 
Liberty  of  St.  Albans  ;  appointed  a  Poor  Law  Com- 
missioner 1834.  This  family  were  formerly  citizens 
of  Calais,  whence  they  came  to  England,  in  Queen 
Mary's  reign,  and  settled  at  Doddington,  Kent, 
whence  they  migrated  into  Gloucestershire  early  in 
the  17th  century.— The  Cell,  Markgate  Street,  near 
Dunstable,  Beds. 

Heir,  his  son  Francis  William,  in  Holy  Orders  ; 
h.  1821 ;  m.  1858  Mary  Brooke,  2nd  dau.  of  Thomas 
Oliver,  Esq.,  of  Child  Okeford,  co.  Dorset. 

ADLAM,  William,  Esq.  (of  the  Firs). 

Only  son  of  the  late  John  Adlam,  Esq.,  by  Mary 
Ann,  dau.  of  John  Moore,  Esq.,  of  Bristol  (a  de- 
scendant of  an  old  Somersetshire  family) ;  b.  1814  ; 
s.  1858  ;  ro.  1848  Sophia  Harford,  only  dau.  of 
Philip  Parker,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Somerset. 
— The  Firs,  Chew  Magna,  near  Bristol. 

ADMiTTT,  Rev.  Bobert  Thomas  (of  Cadeby). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Adnutt,  M.A., 
Hector  of  Croft,  co.  Leicester,  by  Margery  Cathe- 

rine, dau.  of  Bobert  Green,  Esq.,  of  Normanton; 
b.  1802  ;  s.  1826.  Educated  at  Emmanuel  Coll., 
Cambridge  (B.A.  1824,  M.A.  1828) ;  appointed 
Hector  of  Croft  1826 ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Leicester, — Cadeby,  near  Hinckley,  Leicestershire. 

AD  YE,  Willett  Lawrence,  Esq.  (of  Merly  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Major  James  Pattison  A  dye,  1 
R.A.,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  the  late  T.  Mortimer  » 
Kelson,  Esq.,  of  Sevenoaks ;   b.  1818;  m.  1856  ! 
Elizabeth,  younger  dau.  of  the  late  Robert  Ross,  'J 
Esq.,  of  Cargenholm,  co.  Kirkcudbright.     Is  a 
Magistrate  for  Dorset,  and  Lord  of  the  manors  of 
Corfe  Mullen  and  Corfe  St.  Nicholas,   in   that  | 
county.    This  family  was  formerly  of  Doddington, 
in  Kent,  and  afterwards  of  the  island  of  St.  Chris- 
topher, W.  I.  —  Merly  House,  near  Wimborne, 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Ralph  Willett,  b.  1857. 

AFFLECK,  Sir  Bobert,  Bart.  (ei\  1782). 

Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Rev. 
Sir  Robert  Affleck,  Bart.,  by  Maria,  dau.  of  Sir  E. 
Impey  ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  his  brother  as  6th  Bart.  1854  j 
m.  1850  Maria  Emily,  eldest  dau.  of  Edmund  S. 
Burton,  Esq.,  of  Churchill,  co.  Northampton.  Is 
a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cambridge.  The  1st  Bart, 
served  under  Admiral  Rodney.  The  family  has 
been  located  in  Suffolk  since  the  seventeenth  cen- 
tury.— Dalham  Hall,  near  Newmarket,  Cambridge- 
shire ;  Fingringhoe,  near  Colchester,  Essex. 
Heir,  his  son  Robert,  b.  1852. 

AFFLECK,  Lady. 

Everina  Frances,  dau.  of  F.  Ellis,  Esq.  ;  m.  1st 
1834  the  Rev.  Sir  George  Affleck,  Bart.,  who  d.  j| 
1854  ;  2nd  (as  2nd  wife)  1858  the  Rev.  William 
Whewell,  D.D.,  Master  of  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge. 
— Trinity  Lodge,  Cambridge. 

AGAB,  Sir  Emanuel  Felix,  K.J.J,  (er.  1812). 
Son  of  the  late  —  Agar,  Esq.  ;  b.  1783.  A  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel in  the  army,  retired ;  wras  formerly  an 
Officer  in  the  Life  Guards  ;  served  in  the  Peninsula 
was  M.P.  for  Sudbury  1807-12;  formerly  a  Clerk 
in  the  Treasury  of  the  Navy. — Georgiana  House, 
Cheltenham  ;  Junior  United  Service  Club,  S.W. : 
7,  Stratford  Place,  W. 

AGAB,  Hon.  and  Venerable  James. 
Third  son  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Normanton,  by  Jane, 
dau.  of  Wm.  Benson,  Esq.  ;  b.  1781  ;  m.  182i 
Louisa,  dau.  of  S.  Thompson,  Esq.,  of  Greenmount 
co.  Antrim  Educated  at  Westminster  and  Ch.  Ch.I 
Oxford  (B.A.  1802,  M.A.  1805) ;  appointed  Rectoi 
of  Holy  wood  1806,  Archdeacon  of  Kilmore  1820  - 
Rectory,  Holy  wood,  co.  Down. 


(See  Clifden,  Viscount.) 

A  GAB-BOB  ABTES,  Thomas  James  (of  Lanhy 

Only  son  of  the  late  Hon.  C.  B.  Agar,  by  Anni^_ 
Maria,  only  dau.  of  Thomas  Hunt,  Esq.,  of  Mol,  j 
lington  Hall,  Cheshire  (grand-niece  of  the  last  EaijJ 
of  Radnor  of  the  Robartes  family),  and  grandson 
the  1st  Viscount  Clifden  ;  b.  1808  ;   s.  1811  ; 



1839  Juliana,  dau.  of  the  late  Eight  Hon.  E.  Pole 
Carew.  Educated  at  Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1830)  ;  assumed  the  additional  name  of 
Eobartes  in  1826  ;  is  a  Special  Deputy  Warden  of 
the  Stanneries  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  E.  Cornwall 
since  1847. — Lanhyderock,  near  Bodmin,  Cornwall  ; 
Athenaaum  Club,  S.W. ;  1,  Dean  Street,  Park 
Lane,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas,  b.  184-. 

GrG,  William  John,  Esq.  (of  Hewletts). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Captain  Agg,  E.E.I.C.'s 
Engineers,  by  Edith,  dau.  of  James  Gardner,  Esq., 
of  Cheltenham  ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  1827  ;  m.  1829  Mary, 
I  dau.  of  W.  Morland,  Esq.,  of  West  Ilsley,  Berks. 
Educated  at  Pembroke  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1821, 

■  M.A.  1824) ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Gloucester. — 
Hewletts,  near  Cheltenham. 

Heir,  his  son  William,  Major  51st  foot,  b.  1831. 

3-NEW,  Sir  Andrew,  Bart.  (cr.  1629). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Andrew  Agnew,  Bart. 
|  (who  was  M.P.  for  co.  Wigton  1832-7),  by  Made- 
I  line,  dau.  of  Sir  David  Carnegie,  Bart.,  M.P.,  of 
,  Southesk,  N.B.  ;  b.  1818  ;  s.  as  8th  Bart.  1849  ; 
I  m.  1846  Louisa,  dau.  of  1st  Earl  of  Gainsborough. 

Educated  at  Harrow  ;  is  Vice-Lieut,  of  co.  Wigton  ; 
I  has  been  M.P.  for  co.  Wigton  since  Feb.  1856; 

served   with  the   93rd   Highlanders   during  the 

rebellion  in  Canada  in  1838,  and  was  afterwards 
I  Captain  4th  Light  Dragoons.  This  family  held  the 
,  office  of  hereditary  Sheriff  of  the  county  of  Wigton 
?  for  upwards  of  250  years,  prior  to  1747,  when 

heritable  jurisdictions  were  abolished. — Lochnaw 
•  Castle,  near  Stranraer,  Wigtonshire,  N.B'. ;  Brookes' 
I  and  Army  and  Navy  Clubs,  S.W. ;  8,  Bolton 
I  Street,  W. 

I    Heir,  his  son  Andrew-  Noel,  b.  1850. 

(See  Vans-Agnciv.) 

ILESEURY   (Marquis   of),  George  William 

Frederick  Brudenell-Bruce  (cr.  1821). 
Eldest  son  of  the  1st  Marquis,  by  his  1st  wife, 

■  Henrietta  Maria,  dau.  of  1st  Lord  Berwick;  b. 

I  1804  ;  s.  1856  ;  m.  1837  Mary  Caroline,  dau.  of 
|  11th  Earl  of  Pembroke,  K.G.  Educated  at  Eton 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Wilts,  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  Wilts 
Yeomanry;  was  M.P.  for  Marlborough  1826-30  ; 
called  to  the  House  of  Lords  in  1838  as  Lord 
Bruce.  Patronage  9  livings.  Is  descended  from  a 
common  ancestor  witli  the  Earl  of  Elgin. — Totten- 
I  ham  Park,  near  Marlborough,  Wilts;  78,  Pall 
Mall,  S.W. 

|     Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Lord  Ernest  Augustus 

(whom  see). 
!  ILESBTJRY,  Marchioness  Dowager  of. 
I  Maria,  dau.  of  the  late  Hon.  C.  Tollemache,  by  his 

2nd  wife,  Gertrude  Florinda,  dau.  of  Lieutenant- 
i  General  Wm.  Gardner  ;  m.  1833  (as  2nd  wife) 
,  Charles,  1st  Marquis  of  Ailesbury,  K.T.,  who  d. 
I  1856.— 10,  Hertford  Street,  Mayfair,  W. 

JILSA  (Marquis  of),  Archibald  Kennedy  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Earl  of  Cassilis,  by  Eleanor, 
j  dau.  of  the  late  Alexander  Allardyce,  Esq.,  of 

Dunotter,  co.  Kincardine,  and  grandson  of  1st 
Marquis  ;  b.  1816  ;  s.  1846  ;  on.  1846  Julia,  dau.  of 
Sir  B.  M.  Jephson,  .Bart.  Is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Ayr:;  was  formerly  Lieutenant 
17th  Lancers.  — Culzean  '  Castle,  near  Maybole, 
Ayrshire,  N.B.  ;  Burlington  Hotel,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Earl  of  Cassilis,  b.  1847. 

AINSLIE,  Sir  Kobert  Sharpe,  Bart.,  F.S.A.  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  General  George  Ainslie,  by 
Anne,  dau.  of  Samuel  Sharpe,  Esq.  ;  b.  1777  ; 
s.  his  uncle  the  late  Sir  Eobert  Ainslie,  Bart.,  under 
a  special  remainder,  1812.  Educated  at  Trinity 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B,A.  1807)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for 
co.  Lincoln.  Patronage  2  livings.  The  lsj}  Bart, 
was  Ambassador  at  Constantinople. — Great  Tor- 
rington,  nearWragby,  Lincolnshire;  13,  Park  Street, 
Westminster,  S.W. 

AlrTSLIE,  Montague,  Esq.  (of  Grizedale).  > 
Eourth  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Henry 
Ainslie,  Esq.,  M.D.,  by  Agnes,  dau.  and  co-heiress 
of  William  Ford,  Esq.,  of  Waterhead,  Conistone, 
and  Grizedale  ;  b.  1792  ;  s.  1834  ;  on.  1st  1818  Sophia 
Mary,  eldest  dau.  of  George  Poyntz  Bicketts,  Esq., 
of  the  Bengal  Civil  Service  ;  2nd  1834  Mary  Ann, 
eldest  dau.  of  Colin  Campbell,  Esq.,  M.D.,  Physi- 
cian-General in  Bengal.  Educated  at  the  Charter- 
house and  Haileybury  Coll.  ;  appointed  to  the 
Civil  Service  in  Bengal  in  1807,  and  was  Political 
Agent  in  Bundelcund  to  Earl  Amherst  and  Lord 
W.  Bentinck,  Governors-General  of  India ;  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster. 
— Grizedale,  Hawkshead,  near  Windermere,  Lan- 

Heir,  his  son  Montague  Mordaunt,  b.  1823. 

AHKTS WORTH,  Peter,  Esq.  (of  Smithills  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Eichard  Ainsworth,  Esq. 
(who  cl.  1833),  by  Sarah,  dau.  of  James  Noble,  Esq., 
of  Lancaster  ;  b.  1790  ;  on.  1815  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
A.  Byrom,  Esq.,  of  Fairview,  near  Liverpool.  Is 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster  ;  was 
M.P.  for  Bolton  1835-47.— Smithills  Hall,  near 
Bolton,  Lancashire  ;  Union  Club,  S.W. 

AIREY,  Sir  Richard,  K.C.B.  (cr.  1855). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-General  Sir  G. 
Airey,  G.C.B.,  by  Catharine,  dau.  of  1st  Baroness 
Talbot  de  Malahide  ;  b.  1803  ;  Ml.  1838  his  cousin 
Harriet  Mary,  dau.  of  3rd  Lord  Talbot  de  Malahide. 
Educated  at  Sandhurst ;  a  Major-General  in  the 
army  ;  formerly  Lieutenant-Colonel  34th  foot ;  is 
Quartermaster-General  at  the  Horse  Guards  ;  late 
Quartermaster-General  in  the  Crimea,  where  he 
served  1854-5  ;  has  served  in  North  America  and 
Ionian  Islands  ;  was  Dep.  Adjutant-General  1888 
47,  and  Military  Secretary  to  the  Commander-in- 
Chief  1852-4.— Horse  Guards,  S.W.  ;  37.  Grosvcnor 
Place,  S.W.  ;  United  Service  Club,  8.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Eichard,  b.  1844. 

AIRLIE  (Earl  of),  David  Graham  Dvummomi- 
Ogilvy  (cr.  1639). 
Eldest  son  of  the  8th  Earl  by  bis  1st  wile  CtaBMD* 
tina,  only  dau.  of  the  late  Gavin  Dnininunul.  Esq  . 
of  Keltic;  b.  182G  :  s.  ISiO  ;  m.  1851  Henrietta 

Ait  I 


Blanche;  dau.  of  2nd  Lord  Stanley  of  Alderley. 
Educated  at  Hon  and  Oh.  Oh.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1S47)  ; 
is  :\  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Forfar; 
Captain  Forfarshire  Yeomanry,  and  a  Representa- 
tive Peer  for  Scotland.  This  title,  forfeited  in 
171.*).  was  restored  in  1  82(!.  — Cortachy  Oastle,  near 
Kenieinuir,  Forfarshire,  N.B.  ;  27,  Berkeley 
Square,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Lord  Ogilvy,  b.  1856. 

AITCHISON,  Sir  John,  K.C.B.  (cr.  1859). 

Son  of  the  late  —  Aitchison,  Esq.  ;  b.  1788  ;  entered 
the  army  as  Ensign  1S05  ;  became  a  Major-General 
1841,  Lieutenant-General  and  Colonel  72nd  foot 
1851  ;  served  in  the  Peninsula  and  in  India  ;  was 
formerly  in  the  Scots  Fusilier  Guards. — United 
Service  Club,  S.W.  ;  C8,  Cadogan  Place,  S.W. 

AITCHISON,  Admiral  Robert. 

Son  of  the  late  William  Aitchison,  Esq.,  by  Jane 
Mylne,  dau.  of  George  Mylne,  Esq.,  of  Longridge  ; 
b.  1796;  m.  1st  1821  Eliza,  dau.  of  Matthew 
Munro,  Esq.  ;  2nd  1838  Catharine,  dau.  of  Henry 
Combe  Compton,  Esq.,  late  M.P.  for  S.  Hants. 
Is  a  Magistrate  for  Hants  and  Dorset  ;  entered  the 
Navy  1809,  and  became  a  Bear-Admiral  in  1852. 
— Lyndhurst,  Hants  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

AKERS,  Mrs.  (of  Mailing  Abbey). 

Isabella,  dau.  of  John  Larking,  Esq.,  late  of  Clare 
House,  Kent  ;  m.  1821  Aretas  Akers,  Esq.,  Justice 
of  the  Peace  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Kent,  who  d. 
1855.  This  family  was  formerly  of  the  island  of 
St.  Vincent,  W.  Indies,  and  they  purchased  Mai- 
ling Abbey  in  1850. — Mailing  Abbey,  near  Maid- 
stone, Kent. 

Heir,  her  grandson  Aretas,  b.  1851,  eldest  son  of 
her  son  the  late  Bev.  Aretas  Akers,  by  Frances 
Maria,  dau.  and  co-heiress  of  Francis  Brandram, 
Esq.,  of  Tunbridge  Wells,  Kent. 

AKROYD,  Edward,  Esq..  (of  Bank  Field). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Jonathan  Akroyd,  Esq. ; 
b.  1810  ;  m.  1838  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  John 
Fearby,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
West  Biding  of  Yorkshire  ;  sole  partner  in  the  firm 
of  James  Akroyd  and  Son,  Worsted  Manufacturers, 
and  Chairman  of  the  Leeds,  Bradford,  and  Halifax 
Bailway  Company;  was  M.P.  for  Huddersfield 
1857-9.  Batron  of  1  living. — Bank  Field,  near 
Halifax  ;  Denton  Bark,  near  Otley,  Yorkshire  : 
Brookes'  Club,  S.W. 

ALBEMARLE  (Earl  of),  George  Thomas  Kep- 
pel  (cr.  1696). 
Second  son  of  the  4th  Earl  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
the  20th  Lord  De  Clifford;  b.  1799;  s.  his  brother 
as  6th  Earl,  1851  ;  m.  1831  Susannah,  dau.  of 
Sir  C.  Trotter,  Bart.  Educated  at  Westminster ; 
is  a  Major-General  unattached  ;  late  a  Groom  in 
Waiting ;  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Nor- 
folk ;  was  M.P.  East  Norfolk  1832-34,  and  for 
Lymington  1847-50.  Patronage  4  livings. — Quid- 
denham  Hall,  near  Attleborough,  Norfolk  ;  Athe- 
naeum and  Brookes'  Clubs,  S.W. ;  95,  Park  St.,  W. 


ount  Bury,  late  M.P.  for  U1 
in   Scots  Fusilier   Guards;  ' 

Heir,  his  son  Viscoun 
Norwich,    and  Captai 

b.  1832  j  m.  1855  Sophia,  dau.  of  Sir  A.  N.  McNab,' 

ALBEMARLE,  Dowager  Countess  of. 

Charlotte  Susannah,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  H.  Hunloke, 
Bart,  {ext.)  of  Wingerworth,  co.  Derby  ;  in.  1822  (as 
his  2nd  wife)  William  Charles,  4th  Earl  of  Albe- 
marle, who  cl.  1-849. — Twickenham,  S.W. 

ALCOCK,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Kingswood  Warren), 
Son  of  the  late  Joseph  Alcock,  Esq.,  of  Boehamp- 
ton,  Surrey;  b.  1801  ;  in.  1831  Caroline,  dau.  oil 
the  late  Bear-Admiral  Stuart.  Educated  at  Har- 
row;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Surrey;  was  M.P.  foit 
Newton  1826-30,  for  Ludlow  1839-40,  and  has  sail 
for  East  Surrey  since  1847. — Kingswood  Warren. . 
near  Epsom,  Surrey ;  Union  and  Brookes'  Clubs, 
S.W.  ;  7,  Suffolk  Street,  S.W. 

ALCOCK-STAWELL,  William  St.  Leges?, 
(of  Kilbrittain  Castle). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Alcock,  Esq 
Colonel  1st  Surrey  Militia,  by  Caroline  Catherine 
Letitia,  dau.  of  3rd  Viscount  Doneraile  ;  b.  1808 
m.  1845  Charlotte  Harriet  Esther,  only  dau.  anoj 
heiress  of  Jonas  Stawell,  Esq.,  of  Kilbrittain  (fr 
Charlotte,  1st  dau.  of  2nd  Viscount  Doneraile) 
whose  name  he  has  assumed.  Is  a  Magistrate  fo 
co.  Cork,  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  North  Corl 
Bifies ;  was  formerly  a  Captain  Boyal  Welsl 
Fusiliers,  and  subsequently  Lieutenant-Colone 
South  Cork  Militia.  —  Kilbrittain  Castle,  nea 
Bandon,  co.  Cork  ;  United  Service  and  Junio 
United  Service  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Jonas  William,  b.  1846. 

ALDAM,  William,  Esq.  (of  Frickley  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Aldam,  Esq.,  b 
Sarah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Jowitt,  Esq.,  of  Leeds 
b.  1813  ;  m.  1845  Mary,  dau.  of  the  Bev.  Godfref 
Wright,  of  Bilham  House,  near  Doncaster.  Ediij 
cated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1836)1 
called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1839;  j 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  York! 
was  M.P.  for  Leeds  1841-7.  This  family  is  I 
branch  of  the  family  of  Pease,  of  Darlington,  arj 
took  the  name  of  Aldam  under  the  will  of  Kathir 
rine  Aldam,  maternal  aunt  of  the  late  Wm.  Aldan!) 
Esq.,  by  which  he  succeeded  to  an  estate  at  W:| 
renswortb,  parts  of  which  appear  by  existing  titl  I 
deeds  to  have  been  in  the  possession  of  the  family  Iji 
Aldam  from  the  14th  century. — Frickley  Hall,  nea 
Doncaster,  Yorkshire ;  Oxford  and  Cambridj 
Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Wright,  b.  1853. 

ALDBOROUG-H  (Earl  of),  Benjamin  O'Neafi 
Stratford  (cr.  1777). 
Elder  son  of  the  5th  Earl,  by  Cornelia  Jane,  eldeji 
dau.  of  Charles  Henry  Tanby,  Esq.  ;  b.  180l|| 
s.  1849.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  m 
co.  Wicklow  ;  late  Captain  1st  Dragoon  Guarcfl 
— Belan  Hall,  co.  Kildare  ;  Stratford  Lodge,  c  I 
Wicklow  •  Junior  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 



j  jDEESEY,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Aldersey  Hall). 
Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Samuel 
Udersey,  Esq.,  of  Aldersey  Hall,  Chester,  by  Lucy, 
lau.  of  George  Baylis,  Esq.,  of  Shiffnall ;  b.  1830  ; 
.  1855  ;  m.  1856  Rose  Sidney,  2nd  dau.  of  the  Rev. 
t.  B.  Blomfiekl,  Rector  of  Stevenage,  Herts.  Was 
ormerly  Captain  1st  Royal  Cheshire  Militia.  This 
arnily  have  been  seated  at  Aldersey  since  the  Con- 
quest.— Aldersey  Hall,  Cheshire  ;  Spurstow  Hall, 
lear  Whitchurch,  Salop. 
Heir,  his  son  Hugh,  b.  1858. 

,  jDERSON,  Lady, 
ireorgiana,  3rd  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  Edward  Drewe, 
[lector  of  Willand,  co.  Devon,  by  Caroline,  dau.  of 
John  Allen,  Esq.,  of  Cresselly,  co.  Pembroke  ; 

En.  1823  Hon.  Sir  E.  H.  Alderson  (a  Baron  of  the 
Sxchequer),  who  d.  1857. — 9,  Park  Crescent,  W. 

I  jDIS,  Sir  Charles,  Knt.,  M.R.C.I.E.  (cr.  1821). 
Son  of  the  late  D.  Aldis,  Esq.,  Surgeon,  of  Hoxne, 
Suffolk  ;  b.  1776  ;  m.  1st  1801  Mary  Frances,  dau. 
)f  R.  Berridge,  Esq.  ;  2nd  1830  Mdlle.  Anne  Maria 
Viel.  Is  a  Surgeon  in  practice,  and  a  Member  of 
;he  Coll.  of  Surgeons  ;  late  in  practice  at  Hertford  ; 
;vas  formerly  on  the  Medical  Staff  for  prisoners  of 

Ivar. —  Hoxne,  near  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  Suffolk; 

0  .3,  Old  Burlington  Street,  W. 

d  Heir,  his  son  Charles  James  Berridge,  M.D.,  of 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  b.  1808 ;  m.  1835  Ara- 

1  jella,  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  J.  Brome. 

jjDWOETH,  Richard  Oliver,  Esq.  (of  Few- 
I  market). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Robert  Rogers  Aldworth, 
I  Esq.,  by   Elizabeth,    dau.  of  Ven.  Archdeacon 

Oliver,  of  Ardagh  j  b.  1794  ;  s.  1836  ;  m.  1824 
.  Letitia,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Viscount  Ennis- 
g  nore.    Educated  at  Rugby  and  Brasenose  Coll., 

Oxford ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
ho.  Cork  (High  Sheriff  1832).  This  family  was 
>  ormerly  settled  at  Stanlake,  Berks. — Newmarket, 

rear  Kanturk,  co.  Cork. 
Heir,  his  son  Richard  William,  b.  1825  ;  Lieu- 

;euant-Colonel  7th  Royal  Fusiliers. 

liEXANDER,  Sir  Robert,  Bart.  (er.  1809). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  W.  Alexander,  Bart.,  by 

\  Catharine,  dau.  of  J.  F.  Malpas,  Esq.  ;  b.  1769  ; 

1  ?.  as  2nd  Bart.  1823  ;  m.  1807  Eliza,  only  dau.  and 
heiress  of  John  Wallis,  Esq.,  who  d.  1845.  This 
Family  is  descended  from  the  old  Celtic  family  of 
Macdonald.— 22,  St.  James's  Place,  S.W. 

j  Heir,  his  son  William  John,  Q.C.,  and  Attorney- 
General  to  H.R.H.  the  Prince  of  Wales  ;  b.  1809. 

uEXANDER,   Sir  James    Edward,  Knight, 

K.C.L.S.,  K.J.J,  (cr.  1838). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Alexander,  Esq.,  of 
\  Powis,  N.B.,  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Clackmannan,  by 
{Catherine,  dau.  of  John  Glas,  Esq.,  Provost  of 
Stirling;  b.  1803  ;  m.  1837  Eveline  Marie,  3rd  dau. 
of  Lieutenant-Colonel  C.  C.  Michell,  K.H.  Edu- 
cated at  the  Universities  of  Edinburgh  and  Glasgow, 
and  at  the  Royal  Military  Coll.,  Sandhurst ;  served 
in  the  Cavalry  in  India  ;  appointed  Adjutant  Body- 
guard of  Sir  Thomas  Monro,  Governor  of  Madras  ; 

was  present  in  the  Burman,  Persian,  Turkish,  Por- 
tuguese, Caffre,  and  Russian  wars  ;  received  deco- 
rations and  war  medals,  and  was  knighted  by  the 
Queen  for  exploring  and  surveying  in  the  interior  of 
Africa;  afterwards  performed  the  same  duties  for 
the  Government  in  the  forests  of  America ;  was  on 
Staff  of  Generals  Sir  Benjamin  D'Urban  and  Sir 
William  Rowan  ;  commanded  the  14th  regiment 
at  the  siege  and  fall  of  Sevastopol.  Descended  from 
a  common  ancestor  with  the  Earls  of  Stirling  ;  is 
author  of  several  works  of  Biography,  Travels,  &c. 
■ — Westerton  House,  near  Stirling,  N.B.  *  United 
Service  and  Athenaeum  Clubs,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Edward  Mayne,  b.  1847. 

ALEXANDER,  Boyd,  Esq.  (of  Balloehmyle). 
Youngest  son  of  the  late  Claud  Alexander,  Esq., 
by  Helenora  eldest  dau.  of  Sir  William  Maxwell, 
Bart.,  of  Springkell,  co.  Dumfries;  b.  1796  ;  s.  to 
South  Barr,  Renfrewshire,  1845,  and  to  Balloehmyle, 
Ayrshire,  1853  ;  m.  1828  Sophia  Elizabeth,  3rd 
dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Benjamin  Hobhouse,  Bart.,  and 
sister  of  Lord  Broughton,  G.C.B.  Is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Renfrew. —  Balloehmyle, 
near  Mauchline,  N.B.  ;  South  Barr,  near  Paisley, 

Heir,  his  son  Claud,  an  Officer  in  the  Gi'enadier 
Guards,  b.  1831. 

ALEXANDER,  John,  Esq.  (of  Milford  House). 
Son  of  the  late  John  Alexander,  Esq.,  by  Chris- 
tiana, dau.  of  Lorenzo  Nickson,  Esq.,  of  Chapel 
Izod,  co.  Kilkenny  ;  b.  1802  ;  m.  1848  Esther, 
eldest  dau.  of  M.  Brinkley,  Esq.,  of  Parsonstown, 
co.  Meath.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin 
(B.A.  1823,  M.A.  1825);  (High  Sheriff  1824); 
was  M.P.  for  Carlo w  boi'ough  1853-9  ;  is  claimant 
of  the  Earldom  of  Stirling. — Milford  House,  Car- 
low  ;  Kildare  Street  Club,  Dublin  ;  Carlton  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  John,  b.  1850. 
ALEXANDER,  Mrs.  (of  Portglenone). 

Florinda,  2nd  dau.  of  R.  Bagley,  Esq.,  by  Alicia, 
dau.  of  the  2nd  Lord  Castlemaine;  m.  1841  Natha- 
niel, son  of  the  late  Rev.  Robert  Alexander,  and 
grandson  of  the  late  Most  Rev.  N.  Alexander, 
D.D.,  Lord  Bishop  of  Meath,  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Antrim,  and  M.P.  for  co. 
Antrim  1841-52,  who  d.  1854. — Portglenone,  near 
Ballymena,  co.  Antrim. 

ALFORD,  Lady  Marian  Margaret. 

Elder  dau.  of  the  2nd  Marquis  of  Northampton  ; 
m.  1841  Viscount  Alford,  eldest  son  of  the  1st  Earl 
Brownlow,  who  d.  1851. — Ashridge,  near  Berk* 
hamstead,  Herts  ;  11,  Princes  Gate,  S.W. 

ALINGTON,  George  Marmaduke,  Esq.  (of  Swil- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Marmaduke  Alington, 
by  Ann,  dau.  of  Rev.  John  Bmeris,  of  Louth  :  . 
1798  ;  1840  ;  m.  1825  Marv,  8rd  dau.ol  Mathew 
Bancroft  Lister,  Esq.,  of  Burnwell  Park,  co.  Lin- 
coln. Educated  at  Westminster  and  St,  John's 
Coll.,  Cambridge ;  is  a.  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Lincoln.  This  family  is  descended  from  Sir 
Hildebrand  d'Alington,  who  came  over  with  the 


county  fam  i  Lies  of 

Conqueror.  Win.  Alington  was  raised  by  Charles  I. 
to  b  peerage,  whioh  became  extinct  in  Hilde- 
biftnd,  4th  Baron;  and  the  large  estates  obtained 
by  marriage  with  heiresses  of  the  Argentines  ended 
with  the  female  representatives  of  the  elder  branch, 
the  present  lino  descending  from  Ceorge,  2nd  son 
6f  Sij-  Giles  Alington.— Swinhope,  Binbrook,  near 
MarketBaisen,  Lincolnshire;  University  Club,S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Charles  Argentine,  b.  1828. 

ALINGTON,  Rev.  John  (of  Letcliworth  House). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Eev.  W.  Alington,  of  Twywell, 
near  Thrapston,  co.  Northampton,  by  Sarah,  dan.  of 
J  ohn  Williamson,  Esq.,  of  Baldoclc,  Herts  ;  b.  1795 ; 
ft.  1S22  ;  m.  1822  Eliza  Frances,  dau.  of  the  late 
Pvt.  lion.  Sir  T.  Plumer.  Educated  at  Westminster 
and  Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1816,  M.A.  1820). 
Is  a  Magistrate  for  Bedfordshire.  —  Letchworth 
House,  near  Hitchin,  Herts  ;  Little  Barford  Manor, 
near  St.  Neots,  Hunts. 

Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1826. 

ALINGTON-PYE,  Henry,  Esq. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Eev.  M.  Alington,  of  Swin 
hope,  Lincolnshire,  by  Anna,  dau.  of  the  Eev.  E. 
Emeris,  of  Louth;  b.  1800  ;  m.  1st  1826  Charlotte 
Mary,  2nd  dau.  and  coheiress  of  J.  Yarborough,  Esq., 
of  Frampton  ;  2nd  1854  Albinia  Frances,  eldest 
dau.  of  6th  Earl  of  Buckinghamshire.  Educated  at 
Westminster  ;  assumed  the  name  and  arms  of  Pye, 
according  to  the  will  of  Mrs.  Sarah  Eowe. — Louth, 

Heir,  his  dau.  Charlotte  Alington  (by  his  1st 
wife),  m.  1854  Eev.  C.  C.  Barnard. 

ALISON,  Sir  Archibald,  Bart.,  D.C.L.,  LL.D., 
F.R.S.  (cr,  1852). 
Elder  son  of  the  late  Eev.  A.  Alison,  Prebendary  of 
Sarum,  &c.,  by  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Dr.  John  Gregory, 
of  Edinburgh  j  b.  1792  ;  m.  1825  Elizabeth  Glen- 
cairn,  dau.  of  Colonel  P.  Tytler,  brother  of  Lord 
Woodhouselee.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Edinburgh 
University ;  called  to  the  Scottish  Bar  1815  ;  is 
Sheriff  Principal  and  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Lanark  ; 
author  of  a  History  of  Europe,  &c.  ;  was  formerly 
Advocate  Depute  and  Queen's  Counsel.  This  family 
is  descended,  on  the  father's  side,  from  Edward  I., 
Eobert  Bruce,  and  Philip  IV.,  and  on  the  mother's 
from  the  Eoyal  House  of  Stuart  and  the  Duke  of 
Lennox. — Possil  House,  near  Glasgow  ;  AthenEeum 
Club,  S.W.  ;  38,  Jermyn  Street,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Archibald,  Lieutenant-Colonel  72nd 
Highlanders  ;  served  with  distinction  in  the  Crimea 
and  India  ;  b.  1826  ;  m.  1857  Jane,  dau.  of  James 
Conn  ell  Black,  Esq. 

ALLAN,  Robert  Henry,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  (of  Black- 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Eobert  Allan,  Esq., 
of  Newbottle,  co.  Durham,  by  Hannah,  dau.  of  W. 
Havelock,  Esq.,  of  Sunderland  (aunt  of  the  late 
eminent  Commander  Sir  Henry  Havelock,  K.C.B.); 
b.  1802  j  s.  1854  ;  m.  1841  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  J. 
Gregson,  Esq.,  ofBurdon,  co.  Durham.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Durham  (High  Sheriff 
1851),  and  a  Magistrate  for  N.  Biding  of  Yorkshire. 
This  family  has  been  settled  in  co.  Durham  for  up- 
wards of  two  centuries,  and  is  descended  from  the 

ancient  family  of  Allan,  of  Buckenhall  and  Brock- 
house,  co.  Stafford,  seated  there  in  1290. — Black- 
well  Hall  and  Blackwell  Grange,  near  Darlington. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George  Thomas,  b.  1804. 

ALLCAED,  William,  Esq.  (of  Burton  Closes). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Allcard,  Esq.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster,  and 
a  Magistrate  for  co.  Derby.  —  Burton  Closes,  near 
Bakewell,  Derbyshire  ;  EeformClub,  W.;  43,  Upper 
Brook  Street,  W.  - 

ALLEN,  Charles  Hugh,  Esq.  (of  Little  Haven). 
Third  but  2nd  surviving  son  of  the  late  Charles, 
Bowen  Allen,  Esq.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  I 
Bowen,  Esq.  ;  b.  1831;  m.  1856  Mary,  youngest  I 
dau.  of  Thomas  Eichard  Sanders,  Esq.  Is  a  Magi- j 
strate  for  co.  Pembroke. — Little  Haven,  near] 
Haverfordwest,  Pembrokeshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Allen  Charles,  b,  1857. 

ALLEN,  John,  Esq.  (of  Coleridge  House). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Michael  Allen,  Esq.,  by 

-    Agnes  Cornish,  dau.  of  John  Cornish,  Esq., 
Coleridge  House,  Devon;  b.  1800  ;  s.  1828  ;m 
1836  Marianne  Catharine,  dau.  of  the  late  Edmun 
N.  W.  Fortescue,  Esq.,  of  Fallapit,  Devon.  Is 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Devon  ;  formed 
a  Captain  in  the  North  Devon  Militia.   This  famil 
was  formerly  of  Seveock,  near  Truro,  Cornwall. 
Coleridge  House,  near  Kingsbridge,  Devon. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Michael,  b.  1837. 

ALLEN,  Seymour  Philipps,  Esq.  (of  Cresselly) 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Hensleigh  Allen,  Esq,  k 
by  Gertrude,  dau.  of  the  late  Lord  Eobert  Seymour  I 
b.  1814  ;  s.  1843  ;  m.  1843  Catherine,  eldest  dau| 
of  Newton,  4th  Earl  of  Portsmouth.  Educated  a ' 
Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  am! 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Pembroke  (High  Sheriff  1850) 
was  formerly  Lieutenant  1st  Life  Guards.  ThiJ 
family  is  a  younger  branch  of  the  Aliens  of  Dai| 
Castle,  co.  Pembroke. — Cresselly,  near  Pembroke!!, 
Travellers'  and  White's  Clubs,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Henry  Seymour,  b.  1847. 

ALLEN,  William,  Esq.  (of  Lisconville). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Allen,  Esq.,  b: 
Mary,  dau.  of  James  Low,  Esq.,  of  Sally  Park,  ct 
Cork  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  1854  ;  m.  1841  Clara,  dau.  c 
Christopher  Blunt,  Esq.,  of  Derriguin  Castle,  c<  I 
Kerry.    Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (BJ1 
1833)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cork.    This  famil  j 
was  formerly  of  Greenfield,  co.  Cork. — Lisconvill' 
near  Kanturk,  co.  Cork. 

Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1842. 

ALLEYNE,  Sir  Reynold  Abel,  Bart.  (cr.  1769). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  J.  G.  Alleyne,  Bart.,  tl 
his  2nd  wife  Jane,  dau.  of  A.  Alleyne,  Esq.  ;  Lj 
1789  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1801  ;  m.  1810  Eebecca,  da? 
of  J.  Olton,  Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  ;  was  former i 
Lieutenant  16th  foot ;  appointed  toH.M.'s  Counu 
in  Barbados  1818,  and  was  for  thirty  years  a  Meij/ 
ber  of  H.M.'s  Council  in  Barbados,  and  Colonel  [ 
the  St.  Peter's  and  St.  Lucia's  regiment  of  Militi! 
This  family  were  formerly  Lords  of  the  Manor  \\ 



uckenhale,  in  Kent,  but  emigrated  during  the 
vil  War  to  Barbados,  where  they  became  large 
•oprietors. — Barton-under-Needwood,  near  Bur- 

Heir,  his  son  J ohn  Gay  Newton  (late  Warden  of 
ulwich  Coll.),  b.  1820  ;  m.  1851  Augusta  Isa- 
illa,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  H.  Fitzherbert,  Bart. 

LGOOD,  Lancelot  John  Hunter,  Esq..  (of  Nun- 

Idest  son  of  the  late  R.  L.  Allgood,  Esq.,  by 
lizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Hunter,  Esq.,  of  the  Her- 
itage ;  b.  1823;  s.  1854;  m.  1845  Louisa  Char- 
tte,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Noel  Hill,  K.C.B. 
ducated  at  Rugby ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
ieut.  for  Northumberland  (High  Sheriff  1858) ; 
as  formerly  Lieutenant  13th  Light  Dragoons. — 
unwich,  near  Hexham,  Northumberland  ;  Army 
d  Navy  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  James,  in  holy  orders, 
1826;  m.  1854  Isabella,  dau.  of  late  C.  A.  Wil- 
imson,  Esq. 

LISON,  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  Bilby). 

Idest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Allison,  Esq.,  by 
ary,  dau.  of  Matthew  Booth,  Esq.,  of  Kirkburton, 
ar  Huddersfield ;  b.  1785;  s.  1812;  m.  1817 

lizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Hodgkinson,  Esq.,  of 

Drworth,  Notts. — Bilby,  near  East  Eetford,  Notts, 
Heir,  his  son  William  Hodgkinson,  b.  1838. 

LIX,  Charles,  Esq.  (of  Willoughby  Hall). 
Idest  son  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Wager  Allix,  by 
itharine,  dau.  of  Richard  Townley,  Esq.,  of  Bel- 
jld,  co.  Lancaster,  and  grandson  of  the  late 
iarles  Allix,  Esq.,  of  Swaffham  House,  co.  Cam- 
idge  ;  b.  1783  ;  s.  1796  ;  m.  1808  Mary,  dau.  of 
rilliam  Hammond,  Esq.  Educated  at  Harrow 
id  Ch.  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
ieut.  for  Lincolnshire.  This  family  is  descended 
om  a  noble  family  who  fled  from  France  at  the 
vocation  of  the  edict  of  Nantes,  in  1680. — Wil- 
li ghby  Hall,  near  Grantham. 
Heir,  his  son  Frederick  William,  5.1816;  m. 
545  Sophia,  dau.  of  Christopher  Noel,  Esq. 

LIX,  Colonel  Charles  (of  Swaffham  House). 
Idest  surviving  son  of  the  late  J.  P.  Allix,  Esq., 
■  Sarah,  dau.  of  Rev.  —  Collier,  of  Swaffham 
•ior,  co.  Cambridge  ;  b.  1787  ;  s.  his  brother,  the 
te  J.  P.  Allix,  Esq.,  M.P.,  1848  ;  m.  1840  Mary  Ca- 
erine,  dau.  ofC.  Allix,  Esq.,  of  Willoughby  Hall, 
ducated  at  Harrow,  and  was  formerly  an  officer 
the  Guards.  This  is  a  younger  branch  of  the 
mily  of  Allix  of  Willoughby  Hall  (whom  see). — 
■vaffham  House,  near  Newmarket,  Cambridge- 

e;  Guards' Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Charles,  b.  1841. 

LOWAY,  Robert  Morellet,  Esq.  (of  the  Der- 

Idest  son  of  the  late  W.  J.  Alloway,  Esq.,  by 
fargaret,  dau.  of  late  Hon.  Robert  Johnson,  of 
ublin  ;  6.  1807  ;  *.  1820  ;  m.  1832  Marian,  only 
mi.  of  W.  Lewis,  Esq.,  of  Harlech,  co.  Dublin, 
ducated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (of  which  he  is 

M.A.)  ;  called  to  the  Irish  Bar  1830  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  Queen's  county.  This  family  was  formerly 
seated  in  Ayrshire,  and  is  connected  with  the  Mont- 
gomerie  and  Barclay  families  of  Scotland. — The 
Derries,  near  Ballybrittas,  Queen's  co. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  Marmaduke,  b,  1840. 

ALLSOPP,  Henry,Esq.  (of  Burton). 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Samuel  Allsopp, 
Esq.,  by  Frances,  dau.  of  Charles  Fowler,  Esq.,  of 
Shrewsbury  ;  6.  1811  ;  m.  1839  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
William  Tongue,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Staffordshire,  and  a  Magistrate  for  Der- 
byshire. This  family  was  formerly  of  Alsop  en  le 
Dale,  Derbyshire. — Burton-on-Trent  ;  Windham 
Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Samuel  Charles,  b.  1842. 

*  *  > 

AL  SAGES-,  Misses  Ann  and.  Hannah  (of  Cham- 
pion Park). 

Daus.  of  the  late  Charles  Alsager,  Esq.  (Hannah 
m.  18 —  Henry  Pritchard,  Esq.);  theys.  their  bro- 
ther Henry  (nephew  of  Captain  Richard  Alsager, 
lateM.P.  for  East  Surrey)  1859.— Champion  Park, 
Camberwell,  S. 

ALSTON,  Rev.  Edward  Constable. 

Only  son  of  the  late  E.  D.  Alston,  Esq.,  by  Eliza, 
dau.  of  J.  Freeborn,  Esq.,  of  Great  Maplested, 
Essex  ;  b.  1816  ;  s.  1843 ;  m.  1839  Harriette,  dau.  of 
the  late  W.  Rackham,  Esq.,  of  Norwich  ;  2nd  1855 
Anne  Maria,  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  Simpson, 
Esq.,  of  Ufford.  Educated  at  Caius  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge (B.A.  1839,  M.A.  1842);  is  a  Magistrate  for 
Suffolk ;  appointed  Rector  of  Dennington  1855. 
This  family  is  descended  from  the  Alstons  of  Say- 
ham  Hall,  Newton,  Suffolk,  in  which  parish  they 
have  possessed  property  in  uninterrupted  succes- 
sion from  the  reign  of  Edward  III. — Dennington, 
near  Framlingham,  Suffolk. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Edward  Daniel,  b.  1840. 

ALSTON,*  Rowland,  Esq.  (of  Pishiobury). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rowland  Alston,  Esq.  ;  b. 
17 — ;  is  married  ;  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Herts  ;  was  M.P.  for  Herts  1835-41.— Pishio- 
bury, near  Sawbrjdgewortb,  Herts  ;  Reform  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  Rowland  Gardner,  B.  A.,  of  Ch.  Ch., 
Oxford,  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Herts  ;  6.  1812. 

ALSTON,  William  Charles,  Esq.  (of  Elmdon 

Third  son  of  the  late  James  Alston,  Esq.,  of  Win- 
eon  Hill,  co.  Warwick,  hy  Anne,  dau.  of  J.  Holt, 
Esq.,  of  the  Woodhouses,  Salop;  b.  1796  ;  m.  1841 
Elizabeth  Anne,  youngest  dau.  of  Col.  Fetherston, 
of  Packwood.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
co.  Warwick.  This  family  was  formerly  from 
Bedfordshire  |  they  went  to  Scotland  with  the 
Duke  of  Hamilton,  temp.  Edward  111.  ;  their  pro- 
perty was  confiscated  in  1715,  and  they  were 
obliged  to  fly  to  France. — Elmdon  Hall,  in 

Heir,  his  son  William  Charles,  h.  1849. 




Arabella,  5th  dan.  of  1st  Duke  of  Cleveland,  K.C., 
by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Russell,  Esq.  ;  m>, 
1821  Uii-lianl,  3rd  Lord  Alvanley  {ext.),  who  d. 
1857.— 12,  Bruton  Street,  W. 

AMCOTTS,  Robert,  Esq.  (formerly  Cracroft),  (of 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Cracroft,  Esq.,  by  Pene- 
lope Anne,  dau.  of  Rev.  Dr.  Weston,  of  Sonierby 
Hall,  co.  Lincoln,  Prebendary  of  Durham  ;  b.  1783  ; 
S.  J.&21  ;  m.  1S14  Augusta,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  John 
Ingilby,  Bart.,  and  Lady  Ingilby- Amcotts,  of  Ket- 
tlethorpe  and  Amcotts,  co.  Lincoln,  inrightof  whom 
he  assumed,  in  1S55,  the  name  of  Amcotts  only. 
Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Lincoln  ;  was  formerly  in  the  11th  Light 
Dragoons,  subsequently  Lieutenant-Colonel  Royal 
North  Lincoln  Militia. — Hackthorn,  near  Lincoln  ; 
Junior  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Weston  Cracroft-Amcotts,  who 
resumed  the  name  of  Cracroft  before  that  of  Am- 
cotts iu  1858  ;  b.  1815  ;  m.  1845  Williama  Emma, 
dau.  of  the  late  W.  G.  Cherry,  Esq. 

AMEKY,  John,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  (of  Park  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Amery,  Esq.,  of  Nor- 
ton, co.  York,  by  Anne,  dau.  of  J.  Eccles,  Esq.  ; 
b.  1799  ;  m.  1824  Anne  Dorothea,  dau.  of  Rev. 
F.  W.  Foster.  Called  to  the  Bar  at  Gray's  Inn 
1838  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Worcester,  and  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Stafford. — 
Park  House,  near  Stourbridge,  Staffordshire. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Frederick  Foster,  b.  1825. 

AMES,  Lionel,  Esq.  (of  the  Hyde). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Levi  Ames,  Esq.,  by  Anne 
Bird,  dau.  of  H.  Metcalfe,  Esq.,  of  Merton,  North- 
umberland ;  6.1809  ;  s.  184.6  ;  to.  1848  Augusta 
Percy,  dau.  of  Colonel  Sir  J.  M.  Wilson,  C.B., 
K.H.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Herts  and  Bedfordshire  ; 
served  for  three  years  as  Lieutenant-Colonel  Herts 
Militia  ;  was  formerly  Captain  17th  Lancers. — 
The  Hyde,  near  St.  Albans,  Herts ;  Arthur's  and 
Junior  United  Service  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Lionel  Neville  Frederic,  b.  1850. 

AMHERST  (Earl),  William  Pitt  Amherst  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  1st  Earl,  by  Sarah,  dau.  of  Lord 
Archer,  and  widow  of  the  5th  Earl  of  Plymouth 
(ext.) ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  1857  ;  to.  1834  Gertrude,  dau. 
of  the  late  Hon.  and  Rev.  Hugh  Percy,  D.D., 
Bishop  of  Carlisle.  Educated  at  Westminster  and 
Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford,  where  he  graduated  B.A.  as  2nd 
class  in  Classics  1827  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Kent;  was  M.P.  for  Kent  1831-2. 
Patronage  7  livings.  The  1st  Earl  was  Governor- 
General  of  India.— Montreal,  near  Sevenoaks, 
Kent ;  66,  Grosvenor  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Holmesdale,  Captain 
Coldstream  Guards,  and  M.P.  for  West  Kent,  b. 

AMHERST,  Countess  Dowager. 

Mary,  eldest  dau.  and  co-heir  of  John,  3rd  Duke 
of  Dorset,  by  Arabella  Diana,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir 

Charles  Cope,  Bart.  ;  to.  1st  1811  Other  Archer, 
6th  Earl  of  Plymouth,  who  d.  1833  ;  2nd  1839  (atfjj 
2nd  wife)  William,  1st  Earl  Amherst,  who  d.  1857. ih 
— Knowle  Park,  near  Sevenoaks,  Kent ;  66,  GrosiL 
venor  Street,  W. 

AMHERST,  Right  Rev.  Francis  Kerril  (of  Field 
gate  House). 
Son  of  the  late  William  Kerril  Amherst,  Esq.,  by 
Mary  Louisa,  dau.  of  Francis  Fortescue  Turville 
Esq.,  of  Boswprth  Hall,  co.  Leicester  ;  b.  1819 
Educated  at  St.  Mary's,  Oscott ;  is  Roman  Catholii 
Bishop  of  Northampton.  This  family  is  descender 
from  a  common  ancestor  with  Earl  Amherst. 
Fieldgate  House,  Kenilworth,  Warwickshire 
Bishop's  House,  Northampton. 


(See  Tyssen-Amhwrst.) 

AMOS,  Andrew,  Esq.  (of  St.  Ibbs). 

Son  of  the  late  James  Amos,  Esq.,  by  France 
Cornelia,  dau.  of  General  Bonte"  ;  b.  1794  ;  s.  1836 
to.  1826  Margaret,  dau.  of  Rev.  Professor  Lax 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridg 
(B.A.  1813),  of  which  College  he  was  Fellow  an 
Auditor ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  i 
1818,  and  went  the  Midland  Circuit ;  is  a  Magis. 
trate  for  Herts,  and  Downing  Professor  of  Commo 
Law  in  University  of  Cambridge  ;  was  formerly 
Member  of  the  Supreme  Council  of  India,  Recoi  ' 
of  Oxford,  Nottingham,  and  Banbury,  and  a  Con  J 
missioner  for  the  Amendment  of  Criminal  Law.- 
St.  Ibbs,  near  Hitchin,  Herts. 
Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1827. 

AMPHLETT,  Richard  Paul,  Esc-.,  Q.C  (of  Wyel' 
bold  Hall). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Richard  Holmdci 
Amphlett,  Rector  of  Hadzor,  co.  Worcester,  I 
Sarah,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  Paul,  Esq.,  of  Bloomsbui 
Square,  London  ;  b.  1809  ;  to.  1840  Frances,  on), 
child  and  heiress-at-law  of  Edward  Ferrand,  Esq 
of  St.  Ives,  Yorkshire.  Educated  at  St.  Peteii 
Coll.,  Cambridge,  of  which  he  was  a  Fellow  (B.i 
1831,  M.A.  1834) ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincolr  £ 
Inn,  1834  ;  appointed  one  of  Her  Majesty's  Couns 
1858;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Worcester. — Wye 
bold  Hall,  near  Droitwich,  Worcestershire  ;  Oxfo 
and  Cambridge  Club,  S.W. ;  32,  Wimpole  Stret 

ANDERSON,  Sir  Charles  Henry  John,  Bart.  (< 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Charles  John  Andersc  i 
Bart.,  by  Frances  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Nj 
thorpe,  Bart.,  of  Scawby ;  b.  1804  ;  s.  as  10th  Ba[ 
1804;  to.  1832  Emma,  dau.  of  J.  S.  FoljamH 
Esq.,  of  Osbertou,  Notts.    Educated  at  Oriel  Co j 
Oxford  (B.A.  1826,  M.A.  1828) ;  is  a  MagistrJ 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lincoln,  parts  of  Lindsij 
and  Chairman  of  the  Quarter  Sessions  ;  was  Hi"; 
Sheriff  of  co.  Lincoln  1851  ;  is  Pati'onof  one  li villi 
This  family  is  descended  from  Roger  Anderson  ii 
Wrawby,  temp.  Edward  IV.,  and  said  to  be|j 
Danish  extraction. — Lea  Hall,  near  Gainsborou|f 
Lincolnshire  ;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Francis  Foljambe,  b.  1842. 



PERSON,  Sir  James  Caleb,  Bart.  (cr.  1813). 
ildest  son  of  the  late  John  Anderson,  Esq.,  of 
'ermoy,  co.  Cork,  by  his  2nd  wife  Elizabeth,  only 
au.  of  James  Temple,  Esq.,  of  Waterford  ;  b. 
792  ;  in.  1815  Caroline,  dau.  of  Eobert  Shaw,  Esq., 
f  Dublin,  and  half-sister  of  Sir  Eobert  Shaw, 
iart.  ;  was  raised  to  the  Baronetage  in  reward 
f  his  father's  public  services. — Buttevant  Castle, 
!ove,  co.  Cork. 

Heir,  his  son  Frederick  York,  b.  1825. 

DEKSON,  Sir  James,  Knight  (cr.  1849). 
on  of  John  Anderson,  Esq.,  merchant,  of  Stirling; 
,  1800  ;  in.  1831  Janet,  only  dau.  of  Eobert  Hood, 
!sq.,  of  Glasgow  ;  is  a  manufacturer  at  Glasgow, 
f  which  he  has  been  Lord  Provost ;  was  M.P.  for 
re  Stirling  boroughs  1852-9. — 3,  Blythwood  Square, 
lasgow  ;  Eeform  Club,  S.W.  ;  48,  Pall  Mall,  S.W. 

DERSON,  Arthur,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 
on  of  the  late  Eobert  Anderson,  Esq.,  of  Lerwick, 
hetland  ;  b.  1792  ;  m.  1822  Mary  Ann,  dau.  of 
ae  late  Christopher  Hill,  Esq.,  of  Scarborough, 
s  senior  Managing  Director  and  one  of  the 
junders  of  the  Peninsular  and  Oriental  Steam- 
lavigation  Company  ;  Chairman  of  the  Union 
team-Ship  Company  and  of  the  General  Asso- 
iation  of  Steam-Ship  Owners ;  a  Director  and 
itely  Chairman  of  the  Crystal  Palace  ;  and  was 
LP.  for  Orkney  and  Shetland  1847-52.— Norwood 
[rove,  Surrey,  S.  ;  Eeform  Club,  S.W. ;  122, 
,eadenhall  Street,  E.C. 

DERSON,  David,  Esq.  (of  St.  Germains). 
Ildest  son  of  the  late  David  Anderson,  Esq.,  by 
hristina,  dau.  of  the  Eev.  Thomas  Eindlay,  of 
)rummore,  Mid-Lothian  ;  b.  1791  ;  s.  1825  ;  m. 
828  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Sir  James  Nasmyth,  Bart., 
f  Posso.  Educated  at  the  High  School,  Edin- 
urgh,  and  Ob.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  called  to  the  Scottish 
ar  1814  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Laddington. — St.  Germains,  near  Prestonpans, 
T.B.  ;.New  Club,  Edinburgh;  Union  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  David  Murray,  b.  1834. 

DERSON,  James,  Esq.  (of  Grace  Dieu). 
ldest  son  of  the  late  Eev.  Joshua  Anderson  (many 
ears  Eector  and  Vicar  of  My  shall,  co.  Carlow),  by 

nne,  dau.  of  Capt.  W.  Perceval ;  b.  1810  ;  s. 
859  ;  m.  1842  Margaret,  dau.  of  T.  Carew,  Esq., 
f  Ballinamona  Park,  co.  Waterford.  Educated  at 
rinity  Coll.,  Dublin ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Vaterford.  This  family,  formerly  settled  at  Wester 
yre,  Derbeck,  in  Scotland,  came  to  Ireland  temp. 
Villiam  III, — Grace  Dieu,  near  Waterford. 

Heir,  his  son  James  Paul,  b.  1850. 

FDERTON,  William  Ince,  Esq.  (of  Euxton 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Incc  Anderton, 
Isq.,  of  Euxton  and  Ince,  co.  Lancaster,  by  Mary 
1  ranees,  dau.  of  Christopher  Crook,  Esq.  ;  b.  1825  ; 

1848  ;  vi.  1850  Emma  Prances  Mary,  dau.  of  the 
th  Earl  of  Fingall.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
jieut.  for  co.  Lancaster,  and  a  Captain  in  the 
Lancashire  Hussars ;  was  formerly  in  the  17th 
>ancers. — Euxton  Hall,  near  Chorley,  Lancashire. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Arthur  Ince,  b.  1855. 

AND  OVER,  Viscountess. 

Jane  Elizabeth,  eldest  dau.  of  1st  Earl  of  Leicester 
by  his  1st  wife  Jane,  sister  of  1st  Lord  Sherborne  ; 
in.  1st  1796  Charles,  Viscount  Andover  (eldest 
son  of  the  Earl  of  Suffolk),  who  d.  1800  ;  2nd  1806 
Admiral  Sir  Henry  Digby,  G.C.B.',  who  d.  1842. 
—86,  Harley  Street,  W. 

ANDOVER,  Viscount. 

(See  Suffolk,  Earl  of.) 

ANDREWS,  John,  Esq.  (of  Rivington  Hall). 
Second  son  of  the  late  E.  Andrews,  Esq.,  of  Eiving- 
ton  Hall  and  Little  Lever  Hall,  co.  Lancaster,  by 
Sarah,  dau.  of  T.  Cockshott,  Esq.,  of  Marlow,  co. 
York  ;  b.  1786  ;  s.  his  brother  1858. — Eivington 
Hall,  near  Chorley,  Lancashire. 

ANGERSTEIN,  William,  Esq.  (of  Woodlands). 
Youngest  son  of  the  late  John  Angerstein,  Esq. 
(who  was  M.P.  for  Greenwich  1835-7),  by  Amelia, 
dau.  of  the  late  William  Locke,  Esq.,  of  Norbury 
Park,  Surrey;  b.  1811  ;  m.  1842  Mary  Ann,  only 
child  of  the  late  William  Nettleshipp,  Esq.  Edu- 
cated at  Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  Kent;  elected  M.P.  for  Greenwich  1859. 
— Woodlands,  Blackheath,  Kent ;  Travellers' 
Club,  S.W. ;  15,  Stratton  Street,  W. 

ANGLESEY  (Marquis  of),  Henry  Paget,  P.C. 
(cr.  1815). 

Eldest  son  of  the  1st  Marquis,  by  Caroline  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  the  4th  Earl  of  Jersey  ;  b.  1797  ;  s.  1854  ;  in. 
1st  1819  Eleanora,  dau.  of  Colonel  John  Campbell 
(she  d.  1828)  ;  2nd  1833  Henrietta,  dau.  of  Eight 
Hon.  Sir  C.  Bagot,  G.C.B.  (she  d.  1844).  Educated 
at  Westminster  ;  is  a  Colonel  retired,  formerly  in 
the  42nd  foot ;  is  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Anglesey,  for 
which  he  was  M.P.  1820-32  ;  was  summoned  to 
the  House  of  Lords  1832,  as  Lord  Paget,  created 
1550.  The  1st  Marquis  was  a  Field-Marshal  in  the 
army. — Beaudesert,  near  Lichfield  ;  33,  Albemarle 
Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Earl  of  Uxbridge,  b.  1821  ;  rn. 
1845  Sophia,  dau.  of  J.  Eversfield,  Esq.,  of  Deane 
Park,  Sussex.  Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Stafford,  and  late  Lieutenant-Colonel 
Staffordshire  Militia  ;  formely  Lieutenant  1st  Life 
Guards  ;  was  M.P.  for  South  Staffordshire  1845-7. 

ANNESLEY  (Earl),  William  Richard  Anne sley 
(cr.  1789). 

Eldest  son  of  the  3rd  Earl  by  his  2nd  wife  Priscilla, 
dau.  of  the  late  Hugh  Moore,  Esq.,  of  Eglantine 
Lodge,  co.  Down  ;  b.  1830  ;  s.  183S.  Educated  at 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1851)  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Down  ;  was  M.P.  for  Great  Grimsby 
1852-7.— Castle  Wellan,  co.  Down  ;  Carlton  Club, 
S.W.  ;  25,  Norfolk  Street,  Park  Lane,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Hugh,  Captain  Scots 
Fusilier  Guards,  and  late  M.P.  for  co.  Cavan  : 
b.  1831. 

ANNESLEY,  Hon.  Mrs.  Grove. 

Elizabeth,  only  dau.  of  John  Mftb.00,  Esq.,  of  IV  ■ 
borough,  co.  Tipperary  j  in,  1814  Lieutenant" 
General  the  Hon.  Arthur  Anneslej  (3rd  900  of  Sod 

Ann]  COUNTY  Fi 

Earl  Annesley),  who  assumed  the  name  of  Grove, 
and  </.  1849. — Anne's  Grove,  Castletown-Roche, 
co.  Cork. 

ANNESLEY,  Kicliard  Grove-,  Esq.  (of  Anne's 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-General  the  Hon, 
Arthur  Grove-Annesley,  by  Elizabeth,  only  dan.  of 
John  Mahon,  Esq.,  of  Bessborough,  co.  Tipperary, 
and  grandson  of  the  1st  Earl  Annesley ;  b.  1815; 
S,  1849.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll., 
DuHin  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cork. — Anne's 
Grove,  Castletown-Roche,  co,  Cork. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  John  Charles,  b.  1819, 

ANSON,  Sir  John  William  Hamilton,  Bart.  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  General  Sir  William  Anson, 
G.C.B.  (who  was  a  younger  brother  of  the  1st 
Viscount  Anson,  and  uncle  of  the  1st  Earl  of 
Lichfield),  by  Louisa  Frances  Mary,  only  child  of 
John  Dickenson,  Esq.  ;  b.  1816  ;  s.  1847  ;  m.  1842 
Elizabeth  Katharine,  dau.  of  Major-General  Sir 
Denis  Pack,  K.C.B.,  and  grand-dau.  of  the  1st 
Marquis  of  Waterford,  K.P.  Educated  at  Eton 
and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge ;  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster  ;  formerly  Lieutenant 
Royal  Horse  Guards.  Patron  1  living. — Grun- 
disburgh  Hall,  near  Woodbridge,  Suffolk ;  55, 
Portland  Place,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Reynell,  b.  1843. 

ANSON,  Hon.  Augustus  Henry  Archibald. 

Third  son  of  the  1st  Earl  Lichfield  ;  b.  1833.  Is 
Captain  7th  Dragoons  ;  late  Captain  of  Eifle 
Brigade  ;  served  with  distinction  in  India  1857-8  ; 
elected  M.P.  for  Lichfield  1859.— Shugborough, 
near  Stafford  ;  Army  and  Navy  Club,  S.W. 

ANSTEY,  Thomas  Chisholm,  Esq. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Anstey,  Esq.,  of 
Anstey  Barton,  Tasmania,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  — 
Chisholm,  Esq.;  b.  1816;  m.  1839  Harriet,  2nd 
dau.  of  the  late  J.  E.  Strickland,  Esq.,  of  Lough - 
glyn  House,  co.  Roscommon,  Educated  at  Uni- 
versity Coll.,  London;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the 
Middle  Temple  1839  ;  was  M.P.  for  Youghal 
1847-52  ;  Attorney-General  at  Hong-Kong  1854-8. 

ANSTRUTHER,  Sir  Ralph  Abercrombie,  Bart, 
(cr.  1694). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  General  R.  Anstruther  (who 
fell  at  Corunna  1809),  by  Charlotte  Lucy,  dau.  of 
Colonel  James  Hamilton  ;  b.  1804  ;  s.  his  grand- 
father as  4th  Bart.  1818  ;  m.  1831  Mary  Jane,  dau. 
of  the  late  Major-General  Sir  H.  Torrens,  K.C.B. 
Educated  at  St.  Andrew's  University  (LL.D.) 
and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1822) ;  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Fife  and  Caith- 
ness ;  was  formerly  Captain  Grenadier  Guards. 
— Balcaskie,  near  Pittenweem,  co.  Eife  ;  Wattin 
House,  near  Caithness,  N.B.  ;  Travellers'  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  Robert,  Captain  Grenadier  Guai-ds, 
I.  1834  ;  m.  1857  Louisa,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  W. 
Knox  Marshall,  B.D.,  Prebendary  of  Hereford, 


ANSTEUTHEE,    Sir    Windham   Carmichae  f 
Bart.  (cr.  1694). 
Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Pigl  I 
Hon.  Sir  John  Anstruther,  Bart.,  Chief  Justice  el 
Calcutta,  by  Maria,  dau.  of  E.  Brice,  Esq.  ;  \\ 
1790  ;  s.  his  nephew  as  8th  Bart.  1831  ;  m.  It! 
1824  Meredith  Maria,  dau.  of  Charles  Wetherel  i 
Esq.,  (she  d.  1824);  2nd  1841  Anne  Constanci 
youngest  dau.  of  Allen  W.  Grey,  Esq.  (she  d.  1856'' 
3rd  1859  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Parsons,  Esc 
Is  heritable  carver  to  the  Royal  Household  i 
Scotland;    a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lanark,  an 
Major  1st  Lanark  Militia. — Elie  House,  co.  Fife  {, 
Carmichael  and  Westraw  House,  near  Lanark,  N.I  \ 
Heir,  his  son  Windham  Charles  James,  b.  1826.  j 

ANSTRUTHER-THOMSON,  John,   Esq.  (c| 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Anstruther,  Esq.  (wit 
took  the  name  of  Thomson  on  inheriting  from  h  f 
mother  the  Charleton  estates),  by  Clementina,  on! 
dau.  of  the  Right  Hon.  William  Adam,  of  Blai 
Adam  ;  b.  1819  ;  s.  1833  ;  on.  1852  Caroline  Mar; 
AgnesRobina,  only  dau.  of  the  Rev.  John  Hamilfcc 
Gray  (whom  see).    Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magi 
ti'ate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Fife  ;  was  former  j 
an  officer  in  the  9th  Lancers   aud  13th  Liglv| 
Dragoons.    Is  21st  in  direct  male  descent  from  tl  i 
founder  of  the  house  of  Anstruther,  A.D.  110  I 
and  heir  of  line  and  representative  of  Sinclair  Eaj 
of  Orkney  and  Lord  Sinclair. — Charleton,  net 
Colinsburgh,  co.  Fife ;   New  Club,  Edinburgl 
Boodle's.  Junior  United  Service,  and  Army  ar 
Navy  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  St.  Clair,  h.  1853. 


ANTRIM  (Earl  of),  Mark  McDonnell  (cr.  1785) 
Thii'd  son  of  the  late  Countess  of  Antrim,  by  Lo: 
Mark  Kerr  ;  b.  1814  ;  s.  his  brother  as  8th  Ea 
1855  ;  m.  1849  Jane  Emma  Hannah,  dau.  of  Maj 
Macan.  A  Commander  R.N.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  ai 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Antrim. — Glenarm  Castl 
Antrim,  Ireland. 

Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Dunluce,  b.  1851. 

ANTRIM,  Countess  Dowager  of. 

Laura  Cecilia,  5th  dau.  of  5th  Earl  of  Macclt 
field,  by  his  2nd  wife  Eliza,  dau.  of  the  late  W. :  I 
Wolstenholme,  Esq.,  of  Holly  Hill,  Sussex;  ^ 
1836  Hugh,  7th  Earl  of  Antrim,  who  d.  1855, 
31,  Upper  Grosvenor  Street,  W. 

ANTROBUS,  Sir  Edmund,  Bart.  (cr.  1815).  I 
Elder  son  of  the  late  John  Antrobus,  Esq., 
Anne,  dau.  of  Gibbs  Crawfurd,  Esq.,  M.P.,  of  Sai 
Hill,  East  Grinstead  ;  b.  1792  ;  s.  his  uncle,  undi 
a  special  remainder,  as  2nd  Bart.,  1826  ;  m.  18 
Anne,  dau.  of  Hon.  Hugh  Lindsay.  Educated):! 
St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1812)  ;  is| 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Wilts,  and  Patrf 
of  1  living.    For  an  account  of  this  family,  iff 
Ormerod's  "  Cheshire." — The  Abbey,  Amesbuj 
Wilts  ;   Lower  Cheam,  near  Epsom,  Surrey ;  U| 
versity  Club,  S.W.  ;  146,  Piccadilly,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Edmund,  M.P.  for  Wilton,  liffl 
M.P.  for  E.  Surrey  ;  b.  1818  ;  m.  1847  Mariaaj 
Georgiana,  dau.  of  Sir  G.  Dashwood,  Bart.  "Vm 
educated  at  Eton  and  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambria:! ; 



J  TROBTIS,  Gibbs  Crawfurd,  Esq.  (of  Eaton 

econd  son  of  the  late  John  Antrobus,  Esq.,  by 
.nne,  dan.  of  Gibbs  Crawfurd,  Esq.,  M.P.  for 
'ueenboro',  and  younger  brother  of  Sir  E.  Antro- 
us.  Bart.  ;  b.  1793  ;  in.  1st  1827  Jane,  dan.  of  Sir 

:  !.  Trotter,  Bart,  (she  d,  1829) ;  2nd  1832  Char- 
ge, dau.  of  Sir  E.  Crofton,  Bart,  (she  d.  1839). 
Iducated  at  Eton  and  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge 
M.A.  1S21)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
heshire  (High  Sheriff  1834)  ;  was  M.P.  for  Ald- 
orough  and  Plympton  1820-32. — Eaton  Hall,  near 
iongleton,  Cheshire  ;  Travellers'  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Coutts,  b.  1829  ;  ra.  1855 

,  'anny,  2nd  dau.  of  C.  Swetenham,  Esq.,  of  Somer- 

i  ird  Booths. 

i  PJOHN,  Rev.  Michael  Lloyd  (of  Linfield). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Michael  Lloyd,  Esq.  (who 

ssuraed  the  name  of  Appjohn,  after  his  maternal 
.  ncle,  Marshall  Appjohn,  Esq.),  of  Linfield,  co. 
«  iimerick,  by  Charlotte,  dau.  of  —  Crozier,  Esq.,  of 
Iforfolk  (Major  3rd  regt.)  ;  b.  1806  ;  s.  1855  ;  m. 

830  Eliza  Coote,  dau.  of  Major  Barnes.  Edu- 
;  ated  at  Trin.  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1827)  ;  appointed 
l&ector  of  Ballybroad,  co.  Limerick,  1850.  This 
I  imily  came  over  to  Ireland  with  Strongbow,  and 

ave  been  long  resident  on  their  property  in 
ff  jimerick  and  other  southern  counties.  —  Bally- 
b  iroad  Rectory,  near  Cahirconlish,  Ireland ;  Lin- 
(ield,  co.  Limerick. 
§  Heir,  his  son  Michael  Marshall,  b.  1833  ;  m. 
I  854  Olivia,  dau.  of  Thomas  Kearney,  Esq.,  of  Sun- 
•  ille,  co.  Limerick. 

11BUTHNOT,  Sir  Robert  Keith,  Bart.  (er. 
I  1823). 

I  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Arbuthnot,  Bart., 
|>y  Anne,  dau.  of  John  Alves,  Esq.,  of  Shipland  ; 
|<.  1801;   s.  1829  ;   m.  1828  Anne,  2nd  dau.  of 
General  Sir  John   Forster  EitzGerald,  K.C.B. 
I  Educated  at  the  High  School  of  Edinburgh  and 
iaileybury  Coll.  ;  entered  the  Bombay  Civil  Ser- 
vice 1820  ;  retired  1847.   This  family  was  formerly 
ettled  in  Buchan,  and  claims  to  be  descended,  as 
1  ar  back  as  the  early  part  of  the  sixteenth  century, 
I  rom  a  younger  son  of  the  then  Lord  of  Arbuth- 
Iiott,  in  Kincardineshire.  — 16,  Charlotte  Square, 
I  Edinburgh. 

I   Heir,  his  son  William  Wedderburn,  Captain  18th 
Eussars,  b.  1831. 

jtBUTHNOT,  Major-General  Charles  George 
James  (of  Woodford  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  Right  Hon.  Charles  Arbuthnot, 
|)y  Marcia,  dau.  and  co-hen-ess  of  William  Clapcott 
.  Lisle,  Esq.,  and  the  Hon.  Hester  Lisle,  sister  to  the 
Mist  Marquis  of  Cholmondeley ;  b.  1801;  s.  1850; 
I  p.  1833  Hon.  Charlotte  Eliza,  eldest  dau.  of  1st 
juord  Vivian.    Educated  at  Westminster  ;  entered 
U.he  Grenadier  Guards  1817;  became  Lieutcnant- 
I  Jolonel  1824,  Major-General  1851  ;  appointed  to 
'  pommand  of  the  Midland  District  1847,  and  of  the 
■>  Northern  District  in  1851  ;  Colonel  of  89th  foot 
H 858  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Northampton  ;  was 
(formerly  an  Equerry  to  Her  Majesty,  and  M.P. 
fat  Tregony  1830-1.    This  family  is  descended  from 
Hugo  de  Aberbothenoth,  who  lived  in  the  reign  of 

William  the  Lion. — Woodford  House,  near  Thrap- 
stone,  Northamptonshire  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Arthur,  b.  1843. 

AEBUTHNOTT  (Viscount),  John  Arbuthnott 
(cr.  1641). 

Eldest  son  of  the  7th  Viscount,  by  Isabella,  2nd 
dau.  of  Wm.  Graham,  Esq.,  of  Morphie,  co.  Kin- 
cardine ;  5.  1778  ;  s.  1800  ;  m.  1805  Margaret, 
dau.  of  Hon.  W.  Ogilvy.  Was  formerly  Lord  Lieu- 
tenant of  co.  Kincardine.  This  family  was  elevated 
to  the  Peerage  for  their  faithful  adherence  to  King 
Charles  I. — Arbuthnott  House,  near  Dunse,  N.B. 

Heir,  his  son  John,  Master  of  Arbuthnott,  b. 
1806  ;  m.  1837  Jean  Graham,  eldest  dau.  of  9th 
Earl  of  Airlie. 

ABBUTHNOTT,  Hon.  Hugh,  C.B. 

Second  son  of  7th  Viscount  Arbuthnott ;  b.  1780. 
Is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Kincardine,  a  General  in 
the  army,  and  Colonel  38th  foot ;  has  been  M.P. 
for  co.  Kincardine  since  1826. — Arbuthnott  House, 
near  Dunse,  N.B.  ;  Carlton  and  Athenaeum  Clubs, 
S.W.  ;  5h,  Albany,  W. 

ARBTJTHEOTT,  Sir  Alexander  Dundas  Young, 
K.C.B.,  K.J.J,  (cr.  1859). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Robert  Arbuthnott,  of 
the  31st  regt.  (who  was  grandson  of  the  1st 
Viscount  Arbuthnott),  by  Cordelia,  dau.  of  the 
Hon.  General  Murray ;  b.  1796  ;  m.  1827  Catherine 
Maria,  3rd  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  Charles  Eustace, 
heir  to  the  Viscountcy  of  Baltinglas.  Entered  the 
navy  1805  ;  became  a  Vice- Admiral  1856  ;  served 
at  Trafalgar,  Copenhagen,  and  Algiers,  and  with 
the  expedition  to  Spain  in  1835  ;  is  a  Gentleman  of 
the  Privy  Chamber  to  Her  Majesty,  Knight  Com- 
mander of  Charles  III.  and  San  Fernando  of  Spain, 
Knight  of  St.  George  of  Russia,  and  of  the  Medjidie. 
— Shenton  Hall,  near  Nuneaton  ;  14,  Great  George 
Street,  Westminster,  S.W. 

Heiress,  his  dau.  Josette  Eliza  Jane,  m.  1850  F. 
Wollaston,  Esq.,  of  Shenton  (whom  see). 

AECHBOLDj*  Kobert,  Esc-,  (of  Davidstown). 
Son  of  the  late  James  Archbold,  Esq.,  of  Davids- 
town  ;  m.  18 —  Miss  Copeland  (she  d.  1842).  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Kildare  ;  was 
M.P.  for  co.  Kildare  1837-47. — Davidstown,  near 
Castleclerniot,  co.  Kildare. 

AECHDALL,*  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Biversdale). 
Third  son  of  the  late  M.  Archdall,  Esq.,  of  Castle 
Archdall,  co.  Fermanagh  ;  and  brother  of  General 
Mervyn  Archdall,  who  was  M.P.  for  co.  Fermanagh 
1806-34 ;  b.  17—  ;  s.  1839  ;  m.  18—  the  2nd  dau.  of 
W.  Humphreys,  Esq.,  of  Ballyhaise,  co.  Cavan.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Fermanagh. — 
Riversdale,  near  Enniskillen,  co.  Fermanagh. 

Heir,  his  son  Mervyn  Edward,  M.P.  for  co. 
Fermanagh;  b.  1812.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Fermanagh  ;  formerly  Captain  6th 

ARCHER,  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Trelask). 

Eldest  son  of  the  lato  Edward  Aivlier.  by 
Charlotte  Augusta,  dau.  of  Charles  Harward,  Esq 



of  Hayne  House,  Devon;  h.  1S16  ;  s.  1837;  m. 
1S:',S  Sarah  l.vdia,  eldest  dau.  of  Rev.  W.  Rad- 
clitl'e,  of  Warloigh  Hall,  Devon.  Educated  at 
Winchester  and  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford;  is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Cornwall.  This  family  is 
descended  from  Fulbert  Archer,  who  came  over 
with  William  the  Conqueror,  and  has  been  seated 
in  Cornwall  for  four  centuries.  —  Trelask,  near 
Lau nceston ,  Corn wa  1 1 . 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  Gordon,  b.  1816. 

AKDEN,  Bev.  Henry  Cotton  (of  Longerofts,  co. 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Rev.  F.  E.  Arden, 
Rector  of  Gresham,  co.  Norfolk,  by  Rachel,  dau. 
of  J.  Tinckard,  Esq.  ;  b.  1810  ;  s.  1855  ;  m.  1857 
Lydia,  dau.  of  the  late  Rear- Admiral  Hills.  Edu- 
cated at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge;  is  Rector  of 
Blessingham,  and  Perpetual  Curate  of  Sustead, 
Norfolk.  It  appears  from  Dugdale's  History  of 
Warwickshire  that  this  family  is  descended  from 
the  same  ancestor  as  the  noble  families  of  North- 
ampton and  Alvanley  ;  namely,  Alvvyne  de  Arden, 
who  was  Sheriff  of  Warwickshire  temp.  Edward 
the  Confessor.  —  The  Parsonage,  Sustead,  near 
Cromer,  Norfolk. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George  Pinckard,  b.  1813  ; 
m,  1S42  Caroline,  dau.  of  the  late  Rear-Admiral 

ARGLES,  Rev.  Marsham. 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Captain  George  Argles,  R.N., 
of  Brunswick  House,  Hants,  by  Jane,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Atkinson,  Esq.,  of  Kendal ;  b.  1814  ;  m. 
1839  Margaret  Julia,  dau.  of  the  Right  Rev. 
George  Davys,  D.D.,  Bishop  of  Peterborough. 
Educated  at  Winchester  and  Merton  Coll.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1834,  M.A.  1837)  ;  appointed  Rector  of 
Barnacle  1851,  and  a  Canon  Residentiary  of  Peter- 
borough 1857  ;  was  formerly  Chancellor  of  the 
diocese  of  Peterborough.  This  family  has  been 
many  years  settled  at  Eversley  House,  co.  West- 
moreland.— Barnack  Rectory,  near  Stamford. 

ARGYLL  (Duke  of),  George  John  Douglas  Camp- 
bell, K.T.,  P.C.  (cr.  1701). 
Eldest  son  of  the  7th  Duke,  by  his  2nd  wife 
Joanna,  dau.  of  the  late  William  Glassell,  Esq., 
of  Long  Niddry,  East  Lothian  ;  b.  1821  ;  s.  1847  ; 
m.  1844  Elizabeth  Georgiana,  dau.  of  2nd  Duke  of 
Sutherland,  K.G.  ;  is  Hereditary  Keeper  of  the 
Great  Seal  of  Scotland  and  of  the  Queen's  House- 
hold in  that  kingdom  ;  Sheriff  of  co.  Argyll,  Ad- 
miral of  the  Western  Isles,  and  a  State  Councillor 
for  Scotland  ;  sits  in  the  House  of  Lords  as  Lord 
Sundridge  and  Hamilton  (cr.  1776)  ;  was  Lord 
Privy  Seal  1852-5  ;  Postmaster-General  1855-8.  Is 
head  and  chief  of  the  clan  Campbell,  of  which  Earl 
Cawdor,  Lord  Campbell,  and  several  Scottish 
baronets  represent  younger  branches. — lnverary 
Castle,  Argyllshire  ;  Roseneath  Castle,  co.  Dum- 
barton ;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.W. ;  Campden  Hill, 
Kensington,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Marquis  of  Lome,  b.  1845. 

ARGYLL,  Dowager  Duchess  of. 

Anne  Colquhoun,  dau.  of  the  late  John  Cunning- 
ham, Esq.,  of  Craigends,  N.B.  ;  m.  1831  (as  his 

3rd  wife)  John,  7th  Duke  of  Argyll,  who  d.  1847. 
— Ardencaple   Castle,   near  Dumbarton,   N.B.  •  1 
48,  Rutland  Gate,  W. 

ARK  WRIGHT,  the  Rev.  Godfrey  Harry  (0f| 
Sutton  Scarsdale). 
Third  but  elder  surviving  son  of  the  late  Robert  f 
Arkwright,  Esq.,  by  Frances  Crawford,  dau.  off 
S.  G.  Campbell,  Esq.  ;  b.  1815  ;  s.  1859  ;  m.  1844  1 
Frances  Rafela,  3rd  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  H.  Fitz-I 
herbert,  Bart., 'deceased.    Educated  at  Eton  and,! 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1837,  M.A.  1839);. 
appointed  Incumbent  of  Heath,  Derbyshire,  1850. 
— Sutton  Scarsdale,  near  Chesterfield,  Derbyshire.  | 
Heir  Pres.,  his  nephew  William,  b.  1857,  only  j 
child  of  the  late  Major  William  Arkwright,  by  j 
Frances,  dau.  of  Edward  Thornewill,  Esq.,  of  Dove- 
cliff,  co.  Derby. 

ARKWRIGHT,  Rev.  Henry. 

Third  son  of  Peter  Arkwright,  Esq.,  of  Willersley,  j  1 
by  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  Charles  Hurst,  I 
Esq.,  of  Wirksworth  ;  b.  1811  ;  m.  1st  1838  Hen4 
rietta,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  C.  Thornyci'oft  (she  d.\. 
1844)  ;  2nd  1847  Ellen,  dau.  of  J.  HomePurves,  J[ 
Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Canil^ 
bridge  (B.A.  1834,  M.A.  1837) ;  appointed  VicaiJJ 
of  Bodenham  1843. — Bodenham  Vicarage,  neail. 
Leominster,  Herefordshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  John,  b.  1844.  \ 

ARKWRIGHT,  John   Hungerford,  Esq.  (o  I ' 
Hampton  Court).  i 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Arkwright,  Esq.,  b\\ 
Sarah,  eldest  dau.  of  Sir  H.  Hoskyns,  Bart.,  o 
Harewood  ;  b.  1833  ;  s.  1858.    Educated  at  Etoil 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dem 
Lieut,  for  co.  Hereford. — Hampton  Court,  neap V 
Leominster,  Herefordshire.  i 

ARKWRIGHT,  Rev.  Joseph  (of  Mark  Hall).  1 
Sixth  son  of  the  late  Richard  Arkwright,  Esq.,  c 
Willersley,  co.  Derby,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  A.  Sirapj 
son,  Esq. ;  b.  1791  ;   m.  1819  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  ! 
Robert  Wigram,   Bart.    Educated  at  Eton  ani 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1812)  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  Essex  and  Herts. — Mark  Hall,  near  Ha  | 
low,  Essex  ;  Normanton  Turville,  near  Hinckle^i 
Leicestershire  ;  University  Club,  S.W. 

ARKWRIGHT,  Peter  (of  Willersley).  [ 
Third  son  of  the  late  Richard  Arkwright,  Esq.,  [ 
Willersley,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  A.  Simpson,  Esq i! 
of  Bonsall ;  b.  1784  ;  m.  1805  Mary  Anne,  dau.  I 
the  late  Charles  Hurt,  Esq.,  of  Wirksworth,  ci 
Derby.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  fore; 
Derby  (High  Sheriff  1855).— Willersley,  nearMaf 
lock,  Derbyshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Frederick,  b.  1806;  m.  1845  Sus;j| 
Sobrina,  dau.  of  the  Venerable  Archdeacon  Burner 

ARMAGH  (Archbishop  of),  Lord  John  Geori; 
de  la  Poer  Beresford,  D.D.,  P.C. 
Son  of  the  1st  and  brother  of  the  2nd  Marquis  '  | 
Waterford;  b.  1773.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxfo' 
(B.A.  1794,  M.A.  1797);  consecrated  Bishop  || 
Cork  and  Ross  1806;  translated  to  Raphoe  18(1 



Clogher  1819,  to  Dublin  1820,  to  Armagh  1822  ; 
Primate  of  all  Ireland,  and  Lord  High  Almoner 
ere  ;  Prelate  of  the  Order  of  St.  Patrick,  Vice- 
lancellor  and  Visitor  of  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin, 
itronage  120  livings. — The  Palace,  Armagh; 
thenamm  Club,  S.W.  ;  30,  Charles  Street,  St. 
.mes's  Square,  S.W. 

L  VCISTEAD,  Rev.  Charles  John,  F.S.A.,  F.G.S. 

.dest  son  of  the  late  John  Armistead,  Esq.,  by 
ary,  younger  dau.  of  Anthony  Wilson,  Esq.,  of 
igh  Wray,  co.  Lancaster ;  b.  1821  ;  s.  1845. 
lucated  at  Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford  ;  ordained 
3acon,  by  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  to  the 
iracy  of  Westwell,  Kent,  1854,  Priest  1855.  This 
Kiily  was  originally  seated  at  and  derived  its 
tronymic  from  Armistead,  near  Giggleswick.  In 
48,  a  well-endowed  grammar-school  was  founded 
Skipton-in-Craven,  by  Sir  William  Armystead, 
*  »non  of  St.  Paul's,  who  d.  1556. — Roundhay,  near 
ieds  ;  Long's  Hotel,  W. 

U  &ITAGE,  Sir  Blkanah,  Knt.  (cr.  1849). 
lird  son  of  the  late  Elkanah  Armitage,  Esq.,  of 
swton,  co.  Lancaster;  b.  17 — ;  m.  18 — Eliza- 
.  th,  dau.  of  H.  Kirke,  Esq.  A  Manufacturer  and 
itton  Spinner  in  London  and  Manchester  ;  partner 
the  firm  of  Armitage  &  Co. ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 

1,  Lancaster;  has  been  Mayor  of  Manchester. — 
Dpe  Hall,  near  Eccles,  Lancashire  ;  Reform  Club, 


i  MIT  AGE,  George,  Esq.  (of  Milnsbridge 

dest  son  of  J oseph  Armitage,  Esq.  (whom  see) ; 
I  1806  ;  m.  1830  Caroline  Jane,  eldest  dau.  of 
.  mes  Dowker,  Esq.,  of  North  Dalton,  near 
•iffield,  co.  York.  Educated  at  the  Grammar- 
iool,  Manchester  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
eut.  for  W.  Riding  of  Yorkshire. — Milnsbridge 
3use,  near  Huddersfield. 

Heir,  his  son  Joseph  Armitage,  b.  1840 ;  educated 

IIMITAGE,  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  Birkley  Lodge). 

-  dy  son  of  the  late  George  Armitage,  Esq.,  of 
ighroyd  House,  near  Huddersfield,  a  Magistrate 
•  W.  Riding  of  York,  by  Sarah,  dau.  of  Joseph 
alker,  Esq.,  of  Lascelles Hall,  co.  York;  b.  1778  ; 
1815 ;  m.  1804  Anne,  eldest  dau.  of  Joseph 
ylor,  Esq.,  of  Blackley  Hall,  co.  Lancaster.  Is  a 
agistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  the  West  Riding  of 
.  York,  and  a  Magistrate  for  Lancashire. — Birkby 
)dge,  near  Huddersfield. 

Heir,  his  son  George,  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
\  eut.  for  West  Riding  of  York  ;  b.  1806  ;  m.  1830 

,roline  Jane,  eldest  dau.  of  James  Dowker,  Esq., 
IjjN'i  Dalton,  Yorkshire. 

I'.  ^STRONG,  Sir  Andrew,  Bart.  (cr.  1841). 
dest  son  of  the  late  Edmund  Armstrong,  Esq. 
ho  d.  1827),  by  Elizabeth,  sister  of  1st  Lord  Ash- 
wn  ;  b.  1786  ;  m.  1835  Frances,  dau.  of  G.  A. 
lllarton,  Esq.,  of  Ballintoy,  co.  Antrim.  Is  a 
agistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut."  for  King's  co.  (High 

Heriff  1811  and  1836);  was  Receiver-General  of 

Stamps  in  Ireland  1831-41 ;  M.P.  for  King's  co. 
1841-52.  This  family  is  of  Scottish  Border  origin. 
— Gallen  Priory,  near  Ferbane,  King's  co. ;  Reform 
Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Edward  Frederick,  b.  1836. 

ARMSTRONG,  Sir  William  George,  Knt.,  F.R.S. 
(cr.  1859). 

Son  of  the  late  Mr.  Alderman  Armstrong,  of  New- 
castle-on-Tyne  ;  b.  1810  ;  m.  1835  Margaret,  dau. 
of  William  Ramshaw,  Esq.,  of  Bishop  Auckland. 
Is  inventor  of  the  hydraulic  machinery  used  in  docks 
for  working  cranes  and  other  purposes,  as  also  of 
the  hydro-electric  machine,  and  of  the  rifle-cannon 
which  bears  his  name ;  appointed  Engineer  to  the 
War  Department  of  Rifled  Ordnance  1858. — 
Elswick,  near  Newcastle-on-Tyne  ;  9,  Hyde  Park 
Street,  W. 

ARMSTRONG,  Cartaret  Andrew,  Esq. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  St.  George  Armstrong, 
Esq.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Priaulx,  Esq., 
of  Guernsey ;  6.  1797  ;  s.  1856.  Educated  at 
Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1817);  called  to  the 
Irish  Bar  1821.  This  family  is  lineally  descended 
from  John  Armstrong,  Laird  of  Giltknock,  in 
Eskadale,  and  of  Mangerton  Castle,  near  Carlisle, 
who  was  betrayed  to  James  IV.  of  Scotland,  and 
executed  about  the  year  1530.  One  of  his  descend- 
ants, named  Andrew,  settled  in  the  co.  Fermanagh, 
and  some  of  his  descendants  in  the  King's  co. 

Heir,  his  brother  Thomas  (settled  at  Buenos 
Ayres),  m.  Marie,  dau.  of  Don  Pedro  de  Villa- 
nueva,  of  Castile. 

ARMSTRONG,  Rev.  Charles  Edward  (of  Hems- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  C.  E.  Armstrong,  Esq.,  of  the 
E.I.C.  service,  by  Dorothy,  dau.  of  Captain  Wood, 
R.N.,  of  Bowling  Hall,  Yorkshire,  grandfather  of 
Right  Hon.  Sir  Charles  Wood,  Bart.,  M.P.  ;  6. 
1807  ;  s.  1852  ;  m.  1838  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  J. 
Clayton,  Esq.,  of  Enfield  Old  Park.  Educated  at 
Repton  and  Worcester  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1831, 
M.A.  1833)  ;  appointed  Master  of  Hemsworth 
Hospital  and  Vicar  of  Clayton  1832.  This  family 
is  lineally  descended  from  Johnney  Armstrong, 
Thane  of  Gilnocky,  who  was  treacherously  murdered 
by  King  James.  —  Hemsworth,  near  Pontefract, 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  Edward,  Lieutenant  Bengal 
Artillery ;  b.  1839. 

ARMSTRONG,  Edmund  John,  Esq.  (of  Lia- 

Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  J.  Armstrong,  by  Maria 

Cassandra,  dau.  of   Young,  Esq.;  b.  1808 J 

s.  1820  ;  m.  1840  Jane  Catharine,  3rd  dau.  of  T.  H. 
Longden,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  cos.  Clare  and  Dublin. — Lismoher,  near  Ivil- 
fenora,  co.  Clare  ;  Leeson  Street,  Dublin. 
Heir,  his  son  Edmuud  James,  b.  1844. 

ARMSTRONG,  John  Herbert,  Esq.  (of  Killclare). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Armstrong,  Esq.,  by 
Alicia  Laititia,  eldest  dau.  of  Lieut.-Col.  Herbert 
Rawson  Stepney,  of  Durrow,  Kind's  CO.  :  b,  18  ; 
s.  1844;  m.  1856  Elisabeth  Catherine,  2nd  dau.  of 



Robert  William  Lowry,  Esq.,  of  Pomcroy,  «a  Magis- 
trate ami  Hop.  Lieut,  for  co.  Tyrone.  Is  a  Magistrate 
for  King's  CO.  and  W  est  Month,  and  Captain  Royal 
Tyrone  Fusiliers  ;  was  formerly  Lieut.  95th  foot, 
and  Berved  In  China.— Killelaro,  near  Kilbeggan, 
oo.  Westmeath. 

lhh\  his  son  Craves  Lowry  Herbert,  b.  1857. 

ARMSTRONG,  Robert  Baynes,  Esq.,  Q.C. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Armstrong,  Esq.,  of 
Lancaster,  by  Deborah  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert 
Baynes,  Esq.,  of  Cockermouth  ;  b.  1785  $  to.  1842 
Frances,  dau.  of  R.  Blamire,  Esq.,  of  Thackwood, 
Cumberland.  Educated  at  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge (B.A.  1807,  M.A.  1810) ;  called  to  the  Bar 
at  the  Inner  Temple  1814,  and  went  the  Northern 
Circuit  ;  appointed  Recorder  of  Hull  1836,  of 
Leeds  1837,  of  Bolton  and  Manchester  1839  ;  is  a 
Bencher  of  the  Inner  Temple  ;  was  M.P.  for  Lan- 
caster 1848-53. — University  and  Eeform  Clubs, 
S.W.  ;  29,  Chester  Square,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Robert,  b.  1843. 

ARMSTRONG,  William  Jones,  Esq.  (of  Killylea, 
co.  Armagh). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  W.  J.  Armstrong, 
Rector  of  Termanfeckan,  co.  Louth,  by  Margaret, 
dau.  of  John  Tew,  Esq.,  Alderman  of  Dublin 
(whose  sister  in.  the  Rev.  Sir  J.  M.  Stronge,  Bart.)  ; 
5.  1794  ;  s.  1825  ;  to.  1842  Frances  Elizabeth,  only 
dau.  of  Major  C.  Wilson,  22nd  foot,  and  widow  of 
Sir  M.  McCreagh,  K.C.H.  Educated  at  Dun- 
gannon  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  and  M.A.)  ; 
called  to  the  Bar  at  Dublin,  and  subsequently  at 
the  Inner  Temple  ;  has  been  King's  Advocate  of 
Bei'bice,  Deputy  Colonial  Secretary,  King's  Re- 
ceiver-General in  Demerara,  British  Guiana,  &c.  ; 
is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Armagh 
(High  Sheriff  1840) ;  formerly  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Wicklow  ;  was  Lieutenant-Colonel  Berbice  Militia, 
and  A.-D.-C.  to  Governor  Bentinck.  This  family 
derives  from  a  common  ancestor  with  the  Arm- 
strongs of  King's  co.  (whom  see).  Mr.  Arm- 
strong is  descended  through  his  grandmother, 
Grace  Jones,*  from  the  2nd  branch  of  the  Max- 
wells of  Farnham  (see  Farnham,  Lord). — Killylea, 
near  Tynan,  co.  Armagh  ;  Sackville  Street  Club, 
Dublin  j  Union  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Fortescue,  b.  1843. 


(See  MacDonnell.) 

ARMYTAGE,  Sir  George,  Bart.  (cr.  1738). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Armytage,  Esq.,  by 
Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Wm.  Assheton,  Esq.,  of 
Downham  Hall,  co.  Lancaster;  b.  1819;  s.  his 
grandfather  as  5th  Bart.  1836  ;  to.  1841  Eliza 
Matilda  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  J.  Radcliffe,  Bart.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  West  Riding  of 
Yorkshire.  This  family  has  been  seated  in  York- 
shire since  the  reign  of  King  Stephen. — Kirklees 
Hall,  near  Normanton,  Yorkshire  ;  Carlton  Club, 
S.W.  •  27,  Cambridge  Square,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  George  John,  b.  1842. 

*  This  lady  was  a  descendant  of  Colonel  Michael  Jones, 
Commander-in-Chief  of  the  Parliamentary  forces  in  Leinster, 
Governor  of  Dublin  a.d.  1649. 

ARMYTAGE,  Godfrey,  Esq. 

Third  son  of  the  late  John  Armytage,  Esq,,  0 
Kirklees,  co.  York,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Williac 
Assheton,  Esq.,  of  Downham  Hall,  Cuerdale,  Lan 
cashire  ;  b.  1825  ;  to.  1849  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Joh 
Blackburn,  Esq.,  of  the  Cape  of  Good  Hopf 
Educated  at  Royal  Military  Coll.,  Sandhurst ;  i 
Captain  and  Adjutant  6th  West  York  Militia 
late  Captain  6th  foot ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Weil 
Riding  of  Yorkshire. — Halifax,  Yorkshire. 

ARNOLD,  Rev.  James  William,  p.D.  (of  Pol<( 
brook,  co.  Northampton).  | 
Third  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Georg 
Arnold,  Esq.,  of  Ashby  St.  Ledgers,  co.  Nortl 
ampton,  Gentleman  of  the  Privy  Chamber  to  Georj 
III.,  by  Henrietta  Jane,  eldest  dau.  of  late  Gener 
Morrison  (who  was  Colonel  of  4th  regiment 
Quartermaster-General)  ;  b.  1795  ;  s.  his  brot 
1844  ;  to.  1822  Mary,  4th  dau.  of  the  3rd  Earl 
Wicklow.  Educated  at  Clare  Hall,  Cambri 
(B.A.  1816).  This  family  was  formerly  seated 
Armswell  and  Bagbere,  Dorset.  —  Learni 
Priors,  Warwickshire. 

ARNOULD,  Sir  Joseph,  Knt.  (cr.  1859). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Arnould,  Esq.,  M 
of  Whitecross,  near  Wallingford  (who  d.  1859) 
his  1st  wife  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Baily,  Escil 
b.  1815  ;  to.  1841  Maria,  eldest  dau.  of  H.  | 
Ridgeway,  Esq.  (she  d.  1859).    Educated  at  tl 
Charterhouse  and  Wadham  Coll.,  Oxford,  where  11 
gained  the  University  Prize  for  English  verse  18b! 
and  graduated  B.A.  (1st  class  in  classics)  183 ff 
was  afterwards  Fellow  of  his  college  ;  called  to  t 
Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1841,  and  went  | 
Home   Circuit ;  appointed  a  Judge  at  Bomb 
1859.    Is  author  of  a  "Treatise  on  Marine  Ins' 
ance. " — Bombay. 

AREAN  (Earl  of),  Philip  Yorke   Gore,  \K\ 
(cr.  1762). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Hon.  W.  J.  Gore,  by  Ca| 
line,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  T.  P.  Hales,  Bart. 
1801  ;  s.  his  uncle  as  4th  Earl  1837  ;  to.  UM 
Elizabeth  Marianne,  dau.  of  Lieutenant-Gene; 
Sir  W.  F.  P.  Napier,  K.C.B.  Is  Vice-Lieuten 
of  co.  Mayo  ;  was  formerly  Secretary  of  Legat| 
and  Charge  d'Affaires  at  Lisbon. — Saunders  C01 
near  Enniscorthy,   Wexford ;    Castle  Gore, 

Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Sudley,  b.  1839  ;  e 
cated  at  Eton. 

ARRIWDELL,  Sir  William,  Knt.,  C.B.  (cr,18{| 

Is  Chief  Justice  of  British  Guiana. 

ARTHUR,  Sir  Frederick  Leopold,  Bart.  (cr.  18* 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  Sir  Gecj 
Arthur,  K.C.H.,  by  Eliza  Orde,  dau.  of  the  ] 
Sir  John  F.  Sigismund  Smith,  K.C.B.,  R.A.  £ 
1816  ;  s.  1854  ;  to.  1856  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  II 
Earl  of  Kinnoull.  Is  a  Lieutenant-Colonel  u  l 
tached ;  late  Captain  4th  foot ;  was  Military  i 
cretary  to  his  father  in  India.  The  1st  Bart.  I 
many  years  Lieutenant-Governor  of  Upper  Canij| 



£  HUH. 


.  Governor  of  Bombay  1842-6.— Carlton  Club, 
ST*  ;  32,  Gloucester  Square,  W. 
Teir  Pres.,  his  brother  Edward  Penfold,  b.  1825 ; 
ut.  Bombay  Cavalry. 

(See  Leahy,  Arthur.) 
(See  Hunter- Arundell.) 


Benedict  Arnndell  (cr.  1805). 

S  ond  son  of  the  9th  Lord,  by  Mary  Christina, 
d  .  of  8th  Lord  Arundell ;  b.  1804 ;  s.  his  brother 
a  11th  Lord  1834  ;  m.  1st  1826  Lucy,  dau.  of 
I  gk  P.  Smythe,  Esq.,  of  Acton  Burnell,  co. 
■  dp  (she  d.  1827) ;  2nd  1829  Frances  Catharine, 
I  .  of  the  late  Sir  H.  J.  Tichborne,  Bart,  (she  d. 
1  6)  ;  3rd  1838  Teresa,  dau.  of  17th  Lord  Stourton. 
I  icated  at  Stonyhurst ;  is  a  Count  of  the  Holy 
I  nan  Empire,  and  co-heir  to  the  Barony  of  Fitz- 
I  me  of  Kerdeston.     Patronage  2  livings.  The 
I  b  Lord  Arundell  was  a  celebrated  military  cons- 
ider, and  was  raised  to  the  Peerage  for  his 
/■ices  against  the  Turks. — Wardour  Castle,  near 
sbury ;  Union  Club,  S.W.  ;  Stafford  Club,  W. 
Teir,  his  son  John  Francis,  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
its;  6.  1831. 

SJNDELL,  Hon.  Henry  (of  Wakehurst  Place). 
Brd  son  of  9th  Lord  Arundell,  by  his  2nd  wife 

ry,  dau.  of  P.  B.  Jones,  Esq.  ;  b.  1811  ;  m. 
|j2  Elizabeth,  only  dau.  of  Joseph  Esdaile,  Esq. 

Vakehurst  Place,  near  Cuckfield,  Sussex ;  7, 

jton  Road,  West  Brompton,  S.W. 

NDELL,  William  Arundell  Harris,  Esq.  (of 
3t.  Mary's). 

y  son  of  the  late  Rev.  William  Arundell 
?ris  (who  was  eldest  son  of  William  Arundell, 
.,  of  Trengwainton),  by  Mary,  2nd  dau.  of 
n  Beard,  Esq.,  of  Hallwhydon ;  b.  1794  •  s.  1815 ; 
1815  Mary  Lucinda,  dau.  of  William  Webber, 
I.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Pembroke  Coll., 
brd  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Cornwall  and  Devon, 
a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Devon  ;  was  High  Sheriff  of 
nwall  1817,  of  Devon  1841  ;  resumed  the  name 
Arundell  in  1823.— St.  Mary's,  Lifton,  Devon. 
Teir,  his  son  William  Reinfrid  Arundell,  b.  1822  ; 
.855  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Henry  Townend. 

,  William  Hamilton,  Esq.  (of  Ashbrook). 
er  son  of  the  late  W.  Hamilton,  Esq.  (who 
raied  the  name  of  Ash  on  succeeding  to  his 
le's  estates),  by  Elizabeth  Harriet,  dau.  of  — 
iderson,  Esq.,  of  Castle  Dawson,  co.  London- 
flf  ;  b.  1801 ;  s.  1821 ;  m.  1827  Elizabeth  Emma, 
3r  of  the  17th  Earl  of  Morton,  who  d.  1857. 
icated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1822)  ;  is 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Londonderry, 
a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Donegal  and  Tyrone. — 
ibrook,  near  Londonderry. 
Teir,  his  dau.   Caroline  Hamilton,   m.  1853 
:>.  Beresford,  Esq.,  of  Learmount,  co.  London- 

S  BROOK  (Viscount),  Henry  Flower  (cr.  1751). 
C  y  son  of  the  4th  Viscount,  by  his  first  wife 
1  borah  Susannah,  dau.  of  Rev.  W.  M.  Freind ; 

b.  1806  ;  s.  1847  ;  m.  1828  Frances,  dau.  of  the 
late  Rev.  Sir  J.  Robinson,  Bart.  Is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Kilkenny  and  for  Queen's  co. 
— CastleDurrow,  co.  Kilkenny  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. ; 
26,  Dover  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Jeffrey,  late  Lieutenant 
52nd  foot ;  b.  1829. 

ASHBURNHAM  (Earl),  Bertram  Asnburnham 
(cr.  1730). 

Eldest  son  of  the  3rd  Earl,  by  Chaidotte,  dau.  of 
the  1st  Earl  of  Beverley ;  b.  1797  ;  s.  1830  ;  m.  1840 
Katharine  Charlotte,  sister  of  the  10th  Earl  of 
Haddington.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Sussex.  Patronage  8  livings. — Ashburnham  Place, 
near  Battle,  Sussex ;  Barking  Hall,  near  Needham, 
Suffolk  ;  30,  Dover  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Viscount  St.  Asaph,  b.  1840. 

ASHBURISTHAM,  Countess  Dowager. 

Charlotte,  eldest  dau.  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Beverley  ; 
m.  1795  (as  his  2nd  wife)  George,  3rd  Earl  Ash- 
burnham, who  d.  1830. — Southwood  House,  St. 
Lawrence,  Ramsgate  ;  101,  Eaton  Square,  S.W. 

ASHBURNHAM,  Hon.  Percy. 

Second  son  of  the  3rd  Earl  Ashburnham,  K.G.  ^by 
his  2nd  wife  Charlotte,  dau.  of  1st  Earl  of  Beverley)  ; 
b.  1799  ;  m.  1838  Esther,  dau.  of  the  late  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  Bye,  R.E. ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Kent. — Shernfold  Park,  near  Tunbridge  Wells  ; 
39,  Hill  Street,  W. 

ASHBURNHAM,  Hon.  Thomas,  C.B. 

Fourth  son  of  the  3rd  Earl  Ashburnham,  K.G. ;  b. 
1807.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Sandhurst ;  entered  the 
Army  1823  ;  became  a  Major-General  1854  ;  is  an 
A.-D.-C.  to  the  Queen  ;  served  in  the  East  Indies 
under  1st  Viscount  Hardiuge,  and  was  present  at 
Aliwal,  Ferozeshah,  Sobraon,  and  Moodkee  ;  ap- 
pointed to  command  the  British  expedition  against 
Persia  1856,  and  in  China  1857  ;  commanded  a 
division  in  India  1857-8. — United  Service  Club, 
S.W. ;  29,  Davies  Street,  W. 

ASHBURNHAM,  Sir  Anchitel,  Bart,  (cr;  1661). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Sir  John  Ashburnham, 
Bart.,  by  Fanny,  4th  dau.  of  William  Foster,  Esq., 
of  Hollington,  Sussex;  b.  1828  ;  s.  as  8th  Bart. 
1854  ;  m.  1859  Isabella,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late 
Captain  George  Bohun  Martin,  R.N.,  C.B.,  of  East 
Bridgford,  co.  Notts.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Sussex  ; 
is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor  with  the  Earl 
Ashburnham.  —  Broomham  Park,  near  Hastings, 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Lawrence,  b.  1829. 

ASHBURTON  (Lord),  William  Bingham  Baring, 
P.O.  (cr.  1835). 
Eldest  son  of  the  1st  Lord,  by  Anne.  dau.  of  the 
late  William  Bingham,  Esq.,  of  Philadelphia,  U.S.  ; 
b.  1799  ;  s.  1848  ;  m.  1st  1823  Harriet  Maw.  dau. 
of  the  6th  Earl  of  Sandwich  (she  d.  1ST>7^  ;  tad 
1858  Louisa  Caroline,  dau.  of  the  late  Right  Hon. 
J.  A.  Stewart  Mackenzie.  Educated  at  BtOD  ami 
Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1821)  :  was  MP.  tovThot- 

ford,  Callington,  Winchester,  and  North  Stafford- 
c  2 



shire,  1826-48 ;  formerly  Joint  Secretary  to  the 
Board  of  Control,  and  was  Paymaster-General 
1  SlTi-ii.  The  1st  Peer  was  President  of  the  Board 
of  Trade. — The  Grange,  near  Alresford,  Hants; 
Carlton  and  Athemeum  Clubs,  S.W. ;  82,  Pic- 
cadilly, W. 

//( ir  Pres.,  his  brother  Francis  (whom  see). 

ASIIBY,  George  Ashby,  Esq.  (of  the  Woolleys). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  George  Ashby  Maddock, 
of  Naseby,  co.  Northampton,  and  Greenfields,  co. 
Salop,  by  Anne,  dau.  of  George  Procter,  Esq.,  of 
Cairn'  Cottage,  co.  Argyle  ;  b.  1834  ;  s.  1836  ; 
m.  1855  Helen,  dan.  of  Colonel  Gibsone,  of  Pent- 
land,  Midlothian,  late  7th  Dragoon  Guards. 
Assumed  the  name  and  arms  of  Ashby  by  royal 
license  1857,  in  right  of  his  grandmother,  Hannah 
Maria,  dau.  of  Edmund  Ashby,  Esq.,  of  the 
Lynches,  Salop.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  North- 
ampton and  Leicester ;  was  formerly  a  Captain 
11th  Hussars.  This  is  the  senior  branch  of  a 
family  of  old  standing  at  Quenby,  in  Leicester- 
shire.— The  Woolleys,  Naseby,  near  Rugby  ;  Army 
and  Navy  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Ashby,  b.  1856. 

ASHFIELD,  Rev.  Charles  Robert. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Charles  Ashfield,  Vicar 
of  Stukely,  Bucks,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  the  Rev. 
Edmund  Wodley,  of  Soulbury,  Bucks  ;  b.  1790  ; 
m.  1817  Anne,  3rd  dau.  of  Rev.  William  Goodall, 
of  Dinton  Hall,  Bucks.  Educated  at  Merchant 
Tailors'  and  Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1812); 
ordained  1813  ;  appointed  Rector  of  Gt.  Blaken- 
ham,  Suffolk,  1827,  of  Burgate,  1834  ;  is  a  Magi- 
strate for  Suffolk  and  Bucks.  This  family  was  for- 
merly of  Stowlangtoft  Hall,  Suffolk.  —  Burgate, 
near  Scole,  Norfolk. 

ASHLEY  (Lord). 

(See  tinder  Shaftesbury,  Earl  of.) 

ASHLEY-COOPER,  Hon.   Anthony  John  (of 
Copt  Hall). 

Fourth  son  of  the  6th  Earl  of  Shaftesbury  ;  b.  1808  ; 
m.  1840  Julia,  dau.  and  heir  of  the  late  H.  J.  Con- 
yers,  Esq.,  of  Copt  Hall,  Essex.  Educated  at  Eton 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1829)  ;  called  to  the  Bar 
at  the  Inner  Temple  1836  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Essex. — Copt  Hall,  near  Epping,  Essex  ; 
17,  Upper  Brook  Street,  W. 

ASHLEY-COOPER,  Hon.  Anthony  William. 
Second  son  of  the  6th  Earl  of  Shaftesbury  ;  b.  1803 ; 
m.  1831  Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  Col.  H.  D.  Baillie. 
Educated  at  Eton ;  was  M.P.  for  Dorchester 
1830-1  ;  formerly  Attache'  at  Vienna,  and  Vice- 
Chamberlain  and  Treasurer  of  Household  to  late 
Queen  Dowager. — Stable-yard,  St.  James's,  S.W. 

ASHTOWN  (Lord),  Frederick  Mason  Trench 
{or.  1800). 

Eldest  son  of  late  Thomas  Trench,  Esq.,  by  Mary, 
dau.  of  Henry  Mason,  Esq.  ;  b.  1804  ;  s.  his  uncle 
(under  a  special  remainder)  as  2nd  Lord  1840  ;  m.  1st 
1831  Henrietta,  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  P.  Cosby, 
Esq.,  of  Stradbally  Hall,  Queen's  Co.  (she  d.  1845) ; 
2nd  1852  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  Richard  Oliver 

Gascoigne,  Esq.,  of  Castle  Oliver,  co.  Limerick.  | 
Woodlawn,  near  Galway ;  Chessel  House,  ne| 

Heir,  his  son  Frederick  Sidney  Charles,  b.  1831  I 

I ' 

ASHURST,  John  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Waterstoek)  ||i 

Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  W. 
Ashurst,  Esq.  (many  years  M.P.  for  Oxfordshir  V 
by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  O.  Mosley,  Esq.,  of  Bolij 
worth  Castle,  Cheshire;  b.  1813 ;  s.  1846;  f 
1848  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  lateT.'  Duffield,  Es  1 
M.P.  Educated  at  the  Charterhouse  ;  is  a  Mail 
strate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Oxon  ;  was  forme  [j 
Lieutenant  15th  foot. — Waterstoek,  near  Oxford 
Heir,  his  son  William  Henry,  b.  1851. 


Harriet,  dau.  of  Sir  Bellingham  Graham,  Bart, 
his  1st  wife  Henrietta,  dau.  of  G.  Clark,  Esq 
West  Hatch,  Essex;  m.  1833  Lieutenant-Gene 
Sir  Frederick  Ashworth,  who  d.  1858.— 20,  So 
Street,  Grosvenor  Square,  W. 

ASKEW,  Watson,  Esq.  (of  PaUinsburn). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Capt.  Christopher  C.  Ask 
R.N.,  by  Sarah,  dau.  of  Patrick  Dickson,  Esq.' 
Whitecross,  co.  Berwick;  b.  1834;  s.  1851 ; ^ 
1856  Sarah,  eldest  dau.  of  David  Robertson,  E 
of  Ladykirk,  co.  Berwick.  Educated  at  Eton 
Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Nortbuui. 
land. — PaUinsburn,  near  Coldstream,  N.B.  ;  Cj 
ton  and  Oxford  and  Cambridge  Clubs,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  George  Christopher  Hugh,  b.  18  j 

ASSHETOrT,  Ralph,  Esq.  lofDownham  Hall) 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Assheton,  Esq. 
Frances  Annabella,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  the 
Hon.  William  Cockayne,  of  Rushton  Hall,  i 
Northampton  ;  b.  1830  ;  s.  1858  ;  m.  1854  E; 
Augusta,  dau.  of  Joseph  Feilden,  Esq.,  of  Wit 
co.  Lancaster.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Tril 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1852) ;  is  a  Magistral 
Lancashire  and  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire, 
family  is  the  only  known  branch  in  direct 
descent  from  the  ancient  house  of  Ashton,  of 
ton-under-Lyne,  co.  Lancaster. — Downham  ] 
near  Clitheroe,  Lancashire  ;  University  Club 

AS  TELL,  Richard  William,  Esq.  (of  Evejj 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Thornton, 
(who  assumed  the  name  of  Astell),  many 
M.P.  for  Bridgewater  and  Beds,  by  Sarah,  !g 
dau.  of  John  Harvey,  Esq.,  of  Ickwell  Bury,  1 
and  Finningley  Park,  co.  York  ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  I 
Educated  at  Harrow  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambrij 
a  Magistrate  for  Beds,  and  Lieut. -Col.  Grend 
Guards. — Everton  House,  near  Biggleswade,  I 
Guards'  Club,  S.W. 
Heir.  Pres.,  his  brother  John  Harvey  (whomr 

ASTELL,  John  Harvey,  Esq.  (of  Woodbury  1 
Second  son  of  the  late  William  Astell,  Esq.,  Ijj 
of  Everton  House,  Hunts,  by  Sarah,  dau.  of  ]B 
Harvey,  Esq.,  of  Ickwell  Bury,  Beds  ;  6. 180« 
1853  Anne  Amelia,  dau.  of  Robert  Parry  Nil 
Esq.,  of  Southbroome  House,  Wilts,  late  M.ji 



jvizes.  Educated  at  Haileybury  Coll.,  Herts ;  is 
Magistrate  for  Cambridgeshire,  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
ds,  and  a  Director  of  the  East-India  Company  ; 
•merly  Superintendent  of  East-India  Company's 
,ctory  at  Canton ;  was  M.P.  for  Cambridge 
52-3,  elected  M.P.  for  Ashburton  1859.— Wood- 
ry  Hall,  near  Cambridge  ;  Carlton  and  Union 
abs,  S.W.  ;  41,  Eaton  Place,  S.W. 

L!  'LEY,  Hon.  and  Hev.  Delaval  Loftus. 

i  oond  son  of  Lord  Hastings,  by  Georgiana  Char- 

!  te,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  H.  W.  Dash  wood,  Bart. ; 
1825  ;  m.  1848  Frances  Diana,  2nd  dau.  of  1st 
scount  Canterbury.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity 
11.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1846)  ;  appointed  Rector 

■  E.  Barsham  1855. —  East  Barsham  Rectory,  near 

\  kenham,  Norfolk. 

LI 'LEY,  Hon.  Jacob  Delaval. 

(See  under  Hastings,  Lord.) 

Li  'LEY,  Sir  Francis  Dugdale,  Bart.  (cr.  1821). 

',  dest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Dugdale  Astley, 
Ixt.,  who  was  M.P.  for  Wilts  1820-34,  by  Sarah, 
<u.  of  W.  Page,  Esq.  ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  1842;  m.  1826 
ima  Dorothea,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Buck- 
1  Lethbridge,  Bart.    Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Isut.  for  Wilts.     Patronage  3  livings.     Is  de- 
luded from  a  common  ancestor  with  Lord  Hast- 
■  js. — Everleigh  House,  near  Pewsey,  Wilts  ;  37, 
rmyn  Street,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Dugdale,  Lieutenant-Colonel 
lots  Fusilier  Guards  ;  b.  1828  ;  m.  1858  Eleanor 
Imche,  dau.  of  T.  G.  Corbet,  Esq.,  of  Elsham. 

tfS  'LEY,  Francis  Dukinfield  Palmer,  Esq.  (of 
ii  Dukinfield  Lodge). 

»  ly  surviving  son  of  the  late  Francis  Dukinfield 
.  :tley,  Esq.,  of  Dukinfield,  co.  Chester,  by  Susan, 
in.  of  Major  Palmer,  of  Ickwell,  Beds  ;  b.  1825  ; 
:  1847  Gertrude  Emma,  dau.  of  Major-Gen eral 

'i- H.Jones,  K.C.B.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 
'  mbridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
< ).  Chester,  Derby,  Lancaster,  and  Inverness  ;  was 

Egh  Sheriff  of  Cheshire  1853.—  Dukinfield  Lodge, 
:  ir  Chester  ;  Arisaig,  near  Fort  William,  N.B.  ; 
f  Y.  Squadron,  Cowes  ;  Brookes'  and  Reform 

■ >  lbs,  S.W. 

•  Heir,  his  son  Francis  Dunkinfield,  b.  1853. 
U  'ON,  John,  Esq.  (of  Bowington  Hall). 

n  of  the  late  Samuel  Aston,  Esq.,  by  Jane,  dau. 
f|  —  Watton,  Esq.  ;  b.  1800  ;  s.  1839  ;  m.  1824 
IJicy,  dau.  of  John  Meredith,  Esq.  Appointed 
Igh  Bailiff  of  Birmingham  1840  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
f  ■  co.  Warwick,  and  a  Governor  of  King  Edward's 

hool,  Birmingham. — Bowington  Hall,  and  The 

des,  Edgbaston,  Warwickshire. 

Heir , his  son  John  Meredith,  M.A. ;  b.  1825  ;  m. 

•  57  Katharine,  dau.  of  Thomas  Pembcrton,  Esq., 
Warstone,  co.  Warwick. 

L1  'HEKLEY,  David  Francis,  Esq.  (of  Morton). 

Jest  son  of  the  late  Mr.  Serjeant  Atcherley,  by 
me  Margaret,  dau.  of  James  Topping,  Esq.,  of 
[hitcroft  Hall,  co.  Chester;  b.  1823;  s.  1845. 

Educated  at  Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A. 
1844)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Shrop- 
shire, and  a  Magistrate  for  Flintshire. —  Marton 
Hall,  near  Shrewsbury. 

ATHERTOBT,  William,  Esq.,  Q.O. 

Son  of  the  late  Rev.  Wm.  Atherton,  by  Margaret, 
dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  Walter  Morison ;  b.  1806  ; 
m.  1843  Agnes  Mary,  dau.  of  T.  J.  Hall,  Esq.  A 
Barrister  of  the  N.  Circuit  (called  1839),  and  a 
Bencher  of  the  Inner  Temple  ;  practised  as  Special 
Pleader  1832-9  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  Durham  since 
1852. —Reform  Club,  S.W. ;  13,  Westbourne 
Terrace,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Cossley,  b.  1852. 

ATHOLE  (Duke  of),  George  Augustus  Frederick 
John  Murray,  K.T.  (cr.  1703). 

Eldest  son  of  the  1st  Lord  Glenlyon,  who  was  a 
younger  son  of  the  4th  Duke,  by  Emily  Frances, 
dau.  of  the  2nd  Duke  of  Northumberland,  K,G.  ;  b. 
1814  ;  s.  his  father  in  the  Barony  1837,  and  his  uncle, 
as  6th  Duke,  1846;  m.  1839  Ann,  dau.  of  H.  Home 
Drummond,  Esq.,  of  Blair  Drummond,  co.  Perth. 
Sits  in  the  House  of  Lords  as  Earl  Strange  (created 
1786)  ;  is  Hereditary  Sheriff  of  Perthshire  ;  was 
formerly  a  Lord  in  Waiting.  Is  head  of  the  ancient 
and  historic  Scottish  house  of  Murray.  —  Blair 
Athole,  near  Dunkeld,  N.B. ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. ; 
32,  Albemarle  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Marquis  of  Tullibardine,  b.  1840. 
Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  Ensign  and  Lieutenant  Scots 
Fusilier  Guards. 

ATHOEPE,  John  Carver,  Esq.  (of  Dinnington). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Marmaduke  Middleton  Mid- 
dleton,  Esq.,  of  Learn  Hall,  Derby,  by  Mary  Ann, 
dau.  of  Robert  Athorpe  Athorpe,  Esq.  of  Dinning- 
ton Hall,  co.  York  ;  b.  1803  ;  s.  his  uncle  Thomas 
Athorpe,  Esq.,  1820  ;  m.  1831  Mary  FitzGibbon, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Gibbon  FitzGibbon,  Esq.,  of  Bally- 
seeda,  co.  Limerick.  Educated  at  Emmanuel  Coll., 
Cambridge  (B.A.  1826,  M.A.  1829)  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Derbyshire,  a  Magistrate 
for  W.  Riding  of  York,  and  a  Captain  1st  W.  York 
Yeomanry  Cavalry. — Dinnington,  near  Rotherham, 

Heir,  his  son  John  Athorpe,  Captain  S5th  foot ; 
b.  1833  ;  m.  1856  Avice,  dau.  of  Captain  Hayden. 

ATKINSON,  Adam,  Esq.  (of  Lorbottle). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Adam  Atkinson,  Esq.,  of 
Lorbottle,  co.  Northumberland  (J.  P.  for  that 
county,  and  Major-Commandant  of  a  corps  of  Yeo- 
manry Cavalry),  by  Eleanor,  dau.  of  N.  Davison, 
Esq.,  British  Consul  at  Nice,  and  afterwards  at 
Algiers  ;  b.  1817  ;  s.  his  grandfather  IS  11  ;  m. 
1850  Charlotte  Eustatia,  only  child  of  late  John 
Collett,  Esq.,  M.P.,  by  his  first  wife  Emma,  eldest 
dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Gage,  Bail.  Educated  a1 
Shrewsbury;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Northumber- 
land;  formerly   Captain    Northumberland  Light 

Infantry  Militia,  and  Lieut.  Northumberland 
Yeomanry  Cavalry.  This  family  is  of  considerable 
antiquity  on  the  English  border,       maj  1  I  Ml 



horn  virions  old  nvonls.*— Lorbottle,  near  Whit - 
tingluwn,  Alnwick  ;  Conservative  Club,  S.W. 
//.  ,'  ,  his  sou  Charles  John,  b.  1855. 

ATKINSON,  Francis  Baring,  Esq.  (of  Morland). 
Third  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  G.  At- 
kinson. Esq.,  of  Morland,  Westmoreland,  and  of 
Lee,  Kent,  formerly  Island  Secretary  of  Jamaica, 
by  Susan  Mackenzie,  dan.  of  Thomas  Dunkley, 
Esq.,  of  Jamaica  ;  6.  1805  ;  s.  1849  ;  m.  1st  1831 
Ma'rv  Anno,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  J.  Stoddart,  Knt. 
(shed.  1882);  2nd  1837  Ellen  Frances,  dau.  of 
John  Home,  Esq.,  of  Edgbaston.  Educated  at 
Harrow;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Cumberland  and 
Westmoreland,  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Cumberland 
(High  Sheriff  1852-3) ;  formerly  Lieutenant  73rd 
foot.  This  family  was  formerly  of  Temple  Sow- 
erby,  Westmoreland.  —  Morland,  and  Eampsbeck 
House,  near  Penrith. 

Heir,  his  son  George,  b.  1838. 

ATKINSON,  James  Henry  Hollis,  Esq.  (of  An- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  General  Sir  Thomas  Brad- 
ford, G.C.B.,  &c,  by  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  James 
Atkinson,  Esq.,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  and  widow 
of  Lieutenant-Colonel  Ainslie ;  b.  1819;  m.  1840 
Anne  Louisa,  dau.  of  William  Ellice,  Esq.  ;  took 
the  name  and  arms  of  his  maternal  great-uncle 
Balph  Atkinson,  Esq.,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  on 
succeeding  to  his  estates  in  1840.  Educated  at 
Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  North- 
umberland (High  Sheriff  1847) ;  was  formerly  a 
Cornet  in  the  Boyal  Horse  Guards. — Angerton, 
near  Morpeth,  Northumberland ;  Carlton  and 
Boodle's  Clubs,  S.W. 

ATKINSON,  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  Crowbill). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Atkinson,  Esq.,  by 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  James  Johnston,  Esq.,  of 
Knappagh,  co.  Armagh  ;  b.  1822  ;  s.  1842  ;  m.  1844 
Judith  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Eichard  Barnsley,  Esq. 
Educated  at  the  Boyal  School,  Dungannon  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Armagh  (High  Sheriff  1855). 
This  family  emigrated  to  Ireland  from  England  at 
the  time  of  the  plantation  of  Ulster. — Crowbill, 
near  Loughgall,  co.  Armagh. 
Heir,  his  son  Joseph,  b,  1845. 

ATLAY,  Rev.  Charles. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Eev.  Richard  Atlay  ;  b.  1794. 
Educated  at  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.  A.  1816, 
M.A.  1819)  ;  appointedEectorofBarrowdenl840  ; 
is  a  Magistrate  for  Northamptonshire  and  Eutland. 
— Barrowden  Eectory,  near  Luffenham,  Leices- 

*  in  one  of  the  earliest  heraldic  visitations  of  Northumber= 
land,  a  document  is  recorded  in  which  William  Adekyson,  of 
Fenwick,  is  mentioned,  1397;  and  in  a  MS. 'possessed  by  the 
late  Robert  Surtees,  Esq.,  F.A.S.,  of  Mainsforth,  is  given  a 
list  of  all  the  castles  and  towers  in  the  county  of  Northum- 
berland, with  the  names  of  their  proprietors,  made  about  the 
year  1460,  and  under  the  head,  "Nomina  Fortalicium  infra 
com.  Northumbr.,"  we  find,  "  Turris  de  Bukton,  the  property 
of  William  Atkynson." 

ATTHILL,  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Ardvarney). 
Fourth  son  of  the  late  Eev.  William  Atthill, 
Brandiston  Hall,  Norfolk,  Fellow  of  Caius  at 
Gonville  Coll.,  Cambridge,  by  Henrietta  Margaret 
Eyre,  dau.  of  Ven.  George  Maunsell,  D.D.,  De; 
of  Leighlin  ;  b.  1819  ;  m.  1847  Jane,  eldest  da 
and  co-heiress  of  Lowther  Brien,  Esq.,  of  Ardvr 
ney  House.  Educated  at  the  Eoyal  School,  Du'i 
gannon  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Fermanagh.  Tl 
family  has  been  settled  in  the  county  of  Norfc 
since  the  year  1326. — Ardvarney,  near  Kesh,  c 

Heir,  his  son  William  Anthony,  b.  1850.  M 

ATTYE,  Robert  James,  Esq.  (of  Ingon  Grange^ 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Eobert  Middleton  Att; 
Esq.  (a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  W: 
wick,  and  High  Sheriff  1825),  by  Margare 
Lucy,  dau.  of  the  late  Ven.  Archeacon  Willes,  a 
grand-dau.  of  Edward,  Bp.  of  Bath  and  Wellj 
b.  1812  ;  s.  1833.  Educated  at  Eton  and  St.  Job 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1833) ;  is  a  Magistrates, 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Warwick,  and  Lieutenant  "W 
wickshire  Yeomanry  Cavalry. — Ingon  Grange,  n 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Francis  Lionel  Octavi  ,0 
Captain  2nd  Queen's  Eoyals,  b.  1819. 

AUCHMUTY,  Sir   Samuel  Benjamin,  K, 
(or.  1857). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Samuel  Auchmuty,  Esq. 
Bryanstown,  by  Elizabeth  Domville,  only  dau, 
F.  Savage,  Esq.,  of  Ballygawly,  co.  Sligo  ;  b.  17 
m.  1817  Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  —  Buchanan,  Esq. 
a  Lieutenant-General  in  the  Army,  and  Col< 
65th  foot ;  served  in  the  West  Indies  and  in 
Peninsular  War,  in  which  he  was  Deputy- Assist 
Adjutant- General ;  was  present  at  Oporto,  Talav 
Orthes,  Toulouse,  and  other  engagements  ;  s 
in  India  1848-52.— United  Service  Club,  S.W 


AUCKLAND  (Lord),  Robert  John  Eden,  Ip 
(cr.  1789). 

Third  son  of  the  1st  Lord,  by  Eleanor,  dau.  of  the 
Eight  Hon.  Sir  G.  Elliot ;  b.  1799;  s.  his  broth 
3rd  Lord  1849  ;  m.  1825  Mary,  dau.  of  F, 
Hurt,  Esq.,  of  Alderwasley,  co.  Derby.  Educ 
at  Eton  and  Magdalen  Coll.,  Cambridge  Q> 
1819) ;  was  successively  rector  of  Eyam,  Her 
fordbury,  and  Battersea,  and  Chaplain  to  the  Qui 
consecrated  Bp.  of  Sodor  and  Man  1847  ;  trans! I 
to  Bath  and  Wells  1854.    Patron  55  livings.-! 
Palace,  Wells,  Somerset;  2,  Grosvenor  CresJ 

Heir,  his  son  William  George,  Secretary  of  II 
tion  at  Stutgardt ;  b.  1829  ;  m.  1857  Lucy,  dal 
J.  W.  Childers,  Esq.,  M.P.,  of  Cantley  HallJ 

AUDLEY  (Lord),  George  Edward  ThicknJ 
Tuchet  (cr.  1297). 
Eldest  son  of  the  22nd  Lord,  by  Jane,  dau.  oj 
late  Admiral  Sir  Boss  Donnelly,  K.C.B. ;  b.  ]| 
s.  1837  ;  m.  1857  Emily,  dau.  cf  the  late  Sir  f 
Mitchell,  K.H.  Is  a  count  of  the  Holy  E] 
Empire. — Kensington,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  John,  b.  1819  ;  w.  l 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  J.  H.  Blennerhassetfl 



0  BE  BE,  George  Anthony,  Esq.  (of  Faulsham). 
Kest  son  of  the  late  A.  Aufrere,  Esq.,  of  Hove- 

St.  Peter's,  co.  Norfolk,  by  Matilda,  dau.  of 
eral  Count  Lockhart,  of  Lanark,  N.B. ;  b.  1794  ; 
$33  ;  m.  1828  Caroline,  2nd  dau.  of  J.  Whert- 
n,  Esq.,  of  Hamburg.     Is  a  Magistrate  for 
H-rfolk  ;  served  in  the  army  18  years  ;  was  severely 
jnded  at  the  storming  of  Fort  Kalunga,  in 
paul,  in  1814,  and  has  the  Indian  medal. — 
llsham  Old  Hall,  near  Norwich  •  Junior  United 
vice  Club,  S.W. 

Jeir  Pres.,  his  sister  Matilda  ;  m.  1818  G.  Bar- 
h  Esq. 

TEN,  John  Francis,  Esq.  (of  Kipppington). 
lest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  John  Austen,  Rector  of 
evening,  Kent,  by  Harriet,  dau.  of  T.  Lane,  Esq., 
3radborne  ;  b.  1817  ;  s.  his  uncle  Colonel  Thomas 
sten  (who  was  M.P.  for  West  Kent  1845-7)  in 
>9  ;  m.  1855  Charlotte,  only  child  of  the  late  W. 
*ker,  Esq.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford ;  is  a 
gistrate  for  Kent. — Kippington,  near  Sevenoaks ; 
iadford,  Horsmonden,  Staplehurst,  Kent ;  14, 
ith  Audley  Street,  W. 

leir  Pres.,  his  brother  Charles  Wilson,  b.  1818, 
ut.-Col.  83rd  regiment. 

TEN",  Hon.  Mrs. 

tilda  Sophia,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Hon.  W. 
;kayne,  of  Rushton  Hall,  co.  Northampton,  and 
ze  of  the  last  Viscount  Cullen  (ext.) ;  in.  1805 
sr.  R.  Austen,  D.D.,  who  cl.  1854. — Hadwell 
Ige,  near  Cloyne,  co.  Cork. 

qTEN,  Sir  Francis  William,   K.C.B.  (cr. 

H  of  the  late  Rev.  G.  Austen,  Rector  of  Steven- 
1 ,  Hants,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Thomas 
I  gh,  of  Harpsden  ;  b.  1774  ;  m.  1st  1806  Mary, 
d  .  of  J.  Gibson,  Esq.,  of  Ramsgate  (she  d. 
1  3) ;  2nd  1828  Martha,  dau.  of  Rev.  N.  Lloyd 
I )  d.  1843).  Educated  at  Royal  Naval  Coll.  ;  is 
a  Admiral  of  the  Red  ;  late  Colonel  of  Royal 
lirines  ;  has  served  in  the  Mediterranean,  East 
I .  West  Indies,  Baltic,  and  North  Sea  ;  was  Com- 
r.  lder-in-Chief  on  the  West-Indian  and  North 
Rierican  coast  1845-9. — Portsdown,  near  Ports- 

tjTElV,  Sir  Henry  Edmund,  Knt.  (cr.  1832). 
y  son  of  the  late  Robert  Austen,  Esq.,  of  Shal- 

1,  Surrey,  by  Frances  Annesley,  dau.  of  J.  W. 
zianzen  Gregory,  Esq.,  of  London,  and  great- 
■lat-grand-dau.  of  Arthur,  Earl  of  Anglesey, 
I  d  Treasurer  of  Ireland  ;  b.  1785  ;  s.  1797  ;  m. 
1805  Anne  Amelia,  only  dau.  of  the  late  R.  S. 
e,  Esq.,  who  d.  1837 ;   2nd  1843  Catharine 
mces,  dau.  of  J.  Blagrave,  Esq.,  and  widow  of 
R.  Pocklington,  Knight,  of  Chels  worth,  Suf- 
;  (she  d.  1856).    Educated  at  Harrow  and  Oriel 
1.  (M.A.  1806)  ;  appointed  a  Gentleman  of  the 
vy  Chamber  in  1832  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
ut.  for  Surrey  (High  Sheriff  1810).— Shalford 
use,  near  Guildford  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 
wleir,  his  son  Robert  Alfred  Cloyne,       1808  ; 
■  1832  Maria  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Major-General 
I  Iwin,  C.B. 


AUSTEN,  Rev.  John  Hiley,  F.G-.S.  (of  Ensbury 

Only  son  of  the  late  John  Humphrey  Austen, 
Esq.,  by  Catharine,  2nd  dau.  of  W.  R.  Haynes, 
Esq.,  of  Lonesome,  co.  Surrey;  b.  1816;  m.  1846 
Maria,  3rd  dau.  of  John  Meares,  Esq.,  of  Plas 
Llanstephan,  co.  Carmarthen,  and  grand-dau.  of 
Sir  J.  Owen,  Bart.,  of  Orielton,  co.  Pembroke. 
Educated  at  Jesus  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1839, 
M.A.  1843)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Dorset.  This 
family  is  descended  from  a  branch  of  the  Austens 
of  Sevenoaks. — Ensbury  House,  near  Wimborne, 

Heir,  his  son  John  Henry,  b.  1851. 

(See  Godwin- Austen.) 

AVELAND   ^Lord),  Gilbert  John  Heathcote 
(cr.  1856). 

Eldest  son  of  late  Sir  Gilbert  Heathcote,  Bart., 
M.P.  (who  d.  1851),  by  Sophia,  dau.  of  the  late 
John  Manners,  Esq.,  and  Louisa,  Countess  of  Dy- 
sart ;  b.  1795  ;  to.  1827  Clementina  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  19th  Lord  Willoughby  d'Eresby.  Educated  at 
Westminster,  Edinburgh,  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos. 
Lincoln  and  Rutland  ;  was  M.P.  for  Boston  1820- 
31,  for  South  Lincolnshire  1832-41,  and  for  Rutland 
1841-56  ;  appointed  Hon.  Colonel  South  Lincoln 
Militia  1857.  Patronage  11  livings.  Is  descended 
from  a  common  ancestor  with  Sir  W.  Heathcote, 
Bart.,  of  Hiu-sley. — Stocken  Hall,  near  Oakham, 
co.  Rutland ;  Normanton  Park,  near  Stamford  ; 
12,  Belgrave  Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Gilbert  Henry,  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
cos.  Lincoln  and  Rutland,  and  M.P.  for  Rutland  ; 
b.  1830. 

AVONMORE  (Viscount),  Barry  John  Yelverton 
(cr.  1800). 

Eldest  son  of  the  2nd  Viscount,  by  Mary,  dau.  of 
the  late  John  Read,  Esq.,  of  East  Cams,  Hunts  ; 
b.  1790;  s.  1814;  m.  1st  1811  Jane,  dau.  of  T. 
Boothe,  Esq.  (she  d.  1821) ;  2nd  1822  Cecilia,  dau. 
of  the  late  Charles  O'Keefe,  Esq.,  of  Hollybrooke 
Park,  co.  Dublin.  The  1st  Peer  was  Chief  Baron 
of  the  Exchequer,  in  Ireland. — Belle  Isle,  co.  Tip- 
perary  ;  Hangle  Rock,  co.  Ma3^o. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Frederick  William,  late 
Captain  64th  foot;  b.  1818  ;  m.  1857  Louisa,  dau. 
of  the  late  Guy  Lenox-Prendergast,  Esq.,  of 

AWDBY,  Sir  John  Wither,  Knt.  (cr.  1830). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Awdry,  Esq.,  of  Not- 
ton,  Wilts,  by  Jane,  2nd  dau.  of  L.  Bigg  Wither, 
Esq.,  of  Chilton  Foliat,  Wilts,  and  afterwards  of 
Manydown,  Hants  ;  b.  1795  ;  s.  1S44  ;  m.  1st 
1830  Sarah  Maria,  dau.  of  Rev.  J.  Awdry,  who  d. 
1834;  2nd  1839  Frances  Ellen,  dau.  of  the  late 
Right  Rev.  Bishop  Carr.  Educated  at.  Winchester 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1818,  M.A.  1821); 
elected  Fellow  of  Oriel  Coll.  1819  ;  called  to  the 
Bar  at  the  Middle  Tempi  appointed  a 

Puisne  Justice  at  Bombay  1880,  Chief  Justice 
1839,  resigned  1842;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Pep. 
Lieut,  for  Wilts,  and  a  lion.  P.P. P..  Oxford  j  WM 



one  of  the  Commissioners  for  the  Reform  of  the 
University  of  Oxford. — Notton  House,  near  Chip- 
penham, M  ilts  ;  University  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  J  ohn,  b.  1831- 

AYLESFORD  (Earl   of),  Heneage  Finch  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  2nd  Earl,  by  Augusta  Sophia, 
dau.  of  2nd  Earl  of  Warwick  ;  b.  1824  ;  s.  1859  j 
in.  1846  Jane,  only  dau.  and  heir  of  the  late  John 
Wightwiek  Kuightley,  Esq.,  of  Offchurch  Bury,  co. 
Warwick.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1845);  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
co.  Warwick,  and  Major  Warwickshire  Yeomanry 
Cavalry.  Is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor 
with  the  Earl  of  Winchelsea.  Patronage  7  livings. 
— Packington  Hall,  near  Coventry  ;  Carlton  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  Lord  Guernsey,  b.  1849. 

AYLMER  (Lord),  Udolph  Aylmer  (cr.  1718). 
Elder  son  of  the  late  Captain  John  Aylmer,  R.N. 
(who  d.  1849),  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  H.  Coates, 
Esq.  ;  b.  1814  ;  s.  his  cousin  as  7th  Lord  1858  ;  m. 
1841  Mary  Eliza,  dau.  of  E.  Journeaux,  Esq. 
■ — Melbourne,  Canada. 

Heir,  his  son  Matthew,  b.  1842. 

AYLMER,  Sir  Gerald  George,  Bart.  (cr.  1621). 
Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir 
Fenton  Aylmer,  Bart.,  by  Jane  Grace,  sister  of  the 
6th  Lord  Carbery ;  b.  1798  ;  s.  1816;  m.  1826 
Maria,  dau.  of  Colonel  G.  Hodgson,  E.I.C.  Edu- 
cated at  Armagh,  and  Richmond,  Yorkshire,  and 
Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Kildare  (High  Sheriff  1827) ;  was 
formerly  Lieutenant  1st  Dragoon  Guards,  and 
Major  Kildare  Militia.  This  family  is  of  Cornish 
origin. — Donadea  Castle,  near  Kilcock,  co.  Kil- 

Heir,  his  son  Gerald  George,  b.  1830  ;  m.  1853 
Alice  Hester  Caroline,  dau.  of  C.  R.  Dobbs,  Esq., 
of  Castle  Dobbs,  co.  Antrim. 

AYLMER,  Michael  Valentine,  Esq.  (of  Derry). 
Elder  son  of  the  late  Gerald  Aylrner,  Esq.,  of 
Heathfield,  co.  Dublin,  by  Catharine,  dau.  of  P. 
Lambert,  Esq.,  of  Carnagh,  co.  Wexford  ;  b.  1812  ; 
s.  1837  ;  m.  1841  Marianne,  dau.  and  sole  heiress 
of  the  late  W.  Conolly,  Esq.,  of  the  city  of  Dub- 
lin. Educated  at  Ampleforth  and  Stonyhurst 
Colls.,  and  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1834)  ;  is  head 
and  lineal  representative  of  this  family,  which 
was  formerly  of  Lyons,  co.  Kildare. — Derry,  Rath- 
cabbin,  co.  Tipperary  ;  72,  Lower  Bagot  Street, 
and  Irish  Farmers'  Club,  Dublin. 
Heir,  his  son  Gerald  Joseph,  b.  1849. 

AYNSLEY,  John  Murray,  Esq.  (of  Underdown). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Lord  Charles  Aynsley  (who 
was  youngest  son  of  James,  3rd  Duke  of  A  thole, 
and  the  Baroness  Strange),  by  Alicia,  dau.  of 
George  Mitford,  Esq.,  and  niece  and  heiress  of 
Govan  Aynsley,  Esq.,  of  Little  Harle  Tower, 
Northumberland;  b.  1795;  s.  1813;  m.  1820 
Emma  Sara,  dau.  of  S.  Peach  Peach,  Esq.,  of 
Tockington,  co.  Gloucester.  Educated  at  Harrow  ; 

is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Hereford 
and  Northumberland. — Underdown,  near  Ledbury  f 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  Murray,  Captain  R.N.  ;  j| 

AYRTON,  Acton  Smee,  Esq.,  M.P. 

Third  son  of  F.  Ayrton,  Esq.,  formerly  of  Gray1 11 
Inn,  and  late  of  Bombay,  by  Julia,  only  child  c , 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Nugent ;  b.  1816.  A  Barrister 
at-Law  of  the  Middle  Temple  (called  1853)  ;  ha. 
been  M.P.  for  the  Tower  Hamlets  since  1857.- 
Reform  Club,  S.W.  ;  24,  Grafton  Street,  W. 

BABINGTON,    Thomas    Gisborne,   Esq.  (< 
Rothley  Temple). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Babington,  Esq 
M.P.,  by  Jean,  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  J  ohn  Macaula; 
of  Cardross,  co.  Dumbarton  ;    b.  1788  ;  s.  183? 
m.  1st  1814  Augusta  Julia,  dau.  of  the  late  S| 
Gerard  Noel,  Bart.,  of  Exton,  co.  Rutland,  ail 
sister  of  1st  Earl  of  Gainsborough  (she  d.  1833) ;  if 
has  since  married  a  foreign  lady.     Educated  ,i 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1811,  M. A.  1815 
was  formerly  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Leicester.    Tt  [ 
family  is  of  Derbyshire  extraction,  but  has  bei 
settled  at  Rothley  Temple  since  the  sixteenth  ce 
tury. — Rothley  Temple,  near  Leicester. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas. 

BACK,  Sir  George,  Knt„  F.R.S.,D.C.L.  (cr.l83i 
Son  of  the  late  Mr.  Back,  of  Stockport,  co.  Cheste 
b.  1796 ;  m.  1846  Theodosia  Elizabeth,  widow 
Anthony  Hammond,  Esq;,  of  Savile  Row,  Londc 
Entered  the  Navy  1808  ;  appointed  a  Rear-Admii 
on  reserved  half-pay  1857  ;  accompanied  Sir 
Franklin  in  1818  to  Spitzbergen ;  conducted  £ 
peditions  to  the  North  Pole  in  1833  and  183 
received  Knighthood  for  his  discoveries  in  t 
Arctic  regions. — United  Service  Club,  S.W. ;  If 
Gloucester  Place,  Portman  Square,  W. 

BACON,  Sir  Edmund,  Bart.  (cr.  1611). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Edmund  Bacon,  Bai 
by  Anne,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Wm.  Be: 
champ-Proctor,  Bart.  ;  b.  1779  ;  s.  as  10th  Bsl] 
1820 ;  m.  1801  his  cousin  Mary  Anne  Elizabei 
dau.  of  E.  Dashwood  Bacon,  Esq.  Was  educa 
at  Rugby ;  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk,  and  Prem 
Baronet  of  England.  Patronage  2  livings.  T 
distinct  Baronetcies  met  in  the  person  of  the  I 
Bart.  Of  this  family  were  Sir  Nicholas  Bac 
and  Francis  Bacon,  afterwards  Lord  Verulam 
Raveningham,  near  Loddon,  Norfolk. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  nephew  Henry  Hickman,  Capflj 
2nd  Dragoon  Guards  (son  of  his  deceased  brotj 
Nicholas,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  A.  Bowker,  Esq.)  [! 
1820  ;  m.  1853  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Thoj  ! 
Beckett,  Bart.  'f 

BAGENAL,  Walter  Philip,  Esq.  (of  Benl 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Philip  Bagenal,  Esq.  ti! 
Bennekerry,  by  Georgina  Thomasina,  dau.  of  f 
late  James  Boyd,  Esq.,  Justice  of  Peace,  of  Ef 
lare,  co.  Wexford  ;  b.  1841  ;  s.  1855.  Educate! 
Rugby  and  Royal  Military  Coll.,  Sandhurst ;  I 




minted  Cornet  in  the  13th  Light  Dragoons  1858. 
lis  grandfather,  the  late  James  Boyd,  Esq.,  married 
*eorgina,  2nd  dau.  of  the  Hon.  George  Jocelyn, 
on  of  the  1st  and  brother  of  the  2nd  Earl  of  Roden. 
— Bennekerry  House,  co.  Carlow. 
Heir,  his  brother  Beauchamp  Frederick,  b.  1846. 

3  lGGE,  William,  Esq.  (of  Stradsett  Hall). 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Thos.  Philip  Bagge, 
figq.,  by  Grace,  dau.  of  Richard  Salisbury,  Esq., 
»f  Castle  Park,  Lancaster;  b.  1810  ;  s.  1827  ;  to. 
833  Frances,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Preston,  Bart. 
Educated  at  the  Charterhouse  and  Balliol  Coll., 
)xford ;  is  a  Magistrate  and    Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Norfolk  ;   was  M.P.  for  West  Norfolk  1837-57. 
This  family  is  of  Swedish  extraction,  and  came  over 
,  n  the  time  of  Hardicanute. — Stradsett  Hall,  near 
I  )ownham-Market,  Norfolk  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 
I    Heir,  his  son  William  Henry  Ernest,  b.  1840. 

J  lGGE,  Richard,  Esq.  (of  Gaywood  Hall). 

-v  Second  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Philip  Bagge,  Esq., 
;  >y  Grace,  dau.  of  Richard  Salisbury,  Esq.,  of 
j.  Lancaster,  and  brother  of  William  Bagge,  Esq.,  of 
I  stradsett  Hall  (whom  see)  ;  b.  1810  ;  s.  his  uncle 
I  .Villiam  Bagge,  Esq.,  1835  ;  to.  1835  Pleasance, 
!au.  of  Edward  Hulton,  Esq.,  LL.D.  Educated  at 
I  he  Charterhouse  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut. 
•Vor  Norfolk. — Gaywood  Hall,  King's  Lynn  ;  Con- 
I  ervative  Club,  S.W.  ;  Long's  Hotel,  Bond  St.,  W. 
I  Heir,  his  son  Richard  Salisbury,  Lieutenant  10th 
loot,  b.  1836. 

1  uGNALL,  John  Nock,  Esq.  (of  Charlemont 
I  Hall). 

^  Eldest  son  of  Thomas  Bagnall,  Esq.,  by  Mary, 
I  lam.  of  John  Nock,  Esq.,  of  West  Bromwich  ;  b. 
{  826  ;  w.  1848  Mary  Ann,  eldest  dau.  of  William 
liYard,  Esq.,  of  Wolverhampton.  Is  a  Magistrate 
,nd  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Stafford.    This  family  was 
brmerly  resident  in  North  Staffordshire. — Charle- 
nont  Hall,  near  Wednesbury,  Staffordshire. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Ward,  b.  1 854. 

l^GOT  (Lord),  William  Bagot  (cr.  1780). 

Eldest  son  of  the  2nd  Lord,  by  Louisa,  dau.  of  the 
|  !ird  Earl  of  Dartmouth  ;  b.  1811 ;  s.  1856  ;  to.  1851 

Wlcia  Caroline  Elizabeth,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late 
'  jord  Dover,  and  sister  of  the  4th  Viscount  Clifden. 

Educated  at  the  Charterhouse,  Eton,  and  Magdalen 
•  poll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut. 
.  I  'orco.  Stafford,  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  Stafford- 
;'  Jhire  Yeomanry  ;  was  M.P.  for  co.  Denbigh  1835- 
I|i2. — Blithfield House,  nearRugeley,  Staffordshire; 
!  Pool  Park,  near  Ruthin,  Denbighshire ;  Carlton 
'  blub,  S.W. 

J  Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1857. 

AGOT,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Hervey  Charles. 

pecond  son  of  the  2nd  Lord  Bagot,  by  Louisa,  dau. 
M  the  3rd  Earl  of  Dartmouth  ;  6.  1812.  Educated 
it  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1834,  M.A. 
836),  and  afterwards  chosen  Fellow  of  All  Souls 
i Joll.  ;  appointed  Rector  of  Blithfield  in  1846. — 
|  jlithfield  Rectory,  near  Rugeley,  Staffordshire. 

BAGOT,  Charles,  Esq.  (of  Kilcoursey  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Charles  Emilius  Bagot, 
by  Eliza,  dau.  of  Ulysses  North,  Esq.,  of  New 
Castle,  co.  Westmeath  ;  b.  1791  ;  s.  1802  ;  to.  1st 
1814  Anna,  dau.  of  John  TuthilL  Esq.,  of  Kings- 
land,  co.  Limerick,  and  Sion  Hill,  co.  Dublin  ;  2nd 
18 —  Sidney  Mary,  eldest  dau.  of  Captain  Andrew 
Bagot  Armstrong,  of  Castle  Armstrong,  King's  co. 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  a  Grand  Juror  for  King's  co. 
This  family  is  a  branch  of  the  noble  family  of  that 
name  in  Staffordshire.- — Kilcoursey  House,  near 
Clara,  King's  co. ;  17,  Charlemont  Mall,  Dublin. 
Heir,  his  son  Charles  Emilius,  b.  1815. 

BAGOT,  Edward  (Colonel  unattached). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Hon.  and  Rev.  R.  Bagot,- Lord 
Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,  by  Harriet,  dau.  of  the 
4th  Earl  of  Jersey,  and  is  first-cousin  of  the  3rd 
Lord  Bagot ;  b.  1808  ;  in,  1842  Matilda,  dau.  of 
H.  Perkins,  Esq.,  of  Hanworth  Park,  co.  Middlesex. 
Educated  at  the  Charterhouse  ;  entered  the  60th 
Rifles  in  1823  ;  was  Private  Secretary  to  Viscount 
Ponsonby,  Her  Majesty's  Ambassador  at  Constan- 
tinople ;  has  theOrder  of  the  "Redeemer  of  Greece," 
and  the  Turkish  Order  of  the  "  Nishan  Iftiher  ;  " 
became  Colonel  in  the  Army  1857  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  Middlesex  and  "Westminster;  was  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  Commandant  of  the  4th  Royal  Middlesex 
Militia.  Colonel  Bagot  is  heir  of  entail  to  Hon. 
Mrs.  Howard,  so  far  as  regards  the  property  of  Ash- 
tead  Park,  co.  Surrey. — Travellers'  and  United 
Service  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  34,  Eaton  Square,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Ponsonby  Bagot,  b.  1845. 

BAGOT,  Thomas  Neville,  Esq.  (of  Hermitage). 
Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  John  Lloyd  Bagot, 
Esq.,  by  Catharine  Anne,  dau.  of  Michael  Cuff,  Esq., 
of  Ballymoe  ;  b.  1784  ;  s.  1805  ;  to.  1811  Ellen 
Fallon,  2nd  dau.  of  John  Fallon,  Esq.,  Runnimead, 
co.  Roscommon.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Galway 
and  Roscommon.  This  family  is  descended  from 
the  Bagots  of  Ard,  King's  co.,  whose  estates  have 
descended  also. —  Hermitage,  near  Ballymoe,  co. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Lloyd,  b.  1814  ;  m.  1843  Anna 
Georgina,  dau.  of  Edward  Henry  Kirwan,  Esq.,  of 
Ballyturin,  co.  Galway. 

BAGSHAW,  John,  Esq.  (of  Dovercourt). 

Eldest  3on  of  the  late  John  Bagshaw,  Esq.,  by 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Robert  Salmon,  Esq.,  of  Harbury 
Hall;  b.  1784;  to.  1st  1803  Rebecca,  dau.  of 
J.  Johnson,  Esq.  ;  2nd  1810  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of 
J.  Henley,  Esq.  Educated  at  Rugby ;  is  High 
Steward  of  Harwich,  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Essex,  and  a  Director  of  the  E.  C.  Railway  ;  wa  s 
a  Banker  and  Merchant  at  Calcutta  ;  was  M.P.  for 
Sudbury  1835-7,  for  Harwich  1847-52,  and  1853*9. 
— Cliff  House,  Dovercourt,  Harwich  ;  Reform 
Club,  S.W.  ;  12,  York  Street,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  John  (late  M.P.  for  Har- 
wich), b.  1801 ;  m.  1811  Georgiana,  dau.  of 
R.  Baker,  Esq. 

BAG  SUA  WE,  Francis  Westby,  Esq.  (oJ 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  William  John 
Bagshawe,  Esq.,  of  The  Oaks  ami  Wormhtll  Hall, 



vo.  iVrln,  by  Sarah,  3rd  ilau.  of  William  Part« 
ridge,  Esq.,  of  Bishop's 'Wood,  Herefordshire;  b. 
1832  ;  s.  1854.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge (B.A.  1S55)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  forco.  Derby. 
—The  Oaks,  near  Sheffield  ;  W'ormhill  Hall,  near 
Tideswell,  Derbyshire. 

lUiv  Pres.,  his  brother  Alfred  Drake,  b,  1836. 

BAGWELL,  John,  Esq.  (of  Marlfield). 

Son  of  the  Very  Rev.  Richard  Bagwell,  Dean  of 
Clogher,  by  Mary  Anne,  dan.  of  John  Croker,  Esq., 
of  Ballyneguarde,  and  nephew  of  the  late  Right 
Hon.  Colonel  William  Bagwell,  M.P.,  of  Marlfield, 
co.  Tipperary ;  b.  1811 ;  s.  1825  ;  m.  1838  Fanny, 
youngest  dau.  of  the  Hon.  F.  A.  Prittie,  and  sister 
of  Lord  Dunalley.  Educated  at  Winchester ;  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Tipperary  (High 
Sheriff  1S34)  and  Waterford ;  elected  M.P.  for 
Cloumel  1807. — Marlfield,  near  Clonmel,  co.  Tip- 
perary ;  Eastgrove,  Queenstown,  co.  Cork  ;  Reform 
Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Richard,  b.  1840. 

BAGWELL-PUEEFOY,  Edward,  Esq.  (of 

Second  son  of  the  late  Very  Rev.  Richard  Bagwell, 
Dean  of  Clogher,  Tyrone,  by  Margaret,  dau.  of 
Edward  Croker,  Esq.,  of  Ballyneguarde  ;  b.  1819  ; 
s.  1846  Colonel  William  Purefoy,  of  Greenfield, 
and  took  his  name  ;  m.  1854  Isabella  Petronella, 
dau.  of  Major  Langley,  of  Brittas  Castle.  Educated 
at  Harrow  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Tipperary  (High 
Sheriff  1856)  ;  formerly  Captain  3rd  Dragoon 
Guards. — Greenfield,  near  Tipperary. 

BAILEY,  Sir  Joseph  Russell,  Bart.  (er.  1852). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Bailey,  Esq.,  some 
time  M.P.  for  Sudbury  and  Herefordshire,  by 
Mary,  only  child  of  W.  C.  Russell,  Esq.,  and 
grandson  of  the  late  Sir  Joseph  Bailey,  Bart.,  many 
years  M.P.  for  Brecon  ;  b.  1840  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart. 
1858.  Educated  at  Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford. 
— Glanusk  Park,  near  Crickhowell,  co.  Brecon. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  Latham,  b.  1843. 

BAILEY,  Crawshay,  Esq.  (of  Aberaman). 

Son  of  the  late  John  Bailey,  Esq.  (who  was  de- 
scended from  a  family  long  settled  in  Yorkshire), 
and  younger  brother  of  the  late  Sir  Joseph  Bailey, 
Bart.,  M.P.  ;  b.  1794 ;  m.  1850  Anne,  dau.  of  the 
late  Joseph  Moore,  Esq.,  of  Mitcham,  Surrey.  Is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Glamorgan, 
and  a  Magistrate  for  Brecon  (High  Sheriff  1835), 
and  for  Monmouthshire  (High  Sheriff  1850) ;  has 
been  M.P.  for  Monmouth  since  1852. — Aberaman, 
near  Aberdare,  co.  Glamorgan  ;  Nant-y-glo,  New- 
port, co.  Monmouth  ;  Carlton  and  Conservative 
Clubs,  S.W. ;  16,  New  Street,  Spring  Gardens,  S.W. 

BAILEY,*  R.  P.,  Esq.,  M.D.  (of  Rookwood). 
Son  of  the  late  —  Bailey,  Esq. ;  s.  to  this  property 
on  the  death  of  the  late  Mrs.  Sarah  Kelly,  in  1856. 
— Rookwood,  co.  Roscommon. 

BAILLIE,  Sir  William,  Bart,  (cr.  1823). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Baillie,  Bart., 
by  Mary  Lyon,  dau.  of  James  Dennistoun,  Esq. ; 

5.  1816  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1854  ;  m.  1846  Mary, 
dau.  of  Stair  H.  Stewart,  Esq.,  of  Physgill,  co. 
Wigton.  Educated  at  Eton  and  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1836) ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  a  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Linlithgow,  which  he  represented  1845-7. 
Patr,  1  living. — Polkemmet,  near  Linlithgow,  N.B, 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  James  Dennistoun,  b.  1817. 

BAILLIE,  Hon.  Charles  (Lord  Jerviswoode). 
Second  son  of  the  late  G.  Baillie,  Esq.,  of  Jerv 
woode,  N.B.,  by  Mary,  daughter  of  the  late  Sir 
James  Pringle,  Bart.,  and  next  brother  of  the  10th 
Earl  of  Haddington ;   b.  1804  ;   m.  1831  Anne 
dau.  of  Hugh  Lord  Polwarth.  Called  to  the  Scot 
tish  Bar  1830  ;  appointed  Sheriff  of  Stirlingshir 
1853,  and  Solicitor-General  and  Lord-Advocate  foi 
Scotland  1858  ;  elected  M.P.  for  co.  Linlithgo 
1859,  and  in  the  same  year  appointed  a  Judge 
the  Court  of  Session  as  Lord  Jerviswoode. — 14, 
Randolph  Crescent,   Edinburgh ;    Carlton  Club. 

BAILLIE,  Hon.  and  Rev.  John. 

Fifth  son  of  the  late  George  Baillie,  Esq.,  of  M 
lerstain  and  Jerviswoode,  by  Maiy,  youngest  dau 
of  Sir  James  Pringle,  Bart.,  and  brother  of  lOtl 
Earl  of  Haddington ;  b.  1810  ;  m.  1837  Cecili; 
Mary,  eldest  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Hawkins 
Canon  of  York.  Educated  at  Harrow  and  Triniti 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1832,  M.A.  1852);  ap 
pointed  Rector  of  Elsdon,  Northumberland,  1854 
and  Canon  Residentiary  of  York  1854. — Elsdo 
Rectory,  near  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 
Heir,  his  son  Hugh  John,  b.  1838. 

BAILLIE,*  Evan,  Esq.  (of  Dochfour). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  —  Baillie,  Esq. ;  b.  17— 
m.  1823  Georgiana  Frederica,  fourth  dau.  of  5t' 
Duke  of  Manchester.    Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dej 
Lieut,  for  co.  Inverness. — Dochfour,  near  Inveil 
ness,  N.B. 

BAILLIE,  Hugh  Duncan,  Esq.  (of  Redeastle).  I 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  J.  E.  Baillie,  Esq.  (sometim 
M.P.  for  Bristol),  by  Mary,  dau.  of  P.  Gurley,  Esq 
of  St.  Vincent's,  West  Indies  ;  b.  1777  ;  m.  1st  18- 
Mary,  dau.  of  Rev.  H.  Reynett ;  2nd  1821  Mar 
dau.  of  Thomas  Smith,  Esq.,  of  Castleton  Hall.  3 
Lord  Lieut,  and  Sheriff  Principal  of  Ross-shin 
was  M.P.  for  Rye  1830-1,  for  Honiton  1835-4 
This  family  is  a  branch  of  the  Baillies  of  Dochfou 
— Tarradale,  near  Ross,  N.B. ;  Redeastle,  ne:i 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  James,  J.P.  and  D.L.,  ai 
M.P.  for  co.  Inverness,  late  Joint  Secretary  of  tl 
Board  of  Control;  b.  1804  ;  m.  1st  1840  Philipp  ! 
dau.  of  6th  Viscount  Strangford,  G.C.B. ;  2nd  18;f 
Clarissa,  eldest  dau.  of  G.  Rush,  Esq. 

BAILLIE,  William  Hunter,  Esq.  iof  Duntif 


Eldest  son  of  the  late  M.  Baillie,  Esq.,  M.D.  (soil; 
time  Physician  to  George  III.),  by  Sophia,  dau.  I 
the  late  T.  Denman,  Esq.,  M.D.,  and  sister  of 
LordDenman;  b.  1797;  s.  1822;  m.  1835  Henriet  f 
dau.  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Duff,  of  St.  Andrew's,  N. ! 
(she  d.  1857).  Educated  at  Westminster  and  Ball 




3oll.,  Oxford. — Duntisbourne,  near  Cirencester  ;  4, 
Upper  Harley  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Matthew  John,  Ensign  72nd  High- 
anders,  b.  1837. 

;  ^ILLIE-COCHRANE,  Alexander  Dundas 
Ross  Wishart,  Esq.  (of  Lamington). 
Eldest  son  of  Admiral  Sir  Thomas  Cochrane,  K.C.B. 
whom  see) ;  b.  1816  ;  to.  1844  Annabella,  dau.  of 
Mr.  A.  R.  and  Lady  Elizabeth  Drummond,  niece 
)f  the  Duke  of  Rutland.  Educated  at  Eton  and 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1837) ;  is  a  Magis- 

I  ;rate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Haddington  and 
Lanark  ;  was  M.P.  for  Bridport  1841-6  and  1847-52, 
md  for  co.  Lanark  February-April,  1857  ;  elected 
M.P.  for  Honiton  1859.  This  family  is  lineally 
lescended  from  Sir  William  Wallace,  through  the 
Saillies  of  Lamington. — Lamington,  near  Biggar, 

I  tf.B.  ;  Carlton  and  Boodle's,  S.W. ;  26,  Wilton 

I  Jrescent,  S.W. 

3LILLIE-HAMILTON,  Charles  John,  Esq.  (of 
I     Rambleton  Law). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Yen.  Charles  Baillie-Hamilton, 
3y  Charlotte,  3rd  dau.  of  the  6th  Earl  of  Home,  and 

■  s  cousin  to  the  Earls  of  Haddington  and  Home  ; 
I).  1800  ;  s.  1850  his  brother,  the  late  Sir  George 
ij  Baillie-Hamilton  (Minister  Plenipotentiary  at  Flo- 
*  -ence  1846-50) ;  to.  1821  Caroline,  only  dau.  of  the 
i  tth  Earl  of  Abingdon.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
iLieut.  for  Oxon,  and  a  Magistrate  for  Bucks  and 
ii3erks  ;   was   M.P.  for  Aylesbury  1839-41,  and 

■  ,841-7  ;  formerly  an  Officer  in  the  2nd  Life  Guards. 
I  —Rambleton  Law,  near  Green  Low,  Berwickshire, 

I  *-B* 

$  Heir,  his  son  Peregrine  Charles,  late  Captain  Rifle 
I  Brigade,  b.  1829. 

i  LlNBRIGGE,  Thomas  Parker,  Esq.  (of  Hill 
S  House). 

-'  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Bainbrigge,  Esq.,  of 
I  Dopeshill,  Derbyshire,  by  2nd  wife  Hannah,  dau. 
j  )f  Mr.  Joseph  Harrison,  of  Yieldersley ;  b.  1791  ; 
1  ;.  1842  ;  to.  1st  1820  Eliza,  youngest  dau.  of  Lieu- 
I  -enant-General  Sir  Dyson  Marshall,  K.C.B.  ;  2nd 
f  L830  Lorina  Anne,  dau.  of  Charles  Dashwood,  Esq., 
i  )f  Beccles,  co.  Suffolk.  Educated  at  Repton  ;  is  a 
l:  Magistrate  for  Derby  and  a  Lieutenant  H.P.  48th 

not  ;  formerly  Lieutenant  24th  foot,  and  served  in 
I  [ndia  in  the  Mahratta  and  Nepaul  wars.  This 

amily  is  of  Woodseat,  Staffordshire,  and  was  for- 

nerly  of  Lockington,  in  Leicestershire. — Hill  House, 

lear  Derby. 

I    Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  Henry,  b.  1805  ; 

p,  1st  1838  Maria  Margaret,  dau.  of —  Thompson, 
I  Esq.,  of  Liverpool ;  2ud  1851  Emma,  dau.  of  Joseph 

iTates,  Esq.,  of  Liverpool. 

aiNBRIGGE-LE-HUNT,  Peter,  Esq. 
rhird  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-Colonel  Philip 
Bainbrigge,  of  Ashbourn,  by  Rachel,  dau.  of  Peter 
Dohroe,  Esq.,  of  Guernsey  ;  b.  1793.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Derbyshire,  and  a  Ma- 
gistrate for  Staffordshire;  took  the  name  of  Le- 
il  luiit  by  royal  sign  manual  1832.  This  family  was 
KOfmerly  of  Lockington,  in  Leicestershire. — Ash- 
jjourn,  Derbyshire. 


BAINES,  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Headingley  Lodge). 
Second  son  of  the  late  E.  Baines,  Esq.  (formerly  M.P. 
for  Leeds),  by  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Mr.  M.  Talbot,  of 
Leeds;  b.  1800  ;  m.  1829  Martha,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Blackburn,  Esq.,  of  Liverpool,  Educated  at  Man- 
chester ;  is  Proprietor  and  Editor  of  the  Leeds 
Mercury ;  is  the  author  of  "  The  History  of  the 
Cotton  Manufacture,"  a  "Life  of  the  late  Edward 
Baines,"  &c.  ;  is  President  of  the  Yorkshire  Union 
of  Mechanics'  Institutions  ;  elected  M.P.  for  Leeds 
1859. — Headingley  Lodge,  Leeds;  Reform  Club, 

BAINES,  Right  Hon.  Matthew  Talbot,  Q,.C. 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Baines,  Esq.  (who 
was  M.P.  for  Leeds  1835-41),  by  Charlotte,  dau.  of 
Mr.  M.  Talbot;  6.  1799;  to.  1833  Anne,  only 
dau.  of  L.  Threlfall,  Esq.,  of  Lancaster.  Educated 
at  Richmond  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A. 
1820) ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temple  1825  ; 
became  a  Q.C.  1841 ;  was  Recorder  of  Hull  1837-47 ; 
is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  West  Riding  of 
Yorkshire,  and  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Lancashire;  was  M.P.  for  Hull  1847-52,  and  for 
Leeds  1852-9  ;  President  of  the  Poor  Law  Board 
1849-52  and  1853-5,  and  Chancellor  of  the  Duchy 
of  Lancaster  1855-8. — Dalton  Square,  Lancaster  ; 
Brookes'  Club  and  Reform  Club,  S.W.  ;  13,  Queen 
Square,  Westminster,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Threlfall,  b.  1834. 

BAIRD,  Sir  James  Gardiner,  Bart.  (cr.  1695). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Baird,  Esq.,  by  Lucy, 
eldest  dau.  of  T.  Dickson,  Esq.,  of  Prospect  House, 
Hants,  and  grandson  of  the  late  Sir  James  Gardiner 
Baird,  Bart. ;  b.  1813  ;  s.  as  6th  Bart.  1830  ;  to.  1845 
Henrietta  Mary,  dau.  of  J.  Wauchope,  Esq.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Midlothian,  and 
Captain  Midlothian  Yeomanry ;  late  Captain  10th 
Light  Dragoons. — Inveresk,  near  Edinburgh. 
Heir,  his  son  William  James  Gardiner,  b.  1854. 

BAIRD,  Sir  David,  Bart.  (cr.  1809). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  David  Baird,  Bart.,  by 
Anne,  eldest  dau.  of  the  1st  Marquis  of  Ailsa, 
K.T.  ;  b.  1832  ;  s.  as  6th  Bart.  1S52.  Major  98th 
foot ;  late  Lieutenant  74th  Highlanders  ;  is  a 
Magisfrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Midlothian. — 
Yardley,  near  Bury  St.  Edmunds.  Suffolk  ;  New- 
byth  House,  near  Haddington,  N.B. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  John  Erskine  Kennedv, 
b.  1833. 

BAIRD,  James,  Esq.  (of  Cambusdoon). 

Fourth  son  of  the  late  Alexander  Baird,  Esq.,  of 
Lockwood,  co.  Lanark,  by  Jane  Moffat  his  wife  ; 
b.  1803  j  to.  1852  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Robert  Lock- 
hart,  Esq.,  of  Castle  Hill,  co.  Lanark,  who  d,  1n>7. 
Is  a  Magistrate  for  Lanarkshire;  was  M.P.  for 
Falkirk  Burghs  1851-7. — Cambusdoon,  near  Ayr  ; 
Auchniedden,  Aberdeenshire  ;  Kuoydart,  lnvcr- 
ness-shire  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

BAIRD,  William,  Esq.  (of  Rosemount  . 

Son  of  tho  late  Alexander  Baird.  Ksq..  of  T.och- 
wood,  co.  Lanark,  by  Jano  Moffat  his  wife  ;  6. 



179-  ;  m.  1840.    Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Lanark, 
and  an  extensive  iron-master  ;  was  M.P.  for  Fal- 
kirk, &c.,  1S41-6. — Roscinount  House,  Ayrshire. 
Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1848. 

BAKER,  Sir  George,  Bart.  (cr.  1776). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Frederick  F.  Baker, 
Bart.,  by  Harriet,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  John  Simeon, 
Bart.  ;  6.  1816  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1830  ;  m.  1st  1840 
Mary  Isabella,  dau.  of  Robert  Nassau  Sutton, 
Esq.  ;  2nd  1S5S  Augusta  Catharine,  dau.  of  Sir  R. 
FitzWygram,  Bart.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1837).— Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  4,  Hyde  Park 
Square,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Frederick  Edward,  b.  1843. 

BAKER,  Sir  Henry  Lorraine,  Bart.  (cr.  1796). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Robert  Baker,  Bart.,  by 
Dinah,  dau.  and  heir  of  W.  Hayley,  Esq.,  M.P. 
for  London  ;  b.  1787;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1826  ;  m. 
1820  Louisa  Anne,  dau.  of  W.  Williams,  Esq.  A 
Vice-Admiral  retired  ;  served  with  distinction  in 
St.  Domingo  and  Guadaloupe.— Kingston  Russell, 
near  Bridport,  Dorset ;  Dunstable  House,  Rich- 
mond, Surrey,  S.W.  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Williams,  b.  1821 ;  in  Holy 
Orders,  Vicar  of  Monkland,  co.  Hereford. 

BAKER,  Sir  Edward  Baker  (cr.  1802). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Edward  Baker  Little- 
hales,  Bart,  (who  assumed  the  name  of  Baker 
only),  by  Elizabeth  Mary,  dau.  of  the  2nd  Duke  of 
Leinster;  b.  1806;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1825.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Dorset. — Ranston, 
near  Blandford,  Dorset ;  2,  St.  James's  Place,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Talbot  Hastings  Bondall, 
in  Holy  Orders,  Vicar  of  Preston,  Dorset ;  b.  1820  ; 
m.  1850  Florence,  dau.  of  John  Hutchings,  Esq.,  of 

BAKER,  Henry  John  Baker,  Esq..  (of  Elemore 

Eldest  son  of  Henry  Tower,  Esq.  (only  surviving 
brother  of  Christopher  Tower,  Esq.,  of  Weald  Hall, 
Essex,  whom  see),  by  Isabella,  only  dau.  and  heiress 
of  George  Baker,  Esq.,  of  Elemore  Hall ;  6.  1822  ; 
s.  1842  ;  m.  1849  Isabella,  dau.  ofR.  L.  Allgood, 
Esq.,  of  Nunwick.  Assumed  the  name  of  Baker 
only  in  1844.  Educated  at  Harrow  ;  is  a  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Durham  ;  was  formerly  Lieutenant 
4th  Dragoon  Guards.  —  Elemore  Hall  and  Crook 
Hall,  Durham. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  George  Baker,  b.  1850. 

BAKER,  Rev.  Ralph  Bourne. 

Son  of  the  late  William  Baker,  Esq.,  by  Mary,  dau. 
of  James  Bourne,  Esq.,  of  Fenton,  Staffordshire  ; 
b.  1804  ;  s.  1833  ;  m.  1845  Frances  Crofton,  eldest 
dau.  of  Bishop  Singer,  of  Meath,  and  of  Mary, 
grand-dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Morgan  Crofton,  Bart., 
of  Mohill,  co.  Leitrim,  Ireland.  Educated  at  Rugby 
and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1826,  M.A. 
1829);  appointed  Incumbent  of  Christ  Church, 
Hilderstone,  1833  ;  Rural  Dean  of  Stone  1840  ; 
Examining  Chaplain  to  the  Lord  Bishop  of  Meath 
1852  ;  a  Magistrate  for  Staffordshire  1850.— Hil- 
derstone Parsonage,  near  Stone,  Staffordshire,  and 

Doveridge-wood  House,  near  Uttoxeter,  Derby- 
shire ;  University  Club,  Dublin  ;  National  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  William  Meath,  b.  1857. 

BAKER,  Richard  Westbrook,  Esq.  (of  Cottes-Ii 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Richard  Baker,  Esq.,  by  hit  1 
2nd  wife  Catherine,  only  dau.  of  Wm.  Richards,  J 
Esq.,  M.D.,  of  Stamford  ;  b.  1797  ;  s.  1816  ;  m,M 
1820  Anne,  dau.  of  Henry  Hind  Brown,  Esq.,  oU 
Melton  Mowbray.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Leicester,  j 
a  Commissioner  of  Land  Tax,  and  a  Life  Governoi  I 
of  the  Royal  Agricultural  Society ;  was  High  Sherif !' 
of  Rutland  1841.  This  family  is  of  long  standing  h  [j 
Herts  and  Bucks. — Cottesmore  and  Langham.  nea  j[ 
Oakham  ;  Parthenon  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Henry,  b.  1832 ;  m.  185i 11 
Elizabeth,  only  dau.  of  John  Keen,  Esq. 

BAKER,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  West  Hay). 

Third  son  of  the  late  John  Innes  Baker,  Esq.,  o 
Bristol,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert  Bright,  Esq.,  o 
Brockbury,  co.  Hereford  ;  b.  1786  ;  s.  1805;  Wi  ll 
1826  Dorothea,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  John  Wylde| 
Rector  of  Aldridge-with-Barr,  co.  Stafford.  Is  |j 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Somerset. — Wesifj 
"  Hay,  Wrington,  near  Bristol. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  Lowbridge,  b.  1831  ;  wjj 
1858  Mary  Katherine,  dau.  of  Charles  Noel,  Esq.  ^ 

BAKER,  Thomas  Bar  wick  Lloyd,  Esq.  (of  Hard  | 
wicke  Court).  ' 
Only  son  of  the  late  Thomas  John  Lloyd  Bake:i'( 
Esq.,  by  his  1st  wife  Mary,  dau..  of  William  Sharjfi 
Esq.,  of  Fulham,  Middlesex  (and  niece  of  Grail! 
ville  Sharp,  Esq.,  well  known  for  his  exertions  i| 
the  cause  of  negro  emancipation) ;  b.  1807 ;  [ 
1841;  m.  1840  Mary,  dau.  of  Nicholas  Lew{( 
Fenwick,  Esq.,  of  Basford,  co.  Worcester.  Ed'Jj 
cated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistra  l  j 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Gloucestershire,  and  distil ! 
guished  as  a  leader  of  the  Reformatory  movement  j 
This  family  is  a  branch  of  the  Bakers  of  Waresle|  i 
Worcestershire.  —  Hard  wicke  Court,  near  Gloi  j 

Heir,  his  son  Granville  Edwin  Lloyd,  b.  1841.  i 

BAKER-CRES  SWELL,  Addison  John,  Esq.  I 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Francis  Easterby,  Es 
(who  assumed  the  name  of  Cresswell),  by  Franc 
Dorothea,  twin-dau.  and  co-heiress  of  John  Cre: 
well,  Esq.,  of  Cresswell ;  b.  1788  ;  s.  1820  ;  m.  18  j 
Elizabeth  Mary,  dau.  of  G.  L.  Reid,  Esq.,  of  Cha: 
pion  Hill.  Educated  at  Corpus  Christi  Coll.,  Oxfo  ( 
(created  an  Hon.  M.A.  of  Oxford  1810) ;  is  a  Magi 
trate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Northumberland  ;  \u 
M.P.  for  N.  Northumberland  1841-7. — Cresswt 
near  Morpeth,  Northumberland.  i 
Heir,  his  grandson  Addison,  b.  1844  ;  elder  s  j 
of  his  eldest  son  Oswin  Addison  Baker-Cresswr[ 
Esq.  (who  d.  1856),  by  Ann  Seymour,  eldest  d;| 
of  Sir  William  Gordon-Cumming,  Bart. 

BALDOCK,  Edward  Holmes,  Esq. 

Son  of  the  late  E.  Baldock,  Esq. ;  b.  1812 ;  m.  U 
Elizabeth  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  A.  V.  Corb 


Bart.  Is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Middlesex  ;  was  M.P. 
for  Shrewsbury  1847-57. — Conservative  and  Carl- 
ton Clubs,  S.W.  ;  31,  Grosvenor  Place,  S.W. 

3ALDWIjNT,  Herbert,  Esq.,  M.D.  (of  Cork). 
Son  of  the  late  —  Baldwin,  Esq.,  of  Cork  ;  b.  178-  ; 
m.  1st  18 —  Mary,  dau.  of  —  Dunne,  Esq.  ;  2nd 
18 —  Ellen,  dau.  of  —  Herrick,  Esq.  Educated  at 
Edinburgh  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  the  city  of  Cork  ;  was  M.P.  for  Cork 
1833-7  ;  formerly  in  practice  as  a  physician  in  that 

I  city. — Clohina,  near  Cork  ;  Eeform  Club,  S.W. 

BALFOUR,  Arthur  James,  Esq.  (of  Whitting- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  James  Maitland  Balfour, 
1  Esq.,  by  Blanche,  younger  dau.  of  the  2nd  Marquis 

of  Salisbury,  K.G. ;  6.  1848  ;  s.  1856.  Represents 
|  a  younger  branch  of  the  Balfours  of  Balbirnie. — 

Whittinghame,  near  Haddington,  N.B. 
I      Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Cecil  Chaides,  b.  1849. 

BALFOUR,  Blayney  Townley,  Esq.  (of  Townley 
j  Hall). 

I  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Blayney  Townley  Balfour, 
Esq.,  by  Lady  Florence  Cole,  dau.  of  the  Earl  of 
Enniskillen  ;  b.  1799  ;  s.  1857  ;  m.  1843  Elizabeth 
Catharine,  dau.  of  Richard  Molesworth  Eeynell, 
,  Esq.    Educated  at  Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
i  (B.A.  1822)  ;  appointed  Governor  of  the  Bahamas 
J  1833  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Louth  and  Meath 
(High  Sheriff  for  co.  Meath  1841).— Townley  Hall, 
near  Drogheda,  co.  Louth  ;  Sackville  Street  Club, 
]  Dublin ;  Travellers'  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Blayney  Reynell,  b.  1845. 

3ALFOUR,  David,  Esq.  (of  Balfour  and  Tre- 

Third  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Captain 
William  Balfour,  B.N.,  by  his  1st  wife  Mary 
Balfour,  only  child  of  William  Manson,  Esq.,  of 
Kirkwall,  N.B.  ;  b.  1811 ;  s.  1846  ;  m.  1844  Eleanor 
Alder,  dau.  of  Captain  Samuel  Barker  Edmeston. 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  and  Convener  for 
co.  Orkney,  and  a  Magistrate  for  Midlothian. — 
Balfour  Castle  and  Noltland  Castle,  by  Kirkwall, 
co.  Orkney. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William,  b.  1813  ;  m.  1843 
Jessy  Alexina,  dau.  of  Rev.  Thomas  Steele. 

3ALFOUR,  Francis,  Esq.  (of  Fernie  Castle). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  —  Balfour,  Esq. — Fernie 
Castle,  co.  Fife,  N.B. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  James  Bower,  Lieutenant 
R.N. ;  b.  18—  ;  m.  1859  Martha  Maria,  2nd  dau. 
of  the  Hon.  G.  H.  Emerson,  Q.C.,  of  Virginia 
Water,  St.  John's,  Newfoundland. 

'3ALFOUR,*  James,  Esq.  (of  Balbirnie). 
j    Eldest  son  of  the  late  —  Balfour,  Esq.  ;  b.  18 —  ; 
,.     m.  1840  Georgina  Isabella,  2nd  dau.  of  the  1st 
Earl  of  Cawdor.    Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
tor  co.  Fife. — Balbirnie,  co.  Fife,  N.B. 

HALGUY,  John,  Esq.  (of  Duflield  Park). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Balguy,  Esq.,  Q.C., 
'  Recorder  of  Derby,  Commissioner  of  Bankruptcy, 


and  Chairman  of  the  Derbyshire  Quarter  Sessions, 
by  Barbara,  dau.  of  Rev.  J.  F.  S.  Fleming  St.  John' 
Prebendary  of  Worcester  ;  b.  1821  ;  s.  1858  ;  m. 
1858  Harriet  Anne,  3rd  dau.  of  J.  W.  Ogle,  Esq.,  of 
Oakwood,  Beckenham,  Kent.  Educated  at  Eton 
andMerton  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1844)  ;  called  to  the 
Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1848  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  co.  Derby.  This  family  has  been  settled  in 
Deryshire  since  the  reign  of  Edward  I. — Duffield 
Park,  near  Derby;  Arthur's  Club,  S.W. ;  20,  Ches- 
ter Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Henry,  b.  1859. 

BALL,  Sir  William  Keith,  Bart.  (cr.  1801). 

Only  son  of  the  late  Rear-Admiral  Sir  Alexander 
John  Ball,  Bart.,  by  Mary  Smith,  dau.  Of  John 
Wilson,  Esq.,  of  Westminster  ;  b.  1791  ;  s.  as  2nd 
Bart.  1809.  The  1st  Bart,  was  Governor  of  Malta. 
— Netheravon  House,  near  Amesbury,  Wilts ; 
Union  Club,  S.W.  ;  33,  Leinster  Gardens,  W. 

BALL,  Right  Hon.  Nicholas. 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  John  Ball,  Esq.,  of 
Dublin  ;  b.  1791  ;  m.  1817  Jane,  dau.  of  the  late 
Thomas  Sherlock,  Esq.,  of  Butlerstown,  co.  Water- 
ford.  Educated  at  Stonyhurst  and  Trinity  Coll., 
Dublin  ;  called  to  the  Irish  Bar  1814  ;  appointed 
King's  Counsel  1830,  Attorney-General  for  Ireland 
1838,  a  Judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas, 
Ireland,  1839  ;  sworn  a  Member  of  the  Privy 
Council  1837  ;  was  M.P.  for  Clonmel  1836-9. 
— 85,  Stephen's  Green,  Dublin  ;  Brookes'  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  John,  Barrister-at-Law,  late  M.P. 
for  co.  Carlow,  and  Under-Secretary  of  State  for 
the  Colonies  ;  b.  1818  ;  m.  1856  Elize,  dau.  of  the 
Count  Parolini,  of  Lombardy. 

BALL,  William  Hawkins,  Esq.  (of  Fort  Fergus). 
Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Benjamin  Ball, 
Esq.,  by  Elizabeth,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late 
Right  Rev.  Dr.  James  Hawkins,  Lord  Bishop  of 
Raphoe;  b.  1797  ;  m.  1845  Julia  O'Grady,  young- 
est dau.  of  Standish,  1st  Viscount  Guillamore. 
Educated  at  Harrow  and  Caius  Coll.,  Cambridge  ; 
appointed  Cornet  16th  Lancers  1814,  Captain  un- 
attached 1825,  Captain  49th  regiment  1825,  Ma- 
jor unattached  1831,  but  has  since  retired  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Clare  (High 
Sheriff  1850).  This  family  is  originally  from 
Cheshire. — Fort  Fergus,  near  Ennis,  co.  Clare  ; 
United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

BALL,  William  Shirley,  Esq.  (of  Abbcylara). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Ball,  Esq.,  of  High 
Park,  co.  Dublin,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  George  Pal- 
mer,  Esq. ;  6.  1806  ;  s.  1827  ;  m.  1835  Jane,  eldest 
dau.  of  Cosby  Wilton,  Esq.,  of  Omard.  CO.  C&van, 
Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a,  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Longford  (High  S 
1843)  ;  was  formerly  Captain  8th  Royal  Trish  Hus- 
sars. This  family  first  settled  in  Ireland  during 
the  Protectorship  of  Oliver  Cromwell,  his  aiMMBtor 
having  accompanied  him  to  that  country  as  Captain 
of  his  Body-guard,  and  he  reeeived  as  a  reward  for 
his  services  large  grants  of  lands  in  many  counties 
in  Ireland. — Abbcylara,  near  CranarJ.  00.  ' 

Bal]  COUNTY  Fi 

ford  :  Kildare  Street  ami  United  Service  Clubs, 
Dublin  :  Junior  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

//(/  •,  his  son  Thomas  Shirley,  Lieutenant  10th 
Hussars ;  6.  1837. 

BALLANTINE-DYKES,  Frecheville  Lawson, 
Esq.  (of  Ingwell). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Dykes-Ballantine, 
Esq.,  of  Crookdale  Hall,  &c,  who  assumed  the 
additional  surname  of  Dykes  on  his  marriage  with 
Mary  Dykes,  of  Dovenby  Hall,  dau.  and  heir  of 
Frecheville  Dykes,  Esq.,  of  Wardhall,  co.  Cum- 
berland;  b.  1S00  ;  m.  1844  Ann  Eliza,  eldest  dau. 
and  co-heir  of  Joseph  Gunson,  Esq.,  of  Ingwell. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B,A. 
1S22,  M.A.  1827)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Cumber- 
land (High  Sheriff  1842) ;  was  M.P.  for  Cocker- 
mouth  1S32-6.  This  family,  anciently  "Deland 
de  Dykes,"*  originated  at  Dykesfield,  on  the 
Roman  Wall.  The  name  is  derived  from  the  wall 
— a  Sax,  "  The  Dyke  "  (e.g.  "  Graham's  Dyke  "), 
or,  rather,  "  The  Dykes  " — the  vallum  terminating 
at  this  point  (vide  Bruce,  p.  280),  in  junction, 
doubtless,  with  the  Murus.  They  were  of  Ward- 
hall,  &c,  11th  and  13th  Henry  VI.  ;  of  Crookdake 
Hall,  &c,  1764  ;  and  of  Dovenby  Hall,  &c,  1791 ; 
and  still  continue  to  hold  those  properties. — Ing- 
well, near  Whitehaven,  Cumberland. 

Heir,  his  son  Frecheville  Brougham,  b.  1849. 

BALLANTYNE,  James,  Esq.  (of  Holylee). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Ballantyne,  Esq., 
by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  —  Burnet,  Esq.  ;  6.  1789  ; 
s.  1824  ;  m.  1821  Anne,  dau.  of  Andrew  Hender- 
son, Esq.,  of  Midgehope.  Is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Selkirk,  and  a  Magistrate  for 
Peebles.' — Holylee,  near  Innerleithen,  N.B. 
Heir,  his  son  James  George,  b.  1837. 

BAL  ME  5  Edward  Balme  Wheatley,  Esq.  (of 
Cote  Wall). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Wheatley,  Esq.,  by 
Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Abraham  Balme,  of  Whitley ; 
b.  1819  ;  assumed,  by  royal  license,  1857,  the  sur- 
name of  Balme,  after  his  maternal  great-uncle, 
the  late  Bev.  Edward  Balme.  Educated  at  Bugby, 
and  Trinity  and  Downing  Colls.,  Cambridge  (B.A. 
1841,  M.A.  1845)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  West  Biding 
of  Yorkshire,  and  one  of  the  Chairmen  of  Quarter 
Sessions. — Cote  Wall,  near  Mirfield,  Yorkshire ; 
High  Close,  near  Ambleside,  Westmoreland, 

BAMFORD-HESKETH,  Lloyd  Hesketh,  P.S.A. 
(of  Gwyrch.  Castle). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  R.  Bamford-Hesketh,  Esq., 
by  Frances,  dau.  and  heiress  of  the  Bev.  John 
Lloyd,  of  Gwrych,  co.  Denbigh;  b.  1788;  s.  1816; 
m.  1825  Emily  Esther  Anne,  dau.  of  the  1st  Earl 
Beauchamp.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch., 
Oxford  (B.A.  1809) ;  was  High  Sheriff  of  Den- 
bighshire 1828.  This  family  is  descended  from  a 
common  ancestor  with  the  Heskeths  of  Bufford 
and  Rossall,  co.  Lancaster  (whom  see). — Gwyrch 

*  Ramerus  de  Dikes  was  living  temp.  Stephen.— Vide  Char- 
tul.  of  Lanercost. 


Castle,  near  Abergele,  Denbighshire  ;  1,  Portland  | 
Place,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  Bamford-Hesketh,  b.  1826  ;  I 
on.  1851  Mary,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  H.  Jones- 
Bateman,  Esq.,  of  Pentre  Mawr,  Denbighshire. 

BANDON  (Earl  of),  Francis  Bernard  (cr.  1800).  ( 
Eldest  son  of  the  2nd  Earl,  by  Mary  Susan  Albi- 
nia,    dau.  of  the  late  Archbishop  (Brodrick)  of  J 
Cashel,  and  sister  of  the  6th  Viscount  Midleton ;  \ 
b.  1810;  s.  1856;  m.  1832  Katharine  Mary,  dau. 
of  T.  Whitmore,  Esq.,  of  Apley  Park,  co.  Salop. 
Educated  at  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1831) ;  is  a  | 
Magistrate   and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Cork,  and  ? 
Colonel  Cork  Artillery ;   was  M.P.  for  Bandon 
1842-56;  elected  a  Representative  Peer  for  Ireland 
1857. — Castle  Bernard,  co.  Cork  ;  Carlton  Club,  j 
S.W  ;  40,  Lowndes  Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Bernard,  b.  1850. 

BANGOR  (Bishop  of),  James  Colquhoun  Camp- 
bell, D.D. 

Second  son  of  the  late  John  Campbell,  of  Stone- 
field,  Argyllshire,    by  Wilhelmina,    dau.    of  Sir  | 
James  Colquhoun,  Bart.,  of  Luss,  co.  Dumbarton;  , 
6.1813;  in.  1840  Blanche  Bruce,  dau.  of  John  [ 
Bruce  Pryce,  Esq.,  of  Duffryn,  co.  Glamorgan.  [ 
Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1836, 
M.A.  1839)  ;  appointed  Rector  of  Merthyr  Tydfil 
1844,  Archdeacon  of  Llandaff  1857,  consecrated 
Bishop  of  Bangor  1859  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Glamorgan.    This  family  is  descended  from  the  3rd 
Earl  of  Argyll,  and  has  lands  in  Argyllshire,  N.B. 
—The  Palace,  Bangor. 

BAFGOB  (Viscount),  Edward  Ward  (cr.  1781).  I; 
Eldest  son  of  the  3rd  Viscount,  by  Harriet  Mar- 
garet,  dau.  of  the  6th  Lord  Farnham ;  b.  1827; 
s.  1837.  A  Magistrate  for  co.  Down;  elected' f 
Representative  Peer  for  Ireland  1855.  —  Castlr 
Ward,  near  Strangford,  co.  Down  ;  Caidton  Club 
S.W.  ;  42,  Charges  Street,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Henry  William  Crosbie 
iate  Captain  43rd  foot,  b.  1828. 

i  ' 

BANGOR,  Viscountess. 

Harriet  Margaret,  2nd  dau.  of  the  6  th  Lord  Farn  : 
ham  ;  m.  1st  1826  Edward,  3rd  Viscount  Bangoi 
who  d.  1837  ;  2nd  1841  Major  Andrew  Nugent, 
late  36th  foot,  Dep.  Lieut,  and  Justice  of  Peaci 
for  co.  Down,  3rd  son  of  the  late  Andrew  Savag 
Nugent,  Esq.,  of  Portaferry,  co.  Down. — Castl  < 
Ward,  near  Strangford,  co.  Down. 

BAKTKES,  George,  Esq.  (of  Studland  Manor).  | 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  George  Banke  | 
Cursitor  Baron  of  the  Exchequer,  and  many  yeai; 
M.P.  for  Dorset,  by  Georgina  Charlotte,  dau.  am 
heir  of  the  late  Sir  C.  E.  Nugent,  Admiral  of  tl* 
Fleet ;  b.  1828  ;  s.  1856.  Educated  at  Eton  arl 
Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Dorset.-' 
Studland  Manor,  near  Wareham,  Dorset ;  5,  0  [ 
Palace-yard,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Henry  Hyde  Nugec, 
Barrister-at-Law,  of  Lincoln's  Inn;  b.  1829;  if 
1856  Lalage'  Letitia  Caroline,  clau.  of  1st  Lo:: 
Vivian,  G.C.B. 




LNKBS,  John  Scott,  Esq.  (of  Soughton  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  Rev.  Edward  Bankes,  by  Frances 
lane,  dau.  of  1st  Earl  of  Eldon  ;  b.  1826;  m. 
1849  Annie,  dau.  of  the  late  Chief  Justice  Jervis. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  University  Coll.,  Oxford 
B.A.  1847) ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Flintshire,  and  a 
VEagistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Dorset. — Soughton 
Sail,  near  Northop,  co.  Flint ;  Arthur's  Club,  S.W. 

LKTKES,  Meyrick,  Esq.  (of  Winstanley  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Meyrick  Bankes,  Esq.,  by 
Maria  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Langford  Brooke, 
Esq.,  of  Mere  Hall;  b.  1811  ;  s.  1832.  Educated 
it  Eton  and  Corpus  Christi  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  Lancashire. — Winstanley  Hall,  near 
iVigan,  Lancashire, 

3  lNKE  S,  William  John,  Esq.  (of  Kingston  Hall) . 
ldest  son  of  the  late  Henry  Bankes,  Esq.,  many 
rears  M.P.  for  Corfe  Castle  and  Dorset,  by  Frances, 
lau.  of  Win.  Woodley,  Esq.,  M.P.,  and  brother  of 
he  late  Right  Hon.  G-.  Bankes,  M.P.  ;  6.  1786  ; 
.  1834.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll., 
Cambridge  (B.A.  1808,  M.A.  1811) ;  is  a  Magis- 
rate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Dorset ;  was  M.P.  for 
Cambridge  University  1827-30,  and  for  Dorset 
832-4.  This  family  has  been  possessed  of  Corfe 
Castle  since  the  13th  century,  and  his  ancestor 
eld  the  castle  against  the  Parliamentary  forces  for 
iing  Charles  I. — Kingston  Hall,  near  Corfe  Castle, 

NUERMAN,  Sir  Alexander,  Bart.  (cr.  1682). 
)nly  son  of  the  late  Sir  Charles  Bannerman,  Bart., 
y  his  cousin  Anne,  dau.  of  Charles  Bannerman, 
Ssq. ;  b.  1822  ;  s.  as  9th  Bart.  1851.  Educated  at 
trinity  College,  Cambridge ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
os.  Kincardine  and  Aberdeen.  The  ancestors  of 
his  family  were  hereditary  Banner-bearers  to  the 
icottish  Kings. — Elsick  House  and  Crimonmogate, 
o.  Aberdeen  ;  24,  Graf  ton-street,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  kinsman  Sir  Alexander,  Knight, 
}overnor  of  Newfoundland  (whom  see). 

.HERMAN,  Sir  Alexander,  Knt.  (cr.  1851). 
Cinsman  and  heir  pres.  to  Sir  A.  Bannerman, 
5art. ;  b.  1783  ;  m.  1820  Mary,  dau.  of  G.  Gordon, 
Isq.  Has  been  Lieutenant-Governor  of  Prince 
Idward's  Island,  and  Governor  of  the  Bahamas  ; 
ppointed  1857  Governor  and  Commander-in-Chief 
f  Newfoundland  ;  was  M.P.  1832-47  for  Aber- 
een,  in  which  town  he  was  formerly  a  banker, 
lerchant  and  shipowner. — St.  John's,  Newfound- 
|tnd ;  Reform  Club,  S.  W. 

ijlSTTRY  (Earl  of),  Richard  White  (cr.  1816). 
lldest  son  of  the  1st  Earl,  by  Margaret  Ann,  dau. 
f  the  1st  Earl  of  Listowel  ;  6.  1800  ;  s.  1851  ;  m. 
836  Mary,  dau.  of  2nd  Marquis  of  Thomond,  K.P.  ; 
ihe  d.  1853).  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a 
lagistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Cork;  elected 
Repr.  Peer  for  Ireland  1853.  The  barony  of 
■antry  was  conferred  on  the  late  Earl  for  his  re- 
alse  of  the  French  in  their  attempted  descent  on 
ie  coast  in  Bautry  Bay,  in  1797. — Ban  try  House, 

co.  Cork  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. ;  Thomas's  Hotel, 
Berkeley  Square,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  Henry  Hare  (who 
has  assumed  the  additional  name  of  Hedges)  ;  b. 
1801 ;  m.  1845  Jane,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late 
C.  J.  Herbert,  Esq.,  of  Mucross  Castle,  co.  Kerry. 

BARCLAY,  Sir  David  William,  Bart.  (cr.  1668). 
Son  of  the  late  Sir  Robert  Barclay,  Bart.,  by  his 
2nd  wife  Harriet,  dau.  of  Col.  Durell  and  Baroness 
Cronstedt  ;  b.  1804  ;  s.  his  nephew  as  10th  Bart. 
1859  ;  m.  1829  Elline  Josephe,  dau.  of  the  Marquis 
de  Rune,  of  Warsy,  Picardy ;  is  Capt.  99th  regt. 
Heir,  his  son  Colville  Arthur  Durell,  6.  1829. 

BARCLAY,  Arthur  Kett,  Esq.,  F.R.S.  (of  Bury 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Charles  Barclay,  Esq.,  who 
was  High  Sheriff  of  Surrey,  and  some  time  M.P. 
for  W.  Surrey,  by  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  T.  Kett, 
Esq.,  of  Seething,  Norfolk  ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  1855  ;  m. 
1836  Maria  Octavia,  dau.  of  I.  Wright,  Esq.,  of 
Mapperley,  Notts.  Educated  at  Harrow ;  a  Ma- 
gistrate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Surrey.  Is  male 
representative  of  the  ancient  Scotch  families  of 
Mathers  and  Urie. — Bury  Hill,  near  Doi'king, 
Surrey  ;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Robert,  b.  1837. 

BARCLAY,  David,  Esc-,  (of  East  wick  Park). 
Second  son  of  the  late  Robert  Barclay,  Esq.,  of 
Bury  Hill,  Surrey,  by  Rachel,  dau.  of  John  Gurney, 
Esq.,  of  Norwich;  b.  1784  ;  m.  1818  Maria  Doro- 
thea, eldest  dau.  of  Sir  Hedworth  Williamson, 
Bart.,  of  Whitburn,  co.  Durham.  Is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Surrey;  was  formerly  M.P. 
for  Penryn,  and  afterwards  for  Sunderland.  This 
family  is  a  branch  of  the  ancient  house  of  the 
Barclays  of  Urie,  in  Scotland. — Eastwick  Park, 
Great  Bookham,  near  Leatherhead,  Surrey;  Tra- 
vellers' Club,  S.W.  ;  25,  Bolton  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Hedworth  David,  b.  1820  ;  m.  1857 
Caroline  Agnes,  dau.  of  H.  Brereton  Trelawney, 

BARCLAY,  Thomas  Brockhurst,  Esq.  (of  Waver- 
tree  Lodge). 
Eldest  son  of  the.  late  George  Barclay,  Esq.,  M.P., 
of  Burford  Lodge,  Surrey,  by  Rebecca,  dau.  of 
Benjamin  Brockhurst,  Esq.,  of  London  ;  b.  1783  ; 
s.  1819  ;  m.  1820  Sarah,  dau.  of  Henry  Peters, 
Esq.,  of  Betchworth  Castle,  Surrey.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Lancaster. — Wavertree  Lodge,  near 
Liverpool ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 


(See  Stcuart.) 

BARDSLEY,  Sir  James  Lomax,  M.D.,  Knt. 
(cr.  1853). 

Son  of  the  late  Edward  Banlsloy.  Esq-  ;  b.  1801  : 
m.  1831  Mary,  dau.  of  Lieutenant  Brunt,  R  v. 
and  widow  of  the  Rev.  R.  H.  Slmttloworth.  F.du- 
cated  at  Edinburgh  University  :  is  Physician  to 
Manchester  Infirmary.— The  Orchard,  Grn 
Lancashire;  4,  Chatham  Street,  CCanoheater. 



BARHAM,  Rev.  Charles  Henry. 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Korster  Barham, 
Esq.,  M.P.  for  Stockhridge,  Hants,  by  Caroline, 
dau.  of  Sackville,  9th  Earl  of  Thanet ;  b.  1808  ;  m. 
183d  Elizabeth  Maria,  dau.  of  William  Boyd  Ince, 
Esq.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  co.  Pembroke  ;  was  formerly  Rector  of  Banning, 
in  Kent,  and  of  Kirk  by  Thore,  Westmoreland  ; 
was  M.P.  for  Appleby,  May-Nov.,  1832.  Mr. 
Barham  is  38th  in  direct  descent  from  Kollo,  1st 
Duke  of  Normandy,  and  16th  from  Edward  III. 
This  family  was  formerly  named  Forster.  The 
Tnftons,  Earls  of  Thanet,  were  hereditary  High 
Sheriffs  of  Westmoreland,  an  honour  which  de- 
scended in  the  female,  as  well  as  in  the  male  line, 
but  which  was  resigned  by  Mr.  Barham  in  1840. — 
Trecion,  near  Haverfordwest ;  Arthur's  Club,  S.W. 

BARING,  Right  Hon.  Sir  Francis  Thornhill, 
Bart.  (cr.  1793). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Baring,  Bart., 
M.P.,  by  Mary  Ursula,  dau.  of  Charles  Sealy, 
Esq.,  of  Calcutta  ;  b.  1796 ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1848  ; 
m.  1st  1825  Jane,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  G,  Grey, 
Bart.,  G.C.B.;  2nd  1841  Arabella,  dau.  of  the  1st  Earl 
of  Effingham.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1817);  has  been  called  to  the  Bar;  was  a 
Lord  of  the  Treasury  (1830-4),  Joint  Secretary  of 
the  Treasury  (1834  9),  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer 
(1839-41),  and  1st  Lord  of  the  Admiralty  (1849-51) ; 
has  been  M.P.  for  Portsmouth  since  1826.  Repre- 
sents a  younger  branch  of  the  family  of  Lord  Ash- 
burton. — Sti  atton  Park,  Winchester  ;  Reform  and 
Athenaeum  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  85,  Eaton  Place,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  George,  M.P.  for  Fal- 
mouth ;  Captain  Hants  Yeomanry  Cavalry,  and 
Secretary  to  the  Council  for  India  ;  late  a  Lord  of 
the  Admiralty  ;  b.  1826  ;  m.  1848  Elizabeth  Har- 
riet, dau.  of  H.  C.  Sturt,  Esq.,  of  Critchill,  Dorset. 

BARING,  Hon.  Francis  (of  Buekenham  Honse). 
Second  son  of  1st  Lord  Ashburton,  by  Anne,  dau. 
of  the  late  William  Bingham,  Esq.,  of  Philadelphia, 
U.S.,  and  heir  pres.  to  that  title;  5.1800  ;  m.  1833 
Clare  Hortense,  dau.  of  le  Due  de  Bassano.  Was 
M.P.  for  Thetford  1832-41  and  1848-57.— Bueken- 
ham House,  near  Brandon,  Suffolk  ;  1 6,  St.  James's 
Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Alexander  Hugh,  B.A.  of  Ch.  Ch., 
Oxford,  and  M.P.  for  Thetford  ;  b.  1835. 

BARING,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Frederick  (of  Melchet 

Third  son  of  1st  Lord  Ashburton,  by  Anne,  dau.  of 
the  late  William  Bingham,  Esq.,  of  Philadelphia, 
U.S.  ;  b.  1806  ;  m.  1831  Frederica  Mary  Cathe- 
rine, dau.  of  J.  Ashton,  Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  and 
Christ's  Coll.,  Cambridge ;  was  Rector  of  Itchen 
Stoke,  Hants,  1830-44.— Melchet  Park,  near  Rom- 
sey,  Hants  ;  9,  Grosvenor  Crescent,  S.W. 

BARING,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Norman's  Court). 
Second  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Baring,  Bart., 
M.P.,  of  Stratton  Park,  Hants,  by  Mary  Ursula, 
eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Chas.  Sealy,  Esq.,  of  Cal- 
cutta ;  b.  1800.  Educated  at  Winchester  ;  is  a 
Merchant  in  London,  a  Director  of  the  Bank  of 

England,  and  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  fo 
Middlesex  and  for  London  ;  lias  been  M.P.  fo 
Huntingdon  since  1844. — Norman's  Court,  nea 
Stockhridge,  Hants ;  41,  Upper  Grosvenor  St.,  W, 

BARING-GOULD,  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Lew  Trer 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Baring-Gould,  Esq 
by  Diana  Amelia,  dau.  of  Joseph  Sabine,  Esq.  ;  . 
1804;  s.  1846 ;  m.  1832  Sophia  Charlotte,  dau.. 
the  late  Admiral  Bond.  Educated  at  the  Eas 
India  Military  Coll.,  Addiscombe  ;  was  former 
in  the  Madras  Light  Cavalry  ;  is  a  Magistrate  £ 
Devon. — Lew  Trenchard,  Lewdown,  Devon. 
Heir,  his  son  Sabine,  6.  1834. 

BARKER,  George  Jones,  Esq.  (of  Albrightr 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Barker,  Esq.  (who  w ! 
High  Sheriff  for  Staffordshire  in  1850),  by  The  j 
dosia,  only  dau.  of  George  Jones,  Esq.,  of  Shack*  j 
ley,  co.  Salop ;  b.  1825  ;  s.  1852  ;  m.  1854  Sai 
younger  dau.  of  James  Cunliffe,  Esq.,  Banker,  I 
London.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  t| 
Stafford. — Albrighton  Hall,  near  Wolverhampt 
Fenton's  Hotel,  St.  James's  Street,  S.W. 

BARKER,  "William,  Esq.  (of  Kilcooly  Abbey 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Chambre  Brabazon  Ponson 
Esq.  (who  assumed  the  name  of  Barker  in  18 
having  succeeded  to  the  estates  of  his  uncle, 
late  Sir  William  Barker,  Bart.),   by  Henriei 
eldest  dau.  of  1st  Earl  of  Bective  ;  b.  1795  ;  s.  18 
m.  1816  Elizabeth  Selina,  4th  dau.  of  the 
Bishop  Knox  of  Derry.    Is  a  Magistrate  and  D 
Lieut,  for  co.  Tipperary  (High  Sheriff  1824)  ; 
High  Sheriff  for  co.  Kilkenny  1844.    This  fa 
is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor  with 
Earl  of  Bessborough. — Kilcooly  Abbey,  co. 

Heir,  his  brother  Chambre  Brabazon,  E 
b.  1799  ;  m.  1834  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Col 

BARKLY,  Sir  Henry,  Knt.,  K.C.B.  (cr.  185^1, 
Only  son  of  the  late  iEneas  Barkly,  Esq.,  li 
chant  of  London;  b.  1815;  m.  1840  Elizaffi] 
Helen,  2nd  dau.  of  J.  F.  Timins,  Esq.,  of  ]U 
field  House,  Herts  (she  d.  1857).  Educate<j,t; 
Bruce  Castle,  Tottenham ;  was  Governor  of  Br  1 
Guiana  1849-53,  and  of  Jamaica  1853-6  ;  appoi  jd 
Governor  of  Victoria  1856  ;  was  M.P.  for  > 
minster  1845-9. — Toorak,  near  Melbourne,  is-* 
tralia  ;  Windham  and  Carlton  Clubs,  S.W.     f  j 

BARLOW,  Sir  Morison,  Bart.  (cr.  1803). 
Third  but  only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sip. 
Barlow,  Bart.,  by  Augusta  Louisa,  dau.  of  M  »• 
General  Seymour,  R.A.  ;  b.  1835  ;  s.  as  3rd  '.p, 
1857.  Is  Lieutenant  4th  Bengal  European  ]|ht 
Cavalry;  was  present  at  the  siege  and  takifof 
Lucknow,  under  Lord  Clyde.  The  1st  Bajiet 
was  Governor-General  of  India  1805-6. — Calc>a. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  Richajd  WellesleH 
1836,  son  of  the  late  Richard  Wellesley  Bafw, 
Esq.,  H.E.I. C.  Civil  Service,  6th  son  of  Sir  G(rg< 
Hilaro  Barlow,  1st  Bart. 



INARD,  Lady. 

ibella  Letitia,  dau.  of  General  J.  C.  Craufurd  ; 
p28  Major-General  Sir  H.  W.  Barnard,  K.C.B., 
10  d.  in  India  1857. — Wilton  Crescent,  S.W. 

INARD,  Henry  Gee,  Esq.  (of  Cave  Castle), 
dest  son  of  the  late  Henry  Boldero  Barnard,  Esq., 

Sarah  Elizabeth,  dau.  and  co-heiress  of  Roger 
1  Esq.,  of  Bishop  Burton  ;  b.  1789  ;  s.  1815  ; 

1834  Elizabeth  Mary,  dau.  of  Henry  Elliott, 
q.  Educated  at  Eton  ;  was  formerly  Captain  in 
3  Scots  Greys. — Cave  Castle,  near  Brough, 
i>Fkshire  ;  Athenseum  Club,  S.W. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  nephew  Charles  Edward  Gee, 

INARD,  Talbot,  Esq.  (of  Kempston  Hoo). 
ler  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Barnard,  Esq., 
nker,  of  Bedford,  by  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Mr,  Esq.,  of  Cambridge  ;  b.  1827  ;  s.  1853  ;  m. 
19  Mary,  dau.  of  Nicholas  FitzPatrick,  Esq., 
D.  Educated  at  Emmanuel  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is 
Magistrate  for  Beds  (High  Sheriff  1856),  and  a 
nker  at  Bedford. — Kempston  Hoo,  near  Bedford. 
TIeir,  his  son  Talbot,  b.  1849. 

INARD,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Prestbury). 

iest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Robert  Cary  Barnard, 

ctor  of  Withersfield,  Suffolk,  by  Elizabeth,  dau. 

R.  Cary  Elwes,  Esq.,  of  Isleworth  ;  b.  1792; 
11822  Christian  Porter,  dau.  of  Thomas  Porter, 
Bq.,  of  Rockbeare  House,  Devon.  Entered  the 
Iny  in  1808  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Cambridgeshire. 
HPrestbury,  near  Cheltenham. 
mffeir,  his  son  Thomas,  b.  1823. 

IfLNARDISTON,  Nathaniel  Clarke,  Esq.  (of 
The  Ryes). 

I  of  the  late  Nathaniel  Barnardiston,  Esq.,  by 
zabeth,  dau.  of  J.  S.  Styles,  Esq.  ;  b.  1799  ;  s. 
17 ;  m.  1826  Sophia,  dau.  of  George  Robert 

Ires,  Esq.,  late  of  Cavenham  Hall,  Norfolk, 
ucated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1819, 

I  A.  1821)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Essex  and  Suffolk. 

|  is  family  was  formerly  of  Ketton,  the  adjoining 
fish  to  Barnardiston,  in  Suffolk,  whence  they 
rive  their  name,  having  been  located  there  before 
i  Conquest.  Two  Baronetcies  in  succession  were 
sated  in  this  family,  but  they  both  became  extinct. 
The  Ryes,  near  Sudbury,  Suffolk  ;  University 
ub,  S.W. 

TIeir,  his  son  Nathaniel,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  of 
ntlowHall,  Suffolk;  b.  1832;  m.  1858 Florence, 
u.  of  the  4th  Earl  of  Dartmouth. 

tNE,  Frederick,  Esq.  (of  Sotterley  Park). 
Jest  son  of  the  late  Michael  Barne,  Esq.,  many 
ars  M.P.  for  Dunwich  ;  b.  18—  ;  s.  1837  ;  m. 
34  Mary  Anne  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir 
C.  Honywooci,  Bai  t.  Is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Suf- 
[J  Jk  ;  formerly  Captain  12th  Lancers  ;  was  M.P. 
'  Dunwich  1830-2.— Sotterley  Park,  near  Dun- 
ch,  Suffolk. 

tNEBY,  John  Habington,  Esq.  (of  Brock- 

|dest  son  of  the  late  John  Barncby,  Esq.  (who  was 
.P.  first  for  Droitwich  and  afterwards  for  East 

Worcestershire),  by  Susan,  eldest  dau.  of  Henry 
Elwes,  Esq.,  of  Colesbourne,  Gloucestershire  ;  b. 
1840;  s.  1846.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,' 
Oxford. — Brockhampton,  near  Worcester. 

BARNES,*  James  Rothwell,  Esq.  (of  Earnworth 

Son  of  the  late  James  Barnes,  Esq.  ;  b.  17 —  ; 
m.  18 —  dau.  of  ,  Esq.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Lancaster,  and  a  Merchant  and 
Manufacturer  at  Bolton. — Farnworth  Hall,  near 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas,  late  M.P.  for  Bolton  ; 
b.  1813. 

BARNES,  Thomas,  Esq.,  M.D.,  F.R.S.E.*(of 
Bunker's  Hill). 
Second  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Barnes,  Esq., .  by 
Jane,  only  dau.  of  John  Lawson,  Esq.,  of  Whit- 
rigglees  ;  b.  1793  ;  m.  1827  Ann,  only  dau.  of  John 
Ismay,  of  Brackenlands,  niece  of  the  late  William 
Kay,  Esq.,  of  Tring  Park.  Educated  at  Edinburgh, 
London,  and  Paris  ;  appointed  Physician  to  the  Car- 
lisle Dispensary  1817,  to  the  Fever  Hospital  1820, 
and  to  the  County  Infirmary  1840  ;  is  a  Magistrate, 
for  Cumberland.  This  family  has  resided  for  a  long 
period  upon  property  in  the  parish  of  Wigton. — 
Bunker's  Hill,  near  Carlisle. 
Heir,  his  son  John,  b.  1829. 

BAENETT,  Charles,  Esq.  (of  Stratton  Park). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Major-General  Charles  Barnett, 
by  Harriet,  eldest  dau.  of  Admiral  Sir  R.  King,  Bart., 
of  Bellevue,  Kent ;  b.  1796  ;  s.  1804  ;  m.  1826  Eliza- 
beth, 3rd  dau.  of  Sir  Peter  Payne,  Bart.,  of  Blun- 
ham  House,  Beds.  Educated  at  Emmanuel  Coll., 
Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Beds  (High  Sheriff 
1821). — Stratton  Park,  near  Biggleswade,  Beds. 
Heir,  his  son  Charles  FitzRoy,  b.  1830. 

BAENEWALL,  Sir  Reginald  Aylmer  John, 
de  Barne  val,  Bart.  (cr.  1622). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Sir  Aylmer  John  Barnewall, 
Bart.,  byEsmsy  Mary,  dau.  of  Christopher  Barnewall, 
Esq.,  of  Meadstown,  co.  Meath  ;  b.  1838  ;  s.  as  8th 
Bart.  1838.  Educated  at  the  Catholic  University, 
Dublin  ;  descended  from  a  common  ancestor  with 
Lord  Trimleston.  This  family  was  formerly  seated 
at  Crickstown  Castle,  co.  Meath,  which  estate  and 
residence  they  lost  by  their  adherence  to  the  cause 
of  the  unfortunate  Charles  I. — Caucestown,  Ath- 
boy,  co.  Meath  ;  Shelbourne  Hotel,  Dublin. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  John,  b.  1825. 

BARNE  WELL,  Richard,  Esq.  (of  Bloomsberry^- 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Barnewell,  Esq.,  by 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas  Everard.  Esq.,  of  Kan- 
dillstown.  co.  Meath  ;  b.  1821  ;  s.  1852  ;  m.  1845 
Helena  Maria  Roche,  youngest  dau.  of  Charles 
Whyte  Roche,  Esq.,  of  co.  Limerick.  Educated  M 
Prior  Park  Coll.,  Bath;  is  a  Magistrate  for  CO, 
Meath. — Bloomsberry,  near  Kclls.  co.  Meath. 

BARRETT,  John  Edward,  Esq.  (of  OaXTigaiieSfl 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Barrett,  E 
Mary  Anno,  dau.  of  James  Barry,  BSaq.j  of  Kil 


Bar]  county  families  of 

Larry  j  h.  1828  ;  s.  1843  ;  in.  1S56  Katherine,  dau. 
of  William  O'Sullivan,  Esq.,  of  Carriganess  Castle. 
Educated  at  Clongowes  Coll.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for 
co.  Cork  ;  represents  an  ancient  English  family 
which  has  been  in  Ireland  since  the  12th  century  ; 
they  were  the  owners  of  the  Barony  of  Barretts, 
having  two  principal  residences  there,  viz.  Bal- 
lincollig  Castle  and  Castlemore.  William  Barrett 
of  Castlemore  was  created  a  Baronet  1CG5  (title  now 
extinct).  All  the  estates  of  this  family  were  for- 
feited at  the  Revolution,  Colonel  John  Barrett  heing 
then  the  owner. — Carriganess  Castle,  near  Bantry, 
co.  Cork. 

BARRINGTON  (Viscount),  William  Keppel 
Barrington  (cr.  1720). 
Eldest  son  of  the  5th  Viscount,  by  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  the  late  Robert  Adair,  Esq. ;  b.  1793  ;  s.  1829  ; 
TO.  1823  Jane,  dau.  of  the  1st  Lord  Ravensworth. 
Educated  at  Westminster  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1814)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Berks  and  Durham  ;  was  M.P.  for  Berks  1837-57. 
— Beckett  House,  near  Earringdon,  Berks ;  Carl- 
ton Club,  S.W.  ;  20,  Cavendish  Square,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  George  William,  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Berks,  and  Lieutenant  Royal  Wilts  Yeomanry 
Cavalry;  b.  1824  ;  to.  1846  Isabel  Elizabeth,  only 
child  of  the  late  John  Morritt,  Esq  .,  of  Rokeby 

BARRINGTON,  Sir  Matthew,  Bart.  (cr.  1831). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Joseph  Barrington,  Bart., 
by  Mary,  dau.  of  D.  Bagot,  Esq.,  of  Limerick  ; 
b.  1788  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1846  ;  to.  1814  Charlotte, 
dau.  of  W.  Hartigan,  Esq.,  of  Dublin  (she  d.  1858). 
A  member  of  the  Irish  Bar,  and  Crown  Solicitor 
for  the  Munster  Circuit.  —  Barrington  House, 
Glenstal,  co.  Limerick ;  50,  Stephen's  Green, 

Heir,  his  son  William  Hartigan,  b.  1815. 

BARRINGTON,  Hon.  Augustus. 

Eourthson  of  the  5th Viscount  Barrington ;  b.  1798. 
Educated  at  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford,  and  was  afterwards 
Fellow  of  All  Souls  Coll.  (B.C.L.  1822,  D.C.L. 
1827)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1823.— 
19,  Eaton  Place,  S.  W. 

BARRINGTON,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Lowther  John. 
Sixth  son  of  the  5th  Viscount  Barrington  ;  b.  1805  ; 
to.  1837  Catherine  Georgiana,  dau.  of  the  2nd  Earl 
of  Chichester.  Educated  at  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1825,  M.A.  1829) ;  is  Registrar  of  the  Eccle- 
siastical Court,  Durham  ;  appointed  Rector  of  West 
Tytherley,  Hants,  1839  ;  ofWatton  1850.— Watton 
Rectory,  near  Hertford. 

Heir,  his  son  Russell  Henry,  b.  1840. 

BARRINGTON,  Hon.  Percy. 

Second  son  of  the  6th  Viscount  Barrington  ;  b.  1825 ; 
to.  1845  Louisa,  dau.  of  T.  Higgins,  Esq.  Educated 
at  Eton  ;  is  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Oxon  ;  late  Captain 
Oxford  Militia ;  was  formerly  Lieutenant  Rifle 
Brigade,  and  subsequently  Lieutenant  Scots  Fusi- 
lier Guards, — Westbury  Manor,  near  Buckingham. 

BARRON,  Sir  Henry  Winston,  Bart.  (cr.  1841 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Pierce  Barron,  Esq., 
Balineal,  co.  Waterford,  by  Anna,  dau.  of  Hem 
Winston,  Esq.  ;  b.  1795  ;  m.  1822  Anna  Lei^ 
Grey,  dau.  of -Sir  G.  Page  Turner,  Bart,  (she 
1852).  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Waterford  ;  w 
M.P.  for  Waterford  1832-52.— Barron  Court,  ne 
Waterford  ;  Glenanna,  near  Dungarvon,  Irelani 
Crawley's  Hotel,  Albemarle  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Page  Turner,  Attache  to  t 
British  Embassy  at  Brussels  ;  6.  1826. 

BARRON,  William  Newell,  Esq.  (of  Kingh 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  Pierce  Bai*ron,  Esq., 
Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  Henry  Winston,  Esq., 
Fethard,  co.  Tipperary,  and  younger  brother  of! 
Henry  Winston  Barron,  Bart.,  many  years  M.  \ 
for  the  city  of  Waterford  ;  b.  1805  ;  to.  1831  Mf| 
Frances  St.  John  Newell,  dau.  and  co-heiress  [ 
Captain  John  Newell,  R.N.,  of  KinghiliHouf 
co.  Down,  a  Deputy  Governor  and  Justice  ofPe;  [ 
of  the  said  county.     Educated  at  St.  Edmuc  ; 
Coll.,  Ware,  the  Lycde  Henri  IV.,  Paris,  and  Trin ■ 1 
Coll.,  Dublin  ;  called  to  the  Irish  Bar  1830  ;  i 
Magistrate  for  co.  Down  ;  appointed  Chairraar  1 
Quarter  Sessions  of  King's  co.  1841. — King 
House,  near  Rathfriland ;  Stephen's  Green  CI 
Dublin  ;  18,  Fitzwilliam  Square,  Dublin. 
Heir,  his  son  Pierse  Barron  Newell,  b.  1833. 

BARROW,  Sir  George,  Bart.  (cr.  1835).  '. 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  Sir  John  BarrJ 
Bart,  (many  years  Secretary  to  the  Admiralty), 
Mary,  dau.  of  Peter  John  Triiter,  Esq.,  of  Cap  I 
Good  Hope  ;  b.  1806  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1848; 
1832  Rosamond,  dau.  of  W.  Pennell,  Esq.,  | 
adopted  dau.  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  J.  W.  Cro;  I 
Educated  at  the  Charterhouse;  is  a  Senior  C  [I 
in  the  Colonial  Office.    This  family  was  form 
settled  at  Ulverstone,  Lancashire.  —  Athena 
Club,  S.W.  ;   Ulverstone  Lodge,  Addison  E  M 
Kensington,  W.  « 

Heir,  his  son  Rev.  John  Croker,  b.  1833  :f. 
1857  Emily  Jane,  dau.  of  J.  N.  Merriman,  Escjl 


BARROW,  William  Hodgson,  Esq.  (of  Sou- 1 

Second  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Richard  Barrow  \j 
Mary,  dau.  of  G.  Hodgkinson,  Esq.,  of  South'jn 
Notts;  b.  1784  ;  s.  1807.  Is  a  Magistrate m 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Notts  (High  Sheriff  1845) ;  M 
been  M.P.  for  S.  Notts  since  1847.— South  1, 
Nottinghamshire  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. ;  35, 
bourne  Terrace,  W.  I 


BARRY,  Sir  Charles,  Knt,,  P.R.S.,  F.S.A.jr. 

Son  of  the  late  Walter  E.  Barry,  Esq.,  ofW 
minster;  b.  1795;  to.  1822  Mary,  dau.  <fl 
Rowsell,  Esq.  Is  an  eminent  Architect,  KnijjBd 
for  his  services  in  the  design  and  construct !  of 
the  New  Houses  of  Parliament. — The  Elms,  $8 
ham,  Surrey,  S. ;  Athenreum  Club,  S.W.  f 




LBY,  Edward  Robert  Caulfeild,  Esq.  (of  Kil- 

J  olane  Castle). 
B  >st  sou  of  the  late  Major  B.  E.  Barry,  formerly 
rfjie  6th  Dragoons,  by  Grace,  dau.  of  Lieutenant- 
nel  Caulfeild,  of  Beiiown,  co.  Westmeath  ;  b. 
;  s.  1844  ;  m.  1855  Kate  Elizabeth  Manley, 
of  Henry  F.  Cullen,  Esq.,  of  Rockwood,  co. 
rim.    Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a 
strate  for  co.  Cork. — Kilbolaue  Castle,  near 
Seville,  co.  Cork. 

IY,  James,  Esq.  (of  Bally  el  ough). 

t  son  of  the  late  Major-General  Barry,  by 
be,  dau.  of  John  A.  Drought,  Esq.,  of  Letty- 
k  ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  1838  ;  m.  1841  Olivia  Maria 
dau.  of  Francis  Drew,  Esq.,  D.L.,  of  Moy- 
p.  Educated,  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Lieut,  for  co.  Cork  (High  Sheriff  1841); 
red  the  army  1823  ;  served  in  the  71st  foot, 

was  afterwards  Captain  15th  regt.  This 
ly  was  formerly  settled  at  Manorpeer  Castle, 
brokeshire,  and  came  to  Ireland  with  the  Fitz- 
lds  and  FitzStephens.  —  Ballyclough,  near 
noy,  co.  Cork. 

eir  Pres.,  his  brother  Redmond,  b.  1813. 

IY,  James  Redmond,  Esq.  (of  G-landore 

'  son  surviving  of  the  late  James  Barry,  Esq., 
)onoughmore,  co.  Cork,  by  Margaret  Farrell, 
of  John  Farrell,  Esq.,  of  Burren,  co.  Cork  ;  b. 
i ;  s.  1800  ;  m.  1819  Anne  Stack,  relict  of  John 
k,  Esq.,  of  the  city  of  Cork,  and  dau.  of  Bar- 
Dmew  Foley,  Esq.,  of  Cork.  Educated  at  Cork  ; 
Magistrate  for  co.  Cork,  and  a  Commissioner 
•ish  Fisheries  ;  was  formerly  Inspector-General 
rish  Fisheries.  This  family  is  descended  from 
Viscounts  Buttevant,  as  appears  from  an 
iry  before  the  Lords'  Committee  of  Privileges 
825;  but  the  title  has  remained  in  abeyance 
}.  —  Glandore  House,  near  Rosscarbery,  co. 
: ;  11,  Lower  Dominick  Street,  Dublin. 
eir,  his  son  William  Fitz James,  resident 
istrate  for  Mayo,  and  Justice  of  Peace  for  co. 
c;  b.  1824  ;  m.  1849  Annette  Thelaire,  only  dau. 
dmond  Hore,  Esq.,  of  Liverpool. 

q?LEET,  Robert  Smith,  Esq.  (of  The  Shrub - 

:st  son  of  William  Bartleet,  Esq.,  by  Elizabeth, 
of  the  late  Robert  Smith,  Esq.,  of  Edgbaston 
'e,  co.  Warwick  ;  b.  1822  ;  m.  1851  Harriet, 
of  the  late  Joseph  Stock,  Esq.,  of  Bourn- 
bijjk  Hall,  near  Birmingham.     Is  a  Magistrate 
Mo.  Worcester. — The  Shrubbery,  Redditch,  near 
ilnsgrove,  Worcestershire. 

?ON,  Folliot  Warren,  Esq.  (of  Clonelly). 
>8t  son  of  the  late  William  Barton,  Esq.,  by 

Isabella,  dau.  of  Folliot  Warren,  Esq.,  of 
;e,  co.  Kilkenny  ;  b.  1798  ;  s.  1835.  Is  a 
istrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Fermanagh  (High 
iff  1834) ;    was  formerly  in  the  Royal  Navy. 

family  is  a  younger  branch  of  the  Bartons  of 
on  Hall,  Lancashire,  and  descends  from  Thos. 
on,  an  officer  in  Essex's  army,  who  settled  in 
naaagh  on  grants  of  land  from  the  Crown  in 

1609.— Clonelly,  near  Enniskillen,  co.  Fermanagh; 
Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ,, 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Edward  George,  b.  1806. 

BARTON",  Rev.  Henry  Jonas. 

Son  of  the  Rev.  James  Barton,  Rector  of  Alding- 
ham,  Lancashire,  J. P.,  and  Chairman  of  Quarter 
Sessions,  by  Eleanor,  dau.  of  John  Parr,  Esq.,  of 
Liverpool ;  b.  1797  ;  m.  1827  Emma  Elizabeth,  only 
child  of  George  Henry  Richard  Warner,  Esq.,  of 
Teddington,  Oxon,  and  cousin  of  the  late  William 
Henry  Ashhurst,  Esq.,  of  Waterstock,  M.P.  for 
Oxon.  Educated  at  Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  ap- 
pointed Vicar  of  Latton,  Wilts,  1830,  Rural  Dean 
1835,  Rector  of  Wicken,  co.  Northampton,  1838  ; 
Honorary  Canon  of  Peterborough  1855  ;  is'  a 
Magistrate  for  cos.  Northampton  and  Bucks.- 
Descended  from  the  Bartons  of  Smethels  and 
Holm,  co.  Lancaster,  and  connected  by  marriage 
with  the  families  of  Shuttleworth,  Lever,  Hesketh, 
and  Fazakerly,  in  the  same  county. — Wicken  Rec- 
tory, near  Stony  Stratford. 

BARTON,  John  Hope,  Esq.  (of  Stapleton  Park). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Watson  Barton,  Esq., 
by  Juliana,  2nd  dau.  of  James  Hope,  Esq.,  of 
Moray  Place,  Edinburgh;  b.  1833  ;  s.  1840.  Edu- 
cated at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1856)  ;  is 
a  Magistrate  for  Yorkshire.  —  Stapleton  Park, 
Pontefract;  Saxby  Hall,  Barton-on-Humber,  Lin- 
colnshire ;  Carlton  and  Boodle's  Clubs,  S.W. 

BARTON,  Nathaniel,  Esq.  (of  Corsley  House). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Nathaniel  Barton,  Esq.,  by 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Brouncker  Thring, 
D.D.,  Rector  of  Sutton  Yeney,  Wilts  ;  b.  1813  ; 
s.  1828  ;  m.  1847  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Nicholas, 
Esq.,  Commander  R.N.  Educated  at  Winchester 
Coll.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Somerset  and  Wilts,  and 
a  Cornet  in  the  Royal  Wiltshire  Yeomanry. — 
Corsley  Flouse,  near  Warminster,  Wilts. 
Heir,  his  son  Nathaniel  Fletcher,  b.  1S49. 

BARTON,  Thomas  Barker,  Esq.  (of  Grove). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Barton,  Esq.,  by 
Catharine,  dau.  of  Samuel  Perry,  Esq.,  of  Wood- 
rooffe  ;  b.  1816  ;  s.  1857.  Educated  at  Harrow  ; 
is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Tipperary. — Grove,  near 
Fethard,  co.  Tipperary. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Samuel  Henry,  b.  1817. 

BARTON,  Thomas  Edward  Walter,  Esq.  (of 
Threxton  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Barton,  Esq.,  by 
Hannah,  dau.  of  E.  Clark,  Esq.  ;  b.  1S11  ;  S.  183?  : 
m.  1844  Eliza,  only  child  of  John  Allday,  Esq..  of 
Griston. — Threxton  House,  near  Watton,  Norfolk. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Allday,  b.  1845. 

BARTTELOT,  George, Esq.  (of  Stopham  House). 
Third  son  of  the  late  Walter  Barttelot,  Esq.  (who 
assumed  the  additional  surname  of  Smyth  in  com- 
pliance with  the  will  of  his  aunt),  by  Philadelphia, 
dau.  of  Rev.  John  Wiokens,  D.D,,  Rector  of  Pet- 
Worth  and  Tillington  ;  b.  1788  J  S.  1887  j  Is'-' 
Emma,,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late  James  Vfood* 

bridge,  Esq.,  Of  Kiohinond.  Sun<\.     BduOtktod  :it 


Eton  and  Woolwich  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Sussex  ;  was  formerly  in  the  Royal  Horse 
Artillery  ;  served  in  the  Peninsula,  for  which  he 
has  received  the  silver  medal  with  live  clasps.  This 
family  is  said  to  have  come  into  England  with 
William  the  Conqueror,  and  fixed  their  residence 
at  Stopham  in  the  14th  century. — Stopham  House, 
near  Petworth,  Sussex  ;  Union  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Walter  Barttelot,  b.  1820  ;  m.  1852 
Harriet,  4th  dan.  of  the  late  Sir  Christopher  Mus- 
grave,  Bart.,  of  Edenhall. 

BASHFORD,  William  Charles  Lake,  Esq.  (of 
Norwood  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  James  Bashford,  Esq.,  Capt. 
E.N.,  by  Sophia,  dau.  of  W.  C.  Lake,  Esq.,  of 
Castle  Godwin,  co.  Gloucester ;  b.  1812  ;  s.  1832  ; 
m,  1835  Frances  Jane,  2nd  dau.  of  Rev.  John 
Brome,  M.A.,  of  Bromefield,  Barbados,  and  Trinity 
Coll.,  Cambridge.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Middlesex. — 
Norwood  House,  Hounslow,  Middlesex ;  37,  Bruns- 
wick Square,  Brighton. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  Brome,  Cornet  9th  Lancers, 
b.  1839. 


(See  Mynors.) 

BASS,  Michael  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Byrkley  Lodge). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  M.  T.  Bass,  Esq.,  by  Sarah, 
dau.  of  Abram  Hoskins,  Esq.,  of  Burton-on-Trent ; 
b.  1799  ;  m.  1835  Emily  Jane,  dau.  of  Major  Samuel 
Ardeu,  of  Long  Crofts.  Educated  at  Burton  Gram- 
mar-school ;  is  an  eminent  brewer  at  Burton,  and 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Stafford  and 
Derby;  has  been  M.P.  for  Derby  since  1852. — 
Byrkley  Lodge,  near  Burton-upon-Trent ;  Eeform 
Club,  S.W. ;  19,  Lower  Belgrave  Street,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Michael  Arthur,  b.  1837. 

BASSET,  John  Francis,  Esq.  (of  Tehidy  Park). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Basset,  Esq.,  of 
Stratton,  Cornwall  (some  time  M.P.  for  Helston 
and  Lieut. -Colonel  Cornish  Militia),  by  Elizabeth 
Mary,dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Kose  Price,  Bart.,  of  Treng- 
wainton,  Cornwall ;  b.  1831 ;  s.  his  aunt,  the  late 
Baroness  Basset,  1855  1858  Emily  Henrietta, 
youngest  dau.  of  Viscount  Gort.  Is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Cornwall.  Patronage  5  livings. 
This  family  is  of  French  extraction,  and  the  present 
owner  holds  the  lands  of  Tehidy  by  a  grant  from 
William  I.  to  his  ancestor  Ealph  de  Dunstanville 
(see  Burke's  "  Extinct  Peerage,"  Barony  of  De 
Dunstanville). —  Tehidy  Park,  near  Truro,  Corn- 
wall ;  Carlton  and  Conservative  Clubs,  S.W. ;  7, 
Upper  Belgrave  Street,  S.W. 

BAS  SETT,  Bichard,  Esq.  (of  Bonvilstone  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Morgan  Bassett, 
Esq.,  by  Anne,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Morgan,  D.D. ; 
b.  1820  ;  s.  1841  ;  m.  1843  Ann  Maria,  2nd  dau.  of 
Johu  Homfray,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Glamorgan. — Bonvilstone  House, 
near  Cardiff,  Glamorganshire  :  Conservative  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  John  Richard,  b.  1847. 

BASTABD,  Baldwin  John  Pollexfen,  Esq.  I 

Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  E,  IL 
Bastard,  Esq.  (some  time  M.  P.  for  Devon), 
Anne  Jane,  only  dau.  of  2nd  Lord  Rodney  ;  b.  18  1 
s.  his  brother  1856.    Educated  at  Winchester  1 
Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Dev- 
iate Lieutenant  9th  foot. — Kitley,  nearYealmpi  | 
Devon  ;  Buckland  Court,  near  Ashburton,  De\  I, 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  Pollexfen  i\. 
Holy  Orders;  b.  1832  ;  m.  1859  Caroline,  2nd  ( , 
of    Rear-Admiral   Woollcombe,    of  Hemeu 

BASTARD,  Thomas  Horlock,  Esq.  (of  Char]  If 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Horlock  Bast 
Esq.  (High  Sheriff  of  Dorset  in  1812),  by  his 
wife  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Biggs,  Esq.  I 
Blandford  ;  b.  1796  ;  m.  1st  1845  Margaret,  wi ) 
of  Captain  Forbes,  H.E.I.C.S.  (she  d.  1845)  ; 
1858  Sarah,  eldest  dau.  of  Rev.  E.  Vincent,  "V* 
of  Rowde,  Wilts. — Charlton  Marshall,  near  Bl 
ford,  Dorset. 

BATEMAN  (Lord),  William  Bateman  Bater< 
Hanbury  (cr.  1837). 
Eldest  son  of  the  1st  Lord  by  Elizabeth,  dai  f 
the  late  Lord  Spencer  Chichester;  b.  1826  , 
1845  ;  m.  1854  Agnes,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  E.  if 
rison,  Bart.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  (|, 
Cambridge  (M.A.  1847)  ;  is  Lord  Lieutenant  (f, 
Hereford  ;  has  been  a  Lord  in  Waiting.  PatriiJ 
livings.  Is  descended  from  a  common  ancllj 
with  Lord  Sudeley. — Shobdon  Court,  near  gfl 
minster,  Herefordshire ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. « 
Brook  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Spencer,  b.  1856.  I 

BATEMAN,    Colthurst,    Esq.    (of   Bartl  yf 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Colthurst  Bateman,  Esiof 
Bedford  House,  co.  Kerry,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  Eirt 
Dobson,  Esq.,  of  Angrove,  co.  Cork;  b.  1m\ 
s.  1821  ;    m.  1809    Jane  Sarah,  dau.  of  M\ 
Kemeys  Gardner  Kemeys,  Esq.    Is  a  MagiJJj 
for   co.  Monmouth   (High  Sheriff  1839),  W 
family  is  connected,  on  the  wife's  side,  WitflB-; 
Nicholas  Kemeys,  who  defended  Chepstow  !UeJ 
for  King  Charles  I. — Bartholey  House,  near 
co.  Monmouth. 

Heir,  his  son  John,  b.  1814.  j  \ 

BATEMAN,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  GuilsborousB 
Fifth  son  of  the  late  Rev.  John  Bateman.  of  ;ilsj 
borough  (grandson  of  the  late  Sir  Arthur  Haz 
Bart.),  by  Mary,  grand-daughter  of  John  Bat 
Esq.,  of  Guilsborough  ;  b.  1810  ;  m.  1840  Mar 
dau.  of  Dr.  Daubeny,  D.C.L.,  Oxford.  Ed 
at  Corpus  Christi  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A., 
M.A.  1834) ;  is  a  member  of  the  Middle  T( 
This  family  were  formerly  Lords  of  the 
of  Guilsborough,  and  have  been  establislj 
Guilsborough  for  200  years,  and  are  in  pos 
of  property  at  Clifton,  co.  Warwick,  whii 



1. Ued  to  John  Bateman  de  Clifton  in  1560. — 

lsborough,  Northampton ;  3,  Elm  Court,  Middle 
iple,  E.C. 

[cir,  his  son  Arthur  Wigley,  b.  1844. 

EMAN,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Middleton  Hall), 
y  child  of  the  late  William  Bateman,  Esq.,  by 
ry,  dau.  of  James  Crompton,  Esq.,  of  Breight- 
,,  Lancashire  ;  b.  1821  ;  s.  1835  ;  m.  1847  Sarah, 
dau.  of  William  Parker,  Esq.  This  family  was 
aerly  of  Hartington,  co.  Derby. — Middleton 
1  and  Lomberdale  House,  Bakewell,  Derbyshire. 
leir,  his  son  Thomas  William,  b.  1852. 


(See  Jones- Bateman.) 

ES,  Miss  (of  Milbourne  Hall), 
e  Anne,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late 

Ralph  Bates, 

(who  was  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
a  High  Sheriff  of  Northumberland,  many  years 
I  utenant-Colonel  6th  Dragoons  and  Colonel- 
C|nmandant  of  Soiith  Northumberland  Militia, 
at  who  d.  1813),  by  Sarah,  3rd  dau.  of  the  late 
ih  Nathaniel  Ellison,  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne  ;  s. 
hj  brother  by  deed  of  gift  1855.  This  family  is  one 
o  he  oldest  county  families  in  the  North  of  Eng- 
h  1,  and  Miss  Bates  is  18th  in  direct  descent  from 

vard  III.  Her  ancestor  Thomas  Bates,  M.P. 
Morpeth  1554-8,  was  a  loyal  and  able  servant  of 
:ens  Mary  and  Elizabeth,  and  distinguished 
self  in  jwippfceeion  trf  the  rebellion  in  the 
ahem  counties  1569. — Milbourne  Hall,  near 

ES,  Nathaniel,  Esq.  Q3&& — of  Milbourne 

3nd  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Ralph 
es,  Esq.,  by  Sarah,  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  Natha- 
Ellison,  of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  ;  b.  1805  ; 
is  brother  Ralph  Bates,  Esq.,  18 — .  Educated 
Durham  and  Westminster,  and  at  Ch.  Ch., 
ord.— Milbourne  Hall,  near  Newcastle-upon- 

ESOE",  Sir  Robert  Harvey,  Bart.  (cr.  1789). 
est  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Bateson,  Esq.,  by  his 
wife  Margaret,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Joseph  Dou- 
i ;  b.  17 —  ;  s.  his  uncle  as  2nd  Bart.  1825  ;  m. 
9  Eliza,  dau.  of  A.  Hammond,  Esq.,  of  Hutton 
iville,  co.  York.  The  1st  Bart,  was  created 
i  remainder  to  his  brothers. — Killoquin,  near 
■rim  ;  Castruse,  near  Donegal. 

ESON,  Sir  Robert,  Bart.  (cr.  1818). 
yson  of  the  late  Thomas  Bateson,  Esq.,  by  Eliza- 
i,  dau.  of  G.  Lloyd,  Esq.;  b.  1782  ;  m.  1811 
jharine,  dau.  of  the  late  Samuel  Dickson,  Esq., 
Jallinagville,  co.  Limerick.  Is  a  Magistrate  and 
).  Lieut,  for  co.  Down  ;  was  M.P.  for  London- 
ry  1830-42.— Belvoir  Park,  near  Belfast  ;  Moira 
k,  co.  Down  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  32,  Gros- 
or  Place,  S.W. 

feir,  his  son  Thomas,  late  Captain  13th  Light 
goons,  and  formerly  M.P.  for  co.  Londonderry  ; 
819;  m.  1849  Caroline  Elizabeth  Anno,  dau.  of 
4th  Lord  Dynevor. 


BATH  (Marquis  of),  John  Alexander  Thynne 
(cr.  1789). 

Eldest  son  of  the  3rd  Marquis,  by  Harriet,  dau.  of 
the  1st  Lord  Ashburton  ;  b.  1831 ;  s.  1837.  Edu- 
cated at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  Wilts  and  Captain  Wilts  Yeomanry.  Patron- 
age 12  livings. — Longleat,  near  Warminster,  Wilts  ; 
Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  44,  Berkeley  Sq.,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Lord  Henry  Frederick, 
M.P.  for  South  Wilts,  and  Cornet  Wilts  Yeo- 
manry ;  b.  1832  ;  m.  1858  Ulrica  Frederica  Jane, 
dau.  of  the  12th  Duke  of  Somerset. 

BATHURST  (Earl),  Henry  George  Bathurst, 
D.O.L.  (cr.  1772). 

Eldest  son  of  the  3rd  Earl,  by  Georgiana,  dau.  of 
the  late  Lord  George  Lennox;  b.  1790  ;  s.  1834. 
Graduated  B.  A.  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford,  1811  ;  formerly 
a  Commissioner  for  Indian  affairs  ;  was  M.P.  for 
Cirencester  1812-34.  Patronage  3  livings.  The  1st 
Earl  was  Lord  Chancellor  1771-78. — Oakley  Park, 
near  Cirencester,  Gloucestershire;  Carlton  Club, 
S.W. ;  4,  Wilton  Crescent,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  Lennox,  Clerk  of 
the  Privy  Council,  Bamster-at-Law,  formerly 
Fellow  of  All  Souls  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  b.  1791. 

BATHURST,  Sir  Frederick  Hutchinson  Her- 
vey,  Bart.  (Cr.  1818). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Frederick  A.  Hervey» 
Bathurst,  Bart.,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  John  Hutchin* 
son,  Esq.;  6.  1807  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1824;  m. 
1st  1832  Louisa  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Walter 
Smytbe,  Esq.,  of  Bambridge  House,  Hants  (she  d. 
1840);  2nd  1845  Clara  Emily,  dau.  of  Sir  R.  Brooke, 
Bart.  Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Wilts  ;  formerly  Captain  Grenadier 
Guards  ;  is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor  with 
the  Marquis  of  Bristol.  Patronage  1  living. — 
Clarendon  Park,  near  Salisbury;  1,  Regent  Street, 

Heir,  his  son  Frederick  Thomas  Arthur,  b.  1833, 
Captain  Grenadier  Guards. 

BATHURST,  Lady  Caroline. 

Elder  dau.  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Castlestuart ;  m.  1815 
General  Sir  J.  Bathurst,  K.C.B.,  who  d.  1850.  — 
The  Grove,  Stanmore,  Middlesex. 

BATHURST,  Charles,  Esq.  (of  Lydney  Park). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  Charles  Bragge, 
M.P.  (who  assumed  the  name  and  arms  of  Bathurst 
in  1804,  on  succeeding  to  the  estate  of  Lydney),  by 
Charlotte,  youngest  dau.  of  Anthony  Addington, 
Esq.,  M.D.,  of  Up  Ottery,  Devonshire  ;  b.  1790  ; 
s.  1831  ;  m.  1819  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Fendall, 
Esq.,  of  Hall  Court,  co.  Hereford.  Educated  at 
Winchester  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B. A.  1811,  M.A. 
1813)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1818  ;  is 
a  Magistrate  for  Gloucestershire!  and  a  Verderer 
of  the  Forest  of  Dean  ;  was  formerly  Chairman  of 
the  County  Sessions.  The  Bragge  family  was 
formerly  of  Clevc  Hill,  near  Bristol,  previously 
from  Essex.  The  Bathurst  family  *  I  £  Lydney 
originated   in   Benjamin  Bathurst.  I's.)..  great- 

grandfather  of  the  present  owner,  ami  yOUBgeil 



brother  of  the  1st  Lord  Bathurst,  who  purchased 
the  estate  from  the  family  of  Wintour. — Lydney 
Park,  Gloucestershire. 

//<//•  (as  successor  in  tail  by  the  will  of  Poole 
Bathurst,  Esq.,  his  father's  maternal  uncle),  his 
brother  the  Rev.  William  Hiley,  b.  1796  j  m.  1829 
Mary  Anue,  4th  dau.  of  Matthew  Rhodes,  Esq. 

BATT,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Purdysburn). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Narcissus  Batt,  Esq.,  by 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Thomas  Greg,  Esq.  ;  b.  1795  ;  s. 
18-10;  m.  1841  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Samuel  Wood, 
Esq.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A. 
1816) ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Down. — Purdysburn,  near  Belfast ;  Conservative 
Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert,  b.  1844. 

BATT,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Rathmullan). 

Only  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Batt,  Esq.,  by  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Robert  Waddell,  Esq.,  of  Islandderry, 
co.  Down  ;  b.  1816  ;  s.  1857  ;  m.  1852  Charlotte, 
eldest  dau.  of  the  Ven.  Edmond  Hesketh  Dalrymple 
Knox,  Archdeacon  of  Killaloe.  Educated  at 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1837,  M.A.  1840)  ; 
is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Donegal  (High  Sheriff  1844). 
This  family  is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor 
with  the  Batts  of  Purdysburn. — Rathmullan,  Stra- 
bane,  co.  Donegal. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Edmond,  b.  1854. 

BATTEN",  Edmund,  Esq.  (of  Thorn 

Second  son  of  the  late  John  Batten,  Esq.,  by  Sarah, 
dau.  of  John  Copeland,  Esq.,  of  Iver,  Bucks  ;  b, 
1817;  m.  1843  Jemima,  only  sister  of  the  late 
Chisholm  of  Chisholm,  of  Erchless  Castle,  whose 
name  he  assumed  by  Royal  license,  in  addition  to 
his  own,  on  the  death  of  her  brother,  the  late  chief, 
without  issue  in  1858.  Educated  at  Edinburgh 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the 
Inner  Temple  1842 ;  is  a  Fellow  of  the  Royal 
Society  of  Edinburgh. — Thorn  Faulcon,  near 
Taunton  ;  8,  Gloucester  Place,  Hyde  Park  Gar- 
dens, W. 

Heir,  his  son  James  Forbes,  b.  1847. 

BATTERSBY,  George,  Q.C.,  LL.D.  (of  Lough 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Battersby,  Esq.,  by 
Margaret  Catherine,  eldest  dau.  of  George  Ro- 
tberam,  Esq.,  of  Crossdrum,  co.  Meath  ;  b.  1802  ; 
s.  1839  ;  m.  1830  Charlotte  Sarah,  dau.  of  Right 
Hon.  John  Radcliff,  LL.D.  Educated  at  Trim 
Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1823);  called  to  the  Bar  of 
Ireland  1826  ;  appointed  a  Queen's  Counsel  1844  ; 
is  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Westmeath,  Meath,  and 
Cavan.  This  family  has  been  settled  in  Meath 
since  1688.— Lough  Bane,  Collinstown,  co.  West- 
meath ;  20,  Leeson  Street,  and  Kildare  Street 
Club,  Dublin. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas  George,  b.  1832. 

BATTY,  Rev.  Edward  (of  Ballyhealy). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Philip  Batty,  Esq.,  by 
Catharine,  dau,  of  Gaynor  Barry,  Esq.,  of  Beau,  co. 
Dublin,  and  brother  of  Espine  Batty,  Esq.  (whom 
see);  b.  1797 ;  w.  1st  1823  Mary  Ann,  widow  of 

Captain  Robert  Caulfeild,  R.N. ;  and  2nd  Catharii 
dau.  of  John  Kincaid,  Esq.,  M.D.,  H.E.I.  (!< 
service.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B. 
1819. — Ballyhealy,  near  Castletown  Delvin,  i 
Westmeath,  and  the  Vicarage,  Castletown  Delv 
Heir,  his  son  Philip  Edward,  b.  1834. 

BATTY,  Espine,  Esq.  (of  Ballyhealy). 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Philip  Batty,  Et 
by  Catharine,  dau.  of  Gaynor  Barry,  Esq.,  of  Be 
co.  Dublin  ;  s.  his  brother  Fitzherbert  1847 ; 
1st  1832  Jane  Harris,  dau.  of  Michael  Har 
Esq.  ;  2nd  1835  Belissa,  dau.  of  John  Smyly,  $ 
Q.C.     Educated  at   Eton  and  Brasenose  C( 
Oxford  ;  called  to  the  Irish  Bar  1819,  and  went 
Home  Circuit  there  ;  was  formerly  Counsel  to 
Irish  (Government)  Office,  London.    This  fan  J 
originally  came  from  England,  and  settled  at  ' 
mansion  of  Ballyhealy  about  the  year  169C  J 
Ballyhealy,*  near  Castletown  Delvin,  co.  W 
meath  ;  St.  Stephen's  Green  East,  Dublin. 

Heiress,  his  only  dau.  by  his  first  marriage,  Ji 
TO.  1854  the  Rev.  Robert  Monck  Mason. 

BAXTER,  William  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Ashcli: 
Eldest  son  of  Edward  Baxter,  Esq.,  of  Kincaldi 
and  Dundee,  by  Euphemia,  dau.  of  W.  Wil. 
Esq.  ;  b.  1825  ;  m.  1847  Jessie,  dau.  of  J.  H 
Scott,  Esq.  Educated  at  Dundee  and  Univer 
of  Edinburgh  ;  is  a  Merchant  at  Dundee,  ar 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Forfar  ;  has  been  M.P. 
Dundee  since  1855. — Ashcliff,  near  Dundee,  N 
44,  Sussex  Gardens,  Hyde  Park,  W. 

BAYLEY,  Sir  John   Edward   George,  I 
(cr.  1834). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  Sir  John  Bav 
Bart,  (one  of  the  Judges  of  the  Court  of  Kij 
Bench),  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Market t,  I 
of  Meopham  Lodge,  Kent ;  b.  1794  ;  s.  1841 
1st  1822  Charlotte,  dau.  of  J.  M.  Fector,  J 
M.P.,  of  Kearsney  Abbey,  Kent ;  2nd  1855  M 
dau.  of  Colonel  Marlay.    Is  a  Barrister  of,; 
Northern  Circuit  (called  1835).— Updown  Hi  J, 
near  Sandwich,  Kent ;   Union  Club,  S.W.  J,i 
Essex  Court,  Temple,  E.C. ;  Stanhope  Lodge,  .[* 
sington  Gore,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Robert  Emilius,  in  (jr 
Orders,  b.  1823  ;  m.  1855  Marianne  Sophia/dafl 
E.  Rice,  Esq.,  of  Dane  Court,  Kent. 

BAYLEY,  William  Rutter,  Esq.  (of  Colli 

Only  child  of  the  late  Rev.  W.  Bayley,  by  ill 
thea,  dau.  of  Daniel  Ayrey,  Esq.,  of  Souths! 
b.  1813;  m.  1835  Flora  Bower,  dau.  of  Lieutejt- 
General  Hector  Munro,  of  Edmondsham,  D<  | 
Educated  at  Queen's  Coll.,  Oxford ;  is  a  WM 
trate  for  Devon.  This  family  was  former  P 
Swindon,  Wilts,  and  Stockton,  co.  DurbrH 
Cotford  House,  Sidbury,  near  Sidmouth,  D('H 
Conservative  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Rutter,  B.A.,  of  $ 
Coll.,  Oxford,  in  Holy  Orders,  b.  1836. 

*  The  present  eldest  representative  of  the  family  has  in- 
ferred the  mansion  and  estate  to  his  next  brother,  EilS 

(whom  see). 




B.  rLIS,  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Hedgerley). 

Jest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Baylis,  Esq. ;  b. 
Si  ;  m.  IS—.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut. 
•Middlesex,  and  Patron  of  1  living. — Hedger- 
■,  near  Gerrard's  Cross  ;  6,  Cambridge  Terrace, 
•  ydePark,  W. 
Heir,  Ins  son  Edward,  A.M.,  Rector  of  Hedger- 

B.TLY,  Sir  Henry,  Knt.,  K.H.  (or.  1833). 

Jl  n  of  the  late  Z.  Bayly,  Esq.,  of  Bideford,  Devon, 
a  dau.  of  the  late  L.  Clutterbuck,  Esq.,  of 
jwark  Park,  co.  Gloucester;  b.  1790;  m.  1st 
17  Mary,  dau.  of  W.  Jolliffe,  Esq.  ;  2nd  1829 
artha,  dau.  of  A.  C.  Fisher,  Esq.  A  Magis- 
ite  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Dorset,  a  Magistrate  for 
M?von,  and  a  Lieutenant- Colonel  in  the  army, 
tired  ;  served  at  Walcheren  and  in  the  Peninsula  ; 
it  an  arm  at  St.  Sebastian. — Burly  Villa,  Lyme 
3gis,  Dorset ;  1,  Sydney  Place,  Bath. 

B.  iTLY,  Edward  Symes,  Esq.  (of  Ballyarthur). 

dest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  H.  L.  Bayly,  by  Selina, 

J,u.  of  Sir  Charles  Levinge,  Bart.,  of  Knockdrin 
istle,  co.  Westmeath  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  1827  ;  m.  1835 
itherine,  youngest  child  of  the  Right  Hon.  Mau- 

*|  )e  Eitzgei^ald,  Knight  of  Kerry.  Educated  at 
arrow ;  appointed  Ensign  34th  foot  1825, 
iptain  1829  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 

I .  Wicklow  (High  Sheriff  1837)  ;  is  Lieut. -Col. 
)mmandant  Wicldow  Rifles,  and  Vice  Lieutenant 
.  .  Wicklow.  This  family  are  descended  from  Sir 
icholas  Bayly,  Bart.,  of  Plasnewed,  co.  Angle- 
,  y,  father  of  Henry,  1st  Earl  of  Uxbridge,  and 
andfather  of  the  late  Marquis  of  Anglesey. — 
dlyarthur,  Ovoca,  co.  Wicklow ;  Kildare  Street 
ub,  Dublin. 

I  Heir,  his  son  Henry  Nicholas,  J).  18:13. 

B  5TLY,  John,  Esq.  (of  Debsborough). 

Idest  son  of  the  late  John  Bayly,  Esq.,  by  Mary 
iizabeth  Helena,  only  child  of  Richard  Uniacke, 

I  sq.,  of  Mount  Uniacke,  co.  Cork;  b.  1805  ;  5. 
i36  ;  m.  1st  1829  Catherine,  youngest  dau.  of 
iomas  Yates,  Esq.,  of  Bury,  co.  Lancaster ;  2nd 
539  Gertrude  Catherine,  3rd  dau.  of  late  W.  H. 

•  rmstrong,  Esq.,  of  Mount  Heaton,  King's  co. 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Tipperary 
ligh  Sheriff  1845).    Debsborough,  near  Nenagh, 

1  \  Tipperary  ;  Kildare  Street  Club,  Dublin  ;  96, 
eeson  Street,  Dublin. 

Heir,  his  son  John,  educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity 
i)  jll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Tippe- 
xy,  and  Captain  in  1st  Duke  of  Lancaster's  Own 
Lgiment  of  Militia;    b.  1830;  to.  1857  Mary 
June  Charlotte,  dau.  of  the  late  Daniel  Barrington, 


BjraES,  Sir  William,  Bart.  (cr.  1801). 

Widest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Christopher  Baynes, 
J  art.,  by  Nanny,  dau.  of  the  late  William  Gregory, 
Uq.,  of  Ryde,  Isle  of  Wight ;  b.  1789  ;  s.  as  2nd 
art.  1S37  ;  to.  1815  Julia,  dau.  of  General  John 
llnith,  R.A.     Represents  an  ancient  Yorkshire 
■  Imily.— 55,  Portland  Place,  W. 


Heir,  his  son  William  John  Walter,  b.  1820  ; 
to.  1845  Margaret,  dau*  of  Daniel  Stuart,  Esq.,  of 
Wykeham  Park. 

BAYHES,  Kev.  Adam  (of  Adstock^. 

Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  William  Baynes,  M.A., 
of  Knowstrop,  Yorkshire,  and  Rector  of  the  two 
Richenhalls  of  Suffolk,  by  Penelope,  dau.  of  — 
Dove,  Esq.,  of  Eye,  Suffolk  ;  6.  1784  ;  s.  to  the  family 
estate  of  Knowstrop  Hall  1827  ;  to.  1811  Harriet 
Sophia,  dau.  of  William  Ross,  Esq.  Educated  at 
Bury  St.  Edmunds  and  Sidney  Sussex  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge (B.A.  1807)  ;  appointed  Rector  of  Adstock, 
Bucks,  in  1809  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Bucks.  This 
family  was  formerly  of  Knowstrop,  Yorkshire, 
having  been  seated  there  for  many  generations; 
the  first  authentic  notice  being  of  Robert  Baynes, 
standard-bearer  to  Henry  VIII.  at  the  taking  of 
"Bullen"  (vide  Thoi-esby's  "History  of  Leeds"). 
— Adstock,  near  Buckingham. 
Heir,  his  son  Adam,  b.  1813. 

BAYNES,  John,  Esq. 

Eldest  son  of  Thomas  Baynes,  Esq.,  by  Isabella, 
dau.  of  William  Fairer,  Esq.,  of  Lancaster ;  b. 
1815  ;  to.  1840  Thomasine,  eldest  dau.  of  John 
Hutton,  Esq.,  of  Lancaster.  Is  an  Alderman  of 
Blackburn,  and  Mayor  for  the  year  1858-9  ;  also  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Lancashire.  This 
family  was  formerly  from  Bentham,  in  Yorkshire. 
— 3,  Richmond  Terrace,  Blackburn,  Lancashire. 

BAYHTBTG-  (Lord),  Henry   "William  Powlett 
(cr,  1797). 

Second  son  of  the  1st  Lord,  by  Annabella-Powlett, 
dau.  of  Rev.  R.  Smythe  (granddau.  of  Lord  W. 
Powlett)  ;  b.  1797  ;  5.  his  brother  as  3rd  Lord  1823  ; 
to.  1842  Emma,  dau.  of  the  late  W.  H.  Fellowes, 
Esq.,  of  Ramsey  Abbey,  Hunts.  Educated  at  Eton 
and  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1818),  in 
Holy  Orders  ;  formerly  Rural  Dean  of  Norwich, 
and  Rector  of  Brome,  Norfolk.  Descended  from 
a  common  ancestor  with  the  Marquis  Townshend 
and  Viscount  Sydney;  assumed  the  name  of  Pow- 
lett in  lieu  of  Townshend  in  1823.  Patron. 1  living. 
HoninghamHall,  near  Norwich  ;  University  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  Charles,  b.  1844. 

BAELEY,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Hayesleigh). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Bazley,  Esq.,  by 
Anne,  dau.  of  C.  Hilton,  Esq.,  of  Lancashire  ;  b. 
1797  ;  to.  1828  Mary,  2nd  dau.  of  Sebastian  Nash, 
Esq.  Educated  at  the  Grammar-school,  Bolton  ; 
appointed  Member  of  the  Royal  Commission  for 
the  Exhibition  of  1851  ;  Member  of  the  Royal 
Commission  for  the  Amalgamation  of  the  Laws  of 
the  United  Kingdom  1853  ;  Member  of  the  Royal 
Commission  at  Paris  1855  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Lancashire;  has  boon  M.l\  for 
Manchester  since  1S58  ;  was  14  years  President  of 
the  Manchester  Chamber  of  Commerce.  This 
family  is,  and  has  been,  largely  engaged  in  mer- 
cantile pursuits  at  Manchester. — Hayesleigh,  in  ni 
Manchester;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Sebastian,  b.  L829j 
1855  Elizabeth,  2nd  dau.  of  Robert  (onir.* 



BEACH,   Sir    Michael   Edward    Hicks,  Bart, 
(cr.  1610). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  M.  H.  Hicks-Beach, 
Bart,  (who  was  M.P.  for  East  Gloucestershire 
1  S53--1),  by  Harriet  Vittoria,  dau.  of  John  Stratton, 
Esq.,  of  Farthinghoe  Lodge,  co.  Northampton;  b. 
1S37  ;  s.  as  9th  Bart.  1854.  Educated  at  Eton 
and  Oh.  Oh.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1858)  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  co.  Gloucester  and  Patron  of  1  living. — William- 
strip  Bark,  near  Fair  ford,  Gloucestershire.  The 
original  name  of  this  family  was  Hicks,  and  the 
additional  name  of  Beach  was  assumed  by  the 
grandfather  of  the  late  Bart,  on  his  marriage  with 
the  dau.  and  heir  of  Wm.  Beach,  Esq.,  of  Nether- 
avon. — Williams  trip  Park,  near  Farrford,  Glouces- 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  Frederick,  b.  1841. 

BEACH,  William  Wither  Bramston,  Esq.  (of 
Oakley  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  W.  Beach,  Esq.,  of  Oakley 
Hall,  Hants  (formerly  M.P.  for  Malmesbury,  who 
took  by  Royal  license  the  name  of  Beach  only 
instead  of  Hicks-Beach),  by  Jane  Henrietta,  dau.  of 
J.  Browne,  Esq.,  of  Salperton  ;  b.  1826  ;  s.  1856  ; 
m.  1857  Caroline  Chichester,  dau.  of  the  late  Col. 
A.  Cleveland,  of  Tapelev  Park,  Devon.  Educated 
at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1849,  M.A. 
1852) ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Hants,  andCapt.  Hants 
Yeomanry  Cavalry  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  North 
Hants  since  1857  ;  descended  from  a  common  an- 
cestor with  Sir  M.  Hicks-Beach,  Bart.  ;  is  Patron 
of  two  livings.  The  name  of  this  family  was 
originally  De  la  Beche. — Oakley  Hall,  near  Basing- 
stoke, Hants  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.VV. 

BEAD  ON,  William,  Esc-,  (of  Otterhead). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Beadon,  Esq.,  J. P., 
by  Martha  Anna,  only  child  of  John  Hammet,  Esq., 
Lieut.  R.N.,  of  the  Manor  House,  Chard,  and 
Elizabeth,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  Thomas  Musgrave, 
Esq.,  of  Gotton  House  ;  b.  1803  ;  s.  1855  ;  m.  1827 
Anne,  eldest  dau.  of  William  Oliver,  Esq.,  of  Hope 
Corner.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Devon  and  Somerset. 
This  family  is  from  Gotton  House,  near  Taunton, 
but  was  settled  in  Devon  as  far  back  as  the  reign 
of  the  Edwards,  when  Sir  Robert  Beadon  *  (also 
spelt  Beardin  or  Beard wyn)  was  thrice  High  Sheriff 
for  that  county. — Otterhead,  near  Honiton,  co. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Hammet,  of  the  Middle 
Temple,  Barrister-at-Law  ;  b.  1829  ;  m.  1852  Frances 
Adele  Lambart,  dau.  of  John  Clayton  Cowell,  Esq. 
of  the  1st  Royals. 

BEAD  OH",  William  Frederick,  Esq.  (of  The 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  R.  Beadon,  Esq.,  by  Anha- 
beda,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  William  a  Court,  Bart., 
and  sister  of  1st  Lord  Heytesbury  ;  b.  1808  ;  m. 
1841  Mai-ia  Jessie  Ward,  dau.  of  Major-General 
James  Pattison  Cockburn,  R.A.      Educated  at 

*  See  Risdon's  "  Devon,"  under  Ditsham,  p.  215,  and  Sir 
William  Pole's  "  History  of  Devon." 

Eton  and  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  182! 
M.A.  1833)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temp 
1835  ;  appointed  Police  Magistrate  of  Wands  wort 
and  Hammersmith  1847,  ditto  of  Marlboroug 
Street  1856  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut.  f< 
Somerset.  This  family  has  been  settled  in  Some 
setshire  for  several  generations. —  The  Corner,  La 
ton,  near  Cricklade,  Wilts;  Athenseum  Club, S.W 

9,  Stratford  Place,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Vansittart,  b.  1849. 

BEALE,  Samuel,  Esq.  (of  Warfield  Grove). 
Son  of  Wm.  Beale,  Esq.,  of  Camphill,  Birmin 
ham  ;  b.  1803  ;  m.  1st  1823  Emma,  dau.  of  Be 
E.  Butcher,  of  Sidmouth,  Devon;  2nd  1856  Mar 
dau.  of  J.  Johnson,  Esq.,  of  Field  House,  Chest* 
Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Warwick,  a  merchant 
London,  and  Chairman  of  the  Midland  Railwa 
has  been  M.P.  for  Derby  since  1857.—  Warfij 
Grove,  near  Bracknel,  Berks  ;  Reform  Club,  S."W 

10,  Park  Street,  Westminster,  S.W. 

BEAMISH,  Francis  Bernard,  Esq.  (of  Grenvi 

Son  of  the  late  William  Beamish,  Esq.,  of  Cork, 
Anne  Jane  Margaret,  dau.  of  Robert  De-la-Co 
Esq.,  of  Short  Castle,  co.  Cork ;  b.  1802  ;  m.  16 
Catherine,  sister  of  28th  Lord  Kingsale.  Educai 
at  Rugby ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Cork;  was  Mayor  of  Cork  in  1843  (High  She 
1852)  ;  was  M.P.  for  the  city  of  Cork  1837- 
and  since  1853. — Grenville  House,  Cork  ;  Be 
vue  House,  Exeter ;  Reform  Club,  S.W.  ; 
Jermyn  Street,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Francis  Bernard  Serrington, 

BEAMISH,  Worth  Ludlow,  Esq.,  K.H.,  P.I 
(of  Lota  Park). 
Third  son  of  the  late  William  Beamish,  Esq.. 
Beaumont  House,  Cork,  by  Anne  Jane  Marga 
dau.  of  Robert  De-la-Cour,  Esq.,  of  Short  Cas 
co.  Cork;  b.  1797  ;  m.  1841  Aline  Marie,  dau 
Rev.  John  Eric  Forsstrbm,  M.A.,  by  Petron 
Elizabeth    his   wife,  dau.  and  heir  of  Casp.'i 
Adrianus  Robertson,  Governor  of  Vocrschotfi 
and  Yeur,  in  Holland.    Educated  at  Royal  Mi 
tary  Coll.,  Sandhurst ;  appointed  Lieut. -Col.  ijl 
suite  in  the  Hanoverian  service  1852  ;  is  a  M?lj 
trate  for  co.  Cork  (High  Sheriff  1855) ;  was  formfj 
Capt.  4th  Royal  Irish  Dragoon  Guards  and  Ml] 
unattached.    This  family  descends  from  a  Norti 
follower  of  William  the  Conqueror,  settled  in  I 
land  temp.  Queen  Elizabeth,  and  they  have  <|l 
blished  their  descent  from  King  Edward  I.,  U 
from  the  Emperor  Charlemagne.- — Lota  Pai'k,  fl 
Glanmire,  co.  Cork  ;  United  Service  Club,  S."Vl 
Heir,  his  son  North  Ludlow  Axel,  b.  1842.  <a 


BEAMISH,  Bichard,  Esq.  (of  Beaumont  Hoii* 
Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  GefH 
Beamish,  Esq.,  by  Catheiine,  dau.  of  Henry  lp| 
win,  Esq.,  of  Lissard  ;  b.  1799  ;  s.  1855  ;  m.  jn 
Susan  Becher,  2nd  surviving  dau.  of  Richard  ill 
gerford,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cork.  jfl 
original  name  of  this  family  was  Beaumont,  Ml 



pted  into  Beamish,  winch  is  Beaumont  translated 
;o  Irish — viz.,  "  Beal  ais." —Beaumont  House, 
sselane,  near  Clonakilty,  co.  Cork. 

AMISH,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Kilmalooda 

dest  son  of  the  late  Sampson  Beamish,  Esq.,  by 
ktharine,  dau.  of  Rev.  Thomas  Waller  Evans, 
;ctor  of  Dunmanway,  co.  Cork  ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  1843  ; 
1829  Lydia  Maria,  eldest  dau.  of  Capt.  Andrew 
>ole,  of  Kilrush,  co.  Cork.  Is  a  Magistrate  for 
.  Cork. — Kilmalooda  House,  Timoleague,  co. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Sampson,  b.  1803  ;  m. 
30  Elizabeth,  2nd  dau.  of  Andrew  Poole,  Esq., 
Kilrush,  co.  Cork. 

LRDMOEE,  John,  Esq.  (of  Uplands), 
dy  son  of  the  late  John  Beardmore,  Esq.,  by  Maria 
argaretta,  eldest  dau.  of  John  Parke,  Esq.,  of 
mdon;  b.  1816;  s.  1822;  m.  1854  Mary  Anne, 
ly  dau.  of  George  Cooper  Ridge,  Esq.,  of  Morden 
trk,  Surrey,  Captain  4th  regiment.  Educated  at 
.on  and  Jesus  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1838, 
.A.  1843)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's 
n  1838  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
ants   (High   Sheriff   1846)  ;   appointed  Lieut. 

Hants  Light  Infantry   1845,   Captain  1852, 
d  Captain  Hants  Artillery  1854. — Uplands,  near 
treham,  Hants  ;  Arthur's  Club,  S.W.  ;  Royal 
icht  Club,  Cowes,  Isle  of  Wight. 
]Heir,  his  son  John,  b.  1856. 

BljLEtE,  Major  William  G-abbatt   (of  Holland 

dy  surviving  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Beare,  of 
>pstown,  co.  Cork,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  R.  Gore, 
iq.,  of  Beverley  ;  b.  1806  ;  s.  1850  ;  m.  1836 
larlotte  Laura,  dau.  of  Charles  Bowland  Cotton, 
;q.,  of  Kingsgate,  Isle  of  Thanet,  and  niece  of 
j  Powell  Powell,  Esq.,  of  East  Park,  Kent,  and 
ijtrk  House,    Eulham,    Middlesex.  Appointed 
isign  3rd  regt.  1825,  Lieutenant  46th  foot  1826, 
'  i.ptain  1835,  Major  1st,  or  Royal,  regt.  1846.— 
jolland  House,  Kingsgate,  Isle  of  Thanet  ;  Junior 
Jtiited  Service  and    Reform  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  34, 
*  javonshire  Place,  Portland  Place,  W. 
Hi/ezV,  his  son  Arthur  Cotton,  b  1849. 

B:KTSON,  Alexander  John,  Esq. 

lily  child  of  the  late  Alexander  Campbell  Beatson, 
f  \  c[.,  of  Rossend  (who  d.  1832),  by  Eliza,  3rd  dau. 
j  j  John  Baird,  Esq.,  of  Camelon,  and  grand-nephew 

j  the  late  Major-General  Alexander  Beatson, 

I.E.I.  Co.'s  service,  Governor  of  St.  Helena 
'  08-13  ;  b.  (posthumous)  1833.— New  Club,  Edin- 

j.rgh  ;  4,  West  Chcus  Place,  Edidburgh. 

3:|V.TTIE,  Alexander,  Esq.  (of  Sunbxiry  House). 
i  j  dest  surviving  son  of  the  late  A.  Beattie,  Esq.,  by 
i|slen,dau.  of  David  Crawford,  Esq.,  of  Edinburgh ; 
1806  ;  m.  1st  1835  Mary  Anne  Elizabeth  Theresa, 
jungest  dau.  of  the  late  Vice-Admiral  Sir  E.  Gr. 
Hpoys,  K.C.B.  ;  2nd  1855  Jane,  dau.  of  Richard- 
»  ii  Purves,  Esq.,  of  Sunbury  Place,  Middlesex, 
lucated  at  Glasgow  University  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
f  41 

for  Kent,  and  a  Director  of  the  South-Eastern 
Railway  Company  ;  was  formerly  an  East-India 
Merchant,  in  Calcutta,  Liverpool,  and  London. — 
Sunbury  House,  Tunbridge  Wells  ;  25,  Warrior 
Square,  St.  Leonards-on-Sea  ;  National  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Richard,  Lieutenant  52nd 
Light  Infantry,  b.  1838. 

BEAUCHAMP  (Earl),  Henry  Beauchamp-Lygon 
(cr.  1815). 

Third  son  of  the  1st  Earl  by  Catharine,  dau.  of 
James  Denn,  Esq.,  and  brother  of  the  2nd  and 
3rd  Earls ;  b.  1785  ;  s.  1853  ;  m.  1824  Susan  Caro- 
line, dau.  of  2nd  Earl  of  St.  Germans,  G.C.B. 
Educated  at  Westminster ;  is  a  General  in  the 
Army,  Colonel  10th  Hussars,  and  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Worcester  ;  was  M.P.  for 
Worcestershire  1806-31,  and  for  W.  Worcestershire 
1833-53.  —  Madresfield  Court,  near  Worcester; 
Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  19,  Grosven or  Place,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Elmley,  Captain  1st  Life 
Guards,  and  M.P.  for  W.  Worcestershire  ;  b.  1829. 

BEAUCHAMP,  Dov/ager  Countess. 

Catherine,  3rd  dau.  of  the  Baroness  Braye  ;  m. 
1st  1826  H.  Murray,  Esq.  ;  2nd  1850  the  3rd  Earl 
Beauchamp,  who  d.  1853. — 14,  Great  Stanhope 
Street,  W. 

BEAUCHAMP,  Richard  Hawkins,  Esq.  (of  Para- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Richard  Beauchamp 
(who  was  the  4th  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Beau- 
champ-Proctor,  Bart.,  of  Langley  Park,  Norfolk), 
by  Sophia  Dorothea,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Ball,  Esq., 
of  Merrion  Square,  Dublin;  b.  1829.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Clare. — Paradise,  near  Baliynacally, 
co.  Clare  ;  Kildare  Street  Club,  Dublin. 

BEAUCLERK,  Lord  Charles. 

Fourth  son  of  8th  Duke  of  St.  Alban's  ;  b.  1813  ; 
ra.  1842  Laura  Maria  Theresa,  only  dau.  and  heir 
of  Colonel  Stopford  (she  d.  1858).  Formerly  Captain 
1st  foot ;  is  Major  Northumberland  Militia. — The 
Riding-house,  near  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

BEAUCLERK,  Aubrey  De  Vere,  Esq.  (of  Ard- 
glass  Castle). 

Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Major  A.  W.  Beau- 
clerk,  of  St.  Leonard's  Lodge,  Horsham  (who  was 
M.P.  for  E.  Surrey  1835-7),  by  his  1st  wife  Ida, 
3rd  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  C.  Goring,  Bart.  ;  b.  1S36  ; 
s.  1852  ;  m.  1858  Evelyn,  dau.  of  H.  FitzKoy, 
Esq.,  of  Salcey  Lawn,  Northampton.  Educated 
at  Eton  and  Trin.  Coll.,  Cambridge.  This  family  is 
descended  from  a  common  ancestor  with  the  Duke 
of  St.  Alban's,  and  is  also  connected  with  the 
families  of  Leinster  and  Richmond.  The  late 
Major  Beauclerk  purchased  Ardglass  in  1810,  on 
the  death  of  Lord  Lecale,  better  known  as  Lord 
Charles  FitzGerald.— Ardglass  Castle,  OO,  Down. 
Heir  Pre*.,  his  uncle  George. 

BEAUCLERK,  Charles  William,  Esq.  (ofWinoh- 
field  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Lord  Frederick  Beau 
clerk  (who  was  3rd  sen  of  the  5th  Dttke  el'  St. 



Albrm'sV  by  Charlotte,  dan.  of  1 2th  Viscount  Dil- 
lon ;  b.  1816  :  in.  ISM  Penelope,  dan.  of  IS.  Hulkes, 
Esq.  Educated  at  the  Charterhouse  and  Ch.  Ch., 
Oxford  (B.A,  1889)j  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Limit,  for  Hants. — Winehfield  House,  Hants. 
Heir,  his  son  Frederick  Edward,  b.  1852. 

BEAUFORT  (Duke  of),  Henry  Charles  Fitz-Roy 
Somerset,  P.C.  (cr.  1682). 
Eldest  son  of  the  7th  Duke,  hy  his  2nd  wife 
Emily,  dan.  of  the  late  Coiling  Charles  Smith,  Esq.  ; 
6.1824;  s.  1853  ;  in.  1845  Georgiana  Charlotte, 
dan.  of  2nd  Earl  Howe.  Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a 
Lieutenant-  Colonel  unattached ;  Lieutenant-Colonel 
Gloucestershire  Hussars ;  is  a  Magistrate,  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Gloucestershire ;  late  Captain  7th 
Light  Dragoons  ;  was  M.P.  for  East  Gloucester- 
shire 1846-53.  Patron  25  livings.  The  1st 
Duke  was  a  natural  son  of  Charles  II. — Badminton, 
near  Chippenham  ;  Troy  House,  near  Monmouth  ; 
Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  22,  Grosvenor  Square,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Marquis  of  Worcester,  b.  1847. 

BEAUFORT,  Duchess  Dowager  of. 

Emily  Frances,  dau.  of  C.  Culling-Smith,  Esq. ;  m. 
1822  (as  2nd  wife)  the  7th  Duke  of  Beaufort,  who 
cl  1853.— Stoke  Gifford,  near  Bristol ;  30,  Gros- 
venor Square,  W. 

BEAUMONT    (Lord),    Henry   Stapleton  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  8th  Lord  by  Isabella  Anne,  dau. 
of  3rd  Lord  Kilmaine  ;  b.  1848  ;  s.  1854.  Patron 
1  living.    This  title  was  in  abeyance  1508-1840. — 
Carlton  Hall,  near  Selby,  Yorkshire. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Miles,  b.  1850. 

BEAUMONT,  Sir  George  Howland,  Bart.  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  George  Howland  Beau- 
mont, Bart.,  by  Mary  Anne,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late 
Most  Rev.  Dr.  Howley,  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  ; 
b.  1828  ;  s.  as  9th  Bart.  1845  ;  m.  1850  Paulina 
Menzies,  dau.  of  W.  H.  Belli,  Esq.,  E.I.C.  Edu- 
cated at  Winchester  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut  for  co.  Leicester  (High  Sheriff  1852),  and 
Captain  Leicestershire  Yeomanry  Cavalry.  Patron- 
age 2  livings. — Cole-Orton  Hall,  near  Ashby-de-la- 
Zouch,  Leicestershire  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Howland  William,  b.  1851. 

BEAUMONT,  Hon.  Mrs. 

Mary  Elizabeth,  3rd  dau.  of  3rd  Lord  Scarsdale 
(by  his  2nd  wife  Felicite"  Anne  de  Wattines)  ;  m. 
1825  John  Beaumont,  Esq.,  who  d.  1834.— Barrow 
Hall,  near  Derby. 

BEAUMONT,  Henry  Frederick,  Esq.  (of  Whit- 
ley Beaumont), 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Henry  Balph  Beaumont,  Esq., 
of  Newby  Park,  co.  York,  by  Catherine,  5th  dau. 
of  Sir  George  Cayley,  Bart.,  of  Brompton  Hall, 
York  ;  b.  1833  ;  s.  1857  ;  m.  1858  Maria  Johanna, 
only  surviving  dau.  of  William  Garforth,  Esq.,  of 
Wiganthorpe,  York.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity 
Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  the  North  and 

West  Ridings  of  Yorkshire.  This  family  have  lie] 
their  lands  in  Yorkshire  since  the  Conquest.  ]' 
Whitley  Beaumont,  Huddersfield. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  Richard  Beaumont  M; 
dimming,   who   has  since  taken  the  additior  J 
name  of  Beaumont. 

BEAUMONT,  Wentworth  Blackett,  Esq.  1 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  T.  W.  Beaumont,  Esq.  M.  j 
(who  was  M.P.  for  Northumberland  1818-26  a  | 
1830-2,  for  South  Northumberland  1833-7,  and  | 
Stafford  182G-30),  by  Henrietta,  dau.  of  J.  Atkfl 
son,  Esq. ;  b.  1829  ;  s.  1849  ;  m.  1856  Marga  | 
Ann,  dau.  of  1st  Marquis  of  Clanricarde.  Educal  I 
at  Harrow  and  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  it  I 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Northumberlar  i[ 
has  been  M.P.  for  South  Northumberland  siill 
1852.  Patron  of  6  livings. — Bretton  Hall,  n  fi 
Wakefield  ;  Bywell  Hall,  near  Gateshead  ;  Oxf  1 
and  Cambridge,  Reform,  and  Brookes'  Clubs,  S.Vl| 
144,  Piccadilly,  W. 

BECHER,  Sir  Henry  Wrixon,  Bart.  (cr.  1831  jj 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Wrixon-Becl  ■ 
Bart.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  J.  O'Neill,  Esq.  ;'  j 
1828  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1850  ;  was  formerly  a  LI  I 
tenant  in  the  Rifle  Brigade. — Ballygibbin,  r  I 
Mallow,  co.  Cork ;  Creagh,  Skibbereen,  co.  Co  I 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  J ohn  Wrixon,  of  Hon 
brook  (whom  see).  j 

BECHER.,  Rev,  John  Drake  (of  Hill  House).  }! 
Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  John  Thomas  Bechert'j 
Mary,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  William  Becher  of  So!  ) 
well ;  b.  1806  ;  s.  1848  ;  m.  1836  Elizabeth  Susaifjl 
only  dau.  of  Henry  Machin,  Esq.  Educate^ 
St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1828,  ftl.J 
1831)  ;  appointed  Vicar  of  South  Muskham,  N>f,  I 
1835  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Notts.— Hill  HcU 
Southwell,  Notts. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Henry  Becher,  b.  1840.  j 

BECHER,  John  Wrixon,  Esq.  (of  Hollybroi  f.j 
Second  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Wrixon-Be< 
Bart.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  O'Neill,  III 
b.  1828  ;  m.  1857  Emily,  dau.  of  the  late  Ea U 
Listowel.  Educated  at  Rugby  and  Trinity  ([., 
Cambridge  (B.A.  1851,  M.A.  1854)  ;  is  a 
trate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Cork. — Holryb  % 
near  Skibbereen,  co.  Cork. 

BECKETT,  Sir  Thomas,  Bart.  (cr.  1813). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  Sir  John  Bet  tt, 
Bart,  (some  time  Judge-Advocate  General,  ud 
M.P.  for  Leeds  1835-7),  by  Mary,  dau.  of  th<p 
Right  Rev.  Dr.  C.  Wilson,  Bishop  of  BristcU 
1779  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1847  ;  m.  1825  Car  he 
dau.  of  Joseph  Beckett,  Esq.  Is  a  Dep.  Lieip 
co.  Lincoln  and  the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshj- 
Somerby  Park,  near  Gainsborough,  Lincolnshl. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William,  of  Ku  •  M 
Grange  (whom  see).  |  I 

BECKETT,  John  Staniforth,  Esq.  f  I 

Only  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Beckett,  Esq.,  of  i-'uH 
ley>  °y  Mary,  dau.  and  co-heiress  of  John  Stan  "I 




Esq.,  of  Hall ;  b.  1794  ;  s.  1840  ;  m.  1842  Gertrude 
Elizabeth,  elder  dau.  of  the  late  Captain  Sir  Wm. 
Howe  Mulcaster,  E.N.,  C.B.,  K.C.H.,  &c.  Is  a 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire. — The 
Knoll,  Torquay,  Devon. 

Heirs  Pres.,  his  sisters  Eleanor  and  4  others. 

E2CKETT,  William,  Esq.  (of  Kirkstall  Grange). 
Fourth  son  of  the  late  Eight  Hon.  Sir  John  Beckett, 
Bart.,  who  was  M.F.  for  Leeds  1835-7,  by  Mary, 
dau.  of  the  late  Bishop  (Wilson)  of  Bristol ;  b.  1784  ; 
s.  1847  ;  to.  1841  Frances  Adelina,  dau.  of  H.  C. 
Ingram,  Esq.,  of  Temple  Newsham,  co.  York.  Is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  West  Eiding,  and 
a  Banker  at  Leeds  ;  was  M.P.  for  Leeds  1841-52. 
— Kirkstall  Grange,  near  Ripon  ;  18,  Upper  Brook 
Street,  W. 

EDFOHD  (Duke  of),  Francis  Russell,  K.G., 

P.O.  (or.  1694). 
Eldest  son  of  the  6th  Duke,  by  his  1st  wife,  Geor- 
giana,  dau.  of  the  4th  Viscount  Torrington ;  b. 
1788  ;  s.  1839  ;  to.  1808  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  the 
3rd  Earl  of  Harrington  (she  d.  1857).  Educated 
at  Westminster  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A. 

j  1808)  ;  was  M.P.  for  Peterborough  1810-12,  for 
Beds  1812-32  ;  summoned  to  the  House  of  Lords 
1833,  as  Lord  Howland  (cr.  1695).  Patronage  28 
livings.    This  family  was  first   ennobled  in  the 

j  reign  of  Henry  VIII.,  in  the  person  of  John 
Russell,  gentleman,  of  Kingston  Eussell,  Dorset, 

1  and  they  were  subsequently  enriched  with  large 
grants  of  church  property  on  the  dissolution  of  the 

.  monasteries. — Wo  burn  Abbey,  Bedfordshire  ;  Ends- 

lleigh  Cottage,   Tavistock,   Devon  ;   6,  Belgrave- 

j  Square,  S.W. 

j  Heir,  his  son  the  Mai-quis  of  Tavistock,  a  Dep. 
(Lieut,  for  Beds,  late  M.P.  for  Tavistock,  b.  1809. 

EDIMGFELD,  Sir  Henry  Richard  Paston, 
j     Bart.  (cr.  1660). 

[Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Richard  Bedingfeld, 
Bart.,  by  Charlotte  Georgiana,  dau.  of  Sir  W. 
Jerningham,  Bart.,  and  sister  of  the  late  Lord 
-Stafford;  b.  1800;  s.  1829;  to.  1826  Margaret 
■Anne  Bishopp,  only  child  and  heiress  of  the  late 
Edward  Paston,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Norfolk.  Patronage  1  living.  Was 
declared  in  1858  a  co-heir  to  the  Barony  of  Gran- 
dison.  The  1st  Bart,  was  a  zealous  Royalist  in  the 
time  of  Charles  II.  —  Oxburgh,  near  Norwich  ; 
Brail es,  Warwickshire  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  George,  Captain  West  Nor- 
folk Militia  ;  b.  1830  ;  to.  1859  Augusta  Lucy,  only 
child  of  E.  J.  Clavering,  Esq.,  of  Callaly  Castle, 

3ECH,  James,  Esq.  (of  Brandon  Lodge). 

■Eldest  son  of  the  late  James  Beech,  Esq.,  of  The 
Shawe,  co.  Stafford,  by  Esther,  dau.  of  —  Sutton, 
Esq.,  of  Shawe  House  ;  b.  1800  ;  to.  1843  Emily 
Dharlotte,  4th  dau.  of  John  Madocks,  Esq.,  of 
(ilnnyvern  Hall,  co.  Denbigh.  Educated  at  Ch. 
Dh.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1834) ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 

IlLieut.  for  co.  Warwick. —  Brandon  Lodge,  near 
Coventry ;  The  Shawe,  near  Cheadlo ;  Carlton 

pub,  S.W, 

ih  ir,  his  son  Rowland  John,  h.  1 853. 

BEECE.OFT,  George  Skirrow,  Esq.  (of  Kirkstall 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  George  Beecroft,  Esq.,  by 
Mai-y,  dau.  of  John  Audus,  Esq.,  of  Selby,  co.  York ; 
b.  1809  ;  to.  1842  Mary  Isabelle,  only  dau.  of  the 
late  George  Beaumont,  Esq.,  Justice  of  the  Peace, 
of  Halifax.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
West  Riding  of  Yorkshire  ;  was  formerly  an  Iron- 
master at  Leeds ;  has  been  M.P.  for  Leeds  since 
1857.— The  Abbey  House,  Kirkstall,  near  Leeds  ; 
Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

BEESS,  John,  Esq.  (of  Leslie  Hill). 

Third  son  of  the  late  William  Beers,  Esq.,  of  Bally- 
ward,  co.  Down,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  the  late  Ven. 
Leslie,  of  Kincraigie  Castle,  co.  Donegal,"  Arch- 
deacon of  Raphoe,  and  brother  of  F.  C.  Leslie, 
Esq.  (whom  see)  ;  b.  1851  ;  to.  1834  Catherine 
Anne,  dau.  of  William  Colquhoun,  Esq.  Is  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Donegal.  This  family  was 
originally  German,  but  came  to  Ireland  from  South 
Wales  and  Devon,  where  they  held  property.  — 
Leslie  Hill,  near  Manor  Conyngham,  co.  Donegal ; 
9,  Royal  Terrace,  Kingstown,  Dublin. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Leslie  Beers,  b.  1838. 

BEEVOE,  Sir  Thomas  Branthwayt,  Bart.  (cr. 

b.  1798  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1820  ;  to.  1st  1819  Eliza- 
beth Bridget,  dau.  of  R.  Lubbock,  Esq.,  M.D., 
of  Norwich  (she  d.  1831);  2nd  1832  Martha,  dau.  of 
A.  Herdiment,  Esq.,  of  Old  Buckenham,  Norfolk, 
(she  d.  1843)  ;  3rd  1845  Mary,  dau.  of  F.  Davie?, 
Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk. 
— Hargham  Hall,  near  Attleborough,  Norfolk. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas,  b.  1823  ;  m.  1850  Sophia 
Jane,  dau.  of  Rev.  C.  Chevallier,  of  Badingham, 
widow  of  T.  J.  Jermy,  Esq.,  of  Stanfield  Hall, 

BELOHEK,  Sir  Edward,  Knt.,  C.B.  (cr.  1843). 
Son  of  A.  Belcher,  Esq.,  of  Roehampton,  Surrey  ; 
b.  1799  ;  to.  1833  Diana,  dau.  of  —  Jolliffe,  Esq. 
Is  a  Captain  R.N.  ;  served  in  West  Indies,  and  on 
Chinese,  Spanish,  and  African  coasts  ;  conducted 
an  expedition  1855-6  in  search  of  Sir  J.  Franklin  ; 
was  Knighted  for  his  services  in  the  Chinese  war 
of  1841-2.  Author  of  a  treatise  on  Surveying,  and 
a  Narrative  of  a  Voyage  Round  the  World. — Union 
Club,  S.W. 

BELDAM,  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  Royston). 

Third  son  of  the  late  William  Beldam,  Esq..  by 
Marianne,  dau.  of  William  Woodham,  Esq.,  of 
Shepreth  Hall,  co.  Cambridge  ;  b.  1796.  Edu- 
cated at  St.  Peter's  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  called  to 
the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1825,  and  went  the 
Norfolk  Circuit ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  H  rta  j  \ 
formerly  one  of  the  four  Counsel  of  the  Palace 
Court,  and  Standing  Counsel  for  the  anti-slax  ei  y 
party  during  its  eventful  struggles.  This  family  is 
ancient  and  noble  in  W ranee,  and  the  English 
branch  has  been  long  settled  in  this  country,  and 
is  allied  by  marriage  with  the  ilatton  family. 
Royston,  Herts  ;  3,  Plowden  Buildings,  Temple, 

//<irPre».,  his  brother  Kdward,  of  Limvln'-  fan  : 
b.  1812. 



BELFIELD,  John  Finney,  Esq.  (of  Primley). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Finney  Belficld,  by  his 
1st  wife  Eleanor,  dan.  of  T.  Daniel,  Esq.  ;  b.  1811  ; 
8.  his  father  1858;  m.  L854  Eliza  Conway,  only 
dau.  of  Captain  Bridges,  R.N.  Educated  at  Oriel 
Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1834,  M.A.  1836).  Is  a 
Magistrate  for  Devon.— Primley  Hill,  Paignton, 
near  Torquay  ;  Oxford  and  Cambridge  Club,  S.W. 
J/cir,  his  son  Henry  Conway,  b.  1855. 

BEL  HAVEN  (Lord),  Robert  Montgomery 
Hamilton  (or.  1765). 
Eldest  son  of  the  7th  Lord,  by  Penelope,  dau.  of 
Ranald  Macdonald,  Esq.,  of  Clanronald  ;  b.  1793  ; 
s.  1814  ;  m.  1815  Hamilton,  dau.  of  the  late  Wal- 
ter Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Shawfield,  N.B.  Was  a 
Scotch  Representative  Peer  1820-30  ;  sits  in  the 
House  of  Lords  as  Lord  Hamilton,  U.K.  (cr.  1831)  ; 
is  Vice-Lieut,  and  Convener  of  co.  Lanark,  and 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Lanark  Militia  ;  appointed 
Lord  High  Commissioner  to  the  Assembly  of 
Church  of  Scotland  1859. — Wishaw  House,  near 
Lanark,  N.B.  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. ;  30, 
Albemarle  Street,  W. 

Heir  Pres.  (to  the  Scotch  honours),  his  uncle 
Peter  Douglas,  2nd  son  of  the  6th  Lord  ;  b.  1778. 

BELL,  Sir  John,  K.C.B.  (cr.  1852). 

Son  of  —  Bell,  Esq.,  of  Bonytoun,  co.  Fife  ; 
b.  1782  ;  m.  1821  Catharine,  dau.  of  the  1st  Earl 
of  Malmesbury  (she  d.  1855).  Is  a  Lieutenant- 
General  in  the  Army  (which  he  entei-ed  in  1805), 
and  Colonel  4th  foot ;  served  in  Sicily,  the  Penin- 
sula, America,  and  at  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope, 
where  he  was  Chief  Secretary  1828-41  ;  was 
Lieutenant-Governor  of  Guernsey  1848-54  ;  for- 
merly A.-D.-C.  to  William  IV. — United  Service 
Club,  S.W.  ;  2,  Upper  Hyde-Park  Street,  W. 

BELL,  Lady. 

Marion,  dau.  of  C.  Shaw,  Esq.;  m.  1811  Sir  Charles 
Bell  (the  eminent  surgeon),  who  d.  1842.— 151, 
Albany  Street,  Regent's  Park,  N.W. 

BELL,  Frederic,  Esc-,  (of  Thirsk  Hall). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  W.  Macbean,  M.A. 
(who  assumed  the  name  of  Bell  only,  in  lieu  of 
that  of  Macbean),  by  Frances,  dau.  of  John  Bell, 
Esq.,  of  Thirsk  ;  b.  1830  ;  s.  1850.  Educated  at  Mag- 
dalen Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  the  North  Riding  of  Yorkshire. — The 
Hall,  Thirsk,  Yorkshire. 

BELL,  Matthew,  Esq.  (of  Bourne  Park). 

Only  son  of  the  late  John  Bell,  Esq.,  F.R.S.,  of 
Lincoln's  Inn,  and  formerly  of  Kendal,  co.  West- 
moreland, by  Jane,  dau.  of  Henry  Grove,  Esq.,  of 
London;  b.  1817;  s.  1836  ;  m.  1839  Fanny  Cecilia, 
yot  ngest  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  Bigge,  Esq.,  of 
Benton,  Northumberland.  Educated  at  Eton  and 
Trin.  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1838,  M.A.  1841); 
is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Kent  (High 
Sheriff  1850),  and  a  Commissioner  of  Dover  Har- 
bour.— Bourne  Park,  near  Canterbury  ;  Oxford  and 
Cambridge  Club,  S.W. ;  4,  Grosvenor  Crescent,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Matthew  John,  b.  1840. 

BELL,  Matthew,  Esq.  (of  Woolsington). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Matthew  Bell,  Esq.,  by 
Sarah  Frances,  dau.  of  C.  J.  Brandling,  Esq.,  of 
Gosport  House  ;  b.  1793;  s.  1814  ;  m.  1816  Eliza- 
beth  Anne,  eldest  dau.  of  H.  A.  Reay,  Esq.,  of 
Killingworth  House.  Educated  at  Eton  and 
Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Northumberland  (High  Sheriff  1816),  and  Colo- 
nel  Northumberland  Yeomanry ;  was  27  years  M.P. 
for  Northumberland,  retired  1852. — Woolsington 
and  Killingworth  House,  near  Newcastle-upon- 
Tyne ;  Hanwick  Hall,  near  Bishop  Auckland:. 
Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

BELL  AIRS,  Sir  William,  Knt.  (cr.  1848). 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  Abel  Walford  Belhirs,  I 
Esq.,  of  Uffington,  Lincolnshire,  by  Susanna  f 
only  dau.  of  Miles  Lowley,  Esq.,  of  Oakham,  col 
Rutland  ;  b.  1793  ;  m.  1822  Mary,  dau.  and  heir  o  [ 
E.  Hooke,  Esq.,  of  Malbarton  Lodge,  co.  Norfolk  I 
Was  Exon  of  the  Guard  1837-49  ;  formerly  Captaii  { 
15th  Hussars;  served  in  the  Peninsula  and  a  f 
Waterloo,  where  he  was  wounded.  —  Malbartoi 
Lodge,  near  Norwich. 

BELLAIRS,  Rev.  Henry.  • 
Third  son  of  the  late  Abel  Walford  Bellairs,  Esq,! 
by  Susanna,  only  dau.  of  Miles  Lowley,  Esq.,  ( 
Oakham  ;  6.  1790  ;  m.  1811  Dorothy  Parker,  dai 
and  co-heir  of  Peter  Mackenzie,  Esq.,  of  Grov 
House,  Middlesex.    Educated  at  Uppingham  an 
St.  Mary's  Hall,  Oxford  (B.A.  1820) ;  is  a  Magi, 
trate  for  Warwickshire  ;  appointed  Rector  of  Bei 
worth  1830,  Vicar  of  Hunsingore  1831,  Honorai  , 
Canon  of  Lichfield,  and  Rural  Dean  1852  ;  wi 
formerly  in  the  Royal  Navy,  and  was  wounded  i 
Trafalgar,  for  which  he  has  received  a  medal  and] 
sword  ;  served  afterwards  in  the  15th  Hussail 
This  family  is  descended  from  the  Bellars  of  Kirkl  i 
Bellars,  co.  Leicester,  where  they  were  seated  A.  m 
1160  ;  Hamon  Bellars,  the  first  of  the  name,  w  9 
younger  brother  of  Roger  Mowbray,  and 
Nigel  dAlbini,  a  Norman  noble. — Bed  worth  R(  J 
tory,  near  Nuneaton,  Warwickshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Walford,  6.  1812 ;  m.  18:  ■ 
Mary  Hannah  Albina,  dau.  of  G.  Watkin  Kenricj  I 
Esq.,  of  Woore  Hall,  Salop. 

BELLEW   (Lord),    Patrick  Belle w,    P.O.  (  I 

Elder  son  of  the  late  Sir  Edward  Bellew,  Bsfl 
(who  d.  1827),  by  Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  R.  Stran 
Esq. ;  b.  1798  ;  m.  1829  Anna  Fermina,  dau.  of  II 
late  Don  J.  de  Mendosa  y  Rios,  of  Seville  (she|jj 
1857).    Is  Lord  Lieutenant  of  co.  Louth,  Colol  ; 
of  the  Louth  Militia,  a  Commissioner  of  Natiof  - 
Education  in  Ireland,  and  a  Trustee  of  St.  Patrhli 
Coll.,  Maynooth  ;  was  M.P.  for  co.  Louth  183;f 
■ — Barmeath,  near  Dunleer,  co.  Louth  ;  Reft! 
Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Edward  Joseph,  b.  1830;  m.  1 
Augusta  Margaret,  only  dau.  of  the  late  Colonel! 
Bryan,  of  Jenkinstown,  co.  Kilkenny.  J 

BELLEW,  Rev.  Sir  Christopher,  Bart.  (cr.  18:  f. 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Michael  Dillon  Bel!|i 
Bart.,  by  Helena  Maria,  eldest  dau.  ofT.  Dill, 

44  ! 



Isq.,  of  Dublin  ;  b.  1818  ;  $.  as  2nd  Bart.  1855. 
11  Holy  Orders  of  the  'Roman  Catholic  Church  ;  is 
escended  from  a  common  ancestor  with  Lord 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Thomas  Arthur,  late  M. P. 
Dr  Gal  way  (see  Bellew-Grattan). 

LLEW,  John  Prestwood,  Esq.  (of  Stockleigh 

Mdest  surviving  son  of  the  late  William  Bellew, 
]sq.,  by  Prestwood  Love,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  John 
Youde,  Vicar  of  Knowstone-cum-Molland ;  b. 
803  ;  s.  1826  ;  m.  1827  Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  William 
lancock,  Esq.  This  family  is  Norman,  and  derives 
n  common  with  the  Irish  Belle ws)  from  De  Bel- 
?au,  Marshal  to  the  Conqueror's  army.  Mr.  Bellew 
;  the  representative  of  the  eldest  line  in  unbroken 
lale  descent  from  the  Conquest. — Stockleigh  Court, 
ear  Crediton,  co.  Devon. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Froude,  b.  1829. 

LLEW-GEATTAN,  Captain  Thomas  Arthur 

(of  Mount  Bellew). 
econd  son  of  the  late  Sir  M.  D.  Bellew,  Bart.,  of 
lount  Bellew,  co.  Galway,  by  Helena  Maria, 
Sdest  dau.  of  Thomas  Dillon,  Esq.,  of  Dublin  ;  b. 
825  ;  m.  1858  Pauline,  2nd  dau.  of  the  late  Henry 
Lrattan,  Esq.,  of  Tinnehinch,  co.  Wicklow,  and 
ara,  co.  Meath  (some  time  M.P.  for  Dublin  and 
3.  Meath),  and  grand-dau.  of  the  late  Rt.  Hon. 
[enry  Grattan  ;  assumed  the  additional  name  of 
r rattan  by  Royal  license  in  1859.  Educated  at 
tonyhurst  Coll.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Galway ; 
>rmerly  Captain  5th  foot.;  was  M.P.  for  co. 
ralway  1852-7-  —  Mount  Bellew,  co.  Galway; 
irookes'  Club,  S.W. 

LLINGHAM,  Sir  Alan  Edward,  Bart.  (cr. 

ldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Alan  Bellingham,  Bart., 
y  Eliza,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Edward  Walls,  of  Booth  by 
[all,  co.  Lincoln  ;  b.  1800  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1827  ; 
.  1841  Elizabeth,  only  dau.  of  H.  Clarke,  Esq., 
t  West  Skirbeck  House,  Boston.  Educated  at 
rinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1822,  M.A.  1835).  Is 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Louth  (High 
heriff  1829).  This  title  was  originally  granted 
>  Henry  Bellingham,  of  Helsington,  in  1620,  but 
cpired  on  the  death  of  his  son  James,  in  1650. 
his  family  was  formerly  resident  at  Bellingham, 
orthumberland,  and  afterwards  at  Helsington, 
id  at  Levers  Hall,  near  Kendal,  Westmoreland. 
-Castle  Bellingham,  Ireland ;  Carlton  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  Alan  Henry,  b.  1846. 

LMOEE  (Earl  of),  Somerset  Richard  Lowry- 
Corry  (cr.  1797). 

ldcst  son  of  the  3rd  Earl,  by  Emily  Louise,  dau. 
ul  co-heir  of  the  late  William  Shepherd,  Esq.,  of 
radbourne,  Kent  ;  b.  1835  ;  s.  1815.  Educated 
.  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1856)  ; 
j  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Tyrone, 
lid  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Fermanagh  ;  elected  a 
representative  Peer  for  Ireland  1857. — Castle 
bole,  near  Enniskillen,  co.  Fermanagh  ;  Sackville 

Street  Club,  Dublin ;  Carlton  Club.  S.W.  •  56 
Eaton  Place,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Armar,  Lieutenant  R.N 
b.  1836. 

BELMORE,  Dowager  Countess  of. 

Juliana,  2nd  dau.  of  the  2nd  Earl  of  Carriek  ;  m. 
1800  the  2nd  Earl  of  Belmore,  who  d,  1841.— Green 
Park,  Bostrever,  Ireland. 

BELPEE  (Lord),  Edward  Strutt,  P.C.  (cr.  1856). 
Only  son  of  the  late  William  Strutt,  Esq.,  of  St. 
Helen's  House,  co.  Derby,  by  Barbara,  dau.  of 
the  late  Thomas  Evans,  Esq.  ;  6.  1801  ;  m.  1837 
Emily,  dau.  of  the  late  Right  Rev.  Dr.  Otter, 
Bishop  of  Chichester.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 
Cambridge  (B.A.  1823)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Notts  and  Derbyshire  (High  Sheriff  of 
Notts  1850);  was  M.P.  for  Derby  1830-48,  for 
Arundel  1851-2,  for  Nottingham  1852-6  ;  a  Com- 
missioner of  Railways  1846-8;  Chancellor  of  the 
Duchy  of  Lancaster  1853-4.  —  Keyworth,  near 
Derby  ;  Kingston  Hall,  near  Nottingham  ;  Reform 
and  Brookes'  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  42,  South  Street,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Henry,  b.  1840. 

BENCE,  Colonel  Henry  Bence  (of  Thorington 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Bence  Sparrow  (who 
assumed  the  surname  and  arms  of  Bence  in  1804), 
by  Harriet,  dau.  and  heir  of  William  Elmy,  E.^q., 
of  Beccles;  b.  1788  ;  s.  1824  ;  m.  1815  Elizabeth 
Susanna,  2nd  dau.  and  co-heir  of  the  late  Nicholas 
Starkie,  Esq.,  of  Frenchwood,  co.  Lancaster.  Edu- 
cated at  the  Charterhouse  and  St.  John's  Coll., 
Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Suffolk,  and  a  Magistrate  for  Norfolk  ;  appointed 
Colonel  East  Suffolk  Militia  in  1844  ;  was  formerly 
in  the  16th  Lancers,  promoted  into  the  60th  Rifles 
and  7th  Dragoon  Guards  ;  in  the  former  regiment 
he  served  in  the  Peninsula  under  the  Duke  of 
Wellington,  was  in  fourteen  actions,  wounded  at 
Talavera,  and  has  received  a  medal  with  two  clasps. 
— Thorington  Hall,  near  Saxmundham,  Suffolk ; 
United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Alexander  Starkie,  b.  1816  ; 
m.  1850  Agnes,  dau.  of  John  Barclay,  Esq.  (lineal 
descendant  of  Colonel  David  Barclay,  of  Ury, 
A.D.  1610). 

BENDYSHE,  John,  Esq.  (of  Banington  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Bendyshe,  Esq.,  by 
Catherine,  eldest  dau.  of  George  Matchani,  Esq., 
of  Ashfield  Lodge,  Sussex,  and  niece  of  Admiral 
Viscount  Nelson  ;  b.  1821  ;  s.  1855.  Educated  at 
Royal  Military  Coll.,  Sandhurst;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  co.  Cambridge,  and  Captain  Cambridgeshire 
Militia;  was  formerly  in  the  10th  foot  :  served  in 
the  Sutlej  campaign  of  1845-6,  and  was  present  hi 
the  battle  of  Sobraon.  This  family  came  into 
Cambridgeshire  from  Essex  ;  their  ancestor.  Sir 
Edmund  Bendyshe,  accompanied  Edward  ill.  to 
the  siege  of  Calais,  A..D.  1317.  and  the  propert] 
has  been  held  by  the  family  ever  since.    (See  "The 

Noble  and  Gentle  Men  of  England/'  by  E.  r. 
Shirley,  Esq., M.P.) — Banington  Sail,  nearB 

Herts;  Junior  I'nited  Service  Clttb,  S.W. 



BENETT,  Captain  Charles  Cowper. 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  tho  late  Rev.  John  Benett, 
LL.D..  Rector  of  honhead  St.  Andrew,  Wilts,  and 
Owor  Moigne,  Dorset,  by  Frances,  sister  of  the 
1st  Sir  Thomas  Turton,  Bart.  :  b.  1789  ;  m.  1810 
Sarah,  daughter  of  the  late  W.  Burlton,  Esq.,  of 
Wyken  Hall.  eo.  Leicester,  and  Donhead  Lodge, 
Wilts,  (she  d.  1853).  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Lyme 
Regis,  and  a  Captain  11. N.  ;  is  the  senior  male 
representative  of  the  Benetts  of  Pythouse,  Wilts. 
— Lyme  Regis,  Dorset. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Morgan,  6. 1813  ;  m.  1843 
Barbara  Sarah,  dau.  of  the  late  Captain  Waring, 
R.N.,  of  Lyme  Regis* 

BENETT,  Vere  Fane,  Esq.  (of  Pythouse). 

Second  son  of  the  Rev.  Arthur  Fane,  Vicar  of 
Warminster,  and  Prebendary  of  Salisbury,  by  Lucy, 
dau.  of  the  late  John  Benett,  Esq.,  of  Pythouse, 
Wilts,  whose  name  he  has  assumed  ;  b.  1839  ;  5. 
his  cousin  1856.  Educated  at  Marlborough  Coll.  ; 
late  Lieutenant  43rd  light  infantry,  and  was 
A.-D.-C.  to  Lieutenant-General  Beresford in  India. 
— Pythouse,  near  Hindon,  Wilts. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Henry,  b.  1848. 

BENETT,*  William,  Esq. 

Third  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Benett,  Esq.,  by 
Catharine  Darell,  dau.  of  John  Darell,  Esq.,  of 
York  Street,  St.  James's  Square,  London  ;  b.  1779  ; 
m.  1815  Ellen,  sole  dau.  and  heiress  of  Thomas 
Gore,  Esq.,  of  S.  Audley  Street,  London,  who  was 
2nd  son  of  Charles  Gore,  Esq.,  M.P.,  of  Tring 
Park,  Herts.  Educated  at  Merton  Coll.,  Oxon 
(B.A.  1801)  •  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn 
1806  ;  appointed  a  Police  Magistrate  in  1817  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  Middlesex.  This  family  has  been 
seated  at  and  possessed  of  Norton  Bavent,  near 
Warminster,  Wilts,  for  several  centuries,  and  at 
Pythouse,  in  the  parish  of  Tisbury,  Wilts,  for 
about  130  years.  The  change  in  the  spelling  of  the 
name  from  Bennet  to  Benett  has  been  adopted 
by  all  the  family  on  the  authority  of  ancient 
records. — Athenseum  Club,  S.W.  ;  14,  Nottingham 
Place,  W. 

BEKGrOUGH,   George  Henry,  Esq.    (of  The 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  George  Bengough,  Esq.,  by 
Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  John  Cooke  Carpenter, 
Esq.,  Captain  R.N.  ;  b.  1828;  s.  1856;  m.  1855 
Harriet,  dau.  of  Thomas  Evans,  Esq.,  M.D.,  of 
Gloucester  (she  d.  1859).  Educated  at  Winchester, 
Rugby,  and  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1850,  M.A. 
1853)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Gloucester,  and  a 
Captain  in  the  Royal  South  Gloucester  Militia. — 
The  Ridge,  near  Wotton-under-Edge,  Gloucester- 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  John  Charles,  b.  1829  ; 
m.  1857  Caroline  Augusta,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  A.  G. 
Cornwall,  of  Ashcroft,  co.  Gloucester. 

BENNET,  the  Bev.  Henry  Leigh  (of  Thorpe 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  John  Leigh  Bennet,  by 
his  cousin  Harriot  Eliza,  dau.  of  Thomas  Leigh 

*  Died  whilst  these  sheets  were  at  press. 

Bennet,  Esq.  ;  b.  1795  ;  s.  1835  ;  m.  1845  Caro- 
line, 2nd  dau.  of  George  Henry  Crutchley,  Esq.,  of 
Sunning-Hill  Park.  Educated  at  Westminster 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  181G)  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  Northamptonshire. — Thorpe  Place,  near  Chert- 
sey,  Surrey ;  University  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Currie  Leigh,  b.  1852. 

BENNET,  Bev.  John  Thomas. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Philip  Bennet,  Esq.,  qi<) 
Rougham  Hall  and  Tollesbury,  by  Jane  Judith, 
daughter  and  heiress  of  the  Rev.  R.  Kedington,  ol  > 
Rougham  Hall,  Suffolk  ;  b.  1796  ;  m.  1830  Hen.  I 
rietta  Eliza,  eldest  daughter  of  James  Jackson  \ 
Esq.,  of  Doncaster.  Educated  at  Balliol  Coll.  [ 
Oxford  (B.A.  1817,  M.A.  1831);  is  a  Magistrate) 
for  cos.  Suffolk  and  Cambridge,  and  Rector  ol 
Cheveley. — Cheveley  Rectory,  near  Newmarket' 

Heir,  his  son  James  Thomas  Hand,  b.  1832. 

BENNET,  Philip,  Esq.  (of  Bougham  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Philip  Bennet,  Esq.,  b;  ! 
Jane  Judith,  dau.  and  sole  heiress  of  Rev.  Roge 
Kedington,  of  Rougham  Hall  (last  male  represent; 
tive  of  the  Kedingtons  of  Kedington  Hall,  Suffolk 
6.  1795  ;  s.  1853  ;  m.  1822  Anne,  dau.  and  co-he 
of  Sir  Thomas  Pilkington,  Bart.,  of  Chevet.  Edil 
cated  at  Emmanuel  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  181ifl 
M.A.  1820)  ;  Captain  Suffolk  Yeomanry  1820 ;  1 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Suffolk;  will 
M.P.  for  W.  Suffolk  1845-59.    The  ancient  famill 
of  Bennet,  or  Benett,  of  co.  Wilts  (from  whofl 
derive  the  Bennets,  Earls  of  Tankerville,  and  tlfl 
Earls  of  Arlington,  now  represented  by  the  Dak  J;] 
of  Grafton),  were  originally  seated   at  Nortiij 
Bavent,  an  estate  which  has  remained  with  tlaj 
descendants  of  the  younger  branch  to  this  daf* 
The  elder  branch,  of  which  Mr.  Bennet  is  thechr 
removed  temp.  Queen  Elizabeth  to  South  Brewha? 
co.  Somerset,    and   subsequently   to  Widcom 
House,  near  Bath,  and  to  Tollesbury,  in  Esset' 
acquired  by  marriage  with  the  heiresses  of  Ch<  [ 
man  and  Hallam,  respectively. — Rougham  Haf  I 
near  Bury   St.    Edmunds,  .  Suffolk ;  Tollesbrisfl 
Lodge,  near  Maldon,  Essex;  Carlton  Club,  S.W'H 
39,  Lowndes  Street,  S.W.  • 
Heir,  his  son  Philip,  Lieutenant  Royal  Ho| 
Guards,  b.  1837. 


BENNETT,  Daniel,  Esq.  (of  Faringdon  Horn  | 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Bennett,  Esq.,  H 
Marianne,  dau.  of  John  Dunkin,  Esq.,  of  Frj'H 
ning,  Essex  ;   6.  1823  ;   s.  1814  ;  on.  1847  MM 
Elizabeth,  eldest  dau.  of  TJvedale  Corbett,  E.j  i 
of  Acton  Hall,  Shropshire.    Educated  at  Rul 
and  Merton  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  f{ 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Berks,  and  a  Cornet  Royal  W 
shire  Yeomanry. — Farringdon  House,  Berks  ;C| 
servative  Club,  S.W.  . 
Heir,  his  daughter  Mary.  f 

BENNETT,  John,  Esq.  (of  Grange).  ! 
Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  George  Bern! 
Esq.  (who  was  2nd  son  of  John  Bennett,  Judd'f 
King's  Bench,  Ireland,  and  Jane,  sister  of  the  |  e 
Sir  J.  Lovett,  Bart.,  of  Liscombe  House,  Buf), 



Eleanor,  dau.  of  Captain  Kingsley,  of  London  ; 
1813  ;  s.  1856  ;  m.  1842  Sarah,  eldest  daughter 
John  Brereton,  Esq.  Educated  at  Shrewsbury  ; 

a  Magistrate  for  King's  co. — Grange,  Clareen, 

ar  Pavsonstown,  King's  co. 

Jh  ir,  his  son  George  Lovett,  b.  1844. 

JNETT,  Josepli  Henry,  Esq,  (of  Bennett's 

dest  son  of  the  late  George  Jackson,  Esq.,  of 
anbeg,  co.  Waterford,  by  Susanna,  dau.  and 
le  heiress  of  Joseph  Bennett,  Esq.,  Recorder  of 
rk,  and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Warren,  Esq., 
Castle  Warren,  co.  Cork  ;  b.  1782 ;  s.  1813  his 
jther  (whose  family  name  he  assumed  by  Royal 
euse) ;    m.   1812  Theodosia  Ann,  dau.  and  co- 

ress  of  John  Smith,  Esq.,  of  Summer  Castle, 
Lancaster.  Educated  at  Brasenose  Coll., 
tford  ;  served  formerly  in  the  56th  foot,  and  9th 
ght  Dragoons. — Bennett's  Court,  Queenstown, 


TNETT,  Richard  Gully,  Esq.  (of  Tresillian 

dest  son  of  the  late  Richard  Gully  Bennett, 
q.,  by  Loveday,  dau.  of  "William  Bassett,  Esq., 
Pencorse  ;  b.  1820  ;  s.  1836  ;  m.  1846  Mary 
afl,  4th  dau.  of  Richard  Hosken,  Esq.,  of  Care- 
k.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A. 
i3) ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Corn- 

-Tresillian  House,  near  Truro,  Cornwall. 
Heir,  his  son  Edward  Gully,  b.  1849. 

lNTE,  George,  Esq.  (of  Parmoyle  House), 
ly  son  of  the  late  John  Bennie,  Esq.,  by  Marga- 
,dau.  of  Robert  Glenny,  Esq.,  of  Newry  ;  b.  1827  ; 
L847 ;  m.  1850  Jane,  dau.  of  James  Parker, 
|j  Educated  atMerchiston  Castle,  Edinburgh  ; 
a  Magistrate  for  co.  Monaghan,  and  a  Grand 
ror  of  that  county  ;  was  formerly  a  Merchant  in 
I  wry.  This  family  is  of  Scotch  extraction. — 
rmoyle  House,  near  Ballibay,  co.  Monaghan. 
leiress,  his  dau.  Elizabeth  Margaret  Hallyday. 

WITT,  -William,  Esq.  (of  Stourton  Hall), 
lest  son  of  the  late  Samuel  Bennitt,  Esq.,  by 
le,  dau.  of  S.  Hodgetts,  Esq.,  of  Dudley  ;  b. 
)0  ;  m.  1836  Sarah  Louisa,  dau.  of  John  Dawes, 
|.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  the  cos.  of  Worcester, 
fford,  and  Salop,  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Worces- 
,  and  Captain  of  the  Dudley  Squadron  of 
een's  Own  Worcestershire  Yeomanry  Cavalry. — 
iurton  Hall,  near  Stourbridge  ;  Priory  House, 
r  Dudley. 

'Ieir,  his  son  Pynson  Wilmot,  b.  1837. 

II  SON,  Sir  John,  Knt.  (cr.  1853). 

i  of  John  Benson,  Esq.,  of  Collooney,  co.  Sligo  ; 
812;  m.  1849  Mary,  dau.  of  J.  Smith,  Esq., 
the  46th  regt.  ;  is  an  eminent  Civil  Engineer  ; 
i  architect  of  the  Great  Exhibition  at  Dublin. — 
ntenotte,  near  Cork. 

SON,  Moses  George,  Esq.  (of  Lutwyche 

1  est  son  of  the  late  Ralph  Benaon,  Esq.  (some 
t  o  M.P.  for  Stafford),  by  Barbara,  3rd  dau.  and 


co-heiress  of  Thomas  Lewin,  Esq.,  of  Cloghans, 
co.  Mayo;  6.  1798 ;  s.  1845  ;  m.  1826  Charlotte 
Riou,  only  child  of  the  late  Colonel  Lyde  Browne, 
21st  Fusiliers.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co,  .Salop,  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Worcester,  and  patron  of  2  livings. 
This  family  was  formerly  seated  in  Furness. — Lut- 
wyche Hall,  near  Wenlock,  Shropshire  ;  Univer- 
sity Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Ralph  Augustus,  b.  1828  ;  edu- 
cated at  Winchester  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford. 

BENT,  Lady  (of  Edge  HiU). 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Davenport,  Esq.,  M.P., 
of  Westwood  Hall,  Leek,  co.  Stafford  ;  m.  1822 
Sir  John  Bent,  who  d.  1857. — Edge  Hill,  Liver- 

BENT,  John,  Esq.  (of  Wexham  Lodge). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Rev.  George  Bent,  by  his 
1st  wife  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Milton,  Esq.,  of 
Bristol ;  b.  1782  ;  s.  1831  ;  m.  1823  Elizabeth, 
youngest  dau.  of  Robert  Paul,  Esq.,  President  of 
the  Council  of  St.  "Vincent,  West  Indies.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Bucks  ;  entered 
the  army  as  Ensign  5th  foot  1804,  retired  as 
Major  1831.  This  family  was  formerly  of  Jacob- 
stow,  Devon. — Wexham  Lodge,  near  Slough, 
Bucks  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  George,  b.  1824,   Captain  25th 

BENTINCK,  Sir  Henry  John  William,  K.C.B. 
(cr.  1855). 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  Major-General  John 
Charles  Bentinck  (Count  of  the  Holy  Roman  Em- 
pire), by  Jemima,  eldest  dau.  of  the  6th  Earl  of 
Athlone,  and  cousin  of  5th  Duke  of  Portland ; 
b.  1796  ;  m.  1829  Renira  Antoinette,  dau.  of  Ad- 
miral Sir  James  Hawkins-Whitshed,  Bart.,  G.C.B. 
Entered  the  army  in  1813  ;  became  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  Coldstream  Guards  in  1829,  and  Colonel 
A.-D.-C.  to  the  Queen  in  1841  ;  commanded  the 
Brigade  of  Guards  in  the  Eastern  campaign  of 
1854,  including  the  Alma,  Balaclava,  and  Inker- 
mann  (where  he  was  wounded),  and  the  siege  of 
Sebastopol ;  became  Major-General  in  1855  ;  re- 
ceived the  local  rank  of  Lieuteuant-General.  and 
commanded  the  4th  Division  to  the  close  of  the 
war  ;  appointed  Colonel  of  the  28th  foot  in  1854  ; 
is  a  Commander  of  the  Legion  of  Honour  ;  has  the 
Turkish  Order  of  the  Medjidie,  the  Crimean  medal 
and  four  clasps,  and  the  Sardinian  medal. — United 
Service  Club,  S.W.  ;  35,  Grosvenor  Street.  W 

BENTINCK,  George  William  Pierrepont,  Esq. 
(of  Terrington). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Vice- Admiral  W.  Bentinck, 
by  Frances  Eliza  Augusta,  only  dau.  of  the  1st  Fai  l 
Manvers  ;  b.  1803  ;  5.1813.  Educated  at  Eton; 
is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk  :  has 
been  M.P.  for  W.  Norfolk  ninoe  1  852,  This  family 
is  a  younger  branch  of  the  ducal  houae  of  Portland, 
—  Terrington,  near  King's  Lynn,  fforfolk  :  Carlton 

Club,  S.W.  :  66,  l>avios  St..  Berkeley  Square,  W, 

Ifeiv  Pres.,  his  brother  Henry  Fagot,  l>.  1999* 



BENTINCK,  Rev.  William  Harry  Edward. 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Lord  Edward  C.  Ben ti nek, 
by  Elizabeth,  eldest  dan.  of  Richard  Cumberland, 
Esq.,  and  grandson  of  2nd  Duke  of  Portland, 
K.G.  ;  b.  1784  ;  to.  1S14  Frances,  dau.  of  the 
Rev.  T.  Constable.  Educated  at  Westminster  and 
Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1805,  M.A.  1808);  ap- 
pointed Rector  of  Sigglesthorne  1808,  Prebendary 
(now  Canon)  of  Westminster  1809,  Archdeacon  of 
Westminster  1854. — Sigglesthorne  Rectory,  near 
Hull ;  University  Club,  S.W.  ;  Cloisters,  West- 
minster, S.W. 

BENTLEY,  John,  Esq.  (of  Birch  House). 

Only  son  of  the  late  John  Bentley,  Esq.,  by  Ellen, 
dau.  of  Richard  Lomax,  Esq.,  of  Harwood,  near 
Bolton  ;  b.  1797  ;  s.  1821  ;  to.  1836  Emma,  eldest 
dau.  of  Clement  Royds,  Esq.,  of  Mount  Falinge, 
co.  Lancaster,  who  was  High  Sheriff  of  Lancashire 
in  1850.  Educated  at  the  University  of  Edin- 
burgh ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Middlesex,  and  a 
Magistrate  for  Middlesex,  Westminster,  and  Lan- 
cashire.— Birch  House,  near  Bolton,  Lancashire ; 
Union  Club,  S.W.  ;  9,  Portland  Place,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Francis  John  Royds,  b.  1850. 

BENTLEY,  William,  Esq.  (of  Hurlston). 

Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  William 
Bentley,  Esq.,  by  Matilda,  dau.  of  Stumbles  Philips, 
Esq.,  of  Mount  Philips,  co.  Tipperary  ;  b.  1821  ;  s. 
his  brother  1842  ;  to.  1857  Juliet  Mary,  only  dau. 
of  William  Digby  Lawlor,  Esq.,  M.D.  Educated 
at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1845)  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Clare.  This  family  (formerly  called 
De  Bentley)  is  of  Norman  origin,  but  more  imme- 
diately descended  from  Capt.  Thomas  Bentley, 
who,  in  the  year  1642,  came  to  Ireland  with  the 
English  army,  and,  having  received  grants  of  land 
in  that  country,  settled  there. — Hurlston,  Broad- 
ford,  near  Limerick. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Aubrey,  b.  1858. 

BEUYOl",  Richard,  Esq.  (of  Englefield  House). 
Second  surviving  son  of  the  late  William  Henry 
Fellowes,  Esq.,  of  Ramsey  Abbey,  Hunts,  by  Emma, 
4th  dau.  of  Richard  Benyon,  Esq.,  of  Englefield 
House,  Reading;  f.  1811;  m.  1858  Elizabeth 
Mary,  2nd  dau.  of  Robert  Clutterbuck,  Esq.,  of 
Watford  House,  Herts.  Educated  at  the  Charter- 
house and  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1833, 
M.A.  1835);  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn 
1837  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Berks 
(High  Sheriff  1857)  ;  succeeded  1854  to  the  estates 
of  his  maternal  uncle,  Richard  Benyon  de  Beau- 
voir,  and  took  the  name  of  Benyon  in  compliance 
with  his  will. — Englefield  House,  near  Reading  ; 
Carlton,  Conservative,  and  Boodle's  Clubs,  S.W. ; 
34,  Grosvenor  Square,  W, 

BERE,  Mrs.  (of  Morebath). 

Wilhelmina  Jemima,  3rd  dau.  of  the  late  Right  Rev. 
Dr.  Sandford,  Bishop  of  Edinburgh  ;  to.  1822  Mon- 
tague Baker  Bere,  Esq.,  a  Commissioner  of  Bank- 
ruptcy and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Devon,  and  Chairman 
of  the  Quarter  Sessions,  who  cl.  1858. — Morebath, 
near  Tiverton,  Devon. 

Heir,  her  son  Montague,  Barrister- at-Law,j 
corder  of  Penzance,  b.  1824  •  m.  1852  Cecil  L 
rietta,  2nd  dau.  of  Capt.  T.  W.  Buller,  R.l" 
Whim  pie,  Devon. 

BEEESPOED,  Sir  George  de  la  Poer,  Bar 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Admiral  Sir  J.  P.  Bere 
Bart.,  K.C.B.,  G.C.H.,  &c.  (who  was  a  1 
George,  1st  Marquis  of  Waterford,  and  brotl 
the  late  F.  M.  Viscount  Beresford),  by  h 
wife  Mary,  dau.  of  Captain  A.  J.  P.  Molloy,  R. 
Wimpole  Street,  London  ;  b.  1811;  s.  as  2nd 
1844 ;  to.  1846  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Davis  U 
Esq.,  of  Clontitret.  Educated  at  Harrow  i 
pointed  Ensign  88th  regiment  1827,  Lieut 
7th  foot  1828,  Major  1852;  was  M.P.  for 
lone  1841-2.— Travellers'  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Carr  de  la  Poer,  b,  1 

BEEESFOED,  George  John,  Esq.  (of  "V1 

Second  son  of  the  late  Rev.  C.  C.  Beresfo 
Amelia,  dau.  of  Sir  W.  Montgomery,  Ba 
Macbie.Hill,  co.  Peebles;  b.  1807;  to.  1st 
Jane  Charlotte,  dau.  of  C.  Riall,  Esq.,  of  He] 
co.  Tipperary;  2nd  1844  Frances  Constanti 
of  R.  Uniacke,  Esq.,  of  Woodhouse,  co.  Wat 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Royal  Military  Coll., 
wich  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Waterford  ;  apj 
2nd  Lieutenant  Royal  Artillery  1826,  C 
1841,  Lieutenant-Colonel  1854,  and  Colonel 
is  now  Colonel  Royal  Artillery  (retired  full 
Woodhouse,  Kilmacthomas,  near  Carrick-o 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  Henry,  b.  1845. 

BERESFORD,  George  Robert,  Esq.  (of  IV 

Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  John  I.  Beresf' 
Sophia,  dau.  of  R.  White,  Esq.,  of  jj| 
Queen's  co.;  b.  1830  ;  s.  1847.   Educated  at' 
Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1852).    Is  a  Magistrate 
Peebles  ;   appointed  to  the  88th  regime ntH 
became  Captain  1855  ;   is  Captain  half-if 
foot,  and  A.-D.-C.  to  Major-General  Shirlejfa 
served  throughout  the  Crimean  campaign 
Knight  of  the  Legion  of  Honour.— Maid 
Leadburn,  co.  Peebles,  N.B.  ;  Junior  UliiiU 
vice  Club,  S.W. 

jea  lioi 

sfo:  a 

BERESFORD,  John  Barre,  Esq.  (of  Lea] 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Henry  Barre' Beresf 
by  Eliza,  youngest  dau.  of  John  Bayly,  ftq.j 
Bristol;  6.  1815;  s.  1837;  m.  1st  1840 ■ 
3rd  dau.  of  Hugh  Lyons  Montgomery,  if 
d.  1850)  ;  2nd  1853  Caroline,  only  child  of  fill 
and  Lady  Elizabeth  Hamilton  Ash.  Eduftl 
Eton  andCh.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1835)  ;  is  m 
trate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Londonderrjfr 
mount  Park,  near  Londonderry. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Barre"  Blacker,  b.  1\8. 

BERESFORD,  Rev.  John  George. 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  Admiral  Sir  J  fin 
Beresford,  Bart.,  K.C.B.,  M.P.,  by  his  W 




riet  Elizabeth,  3rd  dau.  of  the  late  Henry 
•se,  Esq.,  M.P.,  of  Bedale,  co.  York  ;  b.  1821  ; 
.846  Caroline  Amelia,  6th  dau.  of  Thomas,  1st 
i  Denman.  Educated  at  Eton  and  St.  Peter's 
.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1843,  M.A.  1847);  ap- 
,ted  Rector  of  Wymondham  1849. — Wymond- 
i  Rectory,  near  Oakham,  Rutland. 
rcir,  his  son  John,  b.  1847. 

3SFORD,  Mrs. 

ia  Maria,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  F.  Fitzpatrick,  of 
h  Schillan  Glebe,  co.  Cavan  ;  m.  1838  the 
•.  Charles  Claudius  Beresford,  who  d.  1S48. — 
.ieborough,  co.  Cavan. 

3SFORD,  Right  Hon.  WiUiam. 
y  son  of  the  late  Marcus  Beresford,  Esq.  (many 
s  M.P.  for  Dungarvon),  by  Frances  Arabella, 
nger  dau.  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Miltown  ;  b.  1798  ; 
834  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  G.  R.  Heneage,  Esq., 
[ainton,  co.  Lincoln.  Educated  at  Eton  and  St. 
y's  Hall,  Oxford  (B.A.  1819)  ;  is  a  Major  in  the 
y,  retired  ;  formerly  Capt.  12th  Lancers  ;  was 
etary  at  War  in  1852  ;  was  M.P.  for  Harwich 
1-7,  since  which  he  has  sat  for  the  Northern 
ision  of  Essex. — Hampton  Court  Palace,  S.W.  ; 
(ton  Club  ;  3,  King  Street,  St.  James,  S.W. 
Wfc  his  son  Mostyn  de  la  Poer,  b.  1835  ? 

PfteSFORD,  Bev.  William  Montgomery, 
rd  son  of  the  late  H.  Barrd  Beresford,  Esq.,  of 
rmount,  co.  Londonderry,  by  Eliza,  dau.  of  J. 
iy,  Esq.,  of  Bristol ;  b.  1817  ;  m.  1851  Rosa 
1  n,  dau.  of  J.  Turner,  Esq.,  of  Brigton.  Edu- 
d  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1840, 
9  1859)  ;  Ordained  1841,  appointed  Curate  of 
ry  Cathedral  1857  ;  was  Perpetual  Curate  of 
lity  Church,  Aylesbury,  1853-7.  This  is  a 
or  branch  of  the  family  of  the  Marquis  of 

:«f°  terford. — Londonderry. 

leir,  his  son  William  James  Montgomery,  5.1859. 


(See  PacJc.) 

iiMESFORD-PEIRSE,  Henry  WiUiam  De  la 
Poer,  Esq.*  (of  Bedale  Hall). 

of  the  late  Admiral  Sir  J.  P.  Beresford,  Bart., 
.B.,  M.P.,  by  Harriet,  youngest  dau.  of  the 
Henry  Peirse,  Esq.,  M.P.,  of  Bedale  and  Hut- 
Bonville,  co.  York  ;  b.  1820  ;  s.  his  maternal 
t  in  1850,  when  he  took  the  additional  name  of 
3 ;  m.  1848  Henrietta  Anne  Theodosia,  only 
of  the  late  Hon.  and  Rev.  Thomas  Monson. 
icated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
co.  York  ;  was  formerly  in  the  5th  Fusiliers. 
>edale  Hall,  Yorkshire  ;  Carlton  and  Army  and 
vy  Clubs,  S.W. 

WPf  his  son  Henry  Monson  De  la  Poer,  b. 

INGTON,  Charles  Michael,  Esq.  (of  Little 
MLalvern  Court). 

est  son  of  the  late  William  Berington,  Esq.,  by 
ry  Frances,  dau.  of  Don  Joseph  Brune,  of  Cadiz, 

Died  whilst  these  sheets  were  at  press. 

Spain  ;  b.  1830  ;  s.  1847  ;  m.  1858  Ellen  Mary,  2nd 
dau.  of  the  late  Jas.  Balfe,  Esq.,  of  Runnymede, 
co.  Roscommon.  Educated  at  Downside  Coll.,  near 
Bath  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Worcester.  This  family  was  originally  of  Mote 
Hall,  co.  Salop,  and  settled  at  Windesley,  co. 
Hereford,  temp.  Edward  III.,  and  obtained  Little 
Malvern  by  marriage  with  a  Russell  at  the  begin- 
ing  of  the  last  century.  —  Little  Malvern  Court, 

BERKELEY  (Earl  of),  Thomas  Moreton  Fitz- 
Hardinge-Berkeley  (cr.  1679). 
Fifth  son  of  the  5th  Earl,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Mr. 
William  Cole,  of  Wotton-under-Edge,  co.  Glou- 
cester;  b.  1796;  s.  1810.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.r 
Oxford.  Is  co-heir  to  the  Baronies  of  Mowbray, 
Segrave,  and  Braose  of  Gower. — Cranford  Cottage, 
near  Hounslow,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George  Charles  Grantley, 
(whom  see). 

BERKELEY,  Hon.  George  Charles  Grantley 
Sixth  son  of  the  5th  Earl  of  Berkeley,  by  Mary, 
dau.  of  Mr.  W.  Cole,  of  Wotton-under-Edge,  and 
heir  pres.  to  that  title  ;  b.  1800  ;  m.  1824  Caroline 
Martha,  dau.  of  the  late  Paul  Benfield,  Esq.  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Gloucester  ;  formerly  an  officer 
in  the  Army ;  was  M.P.  for  West  Gloucestershire 
1832-47  ;  is  author  of  "  Berkeley  Castle,"  and  other 
works  of  fiction. — Beacon  Lodge,  near  Christ 
Church,  Hants, 

Heir,  his  son  Swinburne  Fitz-Hardinge,  b.  1825. 

BERKELEY,  Right  Hon.  Sir  Maurice  Frederick 
Fitz-Hardinge,  K.C.B.  (cr.  1855). 
Second  son  of  the  5th  Earl  of  Berkeley,  and  brother 
of  the  late  Earl  Fitz-Hardinge;  b.  1788;  m.  1st 
1823  Charlotte,  dau.  of  4th  Duke  of  Richmond  ;  2nd 
1834  Charlotte,  dau.  of  1st  Earl  Ducie.  Entered 
the  Navy  1802  ;  served  in  the  Mediten-anean,  and 
was  present  at  the  capture  of  Acre  ;  became  Yice- 
Admiral  of  the  Red  1858  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Gloucester,  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Sussex  ;  was  a 
Lord  of  the  Admiralty  1833-4, 1846-52,  and  1S53-7  ; 
M.P.  for  Gloucester  1835-57.— Berkeley  Castle, 
Gloucestershire  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Francis  William,  Lieut. -Colonel 
Royal  Horse  Guards,  and  M.P.  for  Cheltenham, 
b.  1826  ;  m.  1857  Georgina,  only  dau.  of  the  late 
Colonel  Holme  Sumner,  of  Hatchlands,  Surrey. 

BERKELEY,  Charles  Lennox  Grenville,  Esq. 
Second  son  of  the  late  Admiral  the  Hon.  Sir  G.  C. 
Berkeley,  G.C.B.,  by  Emily  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Lord 
G.  Lennox,  and  cousin  of  the  late  Earl  Fitz-llai- 
dinge  ;  b.  1806  ;  m.  1827  Augusta  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  J.  H.  Leigh,  Esq.,  sister  of  the  1st  Lord  Lei  jh. 
Educated  at  the  Royal  Military  Coll.,  Sandhurst  : 
appointed  a  Commissioner  of  Customs  1856  :  is  .i 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Gloucester  ; 
formerly  Captain  52nd  foot;  was  Secretary  to  the 
Poor-Law  Board  1852-6  ;  M.P.  for  Cheltenham  and 
Evesham  1848-56. — Travellers'  and  Brookes'  Clubs, 
S.W.  ;  7,  Wilton  Crescent,  S.W. 



BERKELEY,   Francis   Honry  Fitz-Hardingo, 

A  younger  son  of  the  late  Earl  of  Berkeley  ;  b.  1791  ; 
unmarried.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  has 
been  M.P.  for  Bristol  since  1837.— Reform  Club, 
S.W.  ;  1,  Victoria  Square,  Pimlico,  S.W. 

BERKELEY,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Spetchley  Park). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Robert  Berkeley,  Esq.,  by 
Apollonia,  3rd  dau.  of  Richard  Lee,  Esq.,  of  Llan- 
foist,  co.  Monmouth  ;  b.  1794  ;  s.  1845  ;  m.  1822 
Henrietta  Sophia,  eldest  dau.  and  co-heir  of  the  late 
Paul  Benfield,  Esq.,  of  Grosvenor  Square.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Worcester.  This 
family  represents  a  younger  branch  of  that  of  the 
Earl  of  Berkeley. — Spetchley  Park,  near  Worcester. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert,  b.  1823  ;  m.  1851  Catherine, 
dau.  of  3rd  Earl  of  Kenmare. 

BERNARD,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Charles  Brodrick. 
Second  son  of  2nd  Earl  of  Bandon ;  b.  1811  ;  m. 
1843  Jane  Grace,  sister  of  7th  Lord  Carbery. 
Educated  at  Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1832,  M.A. 
1834)  ;  is  Rector  and  Prebendary  of  Kilbrogan  and 
Rural  Dean.— Kilbrogan  Rectory,  near  Bandon, 
co.  Cork. 

BERNARD,  Hon.  Henry  Boyle. 

Third  son  of  2nd  Earl  of  Bandon;  b.  1812;  m. 
1848  Matilda  Sophia,  dau.  of  General  Turner, 
Colonel  18th  regt.  ;  is  Colonel  South  Cork  Light 
Infantry. — Coolmain  Castle,  near  Bandon,  co.  Cork. 

BERNARD,  Hon.  William  Smyth. 

Fourth  son  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Bandon  ;  b.  1792  ;  m. 
1831  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  Gilman ; 
is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cork,  and  Captain  half-pay 
1st  Dragoon  Guards ;  was  M.P.  for  Bandon 
1832-4,  re-chosen  1857.— The  Farm,  near  Bandon, 
co.  Cork. 

BERNARD,  Joseph,  Esq. 

Son  of  the  late  Peter  Bernard,  Esq.,  of  Southamp- 
ton, by  Sophia,  dau.  of  Duncan  Dallas,  Esq.  ;  b. 
1804  ;  m.  1841  Georgiana  Emily,  dau.  of  William 
Abbot,  Esq.,  late  of  Warnford  Park,  Hants.  Is  a 
Magistrate  for  Hants,  and  for  the  Borough  of  South- 
ampton.—10,  Rockstone  Place,  Southampton. 
Heir,  his  son  Charles  Colson,  b.  1848. 

BERNARD,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Castle  Bernard). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Thomas  Bernard,  by 
his  2nd  wife  Lady  Catherine  Henrietta,  sister  of 
the  3rd  Earl  of  Donoughmore ;  b.  1816 ;  s.  1834. 
Educated  at  Winchester  •  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  King's  co.  (High  Sheriff  1837) ;  a  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel in  the  Army,  and  Lieutenant-Colonel 
King's  co.  Militia;  was  formerly  Captain  12th 
Royal  Lancers.  Various  members  of  this  family 
represented  the  King's  Co.  in  Parliament  from 
1802  to  1832.— Castle  Bernard,  near  Kinnetty, 
King's  co.;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Richard,  b.  1821. 

BERNARD,  Thomas  Tyringham,  Esq.  (of  "Win- 
chenden  Priory). 
Third  son  of  the  late  Sir  Scrope  Bernard  Morland, 
Bart.,  by  Harriet,  dau.  of  William  Morland,  Esq.  ; 

6.  1791  ;  m.  1st  1819  Sophia  Charlotte,  dau.  of] 
Sir  D.  Williams,  Bart.  ;  2nd  1 840  Martha  Lou 
dau.  of  W.  Minshull,  Esq.  (&).  Educated  at  E 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  I 
Lieut,  for  Bucks  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  Aylesbl 
since  1857. — Winchendon  Priory,  near  Aylesbi 
Bucks  ;  Union  Club,  S.W. 

Heirs,  his  daughters  Letitia  Charlotte  and  Soji 


(See  Morland.) 

BERNERS  (Lord),  Henry  William  "Wilson  r| 

Eldest  son  of  the  5th  Lord,  by  Elizabeth,  da1 1 
T.  Sumpter,  Esq.,  of  Histon,  co.  Cambridge] 
1797  ;  s.  1851  ;  m.  1st  1823  Mary  Letitia,  elder  i 
and  co-heir  of  Colonel  G.  Crump  (she  d.  1856) ; 
1857  Henrietta  Charlotte,  dau.  of  1st  Lord  3 
mere.    Educated  at  Eton  and  Emmanuel  < 
Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Rutland  and 
folk,  and  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Ll 
tershire.    Patronage  4  livings.    Is  linealh 
scended  from  the  ancient  family  of  Kneve 
Buckenham  Castle,  and  Ashwelthorpe  Hall, 
folk,  who  were  of  renown  temp.  William  I 
during  the  Crusades,  as  well  as  under  Henry"1 
to  Cromwell.  This  title  was  in  abeyance  1743- 
— Keythorpe  Hall,  near  Leicester  ;  Ashweltt 
near  W ymondham,  Norfolk  ;  Carlton  and  Nai 
Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  niece  Emma  Harriet  ;  m. 
Sir  H.  T.  Tyrwhitt,  Bart,  (whom  see). 

BERNEY,  Sir  Hanson,  Bart.  (cr.  1620), 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Berney,  Ba: 
Henrietta,  dau.  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Abergav 
b.  1780  ;  s.  as  8th  Bart.  1825  ;  m.  1st  1811 1 
beth  Ann,  dau.  of  H.  Tahourdin,  Esq.  ;  2m 
Mary,  dau.  of  T.  Peck,  Esq. ;  is  a  Magistra 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk.  Patronage  1  liv.j 
Kirby  Beedon,  Norfolk ;  Twy cross,  near  .  fd 
stone,  Derbyshire.  , 
Heir,  his  son  Henry  Hanson,  b.  1843. 

BERTIE,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Frederick. 

Youngest  son  of  Willoughby,  4  th  Earl  of  Abifl 
by  Charlotte,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  Admiral  Sii| 
Warren  ;  b.  1793  ;  m.  1825  Georgiana  Anne  1 
dau.  of  Admiral  Lord  M.  Kerr,  and  of  Ch;l 
(in  her  own  right)  Countess  of  Antrim.  Ec  11 
at  Westminster  and  Jesus  Coll.,  Cambridgel 
1816)  ;  appointed  Rector  of  Wytham,  Berks  tty 
and  of  Albury,  Oxon,  1820. — Albury  Rectoi  'oe» 
Wheatley,  Oxon. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  McDonnell,  b.  1829.1 

BERWICK  (Lord),  Richard  Noel  Noel-I  C 
1784).  ; 

Eldest  son  of  the  4th  Lord,  by  Frances,  k 
William  Mostyn  Owen,  Esq.  ;  b.  1800  ;  i  > 
Educated  at  Rugby  ;  patronage  3  living  j  is 
Magistrate  for  co.  Salop. — At  tin  gh  am  Ha, 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William,  a  Dep.j^ 
for  co.    Salop,   and   late  Lieut.-Colonel  3a 
Militia ;  formerly  a  Colonel  in  the  Army  ;  I  i1 



BOROUGH  (Earl  of),  John  George  Bra- 
izon  Ponsonby,  P.O.  (cr.  1739). 

ast  son  of  the  4  th  Earl,  by  Maria,  dau.  of  the 
1  Earl  of  "Westmoreland  ;  b.  1809  ;  s.  1847  ;  m. 
1835  Frances  Charlotte,  dau.  of  the  1st  Earl  of 
•ham  (she  d.  1835)  ;  2nd  1849  Caroline,  dau.  of 
Duke  of  Richmond,  K.G.    Educated  at  the 
rterhouse ;   sits  in  the  House  of  Peers  as 
d  Ponsonby  (cr.  1749) ;    is  Lord  Lieutenant 
Custos  Rotulorum  of  co.  Carlow  ;  late  Master 
he  Buckhounds  ;  was  M.P.  for  Derby  1835-47. 
essborough  House,  near  Kilkenny  ;  Sysonby, 
M?  Leicester  ;  40,  Charles  Street,  W. 
MTeir  Pres.,  his  brother  Frederick  George,  Bar- 
B3r-at-Law,  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  King's  co., 

■7,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Samuel. 
Ird  son  of  1st  Lord  Wynford  ;  b.  1802;  m.  1st 
■3  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Sir  J.  Burrough  (she  d. 
■3)  ;  2nd  1835  Emma,  dau.  of  late  Lieutenant- 
■  >nel  C.  Duke.  Educated  at  Eton  and  King's 
I .,  Cambridge  (M. A.  1823)  ;  appointed  Rector 
■Abbots  Anne  1831.  —  Abbots  Anne  Rectory, 
fl.*  Andover,  Hants. 

\  Hon.  Thomas. 

>nd  son  of  1st  Lord  Wynford;  b.  1799;  m. 
5  Marianne,  2nd  dau.  of  2nd  Lord  Kenyon  ; 
red  the  navy  1812,  became  Lieut.  1822,  Capfc. 
),  Rear-Admiral  1856  ;  has  been  since  on  half- 
;  served  on  N.  and  S.  American  and  Mediter- 
>an  stations. — 19,  Hyde-Park  Square,  W. 

?,  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Bilston). 
anth  son  of  the  late  Norris  Best,  Esq.,  by 
mnah,  dau.  of  Joseph  March,  Esq.,  of  Sutton 
lfield  ;   b.   1795  ;  m.  1826  Mary,  only  child 
■Matthew  Dewes,  Esq.,  of  Chipping  Norton. 
j|i  Magistrate  for  co.  Stafford.    This  family  is 
Ilended  through  a  regular   line  of  beneficed 
ju^y  from  John  Best,  Bishop  of  Carlisle  in  the 
Ifln  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  and   translated  A.D. 
,i )  to  the  see  of  Chester. — Bilston,  Staffordshire. 
Veir,  his  son  Henry  Dewes,  b.  1832. 

jjjflTCKE,  Miss  (of  Pike  House). 
g4y  Alice  Gibson,  only  child  and  heir  of  the  late 
An.  Halliwell  Beswicke,  Esq.,  of  Pike  House,  co. 
j'J  caster,  by  Maria,  dau.  of  Henry  Wilkinson,  Esq., 
gidountforde,  in  the  same  county  ;  s.  1842.  Is 
Jvesentative  of  the  Beswicke  family,  long  seated 
Iflhe  township  of  Beswicke,  near  Manchester  ; 

sents  also  the  ancient  family  of  Hallywell  of 
!?3es,  near  Rochdale. — Pike  House,  near  Roch- 

rtire$ses  Pres.,  her  aunts,  Honora  Elizabeth,  m. 
3  Rev.  F.  R.  Raines  ;  and  Caroline  Gibson,  m. 
J  J.  Wilkinson,  Esq. 

IELL,  Sir  Richard,  Knt.  (cr.  1853). 

J  of  the  late  Richard  Bethell,  Esq.  M.D.  ;  b. 

flj!  5  J  m.  1 825  Eleanor  Mary,  dau.  of  R.  Abraham, 
.  Graduated  B.A.  1818,  at  Wadham  Coll., 
>rd,  of  which  he  was  afterwards  elected  a 
om  ;  is  Vice-Chancellor  of  the  co.  Palatino  of 
caster,  and  Standing  Counsel  to  the  University 

of  Oxford  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Middle  Temple 
1823  ;  made  Queen's  Counsel  1840  ;  was  Solicitor- 
General  1852-6  ;  Attorney:General  1856-8  ;  re- 
appointed 1859  ;  was  M.P.  for  Aylesbury  1851-9, 
when  he  was  elected  for  Kidderminster. — 25,  Glou- 
cester Square,  W.  ;  3  Stone  Buildings,  Lincoln's 
Inn,  W.C. 

BETHELL,  Richard,  Esc-,  (of  "Walton  Abbey). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Richard  Bethell,  by 
Anne,  dau.  of  James  Clitherow,  Esq. ;  b.  1772  ; 
m.  1800  Mary,  2nd  dau.  of  William  Welbach,  Esq., 
of  London  and  of  Ravensworth  Cowton,  co.  York. 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  East  Riding  of 
Yorkshire  ;  was  M.P.  for  East  Riding  of  Yorkshire 
1830-1,  and  1833-41.— Walton  Abbey,  near  Bever- 
ley,  Yorkshire, 

BETHUNE,  Sir  John  Trotter  Lindsay,  Bart, 
(cr.  1836). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Major-General  Sir  Henry 
Lindsay  Bethune,  Bart,  (a  General  in  the  Military 
service  of  Persia),  by — Coutts,  dau.  of  JohnTrotter, 
Esq.,  of  Dyrham  Park,  Herts  ;  b.  1827  ;  s.  as  2nd 
Bart.  1851.  Is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Fife  ;  late 
Lieutenant  91st  foot. — Kilconquhar,  co.  Fife  ;  134, 
Westbourne  Terrace,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Martin  William,  b.  1843. 

BETTS,  Edward  Ladd,  Esq.  (of  Preston  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  William  Betts,  Esq.,  by  Elizabeth 
Hay  ward,  dau.  of  Charles  Ladd,  Esq.,  of  Buckland, 
Kent ;  b.  1815  ;  m.  1843  Ann,  dau.  of  William 
Peto,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Kent  (High  Sheriff  1858).— Preston  Hall,  near 
Aylesford,  Kent ;  Conseiwative  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Edward  Peto  Betts,  b.  1844. 

BETTS,  George,  Esq.  (of  Wortham  Hall). 

Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Thomas  D'Eye  Betts,  of 
Wortham  Hall,  Suffolk,  Rector  of  Martlesham, 
and  a  Magistrate  for  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  by 
Harriet,  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  George  Clarke 
Doughty,  of  Theberton  Hall,  Suffolk,  Rector  of 
Martlesham  and,  Vicar  of  Hoxne,  Suffolk  ;  b.  1829  ; 
.5.  1859.  Is  Captain  81st  regiment.  The  family  of 
Betts,  of  Wortham,  came  from  Wetherden  and 
settled  at  Wortham  in  1490. — Wortham  Hall,  near 
Diss,  Suffolk  ;  Army  and  Navy  Club,  S.W. 

BETTY,  "William  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Knights- 

Eldest  son  and  heir  of  the  late  Rev.  Wm.  Betty,  of 
Rutland  Square,  Dublin,  and  Rector  of  Castlecor 
and  Oldcastle,  co.  Meath,  by  Catherine  Henrietta, 
dau.  of  the  late  Joshua  Kemmis,  Esq.,  of  Knights* 
town,  Queen's  co.  ;  b.  1831  ;  s.  1852.  Educated  a1 
Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a  Captain  6th  Dragoon 
Guards. — Knightstown,  Queen's  county  ;  Rutland 
Square  West,  Dublin  ;  Army  and  Navy  Club.  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Joshua  Frederick,  b.  ]  832  ; 
Lieutenant  Royal  Artillery. 

SEVAN,  George  Phillips,  Esq.,  M.D.  (of  CM 

Fourth  son  of  the  late  W.  H.  Be  van,  Beq.,  by 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Joseph  Latham,  Btq.j  '  •  ;  " 
is  2 



m.  1S51  Annie,  eldest  of  Henry  Newsham, 
Esq.  Educated  at  Rugby  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for 
oo.  Brecon. — Cefn  Mawr,  Beaufort,  near  Newport, 

BEVAN,  Bobert  Cooper  Lee,  Esq.  (of  Fosbury). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  David  Bevan,  Esq.,  by  Eavell 
Bourke,  dau.  of  Bobert  Cooper  Lee,  Esq.,  of  Bed- 
ford Square  ;  b.  1S09  ;  s.  184 G  ;  m.  1st  1836  Agneta 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Joseph  Sydney  Yorke, 
and  sister  of  the  4th  Earl  of  Hardwicke  ;  2nd  1849 
Emma  Frances,  dau.  of  the  late  Bishop  (Shuttle- 
worth)  of  Chichester.  Educated  at  Harrow  and 
Trinity  Coll.,  Oxford. — Fosbury,  near  Hungerford, 
Wilts  ;  Trent  Park,  near  East  Barnet,  Herts  •  31, 
Prince's  Gate,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Sydney,  b.  1838. 

BEVERIDGE,  Duncan  James,  Esq.  (of  Dam- 

Only  son  of  the  late  James  Beveridge  Duncan, 
Esq.,  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  the 
county,  by  Isabella,  3rd  dau.  of  Thomas  Mar- 
shall, Esq.,  Lord  Provost  of  Perth;  6.  1792  ;  s. 
1833  ;  m.  1829  Elizabeth  Fraser,  youngest  dau.  of 
Bobert  Boss,  Esq.,  of  Oakbank,  Perth.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Perth  ;  was  formerly 
a  Captain  in  the  West  Kent  Local  Militia.  This 
gentleman  is  the  Chief  of  the  Beveridges  in  Scot- 
land, as  confirmed  to  him  in  1813  by  the  Lord  Lion 
Depute. — Damside,  near  Auchterarder,  Perthshire, 
N.B.;  27,  Bury  Street,  St.  James's,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  dau.  Elizabeth  Fraser,  m.  1858  Henry, 
3rd  son  of  the  late  Captain  MacDuff,  Boyal  Perth- 
shire Militia,  of  Bonhard. 

BEVEELEY  (3rd  Earl  of),  George  Percy,  P.C., 
D.C.L.  (cr.  1790). 

Eldest  son  of  the  2nd  Earl  (who  was  2nd  son  of  the 
1st  Duke  of  Northumberland),  by  Isabella,  dau.  of 
the  late  Peter  Burrell,  Esq.,  of  Beckenham,  Kent, 
and  sister  of  the  1st  Lord  Gwydir  ;  b.  1778  ;  s.  1830 ; 
on.  1801  Louisa,  sister  of  the  1st  Lord  Wharncliffe. 
Educated  at  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A. 
1799);  is  Colonel  Northumberland  Militia;  for- 
merly Captain  of  the  Yeomen  of  the  Guard  ;  was 
M.P.  for  Beeralston  1808-12.  Patronage  1  living. 
Is  Heir  Pres.  to  the  Dukedom  of  Northumberland. 
— 11,  Portman  Square,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Lord  Lovaine  (whom  see). 

BEVEELEY,  Kobert  Mackenzie,  Esq.  (of  Scar- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Beverley,  Esq.,  of 
Beverley,  by  Mary,  co-heiress  with  Lady  Grantley, 
and  2nd  dau.  of  J  onathan  Midgley,  Esq.,  of  Beverley. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge 
(LL.B.  1824) ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
East  Riding  of  Yorkshire. — Scarborough,  York- 

BEWES,  Bev.  Tliomas  Arcner  (of  Beaumont 

Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Thomas 
Bewes,  Esq.  (who  was  M.P.  for  Plymouth  1832-41), 
by  his  1st  wife  Frances,  youngest  dau.  of  John 
Culme,  Esq.,  of  Tothill,  Plymouth  ;  b.  1803 ;  s,  1857. 

Educated  at  Westminster  and  Exeter  Coll.,  Oxf 
(B.A.  1825,  M.A.  1828).  This  family  was  forme 
resident  at  St.  Neots,  Cornwall. — Beaumont  Hou 
near  Plymouth. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Cecil  Edward,  b.  18! 
m.  1847  Frances  Elizabeth,  eldest  dau.  of  G. 
Soltau,  Esq.,  of  Little  Efford,  Devon. 

BEWICKE,  Calverley,  Esq.  (of  Hallaton  Ha1 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Calverley  John  Bewi( 
by  his  2nd  wife  Caroline,  dau.  of  Colonel  Natha , 
Newnham,  Esq.,  of  Barn-Rocks  House,  Sussj 
6.  1816  ;  s.  1843  ;  m.  1839  Mary  Amelia,  youn 
dau.  of  the  Rev.  N.  J.  Hollingsworth,  Recto 
Boldon.  Educated  at  Westminster  and  Univer 
Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1839).— Hallaton  Hall,  Lei, 
tershire.  i 
Heir,  his  son  Calverley  Theodore,  b.  1848.  J 

BEYNON,  John  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Trewern, 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Beynon,  Esq., 
Mary,  dau.  of  William  Thomas,  Esq.,  of  Beaum; 
b.  1807  ;  s.  1823 ;  m.  1829  Catherine  Sophia, 
dau.  of  Charles  Allen  Philipps,  Esq.,  of  St.  Brf 
Hill,  co.  Pembroke.    Educated  at  Shrewsbury^ 
a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Carmarthen  and  Pembrolf 
Trewern,  near  Nai-berth,  South  Wales, 
Heir,  his  son  John,  b.  1829. 

BIDDULPH,   Sir   Theophilus  William, 
(cr.  1664). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Theophilus  Bidd 
by  Jane  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Robert  Yyner,  Est 
Eathorpe,  co.  Warwick  ;  b.  1830  ;  s.  as  7ta 
1854.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Ox 
is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  War 
was  formerly  Major  2nd  Warwickshire  Mili 
Birdingbury  Hall,  near  Rugby,  Warwickshire 
Heir  Pres.,  his  uncle  Edward,  Colonel  H.E.I 
Service;  b.  1788;  m.  1837  Louisa,  dau.  of  C 

BIDDULPH,  Kobert,  Esq.  (of  Ledbury  Ptf 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Biddulph,  Ea 
Ledbury,  by  Augusta,  dau.  of  Walter  Long, 
of  Bath  ;  6.  1801  ;  s.  1854  ;  m.  1830  Elizabett 
of  the  late  George  Palmer,  Esq.,  M.P.,  of  $W 
Pai-k,  Essex.  Educated  at  Harrow  and  Bra  jfl 
Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieij 
co.  Hereford  (High  Sheriff  1857) ;  was  foil 
M.P.  for  the  City  of  Hereford.— The  Park! 
bury,  Herefordshire  ;  31,  Eaton  Place,  S.W.iH 
Heir,  his  son  Michael,  b.  1834. 

BIDDULPH  (of  Burton  Park). 

(See  Wright- Biddulph.) 

BIDDULPH  (of  Chirk  Castle). 

(See  Myddelton-JBiddidph.)  j| 

BID  WELL,  Bev.  George. 

Fourth  son  of  the  late  Shelford  Bidwell,  I  i 
1787  ;  m.  1811  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Samuel  I  m 
Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Clare  Hal  to 
bridge,  of  which  College  he  was  some  time  sll 
(B.A.  1809,  M.A.  1812);  ordained  DeaccW 
Priest  1811  ;   appointed  Rector  of  Stan 



!  nts  and  St.  John  Baptist,  Suffolk,  1811  ;  is  a 
!  .gistrate  for  Suffolk. — Stanton  Rectory,  near 
I  tforth,  Suffolk. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Shelford,  B.A.  St.  John's 
i  11.,  Cambridge,  in  Holy  Orders,  Curate  of  Yet- 
]  aster,  Dorset,  b.  1830  ;  m.  1858  Emma,  dau.  of 
.  ;hard  Prall,  Esq.,  of  Rochester. 

II  3-ER,  John  James,  Esq.  (of  Falniore  Hall). 
'  lest  son  of  the  late  Lennox  Bigger,  Esq.,  Jus- 
1 3  of  Peace  for  co.  Louth,  by  Charlotte,  dau.  of 
1 !  late  John  Eastwood,  of  Castletown  Castle,  co. 
!  uth  ;  b.  1797  ;  s.  1838  ;  m.  1838  Charlotte  Feris, 
i  l.  of  David  Courtenay,  Esq.,  of  Mountbaylie, 
<  Louth,  widow  of  the  late  Major  Francis  East- 
Bod.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Louth  ;  was  nomi- 
i  ,ed  in  1835  Mayor  or  High  Bailiff  of  Dundalk, 
{ 1  re-elected  to  the.  same  office  for  three  succes- 
i  e  years.  His  father,  the  late  Lennox  Bigger, 
I  o,  in  1809,  was  also  High  Bailiff,  declined 
1 :  proffered  honour  of  knighthood  from  the  then 
]  rd  Lieutenant,  the  Duke  of  Richmond.  This 

■  lily  came  originally  from  Biggar,  in  Scotland, 
i  reside  in  Belfast,  and  subsequently  removed 
i  Richmond,  near  Dublin. — Falmore  Hall,  near 
]  ndalk,  co.  Louth. 

leir,  his  son  John  James  Eastwoood,  b.  1839. 

SIS,  William,  Esq.  (of  Highfield  House). 

■  l  of  the  late  Mr.  W.  Biggs,  of  Leicester,  Mer- 
M,nt  and  Manufacturer  ;  b.  1805  ;  ra.  1837  Mary, 
■ingest  dau.  of  the  late  John  Worthington,  Esq. 
Ha  Magistrate  and  Alderman  of  Leicester;  was 
■yor  of  Leicester  1842-3  and  1848-9  ;  M.P.  for 
■wport,  Isle  of  Wight,  1852-7.—  Highfield  House, 
■ir  Leicester  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 

IIn-OLD,  Sir  Samuel,  Bart.  (cr.  1854). 
Hungest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Bignold,  Esq.,  of 

ijrwich  ;  b.  1791  ;  m.  1815  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
fin.  Atkins,  Esq.,  of  Ridlington,   Norfolk.  Is 

rj.VLagistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk  ;  has 
<mn  Sheriff,  and  thrice  Mayor  of  Norwich  ;  was 

I  P.  for  Norwich  1855-7.— 8,  Surrey  Street,  Nor- 
N:h  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

ijlSTOLD,  Rev.  Samuel  Frederick. 

■  3ond  son  of  Sir  S.  Bignold  (whom  see),  by  Eliza- 
lh,  dau.  and  heiress  of  W.  Atkins,  Esq.,  of 
Ellington,  Norfolk;  b.  1819;  m.  1844  Jane 
ILiia,  dau.  of  H.  D'Esterre  Hemsworth,  Esq., 
( Shropham,  co.  Norfolk.  Educated  at  Balliol 
CI.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1842,  M.A.  1850)  ;  appointed 
J  3tor  of  Tivetshall,  Norfolk  1845  ;  is  a  Magis- 
t  te  for  Norfolk. — Tivetshall,  near  Scole,  Norfolk. 

I|GHAM,  Lady  (of  Heathfield  Lodge), 
lima  Septima,  youngest  dau.  of  Edmund  Morton 
Ijydell,  Esq.,  of  Whatcombe  House,  Dorset ; 
»  1814  General  Sir  George  R.  Bingham,  K.C.B., 
;\'o  cl.  1833. — Heathfield  Lodge,  near  Ringwood, 
1,  nts. 

XlO-HAM,  Denis,  Esq.  (of  Bingham  Castle), 
ml  est  son  of  the  late  Robert  A.  Bingham,  Esq. 
^  o  was  nephew  of  the  1st  Lord  Clanmorris),  by 

Anne,  dau.  of  Bingham  Denis,  Esq.  of  Bingham 
Castle  ;  b.  1820  ;  s.  1842  ;  m.  1846  Elizabeth  Ellen, 
dau.  of  the  late  Arthur  Nasb>  Esq.,  of  Cam  House, 
co.  Mayo.  Educated  at  Shrewsbury  and  Trinity 
Coll.,  Dublin;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Mayo. — 
Bingham  Castle,  near  Belmullet,  co.  Mayo. 
Heir,  his  son  Denis  Arthur,  b.  1849. 

BINGHAM,  Peregrine,  Esq.   (of  "Woodbridge 

Son  of  the  late  P.  Bingham,  Esq.  ;  b.  1790  ;  m. 
1820  Eliza,  dau.  of  James  Bolton,  Esq.  Educated 
at  Winchester  and  Magdalen  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A. 
1810);  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple 
1818  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Middlesex,  and  a  Police 
Magistrate  in  London.  Represents  a  younger 
branch  of  the  family  of  Bingham,  of  Bingham's 
Melcomb,  Dorset. — Woodbridge  Abbey,  Suffolk  ; 
Athenaeum  Club,  S.W.  ;  35,  Gordon  Square,  W.C. 

Heir,  his  son  Peregrine,  a  Magistrate  for  Suf- 
folk ;  b.  1821  ;  m.  1840  Clara,  dau.  of  W.  Stanley, 

BINGHAM,  Richard  Hippesley,  Esq.  (of  Bing- 
ham's Melcombe). 
Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Rev.  William  Bing- 
ham, by  Sarah  Emily,  dau.  of  Lieut.-Gen.  William 
Wynyard,  of  Kensington  Palace  ;  b.  1804  ;  s.  1848  ; 
m.  1836  Harriet  Georgiana,  3rd  dau.  of  Rev.  Mon- 
tagu J.  Wynyard.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut 
for  Dorset ;  appointed  Colonel  of  the  Dorset  Militia 
1852  ;  was  formerly  in  the  H.E.I.  Co.'s  Military 
Service. — Bingham's  Melcombe,  near  Dorchester. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Charles  William,  in  Holy 
Orders,  Rector  of  Melcombe  Horsey,  and  a  Magis- 
trate for  Dorset ;  b.  1810  ;  m.  1st  1839  Caroline 
Damer,  2nd  dau.  of  Rev.  Montagu  J.  Wynyard 
(she  d.  1852) ;  2nd  1855  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late 
Rev.  D.  Campbell. 

BINNEY,  Rev.  Richard,  D.C.L.    (of  Bangor 

Son  of  the  late  Hon.  Hibbert  Newton  Binney, 
Member  of  Council,  Nova  Scotia,  by  Lucy,  dau. 
of  Colonel  Creighton,  of  Lunenburg,  Nova  Scotia  ; 
b.  1807  ;  m.  1834  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward 
Hardman,  Esq.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dub- 
lin (B.A.  1844,  M.A.  1818)  ;  graduated  D.C.L.  at 
King's  Coll.,  Nova  Scotia  1857  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  co.  Down,  Incumbent  and  Rural  Dean  of 
Bangor,  and  Chaplain  to  Viscount  Bangor  ;  was 
formerly  a  Captain  74th  Highlanders,  and  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Kilkenny  and  Queen's  Co. — Bangor 
Glebe,  near  Belfast. 

BIRCH,  Sir  Thomas  Bernard,  Bart.  (cr.  1831). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Joseph  Birch,  Bart.,  by 
Elizabeth  Mary,  3rd  dau.  of  Benjamin  Heywood, 
Esq.,  of  Liverpool  ;  b.  1791  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1833. 
Educated  at  Rugby  and  Jesus  ("oil.,  Cambridge 
(B.A.  1813,  M.A.  1816);  called  to  the  Bar  at 
Lincoln's  Inn  1817;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster;  was  M.P.  for  Liverpool 
1 8 1 7  52, — The  Hassles,  near  Presoot,  Danoasbire  j 
Reform  Club,  S.W. ;  Cox's  Hotel,  Jennyn  S(  ,S.W, 



BIRCH,  Wyrley,  Esq.  (of  Wretham). 

Eldest  ton  of  the  late  George  Birch,  Esq.,  of  Ham- 
stead  Hall,  co.  Stafford,  by  Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Lane,  Esq.,  of  Bentley,  co.  Stafford;  b.  1781;  s. 
1807  :  m.  1804  Katharine  Sarah,  3rd  dau.  of  Jacob 
Reynardson,  Esq.,  of  Holywell,  co.  Lincoln.  Edu- 
cated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  Norfolk  (High  Sheriff  1848).  This 
family  was  formerly  resident  at  Hamstead  Hall,  in 
the  parish  of  Handsvvorth,  co.  Stafford,  for  which 
co.  George  Birch  was  High  Sheriff  in  1803,  as  also 
was  his  father,  Thomas  Birch,  in  1745,  who  after- 
wards became  a  Judge  in  the  Court  of  Common 
Pleas. — Wretham,  near  Thetford,  Norfolk. 

Heir,  his  grandson  Wyrley,  b.  1837,  son  of 
George  Wyrley,  who  was  b.  1805,  m.  1833  Jane, 
dau.  of  Richard  Congreve,  Esq.,  of  Burton,  co. 
Chester,  and  d,  1845. 

BIRCHALL,  Arthur  John  Vesey  Lindsey,  Esq. 
(of  Blackrock  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Owen  Lindsey,  Esq.,  of 
Standress,  co.  Mayo,  by  Mary,  dau.  and  heiress  of 
Robert  Birchall,  Esq.,  of  Black  Rock,  co.  Leitrim  ; 
5.  1811  ;  s.  1840  ;  m.  1839  Jane,  dau.  of  John 
Duckworth,  Esq.,  of  Mount  Erris,  near  Boyle. 
Entered  the  Navy  1826,  and  served  till  1838  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Leitrim,  and  a  Captain  Leitrim 
Rifles  Militia.  This  family  came  to  Ireland  in  the 
reign  of  Henry  III.,  and  obtained  grants  of  land. 
Queen  Elizabeth  granted  to  John  Birchall  estates  in 
cos.  Lei  trim,  Roscommon,  and  Longford,  which  were 
forfeited  in  the  reign  of  James  I.,  and  re-granted 
by  the  same  monarch  to  Hugh  Birchall,  in  whose 
descendants  the  estates  in  Leitrim  have  since  con- 
tinued.— Blackrock  House,  near  Drumshambo,  co. 

Heir,  his  son  Tobias  Lambert,  b.  1841. 

BIRD,  Rev.  Thomas  Hugh. 

Second  but  only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Rev. 
C.  J.  Bird,  by  Harriet,  dau.  of  David  Jones,  Esq., 
of  Pennygellicha,  co.  Cardigan  ;  b.  1806  ;  s.  1854  ; 
m.  1st  1846  Jane,  2nd  dau.  of  Samuel  Bell,  Esq., 
of  Hopton  Hall,  Norfolk  ;  2nd  1856  Emma,  2nd 
dau.  of  Rev.  J.  C.  Green,  Vicar  of  Rustington, 
Sussex.  Educated  at  Shrewsbury  and  Magdalen 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1828,  M.A.  1831);  entered 
as  a  Member  of  the  Middle  Temple,  but  subse- 
quently took  Holy  Orders  ;  appointed  incumbent 
of  Moreton  Jeffries  1844,  Vicar  of  Yarkhill  1849  ; 
is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Hereford. — Yarkhill  Vicar- 
age, near  Ledbury,  Herefordshire. 
Heir,  his  son  Charles  Pavin,  b.  1847. 

BIBKBECK,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Settle). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Birkbeck,  Esq.,  by 
Rachel,  dau.  of  Nathan  Gough,  Esq.,  of  Kendal  ; 
b.  1808  ;  s.  1838  ;  m.  1840  Anne,  2nd  dau.  of  the 
late  Rev.  John  Carr,  of  Durham,  and  Stackhouse, 
near  Settle.  Educated  at  the  University  of  Edin- 
burgh ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  the  West  Riding  of 
Yorkshire  and  Jliancashire  ;  was  formerly  a  Banker 
at  Settle,  &c— Settle,  Yorkshire  :  Reform  Club, 


Heir,  his  son  William  John,  b.  1846. 

BIBLEY",  Rev.  John  Shepherd  (of  Kirkham). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Birley,  Esq., 
Mary,  dau.  of  John  Swaiuson,  Esq.,  of  Presto 
b.  1805  ;  s.  1850  ;  m.  1836  Anne,  dau.  of  Jo 
Hargreaves,  Esq.,  of  Hart  Common.  Educated 
Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1827,  M.A.  183( 
is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Lancaster. — Kirkham,  m 
Preston  ;  Moss  Lee,  near  Bolton-le-Moors,  Lam 
shire  ;   National  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  dau.  Lucy  Mary  Shepherd. 

BISSHOPP,   Sir   George   Ourzon,   Bart,  (|f» 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Very  Rev. 
Geo.  Bisshopp,  8fch  Bart.,  by  Catherine  Elizabe 
dau.  of  Andrew  Sproule,  Captain  R.N.  ;  Z>.  1823 
his  brother  as  10th  Bart.  1849.  Educated  at  Etc 
was  formerly  Captain  12th  foot.  The  7th  Ba 
who  was  for  many  years  M.P.  for  Shoreham,  est 
fished  his  claim  to  the  Barony  of  De  la  Zouch< 
1815.— Army  and  Navy  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Edward  Cecil,  b.  18 
m.  1847  Mary,  dau.  of  Rear- Admiral  Taylor. 

BITTLESTOW,  Sir  Adam,  Knt.  (er.  1858). 
Called  to  the  Bar  at  Inner  Temple  1841,  and 
the  Midland  Circuit ;  became  a  Revising  Barri 
1850  ;  appointed  a  Judge  of  the  Supreme  Cour  l 
Madras  1858  —  Madras.  "  I 

BLAAUW,  William  Henry,  Esc-,  (of  Be«| 

Only  son  jf  the  late  William  Biaauw,  Esq.,  bj 
2nd  wife  Louisa,  dau.  of  Christopher  Puller,  f 
of  Wooiford,  Essex  ;  b.  1793  ;  s.  1808  ;  m.  1st! 
Harriet,  dau.  of  John  King,  Esq.  ;  2nd  1832  % 
garot  Emily,  dau.  and  co-heiress  of  Sir  John 
Leger  Gillman,  Bart.,  of  Curraheen,  co.  Cork.  1 
cated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1813,  ft 
1815)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Su 
(High  Sheriff  1859).  This  family  was  fortfJ 
settled  in  Holland. — Beechland,  Newick,  Jj 
Uckfield,  Sussex  ;  University  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas  St.  Leger,  b.  1839.  ? 

BLACK,  Adam,  Esc-. 

Son  of  the  late  Mr.  Charles  Black,  Architect 
Edinburgh  j  b.  1784  ;  on.  1817  Isabella,  dau.  [I 
Tait,  Esq.  Educated  at  the  High  Schooljl 
University  of  Edinburgh  ;  is  a  Publisher  in  1 
citv,  of  which  he  was  five  years  Provost ;  has  [1 
M.P.  for  Edinburgh  since  1856.— 38,  Drumi| 
Place,  Edinburgh  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 

BLACKALL,  Samuel  Wensley,  Esq.  (of  Col 
toer  Manor). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Major  Robert  Bla<tl 
H.E.I.  Co.'s  Service,  by  Catharine,  dau.  of  th«ffl 
W.  Lewis,  Esq.,  of  the  Bombay  Civil  SerH 
b.  1809  ;  s.  1855  ;  on.  1st  1833  Georgina,  dajoj 
the  late  Henry  Rowles,  Esq.,  of  Stx-atton  Ssfl 
London  ;  2nd  1858  Kate,  dau.  of  the  late  JJ 
Bond,  Esq.,  of  co.  Longford.  Educated  at  Ti 
Coll.,  Dublin  ;  appointed  Lieutenant-Govern 
Dominica  1851  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Loo 
(High  Sheriff  1833) ;  was  formerly  in  the  S5th : 



fantry,  and  M.P.  for  co.  Longford  from  1847-51. 
Colamber  Manor,    near   Edgeworthstown,  co. 
mgford  ;  Junior  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Robert,  b.  1831. 

B:  iCKBUEN,  Peter,  Esq.  (of  KHlearn). 

dest  son  of  the  late  John  Blackburn,  Esq.,  by 
3becca  Louisa,  dau.  of  Rev.  Dr.  Gillies,  of  Paisley ; 
1811  ;  s.  1840  ;  m.  1838  Jean  Wedderburn,  2nd 
u.  of  James  Wedderburn,  Esq.,  formerly  Solicitor- 
meral  of  Scotland.  Appointed  Cornet  2nd  Life 
lards  1830,  retired  as  Lieutenant  1837  J  is  a  Ma- 
jtrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Stirling,  and  Chair- 
in  of  the  Edinburgh  and  Glasgow  Railway  ;  has 
en  M.P.  for  co.  Stirling  since  1855  ;  was  a  Lord 
the  Treasury  March-June  1859.  This  family 
s  resided  in  Glasgow  since  1590,  when  Peter 
ackburn  was  one  of  the  Regents  of  Glasgow 
niversity. — Killearn,  near  Glasgow;  Carlton 
ub,  S.W. ;  5,  Paper  Buildings,  Temple,  E.C. 
Heir,  his  son  John,  b.  1843. 

LCKBTTBITE,  Bight  Hon.  Francis  (of  Bath- 
farnham  Castle). 

dest  son  of  the  late  Richard  Blackburn e,  Esq.,  of 
■eat  Foot's  Town,  co.  Meath  (who  d.  1798),  by 
izabeth,  dau.  of  Francis  Hopkins,  Esq. ;  b.  1782  ; 
1809  Jane,  dau.  of  W.  Martley,  Esq.,  of  Bally- 
Ian,  co.  Meath.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 
ublin  (B.A.  1803,  M.A.  1806,  LL.D.  1852)  ; 
lied  to  the  Irish  Bar  1805  ;  appointed  a  King's 
mnsel  1822  ;  was  Attorney-General  for  Ireland 
;31-4,  and  1841-2  ;  Master  of  the  Rolls  (Ireland) 
;42-5 ;  Chief  Justice  of  the  Court  of  Queen's 
3nch  (Ireland)  1845-52  ;  Lord  Chancellor  of  Ire- 
nd  February-December  1852  ;  appointed  a  Lord 
istice  of  Appeal  in  Chancery  1856  ;  sworn  a 
'ember  of  the  Privy  Council  1831.  This  family  is 
English  extraction,  and  settled  in  Meath  as  early 
the  reign  of  Charles  L  — Rathfarnham  Castle,  co. 
ublin  ;  34,  Merrion  Square,  Dublin. 
Heir,  his  son  William  Martley,  b.  1810  ;  m.  1837 
:ary,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  W.  Thorpe,  D.D. 

BjA.CKBUB.KE,  John  Ireland,  Esq.  (of  Hale 
I  Hall). 

ldest  son  of  the  late  John  Blackburne,  Esq.,  47 
3ars  M.P.  for  co.  Lancaster,  by  Anne,  dau.  of 
iwruel  Rodbard,  Esq.,  of  Evercreech,  Somerset ; 

II  1783  ;  s.  1833  ;  m.  1811  Anne,  dau.  of  William 
amford,  Esq.,  of  Bamford.    Educated  at  Eton 

■rdCh.  Ch.,  Oxford,  of  which  he  is  Hon.  M.A. ; 

fl  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster  ; 
as  M.P.  for  Warrington  1820-32  and  1835-47.— 
Kale  Hall,  near  Warrington,  Lancashire  ;  Boodle's 

!  ad  Carlton  Clubs,  S.W. 

1 1  Heir,  his  son  John  Ireland,  Captain  5th  Dragoon 
rfjuards,  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  Commanding  4th 
I  pyal  Lancashire  Militia  ;  b.  1815  ;  m.  1846  Mary, 
I  |au.  of  Sir  Henry  Hoghton,  Bart.,  of  Hoghton 

EACKEB,  William  Jacob,  Esq.  (of  Wood- 
}  brook). 

hldest  son  of  the  late  William  Blacker,  Esq.,  by 
jlinne,  sister  of  the  1st  Lord  Carew  ;  h.  1823; 
1 1,  1831  ;  m.  1849  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  H.  P.  de 

Montmorency,  Esq.,  of  Castle  Morres,  co.  Kil- 
kenny. Educated  at  Harrow  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Wexford  (High  Sheriff  1852)  ; 
late  Major  Wexford  Militia.  This  family  is  a 
younger  branch  of  the  Blackers  of  Garrick-Blacker, 
co.  Armagh. — Woodbrook,  near  Enniscorthy,  co. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Robert  Shapland  Carew, 
in  Holy  Orders,  Incumbent  of  Milton,  co.  North- 
ampton; b.  1826;  m.  1858  Theodosia,  dau.  of  George 
Meara,  Esq.,  of  May  Park,  co.  Waterford. 

BLACKEB,  Murray  MaeG-regor,  Esq.  (of  Clare* 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-Colonel  Valen- 
tine Blacker,  C.B.,  by  Emma,  dau.  of  Robert 
Johnson,  Esq.,  of  Elm  Grove,  Lancaster;  b.  1824  ; 
m.  1851  Frances  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Rev.  Samuel 
Blacker,  D.D.,  Rector  of  Mullabrack,  co.  Armagh. 
Educated  at  the  London  University ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Mayo. — Claremount,  near  Claremorris, 
co.  Mayo ;  Toft  Monks  House,  near  Beccles, 
Suffolk  ;  Sackville  Street  Club,  Dublin.. 

BLACKETT,  Sir  Edward,  Bart.  (er.  1673). 
Second  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Blackett,  Bart.,  by 
Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  Benjamin  Keene,  Esq., 
of  Weston  Lodge,  co.  Cambridge  ;  b.  1805 ;  s.  as 
6th  Bart.  1816 ;  m.  1st  1830  Julia,  dau.  of  Sir  C. 
Monck,  Bart.  ;  2nd  1851  Frances  Vere,  dau.  of  Sir 
W.  Loraine,  Bart,  (widow  of  W.  H.  Ord,  Esq., 
M.P.)  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Northumber- 
land ;  was  formerly  Lieutenant  1st  Life  Guards. 
— Matfen  Hall,  near  Newcastle-on-Tyne  ;  Caidton 
and  Boodle's  Clubs,  S.W. ;  16,  Portman  Square, 

Heir,  his  son  Edward  William,  Captain  in  the 
Rifle  Brigade,  b.  1831. 

BLACKETT,  Edward  Algernon,  Esq.  (of  Wy- 

Second  son  of  the  late  Christopher  Blackett,  Esq.,  by 
Elizabeth,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  Montagu  Burgoyne, 
Esq.,  of  Mark  Hall,  Essex  ;  b.  1824  ;  s,  his  brother 
1856  ;  m.  1852  Lucy,  dau,  of  the  Rev.  William 
Minchin,  of  Greenhills,  co.  Tipperary.  Educated 
at  Cheam,  Surrey  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Northumberland  and  King's  co.,  Ireland  ;  en- 
tered the  Navy  1838 ;  became  Lieutenant  1S47  ; 
served  in  the  Implacable  during  the  operations 
against  Mehemet-Ali  in  1840,  in  the  Fury  steamer 
in  1849,  in  the  expedition  against  the  Chinese 
pirates,  and  was  1st  Lieutenant  of  the  CreSStf,  80 
guns,  in  the  Baltic  campaigns  of  1854-5. — Wylani, 
Oakwood,  near  Newcastle-upon-Tyne  ;  Army  and 
Navy  Club,  S.W.  ;  10,  Eaton  Place  West,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Edward  Umfreville,  b.  1853. 

BLACKETT,  Montague,  Esq.  (of  Greenhills). 
Second  surviving  son  of  the  late  Christopher  Black- 
ett, Esq.,  of  Wylam,  Northumberland  ^see  that 
family),  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  and  co-hoi  ross  of  Mont. igUQ 
Burgoyne,  Esq.,  of  Mark  Hall,  Kssex  :  b.  1826. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch..  Oxford  :  purchased 

property  in  Ireland  in  1852  j  is  a  (Magistrate  foi 



Tipperary  and  King's  co.,  and  a  Captain  of  the 
King's  co.  Militia. — Greonhills,  near  Moneygall, 
co.  Tipperary. 

BLACK  STONE,  William  Seymour,  Esq.  (of 
Wallingford  Priory). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  W.  Blackstone,  Esq.,  of  the 
Castle,  Wallingford,  Berks  ;  6.  1809.  Educated  at 
EtonandCh.Ch.,Oxford(B.A.lS31);  isaMagistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Berks,  and  Patron  of  1  living; 
Avas  M.P.  for  Wallingford  1833-52.  This  family  is 
descended  from  the  distinguished  lawyer  Sir  Wil- 
liam Blackstone. — The  Priory,  Wallingford,  Berks; 
Carlton  Cluh,  S.W. 

BLACKWOOD,  Sir  Francis,  Bart.  (cr.  1814). 
Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir  Henry  Martin 
Blackwood,  3rd  Bart.,  by  Harriet  Louisa,  dau.  of 
J.  M.  Bulkeley,  Esq.  ;  b. 1828  ;  s.  his  brother  as  4th 
Bart.  1854.  Was  formerly  Captain  R.N.  The 
1st  Bart.,  who  was  an  Admiral  in  the  Navy,  was 
a  younger  son  of  the  Baroness  Dufferin. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Percy,  b.  1840. 

BLACKWOOD,  Hon.  Henry  Stevenson. 

Fifth  son  of  third  Lord  Dufferin  ;  b.  1818  ;  m.  1857 
Amelia,  sister  of  6th  Earl  of  Essex.  Educated  at 
Eton  ;  entered  the  army  as  Ensign  1836  ;  became 
Captain  17th  Lancers  1841  ;  retired  1843  ;  ap- 
pointed a  Queen's  Messenger  1849. — 4,  Cadogan 
Place,  S.W. 

BLACKWOOD,  Hon.  and  Kev.  William  Stear. 
Fourth  son  of  3rd  Lord  Dufferin  by  his  second  wife 
Elizabeth,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  W.  H.  Finlay,  Esq., 
of  Gennetts,  co.  Meath,  and  heir  pres.  to  that  title  ; 
b.  1802  ;  m.  1832  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  R.  Hamilton, 
Esq.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (M.A. 
1826) ;  is  Vicar  of  Ballinderry.— Ballinderry  Glebe, 
co.  Antrim. 

BLAIKIE,  Sir  Thomas,  Knight  (cr.  1856). 
Fourth  son  of  John  Blaikie,  Esq.,  of  Aberdeen,  by 
Helen,  dau.  of  J.  Richardson,  Esq.,  of  Perth  ;  b. 
1802  ;  m.  1828  Agnes,  dau.  of  Alexander  Ding- 
wall, Esq.,  of  Rannieston,  co.  Aberdeen.  Edu- 
cated at  the  Grammar  School  and  Marischal  Coll., 
Aberdeen,  of  which  city  he  is  a  merchant,  and  was 
for  many  years  the  Lord  Provost. — Kingseat,  co. 
Aberdeen  ;  Bonacord  Terrace,  Aberdeen. 

BLAIR,  Sir  Edward  Hunter,  Bart.  (cr.  1786). 
Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir 
David  Hunter  Blair,  Bart.,  by  Dorothea,  dau.  of 
E.  H.  Mackenzie,  Esq.,  of  Cromarty,  N.B.  (brother 
of  George,  2nd  Marquis  of  Tweeddale)  ;  b.  1818  ;  s. 
1857  ;  m.  1850  Elizabeth  Wauchope,  dau.  of  the 
late  G-.  Wauchope,  Esq.,  and  grand-dau.  of  the 
late  Andrew  Wauchope,  Esq.,  of  Niddry,  co.  Mid- 
lothian. Educated  at  Edinburgh  and  Royal  Naval 
Coll.,  Portsmouth  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Wigton  ;  was  formerly  Lieut.  93rd  foot. 
— Blairquhan  Castle,  nearMaybole,  co.  Ayr,  N.B. ; 
Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  David,  b.  1853. 

BLAIR,  Neil  James  Fergusson,  Esq.  (of  Baltha 


Eldest  son  of  Adam  Fergusson,  Esq.,  of  Woot 
hill  House,  co.  Perth,  by  Jemima,  dau.  of  Majo 
Johnston  ;  b.  1814  ;  s.  1835  ;  m.  1855  Elringtoi 
dau.  of  Sir  Neil  Douglas,  K.C.B.  Educated  j 
Edinburgh  ;  called  to  the  Scottish  Bar  1835  ;  is 
Magistrate  for  co.  Perth.  This  family  has  bee1' 
seated  in  Perthshire  for  upwards  of  500  years  (se 
Douglas's  Baronage).  —  Balthayock  House,  nes 
Perth  ;  New  Club,  Edinburgh. 

BLAKE,  Sir  Thomas  Edward,  Bart.  (cr.  1622)  [ 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  V.  J.  Blake,  Bart.,  wl| 
was  M.P.  forGalvvay  1813-18  and  1841-7,  by  his  1  i 
wife  Eliza,  dau.  of  J.  Donellan,  Esq.,  of  Killag  || 
co.  Galway  ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  as  13th  Bart.  1847  ;  »  f 
1830  Letitia  Maria,  dau.  of  TTlick  O'Brien,  Esjjl 
Educated  at  Galway  Coll.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  tl 
Borough  of  Galway. — Menlough  Castle,  co.  Galwa  |J 
Heir,  his  son  Valentine,  b.  1836. 

BLAKE,  Sir  Henry  Charles,  Bart  (cr.  1772).  . 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  James  Henry  Blali 
Bart.,  by  Louisa  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  General  t 
Hon.  Thomas  Gage  ;  b.  1795  ;  s.  as  4th  Bart.  183 
m.  1st  1819  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  T.  W.  Whitt 
Esq.,  of  Midhurst  (she  d.  1841) ;  2nd  1849  Loui 
dau.  of  Sir  T.  Pilkinton,  Bart,  (widow  of  Rev. 
A.  Dawson).  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Suffolk.  Tl 
family  is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor  wi 
the  Irish  Bart,  of  the  same  name. — Langham  Pai 
near  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  near  Boxford,  Suffolk. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Bunbury,  Rector  of  Hess 
near  Bury  St.  Edmunds  ;  b.  1820  ;  m.  1847  Fran.* 
Marian,  dau.  of  H.  J.  Oakes,  Esq.,  of  Nowtr 
Court,  Suffolk. 

BLAKE,  Sir  Francis,  Bart.  (cr.  1774). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Francis  Blake,  Bart., 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Alexander  Douglas,  Esq.  ; 
1774  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1818  ;  m.  1822  Jane,  dau. 
William  Neale,  Esq.  (she  d.  1827).  Was  M.P.L 
Berwick,  1830-4.  Admiral  Blake  was  a  mem  [ 
of  this  family. — Twissell  Castle,  near  Coldstre.'f 
N.B.  i 

BLAKE,  Andrew  William,  Esq.  (of  Furbou§l 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Colonel  John  Blake,  |(. 
Maria  Eliza,  dau.  of  Edmond  Gallwey,  Esq.i- 
Cork;  b.  1798  ;  s.  1832;  m.  1832  Maria,  dau'j| 
Malachy  Daly,  Esq.,  of  Raford,  co.  Galway.  E| 
cated  at  St.  Mary's  Coll.,  Oscott,  and  Trinity  C< 
Dublin  (B.A.  1822);  is  a  Magistrate  and  I|j 
Lieut,  for  co.  and  borough  of  Galway,  was  Bm 
Sheriff  of  co.  Galway  1841. — Furbough,  near  (fil 
way  ;  Kildare  Street  Club,  Dublin. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Archer  Daly,  b.  1835.      [  j 

BLAKE,  John  Aloysius,  Esq.  (of  Waterford! 
Son  of  Andrew  Blake,  Esq.,  Merchant,  of  Waf  j 
ford;  b.  1826.    Educated  at  Waterford  anafj 
Pau,  France  ;  formerly  a  Merchant  in  Waterf  L 
of  which  he  was  Mayor  1855-6-7  ;  President  of  p 
Chamber  of  Commerce  1858-9  ;  has  been  M.P  jr 
Waterford  since  1857.— 24,  King  Street,  W<4 
ford;  12,  Lower  Mount  Street,  Dublin;  Staf?l 
Club,  W. ;  69,  Pall  Mall,  S.W* 



3  IKE,*  Martin  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  Ballyglunin). 
n  of  the  late  Martin  Blake,  Esq.,  of  Ballyglunin. 
a  Magistrate  for  co.  Galway  ;  was  M.P.  for  co. 
ilway  1833-57  ;  is  representative  of  the  Blakes  of 
Ulyglunin,  from  whom  are  sprung  the  Blakes, 
irouets,  of  Suffolk. — Ballyglunin  Park,  near 
thenry,  co.  Galway  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 

jjLKE,  Theobald  Michael,  Esq.  (of  French- 

dest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Blake,  Esq.,  of  Kil- 
llagh,  by  Maria,  dau.  of  Thomas  McDermott, 
q.,  of  Dublin  ;  b.  1826  ;  s.  1853  ;  m.  1854  Eliza- 
th  Mary,  dau.  of  James  Blake,  Esq.,  of  Vermont, 
lucated  at  Oscott  Coll.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
p.  Lieut,  for  co.  Galway.  —  Frenchfort  and  Kil- 
llagh,  near  Oranmore,  co.  Galway. 
Heir,  his  son  Edward,  b.  1855. 

lKE,  Thomas,  Esq.,  LL.D.  (of  Horstead). 

dest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Blake,  Esq.,  of  Nor- 
ch,  Barrister-at-Law,  by  Theodora  Martha,  eldest 
a.  of  David  Colombine,  Esq.,  of  Norwich  (a 
ntleman  of  French  extraction)  ;  b.  1790  ;  s.  1813. 
ucated  at  Norwich,  and  at  Trinity  Hall,  Cam- 
dge,  of  which  Coll.  he  is  a  Fellow  ;  is  a  Magis- 
>te  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk.  This  family 
s  formerly  of  Bunwell  and  Scottow,  co.  Norfolk. 
Horstead,  Norfolk  ;  College  of  Advocates,  Doc- 
s' Commons,  E.C.  ;  University  Club,  S.W. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Robert  Blake- Humfrey, 
\.,  b.  1795  (whom  see). 

IE,  William  John,  Esq.,  E.K.S.  (of  Danes- 

lest  son  of  the  late  William  Blake,  Esq.,  by 
iry,  dau.  of  Joseph  Nash,  Esq.,  and  grand-dau. 
John  Darker,  Esq.,  of  Gay  ton,  co.  Northampton, 
merly  M.P.  for  Leicester ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  1852. 
ucated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1826,  M.A. 
29)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1831  ;  is 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Herts  ;  was  M.P. 
Newport,  Isle  of  Wight,  1837-41.— Danesbury, 
iv  Welwyn,  Herts  ;  Brookes'  and  Athenasum 
lbs,  S.W.  ;  62,  Portland  Place,  W. 

.KE-HUMFEEY,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Wrox- 
ham  House). 

iond  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Blake,  Esq.,  of 
•rwich,  by  Theodora  Martha,  eldest  dau.  of  David 
iombine,  Esq.,  of  Norwich  (a  gentleman  of  French 
taction)  ;  b.  1795  ;  s.  1847  ;  m.  1838  Charlotte, 
ingest  dau.  of  Colonel  Harvey,  of  Thorpe  Lodge, 
rfolk.  Took  the  name  and  arms  of  Humfrey  by 
I  will  of  the  Rev.  John  Humfrey,  of  Wroxham, 
17.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Nor- 
X  ;  appointed  Ensign  3rd  foot  1812  ;  is  a  Lieu- 

Jant  (with  retired  full  pay)  of  the  late  9th  Royal 
Loran  Battalion  ;  served  in  the  Peninsula,  and 
i  the  war  medal  with  two  clasps.  This  family  was 

Ijmerly  of  Bunwell,  and  of  Scottow,  co.  Norfolk. 

■Wroxham  House,  near  Norwich. 
'/r/V,  his  son  Robert  Harvey,  b.  1843  ;  educated 


BLAKENEY,  Right  Hon.  Sir  Edward,  G.C.B., 
G-.C.H.  (cr.  1836). 
Son  of  the  late  Colonel  Blakeney,  who  was  M.P. 
for  Athenry  in  the  Irish  Pai'liament  ;  b.  1778  ;  m. 
1814  Maria,  dau.  of  the  late  Colonel  Gardiner, 
E.I.C.S.  Entered  the  Army  1794;  became  a 
General  1854  ;  is  Governor  of  Chelsea  Hospital, 
and  Colonel  1st  foot  ;  late  Colonel  Royal  Fusiliers; 
was  Commander  of  the  Forces  in  Ireland  1838-55  ; 
served  in  Holland,  the  Peninsula,  and  in  N.  Ame- 
rica.— Royal  Hospital,  Chelsea,  S.W. 

BLAXISTOiN",  Sir  Matthew,  Bart.  (cr.  1763). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  M.  Blakiston,  Bart.,  by 
Anne,  dau.  of  J.  Rochfort,  Esq.,  of  Clogrenane,  co. 
Carlow  ;  b.  1783  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1806  ;  m.  1810 
Lucy,  dau.  of  James  Mann,  Esq.  Was  formerly 
in  the  Indian  Army.  This  family  was  anciently 
settled  in  Derbyshire  (vide  Surtees'  "  History  of 
Durham").  Two  early  Baronetcies,  both  extinct, 
have  been  conferred  upon  the  members  of  this 
family. — Sandybrooke  Hall,  near  Ashbourne,  Der- 
byshire ;  National  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Matthew,  b.  1811. 

BLAMIRE,  William,  Esq.  (of  Thackwood). 
Son  of  the  late  William  Blamire,  Esq.,  and  nephew 
of  the  late  J.  Christian-Curwen,  Esq.,  some  time 
M.P.  for  Cumberland;  b.  1790;  m.  1834  Dora, 
youngest  dau.  of  John  Taubman,  Esq.,  of  The 
Nunnery,  Isle  of  Man,  and  widow  of  Colonel  Wilks, 
Governor  of  St.  Helena.  Was  High  Sheriff  of 
Cumberland  1828  ;  M.P.  for  Cumberland  1831-2, 
for  W.  Cumberland  1832-6  ;  appointed  a  Tithe 
Commissioner  1836.- — The  Oaks,  near  Carlisle; 
Windham  Club,  S.W. ;  35,  Upper  Harley  Street,  W. 

BLAND,  Francis  Christopher,  Esq.  (of  Derry- 
quin  Castle). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  James  Franklin  Bland,  Esq., 
by  Emma,  dau.  of  —  Taylor,  Esq.  ;  b.  1826  ;  m. 
1849  Jane,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  A.  R.  Hamilton,  of 
Clontagb,  co.  Down.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 
Dublin  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Kerry  (High 
Sheriff  1859).  —  Derryquin  Castle,  near  Kenmare, 
co.  Kerry. 

Heir,  his  son  James  Franklin,  b.  1851. 

BLAND,  Loftus  Henry,  Esq.,  Q,.C.  (of  Blands- 

Son  of  the  late  John  Bland,  Esq.,  by  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Robert  Birch,  Esq.,  of  Turvey,  co.  Dublin, 
formerly  M.P.  for  Belturbet  in  the  Irish  Parlia- 
ment;  6.1805;  s.  1849;  m.  1st  1840  Charlotte 
Elizabeth,  2nd  dau.  of  General  the  Hon.  A.  Grovc- 
Annesley,  of  Ann's  Grove,  CO.  Cork;  2nd  1843 
Annie  Jane,  eldest  dau.  of  J.  P.  Hackett,  Esq.,  of 
Stratford  Place,  London.  Educated  at  Trinity 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1825,  M.A.  1828);  called 
to  the  Irish  Bar  1831  ;  appointed  Queen's  Counsel 
1854  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  King's  and  Queen's 
counties,  and  for  co.  Wicklow  ;  was  M.P,  for  King's 
county  1852-9.  This  family  is  descended  hem 
General  Humphrey  Bland,  Brigadier  at  (he  battle 
of  Cullodon,  afterwards  Governor  of  Gibraltar,  and 
Commander- in -Chief  in   Scotland.  —  Blandsfort, 



near  Abbeyleix,  Queen's  county;  33,  Merrion 
Square  N.,  Dublin ;  Oxford  and  Cambridge  Club, 

lUir,  his  son  John  Lofkus,  Ensign  62nd  foot,  6. 

BLAND,  Rev.  Robert  Wintringham  (of  Abbey- 

Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  John 
gland,  Esq.,  of  Blandsfort,  Queen's  county,  by 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Birch,  Esq.,  of  Dublin  ; 
h.  1795;  TO.  1826  Alicia,  dau.  of  Edward  Evans, 
Esq.,  of  Dungannon.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 
Dublin  (13. A.  1816,  M.A.  1821) ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  co.  Antrim  ;  late  Incumbent  of  St.  George's 
Church,  Belfast.  This  family  is  descended  from 
the  Blands  of  Kippax  Park,  Yorkshire  (whom 
see).—  Abbeyville,  near  Belfast ;  University  Club, 

Ilcir,  his  son  John  Humphrey,  b.  1828. 

BLAND  (of  Kippax). 

(See  Davison- Bland.) 

BLANB,  Sir  Hugh  Seymour,  Bart.  (cr.  1812). 
Fourth  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir 
Gilbert  Blane,  Bart.,  M.D.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
A.  Gardner,  Esq.  ;  b.  1795  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1834  ; 
to.  1832  Eliza,  dau.  of  J.  Armit,  Esq.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Ayr  and  Derby,  and 
a  Lieutenant-Colonel  in  the  Army,  late  of  the 
Scots  Fusilier  Guards. — The  Pastures,  near  Derby. 

Heir,  his  son  Seymour  John,  a  Major  in  the 
Army,  b.  1833. 

B  LAN  TYRE  (Lord),  Charles  Stuart  (cr.  1606). 
Eldest  son  of  the  11th  Lord,  by  Fanny  Mary,  dau. 
of  the  late  Hon.  John  Rodney  ;  b.  1818  ;  s.  1830  ; 
to.  1843  Evelyn,  dau.  of  the  2nd  Duke  of  Suther- 
land, K.G.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
co.  Renfrew,  and  a  Representative  Peer  for  Scot- 
land ;  late  Lieutenant  Grenadier  Guards.  This 
family  is  descended  from  the  Stuart  Kings  of  Scot- 
land.— Lennox  Love,  near  Haddington,  N.B.  ; 
Erskine  House,  near  Glasgow  ;  Stafford  House, 
St.  James's,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Walter,  Master  of  Blan tyre,  b.  1851. 

BLATHWAYT,  George  William,  Esq.  (of  Dyr- 
ham  Park). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  George  William  Blath- 
wayt,  Rector  of  Dyrham,  by  Isabella,  dau.  of 
Charles  Pye,  Esq.,  of  Wadley,  Berks  ;  b.  1797  ;  s. 
his  uncle  1844  ;  to.  1822  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  the 
Rev.  T.  A.  Vesey.  Entered  the  Army  as  Cornet 
23rd  Light  Dragoons,  and  served  in  that  regiment 
at  Waterloo  ;  was  afterwards  in  the  King's  Dra- 
goon Guards  ;  is  a  Lieutenant-Colonel  in  the  Army  ; 
a  Magistrate  for  the  cos.  Gloucester,  Somerset,  and 
Wilts  :  was  High  Sheriff  for  Somerset  1849  ;  is 
great  great-grandson  of  the  Right  Hon.  William 
Blathwayt,  Secretary  of  State  in  the  reigns  of 
Kings  Charles,  James,  William,  and  Queen  Anne. 
—Dyrham  Park,  near  Chippenham. 

Heir,  his  son  George  William,  b.  1824  ;  to.  1856 
Charlotte  Amelia,  dau.  of  Major  T.  R.  Baker,  of  the 
family  of  Bayfordbury,  Plerts. 

BLAYDES,  Charles  Benjamin,  Esq. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Hugh  Blaydes,  Esq.,  o 
Ranby  Hall,  Notts,  by  Delia  Maria,  2nd  dau.  of 
Colonel  Richard  Wood,  of  Hollin  Hall ;  b.  1812 
s.  1836  ;  to.  1845  Martha,  dau.  of  Captain  Jackson 
was  formerly  in  the  Army.  This  family  is  c 
Danish  extraction,  and  is  of  considerable  standin  j 
in  Yorkshire  and  Notts. — Huntly  Place,  Sl; 
Helier's,  Jersey  ;  Junior  United  Service  Club,  S/W 
Heir,  his  son  Harry  Seymour,  b.  1851. 

BLAYHEY  (Lord),Cadwallader  Davis  Blayne  j 
(cr.  1621). 

Only  son  of  the  11th  Lord,  by  Mabella,  dau.  of  tl  J 
1st  Earl  of  Caledon  ;  b.  1803  ;  s.  1834.  Eduoati  j 
at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  c  j 
Monaghan  ;  formerly  Captain  80th  foot ;  was  M.J 
for  co.  Monaghan  1830-4  ;  elected  a  Representati  | 
Peer  for  Ireland  1841. — Castle  Blayney,  co.  Mor  fj 
ghan  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  93,  Jermyn  Street,  S.ll 


BLEICOWE,  John  Alexander,  Esq.  (of  Ma]  j 
ton  House). 
Eldest  surviving  son  of  John  Jackson  Blenco\[ 
Esq.,  by  his  2nd  wife  Cecilia,  dau.  of  the  K>| 
Charles  Prowett,  Rector  of  Stapleford,  Herts ; 
1846  ;  s.  1857.    This  family  is  a  branch  of  j 
ancient  family  of  the  Blencowes,  of  Blencowe  H; 
Cumberland. — Marston  House,  Northamptonsh: 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Charles  Edward,  b.  18 

BLENKXKTSOPP,  George  Thomas  Leaton,  I 
(of  Hoppyland  Castle). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Anthony  Leaton,  Esq., 
Elizabeth,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of  George  B' 
kinsopp,  Esq.,  of  Wickham  House,  and  Hum] 
ton  Hall,  whose  name  he  has  assumed  ;  b.  1783 
1803  ;  to.  1807  Harriot,  dau.  of  Henry  Colli 
wood,  Esq.,  of  Lilburn  Tower.  Is  a  Magistrate  [: 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Northumberland  and  Durbf 
— Hoppyland  Castle,  near  Bishop's  Auekl 
Durham  ;  Humbleton  Hall,  Northumberland,  j 
Heir,  his  son  Richard  Blenkinsopp  Gejj 
Leaton,  b.  1809  ;  to.  1836  Mary  Emma,  daifl 
Sanderson  Ilderton,  Esq.,  of  Ilderton,  Nortt* 

BLENNERKASSETT,  Sir  Rowland,  Bart.] 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Arthur  Blennerhaiill 
Bart.,  by  Miss  Sarah  Mahony,  of  the  MahonHf 
Kerry  ;  b.  1839  ;  s.  as  4th  Bart.  1849.  Edu  4 
at  Stonyhurst,  Lancashire,  and  at  Ch.  Ch.,  OsM 
This  family  is  very  ancient,  and  was  former  m 
note  in  Cumberland.  They  either  gave  their  w 
to,  or  took  their  name  from,  the  town  of  Ble  pt 
hassett,  in  that  county.  In  1382  Adam  Blejir- 
hassett,  the  direct  ancestor  of  the  present  'lm 
was  Mayor  of  Carlisle. — Churchtown  House,  par 
Killarney,  co.  Kerry. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  uncle  Robert,  5.  1797  ; 
Sarah,  dau.  of  A.  Eagar,  Esq.,  M.D. 

BLETsTNERHASSETT,  Charles  John,  Es|o 
Ballyseedy  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Arthur  Blennerhassett,1^' 
(who  was  M.P.  for  co.  Kerry  1837-41),  by  F 



>eane,  dau.  of  —  Grady,  Esq.  ;  b.  1830  ;  m.  18— 
taiy,  dau.  of  C.  Blennerhassett,  Esq.  Is  a  Magis- 
ate  for  co.  Kerry  (High  Sheriff  1858).—  Bally- 
iedy  House,  near  Tralee,  co.  Kerry, 
Heir,  his  son  Arthur,  b.  1856. 

hird  son  of  the  late  Arthur  Blennerhassett,  Esq., 
f  Ballyseedy,  co.  Kerry,  and  brother  of  Arthur 
•lennerhassett,  Esq.,  who  was  M.P.  for  co.  Kerry 
337-41 ;  b.  1803.  Educated  at  Winchester  and 
rinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1825)  ;  appointed 
:ector  of  Byrne  1830,  and  Vicar  of  Hermitage, 
'orset,  1834  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Dorset.  This 
,mily  is  of  very  ancient  English  origin,  and  settled 
i  Kerry,  Ireland,  in  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth, 
nee  which  time  they  have  frequently  represented 
le  county  in  parliament. — Byrne  Bectory,  Sher- 
arne,  near  Dorset. 

IGH,  Hon.  and  Bev.  Edward.  Vesey. 
econd  son  of  the  5th  Earl  of  Darnley  ;  b.  1829  ; 
.  1854  Isabel  Mary  Frances,  4th  dau.  of  the  4th 
arl  of  Abergavenny.  Educated  at  Eton ;  ap- 
ointed  Bector  of  Botherfield  1856  ;  was  formerly 
the  Diplomatic  Service. — Botherfield  Bectory, 
3ar  Tunbridge  Wells. 

IGH,  Hon.  Sir  John  Duncan,  K.C.B.,  D.C.L. 
(cr.  1856). 

icond  son  of  4th  Earl  of  Darnley,  by  Elizabeth, 
int  of  1st  Lord  Lurgan  ;  b.  1798  ;  m.  1835  Eliza- 
ith  Mary  only  dau.  of  T.  Gisborne,  Esq.  (she  d. 
537).  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
3.A.  1821),  and  was  afterwards  Fellow  of  All 
ouls  Coll.  ;  entered  the  Diplomatic  Service,  and 
jcame  Attache  at  Vienna  1820,  at  Paris  1823,  and 
St.  Petersburg  1826  ;  paid  Attach^  at  Paris 
328,  Secretary  of  Legation,  and  Charge"  d' Affaires 
Florence  1829,  and  of  the  Embassy  at  the  Hague 
330  ;  has  been  successively  Minister  at  the  Hague 
id  St.  Petersburg  ;  was  Envoy  Extraordinary  aud 
Linister  Plenipotentiary  at  Stockholm  1835-8,  and 
Hanover  1838-56  ;  appointed  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
ent  1857.  Patronage  1  living. — Enbrook,  near 
andgate,  Kent  ;  Travellers'  Club,  S.W. 
Heiress,  his  dau.  Elizabeth  Mary. 

ESS,  the  Baron  de  (of  Brandon  Park), 
enry,  eldest  son  of  the  late  James  Aldridge,  Esq., 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Sussex,  by  Eliza- 
;th,  dau.  of  the  late  William  Bliss,  Esq.,  M.D.,  of 
ssex ;  b.  1815  ;  assumed  in  1845  the  name  of 
liss,  on  succeeding  to  the  landed  property  of  his 
ncle  Edward  Bliss,  Esq.,  of  Brandon  Park,  Suf- 
>lk;  formerly  High  Sheriff  of  that  co.  ;  is  a  Magis- 
ate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Essex,  and  a  Magistrate 
r  Middlesex  and  Westminster  ;  was  created  a 
aronof  the  kingdom  of  Portugal  in  1S55. — Bran- 
jm  Park,  Suffolk  j  Berkeley  House,  Hyde-Park 
juare,  W. 

EjOFELD,  Bev.  Thomas  John  (of  Hoveton 
j  House). 

■  uly  son  of  the  lato  Bev.  Thomas  Calthorpc  Blo- 
lu,  by  Mary  Caroline,  dau.  of  Francis  Grose,  Esq., 
<<  59 

F.A.S.  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  1855  ;  m.  1834  Catherine  Char- 
lotte, dau.  of  the  Bev.  A  Collett,  Bector  of  Haver- 
ringham,  Suffolk.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1829,  M.A.  1832);  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk.  This 
family  was  settled  in  Norfolk  at  a  very  early  period. 
— Hoveton  House,  near  Norwich. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Calthorpe,  b.  1836. 

BLOIS,  Sir  John  Kalph,  Bart.  (cr.  1686). 

Third  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Captain 
J.  B.  Blois,  B.N.  (who  d.  1853),  by  Eliza  Knox, 
dau.  of  Bev.  J.  Barrett,  of  Inniskeel,  co.  Donegal ; 
b.  1830  ;  s.  his  uncle  as  8th  Bart.  1855.  Educated 
at  the  Boyal  Naval  Coll.  ;  is  Lieutenant  in  the 
BoyalNavy  ;  was  formerly  a  landowner  in  Australia 
(Victoria).  This  family  came  over  with  William 
the  Conqueror.  —  Cockfield  Hall,  near  Yoxford, 
Suffolk  ;  Conservative  and  Union  Clubs,  S.W.  • 
1,  St.  James's  Place,  S.W. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George  Vanneck,  b.  1838. 

BLOMEEIELD,  Bev.  Sir  Thomas  Eardley  Wil- 
mot,  Bart.  (cr.  1807). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  William  Blome- 
field,  Bart.,  by  Salome,  dau.  of  the  late  S.  Kekewich, 
Esq.,  of  Peamore,  Devon  ;  b.  1820  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart. 
1858  ;  vi.  1st  1844  Georgina  Louisa,  dau.  of  the 
late  Lieutenant-General  Sir  Peregrine  Maitland, 
K.C.B.  (she  d.  1852)  •  2nd  1853  Fanny,  eldest  dau. 
of  Bev.  J.  D'Arcy  J.  Preston,  of  Askham,  co.  York. 
Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1843); 
Ordained  1844  ;  appointed  Incumbent  of  All 
Saints,  Pontefract  1859.  —  All  Saints^  Vicarage, 
Pontefract,  Yorkshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Wilmot  Peregrine,  b.  1848. 

BLOOMFIELD  (Lord),  John  Arthur  Douglas 
Bloomfield,  G.C.B.  (cr.  1825). 
Only  son  of  1st  Lord  (who  was  some  time  Ambas- 
sador at  the  Court  of  Sweden),  by  Harriet,  dau.  of 
the  late  John  Douglas,  Esq.,  of  Grantham,  co. 
Lincoln  ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  1846  ;  vi.  1S45  Georgiana, 
dau.  of  1st  Lord  Bavensworth.  Is  a  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Tipperary  ;  has  been  Envoy  Extraordinary 
at  Berlin  since  1851. — Ciamalt,  near  Newport,  co, 
Tipperary  ;  Laughton,  near  Moneygall,  King's 
county  ;  British  Embassy,  Berlin. 

BLOSSE,  Sir  Bobert  Lynch-,  Bart.  (cr.  1622). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Bev.  Sir  Francis  Lynch - 
Blossc,  Bart.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  1st  Lord 
Plunket ;  b.  1825  ;  8.  as  10th  Bart.  1840  ;  m.  1S;>3 
Harriet,  dau.  of  2nd  Marquis  of  Sligo,  Edu- 
cated at  Bugby  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  :  a 
a  Magistrate  for  co.  Mayo.  The  original  Dame 
of  this  family  was  Lynch. — Castle  Carra  and  Atha- 
vallie,  near  Balla,  co.  Mayo;  53,  Jermyn  Stn 

Heir,  his  son,  b.  1857. 

BLOUNT,  Sir  Edward,  Bart.  (cv.  164f)< 

Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir  Walter  Blount, 
by  Anne,  dau.  of  T.  Riddell,  Esq.,  of  Felton  Park, 
Northumberland;  b.  1795:  S.  as  8th  Bart  1868  : 
vi.  1830  Mary  Francos,   dau.  of  B.  lUount.  Bm|, 



Educated  at  St.  Edmund's  Coll.,  Ware  ;  is  a  Ma- 
oist r;i  to  for  co.  Salop,  and  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  eo.  Worcester.  Represents  an  ancient 
family  of  Norman  extraction. — Sodington,  and 
Mawley  Hall,  near  Bewdley,  Worcestershire. 
Heir,  his  son  Walter  de  Sodington,  b.  1833. 

BLOUNT,  Michael  Henry  Mary,  Esq.  (of  Maple- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Michael  Blount,  Esq.,  by 
Catherine,  dan.  and  sole  heir  of  John  Petre,  Esq., 
of  Bell  House,  Essex,  and  widow  of  Francis 
Wright,  Esq.,  of  Bedford  Square,  London;  b.  1789; 
s.  1S21  ;  m.  1st  1817  Elizabeth  Anne  Mary,  4th 
dau.  of  Robert  Edward,  10th  Lord  Petre  ;  2nd 
1850  Lucy  Catherine,  4th  dau.  of  James  Wheble, 
Esq.,  of  Woodley  Lodge,  Berks.  Is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Oxfordshire  (High  Sheriff  1832). 
This  family  is  ancient  and  distinguished,  tracing 
their  descent  from  the  Counts  of  Guisnes,  in 
Picardy. — Mapledurham  House,  near  Reading. 
Heir,  his  son  Michael  Charles,  b.  1819. 

BLOUNT,  William,  Esq.  (of  Orleton). 

Second  son  of  the  late  William  Blount,  Esq.,  by 
Mary,  only  dau.  of  Lacon  Lambe,  Esq.,  of  Bidney, 
co.  Hereford  ;  b.  1799  ;  s.  his  brother  1831  ;  m.  1st 
1821  Eliza,  youngest  dau.  of  Thomas  Wright,  Esq., 
of  Fitzwalters,  Essex  ;  2nd  1839  Charlotte  Jane, 
eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Duke  of  Somerset.  Edu- 
cated at  Stony  hurst  Coll.  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at 
Gray's  Inn  1833  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Bucks  ;  was  M.P.  for  Totness  1839-40.  This 
family  is  descended  from  Robert  le  Blount,  created 
1st  Baron  of  Ixworth  by  William  the  Conqueror. 
Sir  Walter  Blount,  of  Rock,  co.  Worcester,  by 
J ohanna  of  Sodington,  left  a  grandson,  whose  de- 
scendants have  since  remained  at  Grendon  and 
Orleton,  co.  Hereford.  Edmund  Blount  was  Sheriff 
of  co.  Hereford  the  8th  of  Henry  VII. — Orchihill, 
near  Gerrard's  Cross,  Bucks  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W.  ; 
66,  Cumberland  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Archibald  Henry,  b.  1840. 

BLOW,  Rev.  William. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Blow,  Esq.,  by  Anna, 
dau.  of  Mr.  Thomas  Hopper,  of  Leven  ;  b.  1789  ; 
m.  1813  Elizabeth  Sarah,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  John 
Clark.  Educated  at  Sidney  Sussex  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge (B.  A.  1817) ;  appointed  Rector  of  Goodman- 
ham  in  1819,  and  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  East  Riding  of  Yorkshire. — Goodmanham,  near 
Market  Weighton,  Yorkshire. 

Heir,  his  son  John,  in  Holy  Orders,  b.  1815. 

BLUNDELL,  of  luce. 

(See  Weld-Blundell.) 

BLUN"DEN,  Sir  John  (cr.  1766). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Pitt  Blunden,  Esq., 
by  Harriet,  only  dau.  of  Thomas  Pope,  Esq.,  of 
Popefield,  Queen's  co.  ;  b.  1814  ;  s.  his  uncle  as 
3rd  Bart.  1818  ;  m.  1839  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late 
John  Knox,  Esq.,  of  Dublin.  Is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Kilkenny. — Castle  Blunden,  co. 

Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1840. 

BLUNT,  Sir  Charles  William,  Bart.  (cr.  1720). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  R.  C.  Blunt,  Esq.,  of  Bret 
lands,  Surrey,  by  Eliza  Forbes,  dau.  of  Captaii 
W.  F.  Mercer,  of  Potterhill,  Perth;  b.  1810 1 
s.  his  cousin  as  6th  Bart.  1847.  Educated  a 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1834,  M.A.  1845)  j 
called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1835  ;  is  ; 
Magistrate  for  the  East  Division  of  Sussex. — Heatl 
field  Park,  near  Hurst  Green,  and  Ringmer,  neai 
Lewes,  Sussex ;  University  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Richard  John,  b.  1822. 

BLUNT,  Edward  Walter,  Esq.  (of  Kemshol  I 

Second  son  of  the  late  Walter  Blunt,  Esq.,  by  h 
2nd  wife  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Gat  ! 
house,  of  Headley  Park,  Hants  ;  b.  1779  ;  s.  181' 
m.  1813  Janet  Shirley,  dau.  of  James  Allan,  Esc  I 
of  the  Hall,  co.  Stirling.  Educated  at  Wincheste  [ 
is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Hants  ;  hei 
an  appointment  in  the  H.E.I.  Co.'s  Civil  Servi  J 
1800-20.  —  Kemshott  Park,  near  Basingstok  ' 

Heir,  his  son  Henry,  b.  1823. 

BLUNT,  Francis  Scawen,  Esq.  (of  Crabbett).  1 
Elder  son  of  the  late  F.  S.  Blunt,  Esq.,  by  Mai, 
dau.  of  Rev.  J.  Chandler  ;  b.  1839  ;  s.  1842.  Ed 
cated  at  Oscott. — Crabbett,  near  Crawley,  Susst 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Wilfrid  Scawen,  b.  184; 
appointed  to  the  Diplomatic  Service  1858. 

BLUNT,  Rev.  Walter  (of  Wallop  House).  I 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  James  Blunt,  Esq.,  F| 
Wallop  House,  by  Henrietta,  dau.  of  Robert  Gft- 
den,  Esq.,  of  Clifton  ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  1832  ;  m.  15| 
Marian,  eldest  dau.  of  William  Pearce,  Esq.,  m 
Whitehall  Place.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Kir  if 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1825,  M.A.  1837); 
pointed  a  Magistrate  for  Hants  1838.  This  fan 
is  a  branch  of  the  Blunts,  Baronets,  of  Sussex  < 
Wallop  House,  near  Stockbridge,  Hants. 

BODDAM,  Alexander,  Esq.  (of  Kirklington  Hti  a 
Youngest  son  of  the  late  Rawson  Hart  Boddl  ,J 
Esq.  (late  Governor  of  Bombay),  by  Eliza  Mat 
dau.  of  W.  Tudor,  Esq.,  of  co.  Monmouth  |  J 
1808 ;  m.  1841  Maria  Agatha,  dau.  of  Major-Gen  [. 
Whetham.    Educated  at  Winchester ;  appoir  u 
to  the  18th  regiment  of  foot  1827  ;  is  a  Ma  • 
trate   for  Notts,   and   Major  Royal  Sherw  I 
Foresters. — Kirklington  Hall,   near  Southv  , 
Notts  ;  Junior  United  Service  Club,  S.W.       '  i 
Heir,  his  son  John  Whetham,  b.  1843. 

BODENHAM,  Charles  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  ■ 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Charles  Bodenham,  Esq  iy 
Bridgett,  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  Hornyold,  ] 
of  Blackmoor  Park,  Worcestershire  ;  b.  178<  k 
1826  ;  m.  1810  Eliza  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  ¥[1, 
Esq.,  of  Lul worth  Castle.  Educated  at  SVJ- 
hurst ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  femo. 
Hereford  (High  Sheriff  1853).  This  family  f* 
held  estates  from  the  Saxon  times  in  co.  Ik 
ford,  and  its  members  have  always  adhered  t|& 



Ionian  Catholic  religion. — Botherwas  Park,  near 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  De  la  Barre,  b.  1813  ; 
t.  1850  the  Countess  Irena  Maria,  dau.  of  Count 
)zierzykraj  Morawski. 

DKIIST,  William  Henry,  Esq. 
lldest  son  of  the  late  Peter  Bodkin,  Esq.,  of 
slington,  by  Sarah,  dau.  of  B.  Gilbert,  Esq.,  of 
tafford  ;  b.  1791  ;  m.  1812  Sarah  Sophia,  eldest 
au.  of  Peter  R.  Poland,  Esq.  Called  to  the  Bar 
t  Gray's  Inn  1826  ;  appointed  a  Bencher  of  Gray's 
nn  in  1858  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Iiddlesex,  Assistant  Judge  for  that  county,  Re- 
order of  Dover,  and  a  Vice-President  of  the  Society 
f  Arts;  was  M.P.  for  Rochester  1841-7.— West 
[ill,  Highgate,  N.  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. ;  7,  King's 
Sench  Walk,  Temple,  E.C. 
Heir,  his  son  William  Peter,  b.  1814. 

EVEY,  Sir  Martin  Hyde  Crawley,  Bart.  (cr. 

lldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Boevey,  Bart., 
y  Mary  Albinia,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas 
[yde  Page,  Captain  R.E.  ;  b.  1812  ;  s.  as  4th 
iart.  1847 ;  m.  1836  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Rev. 
leorge  Wm.  Daubeny.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
iieut.  for  co.  Gloucester,  a  Verderer  of  the  Forest 
f  Dean,  and  Captain  Gloucestershire  Yeomanry  ; 
'as  formerly  a  Captain  in  the  Army.  Patronage 
living. — Flaxley  Abbey,  near  Newnham,  Glou- 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Hyde,  Ensign  69th  foot ; 
.  1837. 

GrLE,  Sir  Archibald  (cr.  1853). 
on  of  the  late  A.  Bogle,  Esq.  ;  b.  1805  ;  entered 
le  E.I.  Co.'s  service  1823  ;  appointed  Deputy 
LOjutant-General  at  Dinapore  1827  ;  commanded 
le  Arracan  Battalion  and  Police  Corps  1828  ;  ap- 
ointed  Superintendent  of  Arracan  1827,  and  Com- 
lissioner  there  1837  ;  is  a  Lieutenant-Colonel  in 
lie  Bengal  Army,  and  Civil  Commissioner  in  the 
rovinces  of  Tenasserim  and  Martaban. 

illLEAIT,  Sir  John  Peter,  Bart.,  F.B.S.  (cr. 

jldest  son  of  the  late  John  Peter  Boileau,  Esq.,  by 
Ienrietta,  eldest  dau.  of  the  Rev.  George  Pollen, 
f  Little  Bookham,  Surrey;  b.  1794  ;  m.  1825 
iatherine  Sarah,  dau.  of  1st  Earl  of  Minto.  Edu- 
ated  at  Eton  and  Merton  Coll.,  Oxford ;  is  a 
lagistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk  (High 
lieriff  1844)  ;  Vice-President  of  the  Antiquarian 
Society,  and  a  Member  of  several  other  learned 
pieties  ;  was  formerly  an  Officer  in  the  Rifle 
brigade.  This  family  is  descended  lineally  from  the 
iarons  Boileau  de  Castelncau,  in  France,  and  from 
jtienne  Boileau,  first  Grand  Provost  of  Paris, 
250.  —  Ketteringham  Park,  near  Wymondham. 
Norfolk  ;  Brookes*  Club,  S.W.  ;  20,  Upper  Brook 
treet,  W. 
Jlcir,  his  son  John  Elliot,  b.  1827. 

LAND,  Thomas  Parsons,  Esq.  (of  Pembroke), 
'nly  child  of  the  late  Thomas  Poland,  Esq.,  by 
lliza  Ann  Parker,  dau.  of  Michael  Parker,  Esq., 

of  Hillbrook  ;  b.  1791 ;  s.  1794  ;  m.  1822  Dorcas 
Pedder,  only  dau.  of  Benjamin  Phipps,  Esq.,  of 
Cregg.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambrido-e 
(B.A.  1809)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cork.  This 
family  have  resided  without  intermission  for  over 
two  centuries  at  their  house  of  Pembrook,  and  hold 
estates  under  grant  from  Charles  II.,  which  is  a 
renewal  of  older  grants. — Pembroke,  Passage  West, 
near  Cork. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Henry,  B.A.,  of  Trinity 
Coll.,  Dublin,  b.  1825. 

BOLDEN,  William  Bolden,  Esq.  (of  Hyning). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Bolden,  Esq.,  by  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  Satterthwaite,  Esq.,  of  Rigraaden 
Hall ;  b.  1803  ;  s.  1855  ;  m.  1834  Mary  Anne, 
dau.  of*  George  Andrew,  Esq.,  of  Compstall.  Edu- 
cated at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1826) ;  is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Lancashire. — 
Hyning,  near  Lancaster. 

BOLDEBO,Col.  Henry  George  (of  Hurst  Grove). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  J.  Boldero,  of  Ampton, 
Suffolk  ;  b.  1797  ;  m.  1824  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late 
J.  Neeld,  Esq.  A  Colonel  in  the  Army  ;  was  for- 
merly Captain  Royal  Engineers  ;  was  Clerk  of 
Ordnance  1841-6  ;  was  M.P.  for  Chippenham 
1831-2,  and  1835-59.— Hurst  Grove,  near  Maiden- 
head, Berks  ;  101,  Gloucester  Place,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Neeld,  Captain  21st  foot ; 
b.  1828. 

BOLDEBO,  John,  Esq.  (of  White  Ho\ise). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Simon  Boldero,  Esq.,  by  his 
2nd  wife  Mary,  dau.  of  —  Hazlewood,  Esq.,  of 
Woolpit  ;  b.  1806  ;  m.  1829  Sarah  Maria,  eldest 
dau.  of  John  Raynham,  Esq.,  of  Drinkstone  Hall. 
— White  House,  Rattlesden,  near  Woolpit,  Suffolk. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Simon,  b.  1830. 

BOLINGBBOKE  (Viscount),  Henry  St.  John 
(cr.  1712). 

Eldest  son  of  the  4th  Viscount,  by  Maria,  dau.  of 
the  late  Sir  Henry  P.  St.  John  Mildmay,  Bart.  ; 
b.  1820  ;  s.  1851.  This  family  is  a  branch  of  that 
of  Lord  St.  John  of  Bletshoe,  and  the  first  Peer 
was  a  celebrated  philosopher  and  Secretary  of  State 

under   Queen    Anne.  Lydiard  Tregoze,  near 

Swindon,  Wilts ;  1,  Chaudos  Street,  Cavendish 
Square,  W. 

BOLTON  (Lord),  William  Henry  Orde-Powlett 
(cr.  1797). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Hon.  T.  P.  Orde-Powlett. 
by  Letitia,  dau.  of  H.  O'Brian,  Esq.  j  b.  1818  J 
s.  his  uncle  as  3rd  Lord  1850;  //(.  1841  Letitia, 
dau.  of  the  late  Colonel  Crawford,  of  Newfield, 
co.  Ayr.  Patron  5  livings.  The  1st  Lord  MSHmed 
the  name  of  Powlett  on  his  wife's  accession  to  the 
Duke  of  Bolton's  estates. — Hack  wood  Park,  near 
Basingstoke  ;  Bolton  Hall,  near  Bedale,  Yorkshire  j 
43,  Albemarle  Street,  W, 

//(  //•,  his  son  William  Thomas.  (\  IS  l& 



BOLTON,  Charles  Newport,  Esq.  (of  Brook 

FJdest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Henry  Bolton,  A.M., 
Vicar  of  Dysarfc,  Enos,  and  Kiltail,  Queen's  co. 
(and  nephew  of  the  late  Lieutenant-General  Sir 
Robert  Bolton,  G.C.H.,  of  Swerford  Park,  Oxon), 
by  Frances,  dan.  of  Sir  Simon  Newport.  Knt., 
cousin  of  the  late  Eight  Hon.  Sir  John  Newport, 
Bart.  ;  b.  1816  ;  s.  1854  ;  m,  1845  Anne,  eldest 
dan.  of  the  Rev.  Joshua  Anderson,  M.A.,  Rector 
of  Myshall,  co.  Carlow.  Educated  at  Cheltenham 
and  St.  Edmund  Hall,  Oxford  (B.A.  1837)  ;  is  a 
Freeman  of  the  City,  and  a  Grand  Juror  of 
co.  Waterford.  This  family,  which  has  been 
seated  in  co.  Waterford  for  upwards  of  two 
centuries,  came  originally  from  Yorkshire,  and 
claims  descent  from  the  Saxon  Earls  of  Mercia, 
through  Oughtred  de  Bolton,  Lord  of  Bolton,  and 
Bowbearer  of  the  Royal  Forests  of  Bowland  and 
Gilslancl,  a.d.  1135.  This  office  was  held  by  the 
Lords  of  Bolton  for  ten  successive  generations. — 
Brook  Lodge,  near  Waterford. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Anderson,  b.  1848. 

BOLTON,  Miss  (of  Mount  Bolton). 

Jane,  only  dau.  of  the  late  John  Bolton,  Esq.,  by 
Eliza,  2nd  dau.  of  Maunsell  Bowers,  Esq.,  of  Mount 
Prospect,  co.  Kilkenny  ;  s.  her  brother,  Major  John 
Bolton,  7th  Dragoon  Guards,  in  1841.  Miss 
Bolton,  of  Mount  Bolton,  and  her  cousin  Mr. 
Bolton,  of  Brook  Lodge,  co.  Waterford,  are  de- 
scended through  their  grandfather,  Charles  Bolton, 
Esq.,  of  Mount  Bolton,  from  Captain  Thomas 
Bolton,  Mayor  of  Waterford  1671,  and  Recorder  of 
the  same  city  in  1682. — Mount  Bolton,  near  Water- 
ford ;  Green  Park,  Bath. 

BOLTON,  William,  Esq.  (of  the  Island). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  W.  Bolton,  Esq.,  by  Jane, 
dau.  of  Colonel  Joshua  Nunn,  of  St.  Margaret's  ; 
b.  1815  ;  s.  1853  ;  to.  1843  Susan,  dau.  of  Montford 
Westropp,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Wexford 
(High  Sheriff  1856).  This  family  came  to  Ireland 
with  Cromwell,  from  Bolton,  in  Lincolnshire. — 
The  Island,  near  Kilmuckridge,  co.  Wexford. 
Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1849. 

BOND  (Kev.  Henry). 

Second  surviving  son  of  the  late  Rev.  William 
Bond,  of  Tyneham,  Dorset,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  Harry 
Biggs,  Esq.,  of  Stockton,  Wilts  ;  b.  1804  ;  to.  1850 
Editha  Augusta  Mary,  only  dau.  of  the  late  Hon. 
H.  Pomeroy,  and  grand-daughter  of  John  4th  Vis- 
count Harberton  (see  that  name).  Educated  at 
Christ's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.C.L.  1829) ;  appointed 
Vicar  of  South  Petherton  1829.  This  family  ori- 
ginally sprang  from  Hach  Beauchamp,  Somerset, 
where  they  were  living  at  the  commencement  of 
the  reign  of  Edward  III.  They  removed  into  the 
Isle  of  Purbeck,  Dorset,  in  the  ninth  of  Henry  VI. 
(See  Bond,  of  Grange,  Dorset). — South  Petherton 
Vicarage,  Somerset. 

BOND,  Joshua  Walter  M'Geough,  Esq.  (of  the 

Eldest  son  of  Walter  M.  Bond,  Esq.,  by  Ann,  dau. 
of  the  late  R.  Smyth,  Esq. ;  b.  1831  \  to.  1856 

Albertine,  daughter  of  F.  Shanahan,  Esq.  Edu 
cated  at  Sandhurst ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co 
Armagh  ;  late  Lieutenant  49th  foot  ;  was  M.P 
for  Armagh  1855-7,  re-elected  1859.— The  Argory 
near  Moy,  co.  Armagh ;  Army  and  Navy  an' 
Carlton  Clubs,  S.W. 

BOND,  Bev.  Nathaniel  (of  Creech  Grange). 
Second  son  of  the  late  John  Bond,  Esq.,  by  Eliz? 
beth,  dau.  and  heiress  of  John  Lloyd,  Esq.,  ( 
Cefncoed,  co.  Cardigan ;  b.  1804  ;  s.  his  brothe 
1844  ;  to.  1835  Mary,  2nd  dau.  of  the  late  Joh 
Hawkesworth,  Esq.,  of  Forest,  Queen's  count1 
Educated  at  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1829) ;  is' 
Magistrate  for  Dorset ;  is  Rector  of  Steeple-witl 
Tyneham,  Prebendary  of  Salisbury,  and  Eur. 
Dean.  This  family  was  settled  at  Hatch  Bea 
champ,  Somerset,  in  1327,  and  in  the  Isle  of  Pu 
beck  since  1431. — Creech  Grange,  Isle  of  Purbec 
near  Wareham,Dorset. 

Heir,  his  son  Nathaniel,  b.  1840. 

BOND,  Willoughby,  Esq.  (of  Farra). 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  William  Bond,  Esq.,  1 
Elizabeth,  eldest  dau.  of  Alexander  Perry,  Esc 
of  Edgeworth  Town,  co.  Longford;  b.  1790;' 
1811  ;  to.  1849  Alicia  Sidney,  only  dau.  of  Wj 
liam  Gosselin,  Esq.,  of  Abbey  Derg,  co.  Longfoi; 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Longfoi 
(High  Sheriff  183-).  This  family  was  formerly  s< 
tied  in  co.  Londonderry,  but  came  originally  fr< 
Dorset.— Farra  Killoe,  near  Longford. 
Heir,  his  son  James,  5.  1837. 

BONHAM,  Sir  Samuel  George,  Bart.  (er.  185 
Only  son  of  the   late  Captain  George  Bonha 
of  the  Indian  Navy,  and  grandson  of  the  1 
Samuel  Bonham,  Esq.,  of  Warley  Place,  Esse 
b.  1803  ;  to.  1846  Ellen  Emilia,  dau.  of  Thor  I 
Barnard/Esq.,  of  Southwick  Crescent  (she  d.  18f 
Was  formerly  Governor  of  Prince  of  Wales  Isla 
Singapore,  Malacca,  and  Hong-Kong,  and  Her  I !; 
jesty's  Plenipotentiary  in  China  1847-54. — At\\ 
nseum  Club,  S.W. ;  8,  Great  Cumberland  Place,  | 
Heir,  his  son  George  Francis,  b.  1847.  ' 


BONHAM,  Bev.  John  (of  Ballintaggart). 
Only  son  of  the  late  John  Bonham,  Esq.,  Jus , 
of  the  Peace,  High  Sheriff  for  co.  Kildare  1856,1 1 
Margaret,  widow  of  —  Clifton,  Esq. ;  b.  1798 
1844  ;  to.  1827  Barbarina,  3rd  dau.  of  John  No  , 
Esq.,  of  Hughenden  House,  High  Wycor  I 
Bucks.  Educated  at  Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford  (I  I 
1819,  M.A.  1820)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  W  ■ 
low.  This  family  is  descended  from  John  Bonlij, 
a  Captain  in  the  Army,  who  came  to  Ireland  Tl 
King  William  III. — Ballintaggart,  near  Ballit|, 
co.  Kildare. 

Heir,  his  son  Francis,  Captain  71st  Highlancl, 
b.  1831. 

BONHAM,  Lieut.-Colonel  John  Brathwaitek 
Great  Warley). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  General  Pinson  Bonhamfe 
Agnes,  only  dau.  of  John  B.  Skeete,  Esq  >f 
Barbados;  6.  1808  ;  s.  1855  ;  to.  1st  18—  Mat  k 
dau.  of  the  late  Colonel  Bulkeley  ;  2nd  18—  Hai|t, 



,u.  of  the  late  Colonel  Davis,  9th  foot.  Edu- 
ted  at  Eton  ;  entered  the  Army  1829  ;  late  Lieu- 
nant-Colonel  50th  foot.  —  Great  Warley,  near 
rentwood,  Essex  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 


(See  Carter.) 


(See  Maurice.) 

.NTS ALL  (Rev.  Isaac). 

Idest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Bon- 
11,  Knt.,  by  Winifred  Williams,  dau.  of  Isaac 
rilliams,  Esq.,  of  Fronfraith,  co.  Cardigan  ;  b. 
'87  ,*  m.  1810  Catherine,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  John 
avies,  B.A.,  Rural  Dean.  Educated  at  Shrews- 
lry  and  Jesus  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1807,  M.A. 
HQ) ;  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Montgomery  ;  Rector 
'  Llanwrin,  co.  Montgomery,  and  Rural  Dean. — 
lanwrin,  Machynlleth,  Montgomeryshire. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas,  b.  1813  ;  m.  1850  Mary, 
tu.  of  James  Hughes,  Esq. 

tfSALL,  John  George  William,  Esq.  (of 

;condsonof  the  Rev.  Isaac  Bonsall,  M.A.,  Rector 
'  Llanwrin,  co.  Montgomery,  by  Catherine,  dau. 

the  late  Rev.  John  Davies,  Rector  of  Cemmes, 
h  Montgomery,  Rural  Dean  ;  b.  1818  ;  m.  1853 
ranees,  dau.  of  the  late  Joseph  Davies,  Esq.,  of 
alltyllan,  co.  Montgomery.  Educated  at  Shrews- 
iry  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cardigan. — Fronfraith, 
5ar  Aberystwith,  Cardiganshire. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Joseph,  b.  1854. 

UtfTINE,  William  Cunninghame  Graham,  Esq. 

(of  Finlay stone). 
Idest  son  of  R.  Cunninghame  Graham, Esq.,  of  Gart- 
i  ore  and  Finlay  stone  (whom  see) ;  b.  1825 ;  s.  1846  ; 
.  1851  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  Admiral  the  Hon. 

Elphinstone-Fleming.  Is  a  Magistrate  and 
ep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Dumbarton  ;  and  holds  the 
one  and  property  during  his  father's  life. — Fin- 
ystone,  near  Port  Glasgow,  N.B.  ;  Brookes' Club, 

Heir,  his  son  Robert,  b.  1852. 

IWDKEY,  Thomas  Poer  Trench,  Esq.  (of  Do- 

Idest  son  of  the  late  T.  T.  Bookey,  Esq.,  by  Flo- 
nda,  dau.  of  Power  Le  Poer  Trench,  late  Arch- 
shop  of  Tuam  ;  b.  1819  ;  s.  1853.  Educated  at 
ugby  and  Exeter  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
r  co.  Kilkenny,  and  Captain  Kilkenny  Fusiliers. 
-Doninga,  Goresbridge,  near  Bagnalstown,  co. 
ilkenny ;  Sackville  Street  Club,  Dublin. 

B  3TH,  Sir  Robert  Gore,  Bart.  (cr.  1760). 
Idest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Robert  Newcomen,  Bart, 
'ho  assumed  the  name  of  Booth),  by  Hannah, 
<u.  of  Henry  Irwin,  Esq.,  of  Streamstown,  co. 
igo,  and  Ray,  co.  Donegal  ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  as  4th 
wt.  1814;  m.  1st  1827  Caroline,  dau.  of  1st 
iscount  Lorton  ;  2nd  1830  Caroline  Susan,  dau. 
T.  Goold,  Esq.  (d.).  Educated  at  Westminster 
.4  Queen's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1826),  and 

admitted  M.A.  of  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a  Ma- 
gistrate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Sligo,  for  which  he 
has  been  M.P.  since  1850.  -Patron  of  2  livings. 
Represents  a  branch  of  the  Arran  family. — Lissadel 
and  Earsfield,  co.  Sligo  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  44, 
Eaton  Place,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  Newcomen,  late  Lieutenant 
4th  Light  Dragoons,  b.  1831. 

BOOTH,  Sir  Williamson,  Bart.  (cr.  1834). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  W.  Booth,  Esq.  (who  d. 
1834),  by  Mary,  dau.  of  J.  Williamson,  Esq.  ;  b. 
1807  ;  s.  his  uncle  under  a  special  remainder  1850. 
Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Hunts  ;  was  High  Sheriff  of  Cambridgeshire 
and  Hunts  1855. — Paxton  Park,  near  St.  Neots, 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Charles,  b.  1808. 

BOOTH,  Rev.  Thomas  Willingham  (of  Friskney). 
Only  son  of  the  late  John  Booth,  Esq.,  Justice  of 
the  Peace  for  the  Parts  of  Lindsey,  co.  Lincoln,  by 
Hannah,  dau.  of  Willingham  Franklin,  Esq.  ; 
b.  1806  ;  m.  1834  Mary  Anne,  only  child  of  William 
Pacey,  Esq.  Educated  atWestminsterand  Brasenose 
Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1828) ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Lincoln  ;  a  Rural  Dean,  and  Patron  of  1  living. 
This  family  has  been  long  settled  in  co.  Lincoln, 
and  is  mentioned  in  Yorke's  "Union  of  Honour." 
— Friskney,  near  Boston,  Lincolnshire  ;  Oxford  and 
Cambridge  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas,  b.  1834  ;  educated  at  Eton 
and  University  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  a  Student  of  the 
Inner  Temple. 

BOOTHBY,  Rev.  Sir  Brooke  William  Robert, 
Bart.  (cr.  1660).* 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  W.  Boothby,  Bart.,  many 
years  Receiver-General  of  the  Customs,  by  his  1st 
wife  Fanny,  dau.  of  J.  Jenkinson,  Esq.,  and  niece 
of  1st  Earl  of  Liverpool ;  b.  1809  ;  s.  1846  ;  m. 
1852  Martha  Serena,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Charles 
Boothby,  Vicar  of  Sutterton,  co.  Lincoln.  Edu- 
cated at  the  Charterhouse  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1829),  and  elected  Fellow  of  All  Souls  the 
same  year ;  late  Rector  of  Elmley,  Kent,  and  now 
Rector  of  Welwyn,  Herts.  This  family,  which  is 
one  of  the  few  of  undoubted  Saxon  origin,  as  is 
proved  by  Dugdale  and  Camden,  was  formerly  of 
Ashbourne  Hall,  Derbyshire,  which  was  sold  in 
1856,  but  an  ancient  chapel  in  the  parish  church 
still  belongs  to  the  present  Bart.  ;  it  contains  the 
celebrated  monument  by  Banks  to  Penelope,  only 
dau.  of  Sir  Brooke  Boothby,  author  of  "Penelope,"' 
and  other  poems. — The  Rectory,  Welwyn,  Herts. 
Heir,  his  son  Brooke,  b.  1856. 

BOOTHBY,  Hon.  Mrs.  Brooke. 

Louisa  Henrietta,  younger  dau.  of  3rd  Lord  Ver- 
non ;  m.  1816  the  Rev.  Brooke  Boothby,  2nd  boh 
of  Sir  William  Boothby,  Bart.,  of  Broadlo*  \ 
co.  Denbigh,  who  d.  1829. — Sudbury,  n«M  Derby, 

*  The  Baronetcy  was  first  granted  in  1644,  wad  the  letters 
patent  were  signed  at  the  time,  but  not  BMlMttU  the  RtW 



BOOTHBY,  Charles  Edward,  Esq.  (of  the  New 

Son  of  the  Lite  Rev.  Brooke  Boothby  (2nd  son  of 
Sir  W.  Boothby,  Sth  Bart.,  of  Broadlow  Ash),  by 
Louisa  Henrietta,  dau.  of  the  3rd  Lord  Vernon  ; 
b.  1S20  ;  m.  1S53  Georgiana  Mary,  only  dau.  of 
the  3rd  Lord  Suffield  (by  his  1st  wife,  dau.  of  2nd 
Lord  Vernon),  widow  of  G.  E.  Anson,  Esq.,  and 
formerly  a  Bedchamber  Woman  to  the  Queen. 
Educated  at  the  Charterhouse  ;  late  a  Clerk  in 
the  Educational  Department  of  Privy  Council 
Office  ;  was  Private  Secretary  to  the  Marquis  of 
Lansdowne  and  Earl  Granville. — New  Lodge,  Need- 
wood  Forest,  Burton-on-Trent. 

BOEOUGH,  Sir  Edward  Richard,  Bart.  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  R.  Borough,  Bart.,  by 
Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  1st  Viscount  Lake  ;  b.  1800  ; 
s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1837  ;  m.  1831  Lady  Elizabeth  St. 
Lawrence,  dau.  of  2nd  Earl  ofHowth.  Educated 
at  Westminster  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  the  city  of  Dublin,  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Dublin,  and  a  partner  in  the 
house  of  Borough,  Armit,  and  Co.,  Army  Agents 
in  Dublin.  This  family  is  of  French  extraction, 
being  descended  from  a  Huguenot  clergyman,  who 
left  the  neighbourhood  of  La  Rochelle  at  the 
revocation  of  the  Edict  of  Nantes,  and  settled  in 
Ireland. — 4,  Nassau  Street,  Dublin. 

BOROUGH,  John  Charles  Burton,  Esq.  (of  Chet- 
wynd  Park). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Borough,  Esq.,  of 
Hulland,  co.  Derby,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  William 
Smithson,  Esq.,  of  Heath,  Yorkshire  ;  b.  1810  ;  s. 
1838  ;  m.  1848  Elizabeth  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Vice- 
Admiral  Roberts  Gawen.  Educated  at  Eton  and 
Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1832) ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Salop  (High  Sheriff  1844),  and 
Lieutenant  S.  Salopian  Yeomanry  Cavalry.  This 
family  was  formerly  settled  in  Derbyshire  at  Hulland 
Hall,  Ashbourne,  where  resided  John  Borough  or 

;•  Borrow,  High  Sheriff  for  Derbyshire  in  1688. — 
Chetwynd  Park,  near  Newport,  Shropshire  ;  Carl- 
ton Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Sidney  Burton,  b.  1852. 

BORRER,  William,  Esq.,  F.R.S.,  F.L.S.  (of 
Barrow  Hill). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Borrer,  Esq.,  by 
Mary,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  Nathaniel  Linfield,  Esq., 
of  Dean  House,  Hurstpierpoint ;  b.  1781  ;  s.  1832; 
m.  1810  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  Hall,  Esq., 
of  New  Hall,  Henfield.  —  Barrow  Hill,  Henfield, 

Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1814;  m.  1840  Mar- 
garet, dau.  of  the  late  John  Hamlin  Borrer,  Esq., 
of  Brighton. 

BORRETT,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Cransford  Hall). 
Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Giles  Borrett,  Esq., 
of  Great  Yarmouth,  by  Eliza,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Dade,  Esq.,  and  niece  of  the  Very  Rev.  Dr. 
Joseph  Turner,  Dean  of  Norwich,  and  Master  of 
Pembroke  Coll.,  Cambridge;  b.  18—;  m.  1836 

Laura  Maria  Lore,  only  child  of  Sir  George 
Tuthill,  Knt.,  M.D.,  of  Cavendish  Square,  Lond( 
This  family  is  descended  from  H.  Borrett,  Es< 
who  was  one  of  the  Masters  in  Chancery  terr 
Elizabeth.  They  still  possess  estates  at  Stradbrol 
Suffolk,  which  they  have  inherited  in  lineal  desce 
from  their  ancestor.  The  name  is  found  in  t 
Battle  Abbey  Roll. — Cransford  Hall,  Woodbridj 
Heir,  his  son  George  Tuthill,  b.  1838  ;  educat 
at  Eton  and  King's  Coll.,  Cambridge. 

BORROWES,  Rev.  Sir  Erasmus  Dixon,  Ba 
(cr.  1645). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Erasmus  Dixon  Borro\ 
(6th  Bart.),  by  Henrietta  de  Robillard,  dau.  of' 
Very  Rev.  Arthur  Champagne*,  Dean  of  Clonm  i 
noise  ;  b.  1799  ;  s.  his  brother  as  8th  Bart.  18! " 
m.  1825  Harriet,  dau.  of  the  late  Henry  Hamilt 
Esq.,  of  Ballymacoll,  co.  Meath.  Educated 
Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  in  Holy  Orders  ;  Recto; 
Ballyrowan,  Queen's  county. — Lauragh,  n 
Portarlington,  co.  Louth. 

Heir,  his  son  Erasmus,  Lieutenant  80th  rej' 
b.  1831 ;  m.  1851  Frederica,  dau.  of  Lieutem 
Colonel  G.  Hutchinson. 

BORROWES,  Robert  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Gillto-^ 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Robert  Borrowes,  Esq., 
Charlotte,  dau.  of  Colonel  Madden,  of  HattonP.* 
co.  Cavan  ;  b.  1826  ;  s.  1850  ;  m.  1859  Lo' 
Katherine,  3rd  dau.  of  3rd  Lord  Kilmaine.  I 
Magistrate  for  co.  Kildare  (High  Sheriff  1853), 
a  Major  in  the  Kildare  Rifles  ;  formerly  Cap 
13th  Light  Dragoons.  This  family  is  descen 
from  the  ancient  house  of  De  Burgh,  who  set 
in  Ireland  A.D.  1564.  —  Gilltown,  Branoxto 
near  Newbridge,  co.  Kildare;  Arthur's  Club,  S 

BORTHWICK,  John,  Esq.  (of  Crookston).  i 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Borthwick,  Esq[f* 
Borthwick,  by  Anne,  dau.  of  Robert  Dundas,  I  j§ 
of  Arniston  ;  b.  1825  ;  s.  1856  ;  m.  1854  Eliza  i 
Mason,  dau.  of  Vice-Admiral  Pringle,  of  Torwpl 
lee,  co.  Selkirk.  Educated  at  Edinburgh  ;  m 
Magistrate  for  Midlothian.  This  family  isfi 
nearest  male  representative  of  Borthwick,  Lor.j$ 
Borthwick,  in  the  ancient  Peerage  of  Scotlan  Is 
decided  by  the  House  of  Lords  in  the  year  181 1- 
Crookston,  near  Edinburgh ;  7,  Lansdown  CreS'  I 

BOETOKT,  Rev.  William  Key. 

Eldest  son  of  Win.  Borton,  Esq.,  by  Alice,  df.fl 
Win.  Key,  Esq.,  of  Musley  Bank,  near  Mali, 
Yorkshire  ;  b.  1806  ;  m.  1852  Jessie,  dau.  9 
Phillips,  Esq.,  of  Garrick's  Villa,  Hampton,  ffl 
dlesex.  Educated  at  Repton  and  St.  Cathjae 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1829,  M.A.  1831)  ;  is  Ma- 
gistrate for  Essex  ;  appointed  Rector  of  WiciW 
St.  Paul's  1835,  and  Rural  Dean  of  Halstead  U 
— Wickham  St.  Paul's,  Halstead,  Essex. 
Heir,  his  son  Silvanus  Key,  b.  1853. 

BOSArTQJJET,  George  Jacob,  Esq.  (of  it* 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Jacob  Bosanquet,  E  »*! 
Director  of  the  East-India  Company,  by  Hem  |ta, 



lau.  of  Sir  G.  Armytage,  Bart.,  of  Kirklees,  co. 
fork  ;  b.  1791  ;  s.  1828  ;  m.  1831  Cecilia,  dau.  of 
Yilliam  Franks,  Esq.,  of  Beech  Hill,  and  widow 
if  Samuel  Robert  Gaussen,  Esq.,  of  Brookman's 
hark,  Herts.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A. 
813)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Herts  ; 
ppointed  Attache"  at  Berlin  1812,  at  H.  M.'s 
Embassy  at  Paris  1815,  Secretary  to  H.  M.'s 
negation  at  Madrid  1824  ;  acted  as  Charge* 
1'Aflfaires  at  Madrid  1824-5  and  1827-30.— Brox- 
)Ournebury,  near  Hoddesdon,  Herts  ;  Athenseum 
•  hub,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  dau.  Cecilia  Jane  Wentworth,  m.  1858 
lorace  James,  son  of  Samuel  Smith,  Esq.,  of 
iacombe  Park,  Herts. 

3  iSANQUET,  Samuel  Richard,  Esq.  (of  Dinge- 

.  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Samuel  Bosanquet,  Esq.,  by 
jaetitia  Philippa,  dau.  of  the  late  James  Whatman, 
3sq.,  of  Vinters,  Kent  ;  b.  1800  ;  s.  1843  ;  m.  1830 
imily,  dau.  of  George  Courthope,  Esq.,  of  Whiligh, 
lussex.    Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 

I  B.A.  1S22,  M.A.  1824 )  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the 
nner  Temple  1826  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Chairman 

if  the  Quarter  Sessions  for  co.  Monmouth.  This 
xmily  were  noble  in  France,  and  came  to  England 
s  Huguenots,  after  the  revocation  of  the  Edict  of 
Nantes  in  1685. — Dingestow  Court,  near  Monmouth. 
Heir,  his  son  Samuel  Courthope,  b.  1832. 


ij'SCAWEN",  Hon.  and  Rev.  John  Townshend. 

jiecond  son  of  late  Hon.  and  Rev.  J.  E.  Boscawen, 
f  jnd  brother  of  the  6th  Viscount  Falmouth  ;  b. 
.  ] 820  ;  ni.  1851  Mary,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late  J. 
; Jl.  Tremagne,  Esq.,  of  Heligan,  Cornwall.  Edu- 
cated at  Eton  and  Magdalen  Coll.,  Cambridge 
I  (B.A.  1842,  M.A.  1852);  appointed  Rector  of 

jamorran  1849. — Lamorran  Rectory,  near  Probus, 


I  Heir,  his  son  John  Hugh,  b.  1851. 

ft'STON  (Lord),  George  Ives  Irby  (cr.  1761). 
Eldest  son  of  the  3rd  Lord,  by  Rachel,  eldest  dau. 
|f  the  late  William  Drake,  Esq.,  of  Amersham, 
jiucks  ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  1856  ;  m.  1830  Fanny,  dau.  of 
JV.  Hopkyns  Northey,  Esq.    Educated  at  Eton  ; 

raduated  at  Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1824) ; 
U  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Bucks  ;  was 
prmerly  an  Attache'  in  the  Diplomatic  Service, 
ratron  1  living. — Hitcham  Grange  and  Hedsor, 

ear  Maidenhead  ;  Llanidan  and  Porthamel, 
Knglesea ;  Athenaeum  and  Carlton  Clubs,  S.W.  ; 
j'elgrave  Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Florance  George  Henry,  Captain 
pucks  Militia,  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Anglesea  ; 

.  1837  ;  m.  1859  Augusta  Caroline,  2nd  dau.  of 
4'oloncl  the  Hon.  John  St.  Vincent  Saumarez. 

Ij'SWALL,  Sir  George   Augustus  Frederick 

Houston,  Bart.  (cr.  1836). 
Elder  son  of  the  late  General  Sir  W.  Houston,  Bart., 
ji.C.B.,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  the  7th  Earl  of  Lau- 
kerdale;  b.  1809  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1842  ;  m.  1847 
Kuphemia,  dau.  of  T.  Boswall,  Esq.,  whose  name 
jo  lias  assumed.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut. 
>r  co.  Berwick,  and  a  Colonel  unattached  ;  was 

formerly  Lieutenant- Colonel  Grenadier  Guards. 
This  family  is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor 

with  the  Houstouns  of  Houstoun,  co.  Renfrew.  

Blackadder  and  Allanbank,  near  Berwick  ;  United 
Service  Club,  S.W.  ;  1,  Regent  Street,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  George,  b.  1847. 

BO  SWELL,  Lady  (of  Auchinleck). 

Jessie  Jemima,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  James 
Montgomery  Cunningham,  Bart.,  by  Jessie,  dau. 
of  Thomas  Cumming,  Esq.,  Banker,  of  Edinburgh  ; 
m.  1830  Sir  James  Boswell,  Bart,  (son  of  the  late 
Sir  Alexander  Boswell,  Bart.,  of  Auchinleck),  who 
d.  1857.; — Auchinleck,  near  Ayr,  N.B. 
Heirs,  her  two  daughters. 

BOTELER,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Llandough  Castle). 
Youngest  son  of  the  late  William  Boteler,  Esq.,  by 
Mary,  eldest  dau.  of  Captain  John  Harvey,  R.N., 
of  Sandwich  (who  d.  of  wounds  received  on  board 
the  Brunswick,  which  ship  he  commanded  on  the 
1st  of  June,  1794)  ;  b.  1801  ;  m.  1835  Maria  Anne, 
only  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  John  Thomas  Casberd, 
D.C.L.,  Canon  of  Llandaff  and  of  Wells.  Educated 
at  the  Royal  Military  Academy,  Woolwich  ; 
entered  1825  the  Corps  of  Royal  Engineers  as  a 
2nd  Lieutenant,  and  retired  as  a  Captain  on  half- 
pay  1841  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  forco. 
Glamorgan  (High  Sheriff  1849).  The  family  of 
Boteler  has  been  for  centuries  resident  at  Eastry 
and  in  its  neighbourhood,  in  Kent. —  Llandough 
Castle,  near  Cowbridge,  Glamorganshire ;  Junior 
United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

BOTPIELD,   Beriah,  Esq.,  F.R.S.,  F.S.A.  (of 
Norton  HaU). 

Only  son  of  the  late  Beriah  Botfield,  Esq.,  by  Char- 
lotte, dau.  of  William  Withering,  M.D.,  of  Edg- 
baston  Hall,  co.  Warwick;  b.  1807;  s.  1813;  m. 
1858  Isabella,  dau.  of  Sir  Baldwin  Leighton,  Bart. 
Educated  at  Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A. 
1828,  M.A.  1847).  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  cos.  Salop  and  Northampton,  and  a  Knight  of 
the  orders  of  Leopold  of  Belgium  and  of  Albert  the 
Brave  of  Saxony  ;  was  M.P.  for  Ludlow  1840-7, 
rechosen  1857  and  1859.  This  family  is  a  branch 
of  that  of  Boteville,  of  which  the  Marquis  of  Batli 
is  the  head. — Norton  Hall,  near  Daventry,  North- 
amptonshire ;  Decker  Hill,  near  Shiffnal,  Salop  ; 
Hopton  Court,  near  Bcwdley,  Salop  ;  Carlton,  Con- 
servative, University,  and  Athenamm  Clubs,  S.W.  ; 
Oriental  Club,  W.  j  5,  Grosvenor  Square,  W. 

BOUCHIER,  John,  Esq.  (of  Baggotstown). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Bouchier,  Esq.,  by 
Charlotte,   dau.   of  William  Chadwick,  Esq.,  of 
Ballinard,  co.  Tipperary  ;  b.  1811  ;  S.  1846  ;  m.  1888 
Sarah,  dau.  of  David  Aher,  Esq.,  of  Castlecomer. 
Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1882)  : 
a  Magistrate  and  a  Grand  Juror  for  co.  Limerick. 
This  family  is  of  Norman  origin,  being  descended 
from  Robert  do  Bursar,   or  Bouchier,  whose  de 
scendant,  Robert,  was  Chancellor  of  England  16tli 
Edward  III.  (see  Campbell's  "  Lives  of  the  Chan- 

Cellor 3  ").— Baggotstown,  in  ,u  r.nitl'.  .  o.  Limrrh-k. 
Ilcir,  his  son  Henry  James,  /<.  1842. 




BOUGHEY,  Sir  Thomas  Fletcher  Fenton,  Bart, 
(cr.  1798). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Fenton,  Bart.,  who 
in  1 805  assumed  the  name  of  Bonghey,  by  Henrietta 
Dorothy,  dan.  of  Sir  John  Chetwode,  Bart.,  of  Oak- 
ley, co.  Stafford  ;  b.  1809  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1823  ; 
w,  1832  Louisa  Paulina,  dau.  of  the  late  T.  Giffard, 
Esq.,  of  Chillington,  Staffordshire.  Educated  at 
Eton  and  Oh.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1828)  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Shropshire  and  Staf- 
fordshire (High  Sheriff  of  Staffordshire  1832). 
Patron  of  1  living.  — Aqualate,  near  Newport, 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Fletcher,  b.  1836. 

330UGHTOH,  Sir  Charles  Henry  Rouse,  Bart, 
(cr.  1641). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  W.  E.  Eouse  Boughton, 
Bart.,  M.P.,  by  Charlotte,  dau..  of  T.  A.  Knight, 
Esq.,  of  Wormsley  Grange,  co.  Hereford  ;  b.  1825; 
s.  as  11th  Bart.  1856  ;  in.  1852  Mary  Caroline,  dau. 
of  the  late  J.  M.  Severne,  Esq.  Educated  at 
Harrow;  was  formerly  Lieutenant  52nd  foot; 
Patron  of  3  livings. — Downton  Hall,  near  Lud- 
low, Shropshire ;  Junior  United  Service  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  William  St.  Andrew,  b.  1853. 

BOUGHTON-KKiaHT,  Andrew  Johnes  Bouse, 
Esq.  (of  Downton  Castle). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Sir  W.  E.  Rouse-Boughton, 
Bart.,  of  Lawford  Hall,  co.  Warwick,  by  Charlotte, 
youngest  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  Andrew  Knight, 
Esq.,  of  Wormsley  Grange,  some  time  President  of 
the  Horticultural  Society  ;  b.  1826  ;  s.  his  grand- 
father T.  A.  Knight,  Esq.,  in  1857,  and  assumed 
his  name  by  Royal  license. — Downton  Castle, 
near  Ludlow. 

BOULTBEE,  Lady  Laura. 

Eldest  sister  of  the  4th  Earl  of  Egremont  (ext.) ; 
m.  1812  Rev.  C.  Boultbee,  who  d.  1833.— Taunton, 

BOULTBEE,  John,  Esq.  (of  Woyadd). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Boultbee,  Esq.,  by 
Maria  Anne,  dau.  of  Edward  Croxall,  Esq.,  of 
Shenstike,  co.  Warwick  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  1837  ;  m.  1842 
Williama  Joan,  only  dau.  of  William  Lewis,  Esq., 
of  Llysnewydd,  co.  Carmarthen.  Educated  at 
Sandhurst  Coll.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Warwick, 
and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Cardigan.  This  family 
was  formerly  seated  in  Warwickshire. — Noyadd, 
near  Aberayron,  Cardiganshire ;  Union  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Edward  Lewes,  6.  1845. 

BOULTBEE,  Joseph  Moore,  Esq.  (of  Spring- 
field House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Boultbee,  Esq.,  by 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Bichard  Moore,  Esq.,  of  Barne, 
co.  Tipperary  ;  b.  1789  ;  s.  1848  ;  m.  1815  Eliza- 
beth Margaret  Ferrers,  3rd  dau.  of  2nd  Marquis 
Townshend.  Educated  at  Harrow  and  Oriel  Coll., 
Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Warwick,  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  1st  Warwick- 
shire Militia.     This  family  was  formerly  of  Bax-. 

terley  Hall,  co.  Warwick. — Springfield  House,  near 
Knowle,  Warwickshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Townshend,  Captain  Royal 
Artillery  ;  b.  1827  ;  m.  1856  Juliana,  2nd  dau.  of 
the  late  Sir  Willoughby  Dixie,  Bart.,  of  Bosworth 
Park,  co.  Leicester. 

BOULTBEE,  Kev.  Richard  Moore. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Boultbee,  Esq.,  oj 
Springfield,  co.  Warwick,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  o: 
Stephen  Moore,  Esq.,  of  Barne,  co.  Tipperary;  I 
1794  ;  m.  1816  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Christo 
pher  Pegge,  M.D.  Educated  at  Rugby  and  Mertoi 
Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1816,  M.A.  1819);  appointei 
Rector  of  Barnwell  1829  ;  is  a  Magistrate  fo 
Hunts  and  Northamptonshire. — Barnwell,  nea  j 
Oundle,  Northamptonshire  ;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.AV  j 
Heir,  his  son  Richard,  b.  1823  ;  m.  1845  Frances 
dau.  of  Robert  Barker,  Esq.,  Commander  R.N.  3 

BOULTOE",  the  Bev.  Anthony,  D.D.  (of  Mou  $ 


Eldest  son  of  the  late  Henry  Boulton,  Esq.,  by  h  ' 
1st  wife  Susannah,  eldest  dau.  and  co-heir  of  M  j 
Serjeant  Forster ;  b.  1788  ;  s.  1828  ;  m.  18:' 
Harriet,  3rd  dau.  of  Thomas  Lane,  Esq.,  of  Selsdo* 
Surrey.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Sidney  Sussex  Col . 
Cambridge  (B.A.  1811,  M.A.  1827,  D.D.  1828  ' 
was  formerly  Rector  of  Preston  Capes,  co.  Nortl 
ampton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  (>j 
Lincoln. — Moulton,  near  Spalding,  Lincolnshir 
Sampford  Peverell,  Devon. 

Heirs,  his  daus.  Antonia  Maria,  m.  1848  Alfr 
Augustus  Chapman,  Esq.,  Lieutenant-  Colonel  45 
regiment,  and  Mary,  m.  1849  S.  J.  Maclura 
Esq.,  Captain  48th  regiment. 

BOUBCHIEB,  Bev.  Charles  Spencer. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Charles  Bourchier,  Esq 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Preedy,  Esq.,  of  Eh 
ham,  co.  Worcester;  b.  1791  ;  m.  1814  Eliza,  dj 
of  Samuel  Harman,  Esq.,  of  St.  James's,  Middle.1) 
Educated  at  Great  Berkhamstead  and  St.  Joll 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1812,  M.A.  1837) ; 
dained  1813  ;  is  Rector  of  Great  Hallingbury  |i 
a  Magistrate  for  Herts  and  Essex  ;  was  Dome? 
Chaplain  to  the  late  Earl  of  Plymouth.  This  fail 
was  formerly  possessed  of  considerable  propert  . 
Essex,  and  there  are  fine  monuments  of  the  faiil 
in  Little  Easton  Church.    The  adjoining  parish 
Little  Hallingbury  is  styled  in  Doomsday  ill 
"Hallingbury  Bourchier."    Oliver  Cromwell  ijy 
ried  an  ancestor  of  this   family,  and  Sir  JjM 
Bourchier  signed  King  Charles  I.'s  death-wan  . 
— Great  Hallingbury,  near  Bishop  Stortford.  | 
Heir,  his   son   Legendre  Charles,  Lieuter  i 
Colonel  75th  foot;  b.  1815;    m.  1846  Marg t 
dau.  of  Rev.  Thomas  B.  Johnston. 

BOUEKE,  Hon.  and  Bev.  George  Wingfiel^ 
Fourth  son  of  the  5th  Earl  of  Mayo ;  b.  1829  ;  m.M 
dau.  of  the  Bishop  (Longley)  of  Durham.  Ediwd 
at  Durham  University  (B.A.  1855,  M.A.  1!  13 
appointed  Rector  of  Wold  Newton  1858.—  * 
Newton  Rectory,  near  Grimsby,  Lincolnshire) 



B|UKN'EJ  Rev.. George  Drinkwater. 

oungest  son  of  the  late  Peter  Bourne,  Esq.,  by 
iargaret,  dau.  of  John  Drinkwater,  Esq.,  of 
reston  ;  b.  1821.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Oriel 
oil.,  Oxford  ;  appointed  Rector  of  Weston  Sub- 
Ige  1816  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
loucester,  and  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Worcester, 
his  family  has  held  land  in  Lancashire  from  the 
me  of  King  John. — Weston  Subedge,  Broadway, 
loucestershire  ;  Oxford  and  Cambridge  Club,  S.W. 

CTKNE,  James,  Esq.  (of  Hackinsall  Hall), 
'dest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Peter  Bourne, 
q.,  of  Hackinsall,  co.  Lancaster,  by  Margaret, 
iu.  of  James  Drinkwater,  Esq.,  of  Bent,  co. 
ancaster ;  b.  1812  ;  s.  1846  ;  m.  1841  Sarah  Har- 
t,  dau.  of  Thomas  Founds  Dyson,  Esq.,  of 
rillow  Hall,  co.  York.  Educated  at  Shrewsbury; 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster, 
d  a  Major  Royal  Lancashire  Artillery. — Hackin- 
11  Hall,  co.  Lancaster,  and  Heathfield,  near  Liver- 
ol ;  Conservative  Club,  S  W. ;  7,  Clifford  St.,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  James  Dyson,  b.  1842. 

JVERIE,  Right  Hon.  Edward  Pleydell. 
icond  son  of  3rd  Earl  of  Radnor ;  b.  1818  ;  m. 
42  Elizabeth  Anne,  dau.  of  General  Balfour, 
lucated  at  Harrow  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge 
[.A.  1838) ;  was  Under-Secretary  for  the  Home 
spartment  1850-2,  Vice-President  of  the  Board  of 
ade  and  Chairman  of  Committees  1853-5,  Presi- 
nt  of  the  Poor-Law  Board  1855-8  ;  has  been 
.P.  for  Kilmarnock,  &c.  since  1844. — Reform 
ub,  S.W.  ;  44,  Wilton  Crescent,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Walter,  b.  1848. 

JVERIE,  Hon.  Philip  Pleydell  (of  Brymore) . 

)urth  son  of  2nd  Earl  of  Radnor,  by  Anne,  dau. 

Lord  Eeversham  ;  b.  1788  ;  m.  1811  Maria, 
,u.  of  the  late  Sir  W.  P.  A.  A'Court,  Bart.,  and 
iter  of  1st  Lord  Heytesbury,  G.C.B.   Is  a  partner 

the  Banking-house  of  Messrs.  Ransom,  Bou- 
rie,  and  Co.,  Pall  Mall ;  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
eut.  for  Somerset  (High  Sheriff  1843) ;  was  M.P. 
r  Cockermouth  1830-1,  for  Downton  1831-2  ;  has 
■en  M.P.  for  Berks  since  1857. — Brymore,  near 
ridgewater,  Somerset ;  16,  Hill  Street,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Philip,  b.  1821  ;  to.  1847  Jane, 
\y  dau.  of  H.  Seymour,  Esq.,  of  Knoyle,  Wilts. 

Bj'JVERIE,  Everard  William,  Esq.  (of  Delapre 

dest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Bouverie,  Esq.,  by 
itharine,  dau.  and  heir  of  W.  Castle,  Esq.,  and 
eat-grandson  of  1st  Viscount  Eolkstone,  ancestor 

the  Earl  of  Radnor  ;  b.  1789  ;  s.  1858  ;  m.  1816 
larlotte,  dau.  of  Colonel  O'Donel,  of  Newport, 
.  Mayo.  Educated  at  Harrow  and  St.  John's 
)11.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Northampton- 
ire  ;  entered  the  Army  1812,  became  a  Major- 
jneral  1854,  was  wounded  at  Waterloo ;  ap- 
•inted  Equerry  to  H.R.H.  the  Prince  Consort  in 

10,  and  to  the  Queen  in  1853. — Delapre  Abbey, 
iar  Northampton. 


BOUVERIE,  Ven.  William  ArundeU. 

Son  of  the  late  Hon.  Bartholomew  Bouverie  (son  of 
William  1st  Earl  of  Radnor),  by  Mary  Wyndham, 
dau.  of  the  late  Hon.  James  Everard  Arundell' 
and  sister  of  the  9th  and  10th  Lords  Arundell  of 
Wardour;  b.  1797;  m.  1831  the  Hon.  Fanny 
Sneyd,  2nd  dau.  of  the  late  Walter  Sneyd,  Esq.,  of 
Keele,  and  late  Maid  of  Honour  to  Queen  Adelaide. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford,  and  was 
afterwards  Fellow  of  Merton  Coll.  (B.A.  1817, 
M.A.  1820)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Norfolk ;  ap- 
pointed Archdeacon  of  Norfolk  1850. — Denton, 
near  Harleston,  Norfolk  ;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.W. 

BOVILL,  William,  Esq.,  Q.C.  (of  Worplesdon). 
Second  surviving  son  of  B.  Bovill,  Esq.,  of  D urns- 
ford  Lodge,  Wimbledon  ;  b.  1814  ;  to.  1844  Maria, 
eldest  dau.  of  J.  H.  Bolton,  Esq.  Called  to  the 
Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1841  ;  appointed  a 
Queen's  Counsel  1855  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Surrey, 
and  a  Bencher  of  the  Middle  Temple  ;  has  been 
M.P.  for  Guildford  since  1857. — Worplesdon  Lodge, 
near  Guildford,  Surrey  ;  Athenaeum  and  Carlton 
Clubs,  S.W. ;  1,  Brick  Court,  Temple,  E.C. 

BOV7ATER,  Sir  Edward,  K.C.H.  (cr.  1837). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Admiral  Edward  Bowater,  by 
Louisa,  dau.  of  Thomas  Lane,  Esq.,  of  Tettenhall, 
co.  Stafford  (widow  of  G.  E.  Hawkins,  Esq.)  ;  b. 
1787  ;  7)i.  1839  Emilia  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late 
Colonel  M.  Barne,  of  Sotterley  Park,  Suffolk,  M.P. 
for  Dunwich.  Educated  at  Harrow  (D.C.L.  Oxford); 
appointed  Equerry  to  William  IV.  1831  ;  Equerry 
to  H.R.H.  Prince  Albert  1840  ;  Groom-in- Waiting 
to  Queen  Victoria  1846  ;  a  General  in  the  Army, 
and  Colonel  49fch  foot  ;  served  at  Copenhagen,  in 
the  Peninsula,  and  at  Waterloo.  This  family  were 
formerly  possessors  of  Whitley  Abbey,  near 
Coventry. — Thatched  House  Lodge,  Richmond 
Park,  Surrey  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

BO  WD  ON,  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Southgate  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  J.  P.  Bruuo-Bowdon,  Esq.,  by 
Mary  Martha,  eldest  dau.  of  Edward  Ferrers,  Esq., 
of  Baddesley  Clinton,  co.  Warwick  ;  b.  1814  ; 
s.  1850  ;  w.  1848  Henrietta  Matilda,  4th  dau.  of 
Michael  Blount,  Esq.,  of  Mapledurham.  Educated 
at  Stonyhurst  Coll.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Dei'by.  This  family  is  of  great  anti- 
quity in  Derbyshire,  being  settled  at  Bowdon  in 
1200,  and,  building  the  chancel  end  of  the  church, 
the  parish  was  thence  called  Chapel  Bowdon. — 
Southgate  House,  near  Derby. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  John,  b.  1815:  m.  1819 
Amelia,  dau.  of  G.  T.  Whitgreave,  Esq.,  of  Moseley 
Court,  Stafford. 


(Sec  B  idler- Bov:d  on.) 

BOWE3ST,  Sir  George  Ferguson,  K.C.M.G.  (OT. 

Son  of  the  Rev.  E.  Bowen,  ofBogay  Souse,  I 
donderry,  Rector  of  Faughboyne  and  All  Saints, 
co.  Donegal;  b.  1822;  m.  1856  Diamantina.  dftVU 
of  Count  Candiano  di  Roma.  ESduO&ted  at  the 
Charterhouse;  elected  L840  Soholar  of  Trinity 
P  2 



Coll.,  Oxford,  where  he  graduated  B.A.  1S44  as 
1st  Class  in  Classics  ;  was  afterwards  Fellow  and 
Tutor  of  Hrasonosc  College  ;  was  Secretary  to  the 
Lord  High  Commissioner  of  the  Ionian  Islands 
1854-9  ;  formerly  Principal  of  the  University  of 
Corfu  ;  appointed  Governor  of  Moreton  Bay  1859. 
Author  of  "Ithaca  and  the  Ionian  Islands  ;"  "The 
[onian  Islands  under  British  Protection  ;"  "Mount 
Athos,  Thessaly,  and  Epirus,"  &c. — Government 
House,  Brisbane,  West  Australia ;  United  Univer- 
sity Club,  S.W. 

BOWEN,  George  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Laurence- 
town  House). 
Eldest  son  of  George  Bowen,  Esq.,  Captain  R.N., 
by  Annabella  Harriet,  dau.  of  Noah  Simpson,  Esq., 
of  Drogheda  ;  b.  1821  ;  m.  1850  Catharine  Bell, 
dau.  of  the  late  John  Oliver  Howe  Nunn,  Captain 
86th  regiment.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Down,  and 
Land-agent  for  the  Downshire  estates  of  Alex- 
ander J.  R.  Stewart,  Esq.,  of  Ards,  co.  Donegal. 
— Laurencetown  House,  near  Banbridge,  co.  Down. 

BOWEIST,  Robert  Cole,  Esq.  (of  Bowenscourt). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  H.  Cole  Bowen,  Esq.,  by 
Eliza  Wade,  dau.  of  St.  John  Galwey,  Esq.,  of 
Mallow,  co.  Cork  ;  b.  1830  ;  s.  1842.  Educated  at 
Cheltenham  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1852, 
M.A.  1856)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cork,  and 
Captain  87th  South  Cork  Light  Infantry.  This 
family  was  formerly  of  Court  House,  Ilston,  Gla- 
morganshire, mentioned  in  G  willim,  p.  186.  Colonel 
Bowen  came  to  Ireland  in  1665. — Bowenscourt, 
near  Kildorrery,  co.  Cork. 

BOWER,  Edward  Chi  vers,  Esq.   (of  Tickhill 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  J.  S.  Bower,  Esq.,  by  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  and  co-heiress  of  Thomas  Chivers,  Esq., 
of  Askham,  co.  York  ;  b.  1826  ;  s.  1858  ;  to.  1858 
Amelia  Mary,  2nd  surviving  dau.  of  the  late 
William  Bennet  Martin,  Esq.  Educated  at  Rugby 
and  University  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1849) ;  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  West  Riding  of 
Yorkshire ;  formerly  a  Captain  3rd  West  York 
Militia. — Tickhill  Castle,  near  Rotherham,  York- 
shire ;  St.  J ames's  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Edmund  Thomas  Chivers,  b.  1859. 

BOWER,  Rev.  Henry  Tregonwell  (of  Shroton). 

Youngest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Bowyer 
Bower,  Esq.,  by  Harriet,  dau.  of  William  Whit- 
aker,  Esq.,  Recorder  of  Shaftesbury ;  b.  1808  ;  to. 
1837  Elizabeth  Syndercombe,  eldest  dau.  of  the 
Rev.  Thomas  Fox,  Rector  of  Temple  Combe, 
Somerset.  Educated  at  Winchester  and  St.  Peter's 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1830,  M.A.  1833);  is  a 
Magistrate  for  Dorset,  and  Curate  of  West  Orchard. 
This  family  is  the  younger  branch  of  that  of  T.  B. 
Bower,  Esq.,  of  Iwerne  Minster. — Shroton  House, 
near  Blandford,  Dorset. 

Heir,  his    son  Henry  Syndercombe,  b.  1839 ; 
educated  at  Harrow  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge. 

BOWER,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Welham). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Robert  Bower,  Esq.,  by 
Elizabeth.  Amy,  only  surviving  dau.    of  John 

Clubbe,  Esq.,  of  Ipswich;  b.  1798;  s.  1835 ;  m. 
1824  Helen,  eldest  dau.  of  John  Hall,  Esq.,  of 
Scarborough.  Educated  at  Westminster  and  Ch. 
Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  North  Riding  of 
Yorkshire.  This  family  was  formerly  settled  at 
Scorton,  near  Catterick. — Welham,  near  Malton 
Yorkshire  ;  Conservative  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Robert  Hartley,  b.  1832. 

BOWER,   Thomas  Bowyer,  Esq.  (of  Iwerne | 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Bowyer  Bower,  Esq. 
by  Harriet,  dau.  of  Walter  Whittaker,  Esq.,  Re 
corder  of  Shaftesbury  ;  b,  1803  ;  s.  1840  ;  to.  182! 
Eliza,  only  dau.  of  William  Creed,  Esq.,  of  Bally  J 
grennan  Castle,  Ireland.    Educated  at  Westmiu  j 
ster  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Dorset  (High  Sheriff  1847)  j 
was  formerly   Captain   73rd   regiment. — Iwernj 
Minster,  near  Blandford,  Dorset. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Bowyer,  b.  1829,  Lit  H 
Lieutenant  73rd  regiment,  and  Lieutenant  ij 
Dorset  Yeomanry  Cavalry. 

BOWES,  John,  Esq.  (of  Streatlam  Castle).  | 
Natural  son  and  testamentary  heir  of  the  lOli 
Earl  of  Strathmore  (ext.)  ;  6.  1811 ;  s.  1820.  Is  [[ 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for.  co.  Durham;  w:| 
M.P.  for  South  Durham  1833-47.— Streatia  j 
Castle,  near  Gateshead  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 

BOWLES,  Sir  George,  K.C.B.  (cr.1851). 

Second  son  of  the  late  W.  Bowles,  Esq.,  of  He? 
House,  Wilts,  by  Dinah,  3rd  dau.  of  the  late  Adn 
ral  Sir  Thomas  Frankland,  Bart.;  b.  1787.  Is 
Lieutenant-General  in  the  Army,  and  Colonel  ; 
West  India  regiment ;  served  at  Copenhagen, 
Germany,    in  the   Peninsula,    Canada,    and  I 
Waterloo  ;    was  Military  Secretary  to  the  1;J  ' 
Duke  of  Richmond  in  Canada,  where  he  held  ccf  J; 
mand  during  the  rebellion  of  1838  ;  was  M.P. 
Launceston  1844-52  ;  Master  of  the  Houseli 
1845-51.— United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

BOWLES,  Charles   Oldfield,  Esq.   (of  BToj 
Aston).  J 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Oldfield  Bowles,  Esq..| 
Mary,  dau.  of  late  Sir  Abraham  Elton,  Bart.  |  ' 
Clevedon  Court,   Somerset;   b.    1785  ;  s.  181  j 
to.  1815  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Matthew  late  if  fl 
Rokeby.    Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxfc  '  fl 
is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Oxon,  IB 
Colonel  Oxfordshire  Militia  ;  was  formerly  Mr  I 
of  the  Oxfordshire  Yeomanry.     This  family  I  fl 
formerly   of   Swineshead,    co.    Lincoln. — N>| 
Aston,    near  Deddington,    Oxon  ;   Boodle's  t  fl 
United  Service  Clubs,  S.W.  f  fl 

Heir,  his  son  Henry,  Capt.  Rifle  Brigade,  b.  1 ; ;  I 
to.  1842  Barbara,  dau.  of  P.  Warren,  Esq.,  M.f  I 

BOWEING,  Sir  John,  LL.D.,  F.R.S.,  F.i'l 
&c.  j  ■ 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Charles  Bo  wring,  Es<|>fH 
Larkbear,  Devon,  by  Sarah,  dau.  of  the  H 
Thomas  Lane,  of  St.  Ives,  Cornwall;  b.  1792{« 
1816  Maria,  dau.  of  the  late  Samuel  Lewin,  H 
of  Hackney,  Middlesex  (she  cl  1858).  Has  ■ 
successively  Secretary  to  the  Commission  on  I  'fl 
08  '  ■ 


ccounts,  Commissioner  of  Commerce  in  France, 
aly,  and  the  Levant,  and  British  Consul  at  Canton  ; 
is  her  Majesty's  Plenipotentiary,  Commander-in- 
lief,  Governor  and  Vice- Admiral  of  Hong-Kong, 
d  Chief  Superintendent  of  Trade  in  China  1854-9  ; 
LL.D.  of  the  University  of  Groningen,  and  a 
night  of  the  Order  of  Christ  in  Portugal  ;  was 
.P.  for  Kilmarnock,  &c.  1835-7,  and  for  Bolton 
41-9.  This  family  was  settled  for  several  cen- 
ries  at  Bowringsleigh,  in  the  south  of  Devon. — 
trkbear  House,  near  Exeter ;  Athenaeum  and 
jform  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Charles,  partner  in  the  house 
Jardine,  Matheson,  and  Co.  (China),  b.  1821. 

VYEB,  Sir  George,  Bart.  (cr.  1666). 

(lest  son  of  the  late.  Admiral  Sir  George  Bowyer, 
i  Bart.,  by  his  2nd  wife  Henrietta,  dau.  of  Ad- 
ral  Sir  P.  Brett,  M.P. ;  b.  1783  ;  s.  as  6th  Bart. 
99;  m.  1808  Anne  Hammond,  dau.  of  Sir  Andrew 
ape  Douglas,  B.N.  (she  d.  1844).  Educated  at 
on  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1804) ;  is  a  Magis- 
te  for  Berks,  and  Patron  of  2  livings  ;  was 
P.  for  Malmesbury  1807-10,  and  for  Abingdon 
12-18. — Kadley  House,  near  Abingdon,  Berks. 
Heir,  his  son  George,  D.C.L.,  Barrister-at-Law, 
P.  for  Dundalk,  b.  1811. 

'CE,  Joseph,  Esq. 

ird  son  of  the  late  James  Boyce,  Esq.,  of  Ferns, 
Wexford,  by  Arabella  Bradclell,  dau.  of  John 
addell,  Esq.,  of  Lower  Bullingate,  co.  Wicklow; 
1795  ;  m.  1817  Mary,  dau.  of  Abel  Ram  Wood- 
fe,  Esq.,  J. P.,  of  Gorey,  co.  Wexford.  Is  a 
igistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  city  and  co.  Dublin  ; 

formerly  a  merchant  in  Dublin,  and  Lord 
lyor  of  that  city  1855. — Upper  Mount-street, 

D,  Sir  Harley  Hugh,  Bart.  (cr.  1775). 

lest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Augustus  Hugh 
yd,  Bart.,  by  Honora  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late 
B.  Calmady,  Esq.,  of  Langdon  Hall,  Devon ;  b. 
53  ;  s.  as  5th  Bart.  1857 — Drummawillen,  near 
lly castle,  co.  Antrim. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  uncle  Frederick,  in  Holy  Ordei'S, 
ctor  of  Wouldham,  Kent,  b.  1820. 

'D,  George  Augustus,  Esq.  (of  Middleton 

ly  child  of  the  late  Abraham  Boyd,  Esq.,  K.C., 
his  second  wife  Jane,  Countess  of  Belviderc, 

J.  of  Rev.  James  Mack  ay ;  b.  1817  ;  s.  1822  to 
paternal  estates,  and  in  1836  to  those  of  the 

rl  of  Belvidere  ;  m.  1843  Sarah  Jane,  eldest  dau. 
George  Woods,  Esq.,  of  Milverton  Hall,  co. 

iblin,  by  Sarah,  eldest  dau.  of  Hans  Hamilton, 

q.,  M.P.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is 

Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Westmeath. 

is  family  is  descended  from  the  Lords  Boyd,  sub- 
ucntly  Earls  of  Kilmarnock,  in  Scotland. — Mid- 
ton  Park,  near  Mullingar,   co.  Westmeath  ; 

juservative  Club,  S.W. 

'I'  ir,  his  son  Rochfort  Hamilton,  b.  1844. 


BOYD,  James,  Esq.  (of  Boslare  House). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Captain  James  Jocelyn  Boyd 
(who  d.  1849),  by  Isabel  Ashmore,  dau.  of  Major 
Cooper,  of  the  35th  regiment,  and  grandson  of  the 
late  James  Boyd,  Esq.,  J. P.  for  co.  Wexford,  and 
High  Sheriff  in  1831  ;  b.  1846  ;  s.  Ids  grandfather 
1859.  This  family  claims  descent  from  the  Boyds 
of  Kilmarnock,  N.B. — Roslare  House,  near  Wex- 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Charles,  b.  1848. 

BOYD,  John,  Esq.,  D.C.L.  (of  Dundown  House). 
Son  of  the  late  John  Boyd,  Esq.,  of  Belleisle,  co. 
Antrim  ;  b.  1789  ;  m.  1820  Anne  Arabella,  dau.  of 
Rev.  R.  Hezlet,  Rector  of  Killowen.  Educated  at 
Edinburgh  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Londonderry,  and  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Antrim  and 
for  Coleraine ;  was  M.P.  for  Coleraine  1842-52, 
and  since  1857. — Dundown  House,  near  Coleraine, 
Ireland  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

BOYD,  John  Bobert,  Esq.  (of  Ballymacool). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Boyd,  Esq.,  by  Frances, 
2nd  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Samuel  Hayes,  Bart.,  of 
Drumboe  Castle,  co.  Donegal ;  b.  1808  ;  s-  1836  ; 
to.  1851  Mary  Louisa,  eldest  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Wil- 
liam Knox,  of  Clonleigh.  Educated  atTrinity  Coll., 
Dublin  (B.A.  1825) ;  called  to  the  Irish  Bar  1830  ; 
is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Donegal 
(High  Sheriff  1840).  This  family  is  descended 
from  the  Boyds,  Earls  of  Kilmarnock,  in  Scotland. 
—Ballymacool,  near  Letterkenny,  co.  Donegal  ; 
Stephen's  Green,  Dublin. 

BOYLE,  Hon.  Bichard  Cavendish. 

Fourth  son  of  8th  Earl  of  Cork  and  Orrery  ;  b. 
1812  ;  m.  1845  Eleanor  Vere,  dau.  of  A.  Gordon, 
Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A. 
1833,  M.A.  1836) ;  appointed  Rector  of  Marston 
1836,  Chaplain  to  the  Queen  1847.—  Marston  Rec- 
tory, nearFrome,  Somerset ;  University  Club,  S.W. 

BOYLE,  Patrick,  Esq.  (of  Shewalton). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  David  Boyle,  by 
his  1st  wife  Elizabeth,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  A. 
Montgomerie,  Esq.,  of  Annick  Lodge,  co.  Ayr, 
next  brother  of  Hugh,  12th  Earl  of  Eglinton  ; 
b.  1806  ;  s.  1853  ;  m,  1830  Mary  Frances,  2nd  dau. 
of  Sir  R.  D.  H.  Elphinstone,  Bart.,  of  Horu  and 
Logie  Elphinstone.  Educated  at  Oriel  Coll.,  Ox- 
ford (B.A.  1827,  M.A.  1832) ;  called  to  the  Scottish 
Bar  1829  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Ayr,  and  a  member  of  the  Faculty  of  Advocates 
in  Scotland  (but  does  not  practise)  ;  was  formerly 
Captain  Ayrshire  Yeomanry  Cavalr)^.  This  family 
is  next  in  remainder  to  the  Earldom  of  Glasgow,  in 
default  of  male  issue  of  the  4th  Earl.— Shewalton, 
near  Irvine,  N.B.  ;  Carlton  Club,  SAY. 

Heir,  his  son  David,  b.  1833,  1st  Lieut.  S.M.S. 

BOYNE  (Viscount),  Gustavus  Frederic  Hamil- 
ton-Russell (cr.  1717). 
Only  son  of  the  6th  Viscount,  by  Harriet,  only  din. 

of  the  late  Benjamin  Baugh,  Esq.,  of  Burwartoii 
House,  co.  Salop  ;   b.  ifdf  J   9,   L8M  j 



Emma  Maria,  dau.  of  the  late  Matthew  Russell, 
Esq.,  of  Brancepeth  Castle,  co.  Durham  (whose 
Dame  he  has  assumed).  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch. 
Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
cos.  Meath,  Salop,  and  Durham. — Burwaton  House, 
near  Bridgenorth,  co.  Salop  ;  Stackallan,  co. 
Meath ;  Brancepeth  Castle,  near  Durham  ;  22, 
Belgrave  Square,  S.W. 

Hevr,  his  son  Gustavus  Russell,  b.  1830  ;  on.  1858 
Katharine  Frances,  3rd  dau.  of  2nd  Earl  of  Eldon. 

BOYNTON,  Sir  Henry,  Bart.  (cr.  1618). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Henry  Boynton,  Bart., 
by  Mary,  dau.  of  Captain  Gray ;  b.  1811  ;  s. 
his  brother  as  10th  Bart.  1854  ;  on.  1st  1833 
Louisa,  dau.  of  Walter  Strickland,  Esq.,  of  Coke- 
thorpe  Park,  Oxon  ;  2nd  1843  Hai-riet,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Lightfoot,  Esq.,  of  Sevenoaks,  Kent. 
Educated  at  Durham  University  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  the  East  Riding  of  Yorkshire. 
This  family  was  seated  in  Yorkshire  before  the 
Norman  Conquest. — Burton  Agnes  Hall,  near 
Bridlington,  Yorkshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Somerville,  b.  1844. 

BRACEBRIDGE,  Charles  Holte,  Esq.  (of  Ather- 
stone  Hall). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Abraham  Bracebridge,  Esq.,  by 
Mary  Elizabeth,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of  Sir  Charles 
Holte,  Bart,  (ext.),  of  Aston,  co.  Warwick  ;  b.  1799  ; 
s.  1832  ;  on.  1824  Selina,  youngest  dau.  of  William 
Mills,  Esq.,  of  Bisterne,  Hants.  Educated  at  Mer- 
ton  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  cos.  Warwick  and  Leicester.  This  family  was 
originally  of  Bracebridge,  co.  Lincoln  ;  they  were 
seated  a.d.  1100  at  Kingsbury,  co.  Warwick 
(where  they  still  hold  lands),  and  subsequently  at 
Lindley,  co.  Leicester,  and  at  Atherstone. — Ather- 
stone  Hall,  Warwickshire  ;  Athenseum  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  sister  Mary  Holte,  m.  1803  her 
cousin  Walter  Henry  Bracebridge,  Esq.,  of  More- 
ville  (whom  see). 

BRACEBRIDGE,  Walter  Henry,  Esq.  (of  More- 
ville  Hall). 

Only  son  of  the  late  Walter  Bracebridge,  Esq.,  by 
Harriet,  dau.  of  H.  Streatfleld,  Esq.,  of  Chidding- 
sfcone,  Kent;  b.  1781  ;  on.  1803  Mary  Holte,  dau. 
of  the  late  Abraham  Bracebridge,  Esq.,  of  Ather- 
stone Hall.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Warwick.  For 
pedigree,  &c,  see  Bracebridge  of  Atherstone. — 
Moreville  Hall,  Warwick  ;  Chetwode  Priory,  Bucks. 

BRACKEN  BURY,    Sir    Edward,    Knight  (cr. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Richard  Brackenbury,  Esq., 
by  Janetta,  dau.  of  George  Gun,  Esq.,  of  Edinburgh  ; 
b.  1785  ;  s.  1828  ;  on.  1st  1827  Maria,  dau.  of  the 
Rev.  E.  Bromhead,  of  Repham,  co.  Lincoln  ;  2nd 
1847  Eleanor,  dau.  of  Addison  Fenwick,  Esq.,  of 
Bishopwearmouth,  and  widow  of  the  late  W.  B. 
Clark,  Esq.,  of  Belford  Hall.  Is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lincoln,  and  a  retired 
Lieutenant-Colonel  in  the  army ;  a  Knight  of  the 
Portuguese  order  of  the  Tower  and  Sword,  and  a 
Knight  of  the  Spanish  order  of  St.  Ferdinand  ; 

also  a  Commander  of  the  Portuguese  order  oi; 
St.  Bento  d'Avis. — Skendleby  Hall,  near  Spilsby, : 
Lincolnshire  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Edward  Fenwick,  b.  1848. 

BRACKENRXDGE,  George  Charles,  Esq.  (o: 
Ashfield  Park). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Trimble,  Esq., 
Clogher,  co.  Tyrone,  Ireland,  by  Catherine,  dau.  o 
Thomas  Smith,  Esq.,  of  Lisnaskea;  b.  1815 
s.  1847.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  callei 
to  the  Irish  Bar  1839  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep 
Lieut,  for  co.  Tyrone.  Assumed  the  name  an 
arms  of  Brackenridge,  by  Royal  Letters  Patent,  i 
1846. — Ashfield  Park,  near  Clogher,  co.  Tyrone 
Morrison's  Hotel,  Dublin. 

BKADDELL,  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Montdeligo). 
Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Henry  Braddel 
Esq.,  by  Janette,  dau.  of  William  Henry  Robart 
Esq.,  of  Llangollen  ;  b.  1826  ;  s.  1853;  m.  18 
Laura  Noemie,  dau.  of  John  Lees  Armit,  Esq.,  ar 
Noemie  Baronne  de  Marguerittes.  Is  a  Magistra 
for  co.  Cork  ;  was  formerly  Lieutenant  19th  re£ 
ment. — Montdeligo,  near  Fei-moy,  co.  Cork. 
Heir,  his  son  Henry  Armstead,  b.  1858. 

BRADFORD  (Earl  of),  George  Augustus  Pr 
derick  Henry  Bridgman  (cr.  1815). 
Eldest  son  of  the  1st  Earl,  by  Lucy  Elizabeth,  da 
of  the  4th  Viscount  Torrington  ;  b.  1789  ;  s.  182 
on.  1st  1818  Georgina  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir 
Moncreiffe,  Bart,  (she  d.  1842) ;  2nd  1849  Hel 
dau.  of  JEneas  Mack  ay,  Esq.,  of  Scotston, 
Peebles,  and  widow  of  Sir  D.  Moncreiffe,  Ba| 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Warwi 
Patronage  11  livings. — Weston  Hall,  nearShiffn; 
Castle  Bromwich,  Warwickshire ;   Carlton  Clil 
S.  W. ;  43,  Belgrave  Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Newport,  b.  18"  [ 
on.  1844  Selina,  dau.  of  the  1st  Lord  Fores  ! 
Educated  at  Harrow  and  Trin.  Coll.,  Cambriif 
(M.A.  1840) ;  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  forffl 
Warwick  and  Stafford,  and  Captain  South  S?i 
Yeomanry  Cavalry  ;  was  Vice-Chamberlain  of 
Household  1852  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  South  Sfj 
since  1842. 

BRAD  SHAW,  Francis,  Esq.  (of  Barton  Hal 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Francis  Bradshaw,  Esq. 
Elizabeth,  4th  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Wilmot,  B; 
of  Chaddesden,  co.   Derby  ;   b.  1800 ;   s.  1£ 
m.  1823  Mary  Anne,    dau.  of  Robert  Hob 
Esq.,  of  Nuttall  Temple,  Notts.  Educated! 
St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut  • 
Derbyshire  (High  Sheriff  1851).  — Barton  I  f 
near  Derby. 

Heir,  his  son  Francis,  b.  1827. 

BRADSHAW,  Thomas,  Esq.- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  J.  H.  Bradshaw,  Esq  If 
Catherine,  dau.  of  Richard  Stuart,  Esq.  ;  b.  ltT 
s.  1845  ;  on.  1847  Frances  Catherine,  only  daN 
Henry,  14th  Viscount  Hereford,  and  some  p 
Maid  of  Honour  to  the  Queen.  Educated  at 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at > 
coin's  Inn  1853  ;  was  Captain  in  the  2nd  regi(*i 




f  Lancashire  Militia  1851-6.  Claims  descent  from 
fchtred,  the  Saxon  thane,  and  represents,  in  the 
lale  line,  the  ancient  family  of  Bradshaw,  co.  Lan- 
*ster.  —  The  Palace,  Hampton  Court ;  Crown- 
iffice  Row,  Temple,  E.C. 
Heir,  his  son  Victor  Alexander,  b.  1848. 

AD  STREET,  Sir  John  Valentine,  Bart.  (cr. 

lldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Simon  Bradstreet,  Bart., 
y  Clare,  dau.  of  John  Murphy,  Esq.  ;  b.  1815  ; 

as  5th  Bart.  1853.  The  3rd  Bart,  was  Recorder 
f  Dublin,  and  subsequently  a  Judge  in  Ireland. — 

Marine  Crescent,  near  Clontarf,  co.  Dublin  ; 
liversdale,  Kilmainham,  co.  Dublin. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Edmund,  b.  1817- 

ADY,  Right  Hon.  Maziere  (of  Hazelbrook). 
econd  son  of  the  late  Erancis  T.  Brady,  Esq.,  of 
Pillow  Park,  co.  Dublin,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  W. 
[odgson,  Esq.,  and  brother  of  the  late  Sir  N.  W. 
rady,  Knt.  ;  b.  1795  ;  m.  1823  Mary  Anne,  dau. 
f  B.  Buchanan,  Esq.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 
>ublin  (B.A.  1816,  M.A.  1819) ;  called  to  the  Irish 
ar  1819  ;  appointed  Solicitor-General  for  Ireland 
837,  Attorney-General  1839,  Chief  Baron  of  the 
rish  Exchequer  1840  ;  was  Lord  Chancellor  of 
reland  1846-52  and  1853-8,  re-appointed  1859.— 
fazelbrook,  near  Dublin  ;  26,  Upper  Pembroke- 
;reet,  Dublin. 

Heir,  his  son  Maziere,  Barrister-at-Law,  b.  1827. 
ADY,  John,  Esq, 

lldest  son  of  the  late  Tobias  Brady,  Esq.,  of  co. 
avan  ;  b.  1812;  m.  1847  Sarah,  dau.  of  the  late 
ohn  Rayner,  Esq.,  of  Ely,  co.  Cambridge.  Is  a 
lember  of  the  College  of  Surgeons ;  has  been  M.P. 
i>r  co.  Leitrim  since  1852. — Ely,  Cambridgeshire  ; 
,  Warwick  Terrace,  S.W. 

AILA,  Sir  Peter,  K.C.M.G-.  (cr.  1856). 

8  President  of  the  Legislative  Assembly  of  the 

onian  Islands. — Corfu. 

AKENBURY,    Henry,   Esq.    (of  Scremby 

'hird  son  of  the  late  Charles  Brakenbury,  Esq.,  by 
Proline,  dau.  of  William  Hairby,  Esq.,  of  Spilsby, 
o.  Lincoln  ;  b.  1790  ;  s.  1816 ;  m.  1821  Anne, 
nly  dau.  of  John  Atkinson,  Esq.,  of  Aristhorpe 
[all,  co.  York.  Educated  at  Louth  ;  is  a  Magis- 
\ate  for  co.  Lincoln.  This  family  is  descended 
•oin  the  Brakenburys  of  the  Tower  (whom  see). 
-Scremby  Hall,  near  Spilsby,  Lincolnshire. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Augustus,  b.  1791. 

AMLEY-MOORE,  John,  Esq.  (of  Aigburth). 
on  of  the  late  Thomas  Moore,  Esq.,  Merchant,  of 
<eeds  ;  b.  1800  ;  m.  1829  Seraphina,  dau.  of  W. 
'eimell,  Esq.  ;  assumed  the  name  of  Bramley  by 
'oyal  license  1840.  A  Merchant  at  Liverpool  (of 
Inch  he  waB  Mayor  1849),  and  a  Magistrate  and 
>ep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster ;  was  M.P.  for  Mal- 
on  1S54-9. — Aigburth,  near  Liverpool;  Carlton 
ud  Conservative  Clubs,  S.W. 


BRAMSTON,  Thomas  "Wm.,  Esq.  (of  Skreens). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Gardiner  Bramston, 
Esq.  (who  was  M.P.  for  Essex  1830-1),  by  Maria 
Anne,  dau.  of  William  Blaauw,  Esq.,  of  Queen- 
Anne  Street,  London  ;  b.  1796;  £1831,;  m.  1830 
Eliza,  5th  dau.  and  co-heir  of  the  late  Admiral 
Sir  Eliab  Harvey,  G.C.B.,  M.P.,  of  Rolls  Park, 
Essex.  Educated  at  Winchester  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Ox- 
ford (B.A.  1818),  and  was  afterwards  Fellow  of  All 
Souls  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Essex  ; 
has  been  M.P.  for  South  Essex  since  1835.  This 
family  has  been  seated  in  Essex  since  the  reign  of 
Charles  I.,  and  many  of  its  members  have  repre- 
sented that  county  in  Parliament. — Skreens,  near 
Chelmsford,  Essex  ;  Travellers'  and  Carlton  Clubs, 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Harvey,  Captain  Grena- 
dier Guards,  b.  1831. 

BRAMSTON,  Rev.  John. 

Younger  son  of  the  late  T.  G.  Bramston,  Esq., 
M.P.,  of  Skreens,  by  Maria  Anne,  dau.  of  William 
Blaauw,  Esq.,  of  Queen-Anne  Street,  London  ;  b, 
1804  ;  m.  1st  1822  Clara  Sandford,  dau.  of  the  late 
Nicholas  Trant  (she  d.  1848) ;  2nd  1850  Anna, 
2nd  dau.  of  the  late  Osgood  Hanbury,  Esq.,  of 
Holfield  Grange,  Essex.  Educated  at  Winchester 
and  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1824,  .M.A.  1826)  ; 
and  was  for  some  time  Eellow  of  Exeter  Coll.  ; 
appointed  Vicar  of  Great  Baddow,  Essex,  1831,  of 
Witham  1841- — Witham  Vicarage,  Essex  ;  Univer- 
sity Club,  S.W. 

BRAMWELL,  Sir  George  William,  Knight  (cr. 

Son  of  G.  Bramwell,  Esq.,  Banker,  of  London  ;  b. 
1808  ;  m.  1830  Jane,  dau.  of  B.  Silva,  Esq. ; 
called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1838,  and  went 
the  Home  Circuit  ;  made  a  Queen's  Counsel  1851, 
appointed  a  Baron  of  the  Exchequer  1856. — 3,  Old 
Palace-yard,  Westminster,  S.W. 

BRAMWELL,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Enfield  House). 

Second  son  of  the  late  C.  Bramwell,  Esq.,  by  Ellen, 
dau.  of  R.  Nicholson,  Esq.,  of  Bradley  Hall,  co. 
Durham  ;  b.  1800  ;  m.  1834  Fanny,  dau.  of  Joseph 
Salkeld,  Esq.,  of  Holm  Hill,  Cumberland.  Edu- 
cated at  Edinburgh  University  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for 
co.  Durham.  —  Enfield  House,  near  Gateshead, 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Salkeld,  b.  1836. 


(See  under  JDacrc. 

BRANDRETH,  Charles,  Esq.    (of   St,  O^ytb 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  J.  P.  Brandreth,  Esq.,  of 
Liverpool  ;  b.  1827  ;  in.  1851  Eliza,  younger  dau.  of 
the  late  W.  P.  Nassau,  Esq,  Educated  at  Eton  ami 
Trinity  Coll.,   Cambridge ;  is  a  Magistrate  fin 

Essex;  formerly  Lieut,  in  the  4th  l.ighl  Dragoon* 

— St.  Osyth  Priory,  near  Colchester,  Essex  |  v'n\v 
and  Navy  Club,  S.Wi 



BRANDEETH,  Humphrey,  Esq.  (of  Houghton 

Fifth  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Thomas 
Gibbs,  Esq.,  of  Ampthill,  Bedfordshire,  by  Sarah 
Prosser,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late  Thoswithan 
Brandreth,  Esq.,  of  Houghton  House,  Beds,  Justice 
of  the  Beace  for  Beds  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  to  the  Bedford- 
shire, Devonshire,  and  Cornwall  estates  of  his 
maternal  uncle,  the  late  Henry  Brandreth,  Esq., 
Justice  of  the  Feace  and  Dep.  Lieut.,  in  1846,  when 
by  Royal  license  he  took  the  surname  of  Brandreth 
in  lieu  of  Gibbs  ;  m.  1854  Emma  Jemima  Barbara, 
youngest  dau.  of  the  late  Lieut. -Colonel  Charles 
Hervey  Smith,  of  Apsley  House,  near  Woburn, 
Beds.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Beds,  Bucks,  and  Herts  ; 
was  High  Sheriff  of  Beds  1849.— Houghton  House, 
near  Dunstable,  Beds. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Chernocke  Gibbs,  b.  1856. 

BRANFILL,  Benjamin  Aylett,  Esq.  (of  Upmin- 
ster  Hall). 

Second  surviving  son  of  the  late  Champion  Edward 
Branfill,  Esq.,  by  Ann  Eliza,  dau.  of  the  Rev. 
Anthony  Egerton  Hammond  (2nd  son  of  William 
Hammond,  Esq.,  of  St.  Alban's  Court,  Kent) ; 
b.  1828;  m.  1857  Mary  Anna,  dau.  of  Capel 
Miers,  Esq.,  of  Peterstone  Court,  co.  Brecon. 
Entered  the  Army  in  1846  ;  is  Captain  in  the  16th 
regiment  ;  appointed  Assistant  Deputy  Quarter- 
master-General in  Dublin  1859. — Upminster  Hall, 
near  Romford,  Essex  ;  Army  and  Navy  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Champion  Edward,  b.  1858. 

BRAY,  Cecil  Nicholas,  Esq.  (of  Langford  Hill). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Richard  Burdon  Bray,  Esq.,  of 
Stratton,  Cornwall,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Symons,  Esq.,  of  Launcells  ;  b.  1804  ;  s,  1826  ;  m. 
1831  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Abraham,  Esq.  Educated 
at  Exeter  College;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Cornwall 
and  Devon. — Langford  Hill,  near  Marhamchurch, 

Heir,  his  son  Cecil,  b.  1835. 

BBAYS  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Shere). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Bray,  Esq.,  by  Mary 
Anne  Catherine,  dau.  of  Daniel  Malthus,  Esq.,  of 
Albury,  Surrey  (sister  to"  the  celebrated  writer  on 
population) ;  b.  1793  ;  s.  his  grandfather  1832. 
Educated  at  St.  Peter's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A. 
1818,  M.A.  1822) ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Surrey.  This  family  has  been  settled  at  Shere 
for  nearly  400  years. — Shere,  near  Guildford, 
Surrey  ;  Union  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Reginald,  b.  1797  ;  m. 
1836  Frances,  dau.  of  the  late  T.  N.  Longman, 

3EAYBEOOKE  (Lord),  Richard  Cornwallis 
Neville  (cr.  1788). 
Eldest  son  of  the  3rd  Lord,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  the 
2nd  Marquis  Cornwallis  ;  b.  1820  ;  s.  1858  ;  m. 
1852  Charlotte  Sarah,  5th  dau.  of  the  2nd  Earl  of 
Norbury.  Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  Visitor  of  Mag- 
dalen Coll.,  Cambridge,  and  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Essex  ;  late  Captain  Grenadier  Guards. 
Patron  6  livings.    This  familyis  descended  from 

a  common  ancestor  with  the  Earl  of  Abergavenny. 
— Audley  End,  near  Saffron  Walden,  Essex  ;  Carl- 
ton Club,  S.W. ;  10,  New  Burlington  Street,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Charles  Cornwallis,  a 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Essex  ;  b.  1823  ;  m.  1849  Florence, 
3rd  dau.  of  3rd  Viscount  Hawarden. 

BRA  YE    (Baroness),    Sarah  Otway-Cave  (cr, 

Only  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Cave,  Bart,  (whe 
was  lineal  heir  and  representative  maternally  of  the 
1st  Lord  Braye),  by  Sarah,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  Jolir 
Edwards,  Esq.  ;  b.  1770;  s.  1839  ;  m.  1790  Henr 
Otway,  Esq.  (who  d.  1815)  ;  resumed  the  name  o 
Cave  1818.    This  Barony  was  in  abeyance  fron  j 
1557  until  called  out  in  favour  of  the  presen  ! 
Baroness  in  1839. — Stanford  Hall,  near  Luttei  | 
worth,  Leicestershire  ;  14,  Great  Stanhope  St.,  Wl 
Co-heirs,  her  daus.  Maria  Anne,  m.    Rev.  11  { 
K.   Richardson  ;  Katharine   (Dowrager  Countet  i 
Beauchamp)  ;  and    Henrietta,  m.   Rev.  E.  ^\ 

BREAD  ALB  ANE  (Marquis  of),  John  Camp' 
bell,  K.T.,  P.C.,  E.R.S.  (cr.  1831). 
Only  son  of  the  1st  Marquis,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  tin 
late  David  Gavin,  Esq.,  of  Langton,  N.B  ;  b.  1797- 
s.  1834;  m.  1821  Eliza,  dau.  of  the  late  Geon 
Baillie,  Esq.,  of  Jerviswood,  and  10th  Earl  of  Ha 
dington.    Is  Lord  Lieut,  of  co.  Argyll,  Colonel  . 
the  Argyll  and  Bute  Militia,  Vice- Admiral  of  tl  I 
Western  Isles,  President  of  the  Society  of  Antiqu 
ries  in  Scotland  ;  was  M.P.  for  Perthshire  1832- 
Lord  Chamberlain  of  the  Household  1848-52,  a 
1853-8.    Represents  a  branch  of  the  ducal  house 
Argvll.  —  Taymouth  Castle,  near  Aberfeldy,  < 
Perth  ;   Langton  House,  co.  Berwick  ;  21,  Pa 
Lane,  W. 

Heir  Pres.  (to  the  Scotch  honours  only)  Willi; 
John  Lamb  Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Glenfalloch  (whi 

'•  -Mm 

BREMRIDGE,  Richard,  Esq.  (of  Cott). 

Son  of  the  late  Samuel  Bremridge,  Esq.,  of  Bnj] 
staple,  by  Honor,  dau.  of  Hugh  Oxenham,  Ef 
of  Sutcombe;  b.  1803  ;  m.  1824  Caroline,  2nd  cU 
of  John  G  oiler,  Esq.    Educated  at  Tiverton  ; 
been  twice  Mayor  of  Barnstaple ;  was  M.P. 
Barnstaple    1847-53.  —  Cott,    near  Barnsta 
Devon  ;  Carlton  and  Parthenon  Clubs,  S.W. 

BRENT,  John,  Esq.  (of  Barton). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Samuel  Brent,  Esq.,  ofBL  ; 
heath,  by  Frances,  dau.  of  John  Barton,  Esqjr 
Preston,  Lancashire;  b.  1786  ;  m.  1807  Susail, 
dau.  of  the  late  Sampson  Kingsford,  Esq.,  of  Stuf, 
Kent.  Is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Kent,  and  a  Magist  |> 
for  Canterbury.  This  family  is  descended  iw 
Sir  Robert  de  Brent,  of  Cossington,  Somerset,  p 
d.  a.d.  1309,  and  Isabella,  dau.  of  Simon  de  Mcp- 
cute. — Barton,  near  Canterbury.  I 

BEEIfTON,  Sir  Lancelot  Charles  Lee,  it 
(cr.  1812). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Vice- Admiral  Sir  Ja  M 
Brenton,  Bart.,   by  Isabella,    dau.  of  Ant  7 



tewart,  Esq.,  of  Maryland  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  as  2nd 
l*rt.  1844  ;  m.  1839  Anna  Maria  Mary,  dau.  of 
lajor-General  Chester  (she  d.  1849).  Educated  at 
iton  and  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1828,  M.A. 
S31).  The  1st  Baronet  was  raised  to  the  Baronetcy 
)t  his  Naval  Services. 

EEETON",  John,  Esq.  (of  Brinton). 
ildest  son  of  the  late  W.  J.  Brereton,  Esq.,  by 
llizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Hale,  Esq.,  of  Worcester; 
.  1S13  ;  m.  1841  Elizabeth  Anne,  only  dau.  of 
J.  Brereton,  Esq.  This  family  is  descended 
om  John,  a  younger  son  of  Sir  Bandle  Brereton, 
f  Malpas,  co.  Chester. — Brinton,  near  Thetford, 

Heir,  his  son  John  Lloyd,  b.  1842. 
ETON,  Peter,  Esq. 

Ildest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Peter  Breton,  Esq., 
y  Lucy,  dau.  of  T.  Goldwin,  Esq.  ;  b.  1792  ;  m. 
320  Mary  Anne,  eldest  dau.  and  co-heiress  of  the 
ite  B.  G.  Wright,  Esq.  Educated  at  Marlow 
lilitary  Coll.  and  the  Royal  Military  Academy, 
/oolwich  ;  served  in  the  Bombay  Horse  Artillery 
314-15,  with  the  field  force  under  General  Lionel 
faith,  in  the  Pindaree  War,  and  in  1819  with  his 
)mpany  in  the  Persian  Gulf,  under  Sir  William 
.eir  at  the  taking  of  Bhasul-Kymer,  &c.  ;  is  a 
[agistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Hants,  and  a  Ma- 
istrate  for  Southampton  ;  and  has  twice  served 
,  le  office  of  Mayor  of  that  town.  This  family 
ft  Normandy  at  the  revocation  of  the  Edict  of 
antes. — The  Polygon,  Southampton  ;  Athenasum 
lub,  S.W. 

ETT,  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Wakes  Colne). 
jcond  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  William 
rett,  Esq.,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Sturgeon, 
sq.,  of  Tollesbury,  Essex  ;  b.  1796  ;  s.  1813  ;  m. 
323  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Philip  Havens,  Esq.,  of 
onyland  Hall.  Educated  at  Colchester  and  Pem- 
•oke  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Essex. 
-Wakes-Colne  Place,  near  Halstead,  Essex. 

ETT,  Wilford  George,  Esq. 
ldesfc  son  of  the  late  Rev.  J.  George  Brett,  of 
anelagh,  Chelsea,  by  Dora,  2nd  dau.  of  the  late 
eorge  Best,  Esq.,  of  Chilston  Park,  Kent ;  b. 
314  ;  s.  1852.  Educated  at  Westminster  and 
[agdalen  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1837) ;  called  to 
le  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1840  ;  is  a  Magis- 
ate  for  Middlesex.— University  Club,  S.W.  ;  29, 
ecleston  Street,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  Baliol,  b.  1815  ; 
.1850  Miss  Mayer. 

ETTELL,  Mrs.  (of  Finstall  House), 
tatilda,  5th  dau.  of  the  late  Michael  Grazebrook, 
sq.,  of  Audnam,  Staffordshire,  by  Mary  Anne, 
tu.  of  Thomas  Needs,  Esq.  ;  m.  1829  Richard 
rettell,  Esq.,  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Worcestershire,  and  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Stafford 
id  Salop,  who  d.  1848. — Einstall  House,  Stoke 
rior,  near  Bromsgrovc>  Worcestershire  ;  Taunton 
ilia,  Cheltenham. 


BREWSTER,  Sir  David,  K.H.,  P.R.S.,  &e.  (cr. 

Second  son  of  the  late  James  Brewster,  Esq.,  of 
Jedburgh,  N.B.  ;  b.  1781  ;  m.  1st  1810  Juliet,  2nd 
dau.  of  the  late  James  Macphersoh,  Esq.,  M.P.,  of 
Belleville  ;  2nd  1857  Jane  Kirk,  2nd  dau.  of  the 
late  Thomas  Purnell,  Esq.,  of  Scarborough.  Edu- 
cated at  Jedburgh  and  Edinburgh  University 
(M.A.  1800)  ;  appointed  Principal  of  the  United 
Colleges  of  St.  Leonard  and  St.  Salvador,  at  St. 
Andrews,  in  1837  ;  Principal  of  Edinburgh  Uni- 
versity in  1859  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Rox- 
burgh and  Fife  ;  "Vice-President  of  the  Royal 
Society  of  Edinburgh  ;  Hon.  D.C.L.  of  Oxford  and 
Durham  ;  Hon.  M.A.  of  Cambridge  and  Edinburgh  ; 
LL.D.  of  King's  Coll.,  Aberdeen  ;  an  Officer  of  the 
Legion  of  Honour  ;  Chevalier  of  the  Prussian  order 
of  Merit ;  one  of  the  eight  Foreign  Associates  of 
the  Imperial  Institute  of  France,  and  a  member  of 
various  foreign  learned  societies  ;  is  well  known  as 
the  inventor  of  the  kaleidoscope,  lenticular  stereo- 
scope, the  Bude  light,  and  the  polyzonal  lens  for 
lighthouses;  author  of  "More  Worlds  than  One," 
"Memoirs  of  Sir  Isaac  Newton,"treatises  on  Optics, 
Natural  Magic,  the  Kaleidoscope  and  Stereoscope, 
and  other  works;  was  editor  of  the  "Edinburgh 
Philosophical  Journal,"  "  Edinburgh  Journal  of 
Science,"  and  the  "  Edinburgh  Encyclopaedia  ;  "  re- 
ceived Knighthood  and  several  prizes  for  his  scien- 
tific discoveries.  —  Allerly,  near  Melrose,  N.B.  ; 
Edinburgh  ;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.  W. 

Heir,  his  son  David  Edward,  Lieutenant-Colonel 
in  the  Indian  Army  ;  b.  1815  ;  m.  1849  Lydia  Julia, 
eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Henry  James  Blunt,  Esq.,  of 
the  Bengal  Army. 

BREWSTER,  Right  Hon.  Abraham. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  B.  Brewster,  Esq., 
of  Ballinalta,  co.  Wicklow,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Thos. 
Bates,  Esq.  ;  b.  1796  ;  m.  1819  Mary  Anne,  dau. 
of  R.  Gray,  Esq.,  of  Upton  House,  co.  Carlow. 
Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1817)  ; 
called  to  the  Ii'ish  Bar  1819  ;  appointed  a  King's 
Counsel  1835,  Solicitor-General  for  Ireland  1846, 
Attorney-General  1853,  resigned  1855  ;  sworn  a 
Privy  Councillor  for  Ireland  1853  ;  was  formerly 
Legal  Adviser  to. the  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Ireland. 
This  family  is  of  English  extraction,  but  has  been 
settled  in  co.  Carlow  since  the  reign  of  Charles  II. 
■ — 26,  Merrion  Square,  Dublin. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Bagenal,  late  Captain 
Bifle  Brigade  ;  b.  1828  ;  m.  1S58  Georgia,  dau. 
of  James  Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Craigie  Down,  co. 

BREWSTER,  James,  Esq.  (of  Ashford  Lodge). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Sturgeon  Nunn  Brewsto  r, 
Esq.,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Robert  Binder.  Esq.,  of 
Great  Yeldham,  Essex;  b.  1807;  >».  L889  Marjf 
Ann,  eldest  dau.  of  George  Gepp,  F.sq..  Chelmsford. 
Is  a  Magistrate  co.  ESssex,  Tins  fatnih  is  .»  brai 
of  the  Brewster  family  formerly  settled  %[  Wren 
thamHall,  in  Sutfolk.—  Ashford  Lodge,  Halafcead, 

Heir,  his  son  James  George,  b.  181 1. 



BRICKDALE,  John  Fortescue,  Esq.  (of  Bir- 

champ  House). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Brickdale,  Esq.,  by 
Anno,  youngest  dan.  of  R.  Inglett  Fortescue, 
Esq.,  of  Spridiestone  and  Buckland  Filleigh,  Devon  ; 
h.  17SS  ;  s,  1840  ;  m.  1813  Catherine,  dau.  of 
Charles  Gregorie,  Esq.  Educated  at  Westminster 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1809,  M.A.  1811); 
called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1818  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Gloucester. 
This  family  was  formerly  of  Brickdale,  co.  Lan- 
caster, and  had  estates  in  the  counties  of  Somerset, 
Devon,  Salop,  and  Montgomery.  An  ancestor, 
Thomas  Brickdale,  was  Governor  of  Conway  Castle, 
temp.  Edward  I. — Birchamp  House,  Coleford, 

Heir,  his  son  Matthew  Inglett,  b.  1817  ;  m.  1856 
Sarah  Anna,  dau.  of  Edward  James  Lloyd,  Esq., 

BKIDGEMAH,  Hon.  Charles  Orlando. 

Second  son  of  1st  Earl  of  Bradford  ;  b.  1791 ;  m. 
1819  Eliza  Caroline,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  H.  Cham- 
berlain, Bart.  ;  entered  the  navy  1804,  and  served 
on  the  Lisbon,  American,  and  Mediterranean  sta- 
tions ;  became  a  Vice-Admiral  (retired)  1858. — 
Knockin,  near  Oswestry,  Salop. 

Heir,  his  son  Edmund  Woolryche  Orlando,  in 
Holy  Orders,  Vicar  of  Kinnerley,  co.  Salop ;  b.  1825  ; 
m.  1853  Lilla  Frances,  2nd  dau.  of  R.  Richards, 
Esq.,  of  Caerynwch. 

BKID  GEMAIsT,  Hon.  and  Rev.  George  Thomas 

Second  son  of  2nd  Earl  of  Bradford ;  b.  1823 ;  m. 
1850  Emily  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Hon.  Richard 
Bagot,  D.D.,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells  (she  d. 
1853).  Educated  at  Harrow  and  Trinity  Coll., 
Cambridge  (M.A.  1845)  ;  appointed  Rector  of 
Willey  1850,  of  Blymhill  1853.— Blymhill  Rectory, 
near  Shiffnal,  Shropshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Ernest  Richard  Orlando,  b.  1851. 

BRIDGES,  Sir  Brook  William,  Bart.  (cr.  1718). 

Elder  son  of  the  late  Sir  R  W.  Bridges,  Bart.,  by 
his  first  wife  Eleanor,  dau.  of  John  Foote,  Esq.  ; 
b.  1801  ;  s.  as  5th  Bart.  1829  •  m.  1834  Fanny, 
dau.  of  L.  Cage,  Esq.  Educated  at  Winchester 
and  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1822,  M.A.  1827). 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Kent ;  formerly 
Captain  East  Kent  Yeomanry  Cavalry  ;  was  M.P. 
for  East  Kent  February — July  1852  ;  re-chosen 
1857  and  1859  ;  has  established  his  claim  as  a  co- 
heir to  the  Barony  of  Fitzwalter,  now  in  abeyance  ; 
is  Patron  of  4  livings. — Goodneston  Park,  near 
Wingham,  Kent ;   Carlton  and  National  Clubs, 

5.  W.  ;  120,  Park  Street,  Grosvenor  Square,  W. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Brook  George,  Rector  of 

Blankney,  near  Sleaford  ;  b.  1802  ;  m.  1832  Louisa, 
dau.  of  the  late  C.  Chaplin,  Esq. 

BRIDGES,  Sir  Henry,  Knight  (cr.  1814). 

Son  of  the  late  A.  Bridges,  Esq.,  of  Ewell,  Surrey  ; 

6.  1786  ;  m.  1808  Frances,  dau.  of  General  W.  T. 

Dalrymple  (she  d.  1858).  Is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Surrey,  of  which  he  was  High 
Sheriff  in  1814. — Beddington  House,  near  Croydon, 

BRIDGES,  Rev.  Thomas  Pym. 

Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Henry  Bridges,  Esq. 
(who  assumed  the  additional  name  of  Brook,  and 
d.  1855),  by  Jane,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  T.  P.  Hales, 
Bart.  ;  b.  1805.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.) 
Oxford  (B.A.  1828);  appointed  Rector  of  Danbury 
1853.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Essex.  This  family  is 
a  younger  branch  of  that  of  Sir  B.  W.  Bridges, 
Bart,  (whom  see). — Danbury  Rectory,  near  Chelms- 
ford, Essex. 

BRIDPORT  (Lord),  Samuel  Hood  (or.  1794). 
Second  son  of  the  2nd  Viscount  Hood,  by  Jane, 
dau.  of  the  late  Francis  Wheler,  Esq.,  of  Whitley 
Abbey,  near  Coventry,  and  grand-nephew  of  the 
1st  Lord  ;  b.  1788  ;  s.  his  grand-uncle  as  2nd  Lord 
Bridport  under  a  special  remainder,  1814  ;  m.  1810 
Charlotte,  dau.  of  1st  Earl  Nelson.  Educated  at 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1809).  Patron 
1  living.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Somerset. — Cricket 
Lodge,  near  Chard,  Somerset ;  12,  Wimpole 
Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Alexander  Nelson,  Equerry  to  the 
Queen,  and  Captain  Scots  Fusilier  Guards  ;  b.  1814  ; 
m.  1838  Mary,  dau.  of  3rd  Marquis  of  Downshire.  1: 

BRIDSON,  Thomas  Ridgway,  Esq.  (of  South- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Paul  Bridson,  Esq.,  by  Mary, 
2nd  dau.  of  Thomas  Ridgway,  Esq.,  of  Wallsuches, 
co.  Lancaster  ;  b.  1795  ;  s.  1820  ;  m.  1819  Sarah, 
eldest  dau.  of  Henry  Matthews,  Esq.,  of  Liverpool. 
Educated  at  Ormskirk  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Lancaster.  This  family,  formerly  resident  in  the 
Isle  of  Man,  where  the  name  appears  on  the  earliest 
insular  records,  are  supposed  to  have  emigrated 
thither  from  a  town  in  Denmark,  and  to  be  oj 
Scandinavian  descent. — Southport,  near  Ormskirk^ 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Ridgway,  b.  1823  ;  m.  Is 
1848  Mary,  3rd  dau.  of  Richard  Smith,  Esq.,  c 
Poulton  Manor-house,  co.  Chester,  and  Bankfield 
Lancashire  (she  d.  1856)  ;  2nd  1857  Charlott 
Mary,  2nd  dau.  of  William  Lowe,  Esq.,  of  Liverpoo  l 

BRIGGS,  Sir  John  Thomas,  Knight  (er.  1851). 
Son  of  the  late  J.  Briggs,  Esq.,  a  member  of  tl| 
ancient  family  of  Brigge,  or  De  Ponte,  of  Sail' 
Norfolk  ;  b.  1781 ;  m.  1807  Mary,  dau.  of  T.  Lewi 
Esq.,  of  Cadiz.  Was  formerly  Commissioner  i 
the  Victualling  Board  and  Accountant-general  f 
the  Navy. — 4,  Royal  Crescent,  Brighton;  1 
Regent  Street,  W.  ~  j 

BRIGHAM,  William,  Esc-,  (of  Foxley  House).; 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Brigham,  Esq.,  I 
Sarah,  dau.  of  John  Cresswell,  Esq.,  of  Mancheste; 
b.  1792  ;  s.  1815  ;  m.  1834  Elizabeth,  only  dau.^ 
John  Richardson,  Esq.,  of  Manchester.  Educatf 
at  TJshaw  Coll.,  co.  Durham  ;  is  F.R.C.S.  Londc1 
and  a  Surgeon  at  Manchester.  This  gentleman 



eh"  male  and  representative  of  the  ancient  and 
nightly  family  of  Brigham,  of  Brigham  and  Wyton, 
a  the  East  Biding  of  the  co.  of  York,  settled  there 
ince  the  reign  of  King  Henry  L,  as  recorded  in 
be  College  of  Arms,  London. — Eoxley  House, 
jymme,  near  Warrington. 
Heirs,  his  daughters  Henrietta  Felicia  and  Eliza- 

IGHT,  Sir  Charles,  Knight  (cr.  1858). 
'hird  son  of  Brailsford  Bright,  Esq.,  by  Emma 
Charlotte,  dau.  of  late  E.  Tilston,  Esq.  ;  b.  1832  ; 
i.  1853  Hannah  Barrick,  dau.  of  late  John  Taylor, 
]sq.,  of  Hull.  Is  a  Civil  Engineer  ;  knighted  by 
lie  Lord  Lieut,  of  Ireland  on  the  laying  of  Atlantic 
'elegraph. — The  Cedars,  Harrowweald,  Middlesex. 

IGHT,  John,  Esq.  (of  One  Ash), 
on  of  Jacob  Bright,  Esq.,  of  G-reenbank,  near 
Rochdale,  co.  Lancaster;  b.  1811;  m.  1st  1839 
llizabeth,  dau.  of  J.  Priestman,  Esq.,  of  Nevv- 
ustle-on-Tyne ;  2nd  1847  Margaret  Elizabeth, 
*m.  of  W.  Leatham,  Esq.,  of  Wakefield.  A 
artner  in  the  firm  of  Bright  Brothers,  manufac- 
lrers,  Bochdale  ;  was  M.P.  for  Durham  1843-7, 
>r  Manchester  1847-57  ;  chosen  for  Birmingham 
.ug.  1857.  One  Ash,  near  Bochdale,  Lancashire  ; 
Reform  Club,  S.W. 

IGHTWElSr,  Thomas,  Esq. 
ldest  son  of  the  late  George  Brightwen,  Esq.,  by 
ai-ah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Aggs,  Esq.,  of  Norwich  ;  b. 
312  ;  m.  1839  Hannah  Sarah,  dau.  of  the  late 
•awson  Turner,  Esq.,  of  Great  Yarmouth.  Is  a 
[agistrate  for  Yarmouth,  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
rorfolk,  and  is  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Gurneys 
id  Co.,  Bankers,  at  Yarmouth — Great  Yarmouth, 

IGSTOCKE,  William  Owen,  Esq.  (of  Gelly- 

ildest  son  of  the  late  Bev.  Augustus  Brigstocke, 
.D.,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  the  late  T.  Davies,  Esq., 
i.D.,  of  Pentre,  co.  Pembroke  ;  b.  1831  ;  s.  1852  ; 
h  1852  Emmeline,  dau.  of  Oliver  Lloyd,  Esq. 
ducated  at  Bugby  and  Jesus  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A. 
352)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temple  1856  ; 

a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Carmarthen  and  Cardigan. 
-Gellydywyll,  near  Newcastle  Emlyn,  Carmar- 
lenshire  ;  University  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Augustus,  b.  1854. 

INCKMAN,  Sir  Theodore  Henry  Lavington, 

Bart.  (cr.  1831). 
ldest  son  of  the  late  Theodore  Henry  Broadhead, 
sq.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William  Gordon  Mac- 
lugall,  Esq.  ;  b.  1798  ;  m.  1st  1829  Charlotte, 
ui.  of  1st  Lord  Godolphin  (she  d.  1838)  ;  2nd 
341  Annabella,  daughter  of  John  Corbet,  Esq.,  of 
undorne  Castle,  co.  Salop.  Was  M.P.  for  Yar- 
louth  1820-6 ;  assumed  his  present  name  by 
oyal  license,  in  lieu  of  Broadhead,  in  1842. — Bur- 
|»n  House,  near  Beverley,  Yorkshire;  St.  Leonards, 
!  >ar  Windsor,  Berks ;  Athenamm  Club,  S.W.  ; 
|  >,  Berkeley  Square,  W. 

Ihir,  his  son  Theodore  Henry,  Lieutenant  17th 
jot,  b.  1830. 


BRINKLEY,  Richard  Graves,  Esq.  (of  Ardagh.) . 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Matthew  Brinkley,  Esq.,  of 
Parsonstown,  co.  Meath,  by  Harriette,  dau.  of  the 
Bev.  B.  H.  Graves,  Dean  of  Ardagh  ;  b.  1823  ;  s. 
1855  ;  m.  1845  Hester,  dau.  of  James  Lloyd,  Esq. 
Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1844)  ;  is 
a  Magistrate  for  co.  Sligo  (High  Sheriff  1856). 
This  family  is  of  English  extraction,  John  Brinkley, 
Senior  Wrangler  of  Cambridge  in  1790,  having 
come  into  Ireland  on  his  appointment  as  Bishop  of 
Cloyne. — Ardagh  and  Fortland,  near  Eastley,  co. 
Sligo  ;  Boyal  St.  George's  Yacht  Club,  Kingstown, 

Heir,  his  son  John  Lloyd,  b.  1852. 

BRISBANE,  Sir  Thomas  Macdougall,  Bart. 
G.C.B.,  G.C.H.,  F.R.S.  (cr.1836). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Brisbane,  Esq., 
of  Brisbane,  by  Eleanor,  dau.  of  Sir  Michael 
Bruce,  Bart.  ;  b.  1773  ;  m.  1819  Anua  Maria, 
dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Hay  Macdougall,  Bart.,  of 
Mackerstoun,  whose  name  he  has  assumed  in  addi- 
tion to  his  own.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Ayr  ;  entered  the  Army  in  1790  ;  served  in 
Flanders  and  through  the  Beninsular  War ;  was 
Governor  of  New  South  Wales  1820-5  ;  is  a  General 
in  the  Army,  and  Colonel  of  the  34th  foot. — Bris- 
bane, near  Ayr,  N.B.  ;  Mackerstoun,  near  Edin- 
burgh ;  Athenaeum  and  United  Service  Clubs, 

BRISCOE,  Sir  Wastel,  Bart.  (cr.  1782). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Briscoe,  Bart.,  by 
Caroline  Alicia,  dau.  of  Gilbert  Fane  Fleming, 
Esq.  ;  b.  1778  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1806  ;  m.  1806 
Sarah,  dau.  of  W.  Lester,  Esq.  Educated  at  Eton 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1800)  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  Cumberland  (High  Sheriff  1813).  Patron  of 
2  livings. — Crofton  Hall,  near  Carlisle ;  11,  Beau- 
mont Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Eobert,  b.  1808  ;  m.  1832  Annie, 
dau.  of  George  Bimmington,  Esq.,  of  Tyne-Field 
House,  Cumberland. 

BRISCOE,  Henry  Whitby,  Esq.  (of  Tinvane). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Henry  Briscoe,  Esq.,  by 
Alicia,  dau.  of  F.  White,  Esq.,  of  Carrickbeg  ; 
b.  1809  ;  8.  1834  ;  m.  1835  Deborah,  dau.  of  the 
Bev.  Bobert  Shaw.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity 
Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Tipperary 
and  Kilkenny. — Tinvane,  near  Carrick-on-Suir,  co. 

Heir,  his  son  Hemy  Whitby,  Lieut.  K.A.. 
b.  1836. 

BRISCOE,  John  Ivatt,  Esq.  (of  Fox  Hillsb 
Son  of  the  late  John  Briscoe,  Esq.,  of  Gross  Deep* 
Twickenham,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  S.  Winthrop.  Esq . 
Merchant,  of  London  ;  b.  1792;  m.  1819  Ai.m 
Maria,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  J.  Maw  boy.  Bart, 
father  represented  Southwark  and  Surrej  for  thirty 
years).  Educated  at  Baling  and  University  Coll., 
Oxford  (B.A.  1812,  M.A.  \l815)  ;  was  ;«i'UMuavds 
a  Student  at  Lincoln's  inn  ;  is  Lord  i  fthe  Manor 
of  Epsom  ;  a  Magistrate  for  Surrey  and  Middleneati 



and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Surrey  ;  was  M.P.  for  Surrey 
1880*2,  for  E.  Surrey  1833-4,  for  Westbury  1837- 
i  I  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  W.  Surrey  since  1857.— 
Fox  Hills,  near  Chertsey,  Surrey  ;  GO,  Eaton  Place, 

BRISCOE,  Rev.  Thomas. 

Second  son  of  the  late  R.  Briscoe,  Esq.,  by  Mar- 
garet, dau.  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Owen,  of  Plas- 
Rhoscolyn,  co.  Anglesea  ;  b.  1813.  Educated  at 
Jesus  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1833,  M.A.  1836,  B.D. 
1843)  ;  appointed  Incumbent  of  Holyhead  1857  ; 
is  a  Magistrate  for  Anglesea,  and  a  Surrogate  for 
the  Diocese  of  Bangor ;  was  formerly  Fellow, 
Tutor,  and  Vice-Principal  of  Jesus  Coll.,  Oxford. 
— Holyhead,  Anglesea. 

BRISE,  Lieut.-Colonel  Samuel  Brise  Ruggles- 
(of  Spain's  Hall). 
Only  son  of  the  late  John  Ruggles,  Esq.,  who 
assumed  the  additional  name  of  Brise,  by  Cathe- 
rine, dau.  of  J.  H.  Harrison,  Esq.,  of  Copford 
Hall,  Essex;  b.  1825  ;  s.  1852;  m.  1847  Marianne 
Weyland,  dau.  of  Sir  E.  Bowyer  Smijth,  Bart. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Magdalen  Coll.,  Cambridge  ; 
entered  the  Army  in  1844  as  Cornet  1st  Dragoon 
Guards  ;  appointed  Lieutenant-Colonel  Command- 
ant West  Essex  Militia  1852;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Essex  and  Suffolk. — Spain's  Hall, 
near  Braintree,  Essex  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Archibald  Weyland,  b.  1853. 

BRISTOL  (2nd  Marquis  of),  Frederick  William 
Hervey,  P.O.  (cr.  1826). 
Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  1st  Marquis,  by  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  the  1st  Lord  Templetown  ;  b.  1800  ; 
s.  1859  ;  m.  1830  Katharine,  dau.  of  5th  Duke  of 
Rutland,  K.G.  (she  d.  1848).  Educated  at  Trinity 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1822)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Suffolk,  and  Hereditary  Steward 
of  Bury  St.  Edmunds  ;  late  Colonel  West  Suffolk 
Militia  ;  was  M.P.  for  Bury  St.  Edmunds  1830-59, 
and  Treasurer  of  the  Household  1841-6.  Patron  of 
20  livings. — Ickworth  Park,  Bury  St.  Edmunds  ; 
the  Heath,  Putney  ;  Kemp  Town,  Brighton  ;  6, 
St.  James's  Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Earl  Jermyn,  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Suffolk  and  M.P.  for  West  Suffolk  ; 
b.  1834  ;  educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge 
(M.A.  1855). 

BRISTOW,  Alfred  Rhodes,  Esq.  (of  Lewisham). 
Youngest  son  of  the  late  Isaac  Bristow,  Esq.,  by 
Henrietta  Catherine,  dau.  of  the  Baron  Raychorn; 
b.  1820  ;  m.  1842  Margaret,  eldest  dau.  of  John 
Oswald,  Esq.,  of  The  Palace,  Croydon.  Edu- 
cated at  King's  Coll.,  London  ;  is  a  Solicitor  in 
London,  and  a  Member  of  the  Metropolitan  Board 
of  Works ;  elected  M.P.  for  Kidderminster  1859. 
— Rushy-Green  House,  Lewisham,  S.E.  ;  Reform 
Club,  S.W. 

BRITTEN,  Daniel,  Esq.  (of  Kenswick). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Britten,  Esq.,  by 
Ann,  dau.  of  Thomas  Meek,  Esq.,  of  Durham.  Is 
a  Magistrate  for  Middlesex  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 

the  City  of  London. — Kenswick,  near  Worcester  • 
Conservative  Club,  S.W. ;  7,  Hanover  Terrace, 
Regent's  Park,  N.W. 

BEOADWOOD,  John  Jervis,  Esq.  (of  Buchan 

Second  son  of  Thomas  Broadwood,  Esq.,  of  Holm- 
bush,  Sussex,  by  Annie  Augusta,  dau.  of  Alex- 
ander Mundell,    Esq.,    of  Great   George  Street,  i 
Westminster  (she  d.  1845) ;   b.  1823  ;   m.  1849 
Dorothy,  dau.  of  Richard  Tomson,  Esq.,  of  the 
Elms.    Educated  at  Emmanuel  Coll.,  Cambridge,  j 
— Buchan   Hill,    near  Crawley,   Sussex ;  Royal  j 
Thames  Yacht  Club,  S.W.. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Alexander  Redman,  b.  1854. 


Second  son  of  the  late  John  Brocklehurst,  Esq.,  by  l 
Sarah,  dau.  of  P.  Pownall,  Esq.,  of  Pownall  Green,  I 
eo.  Chester ;  b.  1789  ;  m.  1814  Mary,  dau.  oil 
W.  Coare,  Esq.  (cl).  Educated  at  Macclesfield :  \ 
a  partner  in  the  firm  of  Brocklehurst  Brothers,  t 
bankers  and  silk  manufacturers  at  Macclesfield  j 
is  a  Magistrate  for  Cheshire;  has  been  M.P.  foil 
Macclesfield  since  1832. — Hurdsfield  House,  neai  i 
Macclesfield,  Cheshire  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W.  j 
Heir,  his  son  William  Coare,  of  Butley  Hall] 
near  Macclesfield,  a  Magistrate  for  Cheshire ;  jl, 
1816  ;  m.  1849  Mary,  dau.  of  W.  Worthington  I 
Esq.,  of  Brockhurst  Hall,  co.  Chester. 

BEOCKMAlf,  Rev.  Tatton  (of  Beachborough).  j 
Fifth  son  of  the  late  James  Drake  Brockman,  Esq. 
by  Catharine  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Rev.  William  Ta'  ! 
ton,  D.D.,  Rector  of  Rotherfield,   Sussex,  anj|J 
Prebendary  of  Canterbury  and  York  ;  b.  1792 ;  [ 
1847 ;  rfi.  1st  1825  Louisa,  youngest  dau.  of  S 
Henry  Hawley,  Bart.,  of  Leybourne  Grange,  Kei 
(she  d.  1837)  ;  2nd  1840  Anna,  eldest  dau.  of  Re 
John  Holmes,  of  Gawdy  Hall,  Norfolk.  Educati 
at  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1816,  M.A.  1817) ; 
Holy  Orders  ;  in  1848  was  appointed  Rector 
Otham,  Kent  ;  was  Vicar  of  Rottingdean,  Susse 
1838-47.    This  family  appears  by  the  patents  e 
rolled  in  the  Tower  to  have  been  located  in  Ke 
as  early  as  the  time. of  Richard  II. — Beachborouo 
near  Hythe,  Kent ;  Gore  Court,  near  Maidstoi 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George,  Colonel  E; 
Kent  Militia,  formerly  Captain  87th  foot,  b.  18« 

BRODIE,  Sir  Benjamin  Collins,  Bart.,  D.C 
(cr.  1834). 

Third  son  of  the  late  Rev.  P.  B.  Brodie,  by  Sar 
dau.  of  Benjamin  Collins,  Esq.,  of  Milford,  Wil 
b.  1783  ;  m.  1816  Anne,  3rd  dau.  of  Serjeant  Sell 
Is  a  Magistrate  for  Surrey,  and  Serjeant  Surgii] 
to  Her  Majesty,  and  Surgeon  to  H.R.H.  Pril 
Albert ;  a  Corresponding  Member  of  Institute! 
Erance ;  President  of  the  Royal  Society  ;  Pr| 
dent  of  the  General  Council  of  Medical  Educat  [ 
&c. — Broome  Park,  near  Reigate,  Surrey;  At. 
na?um  Club,  S.W.  ;  14,  Saville  Row,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Benjamin  Collins,  F.R.S.,  MJ/I 
Balliol  Coll.,  and  Professor  of  Chemistry  at  Oxff; 
b.  1817  ;  m.  1848  Philothea  Margaret,  dau.  of  . 
Serjeant  Thompson. 




.  lODIE,  Thomas  Stewart,  Esq.   (of  Lethen 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  James  Campbell,  Esq.,  by 
Mavy  Catherine,  dau.  of  Stewart  Souter,  Esq.,  of 
Melrose;  b.  1837;  s.  1858;  m.  1858  Emma 
3eorgina,  3rd  dau.  of  William  Gabbett,  Esq.,  of 
Mount  Minnett,  co.  Limerick.  Is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
;o.  Moray. — Lethen  House  and  Coulmony  House, 
STairn,  N.B. 
Heir,  his  dau.  Elizabeth  Catharine. 

I  tODIGAN,  Francis,  Esq.  (of  Pilton  House). 
Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  F.  Brodi- 
gan, Esq.,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Thos.  McEvoy,  Esq. ;  s. 
lis  brotherl849;  m.  18 — .  Educated  at  theDrogheda 
School  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin,  where  he  gradu- 
.ted  B.A.  ;  is  a  Barrister  of  the  Middle  Temple, 
,nd  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Meath  ;  was  High  Sheriff 
or  the  co.  of  the  town  Drogheda  in  1857.  The 
amily  of  O'Rudican,  O'Rodigan,  or  Brodigan,  is 
lescended  from  Colla  da  Crioch,  nephew  of  Fiacha, 
Monarch  of  Ireland,  towards  the  close  of  the  third 
entury ;  one  of  their  descendants  being  Dermond 
)'Rudican,  Bishop  of  Ferns,  who  died  A.D.  1048 
rl050.*  (See Ware,  "O'Halloran  and  O'Duggan.") 
-Pilton  House,  co.  Meath ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. ; 
.liddle  Temple,  E.C. 

I   Heir,  his  son  Francis,  Lieutenant  in  the  Army. 

I lODRICK,  Hon.  and  Rev.  George. 
1  lecond  son  of  the  late  Archbishop  (Brodrick)  of 

!ashel,  and  next  brother  and  heir  pres.  to  the  6th 
.  discount  Midleton  ;  b.  1797.    Educated  at  Eton 

nd  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1819,  M.A.  1822) ; 
,ppointed  Rector  of  Titsey  1842. — Titsey  Rectory, 

ear  Godstone,  Surrey. 

I  ODRICK,  Hon.  and  Rev.  William  John. 
Third  son  of  the  late  Archbishop  (Brodrick)  of 
fashel,  and  brother  of  the  6th  Viscount  Midleton  ; 
.  1798  ;  m.  1st  1824  Elizabeth  Anne,  eldest  dau. 
f  the  6th  Earl  of  Cardigan,  and  widow  of  the  Hon. 
.  Perceval  (she  d.  1824)  ;  2nd  1829  Harriet,  3rd 
au.  of  the  4th  Viscount  Midleton.  Educated  at 
;ton  and  Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1820,  M.A. 
823) ;  appointed  Chaplain  to  Her  Majesty  1847, 
lanon  of  Wells  1855  ;  was  Rector  of  Bath  1839-54. 
-The  Liberty,  Wells,  Somerset. 
I/cir,  his  son  William,  Barrister-at-Law,  and  a 
|)ep.  Lieut,  for  Surrey;  educated  at  Eton  and 
<h.  Oh.,  Oxford  ;  b.  1830  ;  m.  1853  Augusta  Mary, 
jrd  dau.  of  the  Right  Hon.  Sir  T.  F.  Fremantle, 

From  intermarriage  with  the  Cheevers  family,  of  Mace- 
t(  ii  Castle,  co.  Meath  (according-  to  Burke's  "  Dormant  and 
•A  ^ant  Peerage  "),  the  above  F.  Brodigan,  deceased,  was  a 
li'  U  descendant,  in  the  maternal  line,  of  Viscount  Mount- 
h.  stcr  and  Baron  Bannow,  in  the  Peerage  of  Ireland.  Al- 
tl  igh  specially  included  in  the  "  Articles  of  Limerick,"  Lord 
I  int-Leinster  did  not  avail  himself  of  the  benefits  of  that 
ei  tulation  in  his  favour,  as  he  retired  to  the  Court  of  St. 
C  nains,  where  he  died  without  male  issue.  His  only  bro- 
t)  ,  Jerome  Cheevers,  married,  and  had  two  sons,  Christo 
I  and  Francis.  The  former  died  unmarried,  but  Francis 
'  vi  i  s,  the  younger,  married  Jane  Cosgrave,  and  had  a  son, 
I  LatlVi  slain  in  the  revolutionary  war  with  America,  and  live 
I  'liters,  the  eldest  of  whom  married  Colombo  Brodigan, 
ni  had  a  son,  Francis,  father  of  the  present  F.  Brodigan, 

'  ;f  77 

BROGDEN,  James,  Esq.  (of  Tondu  House). 
Fourth  son  of  John  Brogden,  Esq.,  by  Sarah,  dau. 
of  Alexander  McWilliams,  Esq.  ;  b.  1831  ;  m.  1859 
Helen  Dunbar,  only  child  of  the  late  Captain 
Milne,  24th  Bombay  Native  Infantry,  and  niece  of 
Sir  James  Dunbar,  Bart.,  of  Boath,  Nairn,  N.B. — 
Tondu  House,  Glamorganshire. 

BROKE,  Sir  George  Nathaniel,  Bart.  (cr.  1813). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rear-Admiral  Sir  Philip 
Bowes  Vere-Broke,  Bart.,  by  Sarah  Louisa,  dau. 
of  Sir  William  Fowle  Middleton,  Bart.  ;  b.  1812  ; 
s.  his  brother  as  3rd  Bart.  1855  ;  m.  1853  Albinia 
Maria,  2nd  dau.  of  Thomas  Evans,  Esq.,  of  Lymiu- 
ster.  Is  a  Captain  R.N.  Patronage  3  livings. 
This  family  was  first  raised  to  the  Baronetcy  in 
1661.— Broke  Hall,  near  Ipswich,  Suffolk  ;  Carl- 
ton and  United  Service  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  uncle  Horatio  George,  a  Lieute- 
nant-General in  the  Ai*my;  b.  1790  ;  m.  1825  Fre- 
derica  Sophia,  dau.  of  the  late  James  Mure,  Esq., 
of  Cecil  Lodge,  Herts. 

BROMHEAD,  Sir  Edmund  G-onville,  Bart.  (cr. 

Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir  Gonville  Brom- 
head  (1st  Bart.),  by  Jane,  dau.  of  Sir  Charles 
Ffrench,  Bart.  :  b.  1791  ;  s.  his  brother  as-  3rd 
Bart.  1855 ;  m.  1823  Judith  Corristine,  dau.  of 
James  Wood,  Esq.,  of  Woodviile,  co.  Sligo.  Edu- 
cated at  the  Royal  Military  Coll.,  Great  Marlow. 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lincoln, 
and  a  Major-General  in  the  Army. — Thurlby  Hall, 
near  Lincoln. 

Heir,  his  son  Edward,  b.  1832. 

BROMLEY,  Sir  Henry,  Bart.  (cr.  1757). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Robert  Howe  Bromley, 
Bart.,  by  Anne,  dau.  of  Daniel  Wilson,  Esq.,  of 
Dallam  Tower  ;  b.  1816  ;  s.  as  4th  Bart.  1857  ;  m. 
1st  1848  Charlotte  Frances  Anne,  dau.  of  Colonel 
Rolleston,  M.P.  (she  d.  1853)  ;  2nd  1856  Georgi- 
ana  Ellen,  dau.  of  Vere  Fane,  Esq.,  of  Little 
Ponton  Hall,  co.  Lincoln.  Is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Notts  ;  was  formerly  Captain  48th 
foot. — Stoke  Hall,  near  Newark,  Notts. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Charles,  Captain  R.N.  ; 
b.  1820. 

BROMLEY,  Sir  Richard  Madox,  Knight,  K.C.B. 
(cr.  1858). 

Second  son  of  the  late  S.  Bromley,  Esq..  R.N.,  by 
Mary,  dau.  of  T.  M.  Madox,  Esq.  ;  b.  1813  ;  M. 
1843  the  youngest  dau.  of  R.  Moser,  Esq.  Edu- 
cated at  Lewisham  ;  entered  the  Civil  Service 
(Admiralty  Department)  1829  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for 
Westmiuster  ;  appointed  Accountant-Ceneral  of 
the  Navy  1854. — 1,  Spring-Garden  Terrace,  S.W.  ; 
Admiralty,  S.W. 

BROMLEY,  Rev.  Walter  Davenport  (of  WOOt- 
ton  Hall). 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  D.  Davenport,  Esq.,  of 
Capesthorne,  by  Charlotte,  dau.  of  EL  Slteyd,  Esq 
of  Keele  ;  b.  1787  ;  assumed  the  name  of  Bromley 
in  1822,  on  succeeding  to  the  estate  of  Rij?int°n 



Hall,  co.  Warwick;  m.  1st  1818  Caroline,  dau.  of 
Archdeacon  Gooch  ;  2nd  1820  Louisa,  dau.  of  the 
Late  Bar]  of  Portarlington,  who  d.  1845.  Educated 
at  Rugby  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1808,  M.A. 
181 D  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Stafford. — Wootton  Hall,  near  Ashbourne,  Derby- 
shire ;  32,  Lower  Grosvenor  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Davenport,  b.  1820  ;  m. 
1858  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Walter  Campbell,  Esq., 
of  Tslay. 

BROOKE,  Sir  Richard,  Bart.  (cr.  1662). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Richard  Brooke,  Bart., 
by  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Cunliffe,  Bart.  ;  b. 
1785  ;  s.  as  6th  Bart.  1795  ;  m.  1809  Harriet,  2nd 
dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Foster  Cunliffe,  Bart,  (she  d. 
1825).  Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Cheshire,  and  Patron  of  1  living. 
— Norton  Priory,  Cheshire  ;  Caidton  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Richard,  late  Lieutenant  1st  Life 
Guards  ;  b.  1814 ;  m.  1848  Louisa  Tollemache, 
dau.  of  the  late  General  the  Hon.  Sir  A,  Duff, 

BROOKE,  Sir  William  De  Capell,  Bart.  (cr. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Sir  Richard  De  Capell 
Brooke,  Bart,  (who  assumed  the  names  of  De  Capell 
and  Brooke  in  lieu  of  Supple,  by  Royal  license,  in 
1797),  by  Mary,  only  dau.  and  heir  of  General  R. 
Worge  ;  b.  1801  ;  s.  his  brother  as  3rd  Bart.  1858  ; 
m.  1829  Catharine,  dau.  of  the  2nd  Lord  Sondes. 
Educated  at  Rugby  and  Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1822,  M.A.  1835) ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the 
Inner  Temple  1826  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  North- 
ampton  and  Leicester  ;  was  High  Sheriff  of  Rut- 
land 1852.  This  family  traces  from  Philip  De  Capel, 
-who  accompanied  FitzStephen  into  Ireland,  where 
his  descendants  have  held  lands  ever  since.  The 
Brookes  are  from  Cheshire. — Oakley  Hall,  near 
Northampton ;  Aghadoe,  co.  Cork ;  University 
Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Richard  Lewis,  b,  1831  ;  M.A.  of 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge. 

BROOKE,  Sir  Arthur  Victor  Alexander,  Bart, 
(cr.  1822). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Arthur  Brinsley  Brooke, 
Bart,  (who  was  M.P.  for  co.  Fermanagh  1840-54), 
by  the  Hon.  Julia  Henrietta  Anson,  dau.  of  General 
Sir  George  Anson,  G.C.B.,  and  late  Maid  of  Honour 
to  the  Queen;  b.  1842;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1854.— 
Colebrook,  co.  Fermanagh  ;  1,  Regent  Street,  S.W. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Harry  Yesey,  b.  1844. 

BROOKE,  Sir  James,  Knight,  K.C.B.,  D.C.L. 
(cr.  1848). 

Son  of  T.  Brooke,  Esq.,  of  Widcombe,  near  Bath  ; 
b.  1803.  Educated  at  the  Grammar-school,  Nor- 
wich ;  was  formerly  in  the  E.  I.  Co.'s  military 
service  in  Bengal,  and  served  in  the  Burmese  war  ; 
created  Hon.  D.C.L.  of  Oxford  1847  ;  late  Rajah 
of  Sarawak,  Governor  and  Commander-in-Chief 
of  Labuan,  and  Commissioner  to  the  Sultan  of 

BROOKE,  Rev.  John  (of  Haughton  Hall). 

Second  son  of  the  late  G.  Brooke  Brigges  Towns 
hend,  Esq.  (who  assumed  in  1786  the  surname  o 
Brooke  only),  by  Henrietta,  dau.  of  Richap 
Massey,  Esq.,  of  Walton-on-the-Hill,  co.  Lancat 
ter  ;  b.  1803  ;  s.  1847  ;  m.  1843  Georgiana  Franca 
youngest  dau.  of  the  late  John  Cotes,  Esq.,  ( 
Woodcote.  Educated  at  Rugby  and  BrasenOBij 
Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1824);  was  formerly  Vicar  C 
Shiffnal,  resigned  1847. — Haughton  Hall,  nei 
Shiffnal,  Salop  ;  University  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  John  Townshend,  b.  1844. 

BROOKE,  John,  Esq.  (of  Armitage  Bridge).  1 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Brooke,  Esq., I 
Northgate  House,  near  Huddersfield,  who  d.  181 
by  Hannah,  dau.  of  William  Clapham,  Esq., 
Leeds  ;  b.  1794  ;  m.  1822  Jane,  2nd  dan.  of  W 
liam  Laycock,  Esq.,  of  Appleton.    Is  a  Magistrj 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshb 
— Armitage  Bridge,  near  Huddersfield,  Yorkshit  D 
Heir,  his  son  John  William,  of  Sibton  Pa1  \{ 
(whom  see).  % 


BROOKE,  John  "William,  Esq.  (of  Sibton  Par  ,„ 
Eldest  son  of  John  Brooke,  Esq.,  of  Armit? 
Bridge,  near  Huddersfield  (whom  see) ;  b.  181'  I 
m.  1849  Jemima  Charlotte,  dau.  of  James  Britt? 
Esq.,  of  Buenos  Ayres.  Educated  at  Eton 
University  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1845,  M.A.  18| 
called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temple  1848. 
Magistrate  for  Suffolk. — Sibton  Park,  near  H 
ford,  Suffolk. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Kendall,  b.  1856. 

BROOKE,  Richard,  Esq.,  E.S.A.  (of  Handfo 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Richard  Bro 
Esq.,  of  Liverpool,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  P 
Penny  (formerly  Pennee),  Esq.  ;  b.  1791  ;  s.  li 
m.  1831  Eleanor  Elspit,  eldest  dau.  of  Alexa: 
Hadden,  Esq.,  of  Bramcote,  Notts.  Is  a  Met 
and  one  of  the  Council  of  the  Literary  and  P 
sophical  Society  of  Liverpool ;  was  a  Commissi 
of  Bankrupts  1833-42.  This  family  was  loo 
near  Congleton,  Cheshire,  in  the  17th  century 
Benedict  Brooke,  b.  1670,  in  1714  acquires 
estate  at  Handford,  in  Cheadle,  Cheshire 
now  belongs  to  the  present  Mr.  Brooke. - 
ford,  near  Wilmslow,.  Cheshire  ;  Canning  St 

Heir,  his  son  Richard  Arnaud,  6.  1832. 

BROOKE,  Thomas  John  Langford, 
Mere  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Langford  Bil 
Esq.,  by  Eliza,  dau.  of  J.  W.  Clough,  Esl 
Oxton  Hall,  Yorkshire  ;  b.  1820  ;  s.  1848  ;  ml 
Catherine  Mary,  dau.  of  Major  Alexander  Mai 
Educated  at  the  Royal  Naval  Coll.,  PortsmoiJ 
Mere  Hall,  near  Knutsford,  Cheshire  ;  Carltonl 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  William  Langford,  5. 

BROOKES,  William,  Esq.  (of  Elmestree). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Brookes,  ~Ei 
Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  William  Holliday,  E 



e  Grange;  b.  1822  ;  s.  1832;  m.  1st  1843 
banor,  eldest  dau.  of  Jacob  Wood,  Esq.,  of  Tet- 
Jy  ;  2nd  1855  Anne,  4th  dau.  of  William  Maske- 
Be,  Esq.,  of  Oakeley  Park,  Wilts.  Educated  at 
}  dimond  and  Queen's  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magis- 
t  te  for  co.  Gloucester,  and  a  Captain  in  the  Royal 
I  rth  Gloucester  Militia. — Elmestree,  near  Tet- 
1  y,  Gloucestershire. 
¥eir,  his  son  Alfred  William,  b.  1847. 

OKS,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Woodcote  Park). 
l  of  the  late  William  Brooks,  Esq.  ;  b.  1799  ; 
1833  Hannah,  dau.  of  the  late  Joshua  Penny, 
l  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Surrey  ; 
;ted  M.P.  for  Weymouth  1859.  —  Woodcote 
"k,  near  Epsom,  Surrey ;  Conservative  Club, 

THEETOK,  Sir  Thomas  William,  K.C.B. 
(cr.  1855). 

i  of  the  late  —  Brotherton,  Esq.  ;  b.  1785  ;  m. 
9  Louisa  Ann,  dau.  of  J.  Stratton,  Esq.  Is  a 
utenant-General  in  the  Army,  and  Colonel  15th 
ssars  ;  was  formerly  in  the  16th  Light  Dra- 
ins ;  served  in  Egypt  under  Sir  P.  Abercrombie, 
I  in  the  Peninsular  War. — United  Service  Club, 
V.  ;  11,  Upper  Brook  Street,  W. 

HUGH  AM    A  WD    VAUX    (Lord),  Henry 
Brougham,  P.O.,  F.R.S.  (cr.  1830). 
.est  son  of  the  late  Henry  Brougham,  Esq.,  of 
|i>ugham  Hall,  by  Eleanor,  dau.  of  the  Pev.  J. 
Ine,  and  niece  of  Robertson   the  historian;  b. 
18  ;  m.  1819  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas 
■3n,  Esq.  (niece  of  1st  Lord  Auckland  and  widow 
■J.  Spalding,   Esq.).     Educated  at  Edinburgh 
■iversity  ;  is  President  of  the  London  University 
I.  a  Member  of  the  National  Institute  of  France  ; 
I  been  Lord  Rector  of  Glasgow  University  ;  was 
■P.  for  Winchilsea,    Camelford,    and  Knares- 
lough  1810-30  ;  for  Yorkshire  1830  ;  was  Attor- 
J-General  to  the  late  Queen  Caroline  in  1820  ; 
d  Chancellor  1830-4.    Is  well  known  both  in 
jland  and  on  the  Continent  as  the  author  of 
■ks  on  political  economy,  philosophy,  mathema- 
,  and  biography. — Brougham  Hall,  near  Penrith ; 
mes,  France  ;  4,  Grafton  Street,  W. 

CJGHAM,  William,  Esc-. 

ingest  son  of  the  late  Henry  Brougham,  Esq., 
Jrougham  Hall,  co.  Westmoreland,  by  Eleanor, 
1  of  the  late  Rev.  James  Syme,  and  brother  of 
d  Brougham  ;  b.  178-  ;  m.  1834  Emily  Frances, 
f  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  C.  W.  Taylor,  Bart.,  M.P. 
icated  at  the  University  of  Edinburgh  ;  is  a 
ster  in  Chancery  ;  was  M.P.  for  Southwark 
1-4. — Brougham  Hall,  near  Penrith. 
Hi  leir,  his  son  Henry  Charles,  b.  1836. 

ltDl  UGHTON   (Lord),  John  Cam  Hobhouse, 
3KC.B.,  P.O.,  F.R.S.  (cr.  1851). 
est  son  of  the  late  Sir  Benjamin  Hobhouse, 
t.,   by  Charlotte,  dau.  of  S.  Cam,  Esq.,  of 
-ntry  House  ;  b.  1786  ;  m.  1828  Julia,  dau.  of 

E'l  Marquis  of  Tweeddale  (she  d.  1835).  Educated 
Yestminster  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridgo  (B.A. 

1808)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Wilts, 
and  Colonel  of  Wilts  Militia  ;  was  M.P.  for  West- 
minster 1820-33,  Nottingham  1834-47,  and  Har- 
wich 1848-51  ;  Secretary  at  War  1832  ;  Secretary 
for  Ireland  1833  ;  Chief  Commissioner  of  Woods 
and  Forests  1834,  and  President  of  the  Board  of 
Control  1835-41  and  1846-52.— Erlestoke  Park, 
near  Westbury,  Wilts  ;  AthenEeuin  and  Reform 
Clubs,  SW.  ;  42,  Berkeley  Square,  W. 

Heir  Pres.  (to  the  Baronetcy  only),  his  brother 
Henry  William,  late  M.P.  for  Bath,  b.  1791 ;  m. 
1816  Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  the  late  John  Palmer, 
Esq.,  of  Calcutta. 

BBOUGHTOK,  Sir  Henry  Delves,  Bart.  -(cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Sir  Henry  Delves  Brough- 
ton,  Bart.,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Pigott,  Esq.,  of 
Capard  ;  b.  1810  ;  s.  as  9th  Bart.  1851.  Is  Patron 
of  3  livings. — Broughton  Hall,  near  Eccleshall, 
Staffordshire  ;  Doddington  Park,  Nantwich,  Che- 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Delves,  a  Magistrate  for 
Cheshire;  b.  1812  ;  m.  1835  Jane,  dau.  of  George 
Bennett,  Esq. 

BEOUF,  Sir  William,  Bart.  (cr.  1686). 

Third  son  of  the  late  Sir  James  Broun,  Bart.,  by 
his  1st  wife  Marion,  dau.  of  R.  Henderson,  Esq., 
of  Cleucheads,  N.B.  ;  b.  1804  ;  s.  his  brother  as 
9th  Bart.  1858  ;  m.  1843  Elizabeth,  2nd  dau.  of  J. 
Smith,  Esq.,  of  Drongan,  Ayrshire.  Is  a  Solicitor 
in  pi-actice.  This  family  traces  its  descent  from 
the  ancient  Counts  of  Poitou.  They  have  been 
Free  Barons  of  Scotland  since  the  12th  century. 
— Irving  Street,  Dumfries,  N.B. 
Heir,  his  son  James,  b.  1844. 

BEOWELL,  William  Fa\ilknor,  Esq.  (of  West- 
Cliff  House). 
Youngest  son  of  the  late  H.  Browell,  Esq.,  by 
Frances,  dau.  of  Rev.  E.  Cockayne  Frith,  of  North- 
Cray  Place,  Kent ;  b.  1816  ;  m.  1846  Louisa,  dau. 
of  W.  Cooper,  Esq.  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Middle 
Temple  1840  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Kent  and  Folke- 
stone.— West-Cliff  House,  Folkestone ;  5,  Pump 
Court,  Temple,  E.C. 

BROWN",  Sir  George,  K.C.B.,  K.H.  (cr.  1852). 

Son  of  Provost  G.  Brown,  of  Linkwood,  near  Elgin, 
N.B.  ;  b.  1790;  m.  1831  Mary,  dau.  of  H.  Mac- 
donell,  Esq.,  Consul-General  at  Algiers.  Educated 
at  the  Royal  Military  Coll.,  Great  Marlow  ;  a 
General  in  the  Army ;  was  Adjutant-General  1 850-8  : 
was  2nd  in  command  in  the  Crimea  1854-5,  and  was 
wounded  at  Inkermann  ;  served  in  the  Peninsular 
war  and  at  Copenhagen. — Bishopmill.  near  E21gin, 
N.B. ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

BROWN,  Rev.  Dixon  (of  Unthank  Ball). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Robert  Brown.  B 
Streatham,  Surrev,  by  Isabella  Graoe,  dau.  of  John 
Walker,  Esq.,  of  "North  Shields;  />.  L826  :  a  1867- 
Educated  at  Rugby  ami  Kxoter  Coll..  Oxford  (B.A, 
1848,  M.A.  1852)  ;  ordained  DeaOOQ  1849, 



1S50  ;  appointed  Rector  of  Howick  1854  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  Northumberland* — llowick  Rectory 
and  Unthank  Hall,  near  Ilaltwhistle,  Northumber- 

BROWN,  Douglas,  Esq. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Jonathan  Brown,  Esq.,  of 
Jamaica,  by  his  3rd  wife  Margaret,  dau.  of  David 
Me  l  lame,  Esq.,  and  of  Margaret,  sister  of  Sir  Win. 
Douglas,  Bart.  ;  b.  1820  ;  m.  1853  Georgina  Helen, 
younger  dau.  and  co-heir  of  the  late  Wm.  Maule- 
verer,  Esq.,  of  Arncliffe  Hall,  co.  York  (see  under 
Mauleverer).  Educated  at  the  Edinburgh  Aca- 
demy and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1843, 
M.A.  1S46)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn 
1847,  and  goes  the  Norfolk  circuit. — Oxford  and 
Cambridge  Club,  S.W.  ;  15,  Hertford  Street,  May- 
fair,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William,  b,  1854. 

BROWN,  James,  Esq.  (of  Rossington). 

Only  son  of  the  late  James  Brown,  Esq.,  Merchant, 
of  Leeds,  by  Charlotte,  3rd  dau.  of  Matthew  Rhodes, 
Esq.,  of  Campfield,  near  Leeds  ;  b.  1814.  Educated 
at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  York  (High  Sheriff  1852) ; 
has  been  M.P.  for  Malton  since  1857. — Rossington, 
near  Doncaster  ;  Harehills  Grove,  near  Leeds ; 
Brookes',  Boodle's,  and  Travellers'  Clubs,  S.W. ; 
45,  Albemarle  Street,  W. 

BROWN,  John,  Esq.  (of  Clonboy). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Brown,  Esq.  (Captain 
in  the  Limerick  Militia),  by  Constance,  dau.  of 
Lieutenant-Colonel  William  Odell,  M.P.,  of  the 
Grove,  co.  Limerick  ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  1833  ;  m.  1826 
Mary  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Thomas  Lulwill,  Esq.  Is 
a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Clare  and  Limerick. — Clon- 
boy, near  O'Brien's  Bridge,  co.  Clare  ;  Limerick 
Club  ;  88,  George  Street,  Limerick. 
Heir,  his  son  Robert  Lulwill,  b.  1837. 

BROWN,  John  Bower,  Esq.  (of  Woodthorpe 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Brown,  Esq.,  by  Mary, 
dau.  of  Robert  Bower,  Esq.,  of  Wormhill  and 
Tideswell,  Derbyshire  ;  b.  1802  ;  m.  1836  Mary 
Ann,  dau.  of  William  Greaves,  Esq.,  of  Sheffield. 
Called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1854  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire. — Wood- 
thorpe Hall,  near  Sheffield,  Yorkshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Richard  Edward,  Ensign  57th 
regiment ;  b.  1838. 

BROWN,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Waterhaughs). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Brown,  Esq.,  bv 
Marion,  dau.  of  George  Jeffrey,  Esq.,  and  sister  of 
the  late  Lord  Jeffrey ;  s.  1853.  Educated  at 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Ayr  ;  is  representative  of  the  families  of  Camp- 
bell of  Waterhaughs,  and  Bogle  of  Daldowie. — 
Lanfine  House,  near  Kilmarnock,  co.  Ayr  ;  Reform 
Club,  S.W.  ;  8,  Albyn  Place,  Edinburgh. 
Heirs  Pres.,  his  sisters. 

BROWN,  Thomas  Drewett,  Esq.  (o  Jarrow 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Brown,  Esq.,  by  his 
2nd  wife  Susanna,  dau.  and  heir  of  Peter  Drewett, 
Esq.,  of  Colerne,  Wilts  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  1841 ;  m.  1886 
Isabella,  eldest  dau.  of  Sir  William  Chaytor,  Bart. 
Educated  at  the  Charterhouse  and  Worcester 
Coll.,  Oxford  (M.A.  1831)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at 
Lincoln'slnn  1832;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Durham. 
— Jarrow  Hall,  near  Gateshead,  Durham. 
Heir,  his  son  Drewett  Ormonde,  b.  1838. 

BROWN,  William,  Esq.  (of  Richmond  Hill),  , 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Alexander  Brown,  Esq.,  by 
Grace,  dau.  of  John  Davison,  Esq.,  of  Ballymena, 
co.  Antrim  ;  b.  1784  ;  m.  1810  Sarah,  dau.  of  Andrew 
Gihon,  Esq.,  of  Ballymena,  co.  Antrim.  Is  s 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Lancashire ;  r 
Merchant,  senior  partner  in  the  house  of  Brown 
Shipley,  &Co.,  Liverpool;  formerly  an  Alderman  o 
Liverpool  ;  was  M.P.  for  South  Lancashire  1846-59 
— Richmond  Hill,  near  Liverpool ;  Brookes'  ani 
Reform  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  grandson  William  Richmond,  b.  18#, 

BROWN,  William  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Ashley). 
Only  son  of  the  late  W.  H.  Brown,  Esq.,  of 
kirk  ;  b.  1792  ;  s.  1829  ;  m.  1817  Helen,  dau 
the  late  Robert  Johnston,  Esq.,  of  Edinburgh, 
a  Magistrate  for  Midlothian.     This  family 
branch   of  the  house  of  Colstoun,  founded  soc 
after  the  Norman   Conquest,  by  Walterus 
Brun. — Ashley,   near  Ratho,  N.B.  ;  Northe 
Club,  Edinburgh. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  Johnston,  Captain  14 1; 
Dragoons  ;  b.  1819  ;  m.  1855  Augusta  Marcia,  dan 
of  the  Rev.  T.  C.  Brown,  of  Halkin  Street,  Bjj 
grave  Square,  London. 

BROWNE,  Hon.  and  Very  Rev.  Henry  Mo! 

Second  son  of  the  2nd  Lord  Kilmaine  ;  b.  I79f 
m.  1822  Catharine  Penelope,  eldest  dau.  of 
Viscount  Frankfort  (she  d.  1858).  Educated 
Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1821) ;  appointed  Df 
of  Lismore  1850. — Burnchurcb,   near  Benne 
bridge,  co.  Kilkenny. 

Heir,  his  son  James  Manners,  Captain  E."i 
b.  1823  ;  m.  1850  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Jail 
Hunt,  Esq. 

BROWNE,  Hon.  Richard  Howe  (of  Crouch  Oil  I 


Seventh  son  of  2nd  Lord  Kilmaine;  b.  1811;} 
1833  Elizabeth,  dau.   of   the  Hon.  J.  Brov 
Educated  at  Sandhurst  ;  entered  the  Army  IS  J 1 
became   Lieutenant   2nd  Hussars   1836,  retl] 
1843  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Suit 
(High   Sheriff' 1858).— Crouch   Oak,  Addlest4 
near  Chertsey,  Surrey. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Richard,  Captain  88th  f  i 
b.  1834;  m.  1857  Louisa,  dau.  of  Admiral  Si  f 
Tyler,  K.H. 

BROWNE,  Hon.  Mrs. 

Frances  Georgiana,  dau.  of  the  late  M.  Towns  J 
Esq. ;  m.  1st  18—  J.  W.  Digby,  Esq. ;  2nd  1 



on.  Cecil  J.  Lawless,  M.P.,  who  d.  1853  ;  3rd 
356  Andrew  Browne,  Esq. — Mount  Hazell,  co. 

)WNE,  Clayton  Richard  Clayton,  Esq.  (of 

Adlington  Hall), 
tily  son  of  the  late  General  Robert  Browne,  who 
sumed  the  surname  and  arms  of  Clayton  on  his 
arriage  with  Henrietta,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of 
|  Richard  Clayton,  Bart.,  of  Adlington  Hall, 
incashire  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  1845  ;  m.  1830  Catherine 
.ne,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of  the  Rev.  Robert 
Dbson.  Educated  at  Harrow  and  Brasenose 
E  Oxford  (B.A.  1828,  M.A.  1832) ;  is  a  Magis- 
ite  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Wexford,  and  a  Magis- 
ite  for  co.  Lancaster. — Adlington  Hall,  near 
igan,  Lancashire ;  Cairigbyrne  Lodge,  Ennis- 
rthy,  co.  Wexford;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.W. 
Heirs,  his  four  daus. 

)WNE,  Very  Rev.  Denis, 
ird  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  Denis  Browne,  by 
ine,  dau.  of  Ross  Mahon,  Esq.,  and  grandson  of 
d  Earl  of  Altamont ;  b.  1795  ;  m.  1824  Anne 
icia,  dau.  of  T.  W.  Filgate,  Esq.,  of  Arthurstown, 
Louth,,  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll., 
iblin  (B.A.  1818,  M.A.  1819)  ;  appointed  Rector 
St.  Mary's,  Enniscorthy,  1843,  Dean  of  Emly 
52  ;  is  Surrogate  of  the  Diocese  of  Ferns  ;  was 
merly  Vicar  of  San  try,  and  Rector  of  Loughrea. 
The  Rectory,  Enniscorthy,  Ireland  ;  27,  Upper 
)unt,  Dublin. 

Heir,  his  son  Denis  Howe,  6. 1826. 

IWNE,  Rev.  George. 

'th  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  Denis  Browne, 
P.,  by  Anne,  dau.  of  Ross  Mahon,  Esq.,  grand- 
i\i  of  2nd  Earl  of  Altamont,  and  nephew  of  1st 
]  irquis  of  Sligo  ;  b.  1803 ;  m.  1828  Elizabeth 
Jine,  dau.  of  Rev.  E.  Day,  of  Beaufort  House, 
<]  Kerry.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin 
JA.  1824,  M.A.  1833)  ;  appointed  Vicar  of  Len- 
|i  1840. — Lenton  Vicarage,  near  Nottingham. 

fleir,  his  son  George  Robert,  b.  1833  ;  a  Magis- 
i  te  for  co.  Kerry. 

WNE,  Hugh  John  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Ra- 

I  lest  son  of  the  late  Dodwell  Browne,  Esq.,  by 
iria,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Neal  O'Donell,  Bart,,  of 
3  wport ;  b.  1800  ;  s.  1819.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
J  yo  ;  represents  a  branch  of  the  Brownes  of  the 
f  lily  of  Lord  Kilmaine. — Raheens,  Castlebar,  co. 
I  yo. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Neal  O'Donell,  b.  1804  ; 
W1840  Sarah,  2nd  dau.  of  Abel  Labertouche,  Esq., 

JI  WNE,  James   Arthur,   Esq.   (of  Browne 

]  iest  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Dominick  Browne,  by 
J]  yusta  Louisa,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  Colonel  Arthur 
]j)wne,  M.P.  for  co.  Mayo  ;  b.  1810  ;  s.  1853  ;  m, 
1  1  Emily  Alice,  dau.  of  Arthur  Browne,  Esq.,  of 
Jwtown.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is 
fl  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Mayo.  This 

family  is  closely  connected  with  the  Sligo  and 
Oranmore  families  of  the  same  name,  and  is  of  very 
old  standing  in  Mayo.— Browne  Hall,  near  Balla, 
co.  Mayo. 

Heir,  his  son  Hans  Sloane  Hughes,  b.  1853. 

BROWNE,  John,  Esq.  (of  HaU  Court). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  —  Browne,  Esq.  ;  b.  1793  ; 
s.  1818.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Hereford.  This 
family  is  descended  from  the  Lord  de  Brune  who 
came  to  England  with  William  the  Conqueror. — Hall 
Court,  near  Bromyard,  Herefordshire. 

BROWNE,  Rev.  John. 

Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  John  Browne,  of  Ripon, 
by  Anne  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Escrick  Hancock,  Esq., 
of  Beverley  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  1807.  Educated  at  St. 
John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1830,  M.A.  1833)  ; 
ordained  by  late  Archbishop  of  York  1830  ;  ap- 
pointed Vicar  of  Limber-Magna  in  1849  ;  was  for- 
merly Rector  of  Kirkby-Thore  and  Banning  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  cos.  Westmoreland  and  Lincoln.— 
Limber-Magna  Vicarage,  near  Ulceby,  Lincoln- 
shire ;  University  Club,  S.W. 

BROWNE,   John  William,    Esq.    (of  Mount 

Second  son  of  the  late  Dominick  Browne,  Esq.,  by 
Emily,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  John  Browne  ;  b.  179-  ; 
m.  1832  Mary  Sophia,  dau.  of  the  late  N.  Kava- 
nagh,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Gal  way. — 
Mount  Kelly,  Glann,  via  Ballinasloe,  co.  Galwa}' ; 
Kildare  Street  Club,  Dublin  ;  Royal  St.  George 
Yacht  Club,  Kingstown  ;  Galway  Club,  Galway  ; 
Conservative  Club,  S.W. 

BROWNE,  Michael  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  Moyne). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Browne,  Esq.,  by  Mar- 
garet, dau.  of  John  Dolphin,  Esq.,  of  Turoe  ;  b. 
18 —  ;  s.  1825.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Galway 
(High  Sheriff  1847).  This  family  is  a  branch  of  the 
Brounes,  or  Le  Bruns,  that  settled  in  Wexford  temp. 
Henry  II.  The  immediate  ancestor  was  Sir  David 
Browne,  who  came  to  Connaught,  and  died  in 
Athenry  1305. — Moyne,  near  Dangan,  co.  Galway. 

BROWNE,  Peter  Rutledge  Montague,  Esq.  (of 

Fourth  son  of  the  late  Peter  Montague  Browne,  Esq., 
by  Anna,  dau.  of  Andrew  Crauford,  Esq.,  of  Kill- 
burney,  N.B.  ;  b.  1796  ;  s.  1807  ;  m,  1830  Mary 
Jane,  only  child  and  heiress  of  the  late  Thomas 
Typping  Sinythe,  Esq.  Educated  at  Winchester  ; 
appointed  Captain  9th  regiment  1826  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Down,  aud  Major 
S.  Down  Light  Infantry.  This  family,  in  common 
with  the  Marquis  of  Sligo  and  Lord  Kilmaine,  is 
descended  from  the  ancient  house  of  Montague.  - 
Janeville,  near  Killough,  co.  Down. 

Heir,  his  son  Andrew  Smythe  Montague,  b.  1836, 
Captain  Scots  Greys. 

BROWNE,  Rev.  Peter  William. 

Only  son  of  the  late  John  Browne.  Esq.,  of  Mounl 

joy  Square,  Dublin,  by  Catherine,  eldesl  dau,  ol 

Philip  Walsh,   Esq.,  of  FiddoWU,  co.  Kilkenny 




h.  18 — :  s.  1861}  when  lie  assumed  the  name  of 
William  in  addition  to  Browne,  by  the  will  of  his 
IWtherj   "'■  <lane  Alicia,  dau.  of  Sir  Boss 

Malum,  Hart.,  of  Castlegar.  Educated  at  Eton 
and  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1820,  M.A.  1823)  ; 
is  a.  Magistrate  for  co.  Limerick,  and  Incumbent  of 
Blaekrod,  near  Bolton,  Lancashire.— Bathbone, 
near  Limerick. 

BROWNE,  Richard  Charles,  Esq.    (of  Elsing 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Eev.  Eichard  Browne,  by 
Caroline  Susan,  dau.  of  John  Marcon,  Esq.,  of 
Swaffham,  Norfolk  ;  b.  1830  ;  s.  1851.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate for  Norfolk.  This  family  is  descended  from 
Sir  Anthony  Browne,  K.G.,  one  of  the  executors 
of  the  will  of  Henry  VIII.,  and  represents  the 
oldest  co-heir  of  the  ancient  Barony  of  Hastings. — 
Elsing  Hall,  near  East  Dereham,  Norfolk. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George,  b.  1838. 

BROWNE,  Robert  Clayton,  Esq.,  M.R.I.A.  (of 
Browne's  Hill). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  "William  Browne,  Esq.,  by 
his  1st  wife  Charlotte,  dau.  of  the  3rd  Earl  of 
Mayo,  Archbishop  of  Tuam ;  b.  1799  ;  s.  1840  ; 
m.  1831  Harriette  Augusta,  3rd  dau.  of  the  late 
Hans  Hamilton,  Esq.,  M.P.  for  co.  Dublin.  Edu- 
cated at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford,  and  is  M.A.  of 
Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Carlow,  and  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Kildare.— Browne's  Hill,  near  Carlow ;  Kildare 
Street  Club,  Dublin  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  William  Clayton,  b.  1835. 

BROWNE,  Rev.  Robert  William,  M.A.,  Ph.D., 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Browne,  Esq.,  of 
Kennington,  Surrey,  by  Ann,  dau.  of  Edward 
Lucas,  Esq.,  late  Deputy  Warden  of  H.  M.'s  Mint  ; 
b.  1809  ;  m.  1839  Caroline  Bradford,  eldest  dau.  of 
Eev.  Sir  Charles  Hardinge,  Bart.  Educated  at  St. 
John's  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1831,  M.A.  1834)  ;  is  a 
Prebendary  of  St.  Paul's  and  of  Wells,  Professor  of 
Classical  Literature  in  King's  Coll.,  a  Member  of 
Council  of  Queen's  Coll.,iSenior  Chaplain  to  H.M.'s 
Forces  in  London,  and  Examining  Chaplain  to  the 
Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells  ;  was  formerly  Fellow 
and  Tutor  of  St.  John's  Coll.,  Oxford,  a  select 
Preacher  of  the  University,  and  Assistant  Preacher 
of  Lincoln's  Inn.  This  family  is  descended  from 
the  Brownes  of  Eeynold's  Place,  Horton  Kirby, 
the  representative  of  whom  was  High  Sheriff  of 
Kent  temp.  Queen  Elizabeth. — Athenaeum  Club, 
S.W.  ;  1,  Westbourne  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  eldest  son,  Hardinge  William,  b.  1840. 

BROWNE,  Thomas  Beale,  Esq.  (of  Salperton 

Youngest  but  only  surviving  son  of  the  late  John 
Browne,  Esq.,  by  Martha  Susanna,  dau.  of  the 
Eev.  John  Pettat,  Eector  of  Stonehouse  ;  b.  1810; 
s.  1850  ;  m.  1840  Mary  Eliza,  2nd  dau.  of  G.  J. 
Sullivan,  Esq.,  of  Wilmington,  nearEyde  (formerly 
in  the  Life  Guards  and  Blues).  Educated  at  Oriel 
Coll.,  Oxford ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Gloucester 

(High  Sheriff  1858).  This  family  was  formerly 
called  Le  Brim,  but  was  changed  to  Browne  during 
the  early  French  wars. — Salperton  Park,  near 
Northleach,  Gloucestershire ;  Cappagh  White,  co, 
Tipperary,  Ireland. 

Heir,  his  son  John,  b.  1841. 

BROWNE,  Thomas  Browne,  Esq.  (of  Mellington 


Eldest  son  of  the  late  Pryce  Jones,  Esq.,  of  Cyfro- 
nydd,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Colonel  Browne,  of  Mel- 
lington Hall  ;  b.  1805  ;   assumed  the  name  and 
arms  of  Browne  under  the  will  of  his  maternal 
grandfather,  by  Eoyal  license,  in  1823  ;  m.  1828 
Marianna  Kyffin,  eldest  dau.  of  Major  Arthur  J 
Eowley  Hey  land,  of  Ballintemple,  co.  Derry.  Edu-  S 
cated  at  Harrow  and  Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford  \ 
called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1836  ;  appointee  | 
one  of  her  Majesty's  Inspectors  of  Schools  1847.  Iff 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Montgomery  j 
— Mellington  Hall,  Churchstoke,  near  Shrewsbury  1 
Athenasum  Club,  S.W. 

BROWNE,  William,  Esq.  (of  Tallantyre  Hall)  * 
Only  son  of  the  late  William  Browne,  Esq., 
Mary  Toft,  widow  of  Eichard  Lancaster,  Esq., 
Papcastle;  b.  1780;  s.  1802  ;  m.  1803  Catheri 
youngest  dau.  of  William  Stewart,  Esq.,  of  Cas 
Stewart,  co.  Wigton.    Educated  at  the  Charte 
house  ;  entered  the  army  1799  ;  is  a  Magistra 
for  Cumberland  (High  Sheriff  1816).    This  fam 
was  formerly  of  Woodall  Uldale,  Cumberland.- 
Tallantyre  Hall,*  near  Cockermouth. 

Heir,  his  son  William,  6. 1812  ;  m.  1847  Isabel! 
only  dau.  of  E.  Midford,  Esq.  ■ 


(See  under  Sligo.) 

BROWNELL,  Charles,  Esq.  (of  Aigburth). 
Third  son  of  the  late  Peter  Brownell,  Esq.,  of  Ne  h 
field,  near  Sheffield,  by  Marianne,  dau.  of  Jonatb  , 
Wilkinson,  Esq.;  b.  1802;  m.  1825  Susanna,  d: 
of  Lawrence  Peel,  Esq.    Is  a  Magistrate  for  'f 
Eiding  of  Yorkshire. — Aigburth,  near  Liverpoo^ 

BROWNING,  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Ampton  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Browning,  Esq.  j 
Hadley,  Middlesex,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Willi} 
Bennett,  Esq.,  Banker,  of  Eaversham  ;  6.  1I!B| 
m.  1829  Anne,  eldest  dau.  of  Thomas  B.i 
bridge,  Esq.,  Banker,  of  London,  and  Croyij 
Lodge,  Surrey.  This  family  was  formerly  sed 
in  Lincolnshire. — Ampton  Hall,  near  Bury 
Edmund's,  Suffolk  ;  Union  Club,  S.W. ;  72,  Gj 
venor  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Bainbridge,  b.  1832  :f 
1858  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Charles  Gonne,  Esq.f 
Warley  Lodge,  Essex.  , 

BROWNLOW  (2nd  Earl),  John  William  Spew 
Brownlow-Cust  (cr.  1815). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Lord  Alford,  by  Marian  ];• 
garet,  dau.  of  2nd  Marquis  of  Northamptorf- 
1842  ;  s.  his  grandfather  as  2nd  Earl  1853 ; | 

*  Tallantyre  Hall  belonged  formerly  to  the  Radclifffi 
the  family  of  the  Earls  of  Derwentwater. 




le  Viscount  Alford.    Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch. 

Oxford  ;  inherits  a  large  portion  of  the  pro- 
rty  of  the  last  Earl  of  Bridgewater.  —  Belton 
ouse,  near  Grantham,  Lincolnshire;  11,  Prince's 
ite,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Adelbert  Wellington,  b. 

)W]NrLOW,  Countess  Dowager, 
ama  Sophia,  eldest  dau.  of  2nd  Earl  of  Mount- 
gcumbe  ;  m.  1828  (as  3rd  wife)  John,  1st  Earl 
ownlow,  who  cl.  1853. — Torquay,  Devon  ;  25, 
wndes  Square,  S.W. 

)WILOW,  William,  Esq.  (of  Knapton 

lest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Francis  Brownlow,  by 
therine,  dau.  of  the  late  Earl  of  Meath  ;  5.  1802  ; 
847  ;  m.  1835  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Mr.  and  Lady 
arlotte  Browne.  Educated  at  Harrow  ;  is  a 
igistrate  for  Queen's  co.,  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Monaghan  ;  was  formerly  in  the  Army,  and 
D.C.  to  Earl  Amherst  when  Governor-General 
[ndia.  This  family  is  descended  from  a  common 
:estor  with  Lord  Lurgan. — Knapton  House, 
r  Abbeyleix,  Queen's  co.  ;  Kildare  Street  Club, 
i  29,  Merrion  Square,  Dublin. 
leir,  his  son  Francis,  of  the  72nd  Highlanders, 

DWNRIGGr,  Sir  Robert  William  Colebrooke, 
Bart.  (cr.  1816). 

est  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-Colonel  Eobert 
les  Brownrigg,  by  Emma,  dau.  of  Major-General 
abrooke  Nisbet ;  b.  1817  >  s.  his  grandfather  as 
1  Bart.  1833.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
<L  1838).— 12,  Eaton  Place  West,  S.W. 
leir  Pres.,  his  brother  Henry  Moore,  b.  1819. 

RjWNRIGG,  Sir  Henry  John,  Knt.,  C.B.  (cr. 

lest  son  of  the  late  General  T.  Brownrigg,  by 
A  ie,  dau.  of  P.  Shearman,  Esq.,  of  Kilcrain,  co. 
h  cenuy ;  b.  1798  ;  in.  1822  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the 
M  '.  Thomas  Cook.     Entered  the  army  1813  ;  is 
sector-General  of  Constabulary  in  Ireland. — 
Longford  Terrace,  Monkstown,  near  Dublin  ; 
Castle,  Dublin. 

M,  Sir  Michael,  Bart.  (cr.  1629). 
E  3st  son  of  the  late  Sir  W.  Bruce,  Bart.,  by 
A  ie  Colquhoun,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  W.  C.  Fairlie, 
1  ,,  of  Pobertland,  N.B. ;  b.  1796  ;  s.  as  7th 
B  ,  1827  ;  m.  1822  Isabella,  dau.  of  A.  Moir, 
E  Educated  at  Haileybury  Coll.  ;  appointed  to 
tl  Civil  Service  Bengal  1814  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
D  .  Lieut,  for  cos.  Stirling  and  Aberdeen. — Sten- 
h('ie,  near  Falkirk,  N.B.  ;  Scotstown,  near  Aber- 
d(  i ;  Brookes'  Club,  S.W. 

Bj  eir  Pres.,  his  nephew  William  Cunningham, 
ft.  521 ;  m.  1850  Charlotte,  dau.  of  the  late  Hon. 
"VUer  O'Grady,  Q.O.,  and  grand-dau.  of  1st  Vis- 
0(  it  Guillamore. 

B  -E,  Sir  Henry  Hervey,  Bart.  (cr.  1804). 
E  st  son  of  tho  late  Sir  James  P.  Bruce,  Bart., 
illen,  dau.  of  Pobcrt  Hesketh  Bamford  Hes- 

keth,  Esq.,  of  Gwyrch  Castle,  N.  Wales  ;  b.  1820; 
s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1836  ■  m.  1842  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of 
Sir  J.  G.  J.  Clifton,  Bart.  Educated  at  Trinity 
Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Londonderry  (High  Sheriff  1845) ,  was  for- 
merly Lieutenant  1st  Life  Guards.  This  family  is 
of  Scotch  extraction,  and  descended  from  King 
Robert  Bruce. — Down  Hill,  near  Coleraine,  Ire- 
land ;  Junior  United  Service  Club,  S.W.  ;  10, 
Langham  Place,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Hervey  Juckes  Lloyd,  b.  1843. 

BRUCE,  Right  Hon.  Sir  James  Lewis,  Knt., 
D.C.L,  (cr.  1842). 

Youngest  son  of  the  late  John  Knight,  Esq.,  of 
Fairlinch,  Devon,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Bruce, 
Esq.,  of  Duffryn,  co.  Glamorgan  •  b.  1791  ;  m. 
1812  Eliza,  dau.  of  T.  Newte,  Esq.  Educated  at 
Exeter  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  called  to  the  bar  at  Lincoln's 
Inn  1817;  is  one  of  the  Lords  Justices,  and  a 
Bencher  of  Lincoln's  Inn  ;  formerly  a  Vice-Chan- 
cellor ;  assumed  the  name  of  Bruce  in  1837  ;  was 
M.P.  for  Bishop's  Castle  1831-2  ;  created  Hon. 
D.C.L.  of  Oxford  1834.— Travellers',  Athenaeum, 
and  Union  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  The  Priory,  Poehampton, 
Surrey,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Lewis  Bruce,  B.A.  of  Balliol  Coll., 
Oxford,  and  Barrister-at-Law  ;  b.  1820. 

BRUCE,  Lord  Ernest  Augustus  Charles  Bru- 

Second  son  of  the  1st  Marquis  of  Ailesbury,  K.T., 
by  his  first  wife  Henrietta  Maria,  dau.  of  1st  Lord 
Berwick,  and  heir  presumptive  to  that  title  ;  b. 
1811;  m.  1834  Louisa  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Lord 
Decies.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge (M.A.  1831)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  West- 
minster and  Wilts ;  formerly  Cornet  Wilts  Yeo- 
manry ;  was  Vice-Chamberlain  to  the  Queen  1841-6 
and  1852-8  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  Marlborough  since 
1832.— Tottenham  Park,  near  Marlborough,  Wilts  ; 
Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  7,  St.  George's  Place,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  George  John,  b.  1839. 

BRUCE,  Hon.  Robert. 

Third  son  of  7th  Earl  of  Elgin  (by  2nd  marriage)  ; 
b.  1813  ;  to.  1848  Catherine  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late 
Sir  M.  Shaw  Stewart,  Bart.  Became  Ensign 
Grenadier  Guards  1831  ;  Captain  and  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  1844  ;  formerly  Secretary  to  the  Earl  of 
Elgin  in  Jamaica  and  Canada  ;  attended  Lord 
Elgin  to  China,  as  Secretary,  1857  ;  appointed 
Governor  to  H..R.H.  the  Prince  of  Wales  1858, — ■ 
Guards'  Club,  S.W.  ;  48,  Chester  Square,  S.W. 

BRUCE,     Charles   Dashwood,  Esq.,   F.H.  S., 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Hon.  C.  A.  Bruce  (brother of 
6th  and  7th  Earls  of  Elgin),  by  Charlotte  Sophia, 
dau.  of  T.  Dashwood,  Esq.,  2nd  son  of  Sir  James 
Dashwood,  Bart.,  of  Kirtlington,  co.  Oxon  :  b, 

1802  ;  vi.  1841  Harriet  Elizabeth,  younger  dim.  of 
3rd  Lord  Rivers.    Educated  at  Harrow  and  Ch. 

Ch,,  Oxford;  a  partner  ia  the  firm  of  Alexander, 
Fletcher,  and  Co..  Merchants,0*  London,  fiTtn 
Club,  Edinburgh  ;  Travellers'  Club,  S.w 
a  2 



BRUCE,  Henry  Austin,  Esq.  (of  Diiffryn). 

Second  son  of  J.  Bruce-Pryce,  Esq.,  by  Sarah,  dau. 
of  the  Rev.  H.  W.  Austin,  and  nephew  of  Y ice- 
Chancellor  Sir  J.  Knight  Bruce  ;  b.  1815  ;  TO.  1st 
1S46  Annabella,  dau.  of  R.  Beadon,  Esq.  (she  cl. 
1852)  ;  2nd  1854  Norah,  dau.  of  Lieutenant-General 
Sir  W.  F.  P.  Napier,  K.C.B.  Called  to  the  Bar 
at  Lincoln's  Inn  1843  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Glamorgan,  and  Pep.  Chairman  of 
Quarter  Sessions  ;  has  been  a  Police  Magistrate  in 
South  Wales  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  Merthyr-Tydvil 
since  1852. — Duffryn,  near  Aberdare,  S.Wales; 
Athenaeum  Club,  S.  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Campbell,  b.  1851. 

BRUCE,  John,  Esq.  (of  Sumburgh). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Captain  John  Bruce,  R.N., 
by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert  Hunter,  Esq.,  of 
Lunna,  N.B.  ;  6.  1798  ;  s.  1831  ;  to.  1832  Mary, 
dau.  of  John  William  Nelson,  Esq.  Educated  at 
the  Royal  Naval  Coll.,  Portsmouth  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Shetland.  This  family  are  de- 
scended from  the  Bruces  of  Clackmannan,  and  were 
settled  at  Sumburgh  1570. — Sumburgh,  near  Ler- 
wick, I.  of  Shetland. 

Heir,  his  son  John.,  b.  1834. 

BRUCE,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Kennet). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Alexander  Bruce,  Esq.,  by 
Hugh,  dau.  of  Hugh  Blackburn,  Esq.,  of  Glas- 
gow ;  b.  1795  ;  s.  1808  ;  to.  1st  1825  Anne,  eldest 
dau.  of  the  late  William  Murray,  Esq.,  of  Touch- 
adam,  co.  Stirling;  2nd  1848  Jane  Hamilton,  dau. 
of  Sir  J.  Fergusson,  Bart.,  of  Kilkerran,  co.  Ayr. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  St.  Andrew's  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Clackmannan  and  Perth  ; 
was  formerly  an  Officer  in  the  Grenadier  Guards. 
■ — Kennet,  near  Clackmannan,  N.B. ;  Dunmyet, 
Heir,  his  son  Alexander  Hugh,  b.  1849. 

BRUCE  (of  Durnphail). 

(See  dimming- Bruce.) 

BSUCKSHAWj  Joshua,  Esq.  (of  Harry-Town 
Hall).  ( 
Only  son  of  the  late  Joshua  Bruckshaw,  Esq.,  by 
Frances,  dau.  of  Alexander  Holling worth,  Esq., 
of  the  Old  Hall,  Hollingvvorth  ;  b.  1789  ;  s.  1816  ; 
to.  1822  Susanna,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  C.  Prescott, 
late  Rector  of  Stockport.  Is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Chester.  This  is  a  very  old 
family,  and  always  resided  at  Harry  Town.  The 
former  mansion  was  erected  in  the  15th  cen- 
tury, by  Harry  Bruckshaw,  from  whom  the  place 
derives  its  name,  but  was  pulled  down  and  rebuilt 
in  the  year  1671  by  John  Bruckshaw.  —  Harry- 
Town  Hall,  near  Stockport,  Cheshire ;  Carlton 
Club.  S.W. 

BEUEET,  Francis,  Esq.  (of  Coolbawn). 
.  Second  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Henry  Bruen,  by 
Dorothea  Henrietta,  dau.  of  F.  Knox,  Esq.,  of 
Rappa  Castle,  co.  Mayo  ;  b.  1800  ;  to.  1823  Catha- 
rine Anne,  dau.  of  the  7th  Earl  of  Westmeath. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magis- 

trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Wexford  ;  waa  M.P  i\ 
for  Carlow  1835-7,  and  March-July,  1839.— Cooh  j 
bawn,   near   Enniscorthy,  co.  Wexford ;  Carlton 
Club,  S.W. 

BRUEN,  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Oak  Park). 

Only  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Henry  Bruen,  M.P.,  I 
by  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  Kavanagh,  Esq,,  1 
of  Borris  House,  co.  Carlow  ;   b.  1828  ;  s.  1852  ;  r 
to.  1854  Mary  Margaret,    3rd  dau.  of  the  late 
Colonel  Conolly,  of  Castletown.    Is  a  Magistrate 
for  co.  Carlow  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  co.  Carlow  since 
1857- — Oak  Park,   near   Carlow;   Carlton  and' 
Boodle's  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  19,  Hanover  Square,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Henry,  b.  1856. 

BRYAN,  George  Leopold,  Esq.  (of  Jenkinstown)  I'' 
Only  son  of  the  late  George  Bryan,  Esq.,  soirn 
time  M.P.  for  co.  Kilkenny,  by  Margaret,  dau.  o 
William  Talbot,  Esq.,  of  Castle  Talbot ;  b.  1821 
f.  1848  ;  to.  1849  Elizabeth  Georgiana,  dau.  of  th 
2nd  Marquis  Conyngham,  K.P.  Educated  a 
Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Def  j 
Lieut,  for  co.  Kilkenny.  This  family  has  been  se 
tied  in  co.  Kilkenny  about  300  years. — Jenkim 
town,  near  Kilkenny.  ! 

BRYDGES,  Sir  Harford  James  Jones  (cr.  1807)  |jl 
Only  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  Sir  Harford  Jon> 
Brydges,  Bart,  (who  assumed  the  additional  nan 
of  Brydges  in  1826),  by  Sarah,  dau.  of  Sir  H.  Got 
of  Newland  Park,  and  widow  of  R.  Whitcora 
Esq.,  of  Whittern,  co.  Hereford  ;  6.  1808  ;  I 
2nd  Bart.  1847  ;  m.  1850  Mary  Sarah,  dau.  of  t 
late  Captain  J.  Moberly,  R.N.  Educated  at  Mi 
ton  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.  A.  1830,  M. A.  1858) ;  is, 
Magistrate  for  co.  Radnor  (High  Sheriff  1852). 
Boultibrooke,  near  Presteign,  co.  Radnor;  At] 
nseum  Club,  S.W. 

BRYDGES,  Sir  Ferdinand  Stanley  Head,  Be 
(cr.  1815). 

Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir  Egerton  Bryd^ 
1st  Bart.,  by  his  2nd  wife  Mary,  dau.  of  the  E 
William  Robinson,  of  Burfield,  Berks  ;  b.  181, 
s.  his  half-brother  as  3rd  Bart.  1858.  Patron 
1  living.  The  1st  Bart,  was  an  eminent  gene] 
gist  and  antiquary,  and  his  brother  claimed 
ancient  barony  of  Chandos.  — Lee  Priory,  l 
Wingham,  Kent. 

Duke  of),  Walter  Erancis  Montagu  Dou 
Scott,  K.G.,  P.C.,  D.C.L.  (cr.1663). 
Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  4th  Duke,  by  Ha H 
Katharine,  dau.  of  1st  Viscount  Sydney  ;  b.  1 § 
s.  1819  ;  to.  1829  Charlotte  Anne,  dau.  of  2nd  11 
quis  of  Bath.  Educated  at  Eton  and  St.  J(| 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1827) ;  sits  in  the  Hou$ 
Lords  as  Earl  of  Doncaster  (cr.  1662)  ;  is  .'| 
Lieutenant  of  Midlothian  and  co.  Roxbijj 
High  Steward  of  Westminster,  Colonel  ofj| 
Edinburgh  Militia,  Captain  of  the  Queen's  Iflfe 
guard  in  Scotland,  and  a  Governor  of  the  Chim 
house  ;  was  Lord  Privy  Seal  and  President  0  i 
Council  1841-7.  Patronage  12  livings.—  Rich»jli 




rey  ;  Dalkeith  Palace,  near  Edinburgh  ;  Carlton 
ib,  S.W.  ;  Montagu  House,  Whitehall,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Earl  of  Dalkeith,  b.  1831  ;  edu- 
ed  at  Eton  and  Ob.  Ch.,  Oxford;  a  Dep.  Lieut. 

Midlothian  and  for  co.  Selkirk,  and  Lieu- 
lant  Midlothian  Yeomanry;  elected  MP,  for 
dlothian  1853. 

IHAN  (Earl  of),  David  Stuart  Erskine  (cr. 

lest  surviving  son  of  the  12th  Earl,  by  bis 
;  wife  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  C.  Shipley,  Bart.  ; 
1815  ;  s.  1857  ;  m.  1849  Agues  Graham,  dau.  of 
Smith,  Esq.  Is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Linlith- 
w,  and  Major  Midlothian  Yeomanry;  formerly 
ptain  35tb  foot.  — Amondell,  co.  Linlithgow, 
B.  ;  29,  St.  Andrew's  Square,  Edinburgh. 
Heir,  his  son  Lord  Cardross,  b.  1850. 

!HArT,  James,  Esq.  (of  Auehmachoy  House). 
)ond  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Buchan,  Esq.,  by 
phemia,  dau.  of  Robert  Turner,  Esq.,  of  Menie, 
Aberdeen;  6.  1800  ;  s.  1819;  m.  1833  Helen, 
I  of  Garden  Duff,  Esq.,  of  Hatton.  Is  a  Magis- 
te  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Aberdeen. — Auchma- 
y  House,  near  Ellon,  co.  Abei'deen. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas,  b.  1836. 

Jt  HANAN,  Rev.  Alexander  Henry  (of  Hale's 

ond  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  John 
chanan,  Esq.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John 
illips,  Esq.  ;  6.  1790  ;  m.  1819  Susanna,  dau.  of 
N.  M.  Pattison,  Esq.  Educated  at  Winchester 
I  Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.  A.  1811) ;  is  a 
gistrate  for  co.  Stafford.  This  family  is  a  branch 
the  clan  Buchanan  of  Scotland.  — Hale's  Hall, 
r  Market  Drayton,  Salop. 
YetV,  his  son  Phillips,  b.  1821  ;  in.  1848  Louisa, 
.  of  R.  Townley  Parker,  Esq.,  of  Cuerden  Hall, 
Lancaster  (whom  see). 

BtlHANAK,  Andrew,  Esq..  (of  Greenfield). 
;ond  son  of  the  late  D.  Carrick-Buchanan,  Esq., 
Drumpellier,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  J.  Gilliam, 
Mi,  of  Mount  Alta,  Virginia,  U.S.  ;  b.  1799  ; 
f;  1826  Bethia  Hamilton,  youngest  dau.  of  Wil- 
1  a  Ramsay,  Esq.,  of  Gogar,  by  the  Hon.  Bethia 
I  milton.  Educated  at  Glasgow  University  ;  is  a 
I  gistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lanark,  a 
I  gistrate  and  Commissioner  of  Supply  for  co. 
]  e.  This  family  is  a  branch  of  the  Carrick- 
]  ;hanans  of  Drumpellier  (whom  see). — Green- 
f  1,  near  Shettlestone,  co.  Lanark  ;  New  Club, 
]  n burgh. 

Mj/aV,  his  son  David  William  Ramsay,  b.  1834. 

Bt'l  HANAN,  Andrew,  Esq.  (of  Auchintorlie). 
I  est  son  of  the  late  Archibald  Buchanan,  Esq., 
t  Mary,  2nd  dau.  of  Richard  Dennistoun,  Esq., 
c  Kelvin  Grove,  co.  Lanark;  b.  1817;  s.  1832; 
v-  1845  Mary  Jemima  Dundas  Adamina,  dau.  of 
fr|  James  and  Lady  Henrietta  Fergusson,  of  Evil- 
ly ran,  co.  Ayr.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
f'  co.  Dumbarton. — Auchintorlie,  near  Dumbar- 

m,  n.b. 

:-BjfetV  Pres.,  his  brother  Richard,  b.  1819,  Captain 
;fjy|d  Highlanders. 


BUCHANAN,  Archibald,  Esq.  (of  Bar  skimming). 
Son  of  the  late  Archibald  Buchanan,  Esq.,  of 
Catrine  Bank,  Ayrshire,  by  Hannah,  dau.  of  John 
Struthers,  Esq.,  of  Glasgow  (who  was  the  youngest 
son  of  James  Buchanan,  Esq.,  of  Carston,  co. 
Stirling)  ;  b.  1812  ;  m.  1847  Julia,  2nd  dau.  and 
co-heiress  of  the  late  Thomas  Forster,  Esq.,  Jus- 
tice of  the  Peace  and  Dep.  Lieut.,  of  Adderstone, 
Northumberland,  and  Johanna,  dau.  and  heiress  of 
John  Robinson,  Esq.,  of  Tuggall  Hall,  Northum- 
berland.—  Barskimming,  near  Mauchline,  Ayrshire, 


(See  Carrick-Buchanan.) 

BUCHANAN,  Walter,  Esq.  (of  Shandon). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Andrew  Buchanan,  Esq.,  of 
Glasgow,  by  Margaret,  dau.  of  J.  Cockburn,  Esq.; 
of  Edinburgh  ;  b.  1797  ;  m.  1st  1824  Mary,  dau.  of 
J.  Hamilton,  Esq. ;  2nd  1851  Christina  Laura,  dau. 
of  J.  Smith,  Esq.,  of  Jordan  Hill.  Educated  at 
Glasgow  University  ;  a  Merchant  in  Glasgow,  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Lanark  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Dumbarton ;  has  been  M.P.  for  Glasgow  since 
1857. — Shandon,  Dumbartonshire  ;  Brookes'  and 
Reform  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  Fenton's  Hotel,  S.W. 

BUCK,  Mrs.  (of  Moreton). 

Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  Robbins,  Esq.,  for- 
merly of  Pilewell,  Hants;  m.  1811  Lewis  William 
Buck,  Esq.  (who  was  M.P.  for  Exeter  1826-30,  and 
for  North  Devon  1839-57,  and  cl  1858).— Moreton, 
near  Bideford,  Devon. 

Heir,  her  son  Sir  George  Stucley,  Bart,  (whom 

BUCK,  William,  Esq.  (of  Denholme). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  William  Buck,  Esq., 
by  Sophia,  dau.  of  William  Owen  Brigstocke,  Esq., 
of  Blaenpont;  co.  Cardigan ;  b.  1817;  s.  1821. 
Educated  at  Harrow  and  Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford ;  is 
a  Magistoate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  West  Riding  of 
Yorkshire  and  for  co.  Cai'digan. — Denholme,  near 
Bradford,  Yorkshire  ;  Glanarbeth,  near  Cardigan. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  sister  Caroline,  m.  1834  the  Rev. 
W.  H.  Roper,  of  Abbots  Repton,  Hunts. 


(See  Stitclcy.) 

of),  Richard  Plantagenet  Temple-Nugent- 
Brydges-Chandos-Grenville,   K.G.,  G.C.H., 
P.C.,  D.C.L.  (cr.  1822). 
Only  son  of  the  1st  Duke,  by  Anna  Elizabeth,  dau. 
and  heir  of  the  last  Duke  of  Chandos  (ext.)  ;  b.  1797  : 
s.  1839  ;  m.  1819  Mary,  dau.  of  the  1st  Marquis  of 
Breadalbane,  K.T.    Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  Colonel 
Bucks  Yeomanry  Cavalry;  was  M.P.  for  Bucks 
1818-39  ;  was  Lord  Privy  Seal  1841*2,  Patronage 
6  livings.    Of  this  family  were  the  late  Lords  Glas- 
tonbury, Grenville,  and  Nugent,  and  a  branch  is 
represented  by  Viscount  Pahnerston.    StOWO,  ttoat' 
Buckingham;  Carlton  Club.  S.W  . 

fietr,  his  son,  Marquis  of  Ohandos  (whom  i  k  1 



BUCKINH  AM  SHIRE  (Earl  of),  Augustus  Ed- 
\\  ;u-d  Hobart  (or,  1746). 
Third  son  of  the  late  Hon.  George  Vere  Tlobart 
(who  was  a  son  of  the  3rd  Earl),  by  Jane,  dau.  of 
Horace  Cataneo,  Esq.;  b.  1793;  s.  his  brother  as 
6th  Earl  1849  ;  m.  1st  1810  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late 
John  Williams,  Esq.,  King's  Serjeant  (she  d.  1825); 
2nd  1826  M  ary  Isabella,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Rev. 
Godfrey  Egremont.  Educated  at  Westminster  and 
Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1815,  M.A.  1818); 
is  in  Holy  Orders  ;  Prebendary  of  Wolverhamp- 
ton. Patronage  2  livings. — Richmond  Lodge,  Sid- 
mouth,  Devon  ;  16,  Eccleston  Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Lord  Hobart,  6.  1818  ;  to,  1853 
Mary  Katharine,  dau.  of  Bishop  Carr.  Educated 
at  Trinity  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1840) ;  was  formerly 
Private  Secretary  to  Sir  G.  Grey,  Bart.  ;  is  a  Com- 
missioner of  Coal-trade  for  the  port  of  London, 

BUCKLEY,  Edmund,  Esq.  (of  Ardwick). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Buckley,  Esq.,  by  Mary, 
dau.  of  James  Lees,  Esq.,  of  Lane,  in  Saddleworth  ; 
1.  1780.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  cos.  Lancaster,  Derby, 
and  Merioneth,  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Merioneth 
(High  Sheriff  1858)  ;  was  formerly  M.P.  for  New- 
castle-under-Lyne.  —  Ardwick,  near  Manchester; 
Grotton  Hall,  near  Saddleworth  ;  Carlton  Club, 

BUCKLEY,  Lieutenant-General  Edward  Pery 
(of  New  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Pery  Buckley,  Esq., 
by  Lady  Georgiana  West,  dau.  of  the  2nd  Earl 
De-la- Warr  ;  b.  1796  ;  s.  1840  ;  to.  1828  Catharine, 
only  surviving  child  of  William,  Earl  of  Radnor,  by 
his  1st  wife  Lady  Catharine  Pelham  Clinton,  only 
dau.  of  Plenry,  Earl  of  Lincoln,  eldest  son  of  Henry, 
2nd  Duke  of  Newcastle.  Educated  at  Harrow  and 
Royal  Military  Coll.,  Marlow  ;  entered  the  Army 
1812  ;  served  in  Portugal  and  Spain,  and  at 
Waterloo  ;  became  a  Lieutenant-General  in  the 
Army  in  1858  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Wilts  and  Hants,  and  has  been  M.P.  for  Salisbury 
since  1853  ;  was  Equerry  to  the  Queen  1837-58. — 
New  Hall,  near  Salisbury  ;  Brookes',  Boodle's,  and 
United  Service  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  12,  South  Audley 
Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Alfred,  b.  1829  ;  to.  1858  Geraldine 
Mary,  only  dau.  of  the  late  Captain  George  St. 
John  Mildmay,  R.N. 

BUCKWORTHj  Rev.  Thomas  Everard. 

Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Captain  Thomas 
Blackall  Buckworth,  of  Park  Place,  Windsor,  by 
Helena  Hare,  dau.  of  Rev.  Marshal  Clarke,  Rector 
of  Shronel,  co.  Tipperary,  Ireland ;  b.  1822 ;  to, 
1849  Charlotte  Sarah,  eldest  dau.  of  James  S. 
Garthon,  Esq.,  M.D.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 
Dublin  (B.A.  1843)  ;  appointed  Rector  of  Norbury, 
Staffordshire,  1849,  and  purchased  the  advowson 
1857  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Stafford. — Norbury 
Rectory,  near  Newport,  Shropshire. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Holford,  b.  1851. 

BUDG-EN,  John  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Ballindoney). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Budgen,  Esq.,  by 
Lydia  Sarah  Geneveva,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of 

Edward  Nourse,  Esq.,  of  Stansted  Hall,  Essex  ;  I 
1791  ;  s.  1852  ;  to.  1823  Williamya  Caroline  Mar 
dau.  of  the  late  Colonel  Lorenzo  Moore,  of  the  Battl 
axe  Guards,  and  grand-dau.  of  Sir  Stephen  Janse 
Bart,  (ext.)     Appointed  to  the  95th  regiment  (no 
Rifle  Brigade)  1807  ;  served  through  thePeninsul 
war,  and  at  Waterloo  ;  retired  with  rank  of  Captaii 
is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Wexford,  and  a  Magistra  f 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Surrey.      This  family  w 
for  many  generations  resident  in  Surrey. — Ball! 
doney,  near  Enniscorthy,  co.  Wexford ;  Beaulie 
Jersey  ;  Richmond  House,  Twickenham,  S.W.  J 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas  John,  b.  1824,  of  Holmsd;  ' 
House,  Nuffield,  Surrey. 

BUD  WORTH,  Philip  John,  Esq.  (of  G-reenst ! 

Eldest  son  of  the  Rev.  Philip  Budworth,  Rector  I 
High  Laver,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Jc  ! 
Darby,  of  Bowes  House,  Ongar  ;  b.  1818  ;  s.  18,'i 
to.  1850  Blanche,  youngest  dau.  of  Captain  Thor  | 
Trimmer,  R.N.     Educated  at   Eton  and  Je  I 
Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1839,  M.A.  1842)  ;  i, 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Essex,  and  lat  » 
Captain  in  the  Essex  Rifles.    This  family  is  t, 
scended  from  Odard,  who  came  over  at  the  C! 
quest,  and  assumed  the  name  of  Dutton,  and  win 
descendants  took  that  of  Budworth  on  receivir.j  I 
grant  of  the  Manor  of  Budworth,  in  Cheshire,  f:|l 
Henry  III.    The  Essex  property  was  during  j 
last  century  brought  into  the  family  by  therfl 
riage  of  Richard  Budworth,  grandfather  of  11 
present  proprietor,  with  Mary,  grand-dau.  anc  f  i 
heiress  of  Alexander  Cleeve,  of  Greensted  Half' J 
Greensted  Hall,  near  Ongar,  Essex  ;  Junior  Unr;  j 
Service  Club,  S.W.  ;  15,  Regent  Street,  S.W.  fl 

BULKELEY-OWEN,  Thomas  Bulkeley,  M 
(of  Tedsmore  Hall).  f 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Bulkeley  Hatchett,  Esq.  h  I 
Mary,  dau.  of  T.  Mainwaring,  Esq.,  youngesl  (a 
of  James  Mainwaring,  Esq.,  of  Bromboro',  k ; 
Chester;  6.  1790  ;  s.  1830;  to.  1824  Maris fe, 
dau.  of  Rev.  E.  Thelwall.     Adopted  the  snriie 
of  Owen  by  Royal  license  in  1848.     This  fafy 
was  formerly  resident  at  Lee,  near  Ellesme  t- 
Tedsmoi'e  Hall,  near  Shrewsbury. 

Heir,  his  son  Bulkeley  Hatchett,  b.  1825. 

BULKELEY,  Sir  Richard  Bulkeley  Willi  .s, 
Bart.  (cr.  1661). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Robert  Williams,  ]  U 
by  Anne,  dau.  of  Rev.  Edward  Hughes,  of  K  ieH 
Park,  co.   Denbigh  ;  b.  1801  ;   s.  as  10th  I 
1830;  to.  1st  1828  Charlotte  Mary,  dau.  <<  ■ 
Lord  Dinorben  (she  d.  1829);  2nd  1832  1  ril 
Frances,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  T.  Massey  St-;byH 
Bart.    Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut.  f>p°H 
Anglesea,  and  Lord  Lieutenant  of  co.  CarmpH 
Patron  4  livings.  Was  M.P.  for  Beaumaris  1>  :H 
Anglesea  1833-7,  Flint  1841-7,  and  has  s  ■ 
Anglesea  since  1847.    Sir  Richard  assume  thH 
additional  name  of  Bulkeley  in  1822,  on  inht  :H 
the  property  of  the  late  "Visct.  Bulkeley. — B 
Hall, near  Beaumaris,  Anglesea;  29,  Stanley  k 
Belgrave  Squai-e,  S.W.  H 
86  f  ■ 

!  ■ 



Heir,  his  son  Richard  Mostyn  Lewis,  Lieutenant 
ioyal  Horse  Guards;  b.  1833;  m.  1857  Mary 
Smily,  dau.  H.  B.  Baring,  Esq. 

JTjLER,  Sir  Anthony,  Knt.  (cr.  1816). 
i>on  of  the  late  J.  Buller,  Esq.,  of  Morval,  Cornwall, 
y  Anne,  sister  of  the  late  Sir  W.  Lemon,  Bart.  ; 
.  1779  ;  m.  1805  his  cousin  Isabella  Jane,  dau.  of* 
he  late  Sir  W.  Lemon,  Bart.  Called  to  the  Bar  at 
incoln's  Inn  1803  ;  was  formerly  a  Judge  at 
Calcutta,  and  previously  at  Madras. 

rLLER,  Sir  Arthur  William,  Knt.  (cr.  1848). 
5on  of  the  late  C.  Buller,  Esq.,  by  Barbara  Isabella, 
au.  of  Colonel  Kirkpatrick,  and  brother  of  the  late 
light  Hon.  C.  Buller,  M.P.  for  Liskeard,  and 
ephew  of  Sir  R.  Buller;  b.  1808  ;  m.  1842  Maria, 
au.  of  F.  Templer,  Esq.  Educated  at  Trinity 
!q».,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1830) ;  called  to  the  Bar 
t  Lincoln's  Inn  1834,  and  went  the  West  Circuit  ; 
ppointed  Queen's  Advocate  in  Ceylon  1840  ;  was 
Judge  at  Calcutta  1848-57  ;  elected  M.P.  for 
)evonport  1859. —  Morval,  near  East  Looe,  Corn- 
rail  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 

LLER,  Sir  George,  K.C.B.  (cr.  1855). 

on  of  General  F.  Buller,  of  Llanreath  and  Pelynt, 

ornwall,  by  Charlotte,  dau.  of  G.  Tomlyns,  Esq.  ; 

1805  ;  m.  1855  Henrietta,  dau.  of  the  late 
ieneral  Sir  J.  Macdonald,  G.C.B.  Is  a  Major- 
reneral  in  the  army  ;  formerly  commanded  1st 
attalion  Rifle  Brigade  ;  served  in  the  Caffre  war, 
id  in  the  Crimea  1854-5  ;  was  at  Alma  and  Inker- 
lann,  where  he  was  wounded  1854  ;  appointed  to 
)mmand  the  Camp  at  ShornclifFe  1855  ;  and  to 
Dimnand  a  Brigade  in  Ionian  Islands  1857. — 
he  Garrison,  Corfu  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

EjLLER,  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Dilhorn  Hall) . 

ounger  son  of  the  late  Sir  Francis  Buller  Yarde- 
uller,  Bart.,  of  Lupton,  Devon,  by  Eliza  Lydia, 
iu.  of  John  Holliday,  Esq.,  of  Dilhorn  Hall ;  bro- 
ler  of  John,  1st  Lord  Churston  ;  b.  1800  ;  s.  1829  ; 

1824  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  Major- General  Coote 
[anningham.  Educated  at  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford 
3. A.  1821,  MA.  1824)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
ieut.  for  co.  Stafford  (High  Sheriff  1853) ;  was 
[.P.  for  N.  Staffordshire  1833-42,  and  for  Stafford 
342-7;  The  family  of  Copwood  was  seated  at 
ilhorn  Hall  temp.  Henry  VIII.,  and  from  them 
le  present  possessor  is  descended  through  the 
I  male  line. — Dilhorn  Hall,  near  Cheadle,  Staf- 
rdshire ;  Travellers'  and  Brookes'  Clubs,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Morton  Edward,  B.A.  of  Balliol 
oil.,  Oxford  ;  b.  1825. 

B  LLEE,  Major- General  Frederic  Thomas. 
Idest  son  of  the  late  General  Buller,  by  Charlotte, 
iu.  of  —  Tomkins,  Esq.;   b.  1799;   m.  1821 

jjgttftS,  dau.  of  the  late  Duke  of  Northumberland 

pfl  d.  1856).  Educated  at  Hyde  Abbey  and 
uidhurst  Coll.  ;  appointed  to  the  Coldstream 
nurds  1816  ;  became  a  Major-General  in  the  Army 
(50.    This  family  is  a  branch  of  the  ancient 

Imily  of  Buller,  long  seated  in  Cornwall  and  Devon. 

j-United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

,  1 1  (iv  Pres.,  his  brother  William,  Rector  of  Hem- 

faton,  Somerset. 

i  87 

BULLER,  James  Wentworth,  Esq.  (ofDownes;. 

Only  son  of  the  late  James  Buller,  Esq.,  by  Anne 
his  cousin,  dau.  of  the  late  Right  Rev.  W.  Buller, 
Bishop  of  Exeter;  b.  1800  ;  s, .  1827 ;  m.  1831 
Charlotte  Juliana  Jane,  3rd  dau.  of  the  late  Lord 
M.  H.  Howard  (she  d.  1855).  Educated  at 
Harrow  and  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (D.C.L.  1828), 
and  was  afterwards  Fellow  of  All  Souls  Coll. ;  is 
Colonel  of  the  Royal  1st  Devon  Yeomanry  Cavalry, 
and  Chairman  of  the  Bristol  and  Exeter  Railway 
Company ;  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Devon  ;  was  M.P.  for  Exeter  1832-4,  and  has  been 
M.P.  for  North  Devon  since  1857.  This  family  is 
descended  from  a  common  ancestor  with  Lord 
Churston  (whom  see).  — Downes,  near  Crediton, 
Devon  ;  Brookes'  and  Athenaeum  Clubs,  S.W.  ; 
109,  Jermyn  Street,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  James  Howard,  b.  1835. 

BULLOCK,  Benjamin,  Esq.  (of  St.  Leonard's). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Benjamin  Thompson,  Esq.,  of 
Espley,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  Hawdon 
Brumell,  Esq.,  of  Littlehoughton  ;  b.  1810;  s.  his 
uncle,  the  late  Robert  Bullock,  Esq.,  and  assumed 
his  name,  by  Royal  license,  1845  ;  m.  1841  Jane 
Marr,  dau.  of  the  late  John  Bettell,  Esq.  Is  a 
Magistrate  for  Northumberland.  —  St.  Leonard's, 
SpitalHill,  near  Morpeth,  Northumberland. 
Heir,  his  son  William  Edward,  b.  1845. 

BULLOCK,  George,  Esq.  (of  North  Coker). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Bullock,  Esq.,  by 
Sarah,  dau.  of  the  late  G.  Warry,  Esq.,  of  West 
Coker,  Somerset;  b.  1797  ;  s.  1806  ;  m.  1826  Maria 
Caroline,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late  Charles  Grove, 
Esq.,  M.D.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Somerset.  This  family  has  possessed  lands  in 
North  and  East  Coker  and  Yeovil  for  several  cen- 
turies.— North  Coker,  near  Yeovil,  Somerset. 

Heir,  his  son  George,  educated  at  Eton  and  Ch. 
Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Somerset ;  b. 
1829  ;  m.  1856  Emily  Lucy,  dau.  of  Henry  William 
Berkeley  Portman,  Esq.  (she  d.  the  same  year)  ; 
has  assumed  the  surname  of  Troyte  in  addition  to 
and  before  that  of  Bullock,  by  Royal  license,  in 
conformity  with  the  will  of  his  maternal  relative, 
the  late  Rev.  E.  Berkeley  Troyte,  of  Huntsham 
Court,  Devon. 

BULLOCK,   Jonathan,  Esq.   (of  Faulkbourne 

Eldest  son  of  Jonathan  Josiah  Christopher  Watson, 
Esq.  (who  succeeded  to  the  estates  under  the  w  ill  of 
his  uncle,  Colonel  John  Bullock,  many  years  M.P, 
for  Essex,  and  took  the  surname  of  Bullock  in 
1810) ;  b.  1773  ;  s.  1832  ;  m.  1811  Margaret,  dau. 
of  the  Rev.  Andrew  Dovraea  (sou  of  Robert, 

Bishop  of  Raphoe,  and  grandson  of  Homy. 
Bishop  of  Derry).  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Essex  (High  Sheriff  1837) ;  was  formerly 
Captain  1st.  Dragoon  Guards.  This  taniih  ffM 
formerly  seated  at  Arhoui  tiold.  noar  Reading.  The 

estate  of  Faulkbourne  was  purchased  in  1637,  bjf 

Sir  E.  Bullock,  Knt.,  of  Croat  Totham.  Ksso\. 
from  the  Forleseue  family  (see  Morn  tit's  -*  History 



of  Essex,"  vol.  ii.). — Faulk  bourne  Hall,  nearWitham, 
Essex  ;  2,  Bryanstone  Square,  W. 

H$ir,  his  son  Henry,  b.  1  SI 5  ;  m.  1810  Cicely 
Abigail,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  Sir  Edward 
Bovvyer  Sinijth,  Bart. 

BULTEEL,  John,  Esq.  (of  Flete). 

i  Only  son  of  the  late  J.  Croker  Bulteel,  Esq.  (some 
time  M.P.  for  South  Devon),  by  Elizabeth,  2nd 
dau.  of  the  1st  Earl  Grey,  K.G.  ;  b.  1827  ;  s.  1843  ; 
m.  1854  Euphemia  Emily,  dau.  of  the  late  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel Parsons,  formerly  British  Resident 
at  Zante.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  Devon. — Flete,  near  Ermington, 
Devon  ;  Brookes'  and  Travellers'  Clubs,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  John  George,  b.  1856. 

BULWEE,  Right  Hon.  Sir  Henry  Lytton,  G-.C.B. 
(cr.  1851). 

Son  of  the  late  General  W.  E.  Bulwer,  of  Heydon, 
by  a  dau.  of  the  late  R.  W.  Lytton,  Esq.,  of  Kneb- 
worth,  Herts,  and  brother  of  Sir  E.  Bulwer- Lytton, 
Bart.,  M.P. ;  b.  1804  ;  m.  1848  Georgiana  Char- 
lotte Mary,  dau.  of  1st  Lord  Cowley  ;  appointed 
Commissioner  to  the  Danubian  Principalities  1856, 
Ambassador  at  Constantinople  1858  ;  was  Envoy 
Extraordinary  and  Minister  Plenipotentiary  to 
the  United  States  in  1851  ;  formerly  Envoy  Extra- 
ordinary and  Minister  Plenipotentiary  to  Tuscany  ; 
has  been  Secretary  of  Embassy  at  Paris,  Constan- 
tinople, &c.  ;  was  M.P.  for  Marylebone  1835-7  ; 
sat  previously  for  Wilton  and  Coventry. — Reform 
Club,  S.W.  ;  British  Embassy,  Constantinople. 

BULWER,  William  Earle  Lytton,  Esq.  (of  Hey- 
don Hall). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Earle  Bulwer,  Esq., 
by  Elizabeth,  dau.  and  sole  heir  of  R.  Warburton 
Lytton,  Esq.,  of  Knebworth  Park,  Herts,  and 
brother  of  the  Right  Hon.  Sir  E.  G.  Bulwer-Lytton, 
Bart.,  M.P. ;  6.  1799  ;  s.  1807  ;  m.  1st  1827  Emily, 
youngest  dau.  of  General  Gascoyne,  late  M.P.  for 
Liverpool ;  2nd  1841  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  William 
Green,  Esq.,  of  Forty  Hill,  Enfield.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk  and  Hants  ; 
formerly  Major  in  the  W.  Norfolk  Militia.  This 
family  is  of  great  antiquity  in  Norfolk,  having 
held  land  in  that  county  since  the  Conquest. — 
Heydon  Hall,  near  Reepham,  Norfolk  ;  Union  and 
University  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  24,  Portman  Square,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Gascoyne,  b.  1829  ;  m. 
1855  Marian  Dering,  dau.  and  heiress  of  William 
Lee  Warner,  Esq. 


(See  Lytton.) 

BUNBURY,  Sir  Henry  Edward,  Bart,,  K.C.B., 
P.S.A.  Xcr.  1681). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Henry  William  Bunbury, 
Esq.,  by  Catherine,  dau.  of  Kane  William  Horneck, 
Esq.,  Captain  R.E. ;  6.  1778  ;  s.  his  uncle  as  7th 
Bart.  1821  ;  m.  1st  1807  Louisa  Emilia,  dau.  of 
the  Hon.  H.  E.  Fox  (she  d.  1828) ;  2nd  1830  Emily 
Louisa  Augusta,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  Colonel  G. 
Napier.  Is  Vice-Lieut,  of  Suffolk,  and  a  Lieu- 
tenant-General in  the  Army,  retired ;  served  with 

distinction  in  Holland,  Naples,  &c.  ;  was  Under 
Secretary  at  War  1809-16,  and  M.P.  for  Suffoll 
1830-2.  Patron  3  livings. — Barton  Hall,  nea 
Bury  St.  Edmund's,  Suffolk;  Athenaeum  Club 
S.W.  ;  11,  Upper  Belgrave  Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  James  Fox,  b.  1809;  ml 
1844  Frances  Johanna,  dau.  of  L.  Horner,  Esq. 

BUNBURY,  Rev.  Sir  John  Richardson,  Bart,  (cij 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  James  M.  Richardsoi  j 
Bart,  (who  assumed  his  mother's  name  of  Bunbury  f 
by  Margaret,  dau.  of  John  C.  Moubray,  Esq.,  \ 
Favour  Royal,  co.  Tyrone;  b.  1813;  s.  as  3i f 
Bart.  1851  ;  m.  1840  Maria,  2nd  dau.  of  W.  Ank  jj 
tell,  Esq.,  of  Anketell  Grove,  co.  Monaghan.  Edl| 
cated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  in  Holy  Ordei  1 
This  family  was  formerly  seated  at  Augher,  cl 
Tyrone,  now  sold.  Kilfeacle,  co.  Tipperar/j! 
Castle  Hill,  near  Omagh,  co.  Tyrone  ;  7,  Heyt< 
bury  Terrace,  Dublin. 

Heir,  his  son  Mervyn  Matthew,  b.  1841. 

BURDETT,  Sir  Robert,  Bart.  (cr.  1818). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Francis  Burdett,  Ba 
(many  years  M.P.  for  Westminster  and  Wilts), 
Sophia,  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  Coutts,  Esq. 
1796  ;  s  as  6th  Bart.  1844.    Was  High  Sheriff! 
Derbyshire  1848  ;   is  a  Colonel  in  the  Army  41 
attached  ;  was  formerly  Captain  68th  foot.  Patrl! 
age  6  livings. — Foremark,  near  Repton,  Deri] 
shire  ;  Ramsbury  Manor,  near  Westbury,  Wi."  fJ 
United  Service  and  Junior  United  Service  Chi  I 

Heir  '  Pres.,  his  cousin  Francis,  Colonel  in  If 
Army,  b.  1813  ;  m.  1843  Amelia,  dau.  of  M;| 
J.  Sharp. 

BURDETT,  Sir  Charles  Wentworth.,  Bart.  |i 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Charles  Wentworth 
dett,  Bart.,  by  Harriett,  dau.  of  William  Hu  M 
Burgess,  Esq.  ;  b.  1835  ;  s.  as  7th  Bart.  1848.  ]'U 
Officer  in  the  54  th  foot*  ' 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  Jerome,  b.  it 

BURDETT,    Charles  Sedley,  Esq.   (of  Sh|« 

Son  of  the  late  William  Jones  Burdett,  Esrbf 
Stowey,  Somerset,  by  Sai'ah,  dau.  of  Tin  py 
Brent,  Esq.,  of  Little  Marble  Hill,  Twickenl  h; 
b.  1819  ;  m.  1846  Harriet  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  vi 
Ames,  Esq.,  of  The  Hyde,  St,  Alban's.  Educat  tat 
Westminster  ;  became  Ensign  in  the  Coldstjm 
Guards  1842,  Captain  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  'U\ 
■was  formerly  in  the  60th  Rifles  ;  is  a  Magii  W 
for  Surrey. — Shrubhurst,  Oxted,  near  Gods|ie| 
Surrey  ;  Guards'  and  United  Service  Clubs,  S,l 

BURDETT-COUTTS,  Miss  (of  Holly  Grovtf 

Angela,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  Francis 
dett,  Bart.,  M.P.,  by  Sophia,  youngest  dau. 
late  Thomas  Coutts,  Esq.,  of  London  ;  s.  her  | 
mother  Harriet,  late  Duchess  of  St.  Albai 
1837.  —  Holly  Grove,  Highgate,  Middlese 
Stratton  Street,  Piccadilly,  W. 



URGES,  Jolm  Ynyr,  Esq.  (of  Parkanaur). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Henry  Burges,  Esq., 
by  Marianne,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  R.  John- 
ston, Bart.,  of  Gilford;  b.  1798;  s.  1838  to  the 
family  estates  in  Essex,  on  the  death  of  his  relative 
Margaret,  Dowager  Countess  Poulett  ;  m.  1833 
Lady  Caroline  Clements,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late 
Earl  of  Leitrim.  Educated  at  Brasenose  Coll., 
Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Tyrone.  This  family  is,  or  was  formerly,  of  English 
extraction  ;  the  name  was  originally  De  Burges, 
afterwards  Burches.  De  Burges  is  to  be  found  in 
the  records  of  Herefordshire,  Warwickshire,  and 
Cheshire.  The  first  of  this  branch  of  the  family 
came  over  from  the  latter  county  to  Ireland  during 
the  Protectorship. — East  Ham  and  Thorpe  Hali, 
Essex  ;  Parkanaur,  Duugannon,  co.  Tyrone  ;  Carl- 
ton Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Ynyr  Henry,  B.A.  of  Ch.  Ch., 
Oxford,  6.  1834  ;  m.  1859  Edith,  3rd  dau.  of  the 
late  Hon.  R.  Bootle-Wilbraham,  and  sister  of  2nd 
Lord  Skelmersdale. 

JRGHLEY,  Lord. 

(See  under  Exeter.) 

:  JRGOYNE,  Sir  John  Montagu,  Bart.  (cr.  1641). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Sir  John  Mon- 
agu  Burgoyne,  Bart.,  by  Mary  Harriet,  dau.  of  the 
ate  Col.  Gore  Langton,  M.P.,  of  Newton  Park, 
Somerset;  b.  1833;  s.  as  10th  Bart.  1858;  m. 
L856  Amy,  only  dau.  of  Captain  H.  N.  Smith,  R.E. 
Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Bedford- 
hire,  and  a  Captain  Grenadier  Guards  ;  served  in 
he  Crimea  1854-5.  This  family  holds  Sutton  by  a 
:urious  rhyming  grant  from  John  of  Gaunt. — Sutton 
Park,  near  Biggleswade,  Beds  ;  Guards'  Club, 
5.W. ;  8,  Eccleston  Square,  S.W. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  uncle  Montagu  George,  b.  1798  ; 
.  1855  Louisa,  dau.  of  E.  Vernon,  Esq. 

JTRGOYNE,  Sir  John  Fox,  Bart.  (cr.  1856). 
5on  of  the  late  —  Burgoyne,  Esq.  ;  b.  1783  ;  m. 
821  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Colonel  H.  Pose.  Is  a 
leneral  in  the  Army,  Colonel  Royal  Engineers, 
md  Inspector-General  of  Fortifications  ;  served  in 
he  Peninsula  ;  was  on  the  Staff  in  the  Crimea  ; 
vas  present  at  Alma  and  Inkermann,  and  at  the 
■Siege  of  Sebastopol. — 8,  Gloucester  Gardens,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Hugh  Talbot,  Commander  R.N., 
'.  1833. 

IjFRKE,  Sir  Joseph,  Bart.,  of  Glynsk  (cr.  1628). 
Shiest  son  of  the  late  Richard  Burke,  Esq.,  by 
fohanna  Harriet,  dau.  of  Joseph  Blake,  Esq.  ; 
.  1780;  s.  his  brother  as  11th  Bart.  1845;  m. 
816  Louisa,  dau.  of  the  late  Lord  Huntingtower. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  William. 

r'RKE,  Sir  Thomas  John,  Bart.  (cr.  1797). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Burke,  Bart.,  by 
21ilftbeth,  dan.  of  the  Right  Hon.  John  Calcraft,  of 
teiDpstone,  Dorset  ;  b.  1813  ;  *.  as  3rd  Bart.  1847; 
1857  Mary,  2nd  dau.  of  A.  Nugent,  Esq.,  of 

Pallas,  co.  Galway.  Educated  at  Oscott  Coll.  ;  is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Galway ;  has 
been  M.P.  forco.  Galway  since  1847  ;  was  formerly 
Captain  1st  Dragoons. — Marble  Hill,  co.  Galway; 
Junior  United  Service  Club,  S.W.  ;  35,  Jermyn 
Street,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Charles,  b.  1858. 

BURKE,  Sir  John  Bernard,  Knight  (cr.  1854). 
Son  of  the  late  John  Burke,  Esq.,  by  a  dau.  of 
B.  O'Reilly,  Esq.;  6.  1815;  m.  1856  Barbara 
Frances,  dau.  of  the  late  J.  MacEvoy,  Esq.,  of 
Tobertinan,  co.  Meath.  Educated  at  Caen ;  is 
"Ulster  King-at-Arms,  Keeper  of  the  Dublin  Tower 
Records,  and  Knight  Attendant  on  the  order  of  St. 
Patrick  ;  author  of  the  "Peerage,"  "Landed  Gen- 
try," "General  Armoury,"  "Anecdotes  of  the 
Aristocracy,"  "Visitation  of  Great  Britain  and 
Ireland,"  and  other  genealogical  and  heraldic 
works  ;  formerly  a  Barrister  of  the  Middle  Temple. 
Represents  a  younger  branch  of  the  family  of  the 
Marquis  of  Clanricarde. — Record  Tower,  Dublin 
Castle  ;  43,  Upper  Mount  Street,  Dublin. 

BURKE,  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  Ower). 
.  Second  son  of  the  late  William  Burke,  Esq.,  by 
Teresa,  dau.  of  —  Kirwan,  Esq.,  of  Hillsbrook,  co. 
Galway  ;  6.  1781  ;  s.  1801  ;  m.  1823  Margaret,  3rd 
dau.  of  Oliver  Martin,  Esq.,  M.D.,  of  Galway.  Is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Galway. — 
Ower,  near  Headfort,  co.  Galway. 
Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1824. 

BURKE,  Rev.  Michael  (of  Bally dugan). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Malachy  Burke. 
Esq.,  by  Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  John  Blake.  Esq.,  of 
Winfield,  co.  Galway  ;  b.  1813  ;  s.  1S53  ;  m.  1S4S 
Isabella  Mary,  dau.  of  James  Clarke,  Esq.,  of  Sid 
Abbey,  Devon.  Educated  at  Winchester  and 
Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1837,  M.A.  1843); 
appointed  Incumbent  of  Castle  Archdall,  co.  Fer- 
managh, 1849,  resigned  1S57. — Ballydugan,  near 
Loughrea,  co.  Galway. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Malachy  James,  b.  1851. 

BURKE,  William,  Esq.  (of  Knocknagur). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rickard  Burke,  Esq.,  of  Kee- 
logue's  and  Barber's-fort,  co.  Galway,  by  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  John  Crohan,  Esq.,  of  Croghan,  co.  Ros- 
common, widow  of  William  Bermingham,  Esq.,  of 
of  Barber's-fort,  co.  Galway  ;  b.  1794  ;  s.  1819  ;  m. 
1827  Fanny  Xaveria,  dau.  of  Thomas  Tucker,  Esq., 
of  Brook  Lodge,  Sussex,  by  Marianne,  dau.  of  James 
Wiseman,  Esq.,  of  Seville,  half-sister  to  Cardinal 
Wiseman.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin. 
Mr.  Burke  is  great  great-grandson  of  Sir  John 
Burke,  of  Glynsk,  4th  Bart.,  by  Catharine,  dau.  of 
Theobald,  7th  Viscount  Dillon. — Knoeknagur.  near 
Tuam,  co.  Galway. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Henry,  b.  1829. 

BURMESTER,  Rev.  George. 

Seventh  son  of  t  he  la  to  Henry  PunuostiT.  Es<|.,  by 

Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Maynard,  Etaq  ,  of  Gwj 

House,  Kssox  ;  m.  1888  Arabella,  eldest  -lau.  of 
Nathaniel  Garland,  Ksq.     Educated  at  BtOB  and 



Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1817,  M.A.  1821)  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  lor  Essex,  and  a  Commissary  for  the 
Old  Diocese  of  London,  and  Surrogate  for  the  Arch- 
deaconry of  Colchester. — Little  Oakley,  near  Har- 
wich ;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Frederick  Garland,  b.  1841. 

BURNABY,    Sir  William  Edward,  Bart.  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Captain  E.  A.  C.  Burnaby, 
R.N.  ;  b.  1824  ;  s.  his  cousin  as  4th  Bart.  1853  ; 
on.  1845  Caroline,  dau.  of  the  late  W.  Reece,  Esq., 
of  Lower  Hall,  Ledbury  ;  she  cl.  1857.  Educated 
at  Exeter  Coll.,  Oxford.— Windham  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Henry,  Lieutenant 
B.N.  ;  b.  1829. 

BURNABY,  Edwyn,  Esc-,  (of  Baggrave  Hall). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Edwyn  Andrew  Burnaby, 
Esq.,  by  Mary,  dau.  and  heiress  of  the  Bev.  Wm. 
G.  Browne,  Rector  of  Burrow,  co.  Leicester ;  b. 
1799  ;  s.  1826  ;  m.  1829  Anne  Caroline,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Salisbury,  Esq.,  of  Oakley  Bark,  Wilts. 
Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Leicester,  and  a  Gentleman  of 
Her  Majesty's  Frivy  Chamber  ;  foi'merly  Captain 
3rd  Dragoon  Guards. — Baggrave  Hall,  near  Lei- 
cester ;  Carlton  and  University  Clubs,  S.W. ;  50, 
Eaton  Place,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Edwyn  Sherard,  b.  1830  ;  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel Grenadier  Guards. 

BUENE,  Thomas  Higgins,  Esq..  (of  Loynton 

Only  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Burne,  Esq.,  by  Maria, 
eldest  dau.  of  Richard  Mee,  Esq.,  of  Himley, 
co.  Stafford  ;  b.  1791  ;  s.  1791  ;  m.  1814  Sophia, 
youngest  dau.  of  the  late  George  Briscoe,  of  Sum- 
mer Hill.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Stafford.  This  family  resided  at  Penn,  Stafford- 
shire, until  1823,  when,  upon  the  death  of  Mr. 
Burne's  maternal  grand-uncle,  the  Rev.  S.  Higgins, 
the  present  owner  succeeded  to  the  Loynton  pro- 
perty.— Loynton  Hall,  near  Stafford. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Sambrooke  Higgins,  b. 
1822;  m.  1849  Charlotte  Anne,  dau.  of  William 
Goodlad,  Esq.,  late  of  Bury,  co.  Lancaster. 

BURNE S,  James,  K.H.,  D.C.L.,  F.R.S. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  James  Burnes,  Esq,,  of  Mon- 
trose, by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  AdamGlegg,  Esq.,  Pro- 
vost of  that  town,  and  brother  of  the  late  Sir  Alex- 
ander Burnes,  who  fell  at  Cabul  1841 ;  b.  1803  ; 
s.  1852  ;  m.  1829  Sophia,  2nd  dau.  of  the  late 
Major-General  Sir  G.  Holmes,  K.C.B.,  who  d. 
1855.  Educated  at  Montrose  and  Edinburgh 
University  ;  is  in  the  commission  of  the  peace  for 
co.  Forfar ;  formerly  Physician-General  at  Bombay  ; 
created  a  Knight  of  the  Guelphic  Order  in  1837  ; 
author  of  "A  Visit  to  the  Ameers  of  Scinde."  This 
gentleman  is  head  of  the  family  of  which  the  poet 
Burns  was  a  member. — Junior  United  Service 
Club,  S.W.  ;  40,  Ladbroke  Square,  Notting 
Hill,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Fitz James,  b.  1831. 

BURNETT,  Sir  James  Horn,  Bart.  (cr.  1626). 
Fifth  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir  E. 
Burnett,  Bart.,  by  Margaret,  dau.  of  General  El- 
phinstone,  of  Logie,  co.  Aberdeen  ;  b.  1801  ;  s. 
his  brother  as  10th  Bart.  1856  ;  m.  1st  1831  Caro- 
line Margaret,  dau.  of  C.  Spearman,  Esq.,  of 
Thornby  Hall,  Durham;  2nd  1837  Lauderdale, 
dau.  of  Sir  A.  Ramsay,  Bart,  (widow  of  D.  Duncan, 
Esq.)  Educated  at  Durham  and  St.  Andrew's;  is 
a  Director  of  the  Bank  of  Scotland,  and  a  Magis- 
trate and  Vice-Lieut,  of  co.  Kincardine  ;  was  for- 
merly a  Writer  to  the  Signet.  Patronage  1  living. 
— Crathes  Castle,  near  Aberdeen  ;  4,  Moray  Place, 

Heir,  his  son  Robert,  B.A.  of  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford, 
and  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Kincar- 
dine ;  b.  1833. 

BURNETT,  Sir  William,  K.C.B.,  M.D.  (er.  1831). 
Son  of  the  late  W.  Burnett,  Esq.,  of  Montrose, 
N.B.  ;  b.  1779  ;  m.  1807  Mary,  dau.  of  J.  Baker, 
Esq.    Is  Director-General  of  the  Medical  Depart- : 
ment  of  the  Navy  ;  formerly  Physician  to  William  I 
IV. ;  Medical  Commissioner  of  the  Navy,  and  a| 
Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of  Physicians,  London  ;,j; 
was  present  at  the  Nile,  St.  Vincent,  and  Trafalgar. 
— 43,  Wimpole  Street,  W.  ;  Somerset  House,  W.C.i 

BURNETT,  John  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  G-adgirth).  | 
Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Colone  l 
Joseph  Burnett,  Bengal  Artillery,  by  Margaret,  2ncl I 
dau.  of  John  Steele,  Esq.,  of  Gadgirth  ;  b.  1807  11 
s.  1834  ;  m.  1859  Martha  Jane,  only  dau.  of  th  j|! 
late  J.  Anderson,  Esq.,  of  Kingscourt,  Ireland f  ; 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Ayr,  an  f 
Captain  Ayrshire  Yeomanry  Cavalry.    This  famil| 
was  formerly  from  Aberdeenshire. — Gadgirth,  nes  j 
Tarbelton,  Ayrshire  ;  New  Club,  Edinburgh.  I 
Heir,  his  brother  Francis  Claude,  Lieutenan  | 
Colonel  Bengal  Artillery,  b.  1810. 

BURNING-HAM,  Heitry,Esq.  (of  Froyle  House 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Burningham,  Escii 
by  Mary,  dau.  of  George  Wilson,  Esq.,  of  Londo.j 
b.  1799  ;  s.  1846  ;  m.  1830  Mary  Baldwin,  dau.1 
the  Rev.  George  Nowell  Watkins.    Called  to  t  !  I 
Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1825  ;  is  a  Magistral  | 
for  Hants. — Froyle  House,  near  Alton,  Hants. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  George  Charles,  Captsi 
58th  foot,  b.  1831. 

BURR,  Daniel  Higford  Davall,  Esq.  (of  Ald« 
maston  Court). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-General  Datii 
Burr,  by  his  2nd  wife  Mary,  dau.  and  heiress  j 
James  Davis,  Esq.,  of  Chepstow;  b.  1811 ;  s.  i 
mother  1836  ;  m.  1839  Anne  Margaretta,  only  dP 
of  the  late  Captain  E.  Scobell,  R.N.  Educated! 
Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford ;  is  a  Magistrate  I 
Berks  and  Gloucestershire,  and  a  Magistrate  j 
Dep.  Lieut,    for  Herefordshire ;   was  M.P.  i 
Hereford  1837-41.  This  family  was  formerly  sea* 
in  Herefordshii'e. — Aldermaston  Court,  near  R<f 
ing  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. ;  23,  Eaton  Place,  S.\ 
Heir,  his  son  Higford,  b.  1840. 




rEEARD,  Sir  Charles,  Bart.  (cr.  1807). 
ildest  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-General  Sir  Harry 
3urrard,  Bart.,  by  Hannah,  dau.  of  H.  Darby,  Esq. ; 
.  1793  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1813;  m.  1826  Louisa,  2nd 
au.  of  Sir  Henry  Lushington,  Bart.  Is  a  Vice- 
Ldmiral  on  the  retired  list ;  cousin  of  the  other 
baronet  of  the  same  name. — Holmefield,  near 
jyndhurst,  Hants. 

HEARD,  Sir  George,  Bart.  (cr.  1769). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Sir  George  Burrard, 

art.,  by  Elizabeth  Anne,  dau.  of  William  Coppell, 

sq.,  of  Jamaica;  b.  1805;  s.  as  4th  Bart.  1856; 

.  1839  Isabella,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  George 
>uckett,  Bart.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Hants  ;  was 
LP.  for  Lymington  1828-32.  The  2nd  Bart,  was 
le  celebrated   Admiral'  Sir   H.  Burrard-Neale, 

.C.B. — Walhampton,  near  Lymington,  Hants. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  nephew  Harry  Paul,  b.  1846. 

EEAED,  Dowager  Lady. 

mm  a,  dau.  of  the  late  Admiral  Bingham  ;  m.  1816 
s  2nd  wife)  Rev.  Sir  G.  Burrard,  Bart.,  who  d. 
556.— The  Mount,  Yarmouth,  Isle  of  Wight. 

RRELL,  Sir  Charles  Merrik,  Bart.  (cr.  1774). 
Idest  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Burrell,  Bart., 
'.P.,  F.R.S.,  LL.D.,  by  Sophia,  dau.  and  co- 
dress  of  Sir  Charles  Raymond,  Bart.,  of  Valentine 
ouse,  Essex,  and  of  Highlandbury  ;  b.  1775  ;  s.  as 
d  Bart.  1796;  ra.  1808  Frances,  dau.  of  3rd  Earl 
Egremont.  Educated  at  Westminster  and  St. 
>hn's  Coll.,  Cambridge;  served  11  years  in  the 
issex  Militia,  ultimately  as  senior  Major  during 
e  French  war  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut. 

Sussex  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  New  Shoreham 
ice  1806.  This  family  traces  back  to  the  Burrells 
Broome  Park,  near  Alnwick,  one  of  whom  mar- 
d  a  daughter  and  co-heiress  of  Sir  Walter  Wood- 
d,  Equerry  to  the  Black  Prince. — Knepp  Castle, 
ar  Shoreham,  Sussex  ;  Carlton,  Arthur's,  and 
liversity  Clubs,  S.W. ;  5,  Richmond  Terrace, 

Heir,  his  son  Percy,  b.  1812  ;  m.  1856  Henrietta 
tharine,  dau.  of  Sir  G.  R.  B.  Pechell,  Bart. 

tRELL,  Peter  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Stoke  Park), 
dest  son  of  the  late  Hon.  Lindsey  Burrell,  M.P. 
ho  was  2nd  son  of  1st  Lord  Gwydyr  and  the 
roness  Willoughby  d'Eresby),  by  Frances,  dau.  of 
i  late  J.  Daniell,  Esq.  ;  b.  1810  ;  s.  1848  ;  m.  1st 
10  Sophia,  dau.  of  F.  W.  Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Bar- 
l;ck,  N.B.,  and  Birkfield  Lodge,  Suffolk;  2nd 
•6  Georgian  a,  dau.  of  the  late  P.  Holford,  Esq., 
P.,  of  Westonbirt,  co.  Gloucester.    Educated  at 
John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1830)  ;  appointed 
I  :retary  to  the  Lord  Great  Chamberlain  of  Eng- 
1  d  1837  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
'  folk.   This  family  trace  a  maternal  descent  from 
]  ward  I.,  and  have  long  held  a  distinguished 
]  ition  in  the  co.  of  Suffolk,  their  ancestors,  the 
J  Is  of  Suffolk  and  Barons  Willoughby  d'Eresby, 
<  ling  therein  vast  possessions  and  estates. — Stoke 
3  k,  near  Ipswich  ;  House  of  Lords,  S.W. ;  Oxford 
«  Cambridge  Club,  S.W. 

\feir.  his  son  Willoughby  Merrik  Campbell,  b. 

II  I 


BURROUGrHES,  Henry  Negus,  Esq.  (of  Bur- 
lingham  Hall). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  J.  B..  Burroughes,  Esq.,  by 
Christabel,  dau.  and  heir  of  the  late  Henry 
Negus,  Esq.,  of  Hoveton  Hall,  Norfolk  ;  b.  1791  ; 
m.  1st  1818  Jane  Sarah,  sister  of  Sir  William  Hoste, 
Bart,  (she  d.  1851)  ;  2nd  1854  Augusta  Susannah, 
dau.  of  Lieutenant-General  Proctor,  C.B.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk  (High 
Sheriff  1817),  and  Patron  of  10  livings  ;  was  M.P. 
for  E.  Norfolk  1837-57.— Burlingham  Hall,  near 
Norwich  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  only  surviving  son  William,  b.  1827. 

BURROUGHS,  Frederick  William  Traill,  Esq, 
(of  Rolfsay). 

Eldest  son  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  F.  W.  Burroughs, 
H.E.I.C.S.,  by  Caroline,  dau.  of  Captain  C.  A. 
De  Peyron,  of  the  Bengal  Light  Cavalry  ;  b.  1831  ; 
s.  1852  ;  assumed  the  additional  name  of  Traill  on 
succeeding,  by  will,  to  the  estates  in  Orkney  of  his 
maternal  grand-uncle  George  William  Traill,  Esq., 
of  Viera.  Appointed  Ensign  93rd  Highlanders 
1848  ;  promoted  Brevet-Major  for  distinguished 
conduct  in  the  field  (India)  1848  ;  served  through- 
out the  Crimean  w7ar,  and  in  India  under  Lord 
Clyde  in  1857-8  ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Orkney. 
This  family  is  a  branch  of  the  house  De  Burgh,  and 
claims  descent  from  Hubert  de  Bourgb,  son  of 
William  (de  Mareton  in  Normandy),  Earl  of  Kent. 
The  name  was  first  written  Burrough,  temp. 
Plenry  VII.,  when  Hubert  de  Burgh,  younger  son 
of  the  above,  was  summoned  to  Parliament  in  14S7 
as  Baron  Borrough,  of  Gainsborough,  in  the 
county  of  Lincoln.  Thomas,  the  6th  Baron,  held 
the  office  of  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Ireland  temp.  Eliza- 
beth, and  subsequently  this  family  was  settled  in 
Wicklow  and  Cavan. — Rolfsay,  near  Kirkwall,  Ork- 
ney Islands  ;  New  Club,  Edinburgh  ;  Armv  and 
Navy  Club,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his   brother  Charles  Adolphus  de 
Peyron,  b.  1850. 

BURRO  WES,  Robert,  Esc-,  (of  Stradone). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Burro wes,  Esq.,  by 
Susan,  dau.  of  the- Rev.  H.  Seward,  of  Badsey,  co. 
Warwick;  b.  1810;  m.  1838  Anne  Frances,  only 
dau.  of  the  late  JohnCarden,  Esq.,  of  Barnane.  co. 
Tipperafy*.  Educated  at  Harrow  and  Magdalen 
Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Cavan  (High  Sheriff  1838)  ;  was  M.P.  for 
co.  Cavan  1855-7. — Stradone  House,  near  Cavan, 
Ireland  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  James,  b.  1S45. 

BURTON,  Sir  Charles  William  Ciiffe,  Bart,  or. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Benjamin  Burton,  Hsq.,  bj 
Grace  Anne,  dau.  of  W  illiam  Roberts,  K>q..  oi 
Gloucester  Place,  London  ;  A.  1829  :  9.  bis  ooosit) 
as  5th  Bart.  1812.  Educated  at  BAoi  :  was  High 
Sheriff  of  co.  Carlow  1851  ;  formerly  l.ioutenani 
1st  Dragoon  Guards. — Pollaeton,  near  Carlow  j 
4,  Albany-Court  Yard.  W  . 



BURTON,  Sir  William  Westbrooke,  Knight  (cr. 

Son  of  the  late  E.  Burton,  Esq.,  of  Daventry  ;  b. 
1704;  m.  1st  1827  Margaret,  dau.  of  L.  Smith, 
Esq.  ;  2nd  1849  Maria  Alphonsine,  dau.  of  the  late 
J,  B.  West,  Esq.,  M.P.  ;  served  in  the  Navy  1810- 
23  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temple  1824  ; 
is  President  of  the  Legislative  Assembly  in  Sydney  ; 
has  been  a  Judge  at  Madras,  at  Cape  of  Good 
Hope,  and  in  New  South  Wales. — Sydney. 

BURTON,  David,  Esq.  (of  Cherry  Burton). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  David  Burton,  Esq.,  by 
Isabella,  dau.  of  Thomas  Fawell,  Esq.  ;  b.  1820  ; 
s.  1854  ;  m.  1856  Fanny,  dau.  of  Frederic  Cowper, 
Esq.,  of  Carleton  Hall,  near  Penrith.  Educated  at 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1843);  called  to 
the  Bar  at  Middle  Temple  1848  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  East  Riding  of  Yorkshire. — 
Cherry  Burton,  near  Beverley,  Yorkshire  ;  Oxford 
and  Cambridge  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  David  Fowler,  b.  1857. 

BURTON,  Rev.  Henry. 

Second  son  of  the  late  Rev.  H.  Burton,  Vicar  of 
Atcham,  co.  Salop,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  W.  Gittins, 
Esq.,  of  Chilton,  co.  Salop,  and  brother  of  R.  Burton, 
Esq.,  of  Longner  Hall  (whom  see)  ;  b.  1803  ;  m. 
1845  Charlotte  Belasyse,  3rd  dau.  of  5th  Viscount 
Barrington.  Educated  at  Westminster  and  Ch. 
Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1825,  M.A.  1831) ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Salop,  and  Rural  Dean  of  Shrewsbury  ; 
Vicar  of  Atcham,  and  Rector  of  Upton  Cressett, 
and  Proctor  in  Convocation  for  the  Diocese  of 
Lichfield.  —  Atcham  Vicarage,  near  Shrewsbury, 
and  University  Club,  S.W. 

BURTON,  Admiral  James  Ryder,  K.H.  (of  Dun- 
stall  Priory). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Right  Rev.  Dr.  Burton,  Lord 
Bishop  of  Killala,  by  a  dau.  of  C.  Otway,  Esq.,  of 
Castle  Otway;  b.  1794;  m.  1822  Anna  Maria, 
youngest  dau.  of  the  13th  Lord  Dunsany,  and 
widow  of  P.  Roche,  Esq.,  of  Donore,  co.  Kildare 
(she  d.  1856).  Educated  at  Eton  and  Royal  Naval 
Coll. ;  entered  the  Navy  1806,  became  an  Admiral 
1851  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Kent 
(High  Sheriff  18 — ) ;  has  served  on  the  Mediterra- 
nean and  other  stations. — Dunstall  Priory,  near 
Eynesford,  Kent ;  United  Service  and  Carlton 
Clubs,  S.W.  ;  15,  Park  Square,  Regent's  Park, 

Heir,  his  son  Francis  Augustus  Plunkett, 
educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford ;  Colonel  in  Cold- 
stream Guards ;  b.  1824  ;  m.  1853  Sarah  Charlotte 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  J.  S.  W.  S.  Erle-Drax,  Esq., 
of  Charborough  Park  (whom  see). 

BURTON,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  Longner  Hall). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Henry  Burton,  by 
Mary,  dau.  of  William  Gittins,  Esq.,  of  Chilton, 
co.  Salop  ;  b.  1796 ;  s.  his  uncle  1841  ;  m.  1st 
1821  Catherine,  2nd  dau.  of  Wm.  Walcot,  Esq.,  of 
the  Moor  Hall,  Salop  ;  2nd  1835  Catherine,  eldest 
dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  Sir  Herbert  Oakeley,  D.D. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Oxford  j  is  a 

Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Salop,  and  Cap- 
tain Salop  Yeomanry  Cavalry.  This  family  has 
been  seated  at  Longner  for  four  centuries,  and 
several  of  its  members  have  represented  Shrews- 
bury in  Parliament. — Longner  Hall,  near  Shrews- 
bury ;  1,  Regent  Street,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  Lingen,  b.  1836  ;  educated 
at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford. 

BURTON,  William  Fitz-William,  Esq.  (of  Bur- 
ton  Hall). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Fitz-William  Burton,  j 
Esq.,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  John  Power,  Bart.,  late 
of  Kilfane,  Kilkenny  ;  b.  1826  ;  s,  1844  ;  m.  1848 
Coralia  Augusta  Frederica,  dau.  of  Henry  Lloyd,  ! 
Esq.    Educated  at  Eton  ;  appointed  to  4th  Light  ] 
Dragoons  in  1845  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut.  I 
for  co.  Carlow,  and  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Kildare  I 
(High  Sheriff  of  co.  Carlow  1849).    This  family, 
was  formerly  from  Cheshire,  and  is  descended  froir  | 
a  common  ancestor  with  Sir  Charles  Burton,  Bart  £ 
— Burton  Hall,  co.  Carlow  ;  Kildare  Street  Club 

Heir,  his  son  William  Fitz-William,  b.  1849.  j 

BURY,  Hon.  Alfred.  j 
Third  son  of  2nd  Earl  of  Charleville  ;  b.  1829 ;  mil 
1854  Emily  Frances,  dau.  of  Lieutenant-Generc,  I 
W.  Wood,  C.B.,  K.H.  Educated  at  Sandhurst  j 
entered  the  army  1846  ;  became  Captain  69th  foe  f 
1854  ;  appointed  to  the  10th  foot  1858.—  CharL 
ville  Forest,  near  Tullamoore,  Ireland  ;  Army  an  t! 
Navy  Club,  S.W.  ; 

BURY,  Viscount. 

(See  under  Albemarle.)  I  i 

BURY.  t  > 

(See  under  Charleville.)  j  I 

BUSFIELD,  Rev.  William  (of  Upwood).  J  I 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Johnson  Atkinml 
Busfield,  D.D.,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  J.  PriestlJII 
Esq.,  and  nephew  and  heir  of  the  late  Willi: ill 
Busfield,  Esq.  (who  was  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lie  f  I 
for  Yorkshire,  and  M.P.  for  Bradford  1837-5  II 
b.  1802  ;  s.  1851  ;  m.  1830  Sarah,  dau.  of  the  E  I 
C.  F.  Bond,  of  Margaretting,  Essex.  Educated  I 
the  Charterhouse  and  University  Coll.,  Oxf  I 
(B.A.  1823,  M.A.  1826)  ;  appointed  Rectoii  I 
Keighley  1840.  —  Upwood,  near  Bradford,  Yc|  II 
shire.  m 
Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1837.  I 

BUSH,  John  Whittaker,  Esq.  (of  Fairwood).  j  ■ 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  George  Bush,  Esq.,  I.  I 
Elinor  Maria,  dau.  of  John  Whittaker,  Esq.j  ■ 
Fairwood,  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  V\l  H 
and  Somerset ;  b.  1820  ;  s.  1848  ;  in,  1843  Anf<  ■ 
Annie,  eldest  dau.  of  Captain  Matthew  Ja|'  H 
Walker,  R.N.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Wilts,  a  (<  H 
Lieutenant  in  the  Royal  Wilts  Yeomanry  Cav>  H 
This  family  is  descended  from  Paul  Bush,  1st  ^  H 
testant  Bishop  of  Bristol,  and  on  the  female  p  H 
from  the  Greenes  of  Grittleton,  Wilts,  and  Ser  '  i  H 
Somerset. — Fairwood,  near  Westburv,  Wilts.  H 
92  ■ 



SH,  Rev.  Paul. 

ecpnd  son  of  the  late  Rev.  James  Bush,  Rector  of 
outh  Luffenham,  by  Maria  Charlotte,  dau.  of  John 
Earner,  Esq.,  of  Trinidad;  b.  1S23  ;  m.  1849 
varilla  Oliveria  Cromwell,  dau.  of  Artemidorus 
romwell  Russell,  Esq.,  of  Roundcroft,  and  niece 
f  T.  A.  Russell,  Esq.,  of  Cheshunt  Park  (whom 
se).  Educated  at  St.  Mary's  Hall,  Oxford  (B.A. 
843  ;  M.A.  1847)  ;  appointed  Rector  of  South 
uffenham  1849,  and  Rector  of  Duloe  1850.  This 
mily  is  descended  from  Paul  Bush,  the  first  Pro- 
tan  t  Bishop  of  Bristol,  and  John  le  Warner, 
ho  flourished  at  Gt.  Waltham,  Essex,  temp, 
'.dward  III.  —  Duloe  Rectory,  near  Liskeard, 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Cromwell,  b.  1851. 

SHE,  Gervase,  Esq.  (of  G-lencairn  Abbey), 
ldest  son  of  the  late  Henry  Amyas  Bushe,  Esq., 
y  Lavinia  Bingham,  eldest  dau.  of  Richard  Gum- 
eton,  Esq.,  of  Glencairn  Abbey,  co.  Waterford ; 
1806;  s.  1831;  m.  1857  Georgina  Agnes,  dau. 
William  Smart,  Esq.,  Lieutenant  R.N.  Edu- 
ted  at  Westminster  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  ; 
rved  in  the  15th  and  7th  Hussars  ;  is  a  Dep. 
ieut.  for  co.  Waterford.  This  family  is  descended 
om  Paul  Bushe,  the  1st  Protestant  Bishop  of  Bris- 
1,  whose  grandson,  Colonel  John  Bushe,  obtained 
grant  of  the  lands  of  Kilfane,  co.  Kilkenny, 
D.  1670. — Glencairn  Abbey,  near  Lismore,  co. 
aterford  ;  Junior  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

SHELL,  Theobald,  Esq..  (of  Strandtown). 
oungest  son  of  the  late  Benjamin  Bushell,  Esq., 
Limerick,  by  Margaret,  dau.  of  Theobald  Butler, 
sq.,  of  Wilford,  co.  Kilkenny;  b.  1806  ;  m.  1838 
nne  Jane,  youngest  dau.  of  Adam  Duffin,  Esq., 
Oakland,  co.  Antrim.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
ntrim,  and  a  Merchant  in  Belfast. — Strandtown, 
ar  Belfast. 

3K,  Edward  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Ford's  Grove), 
dest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Busk,  Esq.,  by  Sarah 
mmasine,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  Thomas  Teshmaker, 
;q.,  of  Ford's  Grove  ;  b.  1805  ;  m.  1851  Susan, 
u.  of  Thomas  Benson  Pease,  Esq.  Educated  at 
.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at 
e  Middle  Temple  1832  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Mid- 
?sex  and  Herts.  This  family  is  descended  from 
cob  Hans  Busch,  a  Swedish  emigrant,  naturalized 
1722.— Ford's  Grove,  Winchmore  Hill,  Middle- 
<  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Teshmaker,  b.  1852. 

?E  (Marquis  of),  John  Patrick  Crichton- 
Stuart  (cr.  1796). 

ily  son  of  the  2nd  Marquis,  by  his  2nd  wife 
phia,  dau.  of  the  1st  Marquis  of  Hastings,  K.G. ; 
1847  ;  s.  1848.  Is  Hereditary  Keeper  of  Rothe- 
t  Castle.  Patronage  12  livings.  This  family  is 
scended  from  a  natural  son  of  Robert  II.  of  Scot- 
id. —  Cardiff  Castle,  Glamorganshire;  Mount 
aart,  Isle  of  Bute,  N.B.  ;  Dumfries  House,  near 
mxvock,  Ayrshire,  N.B. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  James  Frederick  Dudley, 
Dutenant-Oolonel  Grenadier  Guards,  and  M.P.  for 
(t'diff  (son  of  the  late  Lord  James  Stuart,  M.P.), 

I  93 

BUTE,  Marchioness  of. 

Sophia  Frederica  Christina,  2nd  dau.  of  the  1st 
Marquis  of  Hastings  ;  m.  .1845  (as  2nd  wife)  the 
2nd  Marquis  of  Bute,  who  d.  1848.  Has  edited 
the  "Private  Journal"  of  her  father. — Mount 
Stuart,  Isle  of  Bute  ;  The  Castle,  Cardiff. 

BUTLER,  Sir  Thomas,  Bart.  (cr.  1628). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Richard  Butler,  Bart.,  by 
Sarah  Maria,  dau.  of  Thomas  North  Newenham, 
Esq.,  of  Coolmore  ;  b.  1783  ;  s.  as  8th  Bart.  1817  ; 
m.  1812  Frances  Graham,  dau.  of  John  Graham 
Clarke,  Esq.,  of  Sutton,  co.  York.  Is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Carlow,  and  Colonel  of  the 
Carlow  Militia. — Ballintemple,  co.  Carlow. 

Heir,  his  son  Richard  Pierce,  b.  1813  ;  m.  1835 
Matilda,  dau.  of  T.  Cookson,  Esq. 

BUTLER,  Hon.  Charles  Lennox  (of  Coton  House). 
Sixth  son  of  13th  Lord  Dunboyne;  b.  1813  ; 'in. 

1835  Eliza,  only  child  of  late  T.  L.  Holland,  Esq.  ; 
is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Middlesex  and  Warwickshire, 
and  Major  Westminster  Militia. — Coton  House, 
near  Rugby,  Warwickshire  ;  8,  Grosvenor  Place, 

Heir,  his  son  Lindsey  Holland,  b.  1836. 

BUTLER,  Hon.  Henry  Cavendish  (of  Innis-Rath). 
Fifth  son  of  the  late  Hon.  A.  R.  Butler-Danvers, 
and  brother  of  the  5th  Earl  of  Lanesborough  ;  b. 
1811  ;  m.  1842  Cecilia  Agnes,  youngest  daughter 
of  the  late  Lieutenant-General  Sir  John  Taylor, 
K.C.B.  Educate'd  at  Addiscombe  ;  was  formerly 
in  the  East  India  military  service.— Innis-Rath, 
near  Lisnaskea,  co.  Tyrone. 

BUTLER,  Hon.  James. 

Fourth  son  of  13th  Lord  Dunboyne  ;  b.  1810  ;  m. 

1836  Emilia  Mary,  only  dau.  of  Sir  W.  Fitz-Gerald. 
Bart.,  of  Carrigoran,  co.  Clare.  Is  a  Magistrate 
for  Queen's  co.  (High  Sheriff  1847-8). — Lamberton 
Park,  Queen's  co. 

Heir,  his  son  James  William  Fitz-Gerald,  Lieut. 
Queen's  co.  Militia  Rifles  ;  b.  1837  ;  m.  1858  Ada, 
youngest  dau.  of  the  late  Lawrence  Gwynne,  Esq., 
LL.D.,  of  Cambrian,  co.  Devon. 

BUTLER,  Charles  Salisbury,  Esq.  (of  Cazenoves\ 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Butler,  Esq.,  of  Hack- 
ney, Middlesex,  by  Elizabeth  Mary,  dau.  of  John 
Hutt,  of  Harrow  ;  b.  1812  ;  m.  1833  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  the  late  Edward  Kingstone,  Esq.  Educated  at 
Shenfield  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Middlesex  ami  the 
City  and  Liberty  of  Westminster,  and  for  the 
Tower  Hamlets,  of  which  ho  is  a  Dep.  Licul.  :  is 
Chairman  of  his  divisional  County  Bench,  Chair- 
man also  of  the  Lieutenancy,  and  Chairman  of  the 
Quarter  Sessions  of  the  Tower  Hamlets  Liberties. 
Is  a  Commissioner  of  Property  and  Income,  Land 
and  Assessed  Taxes,  and  was  formerly  a  Commis- 
sioner of  Sewers  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  Tower  Ham* 
lets  since  1852.  Patron  of  1  living.  Caaenoves, 
Upper  Clapton,  Middlesex,  N.K.  j  Reform  Club, 
S.W.  ;  City  Club,  B.C. 

ll<ir,  his  son  Charles  Edward  Kingston^.  '. 



BUTLER,  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Kilmurry). 

Third  son  of  the  late  Colonel  the  Hon.  Pierce 
Sutler,  M.P.  for  co.  Kilkenny  (who  was  youngest 
son  of  Edmund,  11th  Viscount  Mountgarret,  and 
brother  to  the  late  Earl  of  Kilkenny),  by  Anne, 
dau.  of  Thomas  March,  Esq.,  of  Lisbon  ;  b.  1806  ; 
m.  1S46  Clara,  eldest  dau.  of  John  Taylor,  Esq.,  of 
Leicester.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Kilkenny  (High 
Sheriff  1859)  ;  was  formerly  a  Captain  in  the  27th 
Inniskillens  and  59th  regiment. — Kilmurry,  near 
Thomastown,  co.  Kilkenny  ;  Junior  United  Service 
Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Somerset  James,  b.  1849. 

BUTLER,  James,  Esq.  (of  Park). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Butler,  Esq.,  by 
Ann,  dau.  of  Theobald  Butlei-,  Esq.,  of  Drom,  co. 
Tipperary  ;  b.  1785  ;  s.  1800  ;  m.  1813  Gertrude, 
eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  John  C.  Carden,  Bart. 
Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Tipperary  ;  was  formerly 
Capt.  4th  Dragoon  Guards. — Park,  near  Temple- 
more,  co.  Tipperary. 

Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1814  ;  m.  1857  Mary, 
dau.  of  Major  Jackson,  of  Rapla,  co.  Tipperary,  by 
Lilia,  dau.  of  — -  Herbert,  Esq.,  of  Carane,  co. 

BUTLER,  Richard  Fowler,  Esq.  (of  Pendeford 

Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  Thomas  Lever- 
sage  Fowler,  Esq.,  of  Pendeford  Hall,  by  Harriett, 
dau.  of  Eev.  Eichard  Fowler,  of  Brewood  ;  b.  1794 ; 
assumed  the  name  of  Butler  on  inheriting  the 
Barton  Hall  estate  in  1850;  m.  1st  1819  Eliza 
Anne,  dau.  of  W.  Wynne,  Esq.  »  2nd  1837  Eliza, 
dau.  of  R.  Faux,  Esq.  ;  3rd  1839  Agnes  Jane,  dau. 
of  John  Peel,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  co.  Stafford  ;  was  formerly  in  the  43rd 
regiment,  and  served  in  the  Rifle  Brigade  in  the 
Peninsula  and  at  Waterloo. — Pendeford  Hall,  near 
Wolverhampton  ;  Barton  Hall,  Staffordshire  ;  Con- 
servative Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Richard,  b.  1829. 

BUTLER,  Whitwell,  Esq.  (of  Staffordstown). 
Fourth  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Richard  Butler,  D.D., 
by  Martha,  dau.  of  Richard  Roth  well,  Esq.,  of 
Berford  ;  b.  1798  ;  m.  1833  Elizabeth,  2nd  dau.  of 
J.  P.  Garnets,  Esq.,  of  Arch  Hall.  Educated  at 
Sandhurst  Coll.  ;  appointed  to  the  3rd  Foot  Guards 
1814  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Meath  •  was  formerly 
a  Magistrate  for  co.  Kilkenny. — Staffordstown, 
near  Brownstown,  co.  Meath. 
Heir,  his  son  Whitwell,  b.  1836. 

BUTLER,  William,  Esq.  (of  Drom). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Theobald  Butler,  by 
Anne,  dau.  of  James  Kearney,  Esq.,  of  Blanchville, 
co.  Kilkenny  ;  b.  1818  ;  s.  1839  ;  m.  1842  Cathe- 
rine, only  dau.  of  John  Lloyd,  Esq.,  of  Lisheen 
Castle,  co.  Tipperary.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Tip- 
perary. This  family  is  descended  from  James,  2nd 
Lord  Dunboyne. — Drom,  near  Templemore,  co. 
Tipperary  ;  R.  St.  George  Yacht  Club,  Kingstown ; 
Frescati  Lodge,  Black  Rock,  Dublin. 
Heir,  his  son  Theobald  John  Guy,  b.  1848. 

BUTLER-BOWDON,  John,  Esq.  (of  Pleasing^ 

Second  son  of  the  late  J.  P.  Bruno  Bowdon, 
Southgate,  Esq.,  by  Mary  Martha,  eldest  dau. 
Edward  Ferrers,  Esq.,  of  Baddesley  Clinton,  i 
Warwick  ;  b.  1815  ;  s.  his  cousin  1840,  when 
assumed  the  additional  name  of  Butler  ;  m.  18 
Amelia  Catherine  Frances,  eldest  dau.  of  G. 
Whitgreave,  Esq.,  of  Moseley  Court,  co.  Staffo 
Educated  at  Stonyhurst  Coll.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  a 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster.  The  family  of  But 
descends  from  Hervens,  who  came  over  at  the  C 
quest,  and  is  a  branch  of  the  Ormonde  family,  s 
tling  in  1248  at  Rawcliffe,  which  was  forfeited 
1715  by  Henry  Butler,  who  engaged  in  the  rebell 
of  that  period,  and  was  condemned  to  be  behead 
but  died  in  the  Tower  before  the  sentence  was 
cuted. — Pleasington  Hall,  near  Blackburn ;  Staff 
Club,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Erdeswick,  b.  1850. 

BUTLER-JOHKTSTOarEjHon.Henry  (of  Aug 

Third  son  of  the  13th  Lord  Dunboyne  ;  b.  1809 : 
1834  Isabella  Margaret,  only  dau.  of  late  Sii 
Munro,  Bart.,  and  niece  and  heir  of  General  J< 
stone,  whose  name  he  has  assumed.  Is  M 
Dumfries  Militia  ;  was  M.P.  for  Canterbury  185 
and  since  1857. — Auchin  Castle,  near  Mof 
N.B.  ;  24,  Park  Street,  Grosvenor  Square,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Henry  Alexander,  b.  1837. 

Hon.  Charles  Harward  Clarke. 
Fourth  son  of  17th  Earl  of  Ormonde,  by  Anne, 
of  John  Earl  of  Wandesforde  (ext.) ;  b.  1780 
1st  1812  Sarah,  dau.  of  2nd  Earl  of  Carrick  (s 
1838) ;  2nd  1842  Lucy,  dau.  of  A.  French,  Esq. 
widow  of  Somerset,  3rd  Earl  of  Carrick.  Is  a 
Lieut,  for  co.  Kilkenny  ;  assumed  the  nam 
Clarke  1820,  and  those  of  Southwell  and  Wai 
forde  in  1830. — Kirklington,  near  Bedale,  It 
shire ;  Ulcombe  Place,  near  Maidstone,  E 
Castle  Comer,  co.  Kilkenny. 

Heir,  his  son  John,  b. 1813 ;  m.  1841  Emily  S 
Frances,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late  John  M'Clin 
Esq.,  of  Drumcar,  co.  Louth. 


BUTSOIST,  Rev.  Christopher  Henry  Gould 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Venerable  J.  Sti'ange  Bu  M 
Archdeacon  of  Clonfert,  by  Esther  Eccles,  djj 
William  Sinclair,  Esq.,  of  Belfast,  and  grandsl 
Christopher Butson,  late  Bishop  of  Clonfert  anci 
lala  ;  5.1819  ;  s.  1845 ;  in.  1847  Helena,  only  d 
the  Rev.  Edward  Eyre  Maunsell,  Vicar  of  Gajaj 
Educated  at  Winchester  and  Magdalen  Coll.,  m 
bridge  (B.A.  1841,  M.A.  1850) ;  ordained  1842p 
pointed  Rector  of  Clonfert  1845,  Archdeacr 
Clonfert  1855  ;  was  formerly  Curate  of  Leatheil 
Surrey. — Clonfert,  co.  Gal  way  ;  Knockmagjn 
Galway,  Ireland. 

Heir,  his  son  Strange  Gould,  b.  1849.  I 

BUTT,  George  Medd,  Esq.,  Q.C. 

Son  of  the  late  John  Butt,  Esq.,  of  Sherli 
Dorset  j  b.  1805  ;  m.  18 —  Frances  Jane,  d;l  i 
the  late  T.  Ffooks,  Esq.,  of  Sherborne.  Call 



,he  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temple  1830,  and  went  the 
•Vestern  Circuit ;  is  a  Bencher  of  the  Inner  Teni- 
ae ;  was  M.P.  for  Wevmouth  1852-7.— Carlton 
#ub,  S.W. ;  17,  Eaton  Square,  S.W. 

PTT,  Isaac,  Esq.,  Q,.C,  LL.D. 
)nly  son  of  the  late  Bev.  Bobert  Butt,  M.A.  ;  b. 
813  ;  m.  1837  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  H.  Swanzy,  Esq. 
Educated  at  Trinity  CoU.,  Dublin  (B.A.  1835);  was 
^rofessor  of  Political  Economy  at  Trinity  Coll. 
f  836-12;  a  Member  of  the  Irish  Bar  ;  was  M.P. 
pr  Harwich  in  1852  ;  has  sat  for  Youghall  since 
hat  time. — 72,  Leeson  Street,  Dublin  ;  Carlton 
blub,  S.W.  ;  85,  Jernvyn  Street,  S.W. 

rTTEB,  Archibald,  Esq.  (of  Faskally). 
[•nly  son  of  the  late  Archibald  Butter,  Esq.,  Lieu- 
hnant-Colonel  18th  Dragoons,  and  Adjutant-Gene- 
jil  of  the  British  Forces  in  the  West  Indies,  by 
Tere,  only  dau.  of  Sir  Robert  Menzies,  Bart.  ;  b. 
|305  ;  s.  1805;  m.  1834Jemima,  youngest  dau.  of 
lie  late  James  Bichardson,  Esq.,  of  Pitfour.  Edu- 
iited  at  High  School  and  University  of  Edinburgh  ; 
J  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Perth. 
1  his  family  is  descended  from  the  Butters  of  Cor- 
I  ack,  who  possessed  lands  in  the  Highlands  about 
lie  year  1530. — Faskally,  Pitlochry,  Perthshire, 
g  Heir,  his  son  Archibald,  Captain  in  the  Army  ; 

STON,  Sir  Bobert  Jacob,  Bart.  (cr.  1800). 

dest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Jacob  Buxton, 
irt.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Sir  Montague  Chol- 
eley,  Bart. ;  b.  1829  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1812.  Edu- 
ted  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford;  is  a  Magis- 
ate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk,  and  Colonel 
the  Suffolk  Yeomanry  Cavalry.  Patronage  2 
ings.  Schadwell  Lodge,  near  Thetford,  Nor- 
.k  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. ;  85,  Harley  Street,  W. 

CTON,  Sir  Thomas  Powell,  Bart.  (cr.  1840). 
dest  son  of  the  late  Sir  E.  N.  Buxtou,  Bart. 
>me  time  M.P.  for  South  Essex  and  East  Nor- 
k),  by  Catharine,  dau.  of  Samuel  Gurney,  Esq., 
Upton,  Essex;  b.  1837;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1858. 
lucated  at  Harrow  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge 
..A.  1859) ;  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk.  This 
nilywas  formerly  seated  in  Essex  ;  the  1st  Bart., 
ne  time  M.P.  for  Weymouth,  was  a  distin- 
ishetl  advocate  of  the  abolition  of  slavery.  — 
fine  House,  near  Cromer,  Norfolk. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Samuel  Gurney,  b.  1838. 

pTON,  Dowager  Lady  (of  Northrepps  Hall), 
iinah,  dau.  of  the  late  John  Gurney,  Esq.,  of 
rlham  Hall,  Norfolk;  m.  1807  Sir  Thomas 
/ell Buxton,  Bart.,  many  years  M.P.  for  Wey- 
luth,  who  d.  1845.  —  Northrepps  Hall,  near 
|  rwich. 

I'j.TON",  Lady  (of  Colne  House). 

J  harine,  dau.  of  S.  Gurney,  Esq.  ;  in.  1836  Sir 
M N*.  Buxton,  Bart.,  who  d.  1858. — Colne  House, 
|r  Cromer,  Norfolk  ;  Ham  House,  Upton,  near 

►]  itford,  Essex. 


BUXTON,  Charles,  Esq.  (of  Fox  Warren). 

Third  son  of  the  late  Sir  T.  F.  Buxton,  Bart.  ;  b. 
1822  ;  m.  1850  Emily  Mary,  dau.  of  Sir  H.  Holland, 
Bart.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  Surrey,  and  a  partner  in  the  brewery 
of  Messrs.  Truman,  Hanbury,  and  Co.  ;  was  M.P. 
for  Newport  1857-9. — Fox  Warren,  near  Cobham, 
Surrey ;  Brookes'  Club,  S.W.  ;  7,  Grosvenor 
Crescent,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Bertram  Henry,  b.  1852. 

BYAM,  Sir  William,  Knight  (cr.  1859). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Byam,  Esq.,  Mem- 
ber of  the  Council  of  Antigua,  by  Christiana 
Matilda,  dau.  of  —  Byan,  Esq.,  of  Dublin,  Barris- 
ter-at-Law;  b.  1792  ;  m.  1815  Martha,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Bogers,  Esq.,  of  Antigua.  Is  President  of 
the  Council  of  Antigua,  and  Lieut. -Colon el  of  the 
Antigua  regiment  of  Dragoons  ;  was  formerly 
Lieutenant  15th  Hussars,  and  served  in  the  Penin- 
sula and  at  Waterloo.  This  family  is  of  Welsh 
extraction,  but  has  been  seated  in  Antigua  for 
nearly  two  centuries.  —  Cedar  Hill,  Island  of 
Antigua,  West  Indies. 

Heir,  his  son  Edward  Garnage,  Captain  59th 
foot,  b.  1823. 

BYLES,  Sir  John  Barnard,  Knight  (cr.  1858). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Byles,  Esq.,  of  Stow- 
market,  Suffolk,  by  Mary,  only  child  of  W.  Barnard, 
Esq.,  of  Holts,  Essex  ;  b.  1801  ;  m.  1st  1828  the 
2nd  dau.  of  J.  Foster,  Esq.,  of  Biggleswade  ;  2nd 
1836  the  2nd  dau.  of  J.  Wedd,  Esq.,  of  Boyston, 
Herts.  Called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temple 
1831,  and  went  the  Norfolk  Circuit ;  appointed 
Becorder  of  Buckingham  1810,  a  Serjeant-at-Law 
1843,  with  patent  of  precedence  1S46,  Queen's 
Serjeant  1857,  a  Judge  of  the  Common  Pleas  1858. 
—  49,  Russell  Square,  W.C. 

BYNG-,  Hon.  Gerard  Frederick. 

Fifth  son  of  5th  Viscount  Torrington  ;  b.  1784  ;  m. 
Catharine,  dau.  of  —  Neville,  Esq.  Appointed 
Lieutenant  27th  Light  Dragoons  1799  ;  exchanged 
to  53rd  foot  1800;  retired  on  half-pay  1801 ;  became 
a  Clerk  in  the  Foreign  Office  1800,  retired  1840  ;  ap- 
pointed a  Gentleman  Usher  of  the  Privy  Chamber 
1831.— 37,  St.  James's  Place,  S.W. 

BYWG,  Hon.  Henry  Dilkes. 

Fourth  son  of  5th  Viscount  Torrington;  b.  1  7  S  1  ; 
m.  1810  Maria  Jane,  dau.  of  Hon.  J.  B.  Gierke. 
Entered  the  Navy  1798  ;  became  Captain  1814, 
Vice-Admiral  1857,  retired  1858;  served  on  t  ho 
Ameilcan,  Chinese,  and  Jamaica  stations,  and  led 
the  forlorn  hope  at  the  capture  of  Monte  Video. — 
Southsea,  near  Portsmouth. 

Heir,  his  son  Henry,  of  Qucndon  Hall  (whom  300). 

BYNG,  Hon.  James  Master  Owen. 

Third  son  of  6th  Viscount  Torrington,  by  his  'Jul 
wife  Frances  Harriet,  dau.  of  the  Into  Admiral  Sir 

Robert  Barlow,  GkO.B.  j  b.  1818 ;  m.  1856  Caro- 
line Louisa,  dau.  of  \Y.  Cool;.  Esq.,  of  RoydoU 
Hall,   Kent.    Called  to  the   Bar  at  the  Middle 



Temple  1  S52  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Kent. — Shipbourne  Lodge,  near  Tunbridge,  Kent ; 
Athenaumi  Club,  S.W. 

BYIG,  Henry,  Esq.  (of  QuendonHall). 

Eldest  son  of  Admiral  the  Hon.  H.  D.  Byng,  by- 
Maria,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  J.  B.  Clerke,  of  Halifax, 
N.S.  ;  b.  1811  ;  m.  1838  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  Wil- 
liam Webb,  Esq.,  of  The  Views,  Essex.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Essex,  and  a  Captain 
B.N.  —  Quendon  Hall,  near  Bishop  Stortford  ; 
United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Alfred  Molyneux,  b.  1839,  Lieu- 
tenant Grenadier  Guards. 


(See  under  Enfield.) 

BYRON  (Lord),  George  Anson  Byron  (cr.  1643). 
Only  son  of  the  late  George  Anson  Byron,  Esq., 
Captain  B.N.  (who  was  a  grandson  of  the  4th  Lord), 
by  Charlotte  Henrietta,  dau.  of  B.  Dallas,  Esq.  ; 
b.  1789  ;  s.  his  cousin  George,  6th  Lord,  the  dis- 
tinguished poet,  1824  ;  on.  1816  Elizabeth  Mary, 
dau.  of  the  late  Sacheverell  Chandos  Bole,  Esq.,  of 
Badbourne  Hall,  co.  Derby.  Entered  the  Navy 
1800,  became  a  Vice-Admiral,  retired,  in  1857  ; 
has  been  a  Lord  in  Waiting  on  her  Majesty. — 48, 
Eaton  Blace,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Anson,  of  Thrumpton  Hall, 
Notts;  b.  1818.;  m.  1843  Lucy  Elizabeth  Jane, 
dau.  of  the  late  Bev.  W.  Wescomb,  of  Langford 
Grove,  Essex.  Educated  at  Harrow  ;  is  a  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Notts ;  late  Captain  Scots  Fusilier 

BYRON,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Augustus. 

Third  son  of  7th  Lord  Byron;  b.  1828;  m.  1852 
Frederiea,  dau.  of  Lieutenant-General  Sir  T.  Mc- 
Mahon,  Bart.,  G.C.B.  Educated  at  Merton  Coll., 
Oxford  (B.A.  1848)  ;  appointed  Bector  of  Corton 
Denham,  Somerset,  1852. — Corton  DenhamBectory, 
near  Sherborne. 

BYRON,  Hon.  Frederick. 

Second  son  of  7th  Lord  Byron  ;  b.  1822  ;  m.  1851 
Mary  Jane,  2nd  dau.  of  the  late  Bev.  W.  Wescomb, 
of  Langford  Grove,  Essex.  Educated  at  West- 
minster and  Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1843)  ; 
elected  Fellow  of  All  Souls  1844;  called  to  the 
Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1848  ;  appointed  Captain 
Sherwood  Bangers  1859  ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Essex. — Edwinstowe,  near  Ollerton,  Notts  ;  5,  Old 
Square,  Lincoln's  Inn  ;  48,  Eaton  Blace,  S.W. 

BYRON,  Hon.  and  Rev.  William. 

Fourth  son  of  7th  Lord  Byron  ;  b.  1831  ;  m.  1857 
Mary,  dau.  of  Vice-Chancellor  Sir  B.  T.  Kin- 
dersley.  Educated  at  Charterhouse  and  Balliol 
Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1852)  ;  elected  Fellow  of  All 
Souls  1853  ;  appointed  Bector  of  Stoke  Talmage 
1857. — Stoke  Talmage  Bectory,  near  Tetsworth, 

BYTHESEA,  Samuel  William,  Esq.  (of  1 
Hill,  Freshford). 
Second  son  of  the  late  Henry  Bythesea,  £j 
(a  Magistrate  for  Wilts),  by  his  3rd  wife  At 
dau.  of  John  Budd,  Esq.,  of  Greenham,  Berks 
1801  ;  on.  1830  his  cousin  Mary  Agnes  By  the. 
younger  dau.  of  the  late  C.  Brome,  Esq.,  of  J 
ling  House,  Kent,  and  niece  of  the  late  Sir  Chs 
Saxon,  Bart.,  of  Circourt,  Berks.  Educated 
Queen's  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Some 
and  Wilts.  This  family  was  long  seated  at  M\ 
House,  near  Trowbridge,  Wilts,  and  previous! 
Compton  Bishop,  Somerset. — The  Hill,  Freshf 
near  Bath  ;  London  Hotel,  Albemarle  Street, 

Heir,  his  son  Samuel  William  Charles  Bnfl 
b.  1831. 

CABBELL,  Benjamin  Bond,  Esq.,  F.R.S.,  F.  II 

(of  Cromer  Hall). 
Fourth  son  of  the  late  George  Cabbell,  Esq,  i 
Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bliss,  Esq.,  brotbil 
Nathaniel  Bliss,  Astronomer  Boyal,  1762  ;  b.  1  I 
Educated  at  Westminster,  and  Exeter  Coll.,  I 
ford  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  1  1 
is  a  Bencher  of  the  Middle  Temple,  a  Magisil 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Middlesex,  a  Magistral] 
Norfolk  (High  Sheriff  1854),  and  Brovincial  G  I 
Master  of  the  Freemasons  of  Norfolk;  was  'M 
for  St.  Alban's  1846-7;  for  Boston  1847-57.  I 
tronage  1  living.  This  family  was  formertafi 
Buckfastleigh,  Devon.  —  Cromer  Hall,  NorB 
Aid  wick,  Sussex  ;  University,  Athenaeum,  CaH 
Conservative,  Union,  and  National  Clubs,  >CH 
52,  Bortland  Blace,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  John. 

CAD  MAN,  Edwin,  Esq.  (of  Westbourne  H<jse>, 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Charles  Cadman,  E:f.  o{ 
Westbourne  House,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  George  f od- 
win,  Esq.,  of  Bradwell  and  Hope,  grandson  yk 
Hon.  Charles  B;idcliffe,  son  of  Edward,  2nc$!ar 
of  Derwentwater,  and  Charlotte  Livingstontf/is 
countess  Kinnaird  ;  b.  1809  ;  on.  1835  Ameli; 
of  John  Bull  Bing,  Esq.  This  family  was  foiferl; 
of  Spinkhill  Manor,  co.  Derby,  where  !tncl 
Charles  Edward  stayed  on  his  retreat  from  irbi 
before  the  Duke  of  Cumber-land,  in  1745  :  his  prl 
with  other  relics,  are  preserved  at  West1  ami 
House. — Wrestbourne  House,  near  SheffielqTlil 
Clarendon,  W.  I 
Heir,  his  son  William  Edwin,  Lieutena|5tH 
West  York  regiment;  b.  1838  ;  m.  1859  Elhletl 
dau.  of  William  Latimer,  Esq.,  of  Anston,  ijttsB 

CADOGA.N  (Earl),  George  Cadogan,  C.E^l 
(cr.  1800).  ■ 
Second  son  of  the  1st  Earl,  by  Frances,   f  <l 
1st  Lord  Montfort ;  b.  1783  ;  s.  his  brothei.  ■ 
Earl  1832  ;  m.  1810  Louisa  Honoria,  siste  f  H 
Lord  Wallscourt.     Entered  the  Navy  17  ,•'  I 
came  an  Admiral  of  the  White  1858  ;  is  a  H 
of  the  Order  of  Maria  Teresa  of  Austria.  H 
Family  Trustee  of  the  British  Museum  ;  H 
Baron  Oakley  1831.    Batronage  2  livings.—  <  H 
Downham,  near  Brandon,  Suffolk  ;  United  <  H 
Club,  S.W.  ;  138,  Ficcadilly,  W.  ■ 
Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Chelsea  (whom  se:  H 
96  ■ 



If  .DOG AN,  Hon.  Frederick  William. 

Ij  fourth  son  of  3rd  Earl  Cadogan ;  b.  1821;  m. 

■  851  Adelaide,  8th  dau.  of  1st  Marquis  of  Angle- 
sey. Educated  at  Westminster  and  Oriel  Coll., 
m)xford  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Inner  Temple  1847  ; 
'  ■•rent  the  Norfolk  Circuit  ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 

■  \Iiddlesex.  ■ — Wembley,  near  Sudbury,  Middlesex  ; 
W2,  South  Audley  Street,  W. 

^  ■.HILL,  Michael  Richard,  Esq.  (of  Ballyconra 

m\on  of  the  late  Edmond  Cahill,  Esq.,  Justice  of  the 
Jheace,  of  Castle  wood,  by  Dora,  dau.  of  Bernard 
•■)elaney,  Esq.,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  of  Durrow, 
Queen's  co.  ;  b.  1814  ;  s.  1836  ;  m.  1843  Margaret, 
l  au.  and  co-heiress  of  Francis  Magan,  Esq.,  Justice 
Kf  the  Peace  and  Dep.  Lieut.,  of  Emoe.  Educated 
-  -Si  t  Clongowes  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A. 

1 834,  M.A.  1837)  ;  called  to  the  Irish  Bar  1837  ; 
.hm  a  Magistrate  for  Queen's  co.  and  co.  Kilkenny 
-Jlaominated  High  Sheriff  for  co.  Kilkenny  1860). — 
j&llyconra  House,  near  Bally  ragget,  co.  Kilkenny; 
( I  I,  Kutland  Square,  Dublin. 
:  Heir,  his  son  Edward  Michael,  b.  1845. 

:,  :t  IED,  James,  Esq.  (of  Baldoon). 
ncal!  on  of  James  Caird,  Esq.,  of  Stranraer,  N.B. ;  b. 
:wi  816;  m.  1843  Margaret,  dau.  of  Captain  Henry- 
;      m,  R.E.    Educated  at  Edinburgh  ;  is  author  of 
forma   High  Farming,"   "English  Agriculture,"  and 

ther  works ;  formerly  the  Times  Agricultural 
im,Q  ommissioner ;  was  M.P.  for  Dartmouth  1857-9  ; 

lected  for  Stirling  1859. — Baldoon,  near  Wigtown, 

r.B. ;  Langley  Park,  Beckenham,  Kent ;  Reform 

lub,  S.W.  ;  6,  Serjeants'  Inn. 

-neS  IRNS,  Sir  Hugh  McCalmont,  Knight  (cr. 

^rjefjon  of  the  late  W.  Cairns,  Esq.,  of  Culton,  co. 
:Vii»own  ;  b.  1819  ;  m.  1856  Mary  Harriet,  dau.  of 
::.,]mie  late  J.  McNeill,  Esq.    Educated  at  Trinity 
loll.,  Dublin;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle 
,  .  empie  1844,  and  practised  as  a  Chancery  Bar- 
•  •  jster ;  was  Solicitor-General   1858-9  ;   has  been 
rc ;  jt.P.  for  Belfast  since  1852. — Carlton  and  National 
u  Hubs,  S.W.  ;  5,  New  Square,  Lincoln's  Inn,  W.C. ; 
■  ji),  Eaton  Place,  S.W. 

tjjMTHNESS  (Earl  of),  James    Sinclair  (cr. 

ldest  son  of  the  13th  Earl,  by  Frances  Harriet, 
.^Elsliu.of  Rev.  W.  Leigh  ;  b.  1821  ;  s.  1855  ;  m.  1847 
••    puisa  Georgina,  dau.  of  Sir  G.  R.  Philips,  Bart., 
|>.P.    Is  Lord-Lieutenant  of  co.  Caithness,  and  a 
.  CJ  i  epresentative  Peer  for  Scotland ;  has  been  a  Lord 
Waiting.    Descended  from  a  common  ancestor 
ith  Lord  Sinclair. — Tister  House,  co.  Caithness  ; 
■J     Hill  Street,  W. 

''[■  A  Heir,  his  son  Lord  Berriedale,  b.  1858. 

'■  T-jCRAFT,  John  Hales,  Esq.  (of  Rempstone 
;M  Hall). 

wildest  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  J.  Calcraft, 
:  'lj:.P.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  T.  P. 
ales,  Bart.  ;  b.  1792;  m.  1828  Caroline  Catharine, 
>J.  of  the  5th  Duke  of  Manchester.    Is  a  Magis- 
;; Jite  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Dorset;  formerly  a  Cap- 

tain  in  the  Army  ;  was  M.P.  for  Wareham  1832- 
41  and  1857-9. — Rempstone  Hall,  near  Wareham, 
Dorset ;  Carlton  and  Atheneeum  Glubs,  S.W.  ;  12, 
Carlton  Terrace,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Hales  Montagu,  Lieutenant 
R.N.,  b.  1830. 

CALCUTT,  Francis  MdNTamara,  Esq.  (of  St. 
Son  of  William  Calcutt,  Esq.,  by  Dora,  younger 
dau.  of  the  late  Francis  McNamara,  Esq,,  of 
Doollen,  co.  Clare  ;  b.  1819  ;  m.  1842  Georgina, 
dau.  of  Captain  G.  Martyn.  Educated  at  Trinity 
Coll.,  Dublin ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Clare  ;  has 
been  M.P.  for  co.  Clare  since  1857. — St.  Catharine's, 
near  Ennistimon,  co.  Clare. 

CALDECOTT,  Charles  Marriott,  Esq.  (of  Hol- 
brook  Grange). 
Youngest  son  of  the  late  Abraham  Caldecott,  Esq., 
by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Marriott,  of 
Cotesbatch  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  his  uncle  John  Caldecott, 
Esq.,  1839  ;  m.  1827  Margaret,  only  dau.  of  Thomas 
Smith,  Esq.  Educated  at  Rugby  and  Haileybury 
Coll.  ;  appointed  to  the  East-India  Company's  Ben- 
gal Civil  Service  1826  ;  was  formerly  Civil  and 
Sessions  Judge  of  the  Saugor  and  Nerbudda  terri- 
tories, in  India  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Warwick.  This  family,  temp.  William  the 
Conqueror,  were  feudal  Lords  of  Caldecott,  in 
Cheshire.  The  late  John  Caldecott,  Esq.,  purchased 
the  estate  and  manor  of  Little  Lawford  in  1793, 
from  Sir  Edward  Boughton,  built  the  present  man- 
sion, and  made  his  nephew,  the  present  possessor, 
his  heir  by  will. —  Holbrook  Grange,  near  Rugby, 
Warwickshire  ;  Oriental  Club,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  Thomas,  b.  1831. 

CALDECOTT,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  The  Lodge). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Abraham  Caldecott,  Esq.,  of 
The  Lodge,  Rugby,  by  Elizabeth,  eldest  dau.  of 
the  Rev.  Dr.  Marriott,  of  Cotesbatch,  Leicester- 
shire ;  b.  1798  ;  s.  1829  ;  m.  1828  Ann  Catherine, 
eldest  dau.  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  James  West, 
R.A.  Educated  at  Rugby  and  Ch.  Ch.  Coll., 
Oxford  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple 
1822  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Warwick. — The  Lodge,  Rugby,  Warwickshire. 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas,  b.  1831. 

CALDER,  Sir  Henry  Roddam,  Bart.  (cr.  1686). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Henry  Calder,  Bart., 
by  his  2nd  wife  Louisa,  dau.  of  the  late  Admiral 
Osborne  ;  b.  1790  ;  s.  as  5th  Bart.  1792  ;  m.  1819 
Frances  Selina,  dau.  of  1st  Earl  of  Limerick  (she  (/. 
1855).  This  family  is  of  ancient  Scottish  extraction. 
— Muirtoun  House,  N.B.  ;  52,  Rutland  Gate,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Henry  Walsinghaui.  />. 
1820  ;  Mi.  1842  Julia,  dau.  of  Julius  Hutchinson. 
Esq.,  of  Tunbritlge  Wells. 

CALDWELL,  Sir  Henry  John,  Bart.  (or.  1683). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Henry  John  Caldwell, 
Bart.,  by  Sophia  Louisa,  eldest  dau.  of  David  B. 
Paynter,  Esq.,  of  Dale,  co.  Pembroke  ;  b.  1840  j 
7th  Bart.  185S. — Castle  Caldwell,  00,  Fomanagh. 



CALDWELL,  Sir  James  Lillyman,  G.C.B.  (cr. 

Sou  of  the  lato  Major  A.  Caldwell,  Bengal  En- 
gineers ;  b.  1770  ;  m.  1800  Marie,  dau.  of  Mons. 
Malliard  (widow  of  R.  Johnston,  Esq.).  Is  a 
General  in  the  East-India  Company's  service,  for- 
merly in  Madras  Engineers  :  served  in  India  under 
Lord  Cornwallis  ;  was  present  at  the  two  sieges  of 
Seringapatam,  and  commanded  the  Engineers  at 
the  capture  of  Mauritius. — Beachlands,  near  Ryde, 
Isle  of  Wight ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. ;  4, 
Portland  Place,  W. 

CALEDON  (Earl  of),   James  Alexander  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  3rd  Earl  (who  was  M.P.  for  co. 
Tyrone  1837-9),  by  Jane  Frederica,  dau.  of  the  1st 
Earl  of  Verulam  ;  I.  1846  ;  s.  1855.— Castle  Cale- 
don,  co.  Tyrone  ;  5,  Carlton  Terrace,  S.W. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Walter  Philip,  b.  1849. 

CALEDOH",  Dowager  Countess  of. 

Catharine  Freeman,  2nd  dau.  of  the  3rd  Earl  of 
Hardwicke  ;  m.  1811  the  2nd  Earl  of  Caledon,  who 
d,  1839. — Tittenhanger,  near  St.  Al ban's,  Herts. 

CALL,  Sir  William  Berkeley,  Bart.  (cr.  1791). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Pratt  Call,  Bart., 
by  Louisa,  dau.  of  the  5th  Earl  of  Granard  ;  b. 
1815;  s.  as  3rd  Bai't.  1851 ;  m.  1841  Laura  Emma, 
dau.  of  Charles  Wright  Gardiner,  Esq.,  of  Combe 
Lodge,  Oxon.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  Cornwall  (High 
Sheriff  1856),  and  a  Special  Dep.  Warden  of  the 
Stannaries  ;  a  partner  in  the  Banking-house  of  Call, 
Marten,  and  Co.,  London. — Whiteford  House,  near 
Callington,  Cornwall :  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  :  25, 
Old  Bond  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  George  Montagu,  b.  1843. 

CALLAGHAN,  Frederick  Marcus,  Esq. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Gerard  Callaghan,  Esq., 
M.P.,  by  Louisa  Margueretta,  dau.  of  John  Cal- 
vert Clarke,  Esq.,  of  Teddington,  Middlesex ;  b. 
1823  ;  s.  1844  ;  m.  1848  Georgiana  Frances,  dau. 
of  Captain  James  Hodgson,  E.I.  Co.'s  service. 
Educated  at  Sandhurst  Coll.  ;  appointed  2nd  Lieu- 
tenant 60th  Pines  1840,  Captain  and  Adjutant 
N.  Cork  Pines  1853  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cork. 
This  family  represented  the  Conservative  interest 
in  the  city  of  Cork  for  many  years,  and  were  en- 
gaged in  a  very  extensive  merchandise  during  the 
Peninsular  war. — Cork,  Ireland ;  County  Club, 
Cork  ;  Army  and  Navy  Club,  S.W. 
Heir j  his  son  Henry  Frederick,  b.  1849. 

CALLANDER,  George  Frederick  William,  Esq. 
(of  Craigforth). 

Eldest  son  of  J.  H.  Callander,  Esq.,  by  his  2nd 
wife  Charlotte  Edith  Eleonora,  only  dau.  of  the 
late  J.  G.  Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Islay  ;  b.  1848  ;  s. 
1851.  Educated  at  Eton. — Craigforth  House,  near 
Stirling  ;  Ardkinglas  Lodge,  co.  Argyll. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Henry  Barrington,  b.  1849. 

CALLEN,  John  Charles  Hugh  Poyer,  Esq.  (q 

The  Grove). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Daniel  Poyer  Callen,  Esq.,  < 
Molleston,  co.  Pembroke,  by  Caroline,  dau.  of  Hug  j 
Webb  Bowen,  Esq.,  of  Canirose  ;  6.  1836  ;  s.  185  j 
his  uncle  Charles  Poyer  Callen,  Esq.,  of  the  Grov 
Educated  at  Pugby  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Pen  | 
broke,  and  Captain  71st  Highlanders.    This  fami  S 
was  formerly  known  as  Poyer  of  Grove. — Tl| 
Grove,  near  Narberth,  Pembrokeshire. 

C ALLEY,  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Burderop  Park),  J 
Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Jo)  j, 
James  Calley,  Esq.,  of  Blunsden  St.   Audre  y 
Wilts,  by  Elizabeth  Tunstall,  eldest  dau.  of  the  la ! 
Eev.  James  Wyld,  Eectorof  Blunsden  St.  Audrey 
b.  1818  ;  s.  his  cousin  1854  ;  m.  1st  1855  FranJ 
Elizabeth,  only  child  of  Charles  Bowyer,  Esq,  (h  I 
d.1856).;  2nd  1859  Emily  Augusta,  only  dauJ! 
Mr.  Serjeant  Wrangham,  of  the  Pocks,  co.  Glo 
cester.    Is  a  Magistrate  for  Wilts,  and  Lieuterar 
Poyal  Wilts  Yeomanry  Cavalry ;    was  forme  I 
Major  19th  regiment  of  foot.     The  pedigree  I 
this  family  goes  back  nearly  400  years,  and  i 
Calleys  have  possessed  the  estate  of  Overtop 
Wilts,  since  1627,  and  the  Burderop  estate  sii 
the  reign  of  Queen  Elizabeth. — Burderop  Pa! 
neer  Swindon,  Wilts  ;  United  Service  and  Jur 
United  Service  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Charles  Pleydell,  b.  181 

CALMADY,  Vincent  Pollexfen,  Esq.  (of  La 
don  Court). 
Only  son  of  the  late  C.  B.  Calmady,  Esq.,  by  ErcH 
eldest  dau.  of  the  late  William  Greenwood,  Ef, 
of  Brookwood,  Hants  ;  b.  1825  ;  s.  1855.  Eduw  I 
at  Eton  and  Dresden  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Den. 
This  family  was  seated  at  Calmady,  in  Cornwall  ft 
a  very  remote  date,  and  removed  into  Devon  al  t 
the  beginning  of  the  16th  century. — Langdon  Coj, 
near  Plymouth.  F 
Heirs,  his  sisters,  i 

CALBOW,  William,  Esq.  (of  Walton  Lodge  j 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Richard  Cairo w,  Esq.fy 
Judith,  dau.  of  William  Thomasson,  Esq.,  of  Tl« 
ster,  co.  Derby  ;  b.  1786  ;  s.  1830  ;  m.  1808  J  r- 
garet,  dau.  of  Robert  Town,  Esq.,  of  Ulverf p. 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Lancasjs. 
This  family  was  formerly  of  Adlington,  co.  Chefr. 
■ — Walton  Lodge,  near  Preston,  Lancashire,  t 
Heir,  his  grandson  Richard,  only  son  of  his  efst 
son  Richard,  who  was  b.  1815,  m.  1840  Eliza'jb, 
dau.  of  John  Grundy,  Esq.,  and  d.  1850. 

CALTHOBPE    (Lord),  Frederick  Gough>. 

Third  son  of  the  1st  Lord,  by  Frances,  dau.  c;he 
late  General  B.  Carpenter  ;  b.  1790  ;  s.  1851P 
1823  Charlotte  Sophia,  dau.  of  6th  Duke  of  m 
fort  ;  assumed  1845  the  name  of  Gough  in  lif  °H 
Calthorpe.    Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieu-''0jM 
co.  Stafford  (High  Sheriff  1848) ;  was  M.I.foB 
Hindon  and  Bramber  1818-26  ;  formerly  a  M 
missioner  in  Lunacy.     Patron  9  livings.—  <fl 



fall,  Edgbaston,  near  Birmingham  ;  33,  Grosvenor 
quare,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Frederick  Henry  William,  M.P.  for 
ast  Worcestershire,  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  War- 
ick,  late  Lieutenant  Gloucestershire  Yeomanry, 


uVERLEY,  John,  Esq.  (of  Oulton  Hall), 
ldest  son  of  the  late  John  Calverley,  Esq.,  by 
;]ary,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  C.  Downes  ;  b.  1789  ;  s. 
327 ;  m.  1822  Ellen  Watson,  dau.  of  Thomas 
[olyneux,  Esq.,  of  Newsham  House,  co.  Lancaster, 
ducated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1812) ; 
lied  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1815  ;  is  a  Magis- 
ate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  W.  Riding  of  co.  York. 
-Oulton  Hall,  near  Leeds,  Yorkshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Edmund,  b.  1826  ;  m.  1852  Isabella 
'ary,  elder  dau.  of  J.  T.  Selwyn,  Esq.,  of  Down 

all,  Essex. 

QJjVEBT,    Major- General   Felix,*    C.B.  (of 

Hunsdon  House), 
jlldest  son  of  the  late  Nicholson  Calvert,  Esq., 
If  .P.,  of  Hunsdon  House,  by  Frances,  younger 
H,u.  of  Viscount  Pery  (ext.);  b.  1790  ;  is  married. 

atered  the  Army  1807  ;  became  a  Major- General 
«i»46  ;-  served  in  the  Peninsula  and  at  Waterloo. — 
Runsdon   House,    near   Ware,    Herts  ;  United 
jirvice  Club,  S.W.  ;  30,  Cavendish  Square,  W. 
I  Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Edward  Pery  Sexton,  a 
I  agistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Herts,  b.  1794. 

§MB±IIDGE  (2nd  Duke  of),  H.B.H.  Prince 
j[  George  William  Frederick  Charles,  K.G., 

K.P.,  G.C.B.,   G.C.H.,  G.C.M.G.,  P.O.  (cr. 


ily  son  of  the  late  Duke  (who  was  youngest  son 
I.  King  George  III.)  by  the  Princess  Augusta 
jilhelmina  Louisa,  dau.  of  Frederick,  Landgrave 
J  Hesse-Cassel,  and  cousin  to  her  Majesty  and  to 
e  King  of  Hanover  (see  Cumberland,  Duke  of)  ; 
1819  ;  s.  1850.    Is  Earl  of  Tipperary  and  Baron 
illoden  ;  President  of  Christ's  Hospital ;  Colonel 
:ots  Fusilier  Guards  ;  Ranger  of  St.  James's  and 
yde  Parks  ;  appointed  a  Colonel  in  the  Army 
>37,  Lieutenant-General   1854  ;   General  Com- 
ander-in-Chief  1856  ;  served  in  the  Crimea  1854-5; 
.8  been  Inspector-General  of  Cavalry. — Glevering 
all,   near  Woodbridge,    Suffolk ;   Kew  Green, 
irrey,  S.W. ;  Gloucester  House,  Piccadilly,  W. 

ABRIDGE,  Rev.  George  Pickard  (of  Blox- 
worth  Hotise). 

dest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Rev.  G.  Pickard,  by 
•ances,  dau.  of  the  late  Edward  Payne,  Esq.,  of 
ding  House,  Middlesex  ;  b.  1790  ;  s.  his  brother 
50  ;  m.  1818  Frances  Amelia,  dau.  of  the  late 
.  Whisb,  Esq.,  many  years  Chairman  of  Excise, 
lucated  at  King's  School,  Sherborne,  and  Merton 
)11.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1812)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for 
)i\set ;  assumed  the  name  of  Cambridge  in  1848, 
or  the  late  C.  O.  Cambridge,  Esq.,  of  Whitmin- 
jr  House,  Gloucestershire. — Bloxworth  House, 
ay  Warehaui. 

Hew,  his  son  Henry  Pickard,  late  Lieutenant 
adras  Army,  b.  1819. 


CAMDEN"  (Marquis),  George  Charles  Pratt, 
K.G.  (cr.  1812). 
Only  son  of  the  1st  Marquis,  byFrances,  dau.  of 
the  late  William  Molesworth,  Esq;,  ofWembury, 
Devon;  b.  1799;  s.  1840;  m.  1835  Harriet,  dau. 
of  Bishop  (Murray)  of  Rochester  (she  d.  1854). 
Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Kent ;  was  M.P.  for  Lugdershall  1820-6,  for 
Bath  1826-30,  and  for  Dunwich  1831-2;  sum- 
moned  to  the  House  of  Lords  1834  as  Baron  Cam- 
den. Patron  1  living. — Wilderness  Park,  near 
Sevenoaks ;  Bayham  Abbey,  near  Lamberhurst, 
Kent ;  Athenaeum  and  Carlton  Clubs,  S.W.  •  19, 
Belgrave  Square,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Earl  of  Brecknock,  5.  1840. 

CAMERON,  Sir  Duncan,  Bart.  (cr.  1817). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  SirEwen  Cameron,  Bart.,  by 
Louisa,  dau.  of  Duncan  Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Balcar- 
dine  ;  b.  1770  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1828.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Inverness  and  Argyll, 
— Fassifern  House,  Argyllshire,  N.B. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Peter,  b.  1772. 

CAMERON",  Donald,  Esq.  (of  Lochiel). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Donald  Cameron,  Esq.,  of 
Lochiel,  by  Yere  Catherine  Louisa,  sister  of  the 
5th  Earl  of  Buckinghamshire  ;  b.  1835  ;  s.  1858. 
Educated  at  Harrow  ;  entered  the  Diplomatic 
Service  in  1852  ;  was  appointed  1st  Attache'  to  the 
Earl  of  Elgin's  special  mission  to  China,  and  subse- 
quently to  her  Majesty's  Legation  at  Berlin,  re- 
signed 1859  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Bucks. —  Ach- 
nacarry,  Fort  William,  co.  Inverness  ;  Hampden 
House,  near  Great  Missenden,  Bucks  ;  Diplomatic 
Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George  Hampden,  b.  1840. 

CAMOYS  (Lord),  Thomas  Stonor  (cr.  1383). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  T.  Stonor,  Esq.,  by  Catharine, 
sister  and  co-heir  of  C.  R.  Blundell,  Esq.  ;  b.  1797; 
summoned  to  House  of  Lords  in  the  ancient  Barony 
1839  ;  m.  1821  Frances,  dau.  of  P.  E.  Towneley, 
Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Oxon, 
of  which  he  has  been  High  Sheriff;  is  a  Lord 
in  Waiting  ;  was  M.P.  for  Oxford  1832-3.  This 
Peerage  was  in  abeyance  1426-1839. — Stonor,  near 
Henley-on-Thames,  Oxon;  Reform  Club,  S.W.  ; 
31,  Albemarle  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Edward,  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Oxon,  late  Captain  Oxfordshire 
Militia,  b.  1824. 

CAMPBELL  (1st  Lord),  John  Campbell,  P.O. 
(cr.  1841). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Dr.  Campbell,  of  Cupar, 
by  Magdalen,  dau.  of  J.  Halliburton,  Esq.  ;  6. 
1781  ;  m.  1821  Mary  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  1st  1  ord 
Abinger  (see  Stra/Iicdcn,  Baroness).  Educated  at 
the  University  of  St.  Andrew's;  called  to  the 
Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1806  j  was  M.P,  lor  Staf- 
ford 1830-2;  for  Dudley  L882  i  j  for  Edinburgh 
1834-41  ;  was  Solicitor  and  Attorney  General 
1832-4;  Lord  Chancellor  of  Ireland  JuB 
1841  ;  Chancellor  of  the  Duchy  of  Lancaster  liviri  : 
H  2 



Chief  Justice  of  the  Queen's  Bench  1850-9;  ap- 
pointed Lord  Chancellor  1859. — Hartrigge,  near 
Jedburgh,  N.B.  ;  Reform  Club,  S.W.  ;  Stratheden 
House,  Knightsbrulge,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Frederick,  M.P.  for  Har- 
wich, late  M.P.  for  Cambridge,  b.  1824  ;  educated 
at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1846). 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  James,  Bart.  (cr.  1627). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Alexander  Campbell,  Bart., 
by  Margaret,  dau.  of  Alexander  Coldstream,  Esq.  ; 
b.  1818  ;  s.  as  9th  Bart.  1824  ;  ra.  1840  Caroline, 
dau.  of  the  late  Admiral  Sir  H.  R.  Bromley,  Bart. 
Educated  at  the  University  of  Edinburgh. — White- 
mead  Park,  near  Coleford,  Gloucestershire ;  Kil- 
bryde  Castle,  near  Dumblane,  N.B. 
Heir,  his  son  Alexander,  b.  1841. 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  John  William,  Bart,  (cr.1628). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Campbell,  Bart.,  by 
Hannah  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  James  Macleod,  Esq., 
of  Rasay  ;  b.  1836  ;  s.  as  8th  Bart.  1853.  Is  Lieu- 
tenant Royal  Artillery ;  served  in  the  Crimea 
1854-5. — Airds  House,  co.  Argyll. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George  Alexander,  b. 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  Louis  Henry  Dugald,  Bart, 
(cr.  1628). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  J ohn  Eyton  Campbell, 
Bart.,  by  Charlotte,  dau.  of  the  late  Louis  Henry 
Ferrier,  Esq.,  of  Belleside,  co.  Linlithgow  ;  b.  1844; 
s.  1853.  Educated  at  the  Royal  Academy,  Gos- 
port.  This  family,  which  has  long  been  seated  at 
Kildalloig,  is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor 
with  the  Duke  of  Argyll. — Kildalloig,  near  Camp- 
bell Town,  co.  Argyll. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Norman,  b.  1846. 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  Hugh  Hume,  Bart.  (er.  1665). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Campbell,  Bart., 
b.  1812  ;  s.  as  7th  Bart.  1833  ;  to.  1834  Margaret, 
dau.  of  John  Spottiswoode,  Esq.,  of  Spottiswoode 
(she  d.  1839)  ;  2nd  1841  Juliana  Rebecca,  dau.  of 
Lieutenaut-General  Sir  Joseph  Fuller,  G.C.H. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Berwick;  was  M.P.  for  Berwick- 
shire 1834-47. — Marchmont  House,  near  Dunse, 
N.B.  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  10,  Hill  Street,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  John  Home  Purves, 
b.  1816  ;  to.  1849  Caroline  Maria,  dau.  of  Admiral 
H.  Parker,  C.B. 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  Archibald  Islay,  Bart.  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Campbell,  Esq.,  some 
time  M.P.  for  Dumbarton,  by  Anna  Jane,  dau.  of 
Francis  Sit  veil,  Esq.,  of  Barmoor,  Northumberland; 
b.  1825  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1846  ;  m.  1858  Agnes, 
dau.  of  the  2nd  Marquis  of  Westminster.  Edu- 
cated at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford;  is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Dumbarton,  Lanark, 
and  Stirling,  was  formerly  Captain  Lanark  Militia; 
was  M.P.  for  co.  Argyll  1851-7. — Garscube,  near 
Glasgow,  N.B.  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George,  b.  1829  ;  m.  1858 
Margaret,  dau,  of  Sir  E.  Borough,  Bart. 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  Edward  Fitzgerald,  Bart,  (c  j 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Guy  Campbell,  Barf 
by  Pamela,  dau.  of  the  late  Lord  Edward  Fit  j| 
gerald;  b.  1822;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1849;  m.  18.' 
Georgiana  Charlotte  Theophila,  dau.  of  the  late  £ 
Theophilus  Metcalfe,  Bart.    Educated  at  the  Roy  J 
Military  Coll.,  Sandhurst ;  is  Major  60th  Rifle  I 
was  formerly  A.-D.-C.  to  the  Governor-General  j 
India,  and  A.-D.-C.  to  General  Sir  C.  Napier  | 
India  1849-51. 

Heir,  his  son  Guy  Theophilus,  b.  1854. 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  Alexander  Thomas  Cockbui  j 
Bart.  (cr.  1821). 
Son  of  the  late  A.  Cockburn,  Esq.,  of  Madras, 
Olympia,  eldest  dau.  of  Lieutenant-General  |L 
Alexander  Campbell,  Bart.  ;  b.  1800  ;  s.  his  grarf 
father  under  a  special  remainder  as  2nd  Bart.  185 1 
to.- 1st  1827  Margaret,  dau.  of  Gen.  Sir  J.  M( 
colm,  G.C.B.  ;  2nd  1842  Grace,  dau,  of  J.  Spen 
Esq.  Assumed  the  surname  of  Campbell  in  1825  f. 
Wyseby,  near  Ecclefeachan,  co.  Dumfries,  N.BF' 
Heir,  his  son  Alexander,  b.  1843.  , 

CAMPBELL,   Sir  Archibald    Ava,  Bart,  i 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Campbell,  Bart., 
Helen  Margaret,  dau.  of  Colonel  John  Cro 
b.  1844  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1853.  The  2nd  Bart.  1 
Major-General  of  3rd  division  of  the  army  in 
East,  and  was  killed  in  the  siege  of  Sebasto] 
The  1st  Bart,  commanded  the  British  forcesi 
the  Burmese  war. — 9,  Athol  Crescent,  near  E 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  John  James  Ava,  b.  11 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  John  Nicholl  Robert,  Be 
K.C.B.  (cr.  1831). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Robert  Campbell,  B; 
by  Eliza,  dau.  of  Dr.  Gilbert  Pasley,  b.  1799  ;  i 
2nd  Bart.  1858  ;  to.  1828  Grace,  dau.  of  Tho| 
Bainbridge,  Esq.,  of  Queen  Square,  London. 
Major  in  the  Indian  Cavalry  ;  was  formerly  Ch 
d' Affaires  in  Persia. — 10,  Harley  Street,  W. 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  Alexander,  Bart,  (of  Bai It- 
dine),  (cr.  1831). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Duncan  Campbell,  B 
by  Elizabeth  Dreghorn,  dau.  of  James  Dennist  l 
Esq.,  of  Dennistoun  ;  b.  1819  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1  |5; 
to.  1855  Harriette,  dau.  of  Admiral  H.  Collier.  Is 
a  Magistrate  for  co.  Argyll,  and  Captain  in  fee 
Argyll  and  Bute  Militia.    This  family  is  desce  pi 
from  a  common  ancestor  with  the  Marquis  of  33ifd- 
albane. — Barcaldine  Castle,  co.  Argyll. 
Heir,  his  son  Alexander,  b.  1856. 

CAMPBELL,  Sir  Angus,  Bart.  (cr.  1836). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Angus  Campbell,  Esq.lJ, 
Lilias,   dau.    of   Hector   MacDonald  Buchjpi 
Esq.,  of  Drumikill ;  b.  1827  ;  s.  as  2nd  M 
1850  ;  to.  1852  Sophia  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Adl 
McDougall,  of  McDougall  (she  d.  1857).  I 
Lieutenant  R.N.  and  Hereditary  Captain  of  In  I 



)  staffnage  Castle.  —  Dunstaffhage,  near  Oban,  co. 
(Argyll;  Junior  United  Service  and  Army  and 
Navy  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Donald,  b.  1829. 

1MPBELL,  Sir  James,  Knight  (cr.  1842). 
[Son  of  the  late  James  Campbell,  Esq.,  by  Helen, 
Jdau.  of  John  Forrester,  Esq.,  of  Ashentree,  co. 
Perth  ;  b.  1790  ;  m.  1822  Janet,  dau.  of  Henry 
Bannermau,  Esq.,  of  Manchester.  Is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lancaster,  a  Magistrate  for 
co.  Forfar,  and  a  Merchant  in  Glasgow,  of  which  city 
[he  was  formerly  Lord  Provost.  This  family  is  de- 
scended from  the  Campbells  of  Milford,  co.  Argyll. 
— Stracathro  House,  Forfar,  N.B. 

Heir,  his  son  James  Alexander,  b.  1825  ;  m,  1854 
Charlotte,  dau.  of  Sir  S.  Morton  Peto,  Bart. 

LMPBELL,  Sir  John,  Knight  (cr.  1815). 
|3on  of  the  late  W.  Campbell,  Esq.,  Commissioner 
hf  Navy  Board  ;  b.  1780  ;  m.  1st  1816  Donna  Maria 
iBrigida  de  Faria  e  Lacerda  ;  2nd  1842  Harriet  Maria 
f  widow  of  General  Sir  A.  Dickson,  K.C.B.).  Edu- 
cated at  Harrow ;  a  Lieutenant-Colonel  in  the 
British  Army  retired  ;  formerly  Major-General 
In  the  Portuguese  service  ;  served  in  the  Penin- 
lula ;  was  formerly  Captain  7th  Hussars ;  com- 
inanded  the  75th  foot  1821-4. — 51,  Charles  Street, 
Berkeley  Square,  W. 

♦.MPBELL,  Hon.  and  Kev.  Archibald  George. 
Becond  son  of  the  1st  Earl  Cawdor ;  b.  1827 ; 
,m.  1853  Charlotte  Henrietta,  dau.  of  the  Hon.  and 
\i ery  Rev.  Dean  Howard.  Educated  at  Eton  and 
Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1848) ;  appointed  Kector 
if  Knipton  1852. — Knipton  Bectory,  near  Grant- 
ham ;  University  Club,  S.W. 

•  MPBELL,  Colin  Yorke,  Esq.  (of  Barbreck 

ildest  son  of  the  late  Bear- Admiral  Donald  Camp- 
>ell,  by  his  1st  wife  Anne  Irvine,  dau.  of  the  late 
Admiral  Sir  Charles  Douglas,  Bart.,  K.B.  ;  b.  1812  ; 
I  1856  ;  m.  1847  his  cousin  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the 
Ute  James  Hyde,  Esq.,  of  Apley,  Isle  of  Wight, 
'aptain  R.N.  1853.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Argyll, 
'his  family  is  descended  from  Archibald,  3rd  son  of 
!olin,  3rd  Earl  of  Argyll,  by  Janet,  dau.  of  Alex- 
nder,  Earl  of  Huntly. — Barbreck  House,  by  Loch- 
ilphead,  Argyllshire  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Donald  Charles  Douglas,  b.  1848. 

<  MPBELL,  Hugh  Bruce,  Esq.  (of  The  Park, 

Ildest  son  of  the  late  Hugh  Campbell,  Esq.,  Jus- 
ce  of  the  Peace,  of  Barquharrie  and  Millrigg,  co. 
^yr,  by  Sophia,  dau.  of  Thomas  Barber,  Esq.  ; 
■  1803  ;  m.  1st  1829  Anne,  only  dau.  of  Philip 
ford,  Esq.;  2nd  1832  Elizabeth,  eldest  dau.  of 
j  Id  wards  Werge,  Esq.  Is  a  Solicitor  and  Distrib- 
utor of  Stamps  for  co.  Nottingham.  This  is  a 
•anch  of  the  family  of  Campbell  of  Loudoun  and 
ssnock,  co.  Ayr,  one  of  the  most  ancient  and 
ustrious  in  Scotland,  distinguished  by  their  sup- 
)rt,  in  1494,  and  continuously,  of  the  principles  of 

the  Reformation,  for  which  they  suffered  much  per- 
secution from  the  ruling  powers.  Mr,  H.  B.  Camp- 
bell is  18th  in  a  direct  descent  from  Edward  I.,  and 
17th  from  Robert  Bruce. — The  Park,  Nottingham. 
Heir,  his  son  Bruce,  b.  1839. 

CAMPBELL,  James,  Esq.  (of  Craigie). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Richard  Campbell,  Esq.,  by 
Mary  Currie,  dau.  of  William  Currie  Carlisle,  Esq., 
of  Cleughheads  and  Bridekirk,  co.  Dumfries  ;  b. 
1784  ;  s.  1836;  to.  1st  1813  Mary  Dehany,  dau.  of 
Alexander  Ogilvy  Fothringham,  Esq.,  of  Powrie 
(she  d.  1821) ;  2nd  1828  Grace  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
General  Hay,  K.C.H.  Educated  at  Edinburgh 
University  ;  called  to  the  Scottish  Bar  in  1805  ;  is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Ayr.  His 
eldest  son,  Lieutenant-Colonel  William  Campbell, 
of  the  Queen's  Bays,  died  at  Cawnpore  1858.  This 
family  is  descended  from  Sir  Duncan  Campbell,  of 
Auchinbrech. — Craigie  House,  near  Ayr,  N.B. 

Heir,  his  son  Richard  Frederick  Fothringham, 
Captain  8th  Madras  Light  Cavalry  ;  b.  1831. 

CAMPBELL,  Miss  (of  Ardchattan  Priory). 

Jane  Elizabeth  Mary,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late 
Colonel  Alexander  Campbell,  of  Gatecombe 
Park,  Isle  of  Wight,  and  of  Ardchattan  Priory, 
co.  Argyll,  by  Jane  Meux,  dau.  and  co-heiress  of 
Edward  Meux  Worsley,  Esq.,  of  Gatecombe  Park, 
and  Elizabeth,  dau.  and  co-heiress  of  the  late  Lord 
Holmes,  of  Kilmallock  ;  s.  her  uncle  Colonel  T.  D. 
Campbell  in  1846  ;  to.  1841  Strachan  Irving  Pop- 
ham,  Esq.,  late  of  the  Madras  Civil  Service,  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Argyll,  son  of  the 
late  Admiral  Sir  Home  Popham.  This  branch  of 
the  Campbells  derive  their  descent  from  Sir  John 
Campbell,  3rd  son  of  Archibald,  2nd  Earl  of  Argyll, 
who  married  Muriella,  dau.  and  sole  heiress  of  Sir 
John  Calder  of  Caldei-,  by  whom  he  was  also  ances- 
tor of  the  Earl  of  Cawdor. — Ardchattan*  Priory, 
near  Bonaw,  Argyllshire. 

Heir,  her  cousin  the  Rev.  William  Clarke,  son  of 
the  late  Robert  Clarke,  Esq.,  of  Comrie,  and  grand- 
son of  Anne,  dau.  of  Patrick  Campbell,  Esq.,  of 

CAMPBELL,  John  Francis,  Esq. 

Only  son  of  the  late  Walter  F.  Campbell,  Esq.,  of 
Islay  (who  was  M.P.  for  co.  Argyll  1820-41),  by 
his  1st  wife  Eleanor,  dau.  of  the  Earl  ofWemyss ;  b. 
1821.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Edinburgh  University ; 
called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temple  1851  ;  ap- 
pointed Private  Secretary  to  the  Lord  Priv}'  Seal 
1853,  Assistant  Secretary  to  the  General  Board  of 
Health  1854,  Secretary  to  the  Lighthouse  Commis- 
sion 1859.  This  family  are  believed  to  be  ancientlv 
descended  from  the  ducal  house  of  Argyll,  and  were 
formerly  seated  at  Skipuess,  Sb&wfield,  Islay,  &C. 
— Rockside  Cottage,  Chale,  Isle  of  Wight ;  Brookes' 
and  Travellers' Clubs,  S.W.  ;  Niddry  Lodge,  Ken- 
sington, W. 

*  The  Priory  of  Ardchattan  was  Pounded  la  IMO,  and 
passed,  at  the  dissolution  of  monasteries,  Into  the  hands  61 
the  direct  ancestor  of  the  present  owner, 

Cain]  COUNTY  1U 

CAMPBELL,9  Leveson  Granville,  Esq.  (of  Fair- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Charles  Campbell,  Esq.  ;  b. 
18.5  ;  s.  h)S  uncle,  the  late  William  Gunning 
Campbell,  Esq.,  Dep.  Lieut,  and  principal  Clerk 
of  the  Admiralty  for  Scotland,  1858  ;  m.  18—  Mary, 
dau.  of  —  Cowan,  Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Ayr. — Fairfield  House,  near 
Ayr,  N.B. 

ffeir  Pres.,  his  brother  Gunning  Granville. 

CAMPBELL,  Kobert,  Esq.  (of  Sonachan  and 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Donald  Campbell, 
Esq.,  of  Sonachan,  by  Mary,  only  dau.  of  Kobert 
MacLachlan,  Esq.,  of  MacLachlan ;  b.  1779  ; 
s.  1808  ;  pi.  1815  Susan,  only  dau.  of  the  late 
David  Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Combie.  Educated  at 
Inverary  and  University  of  Glasgow  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Argyll.  This  family 
is  descended  from  Sir  John  Campbell,  1st  Knight 
of  Calder  (now  Earls  of  Cawdor),  whose  grandson 
Duncan,  1st  of  Sonachan,  obtained  that  estate  as 
his  patrimony  in  1577,  which  was  confirmed  to  him 
by  charter  in  1618. — Sonachan,  near  Inverary, 
N.B.  ;  The  Manor  House,  Oban,  N.B. 

Heir,  his  only  son  Donald,  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Argyll ;  b.  1816. 

CAMPBELL,  Bobert  James  Boy.  Esq. 

Son  of  Rupert  Campbell,  Esq.,  of  Reay  Bank,  N.B., 
by  Anne,  dau.  of  J.  Dallas,  Esq.  ;  b.  1813  ;  m. 
1836  Anne,  dau.  of  C.  Ewler,  Esq.  Educated  at 
the  Coll.,  Kilkenny.  Is  an  East-India  Merchant 
in  the  City  ;  was  M.P.  for  Weymouth  1857-9.— 
Woodvale,  Norwood,  Surrey  ;  Oriental  Club,  W.  ; 
62,  Morgate  Street,  E.C. 

CAMPBELL,  William  John  Lamb,  Esq.  (of 
Only  son  of  the  late  James  Campbell,  Esq.,  of 
Glenfalloch,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  —  BlancharcL 
Esq.,  of  Cirencester,  and  widow  of  — Ludlow,  Esq.; 
b.  1790  ;  s.  1809 ;  m.  1810  Rosanna  Campbell, 
youngest  dau.  of  the  late  J.  Doughty,  Esq.,  of  co. 
Salop.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Perth  ;  was  formerly  an  Officer  in  the  Army.  This 
family  is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor  with 
the  Marquis  of  Breadalbane,  to  whose  Scottish 
honours  Mr.  Campbell  is  heir  presumptive. — Glen- 
falloch House,  near  Arrochar,  co.  Perth  ;  21,  Park 
Lane,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Alexander  Gavin,  b.  1824* 

CAMPBELL-DAVYS,  William  Davys  Harries, 

Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  David  Harries,  M.A., 
Rector  of  Meline,  co.  Pembroke,  and  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  William  Davys,  Esq.,  of 
Caio  and  Neuadd-fawr,  co.  Carmarthen  ;  b.  1812 ; 
s.  1832,  when  he  assumed  his  maternal  name,  and 
added  that  of  Campbell  on  his  marriage,  in  1847,  to 
Elizabeth  Jane,  only  child  of  Peter  Campbell,* 

*  This  gentleman  is  closely  allied  by  blood  with  the  old 
historic  and  baronial  house  of  Campbell  of  Auchinbreck,  co. 
Argyll.  (See  Sir  Robert  Douglas  of  Glenbervie's  "Baronage 
of  Scotland.") 


Esq.,  ofAskomel,  in  Kin  tyre,  co.  Argyll.  Educate 
at  Trinity  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  tl 
Middle  Temple  1832  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  De 
Lieut,  for  cos.  Brecon,  Carmarthen,  and  Argyl 
was  High  Sheriff  of  Carmarthenshire  in  185 
This  family  maternally  claims  from  a  very  remo 
period,  lineally  deriving  in  the  23rd  generatk 
from  Elystan  Glodrydd,  Prince  of  Fferregs,  abo 
a.d.  1010. — Neuadd-fawr,  near  Llandovery,  Cs 

Heir,  his  son  Richard,  b.  1849. 

CAMPBELL -JOHNSTON,    Patrick   Franc:  I 
Esq.  (of  Dornal). 

Second  son  of  the  late  Right  Hon.  Sir  Alexandi 
Johnston  of  Carnsalloeh,  co.  Dumfries,  by  Loui  f 
dau.  of  the  late  Lord  W.  Campbell,  son  of  Jol 
4th  Duke  of  Argyll ;  b.  1811.    Is  a  Dep.  Lie- 1 
for  co.  Dumfries  ;  was  one  of  the  Poor-Law  Co 
mission ers  in  Ireland,  and  one  of  H.  M.'s  Co  I 
missioners  of  Charities  in  England,  and  subr  ii 
quently  British  Commissioner  on  a  Special  Missi , 
to  Portugal ;  was  created  a  Knight  Commander  i 
the  Order  of  Christ  by  the  late  Queen  of  Portug:  [ 
assumed  the  surname  of  Campbell  before  that 
Johnston  on  the   death  of  his  mother. — Dorr '  I 
near  Kirkcudbright,  N.B. ;  York  House,  Twick  / 
ham,  S.W.  ;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Alexander  Robert,  of 
Grove,  Yoxford,  Suffolk,  b.  1812  ;  m.  18  —  Franc 
dau.  of  —  Palliser,  Esq. 

CAMPBELL-BENTON,  Archibald  Colin,  Ei  , 
(of  Lambretoii  and.  Mordington). 

Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Robert  Cam  pi  j 
Esq.,  by  Susan,  dau.  and  heiress  of  the  late  1 
Renton,  Esq.  ;  b.  1819  ;  s.  his  brother  J 
Campbell-Kenton,  Esq.,  M.P.,  1856.  Is  a  Ma 
trate  for  co.  Berwick  ;  formerly  Major  42nd  H 
landers. — Lambreton  and  Mordington,  near  J 
wick-on-Tweed,  N.B. 

Heir  Pres.,  Major  Charles  F.  Campbell,  I 
Royal  Irish  Fusiliers. 

CAMPBELL-SWINTON,  John,  Esq.  (of  K  >• 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Archibald  S  win  ton,  Esq  >f 
H.E.I.C.S.,  by  Henrietta,  eldest  dau,  of  Jf 's 
Douglas,  Esq.,  of  Mains  (afterwards  J.  Camp  !, 
of  Blythswood)  ;  b.  1777  ;  s.  his  aunt  Miss  JVjy 
Campbell  1850,  when  he  assumed  the  additifil 
name  of  Campbell ;  m.  1809  Catharine,  only  dabf 
James  Rannie,  Esq.,  Merchant,  of  Leith.  !fc« 
cated  at  the  High  School  of  Edinburgh  ;  is  a  M  [s- 
trate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Berwick  ;  wastf- 
merry  an  Officer  in  the  Army.  This  family  h 
branch  of  the  ancient  family  of  Swinton  of  £p 
ton,  in  Berwickshire. — Kimmerghame,  near  Di  e, 
N.B. ;  New  Club,  Edinburgh. 

Heir,  his  son  Archibald  (Professor  of  i'il 
Law  in  the  University  of  Edinburgh),  b.  1812p< 
1st  1845  Katharine  Margaret,  2nd  dau.  of  £|J« 
Pringle,  Bart.,  of  Newhall  and  Stichill(she  d.  1  J)j 
2nd  1856  Georgina  Caroline,  3rd  dau.  of  the  tf 
Sir  George  Sitwell,  Bart.,  of  Rennishaw. 

102  I 



4.MPDEN,  Viscount  (of  Campden  House). 
Charles  George  Noel,  eldest  son  of  1st  Earl  of 
Gainsborough  (by  2nd  marr.) ;  b.  1818  ;  m.  1841 
Adelaide  Harriet  Augusta,  eldest  dau.  of  17th 
Earl  of  Erroll.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Rut- 
land (High  Sheriff  1848),  and  a  Magistrate  for 
Gloucestershire  ;  was  M.P.  for  co.  Rutland  1840- 
41 ;  late  Capt.  Leicestershire  Yeomanry. — Campden 
House,  Gloucestershire ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ; 
I  Stafford  Club,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  William  Francis,  6.  1850. 

jlMPEBDOWN  (Earl  of),    Robert  Dundas 

Duncan-Haldane,  K.T.  (or.  1831). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Admiral  Viscount  Duncan, 
by  Henrietta,  dau.- of  the  Right  Hon.  R.  Dundas, 
and  niece  of  the  1st  Viscount  Melville  ;  b.  1785  ; 
?.  to  the  Viscountcy  1804;  m.  1805  Janet,  dau.  of 
the  late  Sir  Hew  Dalrymple  Hamilton,  Bart.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Perth  ;  assumed 

'  the  name  of  Haldane,  in  addition  to  his  family 
name  of    Duncan.  —  Camperdown   House,  near 
Dundee,  N.B.  ;  101,  Sydney  Place,  Bath  ;  1,  Wilton 
Terrace,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Duncan  (whom  see). 

iNCELLOR,  John  Henry,  Esq. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Cancellor,  Esq.,  by 
Caroline,   dau.  of  Richard  Hall,  Esq.,  Captain 

H.E.I.C.S.  ;  b.  1798  ;  m.  1829  Eliza  Anne,  only 
bhild  of  the  Rev.  Wm.  Agutter,  M.A.  Appointed 
1L837  one  of  the  Masters  of  H.  M.'s  Court  of 
Common  Pleas  at  Westminster ;  is  a  Magistrate  for 
'Middlesex  and  Surrey.  —  St.  Leonard's-on-Sea, 
pussex  ;  Barnes,  Surrey,  S.W.  ;  Conservative  Club, 


uNNING  (1st  Earl),  Charles  John  Canning, 

P.C.  (or.  1859). 
Third  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Right 
Son.  G.  Canning,  by  Joanna  Viscountess  Canning, 

dau.  of  Major-General  Scott;  6.  1812;  s.  as  2nd 
discount  1837  ;  m.  1835  Charlotte,  dau.  of  1st 

jjord  Stuart  de  Rothesay  (ext.).  Educated  at 
'"ion,  graduated  B.A.  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford,  as  1st 
kiss  in  classics  1833  ;  was  M.P.  for  Warwick 
836-7 ;  Under  -  Secretaiy  for  Foreign  Affairs 
841-6  ;  Chief  Commissioner  of  Woods  and  Forests 
Vlareh-July  1846;  Postmaster  -  General  1852-5  ; 
^pointed  Governor-General  of  India  1855.  Pa- 
ronage  1  living. — Government  House,  Calcutta; 
0,  Grosvenor  Square,  W. 

<  NTERBTJRY  (Archbishop  of),  the  Most  Rev. 
■  John  Bird  Sumner,  D.D.,  P.C. 
Ion  of  the  late  Rev.  Robert  Sumner,  Vicar  of  Kenil- 
irorth  and  Stoneleigh  (who  d.  1802) ;  b.  1780  ;  m. 

803  Mary,  dau.  of  Captain  G.  Robertson,  R.N. 
p.).    Educated  at  Eton  and  King's  Coll.,  Caui- 

•ridge  (B.A.  1801,  M.A.  1808,  D.D.  1828);  was 
«\ssi»tant  Master  and  Fellow  of  Eton,  Rector  of 
I  lapledurham  and  Prebendary  of  Durham  ;  conse- 

rated  Bishop  of  Chester  1828  ;  translated  1848  ; 
M  Primate  of  all  England,  and  Metropolitan  ;  Visi- 

01  of  Merton  and  All  Souls  Colleges,  Oxford,  of 

St.  Augustine's  Coll.,  Canterbury,  of  King's  Coll. 
London,  of  Dulwich  Coll.  and  Harrow  School,  and 
a  Governor  of  the  Charterhouse  ;  Patron  of  169 
livings. — Addington  Park,  Croydon  ;  the  Palace, 
Lambeth,  S.W. 

CANTERBURY  (Viscount),  Charles  John  Man- 
ners-Sutton  (cr.  1835). 
Only  son  of  the  1st  Viscount,  by  his  1st  wife  Char- 
lotte, dau.  of  the  late  John  Denison,  Esq.,  M.P., 
of  Ossington,  Notts;  b.  1812  ;  s.  1845.  Is  Cornet 
Gloucestershire  Hussars.  Descended  from  a  com- 
mon ancestor  with  Loi'd  Manners  and  the  Duke  of 
Rutland.  The  1st  Viscount  was  Speaker  of  the 
House  of  Commons  1817-34.  —  Bottesford,  near 
Grantham  ;  4,  Bolton  Row,  W. 

CANTRELL,  Joseph  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  King's 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Joseph  Cantrell,  Esq.,  by 
Elizabeth  Robins,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Joseph  Smith, 
of  Alvaston  Field,  near  Derby,  Incumbent  of  Al- 
vaston  and  Boulton,  near  Derby,  and  of  Stapleford, 
Notts ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  1836  ;  m.  1840  Cecilia,  dau.  of 
the  Rev.  Henry  Forster  Mills,  Chancellor  of  York, 
and  grand-dau.  of  the  Most  Rev.  Dr.  Wm.  Mark- 
ham,  Archbishop  of  York.  Educated  at  Repton  ; 
called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1831  ;  is  a  Ma- 
gistrate for  Derbyshire  ;  appointed  Judge  of  County 
Courts  for  Derbyshire  1847  ;  was  formerly  Judge 
of  the  Wirksworth,  and  also  of  the  Staffordshire 
Potteries  Court  of  Requests.  This  family  has  been 
resident  at  King's  Newton  for  upwards  of  500 
years,  and  in  20th  Henry  VII.  Agnes,  dau.  of  John 
Cantrell,  of  King's  Newton,  was  married  to 
Nicholas  Hardinge,  also  of  King's  Newton,  from 
whom  Viscount  Hardinge  is  descended. — King's 
Newton,  near  Derby. 

Heir,  his  dau.  Cecilia  Elizabeth. 

CAPRON,  George,  Esq.  (of  Stoke  Doyle). 

Third  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Capron,  Esq.,  by 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Lucas,  Esq.,  of  Nortoft 
Manor;  6.1783  ;  m.  1812  Martha,  3rd  dau.  of 
William  Halliley,  Esq.,  of  St.  Neots,  Hunts.  This 
family  is  of  great  antiquity.  The  name  of  De  Ca- 
peron,  or  Caprori,  is  Norman,  and  appears  on  the 
roll  of  Battle  Abbey  as  borne  by  one  of  the  com- 
panions in  arms  of  the  Conqueror.  At  a  very 
early  period  the  family  was  seated  in  Yorkshire. 
The  family  of  Sir  C.  Slingsby,  Bart.,  are  descended 
maternally  from  a  member  of  this  house. — Stoke 
Doyle,  and  Southwick  Hall,  near  Oundle. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Halliley,  B.  A.,  of  St.  John's 
Coll.,  Cambridge,  Rector  of  Stoke  Doyle,  and  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Northampton;  6.1816;  m. 
1855  Anne  Henrietta,  5th  dau.  of  John 
Esq.,  of  Oundle. 

CARBERY  (Lord),  George  Patrick  Evans-Frckc 
(or.  1715). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  P.  Evans-Freke.  Esq..  by 
Dorothea,  dau.  of  Kev.  Hr.  Harvey,  and  nephew 
of  the  6th  Lord  ;  b.  1810  ;  S.1846  ;  Ri.  185S  Harriet, 
dau.  of  Shnldain.     I  - 
gistrate  for  co.  Cork.    Patronage  1  Liftflg,  I 



l'tvke.  mar  I  Joss  >  arbery,  co.  Cork  ;  Laxton  Hall, 

oear  \\  eudsford,  tforthamptonshire, 

>Prts.,  his  brother   Kenton  John,  A.  1807; 
1851  Katharine  Felicia,  eldest  dau.  of  2nd  Earl 
of  Longford;  educated  at  Sandhurst;  appointed 

Captain  2nd  Life  Guards  1842,  became  a  Major  in 
the  Army  1864  ;  is  \.IU\  to  the  Commander  of 
the  Korees  in  Ireland. 

CAEDEN,  Sir  John  Craven,  Bart.  (cr.  1787). 
Eldest  BOH  of  late  Sir  Henry  Robert  Garden, 
Bert.,  by  Louisa,  only  dau.  of  Frederick  Thomp- 
Esq.,  of  Woodville  ;  b.  1819;  s.  as  4th  Bart. 
1847  ;  m*  1st  1814  Caroline  Elizabeth  Mary,  dau. 
Of  Si,'-  W  illiam  Mordaunt  Milner,  Bart. ;  2nd  1852 
Julia  Isabella,  dau.  of  Captain  Charles  G.  Robin- 
son. R.N.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin;  is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Tipperary  ; 
was  formerly  Lieut.  8th  Hussars. — Templemore 
j  louse,  CO.  Tipperary. 
Jliiv,  his  son  John  Craven,  b.  1854. 

CAEDEN,  Sir  Robert  Walter,  Knt.  (cr.  1851). 
Son  of  J.  Garden,  Esq.,  Solicitor,  of  London  ;  b. 
1S01  j  m.  1S27  Pamela  Elizabeth  Edith,  dau.  of  the 
late  W.  S.  Andrews,  Esq.  An  Alderman  of  Lon- 
don, and  a  Stock-broker  in  the  City  ;  a  Magistrate 
for  Middlesex  and  Surrey,  and  a  Commissioner  of 
Lieutenancy  for  London  ;  formerly  Ensign  82nd 
foot  ;  served  as  Sheriff  of  London  1851  ;  Lord 
Mayor  1857-8;  was  M.P.  for  Gloucester  1857-9. 
— Mole  Lodge,  West  Molesey,  Surrey  ;  64,  Wim- 
pole  Street,  W. 

CARDIGAN  (Earl  of),  James  Thomas  Brude- 
nell,  K.C.B.  (cr.  1661). 
Only  son  of  the  6th  Earl,  by  Penelope,  dau.  of  the 
late  George  John  Cooke,  Esq.,  of  Harefield  Park, 
Middlesex;  b.  1797  ;  s.  1837;  m.  1st  1826  Eliza- 
beth Jane,  dau.  of  Admiral  J.  R.  D.  Tollemache 
(div.  from  C.  F.  Johnstone,  Esq.)  ;  2nd  1858 
Adeline  Louisa  Maria,  dau.  of  Spencer  H.  De 
Horsey,  Esq.  Is  a  Major-General  in  the  Army, 
and  Inspector-General  of  Cavalry;  late  Lieute- 
nant-Colonel 11th  Hussars;  served  in  the  Crimea 
1854-5  ;  was  M.P.  for  North  Northamptonshire 
1832-7.  Patronage  9  livings.  This  is  a  younger 
branch  of  the  family  of  the  Marquis  of  Ailesbury, 
and  descended  from  a  common  ancestor  with  the 
Earl  of  Elgin.— Deane  Park,  near  Wansford,  North- 
amptonshire; Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  36,  Portman 
Square,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  the  Marquis  of  Ailesbury 
(whom  see). 

CARD  WELL,  Right  Hon.  Edward  (of  Ellerbeck 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Card  well,  Esq.,  of 
Liverpool,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard  Birley, 
Esq.  ;  I.  1813 ;  ro.  1838  Anne,  dau.  of  C.  S. 
Parker,  Esq.  Educated  at  Winchester  and  Balliol 
Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1834,  M.A.  1838);  a  Bar- 
rister-at-Law  (called  1838)  ;  was  Secretary  of  the 
Treasury  1845-6  ;  President  of  Board  of  Trade 
1853-5  ;  appointed  Chief  Secretary  for  Ireland 
1859  ;  was  M.P.  for  Clitheroe  1842-7,  for  Liver- 

pool 1847-52,  for  Oxford  1853-7  ;  rechosen  li  .  ■ 
—  Ellerbeck  Hall,  near  Chorley,  Lancash:  |;  - 
Athenceum  Club,  S.W.  ;  74,  Eaton  Square,  SA  1  * 

CAREW  (2nd  Lord),  Robert  Shapland  Cai  / 
(cr.  1834). 

Eldest  son  of  1st  Lord,  by  Jane  Katharine,  dau  f 
the  late  Major  Anthony  Cliffe  ;  b.  1818  ;  s.  18  Jj 
m.  1844  Emily  Anne,  dau.  of  Sir  G.  R.  Phil', 
Bart.    Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  s 
Lord-Lieutenant  of  co.  Wexford,  Col.  of  the  Wjt- 
fordshire  Militia,  and  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Wafl 
ford;  was  M.P.  for  co.  Waterford  1840-7  ;  sitek,, 
the  House  of  Lords  as  Lord  Carew,  U.K.  (cr. 
— Castleborough,   near  Wexford  ;  Brookes'  ;Wt> 
Reform  Clubs,  S.W. ;  28,  Belgrave  Square,  S.  . 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Shapland  Francis,  Lit| 
tenant-Colonel  Wexford  Militia,  late  LieutenBi: 
8th  Dragoons;  6.1827;  m.  1858  Hester  Georgia 
6th  dau.  of  2nd  Marquis  of  Sligo. 

CAREW,  Sir  Walter  Palk,  Bart.  (cr.  1661). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  H.  Carew,  Bart., 
Elizabeth,  only  dau.  of  W.  Palk,  Esq.,  of  Mar 
House,  Devon  ;  b.  1807  ;  s.  as  8th  Bart.  1830  ; 
1847  Anne  Frances,  dau.  of  Major-General  Tayl 
C.B.    Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ; 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Devon  (Hi 
Sheriff  1846),  and  Patron  of  4  livings.   This  fam 
is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor  with  Lc 
Carew  and  the  Carews  of  Cornwall. — Haccom; 
near  Newton  Abbot,  Devon  :  the  Castle,  Tivert< 
Heir,  his  son  Walter  Palk,  Lieutenant  Ro; 
Horse  Guards. 


CAREW,  Dowager  Lady. 

Jane  Catharine,  dau.  of  A.  Cliffe,  Esq.  ;  m.  18 
Robert,  1st  Lord  Carew  (who  d.  1856).— Woo< 
town,  co.  Waterford. 

CAREW,  Dowager  Lady. 

Elizabeth,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of  W.  Palk,  Ea< 
of  Marley  ;  m.  1806  Sir  H.  Carew,  Bart,  (who 
1830). — Marley  House,  near  Ashburton,  Devon. 

CAREW,  Charles  Hallowell,  Esq.  (of  Beddin  I 
ton  Park). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Admiral  Sir  B.  H.  Care^  I 
G.C.B.,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  —  Englefield,  Esq. ;  i  to 
1804  ;  s.  1834  ;  to.  1828  Mary,  dau.  of  the  la  I 
Captain  Sir  Murray  Maxwell,  R.N.,  C.B.  ;  assumej  | 
the  additional  surname  of  Carew  in  1828,  on  ill 
heriting  the  estates  of  the  late  Mrs.  Carew.  Enteral 
the  Navy  1820,  became  Captain  R.N.  1827  ;  is, 
Justice  of  Peace  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Surrey.-f 
Beddington  Park,  near  Croydon,  Surrey. 
Heirs,  his  daughters. 

CAREW,  George  Henry  Warrington,  Esq.  (c 
Crowcombe  Court). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  T.  Gr.  W.  Carew,  Esq.,  b! 
Elizabeth,  only  child  of  the  late  Thomas  Clarke 
Esq.,  of  Furnham.  House,  Somerset  ;  b.  1830  ;  . 
1855 ;  to.  1856  Mary  Philippa,  only  dau.  of  Pete 
Rickards  Mynors,  Esq.,  of  Treago,  co.  Hereforcj 
and  Evancoyd,  co.  Radnor.  Educated  at  Roys 



ji Military  Coll.,  Sandhurst ;  was  formerly  Captain 
j  1st  Dragoon  Guards;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Somerset.  This  family  is  descended 
'  from  the  Carews  of  Cai-ew  Castle,  which  is  still  in 
I  their  possession. — Crowcombe  Court,  near  Taun- 
Lton ;  Pentrepant,  near  Oswestry,  Salop ;  Carew 
1  Castle,*  Pembrokeshire;  Army  and  Navy  Club, 


Heir,  his  daughter  Mary. 


(See  Pole-Carew.) 

lBEY,  Lady. 

Earriot  Hirsel,  2nd  dau.  of  R.  P.  Le  Marchant, 
Esq.,  of  Guernsey;  m.  1818  Major-General  Sir 
Octavius  Carey,  C.B.,  K.C.H.  (who  d.  1844).— 

JRINGTOlSr  (Lord),  Robert  John  Carington, 

F.R.S.,  M.A.  (cr.  1797). 
)nly  son  of  the  1st  Lord,  by  his  1st  wife  Ann, 
lau.  of  H.  B.  Barnard,  Esq. ;  b.  1796  ;  s.  1838  ;  m. 
ist  1822  Elizabeth  Katharine,  dau.  of  1st  Lord 
forester;  2nd  1840  Charlotte  Augusta, dau. of  19th 
Ljjliord  Willoughby  d'Eresby.  Educated  at  Eton  and 
Christ's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (M.A.  1815) ;  is  a  Magis- 
rate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Bucks,  and  Colonel  Royal 
3ucks  Militia ;  was  M.P.  for  Wendover  1818-20, 
Jbr  Bucks  1820-30,  and   for   Wycombe  1831-8. 

■3atronage  4  livings. — The  Abbey,  Chipping  Wy- 
j|   ombe,  Bucks  ;  8,  Whitehall  Yard,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Charles  Robert,  b.  1843. 

RLEILL,  The  Misses  (of  Longstone  Hall). 
k.nn  Elizabeth  and  Maria,  daus.  of  the  late  Wil- 
am  Carleill,  Esq.  (a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Derbyshire, 
nd  Major-Commandant  of  a  battalion  of  the  South 
eak  Volunteer  Infantry  in  1803),  by  Eleanor, 
au.  of  William  Green,  Esq.,  M.D.,  of  York ;  s. 
heir  father  1843.  This  family  was  formerly  resi- 
ent  at  Bridlington,  Yorkshire. — Longstone  Hall, 
ear  Bakewell,  Derbyshire. 

RLE T OK,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Richard. 

eventh  son  of  1st  Lord  Dorchester,  uncle  of  3rd 
ord,  and  heir  pres.  to  that  title ;  b.  1792  ;  m. 
820  Frances  Louisa,  dau.  and  co-heir  of  E. 
;:  [orton,  Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll., 
ambridge  (M.A.  1811) ;.  appointed  Rector  of 
Tately  Scures  1819. — Nately  Scures  Rectory,  near 
»   asingstoke,  Hants  ;  25,  Bruton  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Dudley  Wilmot,  Lieutenant-Colonel 
lm  oldstream  Guards;  b.  1822  ;  m.  1854  Charlotte, 
'  s   au.  of  Lord  Broughton. 

RLETON,  Christopher  Dorchester,  Esq.  (of 

ldest  son  of  the  late  Captain  George  Guy  Carle- 
>u,  by  Sarah,  only  dau.  of  Lawrence  Clynch,  Esq. ; 

Carew  Castle  was  one  of  the  royal  demesnes  belonging  to 
irinces  of  South  Wales,  and,  with  two  others,  was  given 
dowry  with  Ncsta,  daughter  of  Rhys  ap  Tendwr,  to 
Id  de  Windsor,  who  was  appointed  Lieutenant  of  those 
*  by  Henry  I.,  on  the  outlawry  of  Armulph  dc  Montgo- 
'.  His  son  William  took  the  name  of  Carew  from  his 


b.  1812  ;  m.  1830  Anne  Jane  Hunter,  eldest  dau. 
of  Captain  J ohn  Tracy'e  O'Reilly,  formerly  Captain 
5th  Dragoon  Guards.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Cork, 
and  an  Officer  in  the  Royal  Guernsey  Artillery. 
This  family,  descended  from  a  common  ancestor 
with  that  of  Lord  Dorchester,  is  of  Saxon  origin, 
and  settled  in  the  co.  of  Cork  about  two  centuries 
and  a  half  ago,  and  at  one  time  possessed  extensive 
estates  there,  as  well  as  in  co.  Westmoreland. — 
Delgany,  near  Wicklow ;  United  Service  Club, 

Heir,  his  son  Christopher  Guy  Hunter,  b.  1846. 

CARLISLE  (Earl  of),  George  William  Frederick 
Howard,  K.G.,  P.O.  (cr.  1661). 
Eldest  son  of  the  6th  Earl,  by  Georgiana,  dau.  of 
5th  Duke  of  Devonshire,  K.G.  ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  1848. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1822)  ; 
is  Lord-Lieutenant  of  the  East  Riding  of  Yorkshire  ; 
was  M.P.  for  Morpeth  1826-30,  for  Yorkshire  1830-2, 
for  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire  1833-41  and  1846-8  ; 
Chief  Secretary  for  Ireland  1835-41  ;  Chief  Com- 
missioner of  Woods  and  Forests  1846-9  ;  Chan- 
cellor of  the  Duchy  of  Lancaster  1849-51  ;  Lord- 
Lieutenant  of  Ireland  1855-8  ;  re-appointed  1859. 
Patron  8  livings.  This  family  is  descended  from 
the  4th  Duke  of  Norfolk. — Naworth  Castle,  near 
Brampton,  Cumberland ;  Castle  Howard,  near 
York ;  The  Cottage,  Chiswick  ;  Athenaeum  and 
Reform  Clubs;  12,  Grosvenor  Place,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  George  (whom 

CARLISLE  (Bishop  of),  Hon.  Henry  Montagu 
Villiers,  D.D. 

Seventh  son  of  the  late  Hon.  George  Villiers, 
by  Theresa,  sister  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Morley,  and 
brother  of  the  4th  Earl  of  Clarendon,  K.G.  ;  b. 
1813 ;  m.  1837  Amelia  Maria,  eldest  dau.  of  William 
Hulton,  Esq.,  of  Hulton  Park,  co.  Lancaster. 
Educated  at  Ch.  Ch. ,  Oxford  (B.A.  1834,  M.A.  1S37) ; 
was  successively  Vicar  of  Kenilworth,  Rector  of 
St.  George's,  Bloomsbury,  and  Canon  of  St.  Paul's; 
consecrated  1856.  Patron  34  livings. — Rose  Castle, 
near  Carlisle;  Athenaeum  Club,  S.W. 

CARMICHAEL,  Rev.  Sir  William  Henry  Gib- 
son, Bart.  (cr.  1628). 

Fifth  but  only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas 
Gibsou  Carmichael  (10th  Bart.),  by  his  2nd  wife 
Hon.  Anne,  dan.  of  7th  Lord  Napier;  6,  1827  ; 
s.  his  brother  as  13th  Bart.  1855  ;  m.  1858  Eleanora 
Anne,  eldest  dau.  of  David  Anderson,  Esq.,  of 
St.  Germains,  Educated  at  St.  Peter's  Coll., 
Cambridge  (B.A.  1850) ;  is  in  Holy  Orders.  The 
9th  Bart,  assumed  the  additional  name  of  Car- 
michael on  inheriting  the  estates  of  the  last  Earl  of 
Hyndford. — Hailes  House,  near  Edinburgh  ;  Castle 
Craig,  near  Noblehouse,  co.  Peebles,  N.B.  ;  Oxford 
and  Cambridge  Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  sou,  b.  1859. 

CARMICHAEL,  Sir  James  Robert,  Bart.  (Or, 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Major*Gtanera]  Mr  James 
Cannichael-Smyth,  Bart.,  of  Nutwood,  Surrey  by 



Harriet,  dau.  of  General  MLorM,  U.K. ;  b.  1817; 

2nd  Bart  IS 38  ;  m.  1841  Louisa  Charlotte, 
daQ.  of  Sir  T.  Batlet,  Bart.  Is  a  Magistrate  and 
i\  Lieut,  for  Kent  :  was  formerly  an  Officer  in 
tin>  Army.    This  family  ie*f  ancient  Scottish  de- 

.  and  i he  dormant  titles  of  Earl  of  Hyndford 
Uld  Baron  Oarmiehael  are  claimed  by  the  present 
I  net,  who  re-aawtmed  his  family  name  of  Car- 
michael  only  by  sign  manual  in  1841. — Oakdene, 
near  Edenhridge,  Kent  :  Army  and  Navy  Club, 


Jhir,  his  sou  .lames  Morse,  b.  1844. 

CARMICHAEL,  Major-General  Charles  Mon- 
tauban,  C.B. 
Fourth  son  of  the  late  Br.  James  Carmichael  Smyth, 
Physician  Extraordinary  to  George  III.,  by  Mary, 
<1RU.  of  —  Holyland,  Esq.  ;  b.  1790  ;  m.  1841 
Mai  v  Klizabeth,  dau.  of  Captain  Allen  Graham, 
Bengal  Artillery.  Educated  at  the  Charterhouse 
amf"at  the  Royal  Military  Coll.,  Great  Marlow  ; 
appointed  Cadet  in  the  Bengal  Cavalry  in  1806, 
and  is  now  a  Major-General  H.M.'s  Indian  Army, 
and  a  Companion  of  the  Bath.  This  family  is 
lineally  descended  from  the  Earls  of  Crawford  and 
Lindsay.  The  senior  branch  is  that  of  Sir  James 
Carmichael,  Bart.,  whose  father  was  acknowledged 
heir  to  the  title  of  Baron  by  the  last  Earl  of  Hynd- 
ford.— Hyndford  House,  Michael's  Place,  Bromp- 
ton,  S.W.  ;  Oriental  Club,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  Henry  Edward,  b.  1842. 

CARNAC,  Sir  John  Rivett,  Bart.  (cr.  1836). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  James  Rivett  Carnac, 
Bart.,  by  Anne  Maria,  dau.  of  William  Richarcles, 
Esq.,  of  Pentglass;  6.  1818  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1846  ; 
in.  1840  Anne  Jane,  dau.  of  Samuel  Sproule,  Esq. 
Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Hants  ;  was 
formerly  Lieutenant  21st  foot ;  has  been  M.P.  for 
Lymington  since  1852.  The  1st  Bart,  was  M.P. 
for  Sandwich  1837-8,  when  he  was  appointed 
Governor  of  Bombay. — Warborne,  near  Lymington, 
Hants  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  22,  Suffolk  Street, 

Heir,  his  son  James  Henry  Sproule,  b.  1846. 

CAENARVON  (Earl  of),  Henry  Howard  Moly- 
neux  Herbert  (cr.  1793), 
Eldest  son  of  the  3rd  Earl,  by  Henrietta,  dau.  of 
Lord  H.  M.  Howard  ;  b.  1831  ;  s.  1849.  Educated 
at  Eton  ;  graduated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford,  as  1st  class 

,  classics  1852  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Hants,  and  Captain  Hants  Yeomanry  Cavalry ; 
appointed  Lord  High  Steward  of  the  University  of 
Oxford  1859.  Is  descended  from  the  8th  Earl  of 
Pembroke.  Patronage  5  livings. — Highclere,  near 
Newbury  ;  Pixton,  Dulverton,  Somerset  ;  Arthur's 
and  Carlton  Clubs,  S.W.  ;  35,  Sackville  Street,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Alan  Percy,  educated  at 
Harrow  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford;  b.  1836. 

CARNARVON,  Countess  of. 

Henrietta  Anna,  dau.  of  the  late  Lord  Henry 
Howard  Molyneux  Howard  ;  m.  1830  Henry  John 
George,  3rd  Earl  of  Carnarvon,  who  d.  1849.— 
Highclere  Castle,  Newbury  ;  3,  Park  Street,  West- 
minster, S.W. 

(See  Niclioll-Came.) 


(See  Lindsay-Carnegie.) 

CARNEGIE,  Hon.  Swynfen  Thomas,  C.B. 
Fourth  son  of  Admiral  7th  Earl  of  Northe  j 
G.C.B.;  b.  1813;  m.  1858  Louisa  Albertina,  elt 
dau.  of  Adrian  J.  Hope,  Esq.    Educated  at  Ro  1 
Naval  Coll. ;  entered  the  Navy  1826  ;  became  C  ■ 
tain  R.N.  1850  ;  served  in  the  Baltic  Sea  1854  I 
was  M.P.  for  Stafford  1841-7  ;  a  Lord  of  Treas 
in  1846  and  1859. — Rosehill,  near  Winchest  I 
Long's  Hotel,  W. 

CARNWATH  (Earl  of),  Thomas  Henry  Dah  I 
(cr.  1639). 

Eldest  son  of  the  10th  Earl,  by  his  2nd  wife  An  I 
lusia,  dau.  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  Browne  ;  b.  17!  ; 
s.  1839  ;  m.  1st  1834  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  Hi; ; 
Hon,  H.  Grattan  (widow  of  J.  Blachford,  Esc  I 
2nd  1855  Isabella  Eliza,  dau.  of  Colonel  E.  Wilr 
(widow  of  J.  Lecky,  Esq.)    Is  a  Magistrate  for 
Dumfries.  This  title,  attainted  in  1745,  was  resto: . 
in  1826. — Glenne  House,  co.  Dumfries;  39,  Gl  • 
cester  Place,  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Lord  Dalzell,  b.  1858. 

CARR,  Rev.  John. 

Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Ra 
Carr,  Esq.,  of  Park  Crescent,  London,  and  St [■ 
nington,  Northumberland,  by  Caroline,  clau.  e 
Francis  Gregg,  Esq.,  of  Skinners'  Hall,  Londcl; 
b.  1797.  Educated  at  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford,  and  >| 
afterwards  Fellow  of  Balliol  CoU.  (B.A.1819,  M.f 
1823) ;  appointed  Rector  of  Brattleby  1837.  if 
presents  a  younger  branch  of  the  Carrs  of  Dunsll 
Hill,  co.  Durham,  and  Hedgeley,  Northumberlaf 
— Brattleby  Rectory,  near  Lincoln ;  Universr 
Club,  S.W. ;  14,  York  Terrace,  Regent's  Park,  N." 

CARE-LLOYD,*  George,  Esq.  (of  Lancing  PaiL 
Only  son  of  the  late  Right  Rev.  R.  J.  Carr,  D.I 
Lord  Bishop  of  Worcester  ;  b.  18 —  ;  m.  1st  R| 
Caroline,  sister  of  Rev.  Sir  J.  H.  Culme  Seymoj 
Bart,  (she  d.  1843)  ;  2nd  18—  Jane,  dau.  of[ 
Watson,  Esq.,  merchant,  of  Brighton  ;  assumed  1 
additional  name  of  Lloyd  in  1850,  on  succeeding! 
the  property  of  his  aunt,  the  late  Lady  Lloyd,  widj 
of  Sir  James  Lloyd,  Bart.  {ext.).  Is  a  Magistr. 
for  Sussex  ;  was  formerly  an  Officer  in  the  Am 
— Lancing  Park,  near  Shoreham,  Sussex. 
Heir,  his  son,  b.  18 — . 

CARRICK  (Earl  of),  Somerset  Arthur  Bull' 
(cr.  1748). 

Second  son  of  the  3rd  Earl,  by  2nd  wife  Lucy,  d;| 
of  A.  French,  Esq.,  and  brother  of  4th  Ea[ 
b.  1835  ;  s.  his  brother  1846.  Is  a  Magistrate  E 
co.  Kilkenny  ;  Lieutenant  and  Captain  Grenadj 
Guards  ;  served  in  the  Crimea  1855-6.  Descenc| 
from  a  common  ancestor  with  the  Marquis  of  (j 
monde.  — Mount  Juliet,  near  Thomastown,  co.  EM 
kenny  ;  4,  Charles  Street,  W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  cousin  Charles  Henry  Somersi 



b.  1.S51,  son  of  the  late  Captain  C.  G.  Butler,  2nd 
son  of  Lieutenant-General  the  Hon.  H.  E.  Butler, 
younger  son  of  the  2nd  Earl. 

^ARBICK,  Countess  of. 

Lucy,  dau.  of  A.  French,  Esq.,  of  Enfield,  co. 

Koscommon  ;  m.  1st  1833  the  3rd  Earl  of  Carrick 

(who  d.  1838) ;  2nd  1842  (as  2nd  wife)  the  Hon.  C. 
j  H.  C.  Butler-Southwell- Wandesford  (whom  see)  ; 
]  Kirklington  Hall,  near  Ripon  ;  Castle  Comer,  co. 


]:ABBICK"BUCHAKTAE",  David  Carrick  Bo- 

bert,  Esq.  (of  Drrimpellier). 
]  Eldest  son  of  the  late  P.  Carrick-Buchanan,  Esq., 
j  by  Sarah  Maria  Clothilda,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  J. 
j  W.  Hoare,  Bart.,  of  Annabella,  co.  Cork  ;  b.  1824; 
j  s.  1840  ;  on.  1849  Frances  Jane,  dau.  of  Anthony 
j  Lefroy,  Esq.,  M.P.     Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 

Cambridge  ;  appointed  to  2nd  Dragoons  1845,  re- 
I  tired  1849.    Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 

co.  Lanark,  and  Lieutenant-Colonel  Commandant 

2nd  Boyal  Lanark  Militia. — Drumpellier  House, 
j  near  Coatbridge,  Lanarkshire,  N.B.  ;  Army  and 

Navy  Club,  S.W. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George,  Capt.  Scots  Greys, 

b.  1827. 

'  ABBICK-MOOBE,  James,  Esq.  (of  Corswall). 
j  Second  son  of  the  late  John  Moore,  M.D.,  by  Jane, 
youngest  dau.  of  Bev.  James  Simpson,  Professor 
fin  the  University  of  Glasgow  ;  b.  1762  ;  s.  1822  to 
I  estates  in  Wigtownshire,  &c,  by  the  will  of  Bobert 
Carrick,  Esq.,  whose  name  he  has  assumed  ;  on. 
1798  Harriet,  only  dau.  of  John  Henderson,  Esq. 
j  Educated  at  University  of  Glasgow  ;  is  a  Magis- 
j  trate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Wigton  ;  was  formerly 
]  a  Member  of  the  Coll.  of  Surgeons  of  London  ; 
|  brother  of  Gen.  Sir  John  Moore,  K.B.,  who  fell  at 
Corunna  in  1809,  and  of  Admiral  Sir  Graham 
Moore,  G.C.B. — Corswall,  near  Stranraer,  co.  Wig- 
ton,  N.B.  ;  9,  Clarges  Street,  W. 

I  j    Heir,  his  son  John,  b.  1805  ;  m.  1835  Caroline, 

dau.  of  John  Bradley,  Esq. 

1BBINGTOF,  Frederick  Augustus,  Esq.  (of 

II  Ogbourne  St.  George). 

;   Only  son  of  the  late  Bev.  Caleb  Carrington,  Yicar 
of  Berkeley,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Mr.  Edward 
•Rawlins,  of  Enford,  Wilts  ;  6.  1801  ;  m.  1835  Phi- 
lipina,  sole  heiress  of  John  Banning,  Esq.,  of  Og- 
I  bourne  St.  George  and  Burbage,  Wilts.    Called  to 
'  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  1823  ;  appointed  Becorder 
;  '  of  Wokingham  1858.    Is  a  Magistrate  for  Wilts, 
t  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Berks.    This  family  was 
)  | formerly  of  Cheshire. — Ogbourne  St.  George,  near 
!   Marlborough,  Wilts  ;  28,  Lincoln's-Inn  Fields. 
I      Heir  Pres.,  his  sister  Mary,  b.  1803  ;  on.  1826 
|  John  Marklove,  Esq.,  of  Lullingworth  House,  co. 
|  Gloucester  (she  d.  1849). 

j  LRBING-TOM",  Very  Bev.  Henry. 
I  I  Second  son  of  the  late  Sir  Edmund  Codrington  Car- 
I  rington,  of  Chalfont  House,  Bucks,  some  time  Chief 
1    Justice  ;it  Ceylon,  by  his  1st  wife  Paulina,  dau.  of 

(Charles  Belli,  Esq.,  of  Calcutta  ;  b.  1815  ;  on,  1841 

|  107 

Jane,  only  dau.  of  the  late  Haseldine  Lyall,  Esq., 
youngest  son  of  the  late  George  Lyall,  of  Findon 
House,  Sussex.  Educated  at  the  Charterhouse 
and  Caius  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1837,  M.A. 
1840);  appointed  Bector  of  Monk's  Eleigh,  Suffolk, 
1841,  Dean  of  Booking  1845. — Booking  Deanery, 
near  Braintree,  Essex. 

CABBOXi,  William  Hutchinson,  Esq.  (of  Tulla 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-General  Sir 
William  Parker  Carrol,  K.C.H.,  C.B.  (who  was  a 
distinguished  Peninsular  Officer),  by  Emma  Sophia, 
dau.  of  M.  E.  Sherwill,  Esq.,  of  Kew,  Surrey  ;  b. 
1817;  s.  1842.  Educated  in  Germany;  is  a  Ma- 
gistrate for  co.  Tipperary ;  was  formerly  in  the 
35th  regiment,  and  Captain  in  the  Enniskillen 
Dragoons. — Tulla  House,  near  Nenagh,  co.  Tip- 

CABBOLL,  Sir  George,  Knt.  (er.  1837). 

b.  17 —  ;  an  Alderman  of  London,  of  which  he  was 
Sheriff  1837,  and  Lord  Mayor  1846.— 34,  Cavendish 
Square,  W. 

CABBOLL,  Sir  William  Fair  brother,  K.C.B. 
(cr.  1852). 

Son  of  D.  Carroll,  Esq.,  of  Uskane,  co.  Tipperary; 
b.  1784  ;  on.  1813  Martha,  dau.  of  Admiral  Sir  B. 
Dacres,  G.C.H.  (she  d.  1854).  Is  a  Bear-Admiral 
reserved,  and  Lieutenant-Governor  of  Greenwich 
Hospital ;  has  been  Commander-in-Chief  on  the 
Irish  station  ;  served  in  the  East  Indies  and  Medi- 
terranean.— Boyal  Hospital,  Greenwich,  S.E. 

CABBOLL,  John,  Esq.  (of  Merville). 

Only  son  of  the  late  Edward  Carroll,  Esq.,  of  Fitz- 
william  Square,  Dublin,  by  Jane,  dau.  of  —  Forbes, 
Esq.,  of  co.  Meath;  b.  1788  ;  s.  1833;  on.  1812 
Frances  Anne,  2nd  dau.  of  Captain  W.  Sharpe,  9th 
foot.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (B.A. 
1808)  ;  called  to  the  Irish  Bar  1810  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  co.  Clare.  —  Merville,  near  Milltowu  Malbay, 
co.  Clare  ;  Union  Club,  S.W.  ;  2,  Circus  Boad,  St. 
John's  Wood,  N.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Edward  William  John,  b.  1831  ;  m. 
1855  Maria,  dau.  of  J.  Hatfield,  Esq. 

CABTEB,  Sir  James,  Knt.  (cr.  1859). 

Chief  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  New  Bruns- 
wick.— New  Brunswick,  Canada. 

CABTEB,  Harry  William,  Esq.,  M.D.,  F.B.S.  (of 
Kennington  Place). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Carter,  Esq..  by 
Mary,  dau.  of  Lancelot  Lee,  Esq.,  of  Coton  Hall. 
Salop  ;  b.  1787  ;  s.  1822  ;  on.  1822  Louisa,  dau.  ot 
Bev.  Henry  Plumptre.  Educated  at  Canterbury 
aird  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (M.I).  1824);  is  a  Magis- 
trate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Kent,  follow  of  the  Roj  al 
Society  (Edinburgh),  and  a,  Follow  of  Che  Royal 
Coll.  of  Physicians ;  was  formerly  Radclifle  Travel- 
ling Fellow  in  the  University  ol  Oxford.  This 

family  was  seated  at  \Y  inehoondv.  Crniulall.  Kont. 
in  the  reign  of  Edward  II. — Konnin^ton  Mace, 
Ashfonl.  Kent. 



H  .  i  :.  Km  George  William  Lee  Plumptre,  b. 
[828  :  ■  •  Is."1 1  Augusta,  only  dau.  of  Rev.  Wynd- 
ham  tnatohbull,  D.D, 

CARTER,  Robort,  Esq.  (of  Epsom  Grove). 

Soungeet  son  of  the  late  James  Carter,  Esq.,  of 
Croydon,  by  Susanna,  dan.  of  Thomas  Elliott,  Esq.; 

!  ;  '.  1st  1821  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Richard 
Starey,  Esq.  \  2nd  1854  Maria,  dan.  of  Richard 
Harrison,  Esq.,  of  W'yton,  co.  York.  Is  a  Magis- 
trate for  Surrey  ;  was  formerly  a  merchant  and 
shipowner  in  London.-  The  Grove,  Epsom  ;  City 
of  London  Olub,  E.C.  ;  41,  Victoria  Street,  S.W. 

CARTER,  Rev.  William  Edward  Dickson. 
Eldest  son  of  Rear- Admiral  Thomas  Wren  Carter, 
C.B.,  an  Officer  of  the  Legion  of  Honour  and  of 
the  Medjidie,  by  Harriet  Jane,  eldest  dau.  of  the 
late  Admiral  Sir  Archibald  Collingwood  Dickson, 
Bart.,  of  Sydenham,  co.  Roxburgh  ;  6.  1821  ;  m. 
1  850  Ellen,  5th  dau.  of  Rev.  Charles  Barter,  M.A., 
Rector  of  Sarsden,  Oxford,  and  niece  of  J.  H. 
Langston,  Esq.,  M.P.  Educated  at  Winchester,  and 
was  Fellow  of  New  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1844,  M.A. 
1847)  ;  appointed  Vicar  of  Shipton-under-Wych- 
wood  with  St.  James's,  Ramsden,  1852  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  Oxfordshire,  and  a  Surrogate  in  the 
Consistory  Court  of  Oxford  ;  was  formerly  Incum- 
bent of  Ovvslebuiy,  near  Winchester.  This  family 
is  identical  with  the  Carters  of  Hampshire  and  the 
Isle  of  Wight. — The  Vicarage,  Shipton-under- 
Wychwood,  near  Chipping  Norton. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Collingwood,  b,  1852. 

CARTER,  John  Bonham,  Esq.  (of  Petersfield 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  J.  B.  Carter,  Esq.,  M.P.  for 
Portsmouth  1816-38  ;  b.  1817 ;  s.  1838  ;  m.  1848 
Laura  Maria,  youngest  dau.  of  G.  T.  Nicholson, 
Esq.,  of  Waverley  Abbe}',  Surrey.  Educated  at 
Winchester  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A. 
1838);  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Hants  ; 
has  been  M.P.  for  Winchester  since  1847. — The 
Grange,  Petersfield,  Hants;  Reform  Club,  S.W.  ; 
21,  Suffolk  Street,  S.W. 


Mary  Anne,  younger  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas 
Master,  Esq.,  M.P.,  of  The  Abbey,  Cirencester,  by 
Mary,  sister  of  the  1st  Lord  Sherborne,  and  sister 
of  Miss  Master,  of  The  Abbey,  Cirencester  (whom 
see)  ;  m.  1801  John,  3rd  Lord  Carteret  (who  d. 
1849).  Was  a  Lady  of  the  Bedchamber  to  H.R.H. 
Princess  Charlotte,  from  her  marriage  to  her  death, 
and  afterwards  to  H.R.H.  Princess  Sophia  to  her 
death.— 13,  Chesterfield  Street,  W. 

CARTHEW,  Morden,  Esq.  (late  of  Woodbridge 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Morden  Carthew,  by 
Emily,  dau.  of  G.  Tweed  Pyke,  Esq.,  of  Baythorne 
Park,  Essex;  b.  1804  ;  s.  his  uncle  1827  ;  m.  1827 
Jemima  Borland,  dau.  of  John  Ewart,  Esq.,  of 
Romana,  co.  Dumfries.  Entered  the  Madras  Army 
1821,  served  as  Brigadier- General  in  Bengal  in  the 
Indian  Mutiny  1858  ;  appointed  to  command  the 
Nagpore  force  same  year.  This  family  was  formerly 

of  Woodbridge  Abbey,  Suffolk,  which  estate 
been  sold  by  Colonel  Carthew. — Kamptee,  Nagj 
East  Indies. 

Heir,  his  son  Morden,  b.  1832  ;  m.  1855  May 
Eliza  Charlotte  Rochford,  dau.  of  Sir  A.  Bogh 

CART  WRIGHT,  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Kineton). 
Seventh  son  of  the  late  W.  R.  Cartwright,  !  \, 
(who  was  many  years  M.P.  for  Northamptonsh  ), 
by  his  2nd  wife  Julia  Frances,  only  dau.  of  the 
Colonel  R.  Aubrey  ;  b.  1814  ;  m.  1853  Jane, 
of  W.  Holbech,  Esq.  Became  Ensign  and  I 
tenant  Grenadier  Guards  1832,  Captain  and  I 
tenant-Colonel  1846  ;  has  been  M.P.  for  S.  Nc 
amptonshire  since  1858. — Kineton,  near  "V 
wick  ;  Guards'  Club,  S.W. ;  46,  Park  Street,  T 

CARTWRIGHT,    Richard    Aubrey,  Esq. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  W.  R.  Cartwright,  Esq 
Aynhoe  (who  was  M.P.  for  Northamptons  -e 
1806-54),  by  his  2nd  wife  Julia  Frances,  dau,)f 
Colonel  Richard  Aubrey,  of  Ash  Hall,  co.  Glai 
gan  ;  b.  1811 ;  s.  his  mother  1856  ;  m.  1848  M 
dau.  of  Right  Hon.  Sir  T.  F.  Fremantle,  Bart, 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Northamp 
shire  and  Oxfordshire  ;  was  formerly  a  Lieutei  it 
R.N. — Edgcot,  near  Banbury,  Oxon ;  Arthur's  *d 
Travellers'  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Aubrey  Thomas  Carter,  b.  1849 

CARTWRIGHT,  Sidney,  Esq.  (of  the  Leasow 
Second  and  only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Will  'a 
Cartwright,  Esq.,  by  Ann,  dau.  of  John  CI, 
Esq.,  of  Sedgley,  co.  Stafford ;  6.  1802  ;  m. 
Maria  Christian,  dau.  of  James  Wright,  Esq. 
Nottingham.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Staff  I. 
This  family  was  formerly  of  Himley,  co.  Staffon 
The  Leasowes,  near  Wolverhampton. 

CARTWRIGHT,  Rev.  Stephen  Ralph. 

Fifth  son  of  the  late  W.  R.  Cartwright,  Esq.,  of  A 
hoe,  many  years  M.P.  for  co.  Northampton, 
Emma,  2nd  dau.  of  1st  Visct.  Hawarden,  of  D 
drum,  co.  Tipperaiy  ;  b.  1806  ;  s.  1830  ;  m.  1 
Fanny,  5th  dau.  of  15th  Earl  of  Erroll,  who  d.  \{ 
Educated  at  the  Charterhouse  aud  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxf  1 
(B.A.  1828,  M.A.  1831) ;  appointed  Rectorff 
Aynhoe  1830. — Aynhoe  Rectory,  near  Brack 
Northamptonshire  ;  University  Club,  S.W. 
Heiress,  his  dau.  Augusta  Emma. 

CARTWRIGHT,  Rev.  Theodore  John. 
Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  J ohn  Cartwright, 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Captain  Alexander  Ellis,  R 
of  co.  Banff,  N.B.  ;  6. 1807  ;  m.  1836  Anna  Cecij, 
3rd  dau.  of  Ven.  R.  F.  Onslow,  Archdeaconf 
Worcester.  Educated  at  University  Coll.,  Oxftt 
(B.A.  1829,  M.A.  1830) ;  appointed  1831  Rec(: 
of  Preston  Bagot ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Warwi* 
This  family  formerly  bore  the  name  of  Hogg,  .'  I 
took  the  name  of  Cartwright  by  Royal  licenseii 
1817. — Preston  Bagot,  near  Henley-in-Arden,  "Wi- 




2ARTWKIGHT,  William, Esq.  (of  Flore  House). 
Second  son  of  the  Lite  William  Ralph  Cartwright, 
Esq.,  of  Aynhoe  (who  was  M.P.  for  Northampton- 
shire for  more  than  50  years),  by  his  1st  wife  Emma, 
dau.  of  Viscount  Hawarden  ;  b.  1797  ;  m.  1822 
Mary  Anne,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of  Henry  Jones, 
Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Royal  Military  Coll., 
Sandhurst ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Northamptonshire 
and  Bucks,  and  Her  Majesty's  Inspector  of  Con- 
stabulary ;  served  in  the  Peninsula,  and  was  pre- 
sent at  the  battles  of  the  Pyrenees,  Nive,  Nivelle, 
Orthes,  Toulouse,  and  at  Waterloo ;  became  a 
Major-General  in  the  Army  1856  ;  appointed  a 
Chairman  of  Quarter  Sessions  for  Northamptonshire 
1851.—  Flore  House,  near  Weedon,  Northampton- 
shire ;  Arthur's  Club,  S.  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Fairfax  William,  b.  1823. 

ARY,  George,  Esq.  (of  White  Castle). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Tristram  Gary,  Esq.,  of 
White  Castle,  co.  Donegal,  by  Henrietta  Sophia, 
dau.  of  Henry  John  Kearney,  Esq.,  of  White 
Waltham,  Berks  ;  b.  1816  ;  s.  1837.    Educated  at 
Winchester  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Donegal.  This 
family  is  descended  from  the  Carys  of  Clovelly, 
Devonshire.    They  came  over  to  Ireland  early  in 
i  the  17th  century,  and  settling  in  Ennishowen,  co. 
-:    Donegal,  intermarried  with  the  Chichesters  and 
""; -  \  Beresfords,  and  are  also  a  branch  of  the  Carys 
:i  !  of  Follaton  and  Torre   Abbey,    Devon. — White 
Castle,  Quigley's  Point,  near  Londonderry. 

jARY,  Robert  Shedden  Sulyarde,  Esq.  (of  Torre 
■A  Abbey). 

t  \  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Henry  George  Cary,  Esq.,  of 
- 1  ]  Torre  Abbey,  Devon,  by  Emily  Munro,  dau.  of  the 

j late  Robert  Shedden,  Esq.,  of  Brooklands,  Hants; 
jjgh  1828  ;  s.  1840.  This  family  is  descended,  to- 
§y  Jgether  with  the  Carys  of  Follaton,  from  a  common 

(ancestor  with  Viscount  Falkland. — Torre  Abbey, 

I  near  Torquay,  Devon. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Lucius  Falkland  Branca- 

jleone,  an  Officer  in  the  Army,  h.  1839. 

:.  jLELY,  Stanley  Edward  George,  Esq.  (of  Folla- 
ptoi,ij  ton). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  G.  S.  Cary,  Esq.,  by  Matilda, 
2nd  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  R.  Bedingfeld,  Bart.,  of 
Oxburgh  Hall,  Norfolk ;  b.  1825  ;  s.  1858.  Educated 
^t  Prior  Park,  near  Bath.  Is  descended  from  a 
pommon  ancestor  with  the  Carys  of  Torre  Abbey, 
j— Follaton,  near  Totnes,  Devon. 
Heiresses,  his  sisters. 

KRYSFORT  (Earl  of),  Granville  Leveson 
I    Proby  (cr.  1789). 

(Third  son  of  the  1st  Earl,  by  his  lst  wife  Elizabeth, 
lau.  of  the  Right  Hon.  Sir  W.  Osborne,  Bart.  ;  b. 
781  ;  s.  his  brother  as  3rd  Earl  1855  ;  m.  1818 
sabella,  dau.  of  the  late  Hon.  Henry  Howard; 
jits  in  the  House  of  Lords  as  Baron  Carysfort, 
■ILK.  (cr.  1801).    Educated  at  Rugby  ;  is  a  Vice- 
Ulmiral  R.N.,  retired,  and  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Ueut.  for  co.  Wicklow  ;  was  M.P.  for  co.  Wick- 
i)w  1816-30. — Glenart  Castle,  near  Arklow,  co. 
Vicklow  ;  Melrose,  Putney,  S.W. 
;  Jldr,  his  son  Lord  Proby  (whom  see). 

CASE,  Thomas  Edward,  Esq. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Ashton  Case,  Esq.,  who 
was  a  Magistrate  for  Notts,  by  Caroline  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Henry  Walker,  Esq.,  of  Blythe  Hall', 
Notts;  b.  1848  ;  s.  1855.  This  family  was  formerly 
resident  at  Huyton,  near  Prescot,  Lancashire,  and 
may  be  traced  up  to  1272. — 1,  Undercliff,  Sand- 
gate,  Kent. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Henry  Ashton,  b.  1850. 

CASEMENT,  Edmund  McGildowny,  Esq.  (of 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  John  Montgomery  Casement, 
Esq.,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  John  McGildowny, 
Esq.,  of  Ballycastle,  co.  Antrim  ;  b.  18 — ;  s.  18 — . 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a 
Magistrate  for  co.  Antrim.  —  Invermore,  near 
Larne,  co.  Antrim. 

CASEMENT,  Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Bailee  House). 
Second  surviving  son  of  the  late  Roger  Casement, 
Esq.,  by  Catharine,  dau.  of  John  Joseph  Cosnahan, 
Esq.,  of  Peel,  in  the  Isle  of  Man  ;  b.  1799  ;  s.  1832  ; 
m.  1848  Dorinda  Deborah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Abbott, 
Esq.,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  of  Mount  Bellew,  co. 
Gal  way.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Antrim,  and  a 
Grand  Juror  of  the  co.  This  family  was  formerly 
from  the  Isle  of  Man,  and  came  to  Ireland  about 
the  year  1730. — Bailee  House,  near  Ballymena,  co. 

Heir,  his  dau.  Catharine. 

MORE  (Bishop  of),  Robert  Daly,  D.D. 
Brother  of  the  1st  Lord  Dunsandle  ;  b.  1783.  Gra- 
duated (B.A.  1803)  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  ap- 
pointed Dean  of  St.  Patrick's  1842  ;  consecrated 
1843.  Patron  80  livings.— The  Palace,  Waterford  ; 
105,  Jermyn  Street,  S.W. 

CASS,  Frederick,  Esq.  (of  Little  Grove). 

Youngest  but  only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Wil- 
liam Cass,  Esq.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Evan  Owen, 
Esq.,  of  Onibury,  co.  Salop  ;  b.  1787  ;  s.  1819  ;  m. 
1823  Martha,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  John  Dell 
Potter,  Esq.,  of  Ponder's  End,  Middlesex.  Is  a 
Magistrate  for  the  Liberty  of  St.  Alban's,  and  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Herts  (High  Sheriff 
1844-5).  This  family  was  formerly  of  Barmbie, 
near  Howden,  Yorkshire. — Little  Grove,  near  East 
Barnet,  Herts ;  Conservative  and  Union  Clubs, 
S.W.  _ 

Heir,  his  son  Frederick  Charles,  in  Holy  Orders. 
M.A.,  ofBalliol  Coll.,  Oxford;  b.  1824  ;  m.  1853 
Julia  Elizabeth,  2nd  dau.  of  the  late  William 
Tewart,  Esq.,  of  Glanton  and  Swinhoe,  Northum- 

CAS  SAN,  Matthew  Sheffield,  Esq.  (of  Sheffield 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  S.  S.  Oassan.  Esq.,  by  Anno 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edward  Lawrenson,  Etaq.,  of 
Caponellan,  Kilkenny  ;  b.  1812  ;  s,  1848  :  r.i.  1848 
Phoebe  Louisa,  dau.  of  John,  2nd  Mai  l  of  Port arl in Jf« 
ton.  Educated  at  Carlow  and  Trinity  Coll..  Dub- 
lin (B.A.  1835);  entered  at  Linootoh  tnn  16 
and  qualified,  but  was  not  called  to  the  Bai  j  Ifl  B 



Magistrate  for  Queen's  co.  (High  Sheriff  1843). 
This  family  is  descended  from  Stephen  Cassan, 
possessed  of  the  estate  of  Navestoek,  Essex,  who, 
coming  to  Ireland  with  William  III.,  married  Miss 
Sheffield,  of  Cappoly,  held  bypatent  from  Charles II., 
andwhere  they  have  since  continued  to  reside. — Shef- 
field House,  near  Maryborough,  Queen's  eo.,  Ireland. 
Heir,  his  son  Francis  Seymour  Stuart,  b.  1848. 

CASTLEMAINE    (Lord),  Richard  Handcoek 
(cr.  1812). 

Eldest  son  of  the  2nd  Lord,  by  Ann,  dau.  of 
A.  French,  Esq.;  b.  1791;  s.  1840;  m.  1822 
Margaret,  dau.  of  M.  Harris,  Esq.  Educated  at 
Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a  representative  Peer  for 
Ireland,  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,,  Vice-Lieut.,  and  a 
Magistrate  for  Westmeath  ;  was  M.P.  for  Athlone 
1826-32. — Moydrum  Castle,  Hare  Island,  near  Ath- 
lone ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ;  35,  Pall  Mall,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Richard,  b.  1826  ;  m.  1857  Louisa 
Matilda,  only  dau.  of  2nd  Lord  Harris  ;  educated 
at  Sandhurst;  entered  the  army  1843,  became 
Captain  41st  foot  1852. 

CASTLEROSSE  (Viscount),  Valentine  Augustus 

Only  son  of  the  3rd  Earl  of  Kenmare  ;  b.  1825  ;  m. 
1858  Gertrude,  only  dau.  of  Lord  C.  Thynne.  Edu- 
cated at  Oscott  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Kerry,  for  which  he  has  been  M.P.  since  1852,  and 
of  which  he  was  High  Sheriff  1851  ;  was  Comp- 
troller of  the  Household  1856-8  ;  reappointed  1859. 
—Kenmare  House,  Killarney,  co.  Kerry ;  11,  Bel- 
grave  Square,  S.W. 

CASTLE-STUART  (Earl  of),  Charles  Andrew 
Knox  Stuart  (cr.  1800). 
Second  son  of  the  2nd  Earl,  by  Jemima,  dau.  of  the 
late  Col.  Robinson  ;  6.  1810  ;  s.  his  brother  as  4th 
Earl  1857  ;  to.  1835  Charlotte  Raffles  Drury,  dau.  of 
Q.  Thomson,  Esq.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 
Dublin  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Londonderry  ;  de- 
scended from  Robert  II.  of  Scotland.— Stuart  Hall, 
near  Stewartstown,  co.  Tyrone. 

Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Stuart,  b.  1837. 

CAS  WALL,  James  Clarke,  Esq.  (of  Elm  Grove). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Alfred  Caswall,  Esq.,  by 
Mary  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  James  Powell,  Esq.,  of 
Clapton  House,  Middlesex ;  &.  1845 ;  s.  1855. 
This  family  is  of  British  origin,  and  was  formerly 
settled  in  Herefordshire  :  the  name  was  originally 
spelt  Caswallon.— Elm  Grove,  Binfield,  near  Brack- 
nell, Berks. 

CATHCART  (3rd  Earl),  Alan  Catheart  (cr.  1814). 
Elder  son  of  the  2nd  Earl,  by  Henrietta,  dau.  of 
H.  Mather,  Esq.  ;  b.  1828  ;  s.  1859  ;  m.  1850 
Elizabeth  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  S.  Crompton, 
Bart.,  M.P.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut.,  and 
Chairman  of  Quarter  Sessions  for  North  Riding  of 
Yorkshire  ;  late  Lieutenant-Colonel  North  York 
Militia  ;  entered  the  Army  1845,  became  Lieutenant 
and  Adjutant  23rd  foot  1849,  retired  1850.— Cath- 
eart House,  near  Glasgow  ;  Thornton-le-Street,  near 
Thirsk,  Yorkshire  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.  W. 
Heir,  his  son  Lord  Greenock,  b.  1856. 

CATHCART,  Sir  John  Andrew,  Bart.  (cr.  ] 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Hugh  Catheart,  Es- 
Carlton,  co.  Ayr,  by  Caroline,  dau.  of  Cc 
Montgomery,  Esq.,  Barrister-at-Law,  of  Di 
b.  1810  ;  s.  as  5th  Bart.  1828  ;  to.  1836  Eli 
grand-daughter  of  1st  Marquis  of  Ailsa,  K.T. 
cated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Liei 
co.  Ayr  ;  was  formerly  Captain  2nd  Life  Gi 
This  family  is  descended  from  the  Hon.  Rober 
son  of  the  2nd  Lord  Catheart. — Killochan  C 
near  Ayr  ;  Cooper's  Hill,  Chertsey,  Surrey ;  "W 
and  Carlton  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Reginald  Archibald,  5.  1838. 

CATHCART,  Lady  (of  Ascot  Lodge). 
GeorgianaGreville,  dau.  of  thelateHon.  R.  Gn 
by  Louisa,  1st  Countess  of  Mansfield;  to.  1824 
tenant-General  Hon.  Sir  G.  Catheart,  K.C.B. 
fell  at  Inkermann  1854. — Ascot  Lodge,  Su 
Hill,  Berks ;  105,  Eaton  Place,  S.W. 

CATHCART,  Hon.  Frederick  M'Adam. 
Third  son  of  the  1st  Earl  Catheart ;  6.  178! 
1827  Jane,  dau.  and  heir  of  the  late  Qi 
M  Adam,  Esq.  (whose  name  he  assumed), 
cated  at  Eton  ;  entered  the  Army  1805 ;  b 
Colonel  1837 ;  is  a  Knight  of  St.  Anne  of  ~ 
and  Colonel  of  Ayrshire  Militia ;  was  SecreiJ 
Legation  at  St.  Petersburg  1820-2,  andMinii 
Frankfort  1824-6. —  Craigengillan,  BerbetbJ 
N.B.  ;  United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

CATHCART,    Elias,    Esq.,    (of  gmlm) 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Hon.  David  Cathi 
Alloway,  Judge  in  the  Supreme  Courts  of  I 
and  Justiciary,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late 
Muir,  Esq.,  M.D.,  of  Blairstone  and  Middle/ 
drane  ;  b.  1794  ;  s.  1829  ;  to.  1818  Janet, , 
Robert Dunlop,  Esq.,  of  Clober,  Merchant 
gow.  Educated  at  Edinburgh  and  Leyde 
1815)  ;  called  to  the  Scottish  Bar  1817  ;  is  a 
trate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Ayrshire.  The  CI 
of  Alloway  are  descended  from  the  Cathi 
Carbiston,  Ayrshire. — Auchendrane  Housf 
Ayr,  N.B. 

Heir,  his  eldest  daughter. 

CAT  ON,  Rev.  Richard  Bewley,  M.A. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Thruston  John  Catd 
who  d.  1782,  by  Margaret  Hawksmore,  ell 
and  co-heiress  of  Richard  Bewley,  Esq.,1 
brook  and  Kirton,  co.  Lincoln  ;  b.  111% 
grandfather  Richard  Bewley,  Esq.,  17 
Eliza  Keating,  youngest  dau.  of  Redmond 
Esq.,  of  Whitefort,  co.  Waterford  (niece  oj 
Power,  Esq.,  of  Clashmore,  M.P.  forco.  W 
Educated  at  Lincoln  and  Caius  Coll.,  I 
(B.A.  1796)  ;  was  formerly  an  officer  i 
Lancers  ;  served  during  the  campaign 
1801  ;  received  the  gold  medal  from  the 
also  the  war  medal  with  a  clasp  for  . 
afterwards  Major  in  the  3rd  Royal  Lil 
Militia.  This  family  was  formerly  of  Deri 
folk,  and  of  Thorpe  Abbots,  Norfolk.- 



r  Mwket-Rasen,  Lincolnshire ;  Car  House,  East 
ing  of  Yorkshire  ;  21,  Blandford  Square,  N.W. 
leir,  his  son  Bichard  Redmond,  F.S.A.,  &c.  &c.  ; 
S06  ;  m.  1S31  Anna  Maria,  only  dau.  of  Rev. 
in  Eideout.  M.A.,  Rector  of  Woodmancote, 
sex  (by  Frances,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late  Sir 
nry  Goring,  5th  Bart.),  which  marriage  was 
solved  1851. 

DR,  Albemarle,  Esq.  (of  Woodbastwick 

est  son  of  the  late  John  Cator,  Esq.,  Justice  of 
Peace  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Norfolk,  and  High 

!-i£f  of  Kent  in  1812,  by  Elizabeth  Louisa,  dau. 

|  irEoss  Mahon,  Bart.,  of  Castlegar,  co.  Galway  ; 
13  ;  s.  1S5S  ;  m.  1834  Elizabeth  Margaret,  dau. 
le  late  John  Blakeuey,  Esq.,  of  Abbert,  co. 
'ay.  Educated  at  Winchester  and  New  Coll., 
rd ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Nor- 
— Woodbastwick  Hall,  near  Norwich. 
ir,  his  son  Albemarle,  b.  1836  ;  m.  1859  Mary 
aret,  dau.  of  C,  A.  Harris,  Esq.,  of  Haine,  co. 

}  3RALL,  Peter,  Esq.  (of  Preston). 

son  of  the  late  Paul  Catterall,  Esq.,  by 
dau.  of  Thomas  Holmes,  Merchant,  of 
;  6.  1796;  m.  1822  Jane,  3rd  dau.  of 
Rishton,  Esq.,  of  Elswick  Lodge,  co. 
er.    Admitted  a  Solicitor  in  1817 ;  ap- 
1  Registrar  of  the  Court  of  Chancery  of 
ninty  Palatine   of   Lancaster  1846  ;    is  a 
rate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Lancashire,  and 
,  lerman  and  Magistrate  of  the  Borough  of 
i.    This  family  are  lineal  descendants  of 
!atteraU,  of  Catterall  and  Little  Mitton,  who 
. — Preston,  Lancashire, 
his  son  Paul,  b.  1824  ;  m.  1850  Mary  Ann, 
W.  Turner,  Esq.,  and  widow  of  Richard 
1  Esq. 

IILD,  Hon.  Henry  (of  Hockley), 
on  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Charlemont,  by  Mary, 
Hickman,  Esq.,  co.  Clare,  and  heir  pres. 
title  ;  6.  1779  ;  m.  1819  Elizabeth  Marga- 
dau.  of  Dodwell  Browne,  Esq.,  of  Rahins, 
.  Formerly  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Armagh  ; 
.  for  Armagh  1802-6  and  1815-30.— Hock- 

'  i  son  James  Molyneux  (whom  see). 

I  LD,  James  Molyneiix,  Esq. 
i  of  the  Hon.  Henry  Caulfeild,  some  time 
;o.  Armagh,  by  Elizabeth  Margaret,  dau. 
jvne,  Esq.,  of  Rahins,  co.  Mayo  ;  b.  1820  ; 
I  lizabeth  Jane,  only  dau.  of  Sir  W.  M.  So- 
3art.    Appointed  Lord  Lieutenant  of  co. 
I  349  (was  High  Sheriff  1842);  a  Magis- 
co.   Tyrone,   and  Lieutenant-Colonel 
ilitia;  was  M.P.  for  co.  Armagh  1847- 
'.ey,  near  Armagh  ;  Kildare  Street  Club, 
)  ravellcrs',  Reform,  and  Brookes'  Clubs, 

J  D,  Edward  Houston,  Esq. 
|  )f  the  late  Colonel  James  Caulfeild,  of 
oo,  Tyrone,  by  the  Hon.  Harriet 

Crofton,  dau.  of  Sir  Edward  Crofton,  M.P.,  and 
the  late  Baroness  Crofton,  of  Moate  Park,  co. 
Westmeath  ;  I.  1807  ;  s.  1833  ;  m.  1828  Charlotte, 
dau.  of  Piers  Geale,  Esq.,  of  Dublin,  and  sister  to 
the  Countess  Fortescue.  Educated  at  Trinity  Coll., 
Dublin  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Tyrone  (High  Sheriff  1838)  ;  Major  Tyrone  Militia. 
This  family  is  a  collateral  branch  of  the  house  of 
Charlemont. — Drumcairne,  Stewartstown,  co,  Ty- 

Heir,  his  son  James  Alfred  (late  Captain  Cold- 
stream Guards),  b.  1830  ;  m.  1858  the  Hon. 
Annette  Handcock,  dau.  of  Richard  Lord  Castle- 

CAULFEILD,  John,  Esq.  (of  Bloomfleld). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-Colonel  William 
Caulfeild,  of  Benowen,  co.  Westmeath,  by  his  1st 
wife  Lucy,  dau.  of  James  Saunderson,  Esq.,  of 
Clover  Hill,  Cavan ;  b.  1793;  s.  1831  ;  m.  1824 
Anne  Lovell,  dau.  of  James  Bury,  Esq.,  of  St. 
Leonard's,  Nazing,  Essex.  Educated  at  the  Royal 
Military  Coll.  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Westmeath 
(High  Sheriff  1849),  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Roscommon  (High  Sheriff  1826),  and  a 
Lieutenant-Colonel  in  the  Army  unattached  ;  was 
formerly  Captain  6th  Dragoon  Guards.— Bloomfleld, 
nearMullingar,  co.  Westmeath. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert,  Captain  Madras  Cavalry, 
5.1829  ;  m.  1858  Caroline,  dau.  of  William  Magille, 
Esq.,  of  Littleton,  co.  Westmeath. 

CAULFEILD ,*  St.  George   Francis,  Esq.  (of 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  St.  George  Caulfeild,  Esq., 
by  Frances,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  E.  Crofton,  Bart., 
and  the  Baroness  Crofton  ;  b.  18 —  ;  s.  18 —  ;  m. 
1830  his  cousin  Susan,  sister  of  the  2nd  Lord 
Crofton.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Roscommon  (High 
Sheriff  18 — ).  This  family  is  descended  from  a 
common  ancestor  with  the  Earl  of  Charlemont. — 
Donamon  Castle,  co.  Roscommon  ;  25,  Cadogan 
Place,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  St.  George  Francis  Robert,  b.  1831. 

CAUTLEY,  Sir  Proby  Thomas,  K.C.B.  (cr.  1854). 
Son  of  Rev.  T.  Cautley,  Rector  of  Roydon,  Suf- 
folk, by  Catharine,  dau.  of  Rev.  C.  Proby  ;  5.  1802  ; 
m.  1838  Frances,  dau.  of  P.  Bacon,  Esq.,  of 
Elcot  (divorced).  Educated  at  the  Charterhouse 
and  Addiscombe ;  is  a  Colonel  retired  in  the 
E.I.Co.'s  service,  Bengal  ;  served  in  Oude  1820-1, 
and  at  the  siege  of  Bhurtpore  1825-6;  was  En- 
gineer of  the  Eastern  Jumna  and  Ganges  Canals  ; 
appointed  a  Member  of  Council  of  India  1858  ;  is 
author  of  several  scientific  treatises  on  fossils  and 
pakeontology. — 31,  Sackvillc  Street,  W. 

CAVAN  (Earl  of),  Frederick  John  William 
Lambart  (cr.  1647). 
Elder  son  of  the  late  Viscount  Kilcoursie,  by  Sarfth, 
dau.  of  J.  P.  Coppin,  Esq.,  and  grandson  of  the  7th 
Earl;  6.  1810;  t,  1837  ;  m.  1838  Charlotte,  dlvu, 
of  1st  Lord  Hatherton.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Somerset ;  late  Major   2nd  Somerset 



Militia  :  formerly  Lieutenant  2nd  Dragoon  Guards. 
— Sharpham  LaiU.  near  Glastonbury,  Somerset; 
National  Club,  S.W. 

.  his  son  Visoount  Kilooursie,  b.  1839. 

CAVE,  Sir  Mylles  Cave  Browne,  Bart.  (cr.  1641). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Eobert  Cave 
Browne  Cave,  Bart.,  by  Catherine  Penelope,  dau. 
and  oo-heiresa  of  the  late  W.  Mills,  Esq.,  of  Bar- 
lasion  Hall,  co.  Stafford;  6.  1822;  s.  as  11th  Bart. 
]  BSC  :  m.  1855  Isabelle,  dau.  and  co-heiress  of  the 
late  J  .  Taylor,  Lsq.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Derby, 
a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  cos.  Leicester  and  Warwick, 
and  Lieutenant  Derbyshire  Yeomanry;  formerly 
Lieutenant  11th  Hussars.  Patron  1  living.— 
Stretton-eu-le-Field,  near  Ashby-de-la-Zouch  ;  The 
Newarke,  near  Leicester  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 
J/tir,  his  son  Geoffrey  Lisle,  b.  1857- 

CAVE,  Daniel,  Esq.  (of  Cleve  Hill). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Stephen  Cave,  Esq.,  of  Cleve 
Hill,  near  Bristol,  and  Wheatfields,  co.  Worcester, 
by  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  Daniel,  Esq.  ; 
b.  1789  ;  m.  1820  Frances,  dau.  of  the  late  Henry 
Locock,  Esq.,  M.D.,  and  sister  of  Sir  Charles 
Locock,  Bart.  Educated  at  Exeter  Coll.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1S18,  M.A.  1822);  is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Gloucester  ;  was  High  Sheriff  of  Bristol  1836  (being 
the  first  High  Sheriff  of  Bristol  after  the  Municipal 
Reform  Act). — Cleve  Hill,  Downend,  near  Bristol ; 
Sidbury  Manor,  near  Sidmouth,  Devon. 

Heir,  his  son  Stephen,  M.P.  for  Shoreham  ;  b. 
1820  ;  m.  1852  Emma,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  William 
Smyth,  of  Elkington  Hall,  co.  Lincoln.  Educated 
at  Harrow  and  Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1843, 
M.A.  1816)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temple 
1846,  and  went  the  Western  Circuit,  but  does  not 
practise  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co. 
Gloucester,  and  a  Magistrate  for  Sussex  ;  Chairman 
of  the  West-India  Committee,  and  a  Director  of 
the  London  Docks  and  the  Rhymney  Railway 

CAVE,  George,  Esq.  (of  Hilston  Park). 

Third  son  of  the  late  Stephen  Cave,  Esq.,  of  Cleve 
Hill,  co.  Gloucester,  by  Ann,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Daniel,  Esq.,  of  Barbados;  b.  1798  ;  m.  1820 
Anne,  dau.  of  Captain  Halliday,  R.N.  Is  a  Ma- 
gistrate and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Monmouth,  and  a 
Magistrate  for  cos.  Hereford  and  Gloucester.  This 
family  was  formerly  located  in  Worcestershire.' — 
Hilston  Park,  near  Monmouth ;  Clifton,  near 

Heir,  his  son  George  Noble,  Commandant  of 
H.M.'s  16th  regiment  Punjaub  N.I. ;  b.  1824  ;  m. 
1848  Matilda,  dau.  of  Charles  William  Chambers, 

CAVENDISH,  Lord  George  Henry. 

Second  son  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Burlington  and  brother 
of  7th  Duke  of  Devonshire  ;  6.  1810  ;  m.  1835 
Louisa,  4th  dau.  of  the  2nd  Earl  of  Harewood.  Is 
a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Derbyshire  ;  late 
Captain  2nd  Derbyshire  Militia  ;  has  been  M.P. 
for  North  Derbyshire  since  1834.—  Ashford  Hall, 
near  Bakewell,  Derbyshire  :  3,  Upper  Eccleston 
Street,  S.W. 

CAVENDISH,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Augustus. 
Fourth  son  of  2nd  Lord  Waterpark  ;  b.  1798  ; 
1830  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  T.  Legh,  E 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Magdalen  Coll.,  Cambric 
(M.A.  1818)  ;  appointed  Vicar  of  Doveridge  18! 
resigned  1839. — Doveridge,  near  Derby. 

CAVENDISH,  Hon.   George  John  (of  Lii 

Third  son  of  2nd  Lord  Waterpark  ;  b.  1797  ; 
1838  Caroline,  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  C.  Prideaif 
Brune.    Entered  the  Navy  1810,  became  Capt: 
1830,   Rear -Admiral   1857  ;     served  on  Noj 
American  and  West  Indian  stations,  and  in  the 
Burmese  war ;   is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lie 
for  Surrey  (High  Sheriff  1858).  —Lime  Grove,  n< 
Chertsey,  Surrey. 
Heirs,  his  daughters. 

CAVENDISH,  Hon.  Henry  Frederick  Compt< 
Third  son  of  1st  Earl  of  Burlington,  and  uncle 
7th  Duke  of  Devonshire  ;  b.  1789  ;  m.  1st  IS 
Sarah,  dau.  of  W.  Fawkener,  Esq.  ;  2nd  IS 
Frances  Susan,  sister  of  1st  Earl  of  Durham  (wid> 
of  the  Hon.  F.  Howard).  Entered  the  Army  18 
as  Lieutenant  10th  Hussars  ;  served  in  the  Pen 
sula  as  A.-D.-C.  to  Lord  W.  Bentinck ;  v 
wounded  at  Corunna ;  appointed  Colonel  2 
Dragoon  Guards  1853,  Lieutenant-General  185 
was  M.P.  for  Derby  1818-34.  —  Ayott  St.  La 
rence,  near  Welwyn,  Herts  ;  1,  Burlington  G 
dens,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Henry  Frederick,  Lieu 
nant-Colonel  Chatsworth  Rifles,  and  a  Groom 
Waiting  on  the  Queen;  b.  1817;  m.  1843  Emi 
5th  dau.  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Durham. 

CAVENDISH,  Hon.Kichard  (of  Thornton  Ha 
Second  son  of  2nd  Lord  Waterpark ;  b.  1794 
1841  Elizabeth  Maria  Margaret,  only  dau.  and  h 
of  the  late  T.  Hart,  Esq.,  and  niece  and  hehj 
the  late  Sir  Thomas  Cotton  Sheppard,  of  Thornti 
Hall,  Bucks  (she  cl.  1858).  Entered  the  E.I.C| 
Civil  Service  1811,  appointed  Resident  at  Gwali 
1831,  Envoy  at  Nagpoor  1835,  retired  from  i 
service  1839  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  f 
co.  Stafford  and  for  Bucks  (High  Sheriff  1851), 
Thornton  Hall,  near  Stony  Stratford,  Bucks  ;  | 
Chesham  Place,  S.W. 
Heir,  bis  son  William  Thomas,  b.  1843. 

CAWDOK   (Earl),  John  Frederick  Campbe 
D.C.L.,  F.R.S.  (cr.  1827). 
Eldest  son  of  1st  Lord  Cawdor,  by  Isabella  Cajji 
line,  dau.  of  5th  Earl  of  Carlisle,  K.G.  ;  b.  119M 
s.  (as  Baron)  1821  ;  m.  1816  Elizabeth,  dau.  \ 
Thomas,  2nd  Marquis  of  Bath.    Educated  at  Eti 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1812) ;  is  Lord-Lie" 
tenant  and  Gustos  Rotulorum  of  co.  Carmarthe; 
and  a  Family  Trustee  of  the  British  Museuj, 
Represents  a  branch  of  the  ducal  house  of  Argy^ 
Patron  10  livings. — Stackpole  Court,  near  Pe! 
broke,  S.Wales  ;  White's  Club,  S.W.  ;  74,  Souj 
Audley  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Viscount  Emlyn  (whom  see). 



AYLEY,  Sir  Digby,  Bart.  (cr.  1661). 
!  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  George  Cayley,  Bart.,  by 
Sarah,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  George  Waiker ;  b.  1807  ; 
U.  as  7th  Bart.  1857  ;  m.  1830  Dorothy,  2nd  dau. 
land  co-heir  of  the  Rev.  George  Allanson,  M.A.,  of 
J  Middleton  Quernhaw,  co.  York.  Educated  at 
!  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
{Dep.  Lieut,  for  N.  Biding  of  Yorkshire.  This 
J  family  was  settled  about  400  years  after  the  Con- 
quest in  Norfolk,  where  they  held  large  possessions, 
j  Thomas  Cayley,  of  Buckenham,  in  that  county, 
[was  summoned  to  Parliament  as  a  peer  a.d.  1309  ; 
1  since  then  they  have  been  settled  in  Yorkshire. — 
High  Hall,  Brompton,  York. 
"]  Heir,  his  son  George  Allanson,  b.  1831  ;  m.  1859 
[Catherine  Louisa,  dau.  of  Sir  William  Worsley, 

IlYLEY,  Edward  Stillingfleet,  Esq.  (of  Wydale 
:]•  House). 

Only  son  of  the  late  John  Cayley,  Esq.,  of  Low 

Hall,  co.  York,  by  Elizabeth  Sarah,  dau.  of  the  Rev. 

Edward  Stillingfleet,  of  Kelfield  Hall,  co.  York  ; 
b.  1802  ;  s.  1846  ;  m.  1823  Emma,  dau.  of  the  late 
|)ir  George  Cayley,  Bart,  (she  d.  1848).  Educated 
ht  Rugby  and  Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magis- 

rate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  N.  Riding  of  Yorkshire  ; 
j  ias  been  M.P.  for  the  N.  Riding  of  Yorkshire  since 
I S32.  This  family  is  descended  from  the  next 
lirother  of  the  2nd  Baronet  of  this  name,  now 
represented  by  Sir  Digby  Cayley,  Bart,  (whom  see). 

-Wydale  House  and  Low  Hall,  near  Brompton,  co. 

fork  ;  11,  Dean's  Yard,  Westminster,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Edward  Stillingfleet,  Barrister-at- 
Law,  b.  1824. 

(j'CIL,  Lord  Brownlow  Thomas  Montagu. 
Second  son  of  the  2nd  Marquis  of  Exeter,  K.G.  ; 
If.  1827  ;  m.  1854  Charlotte  Alexandrina  Mabella, 
au.  of  E.  T.  Curry,  Esq.    Educated  at  Eton  ; 
jecame    Ensign   and   Lieutenant   Scots  Fusilier 
uards  1844,  Lieutenant  and  Captain  1849,  retired 
852  ;  is  Major  Northamptonshire  Militia. — Bur- 
gh House,  near  Stamford  ;  Guards'  Club,  S.W. 

3IL,  Lord  Robert  Arthur  Talbot  G-ascoigne. 
scond  son  of  the  2nd  Marquis  of  Salisbury,  K.G.  ; 
1830  ;  m.  1857  Georgina  Caroline,  dau.  of  the 
te  Baron  Alderson.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch., 
xford  (B.A.  1850)  ;  chosen  Fellow  of  All  Souls 
352 ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Middlesex  ;  has  been 
:.P.  for  Stamford  since  1853.  —  21,  Fitzroy 
[pare,  W, 

(See  Scott-Chad.) 

IDS,  Sir  Henry  Ducie,  K.C.B.  (cr.  1855). 
m  of  the  late  Captain  H.  Chads,  R.N.  ;  b.  1788  ; 
.  1815  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  J.  Pooke,  Esq.  Edu- 
ted  at  the  Naval  College,  Portsmouth  ;  is  a  Vice- 
dmiral  of  the  Blue  ;  has  served  on  the  East  Indian 
d  other  foreign  stations,  in  the  Excellent  gunnery- 
ip  at  Portsmouth,  and  in  the  Baltic  Sea  1854-5  ; 
pointed  Commander-in-Chief  on  tho  Irish  Station 
50 ;  was  formerly  Captain-Superintendent  of 

Royal  Naval  Coll.,  Portsmouth. — Southsea,  near 
Portsmouth  ;  Tunbridge  Wells,  Kent  ;  United  Ser- 
vice Club,  S.W. 

CHAD  WICK,  Elias,  Esq.  (of  Pudleston  Court). 
Second  son  of  the  late  Elias  Chadwick,  Esq.,  by 
Alice,  dau.  of  Henry  Arrowsmith,  Esq.,  of  Astley  ; 
b.  1813  ;  s.  1834  ;  m.  1839  Ellen,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Seddon,  Esq.,  of  Manchester.  Educated  at  Wor- 
cester Coll.,  Oxford  (M.A.  1834)  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Hereford  (High  Sheriff 
1854-5),  and  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Lancaster.— 
Pudleston  Court,  near  Leominster,  Herefordshire'; 
Conservative  Club,  S.W. 

CHADWICK,  John  De  Heley  Mavesyn,  Esq.  (of 

Only  son  of  the  late  Hugo  Mavesyn  Chadwick, 
Esq.,  by  Eliza  Catherine,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late 
Lieutenant-General  Chapman,  R.A.  ;  b.  1834;  s. 
1854.  Is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Stafford,  and  an 
officer  in  the  9th  Lancers  ;  was  present  at  the 
siege  of  Lucknow. — Healey,  Lancashire  ;  New 
Hall,  Warwickshire  ;  Mavesyn  Ridwai^e,  near 
Rugeley,  Staffordshire  ;  Army  and  Navy  and 
Junior  United  Service  Clubs,  S.W. 

CHADWICK,  Robert,  Esq.  (of  High  Bank). 
Third  son  of  the  late  James  Chadwick,  Esq.,  by 
Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  Chorlton,  Esq.,  of  The 
Weaste  ;  b.  1797  ;  m.  1821  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John 
Kershaw,  Esq.,  of  Rochdale.  Is  a  Magistrate  for 
co.  Lancaster. — High  Bank,  near  Prestwich,  Lan- 

Heir,  his  son  James,  b.  1824  ;  m.  1854  Laura 
Janet  Emma,  3rd  dau.  of  Charles  Barnett,  Esq.,  of 
Stratton  Park,  Beds. 

CHALLIS,  Thomas,  Esq. 

Son  of  the  late  Thomas  Challis,  Esq.,  of  Islington  ; 
b.  1795.  Is  an  Alderman  of  London  ;  was  Sheriff 
of  London  1846-7,  Lord  Mayor  1852-3;  M.P. 
for  Finsbury  1852-7.— Enfield,  Middlesex  ;  32, 
Wilson  Street,  E.C. 

CHALLONEB,  Colonel  Thomas  Chaloner  Bisse 
(of  Portnall  Park). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Thomas  Bisse,  by  his 
1st  wife  Catharine,  dau.  of  the  late  William 
Townshcnd,  Esq.  ;  b.  1790  ;  s.  1828  ;  m.  1st  1812 
Anne,  dau.  of  the  late  N.  Loftus  Tottenham,  Esq., 
M.P.  for  co.  Wexford  (she  d.  1857);  2nd  1859 
Henrietta  Emma,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late  Count 
Jerome  De  Salis.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity 
Coll.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Surrey  (High  Sheriff  1838),  and  Colonel  Command- 
ing the  3rd  Royal  Surrey  Militia  ;  was  formerly  in 
the  King's  Dragoon  Guards  ;  assumed  tho  name  of 
Challoner  in  accordance  with  the  will  of  his  mater- 
nal grand-aunt  in  1 829.— Portnall  Park.  Virginia 
Water,  near  Staines;  Brookes'  Club.  S.W.  ;  11. 
Charles  Street,  Berkeley  Square,  W. 

CHALMERS,  Sir  William,  K.C.H.,  C.B.  (Or,  L844). 
Son  of  the  late  W.  Chalmers,  Esq.,  of  Glenriohl  : 
b.  1787  ;  m,  182t>  Mary.  dau.  of  T.  Page,  Esq,  \ 


COUNTS         1  LIES  Ob1 

Lieutenant  •  Genera]  in  the  Army,  and  Colonel 

78th  foot  ;  siM-vt'il  in  Belgium,  the  Peninsula,  ;ind 

at  Waterloo.    Grtenrioht,  near  Blairgowrie,  N.B. 

CHALONER,  Blohard,  Esq.  (of  Kingsfort). 

Seoond  son  of  the  late  C.  W.  C.  Hamilton,  Esq., 
l>v  Niehola  Sophia,  dan.  and  heiress  of  Richard 
Chaloner,  Esq.,  of  Kingsfort;  6.1810;  s.  to  his 
mother's  property  and  assumed  her  name  1832  ;  m. 
1  B3fi  Henrietta,  2nd  dan.  of  Charles  Arthur  Tisdall, 
Esq.,  ol  Charlesfort.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Meath  ; 
was  formerly  Lieutenant  12th  Royal  Lancers. — 
Kingsfort,  near  Moynalty,  co.  Meath. 

CHAMBERLAIN,  Sir  Henry  Orlando  Robert, 
Bart,  (or.  1828), 

Elder  son  of  the  late  Sir  H.  Chamberlain,  Bai-t., 
by  Harriet,  dau.  of  R.  Mullen,  Esq.,  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  1st  foot ;  b.  1828  ;  s.  as  3rd  Bart.  1843  ; 
to.  1S57  Marion,  dau.  of  the  late  J.  Wilson,  Esq.,  of 
Dundyvan.  Is  Captain  1st  Lanarkshire  Militia, 
and  one  of  H.M.'s  Body-guard ;  was  formerly 
Lieutenant  23rd  foot. — 137,  Westbourne  Terrace, 

Heir,  his  son  Henry  Hamilton  Erroll,  b.  1857. 

CHAMBERLAYISTE,  Henry  Thomas,  Esq.  (of 
Stoney  Thorpe). 

Fourth  son  of  the  late  Stanes  Chamberlayne,  Esq., 
by  Mary,  dau.  and  heiress  of  William  Brockett, 
Esq.,  of  Spains  Hall,  Essex  ;  6.  1798  ;  s.  1819 ;  m: 
1824  Mary,  only  child  of  Edward  Tomes,  Esq.,  of 
Southam.  Educated  at  Westminster  ;  is  a  Magis- 
trate for  co.  Warwick  (High  Sheriff  1836),  This 
family  is  descended  from  John  Count  de  Tanker- 
ville,  and  its  head  took  the  name  of  Chamberlayne 
from  being  Lord  Chamberlain  to  Henry  I. — Stoney 
Thorpe,  near  Southam,  Warwickshire  ;  Reform 
Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  William  Tankerville,  b.  1828. 

CHAMBERLAYNE,   Thomas,  Esq.  (of  Cran- 
bury  Park). 

Only  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Thomas  Chamberlayne, 
by  his  1st  wife  Mary  Francesca,  dau.  of  Captain 
Robert  Walter,  and  nephew  of  William  Chamber- 
layne, Esq.,  many  years  M.P.  for  Southampton  ;  b. 
1805  ;  s.  his  uncle  1831  ;  to.  1830  Amelia*  dau.  of 
the  late  General  Denzil  Onslow,  of  Stoughton 
House,  Hunts.  Educated  at  Magdalen  Coll., 
Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Hants  (High  Sheriff  1835).  This  family  is  de- 
scended in  a  direct  line  from  the  Count  de  Tanker- 
ville, of  Tankerville  Castle,  Normandy,  whose 
younger  son,  J ohn  de  Tankerville,  was  Lord  Cham- 
berlain to  King  Henry  L— Cranbury  Park,  near 
Winchester  ;  Weston  Grove,  near  Southampton  ; 
Carlton,  Boodle's,  and  Arthur's  Clubs,  S.W.  • 
1,  Regent  Street,  W. 

ffdrf  his  son  Denzil  Thomas,  b.  1833,  Captain 
13th  Light  Dragoons  ;  served  with  distinction  in 
the  Crimea  1854-5, 

CHAMBERLIJNT,  Thomas  Bigsby,  Esq.  (of  Si 
ton  Bonnington). 
Second  son  of  the  late  John  Bigsby,  Esq.,  M.l 
F.R.S.E.,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  John  Ola 
berlin,  Esq.  (who  was  High  Sheriff  of  Notts 
1788) ;  b.  1800  ;  m.  1832  Harriet,  dau.  of  Li< 
tenant-Colonel  Kirke  and  Anne  his  wife,  dau. 
Sir  William  Richardson,  Bart.,  of  Augher  Cast? 
co.  Tyrone  ;   assumed  the  name  of  Chamberlin  I 
18 — ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Notts. — Sutton  B< 
nington,  near  Kegworth,  Derbyshire  ;  Kemptov 
Brighton.  i 
Heir,  his  son  Thomas  Chamberlin,  b,  1836.  | 

CHAMBERS,  George  Wilton,  Esq.  (of  Clou' 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  R.  J.  Chambers,  Esq., 
Elizabeth,  only  dau.  of  Nathaniel  Polhill,  Es( 
b.  1812;  s.  1843  ;  to.  1840  Anne,  eldest  dau. 
William  Worthington,   Esq.     Educated  at  i 
Charterhouse    and     University    Coll.,  Oxfoi 
called  to  the  Bar  at  Middle  Temple  1837;  ii 
Magistrate  for  the  W.  Riding  of  Yorkshire.  T 
family,  formerly  settled  in  Durham,  is  descend1, 
from  Edward  III.,  through  John  of  Gaunt,  b\ 
female  line,  and  also  claims  descent  from  the  De , 
Cameras  of  Milan,  who  were  ennobled  in  the  tin  i 
of  the  later  Roman  Empire. — Clough  House,  n< 
Rotherham,  Yorkshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  Wilton,  b.  1842. 

CHAMBERS,  Montagu,  Esq.,  Q,.C. 

Son  of  the  late  George  Chambers,  Esq.  (who 
some  years  M.P.  for  Honiton),  by  Jane,  dau 
the  1st  Lord  Rodney  ;  b.  1800.  Educated 
Sandhurst,  and  was  for  some  time  in  the  Grena 
Guards  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  18 
and  goes  the  Home  Cix-cuit ;  was  M.P.  for  Gre 
wich  1852-7. — Union  and  Junior  United  Serv 
Clubs,  S.W. 

CHAMBERS,  Thomas,  Esq. 

Son  of  the  late  Thomas  Chambers,  Esq.,  of  Hei1 
ford;  b.  1814  ;  to.  1851  Diana,  dau.  of  —  Whif/ 
Esq.,  and  niece  of  the  late  John  Green,  E 
Educated  at  Clare  Hall,  Cambridge  (B.A.  18 
LL.B.  1846)  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Mid« 
Temple  1840,  and  went  the  Home  Circuit  ;  | 
Common  Serjeant  of  the  City  of  London ;  vjii 
M.P.  for  Hertford  1852-7. —Parthenon  Chfl 
S.W.  ;  7,  Great  Cumberland  Street,  W. 

CHAMBERS,  William,  Esq.  (of  Hafod). 

Only  son  of  the  late  William  Chambers,  of  Llanej 
House,  co.  Carmarthen  (who  d.  1855);  b.  18(1 
to.  1835  Joanna  Trant,  dau.  of  Captain  Pays 
R.N.  Educated  at  Eton  and  St.  John's  Coj 
Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut.  I 
cos.  Carmarthen  and  Cardigan.  Mr.  ChambK 
bought  Hafod  from  the  Bold-Hoghton  family  j 
1855. — Hafod,  near  Aberystwith,  Cardiganshiii  j 
University  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Graham,  b.  1843. 

CHAMBRE,Meredith,  Esq.  (of  Hawthorn  Hill 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Hunt  W.  Chambre,  Esq.,  tl 
Rebecca,  dau.  of  William  Upton,  Esq.,  of  Ballyr^ 



I   barny,  co.  Limerick  ;  b.  1814  ;  m.  1843  Mabella, 
!   only  dau.  of  Kenrick  Morris  Jones,  Esq.,  of  Money  - 
I   glass,  co.  Antrim  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Armagh. 
This  family  is  descended  from  John  de  la  Chambre, 
who  came  into  England  in  the  reign  of  Edward  I., 
1  A.D.  1275,  with  Henry  Lacy,  Baron  of  Rose  and 
Renonoic. — Hawthorn  Hill,  near  Newry,  co.  Ar- 
J  mas[h. 

1     Heir,  his  son  Hunt  Walsh,  b.  1814. 

CHANCE,  Edward,  Esq.  (of  Tliornhill) . 

!  Son  of  the  late  William  Chance,  Esq.,  by  Phebe, 

dau.  of  James  Timmins,  Esq.,  of  Birmingham  ; 

b.  1825  ;  m.  1850  Maria  Isabella  Ferguson,  dau. 
'  of  Joseph  Ferguson,  Esq.,  late  M.P.  for  Carlisle. 

Educated  at  King's  Coll.,  London  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
]  for  co.  Worcester. — Tliornhill  House,  Handsworth, 

near  Birmingham. 

j HAND OS  (Richard  Plantagenet  G-renville 
]      Temple),  Marquis  of. 

j  Only  son  of  the  2nd  Duke  of  Buckingham  and 
I  Chandos,  K.G.,  by  Mary,  youngest  dau.  of  the  1st 
J  Marquis  of  Breadalbane  ;  b.  1823  ;  m.  1851  Caro- 
line, dau.  of  R.  Harvey,  Esq.,  of  Langley  Park, 
!  Bucks.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford 
,1  (Hon.  D.C.L.  of  Oxford)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
■[Lieut,  for  Bucks,  Oxon,  and  Northamptonshire, 
n  and  a  Dep.  Warden  of  the  Stannaries  ;  late  Cap- 
tj  tain  Bucks  Yeomanry  Cavalry  ;  was  a  Lord  of  the 
>.  Treasury  and  Privy  Seal  to  the  Prince  of  Wales 
[Jin  1852. — Wotton,  near  Aylesbury,  Bucks;  Carl- 
Iton  Club,  S.W. 

jjEIANNELL,  Sir  William  Fry,  Knt.  (cr.  1857). 

Son  of  the  late  P.  Channell,  Esq.,  by  Mary,  step- 
jdau.  of  the  late  William  Fry,  Esq.  ;  b.  1804  ;  m. 
11834  Martha,  youngest  dau.  of  the  late  Richard 
jMoseley,  Esq.,  of  Champion  Hill,  Surrey.  Called 
J  to  the  Bar  at  the  Inner  Temple  1827,  and  went  the 

I  Home  Circuit ;  became  a  Serjeant-at-Law  1840, 
(with  Patent  of  Precedence;  appointed  a  Baron 
aof  the  Exchequer  1857. — Athenseum  Club,  S.W.  ; 

2,  Clarendon  Place,  Hyde  Park,  W. 

jiAPLIN  Charles,  Esq.  (of  Blankney).* 

]  Eldest  son  of  the  late  Charles  Chaplin,  Esq.,  by 

!? Elizabeth,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of  Robert  Taylor, 

Esq.,  M.D.,  of  Winthorpe,  Notts ;  b.  1786  ;  s. 

1816  ;  m.  1812  Caroline,  dau.  of  the  late  Hon. 
1 1 Henry  Fane,  of  Fulbeck.  Educated  at  Harrow 
Jind  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 

I I  Lieut,  for  co.  Lincoln;  was  M.P.  for  co.  Lincoln 
■;rom  1818-32. — Blankney,  near  Sleaford,  Lincoln- 

Heir  Pres.,  his  nephew  Henry  (whom  see). 

CAPLIN,  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Blankney). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Henry  Chaplin,  by 
Caroline  Horatia,  dau.  of  William  Ellice,  Esq.,  and 
tephew  of  the  late  Charles  Chaplin,  Ksq.  ;  b.  1840  ; 
.  Etia  uncle  1859.  Educated  at  Harrow  and  Ch. 
Jh.,  Oxford.    This  family  has  been  seated  in  Lin- 

*  Died  whilst  these  sheets  were  at  press. 


colnshire  since  the  reign  of  Charles  II. — Blank- 
ney, near  Sleaford,  Lincolnshire. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Edward,  b.  1842. 

CHAPLIN,  Frederick,  Esq.  (of  Taithwell  Hall). 
Fourth  son  of  the  late  Rev.  William  Chaplin, 
Rector  of  Raithby  and  Vicar  of  Hangham,  co. 
Lincoln,  by  Isabella,  dau.  of  Sir  Richard  Sutton, 
Bart.,  of  Norwood  Park;  b.  1803;  s.  1840  ;  m. 

.  1835  Jane,  eldest  dau.  of  James  B.  Topham,  Esq., 
of  Candlesby.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Lincoln.  This  family  is  descended  from 
Sir  Francis  Chaplin,  Lord  Mayor  of  London  1677, 
whose  son  John  married  the  dau.  and  heiress  of 
Sir  John  Hamby,  of  Taithwell,  co.  Lincoln. — 
Taithwell  Hall,  near  Louth,  Lincolnshire. 
Heir,  his  son  Frederick,  b.  1836. 

CHAPLIN,  Col.  Thomas  (of  Blankney). 

Third  son  of  the  late  Charles  Chaplin,  Esq.,  of 
Blankney,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Dr.  Taylor,  of  Lin- 
coln ;  b.  1794  ;  m.  1828  Millicent  Mary,  2nd  dau. 
of  William  Reeve,  Esq.,  of  Leadenham,  co.  Lin- 
coln. Educated  at  Harrow ;  appointed  to  the 
Coldstream  Guards  1811  ;  is  in  the  Commission  of 
the  Peace  and  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Lincoln  ;  was 
M.P.  for  Stamford  1830-8. —Blankney,  near  Slea- 
ford, Lincolnshire  ;  Arthur's  and  United  Service 
Clubs,  S.  W.  ;  13,  Montagu  Square,  W. 

CHAPLIN,  Mrs.  (of  Ewhurst  Park). 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  William  Alston,  Esq.  ; 
m.  1816  William  James  Chaplin,  Esq.,  a  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Hants,  and  M.P.  for  Salisbury  1847-57 
(who  d.  1859). — Ewhurst  Park,  near  Basingstoke, 
Hants  ;  2,  Hyde-Park  Gardens,  W. 

CHAPMAN,   Sir  Benjamin  James,  Bart.  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Chapman,  Bart. , 
by  Margaret,  dau.  of  James  Fetherstonhaugh, 
Esq.,  orBracklin  Castle  ;  b.  1810  ;  s.  his  brother 
as  4th  Bart.  1852  ;  m.  1849  Maria  Sarah,  dau.  of 
Richard  Fetherstonhaugh,  Esq.,  of  Rockview,  co. 
Westmeath.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
co.  Westmeath  (High  Sheriff  1856)  ;  was  M.P.  for 
co.  Westmeath  1814-7.—  Killsea  Castle,  and  St. 
Lucy's,  near  Castle  Delvin,  co.  Westmeath  ;  Re- 
form Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William,  b.  1812  ;  m.  1841 
Louisa,  dau.  of  Colonel  A.  Vansittart,  of  Shottes- 
brooke,  Berks. 

CHAPMAN,  Itev.  Charles. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Rev.  Charles  John  Chapman, 
by  Jane  Emily,  dau.  of  Rev.  Lawrence  Gifobs,  of 
Brockdish,  Norfolk,  and  Cafettby,  co.  Lincoln  ;  b. 
1808  ;  m.  1839  Hester,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Thomas 
Mills,  of  Coval  Hall,  Essex.  Educated  at  Corpus 
Christi  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1830.  MA  - 
is  a  Magistrate  for  Kent,  ami  Rector  of  Aeiise. 
Acrise  Rectory,  near  Canterbury. 

CHAPMAN,  James,  Esq.  D.C.L.  (of  Paul's  Cray'. 
Eldest  son  of  flie  late  .lames  Chapman.  Esq.,  by 

Mary,  dau.  of  William  Greenwood,  B2sq*i  ot  Hil 
lingdon,  Middlesex;  b.  I7l>7:  t,  L*46j 
i  2 




Ellen,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  George  Hutchinson. 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Oh.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1819, 

P.O.  L.  I  S "2  n  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Kent,  and  Major  in  the  West  Kent  Yeomanry 
Cavalry;  was  formerly  an  Advocate  in  Doctors' 
Commons,  This  family  have  been  in  possession  of 
estates  at  Paul's  Cray  for  several  generations. — 
Faul's  Cray  Hill,  Kent;  University  Club,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  William  Greenwood,  b. 
1  802  ;  in.  1  839  Elizabeth  Catharine,  dau.  of  Edward 
A.  Prutnnumd-Hay,  Esq. 

CHAPMAN,  Thomas,  Esq.,  F.R.S. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Edward  Chapman,  Esq.,  by 
Martha,  dau.  and  co-heiress  of  Thomas  Holt,  Esq., 
of  Whitby,  co.  York  ;  6.  1798  ;  s.  1836  ;  m.  1825 
Maria  Louisa,  dau.  of  John  Hanson,  Esq.,  of  the 
Rookery,  Woodford,  and  of  Great  Bromley  Hall, 
Essex.  Educated  at  the  East-India  College  School, 
Hertford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Middlesex. — Whitby,  Yorkshire  ;  Union  Club, 
S.W.  ;  14,  Montagu  Place,  Bryanston  Square,  W. 
Heiress,  his  daughter  Ethel  Maria. 

CHAPMAN,  William,  Esq.  (of  Southill). 

Third  son  of  the  late  Sir  Thomas  Chapman,  Bart., 
of  Kilhm,  co.  Westmeath,  by  Margaret,  dau.  of 
James  Fetherston,  Esq.,  of  Brackley  Castle  :  b. 


1841  Louisa,  3i'd  dau.  of  Colonel  Van- 

sittart,  of  Shottesbrooke,  and  grand-dau.  of  1st  Lord 
Auckland.     Is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Westmeath 
(High  Sheriff  1834).  —  Southill,  near  Castletown- 
delvin,  co.  Westmeath. 
Heir,  his  son  William  Eden,  b.  1844. 

CHABLEMONT  (Earl  of),  Francis  William  Caul- 
feild,  K.P.,  P.O.  (cr.  1763). 
Elder  son  of  the  1st  Earl,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late 
Thomas  Hickman,  Esq. ;  6.  1775;  s.  1799  ;  in.  1802 
Anne,  dau.  of  W.  Bermingham,  Esq.,  of  Rosshill, 
co.  Galway.  Elected  a  Representative  Peer  for 
Ireland  in  1806;  is  Lord-Lieutenant  and  Custos 
Rotulorum  of  co.  Tyrone  ;  cr.  1837  Baron  Charle- 
mont,  U.K. — Marino,  near  Dublin  ;  Castle  Caul- 
feild,  co.  Tyrone  ;  22,  Rutland  Square,  Dublin. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Henry  (whom  see). 

CHAPLEVILLE  (Earl  of),    Charles  William 
Bury  (cr.  1806). 

Elder  son  of  the  3rd  Earl,  by  Arabella,  dau.  of 
H.  Case,  Esq.  ;  b.  1852  ;  s.  as  4th  Earl  1859  ;  2nd 
title  Lord  Tullamore. — Charleville  Forest,  King's 
co.  ;  The  Castle,  Tullamore. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  John  William,  b.  1854. 

CH  ABLE  S  WOBTH,  John  Charlesworth  Dodg- 
son,  Esq.  (of  Hatfield  HaU). 
Son  of  the  late  John  Dodgson  Charlesworth,  Esq., 
of  Chapelthorpe  Hall,  near  Wakefield;  b.  1815; 
m.  1847  Sarah,  2nd  dau.  of  Walker  Fetherston- 
haugh,  Esq.,  of  The  Hermitage,  co.  Durham. 
Educated  at  Sedbergh  and  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge (B.A.  1837,  M.A.  1840)  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  the  W.  Riding  of  York  ;  Lord 
of  the  Manor  of  Grinton,  N.  Riding  of  York  ;  and 
an  extensive  colliery  proprietor  in  that  county  ; 

was  M.P.  for  Wakefield  1857-9.— Hatfield  Ijl 
and  Chapelthorpe   Hall,  near  Wakefield ;  C 
servative  and  Carlton  Clubs,  S.W. ;  4,  St.  Jam 
Street,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Albany  Hawke,  b.  1854. 

CHAELEY,  John  Stouppe,  Esq.   (of  Einai 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Matthew  Charley,  Esq., 
Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  Walter  Roberts,  Esq. 
Collin  House  ;  6.  1825  ;  s.  1846  ;  m.  1851  M 
Stewart,  dau.  of  the  late  Francis  Forster,  Esq. 
Roshine  Lodge,  co.  Donegal  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
cos.  Antrim  and  Donegal.  This  family  is  of  1 
lish  descent,  and  settled  in  co.  Antrim  in 
17th  century.  —  Finaghy  House,  near  Belff 
Woodburne,  near  Dunmurry,  co.  Antrim  ;  Isl 
of  Aranmore,  co.  Donegal. 

Heir,  his  son  John  Francis  William,  b.  1857. 

CHAELEY,  William,  Esq.  (of  Seymour  Hill 
Second  but  eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late 
Charley,  Esq.,  by  Isabella,  dau.  of  William  Hun 
Esq.,  justice  of  Peace,  of  Dunmurry  ;  b.  1826 
1844  ;  m.  1856  Ellen  Anna  Matilda,  dau.  of  j 
ward  Johnson,  Esq.,  Justice  of  Peace.  Is  a  Ma 
trate  for  cos.  Antrim  and  Down.  The  family 
Charley  or  Chorley  is  of  English  descent ;  tl 
settled  in  Ulster  in  the  17th  century. — Seym 
Hill,  Dunmurry,  near  Lisburn,  Ireland. 
Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1857. 

CHAELTOK,*   St.   John  Chiverton,  Esq. 
Apley  Castle). 
Son  of  the  late  William  Charlton,  Esq.,  by  Cat 
rine  Thomas;  b.  179- ;  m.  1st  1820  Jane,  only  d 
of  T.  Meyrick,  Esq.,  of  Bush,  co.  Pembroke  ;  '|i 
1842  Ann,  dau.  of  P.  Charlton,  Esq.  Educated 
Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  t 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Salop  (High  Sheriff  18— )|- 
Apley  Castle,  near  Wellington,  co.  Salop. 

Heir,  his  son  William  St.  John,  6.  1822,  C| 
tain  S.  Salop  Yeomanry  Cavalry,  late  Captain  k 
Royals ;  served  in  the  Crimea  1854-6. 

CHARLTON,  Thomas  Broughton,  Esq.  (of  Oil- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  Charlton,  Esq.,  \r 
Emma,  dau.  of  the  Rev.  Peter  Broughton,  of  T\\- 
stall  Hall,  co.  Salop  ;  b.  1815;  s.  1831  ;  m.  ljl 
Fanny  Dora,  dau.  of  the  late  John  Walter,  Esq..,f 
Bearwood,  Berks.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trini' 
Coll.,  Cambridge  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Liet. 
for  Notts.  This  family  is  supposed  to  have  spri ; 
from  Charlton,  near  Woolwich.*  —  Chilwell,  N[- 

Heir,  his  son  Nicholas  John,  b.  1847. 

*  John  de  Charlton  (which  name  was  dei'ived  probably  fill 
Charlton,  adjoining  Woolwich,  in  Kent),  is  said,  in  Lyscjj 
"  Environs  of  London,"  to  have  owned  Hillingdon,  ill 
several  other  manors  in  Middlesex  in  1337.  Thomas  de  Chi- 
ton sold  his  interest  in  the  manor  of  Woolwich  in  1374.  f 
Thomas  Charlton,  by  marriage  with  the  co-heir  of  Sir  Ac 
Francis,  acquired  Edmonton,  of  which  his  son,  Sir  Thon 
became  sole  heir.    Sir  Richard,  his  son,  was  included  in 
attainder  1st  Henry  VII.,  being  present  at  the  battle  f 
Bosworth,  on  the  side  of  Richard  III.,  and  his  possessi 
were  granted  to  supporters  of  theTudors.   Thomas  Charlf 



CHARLTON",  William  Henry,  Esq.  (of  Hesley- 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  William  John  Charlton,  Esq., 
by  Katharine  Henrietta,  dau.  of  Francis  Chol- 
meley,  Esq.,  of  Brandsby,  co.  York  ;  b.  1810  ;  s. 
1846  ;  m.  1839  Barbara,  dau.  of  Michael  Tasburgh, 
Esq.,  of  Burghwallis,  co.  York.  Educated  at  St. 
Cuthbert's  Coll.,  Ushaw,  and  Edinburgh  Univer- 
sity ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Northum- 
berland (High  Sheriff  1857).  This  family  has  been 
seated  at  Hesleyside  since  the  early  part  of  the 
14th  century. — Hesleyside,  Bellingham,  Northum- 

Heir,  his  son  William  Oswald,  b.  1850. 

Thomas,  Esq.  (of 



Second  son  of  Thomas  Chiverton  Charlton,  Esq., 
of  Apley  Castle,  co.  Salop,  by  his  1st  wife  Jane 
Sophia,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of  the  late  Thomas 
Meyrick,  Esq.,  of  Bush,  co.  Pembroke  ;  b.  1837  ; 
s.  his  grandfather  18 — .  Educated  at  Eton. — Bush, 
^HARRINGTON,  Rev.  Nicholas  George. 
Youngest  son  of  the  late  Nicholas  Charrington, 
Esq.,  of  Ley  Spring,  Leytonstone,  Essex  ;  b.  1821  ; 
s.  1859  ;  m.  1853  Mary,  dau.  of  Joseph  Daw,  Esq., 
v -j,    of  Camberwell  Grove,  Surrey.    Educated  at  Oriel 
Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1843,  M.A.  1846) ;  is  Curate 
of  Great  Baddow,  Essex. —  Great  Baddow,  near 
Chelmsford,  Essex. 
Esq,  /HATTERTON,  Sir  James  Charles,  Bart.,  K.H., 
LL.D.,  &c.  (er.  1801). 
x    Youngest  son  of  the  late  Sir  James  Chatterton, 

-  Bart.,  by  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Abraham  Lane,  Esq.,  of 
)ke;l    Cork  ;  b.  1796  ;  s.  his  brother  as  3rd  Bart.  1855  ; 
icattl    m.  1825  Annette,  youngest  dau.  of  James  Atkin- 
son, Esq.,  of  Lendale,  co.  York.    Educated  at 

-  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  (LL.D.  1856)  ;  entered  the 
Army  in  the  Royal  Lancers  1810  ;  became  Major- 

I,  C    General  1854  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
i|  co.  and  city  of  Cork,  and  a  Magistrate  for  cos. 
Tipperary  and  Galway  ;  a  Gentleman  of  the  Privy 
Chamber,  and  Grand  Master  of  Minister ;  served 
fCl  in   Spain,    Portugal,    Flanders,    France,  and  at 
Waterloo  ;  is  a  Knight  of  San  Fernando  of  Spain  ; 
is  Colonel  of  the  5th  Royal  Lancers  ;  was  formerly 
U  |  in  the  4th  Royal  Irish  Dragoon  Guards  ;  wasM.P. 

i  for  Cork  1834-5  and  1-849-52.    This  family  is  of 
r.,  j  Norman   origin,  being   descended  from  Alleyne 
de  Chatterton,  who  accompanied  William  the  Con- 
ji    queror  to  England  in  1066,  and  the  name  occurs 
?'*•  up°n  the  Roll  of  Battle  Abbey.    Pierre  de  Chat- 
terton fought  at  Agincourt,  and  received  from  the 
king  the  motto  "Loyal  a  Mort,"  still  retained  by 
the  family.  —  Castle  Mahon,  near  Cork  ;  Carlton 
and  United  Service  Clubs,  S.W. 
j  HAWNER,  Edward  Hore,  Esq.  (of  Newton 

Eldest  son  of  the  lato  Henry  Chawner,  Esq.,  by 
J  Mary,  only  dau.  and  heiress  of  Edward  Hore,  Esq., 

temp.  Henry  VIII.,  was  of  Saiuliacre,  near  Nottingham, 
lucre  he  d.  1579.    His  son  Thomas,  ancestor  of  the  present 
vner,  was  confirmed  by  the  Heralds'  College,  in  Kil2,  in  the 
)  vht  to  bear  the  arms  of  his  ancestors,  to  which  a  crest  was 
1  (led. 


of  Esher,  Surrey ;  b.  1802  ;  s.  1851 ;  m.  1829 
Amelia,  dau.  of  —  Belstead,  Esq.,  of  Dedham, 
Essex.  Educated  at  Harrow  arid  University  Coll., 
Oxford  ;  is  a  Captain  in  the  Army  unattached  ; 
was  formerly  in  the  4th  Dragoon  Guards.  This 
family  is  of  ancient  Welsh  descent,  derived  from 
Madoc  Crywin,  son  of  Treyhayrne  ap  Gwillim  ap 
Maydoc  ap  Maelor  Crywm.  The  name  was  origin- 
ally Chaloner,  but  was  changed  to  Chawner  to  evade 
detection,  in  consequence  of  a  member  of  the  family 
having  signed  the  death-warrant  of  Charles  I. — 
Newton  Manor-house,  near  Alton,  Hants ;  Junior 
United  Service  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Edward  Henry,  b.  1830  ; 'm.  1857 
Frances  Sidney,  dau.  of  John  Hampden  Gledstanes, 
Esq.,  of  Cheshunt,  Herts. 

CHAYTOR,  Sir  "William  Richard  Carter,  Bart, 
(cr.  1831). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  William  Chaytor,  Bart., 
by  Isabella,  dau.  of  John  Carter,  Esq.,  of  Tunstall 
and  Richmond,  co.  York  ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart. 
1847 ;  m.  1st  1836  Annie,  eldest  dau.  of  —  Lacy, 
Esq.,  of  Easingwold ;  2nd  1852  Mary,  dau.  of 
J.  W.  Smith,  Esq.  Is  a  Magistrate  for  co. 
Durham,  and  Patron  of  3  livings  ;  was  M.P.  for 
Durham  1831-4. — Clervaux  Castle  and  Croft  Hall, 
near  Darlington. 

Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1837. 

CHE  APE,  Sir  John,  K.C.B.  (cr.  1849). 

Son  of  the  late  John  Cheape,  Esq.  ;  b.  1792  ;  m. 
18—  Ellen,  dau.  of  W.  Plowden,  Esq.  (divorced). 
Educated  at  Woolwich  and  Addiscombe  ;  a  Major- 
General  in  Indian  Army,  Honorary  A. -D.-C.  to  the 
Queen,  and  Chief  of  the  Bengal  Engineers  ;  served 
in  the  Deccan  1817-18,  and  at  siege  of  Mundla  ; 
■appointed  Assistant  Surveyor-General  1823  ;  served 
in  Ava  1824-6  ;  became  Executive  Engineer  of 
Kurnaid  Division  1838,  and  Chief  Engineer  of 
Presidency  Division  1841  ;  was  in  command  of  the 
Engineers  at  the  siege  of  Mooltan  ;  commanded  the 
Bengal  Division  of  the  Forces  in  Burmah  1852. — 
Oriental  Club,  W. 

CHEESE,  James,  Esq.  (of  Huntington  Court). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Edmund  Cheese,  Esq.,  of 
Ridgebourne,  co.  Hereford,  by  Mary,  dau.  and 
heiress  of  James  Watkins,  Esq.,  of  Brecon  ;  b. 
1798  ;  S,  his  brother  Edmund  Watkins  Cheese, 
Esq.,  of  Ridgebourne,  Justice  of  Peace  and  Dep. 
Lieut.,  1837  ;  W>,  1821  Anne  Bisse,  only  dau.  and 
heiress  of  John  Cowper,  Esq.,  of  Bristol.  Is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Hereford  (High 
Sheriff  1851),  and  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Radnor. 
This  family  has  been  resident  in  co.  Hereford  siuce 
1G16.  ■ — Huntington  Court,  near  Kington,  Here- 

Heiress,  his  dau.  Anne  Cowper,  m.  1853  Thomas 
Lloyd,  Esq.,  eldest  son  of  Eyre  Lloyd,  Esq.,  ot 
Prospect,  Castle  Council,  co.  Limerick. 

CHEETHAM,  John,  Esq.  (of  BaatWOOd). 
Son  of  the  late  George  Cheetham,  Esq.,  of  Statey* 
bridge  ;  b.  1802;  m.  1831  Emma,  dau,  oi  the  late 
Thomas  Kay  nor.  Esq.,  of  Ashton  undcr-I  .yno.  Is 



iv  Magistrate  for  cos.  Lancaster  and  Chester,  and 
was  M.P.  f«»r  S.  Lancashire  1852-9.  -Lastwood, 
noarStaloyhi-'Hlyr.  Lancashire;  Uelbrm  Club,  S.W. 

CHELMSFORD  (Lord),  Frederic  Thosiger,P.C. 
(cr.  1858\ 

S  oungesl  Mid  only  surviving  eon  of  the  late  Charles 
Th.  Biger,  Esq.,  l>y  Mary  Anne,  dan.  of  Theophilus 
Williams.  Esq. ;  6.  L794  ;  m.  1822  Anna  Maria, 
dau.  of  W.  Tinling,  Esq.,  of  Southampton.  Was 
formerly  in  the  Navy  ;  called  to  the  Bar  at  Gray's 
Inn  1818  j  is  a  Bencher  of  the  Inner  Temple  ;  was 
Solicitor-General  1844-5,  Attorney-General  1845-6, 
and  Feb.— Deo.  If 52,  and  Lord  Chancellor  1858-9 ; 
was  M.P.  for  W  oodstock  1840-4,  for  Abingdon 
1844  52,  for  Stamford  1852-8.— 7,  Eaton  Sq.,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Frederic  Augustus,  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  95th  foot  ;  b.  1827. 

CHELSEA,  Viscount. 

Henry  Charles  Cadogan,  eldest  son  of  3rd  Earl 
Cadogan;  b.  1812;  m.  1836  Mary,  dau.  of  late 
Hon.  and  Rev.  G.  Wellesley,  D.D.  Educated  at 
Eton  and  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1832,  M.A. 
1835)  ;  is  Colonel  of  the  Westminster  Militia,  and 
a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Middlesex;  was  Attache' at  St. 
Petersburg  1834-5  ;  M.P.  for  Reading  1841-7,  and 
for  Dover  1852-7  ;  Secretary  of  Embassy  at  Paris 
1858-9. — Santon  Downham,  near  Brandon,  Suffolk  ; 
Carlton,  White's,  and  Travellers'  Clubs,  S.W. ;  28, 
Lowndes  Street,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Henry,  b.  1840. 

CHENEY,  Robert    Henry.    Esq.   (of  Badger 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Lieutenant-General  Robert 
Cheney,  of  the  Grenadier  Guards,  by  Harriet, 
youngest  dan.  of  the  late  Ralph  Carr,  Esq.,  of 
Dunston  Hill,  Durham  ;  b.  1800  ;  s.  1820.  Edu- 
cated at  Winchester  and  Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A. 
1821)  ;  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Salop  ; 
represents  the  Cheneys  of  Kent.  —  Badger  Hall, 
near  S  biff  nail,  Shropshire  ;  4,  Audley  Square,  W. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Edward,  b.  1803. 

CHERMSIDE,  Sir  Hobert  Alexander,  M.D., 
K.C.H.,  K.R.E.,  K.L.H. 
Son  of  the  late  Dr.  Chermside,  of  Portaferry,  co. 
Down,  by  Mary,  dau.  of  —  Jackson,  Esq.  ;  b. 
1792  ;  m.  1821  Jane  Merriel,  dau.  of  R.  Williams, 
Esq.  (she  d.  1852).  Is  a  Fellow  of  the  Coll.  of 
Physicians,  London,  and  M.D.  of  Edinburgh  ;  late 
Physician  to  the  British  Embassy  at  Paris  ;  was 
formerly  Surgeon  to  the  10th  Hussars  ;  served  in 
Spain,  France,  Flanders,  and  at  Waterloo.— 3,  Rue 
Taitbout,  Paris. 

Heir,  his  son  Richard  Seymour  Conway,  M.A., 
of  Exeter  Coll.,  Oxford,  and  Rector  of  Wilton,  near 
Salisbury  ;  b.  1823  ;  m.  1846  Emily,  dau.  of  J. 
Dawson,  Esq.,  and  niece  of  the  late  John  Walter, 
Esq.,  M.P. 

CHE  SHAM  (Lord),  Charles  Conipton  Cavendish 
(cr.  1858). 

Fourth  son  of  the  1st  Earl  of  Burlington,  by  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  7th  Earl  of  Northampton;  b.  1793; 
m.  1814  Katharine,  dau.  of  9th  Marquis  of  Huntly, 
K.T.    Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Bucks; 

was  M.P.  for  Newton  1820-30,  forE.  Sussex.  183 
41,  for  Youghall  1841-7,  and  for  Bucks  1847-5 
Represents  a  younger  branch  of  the  ducal  house  i 
Devonshire. — Latimer,  near  Chesham,  Bucks  ;  l! 
Grosvenor  Square,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  George  (whom  see). 

CHESTER  (Bishop  of),  John  Graham,  D.D. 
Son  of  the  late  J.  Graham,  Esq.,  of  Durham  ; 
1794  ;  m.  1833  Mary,  dau.  of  Rev.  R.  Portend 
was  formerly  Fellow  and  Master  of  Christ's  Colli 
Cambridge  (where  be  graduated  in  1816  as  4tf 
Wrangler),  and  Chaplain  to  H.R.H.  the  Princ; 
Consort ;  is  Clerk  of  Closet  to  the  Queen.  Patroijrj': 
ace  46  livings.  Consecrated  1848. — The  Palae<t  Tf 
Chester :  Euston  Hotel,  N.W. 

CHESTER,  Harry,  Esq. 

Youngest  and  only  surviving  son  of  the  late  S 
Robert  Chester,  Master  of  the  Ceremonies  ij 
George  III.  and  IV.,  and  William  IV.  and  Quee 
Victoria,  by  Eliza,  dau.  of  John  Ford,  Esq., 
Sproughton  Chantry,  Suffolk  ;  b.  1806  ;  m.  1st  183, 
Anna  Maria,  dau.  of  Robert  Isherwood,  Esq.  ;  2n 
1856  Henrietta  Mary,  dau.  of  George  Goflj  Etc 
Educated  at  the  Charterhouse,  and  Westminste: 
and  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge;  appointed  Clerk  i 
Privy  Council  Office  in  1826  ;  was  attached  to  th 
Legation  at  Lisbon  in  1833  ;  was  Assistant  Seer 
tary  to  Committee  of  Council  on  Education,  whic 
post  he  resigned  in  1858  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Mi( 
dlesex,  and  a  Vice-President  of  the  Society  of  Art! 
This  family  was  formerly  seated  in  Derbyshire  an 
afterwards  in  Hertfordshire.  —  Athenseum  Qui 
S.W.  ;  63,  Rutland  Gate,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Robert  Mervyn,  b.  1843. 

CHESTER,  Miss  (of  Cartown). 

Henrietta,  only  dau.  of  the  late  Henry  Chestej 
Esq.,  Justice   of  Peace  and  Dep.  Lieut.,  fw 
merly  M.P.  for  co.  Louth,  by  Lauriana,  dau. 
Gerald  Willon,   Esq.,   late  of  Mananstown,  cl! 
Meath  ;  s.  her  father  1855. — Cartown,  near  Dro£ 
heda,  co.  Louth  ;  35,  Lowndes  Street,  S.W. 

CHESTERFIELD  (Earl  of),  George  Augusta 
Frederick  Stanhope,  P.C.  (cr.  1628). 
Only  son  of  the  5th  Earl,  by  his  2nd  wife  Flenrietti 
dau.  of  1st  Marquis  of  Bath  ;  b.  1805  ;  s.  1815 
m.  1830  Ann  Elizabeth,  "dati.  of  1st  Lord  Foresteil  I 
Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford;  is  Herilr 
ditary  Governor  of  Repton  School;  was  Masttfj 
of  the  Buckhounds  1834-5  ;  is  descended  from  jj 
common  ancestor  with  the  Earl  of  Harrington  an 
Earl  Stanhope.     Patronage  10  livings. — Bretb 
Hall,    near   Ashby-de-la-Zoucb,  Leicestershire 
Gedling,  near  Nottingham  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W 
33,  Albemarle  Street,  W. 

Heir,  his  son  Lord  Stanhope,  late  Lieutenai 
Royal  Horse  Guards  Blue  ;  b.  1831. 

CHETHAM  -  STRODE,  Sir   Edward,   K.C.B  ! 
K.C.H.  (of  Southill  House). 
Fourth  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Chetham,  Esq.,  <  h 
Mellor  Hall,  Derbyshire,  by  Anne,  dau.  of  E( 
ward  Strode,  Esq.,  of  South  Hill,  Somerset 
1774;   assumed  in  1845  the  additional  surnam 



Strode,  on  inheriting  the  family  estates ;  m. 
510  Margaret  Ivezia,  3rd  dau.  of  Peter  Dean, 
sq.,  of  the  Bahamas.  Entered  the  Navy  1786, 
■came  an  Admiral  1841  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
ep.  Lieut,  for  Somerset.  This  family  derive  their 
iscent  from  Warine  de  la  Strode,  Lord  of  Strode, 
.  Dorset,  temp.  William  I.,  in  whose  retinue  he 
me  from  Bretagne,  in  France.  One  of  his  de- 
endants  was  Colonel  William  Strode,  one  of  the 
7e  members  demanded  by  King  Charles  I.  out  of 
e  House  of  Commons.  —  Southill  House,  near 
lepton  Mallet,  Somerset. 

Heir,  his  son  Edward  Charles  Strode,  b.  1813  ; 
.  1844  Amelia,  dau.  of  —  Riddiford,  Esq. 

ETWODE,  Sir  John  IXTewdigate  Lndford, 

Bart.  (or.  1700). 
Idest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Chetwode,  Bart.,  by 
enrietta,  eldest  dau.  of  George  Harry,  5th  Earl 

Stamford  and  Warrington  ;  b.  1788  ;  s.  as  5th 
art.  1845  ;  to.  1821  Elizabeth  Juliana,  dau.  of 
)hn  Newdigate  Ludford,  Esq.,  of  Ansley  Hall, 
.  Warwick  (whose  name  he  assumed  in  1826). 
iucated  at  Westminster ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
ep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Warwick  (High  Sheriff  1852), 
d  Patron  of  1  living. —  Chetwode,  near  Bucking- 
.m  ;  Oakley,  Mucclestone,  Staffordshire. 
Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  George,  in  Holy  Orders, 
actor  of  Ashton-under-Lyne ;  b.  1791 ;  m.  1st  1 808 
larlotte  Anne,  dau.  of  Moreton  Walhouse,  Esq., 

d  sister  of  1st  Lord  Hatherton  (she  cl.  1837) ; 
id  1841  Mrs.  Leslie  Jones,  dau.  of  the  late  Dr. 
lipley,  Dean  of  St.  Asaph  ;  3rd  1849  Elizabeth 
ane,  widow  of  Fiennes  Trotman,  Esq. 

CTWODE,  Edward  Wilmot,  Esq.  (of  Wood- 

llyson  of  the  late  Robert  Wilmot,  Esq.,  of  Cork, 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Bev.  John  Chetwode,  of 
anmire,  co.  Cork;  6.1801;  s.  his  father  in 
15,  and  his  cousin,  Jonathan  Cope  Chetwode, 
q.,  of  Woodbrook  (claimant  of  the  ancient  Eng- 
h  Barony  de  Wahul*),  in  1839,  when  he  assumed 
Royal  license  the  name  and  arms  of  Chetwode  ; 
1830  Lady  Jean  Janet  Erskine,  2nd  surviving 
u.  of  the  15th  Earl  of  Mar.  Educated  at  Trinity 
Dublin  (B.A.  1824)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for 
leen's  co.  —  Woodbrook,  near  Portarlington, 
leen's  co. 

Heir,  his  son  Knightley,  b.  1831. 

3TWYND  (Viscount),  Richard  Walter  Chet- 
wynd  (cr.  1717). 

ily  son  of  the  late  Viscount,  by  Charlotte,  dau. 
Thomas  Cartwright,  Esq.,  of  Aynhoe,  co.  North- 
lpton  ;  b.  1800  ;  s.  as  6th  Viscount  1821 ;  to. 
22  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Robert  Moss,  Esq. 
ie  d.  1857).  Late  Lieutenant  Oxfordshire  Yeo- 
mry  ;  was  formerly  an  Officer  in  the  52nd  foot 
dthe  Grenadier  Guards.  This  family  is  descended 
m  a  common  ancestor  with  the  Baronet  of  the 
ne  name. — Littleham,  near  Exmouth,  Devon. 
Heir,  his  son  Richard  Walter,  b.  1823  ;  on.  1858 

claim  to  this  barony  was  preferred  as  far  back  as  the 
of  James  I.,  by  his  ancestor,  Richard  Chetwode,  and 

orris  Commissioners  of  the  Karl  Marshal  reported  in 



Harriet  Johanna,  dau.  of  the  late  Walter  Camp- 
bell, Esq.  ;  educated  at  Eton  and  Sandhurst  ;  en- 
tered the  Army  1840  ;  became  Lieutenant  14th 
Dragoons  1849  ;  retired  1853. . 

CHETWYND,  Sir  George,  Bart.  (cr.  1795). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  George  Chetwynd:  Bart., 
by  Hannah  Maria,  dau.  of  John  Sparrow,  Esq.,  of 
Bishton  Hall,  co.  Stafford;  b.  1809  ;  s.  as  3rd 
Bart.  1850  ;  to.  1843  Charlotte  Augusta,  dau.  of 
3rd  Marquis  of  Downshire.  Educated  at  West- 
minster and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1830);  is  a 
Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for  co.  Warwick,  and 
Patron  of  1  living.  This  family  is  descended  from  a 
common  ancestor  with  Viscount  Chetwynd.— 
Grendon  Hall,  near  Atherstone,  Warwickshire  ; 
Mancetter  Lodge,  near  Warwick ;  Reform  and 
Carlton  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  George,  b.  1849. 

CHETWYND,  Captain  William  Fawkener  (of 
Brocton  Hall). 
Second  son  of  the  late  Sir  G.  Chetwynd,  Bart.,  by 
Jane,  dau.  of  Richard  Bantin,  Esq.,  of  Little  Far* 
ringdon,  Berks,  and  uncle  of  Sir  G.  Chetwynd, 
Bart,  (whom  see)  ;  5.  1788  ;  to.  1843  Mary  Anne, 
dau.  of  Sir  O.  Mosley,  Bart.  Educated  at  Brase* 
nose  Coll.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1811,  M.A.  1814);  is  a 
Major  in  the  Army,  formerly  Captain  1st  Life 
Guards  ;  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  forco.  Staf* 
ford  ;  was  M.P.  for  Stafford  1832-3  and  1835-41. 
— Brocton  Hall,  near  Stafford ;  Arthur's  and 
Union  Clubs,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  William,  b.  1847. 

CHEVALL-TO OKE,  Charles,  Esq.  (of  Hurston 

Second  and  only  surviving  son  of  the  late  Thomas 
Tooke,  Esq.,  F.R.S.  (Author  of  the  "History  of 
Prices "),  by  Priscilla,  dau.  of  Charles  Combe, 
Esq.,  M.D. ;  b.  1808  ;  m.  1840  Maria,  dau.  of 
John  Cayley,  Esq.,  of  Wallington,  Surrey  ;  assumed 
the  name  of  Chevall  in  addition  to  that  of  Tooke 
1859.  Called  to  the  Bar  at  the  Middle  Temple 
1833  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Sussex.  This  family  was 
formerly  of  Bere  Court,  near  Dover. — Hurston 
Clays,  near  East  Grinstead,  Sussex. 

CHEVALLIEE,  Barrington,  Esq.  (of  the  Grove) 
Eldest  surviving  son  of  the  late  Rev.  John  Che- 
vallier,  by  Emily,  dau.  of  Rev.  Barrington  B. 
Syer,  of  Kedington,  Suffolk;  b.  1819;  m.  1st 
1846  Ellen,  dau.  of  Major  Brownson,  late  of  23rd 
Welsh  Fusiliers  ;  2nd  1858  Mary  Wardell,  dau.  of 
Matthew  Leach,  Esq.,  of  Islington.  Educated 
at  the  Charterhouse  and  Brasenose  Coll.,  Oxford 
(B.A.  1840,  M.D.  1852)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Suf- 
folk. This  family  has  been  settled  in  Suffolk 
upwards  of  150  years,  but  was  formerly  resident 
in  Jersey. — The  Grove,  Ipswich,  Suffolk. 
Heir,  his  son  Barrington  Henry,  b.  1851. 

CHEVALLIEE,  Rev.  Charles  Henry  (of  Asp.HP. 
Third  son  of  the  late  Rev.  John  Ohevallier,  by 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Cole,  Esq.,  o{  ,1  amnion  ; 
b.  1823  ;  m.  1854  Isabella  Francos,  only  dau.  of 
Rev.  Francis  Cobbold.  Educated  fct  BtOB  Mid 
Trinity  Coll.,  Oxford  (B,A.  l  s  1 7  >  :  appointed  tn« 



onmbent  of  Aspal]  1849;  is  a  Magistrate  for  Suf- 
folk. This  family  was  formerly  resident  in  Nor- 
mandy, and  Bed  at  the  revocation  of  the  Edict  of 
Nantes  to  Jersey,  and  thence  removed  to  England, 
where  t  hey  set  t  led  at  Aspall  in  1  705.—  A  spall,  near 

DebenhaWj  Suffolk, 

lUir,  his  son  John  Harrington  Trapnell,  b.  1857. 

CHICHESTER  (Earl  of),  Henry  Thomas  Pelham 
(cr.  1801). 

1. hirst  son  of  the  2nd  Earl,  hy  Mary  Henrietta, 
dan.  of  5th  Duke  of  Leeds  ;  b.  1804  ;  s.  1826  ;  on. 
1828  Mary,  dan.  of  6th  Earl  of  Cardigan.  Edu- 
cated at  Westminster ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  Sussex ;  was  formerly  a  Major  in 
the  Army.  Patronage  5  livings.  This  family  re- 
presents  a  branch  of  the  ducal  house  of  Newcastle. 
— Stanmer  Park,  near  Lewes,  Sussex;  22,  Gros- 
venor  Place,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Lord  Pelham,  M.A.,  of  Trinity 
Coll.,  Cambridge,  b.  1838. 

CHICHESTER  (Bishop  of),  Ashurst  Turner 
Gilbert,  D.D. 
Sou  of  the  late  —  Gilbert,  Esq.,  of  Manchester ; 
b.  1782  ;  m.  1822  Mary  Anne,  dau.  of  the  late 
Eev.  B.  Wintle.  Educated  at  the  Grammar-school, 
Manchester  ;  was  Fellow  and  Principal  of  Brasenose 
Coll.,  Oxford  (where  he  graduated  B.A.  as  1st  class 
classics  1802,  M.A.  1811,  D.D.  1822)  ;  was  Vice- 
Chancellor  of  Oxford  1836-40;  consecrated  1842. 
Patronage  30  livings. — The  Palace,  Chichester, 
Sussex  ;  Athenseuum  Club,  S.W.  ;  43,  Queen- 
Anne  Street,  W. 

CHICHESTER,  Sir  Arthur,  Bart.  (cr.  1640). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Arthur  Chichester,  Bart., 
by  Charlotte,  youngest  dau.  of  Sir  James  Hamlyn 
Williams,  Bart.  ;  b.  1822;  s.  as  8th  Bart.  1842; 
m.  1847  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Nicholetts,  Esq.,  of 
South  Petherton,  Somerset.  Is  a  Major  North 
Devon  Eifles,  and  was  formerly  Captain  7th  Hus- 
sars. Patronage  1  living.  This  family  is  descended 
from  a  common  ancestor  with  the  Marquis  of  Do- 
negall.—  Youlston,  near  Barnstaple,  Devon. 
Heir,  his  son  Arthur,  b.  1848. 

CHICHESTER,  Sir  Alexander  Palmer  Bruce, 
Bart.  (cr.  1840). 
Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  John  Palmer  Bruce 
Chichester,  Bait.,  who  was  M.P.  for  Barnstaple 
1831-41,  by  Caroline,  dau.  of  Thomas  Thistle- 
thwayte,  Esq.,  of  Southwick  Park,  Hants  (she  re- 
married 1853  Colonel  Studholme  Hodgson,  C.B.); 
b.  1842  ;  s.  as  2nd  Bart.  1851.  Educated  at  Eton  ; 
is  Patron  of  6  livings.  This  family  is  descended 
from  a  common  ancestor  with  the  Marquis  of 
Donegall.  —  Arlington  Court,  near  Barnstaple, 

CHICHESTER,  Hon.  Frederick  Arthur  Henry. 

Third  son  of  the  1st  Lord  Templemore  ;  b.  1824  ; 

m.  1852  Frances  Marianne,  dau.  of  D.  Tighe,  Esq! 
.  Is  a  Clerk  in  the  India  Office,  and  Gentleman 

Usher  of  the  Scarlet  Rod  ;  late  Lieutenant  Sussex 

Militia.— 8,  Great  Cumberland  Street,  Hvde  Park 

CHICHESTER,  Very  Rev.  Lord  Edward,  D 

Second  son  of  the  2nd  Marquis  of  Donegall,  ;  I 
heir  pres.  to  that  title  ;  b.  1799  ;  to.  1821  Ame 
dau.  of  the  late  Henry  Deane  Grady,  Esq.,  of  Lod 
co.  Limerick.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Trinity  C( 
Dublin  ;  appointed  Dean  of  Raphoe  1832  ;  Chap] 
to  Lord-Lieut,  of  Ireland  1853. — The  Deane 
Eaphoe,  Ireland. 

Heir,  his  son  George  Augustus  Hamilton,  b.  18 

CHICHESTER,  Lord  John  Ludford. 

Sixth  son  of  the  2nd  Marquis  of  Donegall  ; 
1811 ;  to.  1844  Caroline,  dau.  of  Henry  Bev 
Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
Antrim;  was  M.P.  for  Belfast  1845-52;  forme 
Captain  87th  foot. — Chichester  Lodge,  near  I 
fast ;  8,  St.  George's  Place,  W. 

CHICHESTER-ISTAGLE,  Joseph,  Esq.  (of  C 
verleigh  Court). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Charles  Joseph  Chichesf 
Esq.,  by  Honoria,  dau.  of  Robert  F.  French,  Es 
of  Eahasane,  co.  Galway  ;  b.  1792  ;  s.  1837 
1826  Henrietta  Caroline,  dau.  of  Newton,  4th  E 
of  Portsmouth  ;  has  assumed  the  additional  na 
of  Nagle.  Educated  at  Stoneyhurst  Coll. ;  if 
Magistrate  for  Devon. — Calverleigh  Court,  n 
Tiverton,  Devon. 

Heir,  his  son  Nugent,  late  Captain  7th  Dragc 
Guards;  b.  1827;  to.  1853  Amelia  Mary,  dau 
Joseph  Lamb,  Esq.,  of  Axwell  Park,  co.  Durha 

CHILD,  Smith,  Esq.  (of  Rownall  Hall). 
Son  of  the  late  J.  G.  Child,  Esq.,  by  Elizabeth,  di 
of  T.  Parsons,  Esq.  ;  b.  1808  ;  to.  1835  Sarah,  di 
of  E.  C.  Hill,  Esq.,  of  Stallington  Hall,  co.  Staffo 
Educated  at  St.  John's  Coll.,  Cambridge  (B. 
1829)  ;  is  a  Magistrate  for  co.  Stafford  ;  was  M 
for  North  Staffordshire  1851-9.— Eownall  H; 
near  Leek,  Staffordshire  ;  Stallington  Hall,  n< 
Stone,  Staffordshire  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W. 

CHILDE,  William  Lacon,  Esq.  (of  Kinlet  Ha 
Only  son  of  the  late  William  Baldwyn,  Esq.  (w 
assumed  the  surname  and  arms  of  Childe  only), 
Annabella,  2nd  dau.  of  Sir  Charlton  Leigh  ton,  Bai 
of  Loton  Park,  co.  Salop  ;  b.  1786  ;  s.  1824  ; 
1807  Harriet,  2nd  dau.  of  the  late  William  Clude 
Esq.,  of  Orleton,  co.  Salop.  Educated  at  Harr< 
and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  De 
Lieut,  for  cos.  Worcester  and  Salop  (High  Sher 
1828)  ;  was  formerly  M.P.  for  Wenlock.—  Kin 
Hall,  near  Bewdley  ;  Kyre  House,  near  Tenbui 

Heir,  his  son  William  Lacon,  b.  1810  ;  to.  18 
Barbara  Denise,  5th  dau.  of  the  late  Thomas  Giffaij 
Esq.,  of  Chillington  (she  d.  1841). 

CHILDE-PEMBERTON,  Charles  Orlando,  Esi 
(of  Millichope  Park). 
Third  son  of  William  Lacon  Childe,  Esq.,  of  Kinlff 
co.  Salop,  by  Harriet,  dau.  of  the  late  Williaf 
Cludde,  Esq.,  of  Orleton  ;  b.  1812;  s.  1848  :  I 
1849  Augusta  Mary,  dau.  of  the  late  Henry  Dave( 
port  Shakespear,  Esq.  Educated  at  Harrow  aaj 
Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1834) ;  is  a  Magistrate  i 
120  :  I 



co.  Salop  (High  Sheriff  1859).— Millichope  Park, 
Church -Stretton,  Shropshire;  Oxford  and  Cam- 
bridge Club,  S.W. 
Heir,  his  son  Charles  Baldwyu,  b.  1853. 

HILDERS,  John  Walbanke,  Esq.  (of  Oantley 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Colonel  John  W.  Childers, 
by  Selina,  3rd  dau.  and  co-heir  of  Sampson,  Lord 
Eardley  {ext.)  ;  b.  1798;  m.  1824  Anne,  only  dau. 
of  the  late  Sir  F.  L.  Wood,  Bart.,  of  Hickleton 
Hall,  co.  York.  Educated  at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch., 
Oxford  (B.A.  1825,  M.A.  1834)  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
for  W.  Riding  of  Yorkshire  ;  was  M.P.  for  Cam- 
bridgeshire 1833-4,  for  Malton  1836-46  and  1847- 
52. — Cantley  Hall,  near  Doncaster,  Yorkshire ; 
Reform  Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Rowland  Francis,  b.  1825  ;  m.  1853 
Susan  Anne,  youngest  dau.  of  General  Bourchier, 
of  Lavant  House,  near  Chichester. 

EEINNERY,  Rev.  Sir  Nicholas,  Bart.  (cr.  1799). 
Only  son  of  the  late  Sir  B.  Chinnery,  Bart.,  by 
Diana  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  G.  Vernon,  Esq., 
of  Clontarf  Castle,  co.  Dublin  ;  6.  1804  ;  s.  1840  ; 
m.  1843  Anne,  elder  dau.  of  the  late  Rev.  John 
Vernon,  of  Cavan.  Educated  at  Queen's  Coll., 
Cambridge  (B.A.  1825,  M.A.  1829) ;  is  in  Holy 
Orders.  This  family  is  of  English  extraction,  but 
eceived  lands  in  Ireland  in  the  reign  of  Charles  II. 
:   —18,  Hyde-Park  Square,  W. 

Heiress,  his  daughter  Anna  Elizabeth  Frances. 

IISHOLM,  The  (of  Erchless  Castle). 
Head  of  the  family  of  Chisholm,  and  as  such  styled 
;'  The  Chisholm  of  Chisholm."  By  the  death  of  Dun- 
can Macdonell,  The  Chisholm,  in  1858,  the  entailed 
estate  goes  to  a  collateral  branch,  the  representa- 
tive of  which  has  not  as  yet  (November,  1859)  made 
*ood  his  title. — Erchless  Castle,  near  Inverness, 


IOLMELEY,  Sir  Montagu  John,  Bart.  (cr. 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Montagu  Cholmeley, 
C3H    Bart.,  by  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Harrison,  Esq., 
)f Norton  Place,  co.  Lincoln;  b.  1802  ;  s.  as  3rd 
Bart.  1831 ;  m.  1829  Georgiana,  dau.  of  8th  Duke 
)f  St.  Alban's  ;  is  a  magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut,  for 
:o.  Lincoln  ;  was  M.P.  for  N.  Lincolnshire  1847-51. 
This  family  is  descended  from  a  common  ancestor 
[vith  the   Marquis   of  Cholmondeley   and  Lord 
)elamere.  —  Easton  Hall  and  Norton  Place,  near 
irrantham,    Lincolnshire  ;    10,    Upper   Bel  grave 
htreet,  S.W. 

I  Heir,  his  son  Hugh  Arthur  Henry,  b.  1839. 

[OLMONDELEY    (Marquis   of),  George 

Horatio  Cholmondeley,  P.O.  (cr.  1815). 
Cldest  son  of  1st  Marquis,  by  Georgiana  Charlotte, 
au.  of  3rd  Duke  of  Ancaster  ;  b.  1792  ;  s.  as  2nd 
larquis  1827  ;  m.  1st  1.812  Caroline,  dau.  of  the 
ite  Lieut.-General  Sir  Colin  Campbell,  K.C.B. 
die  d.  1815) ;  2nd  1830  Susan  Caroline,  dau.  of 
th  Duke  of  Beaufort;  was  M.P.  for  Castle  Rising 
818-21  ;  summoned  to  the  House  of  Lords  as  Lord 
fewburgh  1824  ;  is  Joint  Hereditary  Great  Cham- 

berlain  and  Vice-Admiral  of  Cheshire  ;  co-heir  to 
the  Barony  of  Wharton  (ext.) ;  Patron  of  5  livings. — 
Cholmondeley  Castle,  near  Nantwich,  Cheshire  ; 
Houghton  Hall,  near  Rougham,  Norfolk  ;  Carlton 
Club,  S.W.  ;  12,  Carlton  Terrace,  S.W. 

Heir  Pres.,  his  brother  Lord  William  Henry 
Hugh  (whom  see).  *  ■ 

CHOLMONDELEY,    Lord    William  Henry 

Second  son  of  the  late  George  James,  2nd  Marquis 
of  Cholmondeley,  by  Georgina  Charlotte,  dau.  of 
Peregrine,  3rd  Duke  of  Ancaster  (ext.),  and  heir 
pres.  to  the  Marquisate  of  Cholmondeley;  &.-1800; 
m.  1825  Marcia  Emma  Georgiana,  2nd  dau.  of  late 
Right  Hon.  Charles  Arbuthnot,  M.P.  Educated 
at  Eton  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and 
Dep.  Lieut,  for  Hants  and  Norfolk  ;  was  M.P.  for 
Castle  Rising  1824-32,  for  South  Hants  1852-7.— 
Holly  Hill,  near  Southampton,  Hants  ;  National 
Club,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  Charles  George,  b.  1829  ;  m.  1854 
Susan  Caroline,  dau.  of  Sir  George  Dashwood,  Bart. 

CHOLMONDELEY,  Hon.  and  Rev.  Henry  Pitt. 
Third  son  of  the  1st  Lord  Delamere  ;  b.  1820  ;  m. 
1848  Mary,  5th  dau.  of  the  1st  Lord  Leigh.  Edu- 
cated at  Rugby  and  Ch.  Ch.,  Oxford  (B.A.  1841, 
M.A.  1844) ;  elected  Fellow  of  All  Souls  1842  ; 
appointed  Rector  of  Broadwell-cum-Adlestrop  1852. 
— Adlestrop  Rectory,  near  Chipping  Norton,  Oxon. 
Heir,  his  son  Francis  Grenville,  b.  1850. 

CHOLMONDELEY,  Hon.  Thomas  Grenville  (of 
Abbott's  Moss). 
Second  son  of  the  late  Lord  Delamere,  b}'  Henrietta 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  the  late  Sir  W.  W.  Wynn,  Bart., 
M.P.,  of  Wynnstay  ;  b.  1818  ;  m.  1850  Katharine 
Lucy,  2nd  dau.  of  Sir  Tatton  Sykes,  Bart.  Edu- 
cated at  Rugby  ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  co.  Chester  ;  was  formerly  Captain  43rd  Light 
Infantry  ;  appointed  Lieutenant-Colonel  1st  Royal 
Cheshire  Militia  1 852. — Abbott's  Moss,  near  North- 
wich,  Cheshire. 

Heir,  his  son  Hugh  Cecil,  b.  1852. 

CHOWNE,  Rev.  James  Henry  (of  Slape  House). 
Only  surviving  son  of  the  late  James  Tilson,  Esq.. 
of  Goring,  Oxon,  by  Frances,  dau.  of  the  late 
Win,  Sanford,  Esq.,  of  Walford,  Somerset ;  b.  1812; 
s.  1835  ;  vi.  1835  Mary  Maynard,  eldest  dau.  of 
the  late  William  Braddon,  Esq.,  of  Blacklands, 
Devon,  formerly  in  the  E.  I.  Co.'s  Civil  Service, 
Bengal ;  assumed  the  surname  of  Chowne  only,  on 
the  death  of  the  late  General  Chowne,  under  the 
will  of  Mary,  late  Countess  De  Bruhl.  Educated 
at  Addiscombe  and  St.  Peter's  Coll.,  Cambridge 
(B.A.  1847,  M.A.  1850) ;  is  in  Holy  Orders  ;  was 
formerly  an  officer  in  the  Bengal  Army,  ami  re- 
signed as  Captain  in  184t5.  This  family  is  of  an- 
cient origin  ;  that  of  Tilson  tracing  to  remote 
antiquity  in  Yorkshire  and  Ireland  :  the  name  *  E 
Chowne  is  borne  upon  the  Rolls  of  Battle  Abbey, 
and  they  were  formerly  settled  in  Kent  and  Sussex 
— Slape  House,  Nethcrbury.  Dorset  :  ?9,  Pall 
Mall,  S.W. 

lli  ir,  his  son  William  Christopher,  an  offioer  in 
the  Bengal  Army,  b,  L888. 



OllIxISTIl-'.  Charles  lUaithuul,  Esq.  (of  Duric). 

Eldest  bod  of  the  late  Jamea  Christie,  Esq.,  by  his 
2nd  wife  M;n  v  Turner,  eldest  dau.  of  the  late  Hon. 
C.  M  nit  land  ;  />.  17S.r>  :  *.  1S03  :  wi.  1st  3815  Mary 
Butler,  eldest  dau.  of  the  1 1 <>n.  Robert  Lindsay  ; 
2nd  L880  Elisabeth,  4th  ftau.  of  Alexander  Pringle, 
Esq.,  of  fair,  N.B.  Is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep. 
Lieut,  for  oo,  Fife.— Durie,  near  Leven,  Fifeshire, 

//</>•.  his  son  James,  b.  1816;  m.  1858  Frances, 
dan.  of  David  Pringle,  Esq.,  of  the  Yair  family. 

CHRISTMAS,*  William,  Esq.  (of  Whitfield). 
Son  of  the  late  W.  Christmas,  Esq.  ;  m.  18 —  a 
dau.  of  the  Late  Colonel  Whinyates,  of  Gloucester. 
Educated  at  Trinity  Coll.,  Dublin  ;  is  a  Magistrate 
and  Den.  Lieut,  for  co.  Waterford  (High  Sheriff 
1  337)  :  was  M.P.  for  Waterford  1834-5  and  1841-2. 
— Whitfield,  near  Waterford  ;   University  Club, 


CHRISTY,  Samuel,  Esq.  (of  Poynton  Hall). 
Second  son  of  the  late  Thomas  Christy,  Esq.,  of 
Broomfield,  Essex,  by  Rebecca,  dau.  of  S.  Hew- 
ling,  Esq.  ;  b.  1811  ;  m.  1842  Mary,  dau.  of  T. 
Hardcastle,  Esq.  Is  a  Commissioner  of  Lieutenancy 
for  London  ;  was  M.P.  for  Newcastle-under-Lyne 
1847-59. — Poynton  Hall,  near  Stockport,  Cheshire; 
Crookston,  Midlothian,  N.B.  ;  Carlton  Club,  S.W.  ; 
21,  St.  James's  Place,  S.W. 

Heir,  his  son  William  Henry,  b.  1850. 

CHURCH,  Sir  Richard,  G.C.H.,  C.B.  (cr.  1822). 

Son  of  the  late  Matthew  Church,  Esq.,  of  co.  Cork  ; 
b.  1785  ;  m.  1826  Elizabeth  Augusta,  dau.  of  Sir 
P.  Wilmot,  Bart.,  of  Chaddesden  ;  is  a  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  in  the  Army,  formerly  Ensign  13th  foot; 
was  afterwards  in  the  Greek  Light  Infantry';  served 
in  Egypt  and  Sicily  ;  is  a  Knight  of  St.  Ferdinand 
of  Sicily,  and  of  St.  George  of  Naples.— Athens. 

CHURCHILL  (Lord),  Francis  George  Spencer, 
D.C.L.  (cr.  1815). 

Eldest  son  of  the  1st  Lord,  by  Frances,  dau.  of  the 
3rd  Duke  of  Grafton;  b.  1802;  s.  as  2nd  Lord 
1S45;  m.  1849  Jane,  dau.  of  the  2nd  Marquis  of 
Conyngham,  K.P. ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut, 
for  Oxon,  and  Colonel  of  the  Queen's  Own  Oxford- 
shire Yeomanry.  Patron  1  living.  The  1st  Peer 
was  a  son  of  the  3rd  Duke  of  Marlborough.— Corn- 
bury  Park,  hear  Charlbury,  Oxon  ;  33,  Albemarle 
Street,  W. 

Heir    Pres.,    his   brother    George  Augustus 
(whom  see). 

CHURCHILL,  Lord  Alan  Spencer. 

Third  son  of  the  5th  Duke  of  Marlborough;  b. 
1825  ;  m,  1846  Rosamond,  dau.  of  T.  Dowker, 
Esq.  Educated  at  Eton  ;  entered  the  Army  as 
Ensign  1842,  became  Lieutenant  8th  Hussars 
1844,  retired  1845  ;  is  a  Dep.  Lieut,  for  Oxon,  and 
Lieutenant  Oxfordshire  Yeomanry.  —  Blenheim 
Palace,  near  Woodstock,  Oxon;  Junior  United 
Service  Club,  S.W. ;  4,  Lowndes  Square,  S.W. 

CHURCHILL,  Lord  Alfred  Spencer. 

Second  son  of  the  5th  Duke  of  Marlborough,  by 
1st  wife  Jane,  dau.  of  the  8th  Earl  of  Gallow 
K.T.,  and  brother  of  6th  Duke  ;  b.  1824  ;  m.  li 
Harriet,  dau.  of  4th  Lord  Calthorpe.  Educated 
Royal  Military  Coll.,  Sandhurst;  is  a  Magistr 
for  Oxon,  and  a  Major  Oxfordshire  Yeomani  j 
was  M.P.  for  Woodstock  1845-7,  rechosen  1857  £ 
1859;  was  formerly  Lieutenant  4th  Light  D 
goons  and  83rd  foot. — Blenheim,  near  Woodsto 
Oxon  ;  Travellers'  and  White's  Clubs,  S.W. ; 
Rutland  Gate,  S.W. 

CHUESTON  (Lord),  John  Buller-Yarde-Bul 

(cr.  1858). 

Eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  T.  Buller,  Bart,  (who 
1834),  by  Eliza  Lydia,  only  dau.  and  heir  of  \ 
late  John  Holliday,  Esq.,  of  Dilhorn  Hall, 
Stafford  ;  6.  1799  ;  m.  1823  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Th 
Wilson-Patten,  Esq.,  of  Bank  Hall,  co.  Lancas 
(she  d.  1857).  Educated  at  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxfi 
(B.A.  1819) ;  is  a  Magistrate  and  Dep.  Lieut. 
Devon,  a  Dep.  Warden  of  Stannaries,  and  Li< 